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Eyehealthwith CecilAmey opticians
e ear on eyetests!
CecilAmeyOpticians& HearingCare arethe largest independent pticiansand earingCareprovider in ast nglia with10 practices across orfolk Su olk orth orfolk. ere theye plain aboutthebene tsofhaving an eyetestandwhat to e pect during your appointment.
What isan eyetest?
An eyetestis avital health checkfor your eyes. Everyadult needs oneevery twoyears, and some people maybeadvised to have atest more often for example people aged 0 or over with afamilyhistoryof glaucoma,people aged 0 or over andpeople withdiabetes.
What happensduring an eyetest?
ouroptometristwillaskabout your medicalhistory, medication andwhether anyone in your familyhas eyeproblems. ou shouldtell youroptometrist aboutanydi culties youhave with focusing, headachesorother problems. our eyetestwillalso look atthefollowing
Your eyehealth –the optometristmight shineabright light close to your eyes to check theinside andoutside oftheeyes forsignsofdisease.Alternatively, they look through aspecial lenswhich helps give aclear, magnifiedview oftheback ofthe eye,calledtheretina.
Yourvision –the optometrist willask youtoreadlettersona chartanduse di erent lenses to see howmuchyourvision canbeimprovedfor distantand nearobjects.
owyoureyesworktogether –theoptometristwillask youto look at aletteror objectand willthen coverone eyeata time to see howwellyoureyeswork together.
Thepressureinside your eyes –the frontofyoureye isfilledwithfluid,andifthe pressureofthisfluidrises itcan causesight loss. Theoptometrist will checkthe pressureofyour eyesat everytest once youreach theage of 0.Thiscanbe done with amachine that blowsalittle pu ofair on theeye.
Yourfield ofvision –the optometristwill checkhow well youcan seeinthecentreand at theedgeofyourfieldofvision using atestthatflashesfaint spotsoflight.
Optical CoherenceTomography -OCTScan Thereisanadditional chargefor an CTscan, butthe benefits reallyare invaluableasitgivesan on-going record ofthehealthand condition of your eyes. This clever technology, whichisquick andcompletely painless,allowsustosee,in incredibledetail,thebackof theeye'sdistinctive layers.This helps ouroptometrists detect anyearly signsof glaucoma or other eye-relatedconditions such as diabetes andmacular degeneration.Wehave CTsin ofour 0 practices across Norfolkand Su olk,so please ask aboutthis when booking your next eyetest.
Do Ihavetoget my glasses fromthesameopticianwho carriedoutthe eyetest?
ABD ,theAssociation of BritishDispensing pticians, recommendsthat youdo, to ensureyourprescription and spectacledispenseareinterpreted andmadeupcorrectly.Italso ensuresthatanyproblemscanbe handled more easily.