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Good newsfrom our region
FROMOURREGION: Hurray forHarleston!
Everwondered what’s going on inHarleston?This charming townhasbeenvoted NorfolkTown of theYearseveraltimes,andit’sno wonder.The beautifularchitecture alongnarrow streetsandquaint alleysreveals arich history,andyou candownloadafreeaudio trailapp to geta fascinatinginsider’sview,as told by locals. Thereissomething foreveryone inHarleston;amenagerie ofshops, cafes, restaurants, afreemuseum, anda busycalendarof eventslive up to thetownmotto‘Time for Everyone’. Andwithfreeparking youcan do justthat, andtakeyour timetoenjoyeverythingHarleston has to offer. Take alookatthe superb range ofspecialtyshops,including clothingboutiqueslikeDaisy& Co,Sue Read Shoeswith amen’s clothing department,andantiques aplenty at CornucopiaattheCorn Exchange.MrsClarke’sGeneral Storestocksuniqueinteriors alongside home décorand gifts,and features agourmet,fully-licensed coffeebar.StopatTheGreen Cupboardand AllThingsGreener to refill cleaning products andstock up on nuts,seeds,spicesandmore. When you’reready fora rest, let yourtastebudsguide youtoanarray ofeateriesincludingthevegan/ vegetarianHungryCatCafe, newlyrefurbishedTheCap(Ampersand Brew Co’sfirst pub),andMomiji Japanese Restaurant. Take home Harleston’sfinestfrom TheTudor Bakehouse, Adnams, DA Browne & Sonbutchers,andlocalfishmonger TheFishBox. Harleston has awonderful communityspirit,andofferssome great events allyear round,such as theannualpancakerace,antiques fair,Christmastreelighting festival, andthe upcoming FoodandDrink Festivalon2October. You’ll always have areasontoreturn to Harleston.
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Still on TheBall
AnewStill on TheBall Walking FootballClub,run by Age UK Norwich,hasjustkickedoffat FraminghamEarlSports Centre, andany menand women over the ageof50who fancy agameare invited to joinin. Walking football is afast-growingsport whichlets those whoare less mobile,injured or oldertakepartat aslowerpace. It’s exciting to bothplayand watch. Communityand Neighbourhood SupportManager Sam Apehsaid: “Thesessionsare aimedat helping older people with variousphysical health levels enjoythe beautiful game.Wesupport everything, includingthosewith long-term healthconditions,individuals who have nevertried footballbeforeand those whomay consider themselves to beslowingup or frail.” As no tacklingisallowedand playerscan only play at walking pace,therisksofinjury or postmatch achesand painsarereduced. As wellas helpingpeoplekeep active,walking footballissociable anda great waytomeet newpeople andstayconnected.
All sessionsare freeandtakeplaceat9-10ameverySaturdaymorning at FraminghamEarlSportsCentre, FraminghamEarlHighSchool,Norwich Road, PoringlandNR147QP.Formore information, contact HeatherStableron heather.stabler@ageuknorwich.org.ukor 07435984683.
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Leave them certain
OrganDonation Week —20-26September
SpecialistOrganDonationNurses -Norfolk team
InMay 2020, thelaw around organdonation in England changed to an 'opt out'system. What this meansis thatunless youhavealready expresseda decision nottodonate, either in conversation with yourfamily oron theNHSOrganDonor Register,itwillbe considered that youare willing to bean organdonor. However,it’simportant to know that yourfamilywill alwaysbeconsultedbefore organdonation goesahead,and clinicians wouldneverproceed if your lovedonesobject.Soit's crucial to talk to yourfamily sothey know what youwant to happeninthe eventofyour death. 'Leave Them Certain'isthis year'scall to action.
Visit www.organdonation. nhs.uk toregisteryour decisionorfindoutmore. UsersoftheNHSappcan alsouseit to make, checkor update yourorgandonation decision.
07769565683 /01379 776200 jody@mypuravida.uk High Road WortwellIP200EN
Big C needs you
Big CCancercharityare excited to announce that building work hasbegun forits newNorwich CancerSupport &Information CentreonDereham Road,Norwich. Big Cseesfirsthandthe impact cancerhas on individuals,families, friendsandcommunities across Norfolk& Waveney.Since1980,the charityhas beendedicated to the fightagaincancer,andtoday helps thousandsofpeople acrossthe countyand beyond. Thenew centre, workingwith theother centres across Norfolk, will provide:counsellingand support groups, specialist nurse support, welfare rights advice, individually tailored health and
fitness programmes,bereavement andpalliative caresupport, alight, calmingcentralseating area,private roomsforone-to-one counselling,a brightspace forgroup activities,and asensory well-being garden. Thenew buildwilltakearound six monthswithopening planned forMarch 2022.Anincredible £640,000hasalready beenraised towardsthe build, butthere’sstilla waytogotothe completion target of£750,000.Thiswillseethe buildingfinished,furnishedand readytoopenits doors!
CanyouhelpBigC to raise the remaining£110k?Donate via: www.nearertohome.co.ukor JustGiving:Big CNearer to Home Appealorcontact fundraising@big-c.co.uk, 01603 964492.
ThegreatestChristmas atBarnhamBroom
BarnhamBroomwants to help you celebrateChristmasinstylethis year, andaspartofthatisoffering thechance to win adelightful festive afternoontea fortwo.But that’snot all —the beautiful hotel, golf course andspais theperfect place to get away from itallandenjoya blissful four-nightstay with lovedonesthis Yuletide,withBarnhamBroom’s luxury activitybreak.Wherebetter to relaxand cherishqualitytime together?! Or whynot feast on exceptional foodwith afestive meal,come together withfriendsandfamilyto enjoyone of theirGreatest Christmas parties, or indulge in adecadent afternoonteawith afavouritetipple? Thereare plenty of festivities to get everyone inthespirit.
To enterthe competition,visit www.village-people.info. To findout moreabout Christmas at Barnham Broom,visit www.barnham-broom. co.uk/christmas. Barnham Broom, Honingham Road,Norwich, NR94DD | 01603759393 |
Ts &Csapply.Wewillbechoosing onelucky individual's email addressas ourwinner on 31October.By entering thecompetition,you will beconsenting to signupto receiveemailsandspecialoffers from BarnhamBroom.
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