1 minute read
Exercise your braincellswith ourcrossword
E ercise your rain cells
ACROSS: 6 Ban, Timepiece, Treacherous, Elfin, Stock it, upiter, Stays, Provisional, astingly, 0 Art.
DOWN: Garrulous, Night, Re-write, Bifurcation, Ice, Familiarity, 0 Airy-fairy, Servant, 6 Psalm, Bad.
7 Dothisand youmightalsoacquire, or arental matter 8 f an extremelyclose proximity , 9 Propela boatwithangry wordsand arguments 10 With theteethtakeholdand chew 11 Springs eternalsotheysay,it’san uncertainwish 13 Degreeofoptimismorconfidenceof oneora group 6 14 Account givenwith aloudbang 6 15 Work throughthe jobsslowly or uncontrollably 6 18 Irritation andinconveniencecaused 6 20 Upon whichtorecline andlounge 21 Giventoa beggarora goodcause 22 Subtleand sarcastic butdull anduninteresting too 24 Performedin asatisfactorymanner,congratulations , 25 eaving no-one out, everyindividualattendedto
1 nerobe forMadamButterfly 6 2 When,when, when littleone,willyou layme anegg formytea 3 We will walk downit,till we’rethere 6 4 Maker ofmaltedbeverages 6 5 When theworld wasyoungandweperhaps were not , , 6 Semi-preciousgemstone,usuallyredcould beknighted foravillain 6 12 Instinctively,ofcourse,inthenormal way 16 Becomeless tight butnoboo e necessary 6 17 Thus meet twotravellinginopposite directions - 18 Hits astring when akey is pressed foranote ofdistinction 6 19 Wordsfor amelodywritten to sing 6 23 Thecluethatsolvestheproblem