Summer Villanova Business Magazine 2012

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Villanova magazine of the villanova school of business


summer 2012

The Business of Basketball Failure Is an Innovative Option

Villanova Business

The Helen and William O’Toole Dean Patrick G. Maggitti Senior Associate Dean DENNIS KUHN Associate Dean for External Relations Madonna Sutter ’81 MA Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs Melinda B. German Editor Liz H. Field Director of Communication Contributors Mariana martinez Chris Nicholson Brendan E. Cummings ’13 A&S Design & Production Moiré Marketing Partners Cover Illustration JACK RYAN ’09 VSB

Villanova Business magazine is published twice a year by the Villanova School of Business. Villanova Business welcomes inquiries, opinions, and comments. Villanova Business 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085-1678 Tel: 610-519-5424 Fax: 610-519-7864 Email:

11 The Business of Basketball The skills needed to succeed in business—and on the basketball court—are surprisingly similar.

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Cert no. SW-COC-1551

VSB’s Villanova Business was awarded the MarCom Platinum award from the Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals.



contents summer 2012

from the dean



Letter From the Dean

Features 11 Business of Basketball 16 Think Locally Act Globally 26

Curriculum: CMO For a Day


Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship

Departments 03

VSB in the News




Faculty Research


Donor Spotlight



31 Business Leaders Forum 33

Bartley Medallion: Daniel M. DiLella


The Center for Business Analytics: Chris Gheysens


Faculty Achievements


Student Achievements


In Closing: Alumni Spotlight

summer 2012  |  villanova business



The Innovative Journey As a proud member of our Villanova community, I believe the Augustinian principles of Veritas, Unitas, Caritas are central to who we are and everything we do. I am excited to play a more active role in this community and am honored to be named The Helen and William O’Toole Dean at the Villanova School of Business. I would like to acknowledge and personally thank my predecessors, most recently, James M. Danko, now president of Butler University, and Kevin D. Clark PhD, who has served Villanova as interim dean for the last year, for the many accomplishments we have enjoyed. Through their collective efforts VSB is the 13th ranked undergraduate business school in the nation. While this is a considerable feat and one we should be extremely proud of, our continued success in preparing students to enter the global business environment as positive examples of ethical and responsible leaders and igniters of change is our most significant achievement. In the words of St. Augustine, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Our cover story, “Think Locally, Act Globally,” provides a clear picture of VSB’s unique approach to global issues. Our students don’t just travel abroad; they make a difference in the communities they visit. They have experiences that enable them to grow as individuals with a strong commitment to social responsibility and a global mindset that is uniquely Villanovan. As you read this issue of Villanova Business, you will learn about some of the many incredible accomplishments of VSB faculty and students. You will also see many examples of alumni and other partners who provide our students with real-world experiences that give them the opportunity to connect theory with practice. We are grateful for their continued support and belief in what we do. Prior to my appointment as dean, I served as director of the Villanova Center for Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (ICE Center).

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“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

– Saint Augustine

The ICE Center’s mission is to foster within our community the creative and entrepreneurial skills necessary to develop and act upon new knowledge and ideas. Organizations of all types recognize the value of new ideas to their continued success and we are no different. Throughout this issue, you will see great examples of this innovative spirit at work. As I take on my new role, I look forward to meeting with our current students, alumni, and friends to better understand how we can continue our forward momentum and advance the mission of VSB and the University to even greater heights.

With best regards,

PATRICK G. MAGGITTI The Helen and William O’Toole Dean Villanova School of Business

VSB in the News Faculty, students, and staff at VSB are frequently called upon by national and international news media to serve as experts and to provide insight on current issues. The following is a list of highlights from print, broadcast, and online media featuring a selection of our experts. Philadelphia Business Journal May 4, 2012 As Finance Has Gotten More Complex, So Have Student Labs FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

March 30, 2012 7 Reasons Catholics Leave Church FEATURING: Charles Zech, Department of Economics and Statistics Philadelphia 17 News March 25, 2012 In Focus With Steve Highsmith FEATURING: David Fiorenza, Department of Economics and Statistics The Christian Science Monitor March 16, 2012 Tax the Rich…More? Why Jerry Brown Changed his Plan to Save California FEATURING: Peter Zaleski, Department of Economics and Statistics BizEd March/April 2012 Apps Across Campus FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business February 17, 2012 Driven To Do the Right Thing AUTHORED BY: Narda Quigley, Department of Management and Operations

Wall Street Journal February 7, 2012 The Team With the Tougher Schedule Tends to Prevail FEATURING: Bret Myers, Department of Management and Operations

February 6, 2012 Super Bowl Ads Battle for Championship FEATURING: Charles R. Taylor, Department of Marketing and Business Law

February 3, 2012 Super Bowl Lends Some Muscle to Global Brands FEATURING: Charles R. Taylor, Department of Marketing and Business Law

February 2, 2012 Can Facebook IPO Help Solve a State Budget Crisis? FEATURING: Stephen Liedtka, Department of Accountancy and Information Systems Financial Times January 26, 2012 Professor of the Week: Michael Pagano FEATURING: Michael Pagano, Department of Finance

KYW Radio September 29, 2011 Philadelphia Fed’s Plosser Doesn’t Want To Do the Twist FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

MarketWatch January 19, 2012 Mortgage Marvel Releases Year-End Data From More Than 700,000 Mortgage Applications FEATURING: Victor Li, Department of Economics and Statistics The Chronicle of Philanthropy December 15, 2011 Giving to Catholic Parishes Drops FEATURING: Charles Zech, Department of Economics and Statistics The Economist December 10, 2011 Double-edged Deferral FEATURING: Anthony Catanach, Department of Accountancy and Information Systems Forbes November 16, 2011 Why Consumers in Poor Countries Try Harder to ‘Keep Up with the Joneses’ AUTHORED BY: Ronald Hill, Department of Marketing and Business Law

October 26, 2011 Number of Female ‘Fortune’ 500 CEOs at Record High FEATURING: Quinetta Roberson, Department of Management and Operations

MSNBC September 25, 2011 Elevator Pitch: Keep It Warm FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

September 24, 2011 SEC Cuts Off Some Aggressive Accounting at Groupon FEATURING: Anthony Catanach, Department of Accountancy and Information Systems Philadelphia Business Journal September 23, 2011 Evil Genius Beer Co. FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

August 31, 2011 Cupcake Business Bakes Success in Small Batches Featuring: Patrick Maggitti, Department of Management and Operations

August 4, 2011 Business Schools Plan Leap Into Data FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

September 30, 2011 U.S. Economic Recovery Tied to European Debt Crisis FEATURING: The Villanova School of Business

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VSB Students Learn How to “Be Googley” This fall, members of the Villanova Entrepreneurial Society visited the offices of Google and LinkedIn for a firsthand look at non-traditional offices that demonstrate an entrepreneurial approach to conducting business. Students first visited Google’s unconventional working spaces, where they got a taste of the company’s corporate culture and innovative environment. On the office’s enormous fourth floor, which spans an entire city block, they saw large game rooms and sleep pods, where employees can take naps, and were enamored with the employees who used scooters to get around the office. The building also features a large Lego carousel, several secret rooms with couches hidden behind bookcases, and a lifelike rainforest cafe. Andrew Lee ’13 VSB described the

A group of students in the Villanova Entrepreneurial Society spent a day in New York at the Google and LinkedIn offices.

trip to Google as “more of a culture shock than an office visit. Everything about the firm was atypical and so awesome.” While

and hiring talented workers is the keystone to Google’s success

at Google, students learned about internships and career oppor-

and growth.”

tunities from Vic Alonzo, University Programs Coordinator, and

Students next headed to the Empire State Building to

were exposed to the far-reaching impact of Google’s business

visit LinkedIn’s offices and have lunch with Joel Petino ’93

in today’s world. Alonzo also highlighted five items that make

VSB, East Regional Sales Manager, and Brian D’Ambrosio ’02

working at Google unique: challenging work; innovation; a fun

VSB, Enterprise Account Executive. The group toured the

environment; autonomy and empowerment; and inspiring and

office, received an overview of LinkedIn’s business model, and

talented people.

learned about its rapid growth in the tech industry. Petino and

“Having been accustomed to the traditional corporate environment of New York firms and Wall Street, visiting Google turned

D’Ambrosio also spoke to the students about their own personal journeys from the Main Line to Manhattan.

my perception of office culture upside down,” said Jack Chong

Leaving Manhattan, students had a greater perspective of

’14 VSB. “Rarely can you walk into a company and observe moti-

the kinds of career options that are available in non-traditional

vated and productive workers wearing sweatpants. At the end of

offices and innovative corporate cultures of young entrepre-

the day, their revolutionary culture of empowering, challenging,

neurial companies.

VSB Retains AACSB Accreditation AACSB International

a rigorous internal review

endeavored to continue

(The Association to Advance

every five years, at which the

our momentum through

Collegiate Schools of

program must demonstrate

many changes,” said Kevin

Business) has renewed

its continued commitment to

D. Clark, PhD, Interim Dean.

VSB’s business accredita-

AACSB’s 21 quality standards

“The review team was very

tion. AACSB International is

relating to faculty qualifica-

impressed with the dedi-

the longest-serving global

tion, strategic management

cation our faculty have to

accrediting body for busi-

of resources, interactions

high quality teaching, the

ness schools that offer

of faculty and students, as

superb level of service our

bachelors, masters, and

well as a commitment to

staff provides to students,

doctorate degrees in busi-

continuous improvement

the creativity and agility

ness and accounting.

and achievement of learning

displayed in our approach

goals in degree programs.

to curricular innovation, and

Only 649 schools of

hallmark of excellence in

the passion and resilience

business, or less than five

management education. To

“VSB has been an

percent worldwide, have

maintain accreditation, busi-

exceedingly busy place

demonstrated through time

earned this distinguished

ness programs must undergo

and, together, we have

by our community.”

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Professor Janice Sipior (center) served as keynote speaker at the International Information Systems Conference at the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat.

Janice Sipior Gives Keynote at Conference in Oman Janice C. Sipior, PhD,

by the Information Systems

a lively discussion about

insights and force me to

Professor of Management

Department of the College of

privacy risks resulting

question how processes are

Information Systems, served

Commerce and Economics at

from ubiquitous use of

completed, what product

as the lead keynote speaker

the university, focused on the

the Internet.

features are valued, and

for the “Information Systems

challenges faced by industry

for Sustainable Business

and government in Oman and

conferences immerses me in

Such global experiences and

Environment” International

other countries following IT/

entirely different and capti-

exposure has enhanced my

Information Systems

IS adoption.

vating environments,” said

research opportunities and

Sipior. “I have fascinating

thereby enables me to bring

Conference (iiSC) at the Sultan

Sipior’s presentation,

“Attending international

how business is transacted.

Qaboos University in Muscat.

“Organizational Issues of

interactions and experi-

a broad and unique perspec-

The conference, organized

Internet Privacy,” inspired

ences, which give me new

tive to my classroom.”

Coming Soon: A New Program for Women in Business The Villanova Women’s Executive Leadership Program (WE LeaP), a new initiative for women in business, will soon be underway at VSB. WE LeaP will support students, mid-career, and executive women through their professional development and will design tailored programs for women in each level of career progression. The objectives of WE LeaP are to provide women with mentoring and sponsorship; to offer continued educational opportunities; to create community-based programs for ongoing learning and support; and to bring value to Villanova as a feeder school for talented women leaders. WE LeaP is being piloted by VSB with the ultimate goal being the creation of a University-wide program. If you are interested in participating in WE LeaP or want to learn more, please contact

Kathie DeChirico ’08 EMBA, Christine Dorfler ’97 VSB, Gerard S. LaRocca ’14 VSB PA, Joseph Lamastra ’83 VSB, ’14 VSB PA, ’12 A&S PA, Christine James ’91 VSB, Thomas Gilman ’73 VSB, Angela Bagnell ’12 MBA, and Heather Dickinson

summer 2012  |  villanova business



Members of the Daniel M. DiLella Center for Real Estate Membership Association toured the World Financial Center and 9/11 Memorial Site.

