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Refreshing Waters -how RAISE charityishelping children
Openingthe ChristmasBox Story
Norfolkjournalist, SandieShirley,spotlightstheinspiringstoriesof menand womenfromthe region andbeyondthathaveseenthemreachforvictory. FormorestoriesvisitFacebook: Refreshing WatersChristian Media.
Asthe festiveseason approaches, theheartbeatof Christmaswill cometolifeacross theregion again,as Andy Jones unfolds thenativitystoryfrom abox of delights forchildren in churchesandschools. Andy,whoheadsupthe charity RAISE, helps youngsterscapture thewonder oftheChristmasstory through smell, touchand sound. Theteachingis engaging,visualand hands-on.“It means children can thinkaboutthestoryand whatit means to them andwonder inthe moment,”says Andy,who cutthe cordsasa churchchildren’s worker andtookagiganticleapoffaith to launch RAISE. He hasridden thesurfof adventureand challenge andin 2018 RAISE becameacharity.Its hallmarkiscreativity,funand ingenuityasitportraysOld and NewTestamentstoriesinsurprising ways.Ithas wonthe supportand favourofsponsors,parents, pupils, teachersandchurchesandhas taken Andy to unexpected places,as he openstheBible andhas shared “God’s love letter”withthousands of children over theyears. But he knowshislifewould have taken adifferent courseif not forthe faithful prayersofhislate mother,who diedsuddenly during thepandemic last summer.“When Iwasborn,shemadeapledgeto give my lifetoGod forhisuse. Her faithshonethrough with hertrust inJesus.Shechampioned me and anyone in herfamily. Iwould not have pushedthrough thatdarktime of losing my mum withoutmyfaith, butIknewGod wasalwaysthere andheisstill goodandfaithful.” Andy hasbeenthe fruitof her prayersand love,andhe continues to sharethemessagesof hopethat were faithfullyconveyedtohimas achild.Last year,thefather of two ranamarathonraising£4,000 to createand fund an ‘escape room’for youngsters.Theportable inflatable podwillbetransformed intoabiblicalsettingwith questionstoanswerand puzzles to solve, to helpexplore different gospelthemes.Theideaisready for trialintheNew YearwiththeBible storyofJosephand hiscoatof manycolours. When schoolsclosedduring thepandemic,Andydidonline assemblies, reachinghundredsof pupilsat once. He alsotrainedwith ‘ChristiansAgainstPoverty’to run
twoshortsessionstohelpchildren withfinancialmanagementand giving RAISE another dimension. “Thecourse looksathow people earn money,as wellasfamily spending, creating abudgetand savingandgiving,”says Andy. He reflects on hismission: “It’s helpingkidstounderstandthat faithis notsomething thatbinds us, butfreesus to be ourselves and whoGodhascalledus to be.Iwant them to know thattheBible says they arechosen, lovedand God’s masterpiece;thereisnomistakein what he creates.”
To supportRAISE orfindout more– usethelinksbelow: www.raisekidswork.org.uk www.facebook.com/ raisekidswork