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Springinteriordesigntips from Lucy Gleeson
pr t ps forthehome
Award-winning localinteriordesigner, ucy Gleeson, looksathow we caninvitespringintoour homes
ow thedaysare feeling much lighter andlonger it stheperfecttimetogive your home arefresh especially asspringistheseasonofnew beginnings.Thereare lotsof ways youcan do this andit neverfails to surprise me what adi erence youcanmaketoa spacesimply by making afew littlechanges.
Do youfeelyou’d liketotry outanew room colour Well, how about creatinga fewmoodboards, addingsamplesofyourfavourite huesandseeingifthey work withfurniturethat youalready have Ifyou’redrawn to acolour combination,putitupintheroom andseeif youstill love itin aweek or so. If youreallylikethe paint colour,tryit on di erent walls, becausethelightwill a ect how it looksatdi erenttimesofthe day.Springisan excellenttimeto do this. We tendtofollownature when itcomestothe psychology ofinteriorsand naturallyopt for pastel shadesthisseason.But thatmight notberight foryou,so howabout some bright accents to representtheboldand beautiful flowersaroundus If you’re tentative aboutpaintingthewhole room anew colour, youcould try a featurewall. ust adding a few newcushions to go with your scheme willquickly addanicenew popofcolour.If your home isquiteneutral, you can reallyhavesomefun with patterns.Thinkaboutusing raw materials,including wood,asthey areverysymbolicofabrandnew start andgivea nice organicfeel. Naturally, youwillfindyourself layering roomswithmuch lighter fabrics,such aslinen andcotton, forwarmer weather. Declutteringis great forthe mind.If youare notready to let go ofsomething, youcanalways repurposewith abitof DI , such asturningsomeoldcurtainsinto cushionsfor another room –or napkins!Theother option is to takeaphoto oftheitem if you likeitbut don’t love it,then you can rememberitand passit onto acharity. Another fantasticway to invitespringintoyourhomeisby creatingsome interestingvignettes such aspairingtulips,da odils or freesiaswithtrinkets,seasonal books or acandle. Ideal foran Easter centrepiece or aco ee table.It’smucheasier than moving furniturearound,although you coulddothataswell. If youare tempted tobring lots of plantsintoyourhome,thisis definitelya greatnurturing hobby. They areveryoxygenatingandgood forus,andgreen isknowntobe verybalancing.Plus, plants addlots of character andcompletearoom scheme.Sospringisan excellent timetostart lookingatthisoption, butmaybetry alow maintenance plantatfirst.
Formoreinformationabout Lucy GleesonInteriors,go to www.lucylovesya.com. Email lucy@lucylovesya.com fora free consultationon ahomeor business project.