The Daniel M. DiLella Center for Real Estate Launches New Membership Program This fall, the Daniel

Morgan Stanley, who has

M. DiLella Center for Real

a professional relationship

Estate launched the DiLella

with the owners, Brookfield

Center for Real Estate

Properties. Participants

Membership Association. The

were treated to a private

DiLella Real Estate Center

presentation of the water-

seeks to bring VSB stake-

front development plans

Catia Polidori, member of the Italian Parlia-

holders—including students,

that will be executed over

ment, former Minister of Foreign Trade, and former Deputy

parents, faculty, staff, donors,

the next three years. After

Minister of Economic Development for Italy, traveled to

alumni, and corporate

the presentation, members

VSB this past fall and delivered a special address on Italy’s

partners—together to build

visited the recently unveiled

economy. Polidori discussed Italy’s strategy for dealing with

and continuously improve

9/11 Memorial Site.

debt problems, the effect of the U.S. economy on Europe,

upon VSB’s progress in the

the ongoing global financial crisis, and how to strengthen

area of real estate. Members

the relationship between Italy and the United States. Prior

enjoy a number of exclusive

to her speech, Interim Dean Kevin D. Clark, PhD, presented

benefits, including priority

Polidori with the inaugural Villanova Foreign Leaders Award.

access to center programs

The Honorable Catia Polidori Talks about the Debt Crisis in Italy

The Villanova Center for Marketing and Public Policy

and networking opportunities,

“ It was a great and unique opportunity

Research (CMPPR) and The National Italian American

special publications (such as

Foundation (NIAF) co-sponsored Polidori’s visit. “Minister

student résumé books and

Polidori’s visit is a prime example of VSB’s influence in the

a center member directory),

formation and discussion of international policy,” said John

connecting more directly

Kozup, PhD, Associate Professor Marketing and Director of

with current VSB real estate

unique opportunity to

the CMPPR.

students, and attending

be able to participate in

private, members-only events.

a personal, one-on-one

6 villanova business  |  summer 2012

The first members-only

“It was a great and

discussion with one of the

event was an exclusive

largest office landlords glob-

tour of the World Financial

ally,” Cowan said. “It was a

Center and 9/11 Memorial

privilege to learn about the

Site in New York City. The

new World Financial Center,

visit to the World Trade

the 9/11 Memorial Site, and

Center was arranged by

the vision for the future of

James Cowan ’89 VSB,

downtown New York from

advisory council member

someone actively involved in

and Managing Director at

making that vision a reality.”


Catia Polidori, member of the Italian Parliament, spoke about Italy’s economy.

Delivering Happiness for 2011-12 Read to Lead Program Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and

The Executive MBA is Ranked Among Best in the Nation

Purpose by Tony Hsieh, CEO

For the sixth consecutive year

of, Inc., serves

VSB’s Executive MBA program is ranked

as a foundational thread

by Financial Times as one of the top 100

throughout the year, weaving

programs in the world. The Executive

together concepts from the

MBA program placed #16 among U.S.-

required first-year Business

based programs and #51 worldwide. VSB

Dynamics course.

also ranked among the Top 5 U.S.-based

In Delivering Happiness,

programs in the area of “Aims Achieved”—a category

Hsieh outlines his journey

that measures whether alumni achieved their goals—and

to success and shares

#18 worldwide.

important business and life

“Our high performance in the rankings illustrates that our

lessons. The book offers

focus on the student experience continues to distinguish VSB,”

students a real-world context

said Kevin D. Clark, PhD, Interim Dean for the Villanova School

The VSB Read to Lead

for learning and provides a

of Business. “Our graduates tell us that our curriculum and

program, now in its fourth

launching point for integra-

approach to the Executive MBA give them a critical advantage

year, is an integral part of

tive discussions, projects,

in the increasingly competitive marketplace.”

the new undergraduate

and analyses of topics. It

curriculum. The Read to

also provides undergradu-

Lead program connects

ates with new opportunities

and inspires students around

for discussions with high-

a common, highly relevant

level corporate leaders.

business theme through the

VSB extends its appreciation

collective reading of one

to Ernst & Young, sponsor of

book. This year’s selection,

the Read to Lead program.

Global Economics Conference Held at VSB Villanova hosted the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO) conference, an annual event that focuses on discussions related to how international organizations are comprised and governed, what the incentives of governments and bureaucrats dealing with international organizations are, and what impact the policy outcomes of international organizations have. VSB’s Center for Global Leadership (CGL) partnered with Princeton University’s Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance and the University of Pennsylvania’s Christopher H. Browne Center for International Politics to sponsor this year’s conference, which was run by Christopher Kilby, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics and member of the PEIO program committee. The 80 attendees included academic

Christopher Kilby and his former student Emily Bland ’11 VSB presented a poster during the Political Economy of International Organizations conference.

economists and political scientists from around the world, as

at the Union League Club of Philadelphia. The PEIO conference

well as staff from international organizations such as the IMF

will be held at Heidelberg and Mannheim Universities next

and the World Bank. The conference included three days of

year, but will return to the U.S. in 2014 with meetings at

presentations, a poster session at Dundale Hall, and a banquet

Princeton University.

summer 2012  |  villanova business



Undergraduates Trek to NYC A group of junior

encouraging more and more

and senior finance students

students to pursue careers

traveled to New York City

in finance.

for the first NY Finance Trek.

Villanova Alumni Sell Business to Fortune 15 Company Ned Moore ’90 VSB recently sold his company, Portico Systems, Inc., to McKesson Corp., a U.S. Fortune 15 company, for $90 million. Moore and Jim Mayhall ’93 A&S have worked together for the last several years, becoming

company executives, toured

exposes students to the

the facilities, and networked

wide range of career oppor-

with employees from BMO

tunities in the global field

Capital Markets, Bloomberg

of finance and encourages

L.P., and Morgan Stanley

them to develop relation-

Smith Barney. In addition

ships with executives in the

to a big picture view of the

industry. Through the event,

financial industry, these

VSB strives to increase

executives provided company

the number of its students

overviews, information on the

working in prominent posi-

types of positions available

tions in the finance industry.

to recent graduates, internship

Not only does this mean that

opportunities, and described

Villanovans will have a greater

what a typical day entails.

impact on economics and

The participants also heard

politics in the business world,

directly from executives

but as these Villanovans climb

on how to take advantage

the corporate ladder, they

of specific career paths in

also will serve as role models,

their organization.

VU Presents Steve Jobs with Meyer ICE Award

acquainted when they gathered to honor their friend,

The Center for Innovation, Creativity, and

Dennis Cook ’90 A&S, who was a victim of the September

Entrepreneurship (ICE Center) awarded a memorial Meyer

2011 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Mayhall

ICE Award to the late Steve Jobs, co-founder, Chairman, and

joined Portico as an Investor/Shareholder and VP of

Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc., to celebrate a lifetime

Business Development.

of creative and innovative excellence and for inspiring

“Both Jim and I believe our meeting and ultimate business

generations of inquisitive and curious individuals.

collaboration is a great story around the Villanova spirit,” said

Inspired, designed, and endowed by Patrick Meyer ’74

Moore. “Through the strength of the friends we have lost and

VSB, the Meyer Innovation and Creative Excellence Award was

the spirit of the new friends who reconnected as a result—

created in honor of the Meyer family (Patrick ’74, Edward ’86,

and for all that to be part of a great technology company

and C. Paul ’30) to recognize a spirit of innovation and creative

success story in the Philadelphia region—is incredible.”

excellence that enhances VSB and Villanova University.

Portico is based in Blue Bell, PA, and provides soft-

To honor the creative legacy of Steve Jobs, Meyer donated

ware and technology that health plans use to monitor and

additional funding to the ICE Center and hopes to encourage

reduce administrative, medical, and IT costs. “Five years

others to do the same in order to support their mission to

ago we were a fledgling company with a big dream,” said

embed creative problem solving and opportunity recognition

Moore, “today, we find ourselves at the forefront of revo-

skills more deeply in the Villanova community.

lutionizing the way payers manage relationships with

“Steve Jobs’ commitment to excellence has been an

providers—ultimately driving down costs and increasing

inspiration for so many. His work and spirit embody what

the quality of health care.”

the Villanova ICE Center stands for,” said Meyer. “His simple,

8 villanova business  |  summer 2012

yet encouraging words, ‘The difference between a leader and a innovation!’ resonates among Villanovans past and present.”


Jim Mayhall ’93 A&S and Ned Moore ’90 VSB became business partners after reconnecting at an annual golf tournament.

Participants heard from

This soon-to-be annual event

New VSB Student Society Hosts Inaugural Career Conference The Multicultural

the business world,” said

Business Association

Will Horyn ’15 VSB. Ronald Dukes ’12 VSB

(McBA), a new studentrun group, hosted a career

founded McBA to offer

conference, which brought

professional development

together more than 100

opportunities for diverse student populations at

students, faculty, alumni, and corporate representa-

encouraged attendees

Villanova and to empower

tives. The inaugural event

to be ambitious and

them with the skills and

provided a forum to discuss

accepting in their careers.

confidence necessary

leadership in an increasingly

“It is crucial to be open to

to become leaders.

diverse world.

new situations and oppor-

“Embracing diversity in

tunities and to interact

all my endeavors has

Network” conference

with people from all back-

brought me success far

offered students an oppor-

grounds,” he said.

beyond my expectations,”

The “Diversify Your

tunity to interact with and

“Mr. Hornsberry demon-

be open to new situations and opportunities and to interact with people from all backgrounds.

said Dukes, “and this is

learn from one another and

strated that diversity is

my way of helping others

experienced professionals.

not limited to the color

realize their own success

of your skin or your ethnic

story.” McBA will organize

diversity and inclusion

background, but that

workshops, host lectures,

business partner for

diversity contributes unique

coordinate mentorships,

Kellogg Company, served

perspectives that add

and connect students

as keynote speaker. He

value inside and outside

with alumni.

Noel Hornsberry, senior

“ It is crucial to

VSB Hosts the Top Executive MBA Programs in the Northeast VSB organized and hosted a meeting for the leading 40 Executive MBA (EMBA) programs in the Northeast. Representatives




Canada to Virginia attended the conference, which took place in the Villanova University Conference Center, home to VSB’s Executive MBA program. During




faculty and staff from NYU Stern, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, University









VSB’s top-ranked EMBA program, its facilities, and its faculty. Thomas Monahan,

Al Chiaradonna spoke to participants during a conference for the leading Executive MBA programs in the Northeast.

PhD, the John M. Cooney Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, spoke about creating

and Georgetown to deliver a presentation on innovation,

and managing innovation in EMBA programs, while Al

trends, and best practices in EMBA programs. Participants

Chiaradonna, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Innovation

also had the opportunity to attend panel discussions, interac-

for SEI Global Private Banking and Villanova Executive MBA

tive workshops, and presentations. Networking opportunities,

faculty member, delivered a talk entitled “Leading through

a campus tour, and an off-campus dinner provided informal

Change.” In addition, VSB partnered with Wharton, Fordham,

settings to interact.

summer 2012  |  villanova business




The day’s agenda provided a number of opportunities for these students to gather nuggets of business advice and take away lessons from Buffett’s recounting of his own experiences. Perhaps more enlightening, however, was their glimpse into Buffet’s real life, which showed these young business students that hard work is the key to success. For instance, although he is a successful executive, Buffett does not carry a Smartphone. He plays A group of undergraduate and MSF students traveled to Omaha, NE, to meet Warren Buffett.

bridge on the computer, but otherwise does not use a

Students Meet the “Real” Warren Buffett

computer for anything else. In fact, as he told his visi-

Most people know who

a lottery selection process

learned about the stores’

tors, he used to pick all of

Warren Buffett is. He is the

to travel to Omaha to meet

individual business models

his stocks from a book. He

chairman, CEO, and primary

Buffett and learn about his

and Buffett’s involvement

likes root beer floats, and he

shareholder of Berkshire

company. During the day-

in their success. The group

sometimes asks his favorite

Hathaway Inc. He is a billion-

long visit, the group of 20

also attended a Q&A session

Omaha restaurant to ship

aire and one of the wealthiest

undergraduate and MSF

with Buffett, during which

him food when he’s abroad.

people in the world. His nick-

students, accompanied by

he shared his perspective on

“Despite his stature in the

name is the “Oracle of Omaha.”

