The Villager 2016 February

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February 2016

Thinking of making a move? Don’t wait till Spring. Call me today! Paul Cleary B.B.A.


No cooking required . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Meet new MPP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Local cancer care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Community events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Your tax dollars at work Severn Township Review By Ellen Cohen Mayor Mike Burkett and CEO Henry Sander, Severn Township talked to The Villager about updates and several important township projects, including the new community centre in Westshore, Ward 4. The following is a review of some of the most notable 2016 projects and expenditures. Update on new lighting Work on replacing 744 light fixtures in the township started at the beginning of December and by the end of that month, there were only 40 fixtures left to complete. Henry Sander, Severn’s CEO said that the amount of work completed fell well within the funding guidelines i.e. the Green Energy funding provided by Hydro. The township is happy with the result of the new installations, particularly noting the savings in energy costs. Mayor Mike Burkett pointed out that the new lights are a big improvement to the community of Washago. Instead of looking up the main street and seeing

unattractive poles and wires, the focal point now is the new lighting that illuminates the village. Community Centre in Westshore Work towards a new community centre in Westshore, Ward 4 continues. Within the 2016 budget there is an allocation of $250,000 for architectural design. Over the next few months, mayor and council along with the architectural firm that will be chosen through a tender process, will have comprehensive discussions on what is to be included in the project. Current plans call for the centre to include a gymnasium, a well-equipped kitchen and the Westshore Community Policing Centre. Township staff and council point out that the new community centre is a complex project with some unique challenges. An important consideration is the provincial government’s

An example of one of the new residential projects in Ward 4, the township’s fastest growing ward. desire for the township to locate it in a central location of Westshore. As Mayor Burkett says, “We don’t have a crystal ball to look 20 years down the road and, because of the acceleration of residential development in the area, it’s certain that today’s centre of the area will not be the centre down the road.” However, the mayor, council and staff are conducting a very thorough planning process. They are confident they will make a good decision for the future of the Westshore community. “The community centre

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location will be a best guess but it will be made with extensive consultation and every piece of information we have available,” the mayor said. Another issue regarding the community centre is the fact that the township doesn’t own land in the Westshore area. There are, however, two 10-acre sites own by a developer(s). As is a normal practice, the land for the centre will be located on property owned by a developer who will give the township land or the equivalent value in cash. Continued on page 13


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