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Health -the powerofpositive thinking

Thinkpositive –winter willbefun!

Positivethinking is allabout adopting ahopefulattitude towardsstressful or challenging situationsand focusing on the goodthings that canarise, rather than negatives.But does positive thinking reallywork?


Onestudy has shownthat when participants sufferingfrom generalisedanxietydisorder visualisedpositive images in response to theirworries,they reported greater happinessand decreasedanxiety.Itwas found people arehappier when they adopt apositive,optimistic outlook,andfeelmoreconfident andenergetic. Another study,in2019, provedpositive thinking could helpuslive longer –themost optimistic of participantshad an11-15%longerlifespanand were significantly more likely to reachthe ageof85. Positive thinkingmakes it easierto control emotions, providingsome essential protection from stress. Let's look at afew tips that couldhelpyouputmoreofthe positive into yourlife. • Beforeyou tackle achallenge, list thegoodand badpossible outcomes. Focus on thegood andbelieve thatthiswillbe theoutcome.Considering anynegativesgives abit of preparationtoo • Avoid thinking in blackand white– sometimesthe outcome is neitherexcellentnor terrible, butsomewhere in between.This is ok too • Focus on thegoodinsituations andput negativesbehindyou.

When/ifsomething troubling occurs, letgoofitandmove on • Keep ajournal– record positive thingsattheend of theweek.

Include tasksassimple asbaking acakeorfinishing agoodbook • Smile to getthrough challenging tasks andsmilemoreingeneral.

Pass on agrintothe peopleyou meet • Tickoffyourto-do listtosee how much youhaveaccomplished, rather than gettingannoyed about what youhaven't managed to do. Remember,naturalremedies can help! Vogel’sStressRelief Daytime containsValerianand Hops to gently calmthenervous systemandhelpyourday pass more positively.

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