David Nawrocki, PhD, the

current events such as the

business world, he proved

However, a group of VSB

Katherine M. and Richard

Occupy Wall Street move-

to be very down-to-earth,”

students recently received

J. Salisbury Jr. Professor of

ment and the European

said Warren Wilson ’12

a unique opportunity to

Finance; James Jablonski,

debt crisis. Buffett also

VSB. “He’s a fascinating

discover a few more personal

instructor of finance; and

invited everyone to a

character, and he was so

facts about this renowned

Aimei Zhong, adjunct faculty

local restaurant, and over

willing to accommodate

public figure.

of finance, made stops at

lunch he candidly shared

us.” On the ride to lunch,

two Berkshire-Hathaway-

stories, both professional

Buffett even drove students

owned stores, where they

and personal.

in his own car.

For the second consecutive year, VSB was chosen through

“Warren Buffett emits energy when he walks into the room,” said Nawrocki.

The Villanova MBA Ranked #12 in the Nation by Bloomberg Businessweek

“No matter what question

VSB was recognized among top Part-Time MBA programs

and being honest; the impor-

in the nation in the 2011 Bloomberg Businessweek ranking, placing

tance of picking the right

#12 in the U.S. and #2 in the Mid-Atlantic region. In addition to its high rank overall,

partner, in life and in busi-

The Villanova MBA was ranked #9 for student completion rate and #12 for academic

ness; and the importance

quality. Our students rated our new MBA curriculum an “A+” and the quality of our

of public speaking. I’ve

faculty an “A.” Villanova’s Part-Time MBA curriculum emphasizes strong core business knowledge, applied, multi-disciplinary learning, corporate social responsibility, and a global mindset.

was asked, he stressed a few main points: the importance of hard work, investment,

been very lucky to be able to share this experience with my students the past two years.”

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Basketball Whether it’s the pressure to sink a basket

in the last seconds of a tied game, a presentation in front of a potential employer, or a sales pitch to an investor, the skills needed to succeed in business—and on the basketball court—are surprisingly similar. Student athletes and business professionals in the sports management industry all have common characteristics when it comes to leadership, hard work, and the ability to negotiate.

BY LIZ FIELD summer 2012  |  villanova business




his 34 years as Head Coach of the Villanova University women’s basketball team, Harry Perretta knows that students come to Villanova for the basketball, but also for the rigorous scholarship. “Villanova

student athletes work hard, pay attention on and off the court, and have an incredible drive to succeed.

Those skills will serve them well in any industry they choose following graduation.” Perretta works with students from every college, and believes that business majors can translate a lot of what they learn on the court into the classroom, from the classroom to the court, and, then, into the business world. “I see students coming out of VSB who are disciplined, pay attention to details, and have the ability to anticipate and appreciate what is taking place in the world around them.” We caught up with a handful of students involved with the Villanova Basketball program to find out exactly why they think their basketball skills translate well in the classroom, and vice versa, to hear about some of their most memorable courses, and to ask them about their plans following graduation.

Megan Pearson

Class of 2012 Major: Management Information Systems

Megan Pearson ’12 VSB is a forward on the Villanova women’s basketball team.

villanova business  |  summer 2012

Business and basketball have deep roots in the Pearson home. With parents and three siblings who all played college basketball, VU Forward Megan Pearson knew her way around the court from an early age. Because her parents are small business owners, Megan also was surrounded by a business culture that developed a level of comfort unusual for someone setting foot in the college classroom for the first time. Selecting business as her major was as easy for Megan as shooting free throws. “I’ve grown up around small business owners,” she says. “I not only enjoy the marketing and sales aspects of business, but also the back-end technology associated with running a business successfully.” As they learned about the family’s personal clothier business from their father, Megan was introduced to computer technology by her sister. “My older sister was a math major and a computer science minor. Once I was exposed to the computer, I learned to love it. I enjoy seeing, from a technical perspective, how things work and developing my own programs. It is for those reasons—and the promising job market in this industry—that I decided to major in Management Information Systems (MIS) at VSB.” Megan’s favorite course so far has been Competitive Effectiveness. “I thoroughly enjoyed our class project for McNeil Pharmaceuticals. It was the first project I worked on in which I could see how multiple business aspects worked together. I learned how to develop a complete marketing plan for a small target segment,” she says. “Our work in small groups during this course is a great example of the crossover I see between business and basketball. I’ve been on teams my whole life, so I have the confidence to step up and be a leader because I know what has to be accomplished. Just like on the basketball court, in business there is more to focus on than the final project alone. On the court, beyond scoring, I have to focus on assists, rebounding, steals, and defense. I understand and recognize the same holds true with my coursework. There are many little things that need to happen in order to make a team successful, and a leader needs to pay attention to each of them.”

Ryan Abbadi

Class of 2013 Major: Finance, Minor: Real Estate

Michael Leibig ’12 VSB (left) with members of the Villanova club basketball team.

Michael Leibig

Class of 2012 Major: Marketing, Minor: Finance With a love for everything sports and everything Villanova, Mike Leibig knew that going to VSB would fulfill both of his passions. Living close to the school, he also knew Villanova would provide the right mix of academics and basketball. “I grew up in the area, so I was well aware of VSB’s strong reputation. Attending VSB was a natural choice because it fits so well with my personality,” he says. On the court, Mike serves as a practice player for the women’s basketball team. He is a Peer Advisor for the Clay Center at VSB and captain of the Villanova club basketball team, which won the 2012 Northeast Regional Championship tournament, earning a spot in the Club Basketball National Championships. These leadership roles require Mike to make and communicate tough decisions. “Given my experience in sports, I understand the importance of building relationships,” he says. “If there is an important decision to announce—such as who is selected for the club team during tryouts or how to mesh many different personalities during a group project—as a leader I have to find a happy medium for everyone involved. Often that means learning to identify the skills each person brings to help the group as a whole. Sometimes that can be tough, especially when the group doesn’t get along, but as a leader you have to find a solution that most benefits the team as a whole.” Mike identifies his sales courses as among his favorites at VSB. “In my Sales Management and Professional Selling classes, we participated in role-playing exercises and mock sales scenarios,” he says. “This experience was perfect practice for my internship interviews and highlighted the value that relationship building brings to the business world.” Soon, Mike will be working for the Philadelphia Flyers gaining experience for his eventual career in sports advertising sales and sponsorship.

Ryan Abbadi became interested in investment banking through a family friend who works in the business. “It’s competitive, team-oriented, and requires smarts and know-how,” he says, noting that the field is a perfect fit for his competitive nature. “Once I got a taste of the business I was hooked, so I began to learn and read as much as I could about the industry. As a finance major I want to work on Wall Street. Fortunately, it’s a very Villanova-friendly industry, and I’ve already met so many helpful alumni who work in this area.” Ryan practices daily with the women’s basketball team in addition to rising before dawn to fit in his own workouts, with the hope of securing a walk-on spot on the men’s varsity team. Basketball, he says, has taught him many valuable lessons. “I have learned how to handle my emotions when things don’t go my way and how to play as part of a team. I also have learned the true meaning of hard work and commitment. No matter how sore or tired I am, I have to find it within myself to run, jump, and play with intensity every time I step on the court.” While living abroad in Rome, Italy, Ryan developed a global perspective on the business world. “While I have loved my business courses,” he says, “I really enjoy my political science electives because I am able to apply what I learn to my business knowledge.” With one year left until graduation, Ryan has taken advantage of everything Villanova has to offer, participating in business societies, peer advising, internship opportunities in finance, and taking the opportunity to shadow alumni working for BMO Capital Markets and Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York City, where he will work this summer. “I use what I’ve learned at VSB every day,” he says. “Basketball has afforded me the ability to think on my feet and go after what I want with all my heart, and VSB has given me the tools I need to succeed. I’ve learned to be honest with myself and others. If I don’t know something I say I don’t know and ask for help when I need it.”

Ryan Abbadi ’13 VSB is a practice player with the Villanova women’s basketball team.

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MouphTAOU Yarou

Class of 2013 Major: Finance, CO-MAJOR: International Business

Dallas Ouano ’12 VSB is a captain on the men’s basketball team and plays guard.

Dallas Ouano

Class of 2012 Major: Finance, Minor: Accountancy Dallas Ouano plays guard for the Villanova men’s basketball team. His tenacity and strong work ethic are apparent both on the court and off, and it is this drive that brought him to VSB. “Villanova has always had a strong business program,” he says. “When I was applying, it was top 20 in the nation,” he says, noting that VSB in 2011 was ranked #7. “I also liked that Villanova is close to my home in New Jersey. I thought Villanova and the Business School were a good fit for me and felt confident that the school would provide me with the tools I needed to jump-start my career after graduation.” A finance major and accountancy minor, Dallas lists Financial Management and Reporting, a team-taught course, as one of his favorites. “My Introduction to Finance and Accounting class with Professors Peters and McWilliams was probably the best course I have had. After choosing a major, all you can think about is learning as much as you can in your first class. I really learned a lot from those two professors.” Thinking about how basketball has influenced his time in the classroom, Dallas identifies the leadership skills he has developed. “Having been a leader on the court and in the locker room, I have learned how important it is to make sure my team is getting everything done on time,” he says. “Delegating responsibilities to the right people and figuring out where individual strengths lie is key. We do a lot of group projects in class, and that translates well to the court. Teamwork is important in both situations.” After an internship last summer at investment firm SumRidge Partners, Dallas will return to New Jersey and a permanent job with the company after graduation. “I had a very successful experience there last summer and have already accepted a full-time position. There are several Villanova alums there, and I am really looking forward to starting my professional career following in their footsteps.” villanova business  |  summer 2012

Originally a soccer player from Benin, Mouphtaou Yarou didn’t begin to play basketball until he was 14 years old. As one of 13 children, reflected in his #13 jersey, and speaking five different languages, Mouphtaou came to the States in 2007 to pursue an education and basketball. Why Villanova? “I followed the advice of Head Coach Jay Wright,” he says. “This is a chance for me to get my degree from a great business school and be part of an exceptional basketball program.” Mouphtaou finds success both on and off the court because of a positive attitude. “I think playing basketball at Villanova helps me in school,” he says. “Coach Wright always talks about attitude. I try to bring a great attitude to the classroom every day and ask a lot of questions. If you have a great attitude, you can learn even more.” This positive mindset is also what brings him success on the court. In the 2011-12 season he was the only Wildcat to start all 32 games, averaging 11.3 points and a teamhigh 8.2 rebounds per game. Small classes and accessible professors have been an integral part of his success off the court. “There have been a number of classes and professors I have enjoyed learning from at VSB. Professor Jeremy Kees is one that stands out. Not only is he also a former college basketball player, but he has taken a personal interest in making sure I understand and can apply all the concepts he presents in class.” While Yarou hopes to keep playing basketball after he completes his studies at Villanova, with a degree from a top-ranked program and a positive attitude, his professional goals are in striking distance. “After I am done with basketball, I think I would like to work on Wall Street. That’s sort of a dream job for me.”

Team captain and starting forward Mouphtaou Yarou ’13 VSB started all 32 games for the Villanova men’s basketball team during the 2011-12 season.


Q&A with Scott O’Neil ’92 VSB Scott







Sports, oversees the business operations of the New York Knicks, New York Rangers, and New York Liberty, along with a diverse line up of world-class live sporting events. O’Neil gave Villanova Business an inside look at this exciting industry.

Baker Dunleavy ’06 VSB is the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for the men’s basketball team.

