1 minute read
Walking forhealtharound Swardeston &Gowthorpe Manor
Walkingfor Health
Swardeston and GowthorpeManor
Routeby MichaelLambert Routecheckedandphotographyby DougieDingwall
Starting Point: SwardestonVillageHall,HighCommon, SwardestonCommon,Norwich,NR148DL Grid Reference: Map237:TG200026 Walk Length(Miles /Km): 3.3 /5
01. Leave carpark,turn left,passduck pond, turnrightintoShortLane to bottom ofhill. Turnright onto path alongside cricketpitch, turnrightbehindVillageHall. Keeping Village Hall to your right,turn left onto road.Walk 50m,turnright attrack,then immediatelyleft onto astone coveredpath.
02. When thepathforks, keeprightatthe house.Go leftthrough churchyard toleft of church,exitthrough gate andgostraight ahead,turn leftat warmemorialintolane. At crossroads, cross main road intoWood Lane,turnrightatthe bottom andthenonto permissive path on left(oppositeNo.1).
03. Walkalongwidegrassedgetothe field, keepingthehedgeonthe left. Turn leftatthe road,and turnright onto abridleway after afew metres(sign). Woodstothe side.Atthe endofthe wood(beautiful bluebellsinspring) turn leftat T-junction oftracks. Continueon,thenbear left.
04. After abut200m go under powerlines,turn leftatmarker in hedge(oppositelocal powerline) andfollowtrack,round first pylon,thenunder second to reachcornerofthe field,keepingthe hedgetoyourleft.Leave thefieldbygapin hedge atcorner bypylon(canbenettles here).Previously twostileshere, oneateachend of field.
05 Walk straight on,keepinghedgetoyourleft untilyou reacha largebarn. Footpath goes to rightofthebarn,with anew hedgebetween path andbarn. Turnrightatroad. Path is particularly muddyjustbeforeyou reachthe barn.
06. Continueontocrossroadswith Broad, cross overto ShortLaneand follow lanearound to theleft.Atthecrossroads signpostedThe Common turnright,then immediatelyleftup astony track.Thisbecomesa grassypath which canbemuddyinwet weather.Followthispath to reachSwardeston common.Takethe second path to theleft,after alarge tree, to reachthe road.Crosstheroadand walkahead,withthe duck pond on your right, to thevillagehall.