Baker Dunleavy

Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, Villanova Men’s Basketball Team While Baker Dunleavy played guard on the men’s basketball team and studied finance as an undergraduate student, he had plenty of opportunities to prepare for real-world situations. With a solid foundation of financial knowledge, after graduation he settled into a career in investment banking at Merrill Lynch (now Bank of America Merrill Lynch) in New York City. In 2010, Dunleavy returned to his alma mater, which, he says, was a tough decision. “I really enjoyed living in New York and working in the financial industry. However, basketball has been a huge part of my life. There was a void I felt that only basketball could fill. Add to that an opportunity to come back to Villanova, a place I am very passionate about and consider my second home. While it was a hard decision, I can honestly say if I were not working in basketball I would without question be continuing a career on Wall Street.” This dynamic mix of experience brings together the best of both worlds for Dunleavy. “The skills I acquired while working at Merrill have translated well into what I do in my current role. I was an equity salestrader, constantly multitasking between evaluating the market, communicating with clients, and executing trades based on their needs. The ability to juggle multiple tasks within a program and understanding how to work with a wide variety of personalities in and out of the office is a great asset.” In his current role, Dunleavy has perspective on how what he learned in the classroom helped him on the court. “I think team athletics are one of the best ways to prepare for the business world,” he says. “I used to think it was a commonly overused cliché that teamwork and a competitive drive were integral aspects of working in business. I found out quickly working at Merrill how true this is. Everything I did on the trading desk requires the ability to communicate and cooperate with others in order to outwork your competition. At the end of the day, a job in trading boils down to competition—whether it is with a rival firm or with the market itself.” Dunleavy says that the major pre-requisites for working in the sports world are both passion and the willingness to sacrifice. “There are certainly other industries that allow you to live a more flexible and lucrative lifestyle right out of the gate,” he says, “but if you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, the sports industry and team sports specifically provide that outlet.”

Q: What are some common characteristics that one needs to succeed in both business and basketball? A: The one characteristic I would hold above all else is thriving on competition. There is no substitute, on or off the court, for the insatiable drive and will to compete and win. That competitive spirit pushes you to prepare, outwork opponents, and find and give every last ounce of yourself to win. Q: What was your first job following graduation from VSB? A: I was a marketing assistant for the New Jersey Nets. I spent my time fetching coffee, taking dictation, faxing letters, and making lunch runs...and I loved every minute of it. Q: What are the characteristics you found to be useful in your path to success that you look for in young talent? A: There are three things I look for in young talent. First, someone who loves to work, is committed, and puts in the hours necessary to be great. Second, they need to be open to critique and have a high level of intellectual curiosity that has them researching, studying, asking questions, and then applying what they learn to improve. Lastly, someone who pushes, enjoys feedback, and is willing to risk failing when on the edge of their capabilities. Q: What is one thing you learned at Villanova that you’ll never forget? A: Instilling a sense of community. Villanova has it and fosters it. Everywhere I have ever been I have tried to bring a piece of that with me to make people feel comfortable and welcome. It’s an open and honest environment that isn’t judgmental—it’s real.

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Paul Parisi ’09 VSB spent his last night in the States cheering on the Yankees in the final game of the World Series.

“Between innings, I frantically packed 22 years of my life into two suitcases and a carry-on,” he says. “A three-day stopover in London went quickly, and before I knew it, I was on the plane to Hong Kong and headed toward the adventure of a lifetime.”

BY LEIGH TOBIN Illustrations by

’09 VSB

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Knowing he wanted to pursue an international career, Paul took full advantage of every global offering he could while at VSB

studying finance with a co-major in International Business, including a study abroad opportunity in London with an internship in the marketing office of the English National Opera. A study abroad adventure as a sophomore took him to Paris, and back on campus he enrolled in every international-themed class he could, including International Comparative Management, International Finance, and Global Business Ethics. He even took a Chinese cooking class. Each of these experiences helped to prepare Paul for his dream job as a Fixed Income Broker for Seidel & Shaw in Hong Kong. “If international experience is something you know you want to make a part of your time at college, I can’t imagine many places more appealing than Villanova,” Paul says. “The summer programs, service break trips, and other possibilities make it very easy to enhance your on-campus education with global exposure. I can’t imagine making the move I made after graduation without the opportunities given to me by Villanova.”

Preparing Global Citizens VSB’s global focus is anchored by the Center for Global Leadership (CGL), which is tasked with advancing ethical and responsible global leadership for the betterment of business and society. The center oversees or facilitates many of the activities, programs, and initiatives that are designed to provide VSB students with meaningful global opportunities and experiences. The center is guided by an Advisory Council of senior executives who provide overall direction, participate in career events and forums, and offer international internships. Beginning this fall, the Advisory Council will participate in a series of panels on globalization for all VSB freshmen during their first weeks on campus to stimulate their interest in and awareness of global issues. “CGL serves as a broad umbrella to stimulate and support international courses, study abroad experiences, and innovative approaches to global leadership, including international service,” says Jonathan P. Doh, who holds the Rammrath Chair in International Business and serves as CGL’s Academic Director. “We serve as VSB’s champion and advocate for global exposure, but always with a sense of ethics and responsibility for those less fortunate, a perspective that is consistent with the University’s ethos and values.” Says CGL Associate Director Professor Kenneth Taylor, who runs VSB’s summer study abroad program in Madrid, “this is an exciting time to be involved in international business education: VSB has developed enriching study abroad programs in villanova business  |  summer 2012

almost every corner of the world, the curriculum and faculty are more internationalized than ever, and student involvement in our global opportunities is at an all-time high.” International educational opportunities and global service experiences are woven into VSB’s curriculum. Completely redesigned in 2008, VSB’s curriculum is challenging and rigorous, designed to prepare students for success in the real world of global business. VSB students embrace global views—55 percent study abroad at some point during their four years of study. According to the Institute for International Education (IIE) annual Open Doors report, Villanova ranks third in the nation among Master’s universities for the total number of students that it sends overseas on study abroad programs. “Our students are consistently encouraged to view themselves and their work within the context of making a positive contribution to global business and society at large,” says Kevin D. Clark, Interim Dean. “VSB graduates are wellprepared to pursue and succeed in global careers.” For undergraduate students, VSB offers an International Business co-major or minor. “As our world becomes smaller and more complex, it is critical that our students are exposed to and have an understanding of global business practices,” says Melinda German, Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Business Program. “The cross-cultural skills they learn at VSB are valued by global companies.” As Daniel Wright, Chair of the Department of Management and Operations, adds, that’s not all.

“In addition to a curriculum that considers global implications at every turn, students can participate in multiple international societies and have access to unparalleled study abroad and service opportunities that shape their experiences.” For example, undergraduate students can elect to take Global Pharmaceutical Industry, a course in which College of Engineering Professor William Kelly collaborates with VSB Professor Doh to provide insights into an important industry sector, or Global Social Entrepreneurship, which highlights the intractable problems of poverty and sickness among those at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

improve the lives of people who have very limited access to capital. Tara McHugh ’12 VSB has traveled twice to Nicaragua with BWB. “It is almost impossible not to have international interactions in today’s business world. There are numerous opportunities for business development in other countries that would positively contribute to trade and jobs for both local and foreign employers,” says McHugh. “In addition, there are so many resources that need to be spread more evenly around the world. What most developing countries need is small businesses and organizations to give them a jump start and get them on the ladder of economic development. Once they gain a foothold on this ‘ladder,’ it is easier for them to develop and progress on their own.”

Service with a Purpose

The World is Our Classroom

Villanova has long emphasized service as an integral part of the undergraduate experience. At VSB, this commitment is exemplified by the student-run group Business without Borders (BWB), a chapter of Net Impact, which was founded in the fall of 2008 by a group of VSB seniors who noticed the dichotomy between the social justice values on which Villanova prides itself and the negative reputation of business programs that are too focused on the bottom line. The group brings professionals from socially responsible companies to campus and helps increase awareness among VSB students about atypical business career paths both domestically and internationally. It also has assisted in implementing international projects around the world, in such far-flung places as Kenya, Nicaragua, and the Philippines. In each BWB project, student members investigate ways business can

From a business standpoint, global success means the ability to successfully navigate many different cultures on a multitude of levels. And as the world becomes more globalized, employers are seeking out individuals who have a background in international business. The types of global opportunities offered at VSB help students meet these benchmarks as they enter the workforce. “Students are no longer just competing with their classmates for positions after graduation,” says Director of International Studies Lance Kenney, “they are competing on a global scale, which is why internships and study abroad programs are so important.” VSB’s study-abroad program is one of the most flexible amongst top-tier business schools. Predicated on linking inside-the-classroom teaching with out-in-the-world experience, the concept of ‘learning

The Global Pharmaceutical Industry course provides an

Chris Sobotka ’11 EMBA is currently based in Beijing, China,

in-depth exposure to the science, engineering, and business

as Finance Director at Xian-Jannsen Pharmaceutical, a Johnson

of this increasingly global industry. Co-taught by Professors

& Johnson company. He credits his experience at VSB, in part,

Jonathan Doh of VSB and William Kelly of the College of

for helping him succeed in his international career.

Engineering, the course covers current technical, ethical,

“It would be difficult to imagine being effective in my

regulatory, and business challenges facing the industry, and

current role without some of the opportunities and insights

incorporates numerous guest presentations from leading

I received through the Villanova Executive MBA program,”

executives. The class includes students from VSB, the College

says Sobotka. “As an EMBA student I went on my first trip to

of Engineering, and Arts and Sciences.

Asia, where I was safely able to explore opportunities in a very

Ten guest speakers from leading industries visit and

different business environment.” When Sobotka learned of the

discuss issues such as counterfeit medications, overseas

professional opportunity in China shortly after his VSB experi-

marketing of vaccines, and global access to medicines. “One

ence, he found the proposition was not as intimidating as it

of the industry’s issues is how to get drug companies to

once may have been.

invest in medications and vaccines that are only needed in

“My experiences at Villanova helped prepare me to hit the

developing countries when their preference, purely from a

ground running in an international assignment. Specifically,

good business standpoint, would be to invest in research

my coursework focused on Systems Thinking helped broaden

to create drugs or medications in countries, like the United

my professional thinking, while the Strategy, Leadership, and

States, that have more money to spend,” says Kelly.

Performance Measurement classes helped me understand­­—and start to shape—the J&J business in China. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have used prior presentations or frameworks from Villanova when trying to think through difficult problems.”

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by doing’ is especially relevant at Villanova. The school sponsors eight summer business programs around the world, in locations such as China, England, Italy, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and Australia, which provide students with the opportunity to gain the international business experience necessary to be competitive in today’s workplace. As the cornerstone to successful relationship building, internships play an important and expanding role in business education at VSB, which now offers internships in Korea, China, and South America. Of the students who have opted to study overseas, one-third of them also are taking on internships in those countries. “Beyond just gaining knowledge from traditional class work, these individuals are working outside the classroom and experiencing work and culture by taking theory and putting it into practice—one of VSB’s core principles,” says Kenney. Wen Mao, Professor of Economics and Statistics, is the Faculty Program Coordinator for the VSB experience in China. “The benefit to the students really is twofold,” says Mao. “First, it forces them to step out of their comfort zone. Companies appreciate students who are willing to do that. Second, it opens their minds. The experience is transformational. Students learn a lot on the trip—not just about the Chinese economy and doing business in China, but also about themselves, the difference between cultures, and a new way of looking at issues.” The importance of international awareness and fluency is evident from students’ earliest days on campus. Now in its 10th year, VSB’s Global Citizens Program offers freshmen a 16-week overseas experience that combines academic coursework with a practical internship in London or, beginning in the upcoming academic year, Singapore. “The objective,” says Kenney, “is to stimulate a greater intellectual curiosity early in a student’s college career and to challenge pre-conceived notions of the world.” Based on the success of the Global Citizens Program, VSB recently introduced a new program designed to provide students with an opportunity to emphasize and integrate global leadership throughout their undergraduate experience. The Global Leadership Fellows (GLF) Program builds on the interest of those who participated in the Global Citizens Program and invites them to take their global interests a step further. In addition to customized international coursework, the program requires a second study abroad, preferably in a developing or emerging market. “It is our hope that students who engage in the GLF Program will learn to navigate the complexities of conducting business internationally, gain an understanding of how specific business disciplines manifest in different cultural settings, and in so doing, develop global leadership skills that will last a lifetime,” says Professor Doh.

experience that we want to leverage. With this in mind, we have developed specific global experiences that are integrated into our programs and that play to our students’ strengths, while stretching and challenging them in interesting global settings.” Manuel Nunez, Director of External and Government Affairs for the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), received his MBA from VSB in 2003. He also is the Chair of the Center for Global Leadership Advisory Council. “Villanova prepared me by providing a structure for complex problem solving, an understanding of how to incorporate cultural context into my business decision making, and an ability to deal with ambiguous business situations. My executive learning experience was never limited to classroom-constrained academic exercises, and that resulted in very real and relevant lessons.” Students point to specific MBA courses, such as Global Political Economy and the new Global Consulting Practicum, as key elements of their global education. A capstone course required of all students, the Global Consulting Practicum assigns teams of students to work with a company to solve specific challenges in locations such as Chile, China, Korea, and South Africa. Global Political Economy provides an interactive introduction to the broad trends shaping the 21st century global economy. As part of the Villanova Executive MBA program, students also participate in the Global Immersion Program. This experience includes a firsthand look at international business during an eight-day

Kim Cahill, Administrative Director for the Center for Global Leadership, has had a longstanding passion for international affairs and global cultures. She studied international relations at Bucknell as an undergraduate, completed a semester abroad in France, and later earned an MS in International Business and Culture at the University of Pennsylvania. Kim has been in the field of international education for nearly 20 years, most recently as Director of the Institute of Global Management Studies and Center for International Business Education and Research at Temple University. She also spent five years at the University of Pennsylvania coordinating international initiatives for the Organizational Dynamics Program. She has led numerous international and cross-cultural initiatives, and has taught English as a second language. As CGL Academic Director Jonathan Doh notes, “Kim

Breaking out at the Graduate Level

brings a wealth of experience and an incredible portfolio of talents to this new position. She already has made her

For graduate students, Villanova offers MBA and Executive MBA programs (EMBA), each with a global focus. In the rapidly changing competitive landscape, many students are opting for a specialization within the MBA degree, and International Business is one of the most popular. According to Jonathan Doh, “our graduate students have particular needs when it comes to global programs, because most are employed full time and can’t take long periods of time away from their employers. At the same time, they have real-world villanova business  |  summer 2012

mark in linking us with important international business networks, developing new programs, and seeking new sources of funding.” Cahill was drawn to Villanova because of its strong commitment to ethics and social responsibility, its supportive community, and high rates of student participation in international experiences.

“Students are no longer just competing with their classmates for positions after graduation, they are competing on a global scale, which is why internships and study abroad programs are so important.” — Lance Kenney, Director of International Studies

stay abroad in the spring of the program’s first year. The trip provides a broader understanding of the complexities of doing business in an emerging economy. In the past few years, students have traveled to China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hungary, and Turkey. “Today’s business world is borderless,” says Nunez, who accompanies the Executive MBA students on their immersion trips. “Students are graduating into a very integrated economy where even the smallest firms must consider the global aspects of the marketplace in which they compete and the customers whom they service. ‘Global business’ is rapidly becoming a redundant phrase. In addition, companies continue to place a premium on global fluency as they make hiring decisions. This is why Villanova business students, who demonstrate not only

What was once a short program for MBA students, the

strong business acumen and technical skills but also the ability to deploy those skills with an understanding of cultural context, continue to be in high demand.” “Beyond business,” says Nunez, “we all can benefit from an increased understanding of our ‘global village.’ ‘Think globally, act locally’ has been a long-lived mantra, but today’s technology has given us a level of global connectedness never before seen. This means that now, more than ever, our individual and collective actions have the ability to positively impact far beyond our own communities.” Jonathan Doh believes, “Globalization is the defining feature of our time. It is our responsibility to ensure that our students are positioned to understand it, to live it, and to shape it.” V

“Business Without Borders was my first experience with

Summer Abroad program in Shanghai, China, has matured into

international work,” says Tara McHugh ’12 VSB (FIN/IB). “After

a program for undergraduates that includes coursework at East

joining, I discovered my passion for international projects and

China Normal University and lectures at multinational compa-

decided to co-major in International Business.”

nies. Students also complete an internship with companies

Through BWB, McHugh traveled twice to Waslala,

including Citibank, McKinsey & Company, Wallenius Wilhelmsen

Nicaragua. “Visiting Nicaragua helped shape my future career

Logistics, Easen International, Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies,

aspirations and views about performing service internationally.

JSL Car Accessories, and TBWA Worldwide.

While there, I interacted with the community, worked closely

“The life and business experiences these students receive

with Villanova engineering peers who were working on a Micro-

not only help them in the business world, but teach them a lot

Hydro Electrification Project, and collaborated with another

about themselves,” says Wen Mao, program coordinator.

group of Villanova engineers and nurses on their Tele-Health

Among the highlights of the program are excursions

Project. The projects were a team effort between the commu-

designed to impart the country’s history and visits to Chinese

nity and Villanova students. We worked together to understand

corporations, Mao explains. “Part of the students’ experience

the needs of the community instead of just telling them what

is simply meeting ordinary Chinese people. They have ridden

we thought they needed.”

bikes on the ancient city walls in Xian, stayed in a Beijing hotel

McHugh credits VSB, the Center for Innovation, Creativity

that was converted from a typical Beijing old-style residence

and Entrepreneurship (ICE Center), the CGL, her professors,

from several hundred years ago, visited local food markets and

and her BWB peers with making her trips possible, preparing

community centers in Shanghai, and visited a farmer’s home

her for what to expect, and enabling her to get the most out

and had lunch with his family.”

of her experiences. “It is through Villanova and its values that

“In the 14 years we have run this program, we have experi-

I have learned and developed my passion for service. Villanova

enced many challenges, but each time we are faced with one,

provided me with the tools necessary to discover my interests

we grow and learn from it. Each summer I eagerly anticipate

in this area and then gave me the opportunity to have hands-

this trip and watching the students experience this new culture

on experiences to not only learn more, but also to make a real

for the first time,” says Mao.

difference in the lives of others.”

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faculty Research

People don’t leave bad companies. They leave bad managers.



oes a hotel owned by a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) perform better than a non-REIT hotel? Does REIT ownership add value at an individual property level? Limited prior research on the topic has been inconclusive. In collaboration with fellow VSB professors Shelly Howton, Shawn Howton, and Johnny Lee, Assistant Professor of Finance Mi (Meg) Luo re-examined these questions and arrived at an affirmative response. Other research that has investigated the impact of REIT ownership on property performance focused on revenue-based performance measures. Luo and her co-authors, however, approached this issue using a unique dataset of detailed accounting information for individual hotels across five states. Their expansive dataset differed in that it enabled them to examine both top-line and bottomline performance of hotel operations. The team of professors used this evidence to conclude that REIT ownership favorably impacts property performance and that REIT-owned hotels have higher profit margins.

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The team of professors used this evidence to conclude that REIT ownership favorably impacts property performance and that REIT-owned hotels have higher profit margins. Luo’s research has been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Corporate Finance, and the Journal of Internet Commerce. She earned her PhD in finance from the University of Utah and a BS in finance at Nanjing University in China. Her research interests include executive compensation, cash management, and dividend policy. In 2008, she received the Villanova Summer Research Grant.


Measuring the REIT Stuff

air treatment in the workplace is something employees value and managers strive to provide. However, the perception of fairness may differ between employees and managers, and this variance can have negative repercussions on employee morale, effectiveness, and retention. VSB Professor of Management Quinetta Roberson, PhD, an academic expert on diversity in Fortune 500 companies, examines the topic of fairness perceptions in the workplace in her paper, “Justice as a Dynamic Construct,” which recently was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. To gather data for this paper, Roberson surveyed 523 working adults four times over the course of a year about their perception of fairness in the workplace. This research led Roberson and her co-authors to discover a flaw in typical corporate management: although most supervisors like to think they are good managers, many of them fail to understand what their employees really want or know how to address their concerns about being treated unfairly. Roberson’s research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Review, and Organizational Research Methods. In 2007, Group & Organization Management awarded her the Best Paper Award. Roberson has served on the editorial boards of various journals and currently is associate editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Clipping Groupon’s Earnings


housands of deal- hungry consumers visit to buy daily discounts on local and national products and services. Theoretically, when a customer purchases a deal through this website, Groupon and the retailer split the profit equally, but Groupon has been reporting the entire amount of the purchase—twice their actual revenue—as fully their own, raising serious concerns about the reliability of their accounting practices. VSB Accounting Professor Anthony Catanach’s research brought light to this and other significant problems with Groupon’s S-1 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Catanach shows that Groupon, in preparation for an IPO, considerably overstated revenues on income statements. Rather than reporting revenues on a net basis, which would have

been the proper format for a company of this type, Groupon instead reported revenues on a gross basis. According to Catanach, Groupon failed to follow generally accepted accounting principles and did not conform to specific requirements set forth by the Emerging Issues Task Force. Catanach’s revealing research caught the attention of the media and of the SEC, which ultimately intervened and compelled Groupon to restate its revenue. Catanach’s work has appeared in BNET, CNN Money, Forbes, The Economist, and the New York Times Deal Book. He also has been interviewed on Bloomberg West, as well as on CNBC’s Street Signs and Fast Money shows. Catanach’s academic research has appeared in Accounting Horizons, Advances in Accounting, the Journal of Managerial Issues, and Research on Professional Responsibility

and Ethics in Accounting. He has won several Best Paper Awards and received the first-ever Cary M. Maguire Fellowship in Applied Ethics from the American College Center for Ethics in Financial Services. Catanach also is the co-editor of the Grumpy Old Accountants blog.

Brand New Day


rands are people, too. So say marketing professors Aronté Bennett and Ronald P. Hill. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are entitled to the same rights granted to citizens in the U.S. Constitution. Following this decision, Hill, Bennett, and co-authors Susan Fiske and Nicolas Kervyn of Princeton and Chris Malone of the Relational Capital Group, decided to use the Stereotype Content Model (SCM) to study whether consumers relate to branded goods and services in ways that mimic interpersonal interactions. They found the Supreme Court ruling extends to another conclusion: if corporations are people, so are brands. Researchers have used SCM for more than a decade to illustrate that individuals appraise one another on perceived warmth and competence. The warmth dimension is based on the intentions of another person. Positive intent suggests helpfulness, sincerity, and friendliness. The competence dimension is based on the ability of this person. Able people are assessed as efficient, intelligent, and skilled.

Together these factors create four groups that position people as eliciting pity (warm/ incompetent); admiration (warm/competent); contempt (cold/incompetent); and envy (cold/competent). Bennett, Hill, and their co-authors draw parallels between the High Court’s ruling and recent evidence that SCM is applicable to goods and services, and that consumers go through this same evaluative process when responding to brands. Along with the elderly and disabled, brand names such as Amtrak and Postal Service elicit pity, suggesting an implicit recognition of the need for support for survival. Brands and social groups that are perceived as having done wrong arouse feelings of contempt, such as BP following the Gulf oil spill. Consumers admire brands and people that are seen as embodying desirable traits, such as CocaCola and McDonalds. Luxury brands, like Porsche and Rolex, are envied by consumers who perceive them as having attained distant levels of prestige. Professor Hill is the editor of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and holds editorial

positions with the Journal of Consumer Affairs and the Journal of Macromarketing. His research has been published in these journals and others, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Hill won the 2010 Richard W. Pollay Prize from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, a lifetime achievement award given annually to recognize intellectual excellence in the study of marketing in the public interest. Professor Bennett’s research has been published in International Marketing Review. She received her PhD from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University and was awarded an Aspen Institute Research Fellowship in 2009. Prior to joining VSB, Bennett was an instructor at the Stern School of Business, where she completed a Master of Philosophy and a pre-doctoral program in marketing. Bennett also earned her BSBA and an MBA with a concentration in marketing from the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. summer 2012  |  villanova business



donor spotlight

A Gift that Keeps on Giving A faculty gift helps enhance the student experience

Richard j. naclerio ’54 vsb

Barbara Naclerio

villanova business  |  summer 2012

For a non-smoker, Jeremy Kees spends a lot of time thinking about tobacco. As Associate Professor of Marketing and Business Law at the Villanova School of Business, Kees has been studying the effects of tobacco marketing efforts for years. While much of his research has examined the ways tobacco is marketed to adults, his most recent work looks at how tobacco companies reach adolescents— even those not old enough to legally purchase a pack of cigarettes. Research involving adolescents is both difficult and costly. Teenagers, not surprisingly, are reluctant to discuss their involvement in an illegal activity, and interviewing minors requires the extra step of obtaining parental consent. But reaching this demographic, says Kees, is an essential part of understanding how smokers get started on a lifetime of addiction. “Lifelong smokers often start smoking—and become addicted to tobacco— as teenagers,” he says. “Understanding the decisions teenagers make holds the key to developing more effective anti-smoking campaigns.” Often, the resources needed to complete such challenging yet meaningful research are not available to a mid-career professor like Kees. But thanks to Richard J. Naclerio ’54 VSB and the school’s Emerging Scholars Program, those opportunities are becoming more plentiful at VSB.

Richard J. Naclerio ’54 VSB and Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, ’75 A&S presented the inaugural Richard J. and Barbara Naclerio Endowed Chair in Business to Marketing Professor Ronald P. Hill, PhD.

Designed to support faculty who make exceptional contributions to the University and its national reputation, the Emerging Scholars program reaps myriad benefits for VSB, its faculty, and its students. The program helps retain talented mid-level faculty who might otherwise be tempted away by faster promotion or greater financial gain in alternative fields. The effects of the program ripple throughout the school, enriching classroom experiences and enabling professors to build stronger programs and develop innovative educational opportunities for students. In 2011, Professor Kees became the first Emerging Scholar at VSB. That initial scholarship was made possible with the financial backing of Naclerio, retired President and CEO of RAN Consulting Corporation and a private investor and real estate developer. “Like most business schools, VSB has limited funding available to subsidize faculty research,” says Kees. “Generous donors like Mr. Naclerio provide our faculty with opportunities to embark on research that otherwise may not be possible. While the Naclerio scholarship directly supports my research, it also indirectly benefits my colleagues by freeing up funds that might otherwise have been expended by my project. It really enhances the research productivity of my department and the college.” The benefits of the Emerging Scholar have been evident not only to Professor Kees and his colleagues, but also to Naclerio, who plans to fund another Emerging Scholar, who will be named this summer. Naclerio and his wife Barbara have deep ties to Villanova: daughters Elizabeth Naclerio D’Onofrio ’82 VSB and Lisa Naclerio Argento ’84 A&S are Villanova graduates, and grandson Michael D’Onofrio ’14 VSB has just finished his sophomore year. Still, Richard’s devotion to his alma mater goes beyond family. “Villanova always has held and always will hold a very special place in my heart,” he says. “I feel very comfortable saying that Villanova helped me immensely in attaining not only my academic goals, but my career and financial goals as well. So, in return, I like to help Villanova grow. It’s imperative to have very good students attending, but it’s equally imperative to ensure they have very qualified professors teaching them.

I believe so strongly in the Emerging Scholars program because it does just that.” Naclerio also created the Richard J. and Barbara Naclerio Endowed Chair in Business in 2006. Ronald P. Hill, PhD, was named the inaugural chair that year. “Mr. Naclerio has been a remarkable asset in helping Professor Kees and me elevate our programs,” Hill says. “Without this kind of backing, our academic pursuits would be forced onto the back burner by the funding shortages so common to business schools like VSB. Instead, the Naclerio family’s endowment allows us to engage in scholarly research while mentoring students and junior faculty, and it allows us to better represent VSB at academic institutions around the world.” Professor Hill adds that support like that provided by Richard Naclerio is evidence to the academic world that VSB recognizes and values quality work and that research performed by VSB professors is amongst the best in the world. “Academics expect the top individuals in the field to benefit from rewards like this,” he says, “and the availability of such incentives place VSB among the very best institutions.” Naclerio’s investment in VSB’s faculty already is coming to fruition, as Professor Kees’ research on young smokers nears a successful completion. Kees and his co-authors have identified the most effective means of reaching adolescents through images placed on redesigned warning labels. “Because we were able to learn from so many teenagers who are faced with smoking decisions, we have been able to construct a best-practices model that will help the public health community prevent these young individuals from getting started on the path to addiction.” For his part, Naclerio is content to know he can assist VSB in a way that is felt immediately and that he plays a crucial role in helping advance the careers of the school’s most valuable asset. “My hope for the recipients of my award,” he says, “is that they live up to their abilities, and a little beyond, so that Villanova shows the world that we are here to stay and that we’re only going to get better. My family and I are proud to be a part of The Augustinian Tradition; Veritas, Unitas, Caritas.” V —by Chris Nicholson

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A Day with American Express CMO John Hayes Last fall, instead of picking

When I arrived at Mr. Hayes’ office,

up her backpack and heading to

one of the first things that caught my

class at Villanova, senior marketing

attention was the collegial and friendly

major Stephanie Householder picked

environment. Mr. Hayes noted how

up her briefcase and headed to New

he is always interested in new ideas

York City for the day. As part of a

from his team, and there seemed to

professional development opportunity

be a prevailing belief that good ideas

arranged by the Clay Center at VSB,

can come from anyone, anywhere in

Householder had a chance to shadow

the company.

John Hayes, Chief Marketing Officer of

During the creative meetings I sat in

As my day with Mr. Hayes continued, I began to understand that American

American Express and a VSB parent.

on, there was considerable discussion

Express was more than simply a

Householder was recommended

about how American Express is creating

payments company. When you have

by her marketing professors for

value for their customers. Each topic

an American Express card, you’re a

participation in this once-in-a-lifetime

related to how a certain initiative would

“member.” As more and more projects

experience. As Stephanie relates, the

develop a deeper experience with the

were pitched at meetings, the common

experience helped her determine the

American Express brand. Each of

topic of discussion was brand interac-

first step in her career after graduation.

the initiatives discussed weren’t just

tion. I received a firsthand look at how

about enhancing the experience with

American Express seeks to continue

the brand, but also about showing

to develop a personal connection with

American Express’ commitment to

its customers. I realized that I want to

service, integrity, and honesty.

be a part of a similar process: turning

In her OWN words: Stephanie Householder ’12 VSB

I’ve often perceived the “working

something ordinary into something

When I began my senior year at

world” to be rigid and stuffy. At

personal and meaningful. I want to

Villanova, I was truly confused about

American Express, I learned that this

understand how to develop and

what I wanted to do after graduation.

did not have to be the case. Mr. Hayes

maintain a brand.

I wasn’t certain about what industry

seemed focused on creating an energetic

I wanted to be in, where I wanted to

atmosphere where the insights from

Mr. Hayes was exceptional. As a

live, or what a job in marketing would

his team members are well-valued.

student, it is hard to imagine the life

entail. This fall, when I was selected

I quickly realized that I wanted to

of a CMO for one of the world’s most

to shadow American Express CMO

work for a company like American

respected brands. I learned that a

John Hayes, I used the experience to

Express, in an energetic environment

CMO’s role is incredibly multi-faceted,

better understand how I could use

and for a company where I would have

spanning from the creative strategies

my marketing degree in my post-

opportunities to contribute my ideas

used to reach customers to the practi-

college life.

throughout my career.

calities of a business model.

villanova business  |  summer 2012

The opportunity to shadow


Q&A with John Hayes Q: How can students make the most of being in the workplace? A: Whether in the classroom or the workplace, I encourage students to push themselves to learn every day and stay curious. If you’re not learning and staying curious, you’re lost. Q: What role can new talent play in the marketing of American Express products? A: New talent has the advantage of bringing an open mindset and new perspectives. I remind our new hires to “bring yourself” and your point of view because we hired “you.” Q: How can a new employee maximize his or her first job opportunity and that John Hayes ’12 PA A&S

learning experience?

Stephanie Householder ’12 VSB shadowed John Hayes, CMO of American Express, for one day.

A: I encourage everyone on my team—whether new or more seasoned—to find different listening posts. It’s important to listen to customers and understand what they’re saying, what they need and want, and how they’re consuming your product. Those insights are not only key to successful marketing but a reflection of the brand and product too.

In each of his responsibilities, Mr. Hayes showed extreme focus and

Q: When it comes to consumer marketing, what should new marketers never lose

attention to detail. He gave full and

sight of?

undivided attention to everyone on his team. I was impressed with his care in

A: Remember: it’s not simply about making a quick sale; it’s about building a long-

addressing an issue before moving on

term relationship. When you build a long-term relationship, your customers are

to the next, regardless of how long it

more engaged with your product and the brand. At American Express, we’ve held

took to iron out.

a long-standing belief that it’s noble to serve, so we’re always looking to serve

Before meeting with Mr. Hayes, I had considered a career in brand

our customers in ways that add value to their lives. That’s the basis of the deep, service-based relationships we build with our customers.

management. However, I didn’t have any context for what that career

Q: How does American Express build the public face of its brand?

would entail. My day with Mr. Hayes gave me a framework upon which I

A: Trust, service, and security have been the foundation of the American Express

began my job search. It gave me a

brand throughout our 162-year history. And those qualities remain core to who

clearer picture about what marketers

we are today. We continue to build the face of our brand through the experiences

do and simultaneously cemented my

customers have with us. When we create a positive experience for a customer, it

interest in brand management.

makes the relationship more personal and builds a sense of belonging, which we

This past November, I accepted a

call “membership.”

job with a company that will allow me to work in brand management with some of the top brands in consumer healthcare. I attribute a large part of my success to my experience at American Express because it helped me recognize what I wanted in my first job.

summer 2012  |  villanova business




Sophomore students brainstorm new products and services for a visually impaired market while wearing masks that simulate different levels of visual impairment during an interactive ICE CaPS session. Michael Greco ’12 VSB (right) and his teammates discuss the functionality and design of a new mobile application.

Failure Is an Innovative Option

be the art critic than the artist. We need to be more focused on creating the artist.

Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (ICE

Just two months into her

cultivate these skills at the start of their

college career, Megan Earl ’15 VSB

college education and to help students

learned she would have to develop

discover that they are capable of innova-

an idea for an innovative new product.

tion and problem solving. As part of the

“I was worried,” she says. “I did not

assignment, the student teams develop

consider myself as a very creative

a new product or service, write an

person.” Soon enough, however, Earl

executive summary, and deliver an

and her team created iVote, a mobile

in-class pitch. The winning team from

application designed to drive more

each section of Business Dynamics

young people to vote by providing

continues on to compete against one

timely political information on issues

another in a larger Villanova event

and candidates in concise bullet points.

called IdeaBounce®.

“I realized that people claim they don’t

Before they decided to create

participate in voting because they

iVote, Earl and her team spent hours

don’t know the details of the elections,”

brainstorming ideas, which is an impor-

said Earl. “The challenge to think of a

tant objective of the challenge. “The

new product motivated me to address

ICE Challenge was an extraordinary

this problem.”

experience that allowed me to use my

iVote is just one of many ideas that

villanova business  |  summer 2012

Center) designed the ICE Challenge to

creativity in a new, business-oriented

VSB freshmen have developed as part of

way,” said Earl. “It showed me that I can

the ICE Challenge, a project embedded

take several simple concepts that are

within the first-year Business Dynamics

seemingly unrelated and turn them into

course. Hoping to ignite and nurture the

an idea that can bring change to a tradi-

entrepreneurial spirit among students

tional system. I now have the confidence

and motivate them to use creativity

to know that my thoughts and ideas can

to succeed, the Center for Innovation,

make a difference in today’s society.”


“ It is far easier to

The Challenge Begins

guest speakers, conducts workshops

mobile application industry. The inter-

throughout the academic year, and

disciplinary Mobile Device Programming

supports the student-run Villanova

course provides students with both

Entrepreneurial Society, which invites

technical and business training, and

entrepreneurs to campus to address perti-

encourages collaboration and imagina-

nent topics such as starting and funding a

tion. Thirty junior and senior students—10

new venture or running a family business.

from each college—are divided into

Students also have the opportunity to

teams of three, with one student from

participate in the Villanova Entrepreneurs

each college comprising each team.

Network, an alumni-focused networking

Students choose their own platform—

venue for startup and serial entrepreneurs,

either iPhone or Android—and begin

accredited angel investors, and service

innovating business-related apps. The

providers. The ICE Center also supports

teams create a business and marketing

the student-run Villanova Student

plan, then pitch the app in a final presen-

Entrepreneurship Competition (VSEC),

tation. Verizon Wireless sponsors this

which provides a realistic environment

course, supplying Smartphones, data

for students to put together and pitch

plans, and tech support. The company

innovative ideas that may result in new

also sends top-level executives, as guest

ventures. Nearly 150 Villanova students

lecturers, to conduct classes. According

entered the spring 2012 VSEC, compared

to Verizon, this course, along with one

to just 40 in 2011, evidence that the

at the University of California, Berkeley,

culture of entrepreneurship is spreading.

is one of the two most innovative in the country to focus on mobile applications.


Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

The ICE Center Influence

Verizon was not the only group to recognize this groundbreaking course.

Undergraduate students

The course’s professors—William Wagner,

in VSB and in the College of Engineering

PhD, Associate Professor of Accounting

The ICE Challenge is just one

have the opportunity to earn a minor in

and Information Systems; Frank Klassner,

example of how the ICE Center has influ-

entrepreneurship through an intensive

PhD, Associate Professor of Computer

enced Villanova students. Established in

curriculum that teaches the basics of

Science and Director of Villanova’s Center

2009, the center is a driver of scholastic,

generating ideas, finding opportuni-

of Excellence in Enterprise Technology;

educational, and professional develop-

ties, and starting and managing a new

and Sarvesh Kulkarni, PhD, Associate

ment opportunities in the related areas

venture. The ICE Center, in conjunction

Professor of Electrical and Computer

of creativity, innovation, and entrepre-

with the Division of Student Life, also

Engineering—won the Global Consortium

neurship. According to Patrick Maggitti,

helped launch the Innovation, Creativity,

of Entrepreneurship Centers’ 2011 award

PhD, the Carmen and Sharon Danella

and Entrepreneurship Certificate Program

for Excellence in Entrepreneurship

Director of the ICE Center, “in survey

for Sophomores (ICE CaPS), a series

Teaching and Pedagogical Innovation.

after survey, business leaders and execu-

of workshops and experiences open to

tives recognize creative problem solving

all Villanova students to help develop

and entrepreneurial spirit as the most

their creative and innovative spirit within

important skills for future leaders—often

a learning community environment.

With more programmatic and

more important than intelligence.” In

“Creative ideas are almost always the

educational offerings being evaluated, the

response to this growing trend, the

result of the collision of seemingly unre-

ICE Center plans to enhance and expand

ICE Center develops opportunities to

lated knowledge and information,” said

its efforts to help students discover new

embed creative problem solving more

Maggitti. “By creating opportunities that

ideas and think entrepreneurially. “For

deeply in the Villanova culture, providing

bridge across Villanova’s colleges, the

more than a century Villanova University

a safe place for students to fail. “Out

potential for this to occur is enormous.”

has excelled at developing critical

Forging Forward

of 3,000 ideas, only one will make it to

Last spring, the ICE Center brought

production,” says Maggitti. “We need to

together and supported a team of faculty

bent on us to take the next step and

encourage our students to think of new

from VSB, the College of Engineering,

develop creative problem solvers for the

ideas and let them know that failure is a

and the College of Liberal Arts and

future. It is far easier to be the art critic

positive part of the creative process.”

Sciences to create and teach a unique

than the artist, and we need to be more

course focused on the multi-billion-dollar

focused on creating the artist.”

The ICE Center sponsors and hosts

thinkers,” said Maggitti, “and it is incum-

summer 2012  |  villanova business




The Villanova School of Business is ranked consistently among the country’s best business schools by publications including Bloomberg Businessweek, U.S.News & World Report, and the Financial Times. We strive to deliver a world-class education that prepares students for the social, environmental, and ethical complexities of modern-day business.

VSB 2012 Rankings Bloomberg Businessweek Best Undergraduate Business Schools • #13 in the nation • #2 in the nation for “Overall Academic Quality”

Financial Times Executive MBA • #16 among U.S.-Based Programs • #3 among U.S.-Based Programs in “Aims Achieved”

• A+ in “Teaching Quality” • A+ in “Job Placement”

Aspen Institute Global 100 U.S.News & World Report • #1 rank for Villanova University among regional universities in the North Region

Wall Street Journal Executive MBA • #1 for classmates’ contributions to the learning experience

The Villanova MBA • #84 worldwide in the Global 100 list of business schools, which recognizes schools that have integrated social, environmental, and ethical issues into their MBA programs

Bloomberg Businessweek The Villanova MBA • #12 in the nation • #2 in the Mid-Atlantic region • #12 for Academic Quality • A+ in “MBA Curriculum”

villanova business  |  summer 2012

EVENTS: Business Leaders Forum

Keynote Speech: A Policymaker’s Perspective on the Economy


efore an audience of 200, Charles Plosser kicked off the forum

with a critical evaluation of the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) most recent decision to engage in Operation Twist. He believed this action may be counter-productive by pushing forward

Kevin D. Clark, PhD, Charles I. Plosser, PhD, Neil Irwin, James V. O’Donnell ’63 VSB, Lynn L. Elsenhans, and Terence M. O’Toole ’80 VSB spoke at the second annual Business Leaders Forum.

VSB’s Business Leaders Forum Unites Key Stakeholders


he Villanova University Business Leaders Forum—sponsored by the Villanova School of Business—is an annual event that brings together

with monetary easing that will do little to boost growth. “The actions taken in August and September tend to undermine the Fed’s credibility by giving the impression that we think such policies can have a major impact on the speed of the recovery. It is my assessment that they will not.” Plosser’s remarks at the Business Leaders Forum were his first since

business leaders from across the world for networking and dialogue on important

dissenting from a Fed decision for a

industry topics.

second straight month. The regional

Members of VSB’s eight advisory councils, business professionals, key

Fed bank president posed the most

stakeholders, and Villanova University leaders gathered at the Villanova University

opposition within FOMC in almost

Conference Center to participate in the second annual Business Leaders Forum

19 years.

this past fall. Dr. Charles I. Plosser, President and Chief Executive Officer of the

Operation Twist is likely to reduce

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, served as the keynote speaker and provided

long-term rates by “less than 20

his perspective on the economy. Following his address, attendees heard from an

basis points” and “the pass-through

industry panel of CEOs featuring Lynn L. Elsenhans, Chairman and CEO, Sunoco,

to the rates at which consumers and

Inc.; Terence M. O’Toole ’80 VSB, Co-Managing Partner, Tinicum Capital Partners

businesses actually borrow is likely

II, LP; and James V. O’Donnell ’63 VSB, CEO, American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. The

to be much less,” Plosser said. “I am

panel, titled “A Policymaker’s Perspective on the Economy,” was moderated by Neil

skeptical that this will do much to

Irwin, National Economy Correspondent for The Washington Post.

spur businesses to hire or consumers to spend.” On the economy, the Philly Fed president downgraded his forecasts for economic growth relative to earlier in the year. He anticipated the GDP in 2011 to come in below two percent and to be about three percent in 2012. He did not predict a second recession. However, he did anticipate only modest improvement

summer 2012  |  villanova business



EVENTS: Business Leaders Forum

Robert Byrnes ’76 VSB, President of the Villanova University Alumni Association; the Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, ’75 A&S; Daniel M. DiLella ’73 VSB; and Patrick Meyer ’74 VSB. The Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, ’75 A&S presented the Rev. Joseph C. Bartley, OSA Alumni Medallion to Daniel M. DiLella ’73 VSB.

“Employees have returned to a 1950s mentality where there is a desire to stay with the same organization for many years instead of jumping from firm to firm throughout a career.

in the unemployment rate, expecting

while O’Toole provided his perspective

a rate in the eight to eight-and-a-half

on how financial activities in Europe are

percent range in this year.

impacting banking institutions in the

“Reducing the interest rate on excess reserves, at least in my mind,

United States. Each CEO discussed key characteristics

would be a more traditional monetary

they look for in future employees. These

policy action,” Plosser said. “That

included a willingness to relocate and a

said, the Fed may not want to take

fundamental commercial and business

such a step because of the uncertain

instinct. Panelists also spoke about current

effects from lowering the rate to zero,

business trends, noting that employees

including possible damage to overnight

have returned to a 1950s mentality,

lending markets.”

where there is a desire to stay with the same organization for many years

Industry Panel

instead of jumping from firm to firm throughout a career. The panel also

With representatives from the

discussed the effects of commodity

energy, finance, and retail sectors serving

pricing, Chinese and international

as panelists, three industry experts

markets, and government regulation.

discussed the economy, covering many areas of business. Among other topics,

Advisory Councils

the potential impact of the 2012 presi-

The Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, ’75 A&S, Villanova UnIversity

dential election, how fiscal tightening

President, and Kevin D. Clark, PhD, VSB’s

might influence their decisions, and

Interim Dean, addressed the group

global competition. Elsenhans spoke

before a luncheon that was followed by

about the need to deleverage and her

individual advisory council meetings.

desire for transparency on the costs of

Each of VSB’s eight Advisory Councils

government mandates. O’Donnell spoke

met during that time to discuss center

about how doing business globally is

programming and key strategies

dramatically impacting the retail industry,

and initiatives.

future with respect to hiring and growth,

villanova business  |  summer 2012


the participants addressed plans for the

to the community that DiLella began his

academically and professionally.

career in commercial real estate. Forty

The DiLella Center for Real Estate is

years later he is the President & CEO

changing the face of business educa-

of BPG Properties, Ltd. Outside of his

tion at Villanova, and new courses in

career, DiLella is dedicated to improving

commercial real estate continue to

Villanova. His ongoing and consistent

be introduced. The first class of MBA

support has resulted in the creation of

students with a real estate specialization

the Institute for Research in Advanced

graduated in the spring of 2011, and

Financial Technology and the Daniel M.

the undergraduate real estate co-major

DiLella Endowed University Scholarship.

was launched in the fall of 2011. VSB

In 2007, he established the Daniel M.

students already have begun a Real

DiLella Center for Real Estate at VSB.

Estate Society, which now has more

In addition to his current member-

than 50 active members.

ship in the Heritage Society of 1842 at

Bartley Alumni Medallion Awarded to Daniel M. DiLella ’73 VSB


Hosted by the Daniel M. DiLella Center

Villanova and the DiLella Center for Real

for Real Estate, the Villanova Real Estate

Estate advisory council, DiLella previ-

Challenge is the largest of three national

ously served on VSB’s Dean’s Advisory

undergraduate university real estate

Council and was recently elected to the

development case competitions in the

Villanova University Board of Trustees.

United States. The event provides students

On September 28, 2011, DiLella was

with practical, real-world experience and

honored with the highest distinction

exposes sponsoring firms and industry

VSB can award to an alumnus, the Rev.

executives to the next generation of real

Joseph C. Bartley, OSA Alumni Medallion.

estate leaders. Opportunities like the

The award was presented to DiLella in

Villanova Real Estate Challenge enable

the company of VSB’s most supportive

Villanova students to enjoy consistent

he first time Daniel M.

business leaders by Villanova University

job placement success by leveraging

DiLella set foot on the Villanova

President Rev. Peter M. Donohue,

the center’s relationships with real


estate industry alumni, parents, and

University campus was in 1967. At that time he was a sophomore at Roman

The Bartley Alumni Medallion recog-

community leaders. “As a history major with no busi-

Catholic High School in Philadelphia

nizes alumni who have distinguished

and a friend of his from high school, a

themselves in their careers, demon-

ness background, I knew that forging

freshman at Villanova, invited him to visit

strated service to their communities, and

relationships would be a necessity for

campus. He said of that visit, “It was fate,

provided extraordinary service to the

breaking into real estate” said Isabel

I was hooked on VU. I wanted to attend.”

Villanova School of Business. Through

Tinker ’11 A&S. “The DiLella Center was

“The first thing VU did for me was

the recipients’ efforts and involvement,

instrumental in introducing me to real

accept me into the class of 1973,” said

VSB is able to deliver a relevant business

estate professionals who guided my

DiLella. “The second thing VU did for me

education and enhance job opportuni-

career search and taught me the skills

was let me stay. During my tenure as a

ties for VSB students while embodying

I needed to learn to start my career.

student, I knew how to push the enve-

the Augustinian Values of Veritas, Unitas,

Best of all, those I met through the

lope and the patience of the faculty at

and Caritas (truth, unity, and love).

center are still mentors and friends.”

times.” It was during his undergraduate

“You have let me exceed my

“When I was a student, Villanova

years that DiLella said he matured, all

expectation of myself again with this

provided me with the knowledge and

the while earning a quality education

award,” said DiLella during the award

opportunities I needed to develop the

and learning both inside and out of the

presentation. “So, thank you Villanova

career I have today,” DiLella said. “It is

classroom. “The third thing VU did for

University—for accepting me, for

my hope that this center for real estate

me, which is a common theme among

teaching me, and for graduating me.”

will continue to provide young people

many alums,” he said, “was to have and to receive loyalty and camaraderie.” It was with this solid business education and strong commitment to service

With a “pay-it-forward” philosophy

who are interested in real estate, as

of giving, DiLella is watching students

I was, with the resources they need to

in real-time benefit from the Daniel M.

pursue successful and rewarding careers

DiLella Center for Real Estate, both

in the field.”

summer 2012  |  villanova business



EVENTS: Center For Business Analytics

Driving Success Through Business Analytics Wawa’s PRESIDENT Speaks to Students


hat’s in a name? For Wawa, a company with almost

600 stores and more than 18,000 associates, its name is much more than a corporate logo or moniker—it’s a symbol of its history and unique culture. Wawa is the Native American name for a Canada goose, and through the years, the goose has become a literal symbol in the company’s logo and a metaphorical symbol of its unique culture. Wawa often describes its culture as one of teamwork and flying in a “V” formation—reminiscent of the way geese travel to gain strength from one another. The Wawa team takes great pride in its culture of teamwork, a culture that has translated into strong growth throughout the past 48 years and the ability to serve 1.5 million customers every day. And, what’s in a number? According to Chris Gheysens ’93 VSB, plenty. He places great stock in looking at things by the numbers, as well as through the lens of the company’s values. It’s all based on “doing things right,” one of Wawa’s core values. And that has served him well, as just four years after leaving his alma mater, Chris began working for Wawa, holding positions in the Finance Department, including CFO, and he now serves as President.

Chris Gheysens ’93 VSB, CFO and President of Wawa, discusses his company’s use of business analytics to expand its profitability.

But you do need analytics to maximize a business’ potential in the 21st

currently ranked #47 on the 2011 Forbes

is that Wawa didn’t use analytics to

century—and that’s what Gheysens came

list of Top Privately-held Companies,

become better at finance, but better

to Villanova University to talk to students

thanks to analytics.

at business. “You’ve got to be business

Gheysens came to a point in his

people first,” Gheysens said. “If you’re

tenure with Wawa where he realized that

the gatekeeper, if you’re the accoun-

transformation of Wawa’s finance team

if the company wanted to grow to its

tant, if you’re the marketer, you’ve

and has relied on analytics to continue

potential, it needed to know more about

got to have analytical background.

to expand the profitability of the 18,000-

its customers. One and a half million

You’ve got to understand what your

strong New Jersey-based company.

of them visit the stores every day, but

business wants.”

As President, Gheysens has led the

Wawa is one of the most successful

no one really understood what they

Gheysens explained that analytics

convenience-store chains in the country.

were buying and why. Gheysens said he

helps Wawa see its business down to

It has a 72 percent market share in the

knew the value of each store’s inventory,

the most minute details—if previously

Philadelphia area, is the number one

but that was essentially all the data the

they managed from a 50,000-foot

coffee seller in its markets, tops in

company had to work with.

view, he said, now they manage from

store-based ATM transactions, and sells 80 million hoagies a year. Wawa is

villanova business  |  summer 2012

That, he said, is when Wawa turned to analytics. The key to success, he added,

a one-foot view. “Before, I knew there was $75,000 of merchandise inventory


about last October.

VSB’s Executive MBA students attend the Business Analytics Lecture Series with Chris Gheysens ’93 VSB and Interim Dean Kevin D. Clark, PhD (center).

sitting in Store 269,” he said. “Today,

breakfast-sandwich product would

and assessing ideas, but strategy, the

I could tell you each article, product,

hurt lunch sales and potentially cost

art of management, staying true to your

how many there are, how many facings

the company $2 million).

core purpose, and living your values,

there are of it, what the weighted

“In business you win or lose in this

are equally as critical.” “Sharing how Wawa has used busi-

average cost of each one is, were

hyper-competitive market based on

they spoiled, was it used for the store

the speed and correctness of your

ness analytics in such a powerful and

purposes, etc.”

decisions, ideas, and investments,” he

measurable way was a great message

said. “You’ve got to do things to make

to give our students,” says Matthew

an immediate return. By isolating

your business grow. Analytics is the

Liberatore, PhD, Director of the Center

spoilage rates of different products and

backbone to all of that. I can now tell

for Business Analytics. “In our interac-

shifting the inventory strategy appro-

marketing what they did with [break-

tions with many companies we have

priately, Wawa saved over $50 million

fast] sandwiches with 99 percent

found that analytics is changing how

in the first few years of implementation.

confidence or one percent chance of

firms make important decisions that

The system is so detailed and efficient

randomness. That’s powerful. That is

affect all facets of the business. The

that the company no longer needs to

the Holy Grail. That’s being able to say,

growing importance of analytics has

inventory, which saved an additional

‘Your idea paid off.’ ”

led VSB to modify the quantitative

Access to that type of data created

$750,000 per year.

Despite all the benefits he has

component of its undergraduate core

seen for Wawa, Gheysens noted that

curriculum, featuring a new required

analytics played in the company was

analytics is only one tool for managing

course in business analytics; launch

predicting the viability of invest-

a company. “You still have to be a busi-

an undergraduate minor in busi-

ments in marketing (e.g., planning

ness person, you have to understand

ness analytics; and offer a variety of

loyalty programs and determining

the mindset of leading the business

analytics electives in our MBA program.

the effectiveness of advertising

and what happens each day,” he said.

Wawa is a great example of how busi-

campaigns), human resources (e.g.,

“You can’t be slow. You have to jump

ness analytics can significantly improve

analyzing associate engagement and

to the market and use this as a tool to

corporate performance and favorably

its impact on productivity), and new

accelerate, not decelerate. Analytics is

impact the bottom line.” V

product lines (e.g., realizing that a new

critical to understanding your business

– by Chris Nicholson

Gheysens said the next role

summer 2012  |  villanova business



Faculty Achievements

Roberson Receives the Allan Nash Distinguished Doctoral Graduate Award Quinetta M. Roberson, PhD, VSB Professor of Management, won the 2011 Allan Nash Distinguished Doctoral Graduate Award from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. Professor Roberson, who specializes in organizational behavior and human resources management, earned her PhD from the University of Maryland. “Having acquired my doctoral foundation at Maryland and been trained by the scholars there, receiving this award was quite an honor,” said Roberson. “Also, knowing past recipients of the award, I was humbled to be included in such distinguished company. My colleagues and students often comment that I don’t have much hanging on my office walls, but this award is one of the few things that I now prominently display.”

Management Professor Quinetta M. Roberson, PhD (left), accepts the Allan Nash Distinguished Doctoral Graduate Award at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.









Roberson’s research has been published in the Journal

Organizational Behavior, and is currently associate editor of

of Business and Psychology, Organizational Behavior and

the Journal of Applied Psychology. Prior to joining VSB in

Human Decision Processes, the British Journal of Psychology,

2008, she spent nine years on the faculty at Cornell University,

and Social Justice Research. In 2007, Group & Organization

and served as a visiting professor at Bocconi University in

Management awarded her the Best Paper Award. Roberson

Italy, as well as a visiting research fellow for Melbourne Business

has served on the editorial boards of Personnel Psychology,

School in Australia.

Taylor Wins Two Advertising Research Awards Charles R. Taylor, PhD, the John A. Murphy

Professor of Marketing, won the American Academy of Advertising’s (AAA) 2012 Ivan L. Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award. This award recognizes an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the advertising discipline through sustained published research. The Ivan L. Preston Award recognizes only exemplary research and, therefore, is not necessarily given out each year. Taylor accepted this honor during the 2012 Annual Conference of the AAA. Taylor’s research topics villanova business  |  summer 2012

include branding, international advertising and marketing, and marketing and public policy issues related to advertising and promotion. His work has appeared in top industry journals, including the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and the Journal of International Marketing. Professor Taylor also recently won the AAA Journal of Advertising’s Best Article Award. Taylor received this

recognition for a paper he co-authored, “Measuring SoftSell versus Hard-Sell Advertising Appeals.” The paper examines “soft-sell” and “hard-sell” advertising approaches, develops a new scale to measure which appeals are being used, and validates this scale in Japan, which is traditionally known for more soft-sell appeals, and the U.S., where hard-sell appeals are more common.

VSB Professor Awarded UniversityWide Honor Gerard T. Olson, PhD, Professor of Finance, won Villanova University’s 2012 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for

Outstanding Teaching. This award is presented to a Villanova faculty member who excels in undergraduate teaching. The Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, ’75 A&S, President of Villanova University, calls for nominations for this award each year. All nominations are assessed by the Awards Subcommittee of the Committee on Faculty. Olson received the award during Villanova University’s commencement exercises. Professor Olson joins a

distinguished list of VSB professors who previously have been honored with this award, including Elaine Webster (Economics), Daniel O’Mara, Robert Nydick (Management & Operations), James Giordano (Economics), Burke Ward (Marketing & Business Law), Michael Varano (Economics), James Emig (Accounting), Thomas Monahan (Accounting), Nicholas Rongione (Management & Operations), Charles Zech (Economics), Robert Derstine (Accounting), Edward Mathis (Economics),

Gerald Dougherty (Accounting), Alvin Clay (Accounting), and William O’Neill (Marketing & Business Law).

Professors Kees and Kozup Win the Thomas C. Kinnear Research Award Jeremy Kees, PHD, Associate

Professor of Marketing and the Richard Naclerio Emerging Scholar in Public Policy, and co-author John Kozup, PHD, Associate Professor of Marketing

and Director of the Center for Marketing and Public Policy Research, received the American Marketing Association Thomas C. Kinnear Research Award. This award honors the article appearing in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing that has made the most significant contribution to the understanding of marketing and public policy issues within the past three years. Kees and Kozup won the award for their article “Understanding How Graphic Visual Warnings Work on Cigarette Packaging.” The Editorial Review Board

Jeremy Kees, PhD

of the JPP&M is responsible for selecting the winner of the outstanding article among those that are nominated. The award is presented at the annual Marketing and Public Policy conference.

Patrick Maggitti, PhD, (second from the left), presents the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers’ Award for “Excellence in Entrepreneurship Teaching and Pedagogical Innovation” to (from left) William Wagner, PhD, Frank Klassner, PhD, and Sarvesh Kulkarni, PhD.

Faculty Recognized for Interdisciplinary Mobile Phone Applications Course VU professors Frank Klassner, PhD, and Sarvesh

of the mobile applications industry. Thirty students—ten from

Kulkarni, PhD, and VSB professor WILLIAM Wagner, PhD,

each of the three disciplines—enrolled in the course and split

received the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers’

into ten teams of three. To promote and inspire interdisciplinary

Award for “Excellence in Entrepreneurship Teaching and

collaboration within the teams, each group was comprised of

Pedagogical Innovation,” for the development and implemen-

one student from VSB, the College of Engineering, and the

tation of a unique interdisciplinary course. The course, “Mobile

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Device Programming,” brought together computer science,

Villanova University’s Center for Innovation, Creativity, and

business, and engineering undergraduate students to partner on

Entrepreneurship (ICE Center) sponsors this course, which

innovative work that would give them a greater understanding

Klassner, Kulkarni, and Wagner teach as a team.

summer 2012  |  villanova business



STUDENT Achievements

Team of Five Advances to National xAct Competition Finals five VSB students won first place in the oncampus






Extreme Accounting (xACT) Competition and qualified to represent VSB in the national competition in New York City. The “Mindsweepers” team of Alyssa Mazzarini ’14 VSB, Matthew Santoriello ’14 VSB, Ariana Weihn ’14 VSB, Daphne Lam ’13 VSB, and Ali Galgano ’12 VSB, with faculty advisor Kenneth Hiltebeitel, won $1,000 as the on-campus winners and $10,000 as one of five national winners.

Assistant Professor of Management James Klingler

Joseph Mancari, VSB ‘09

The xACT challenge is a high-level case competition that tests students’ critical thinking, decision making, teamwork, time management, and presentation skills. Each team is given two weeks to develop a case solution to a real-world accounting issue, which they then present to a panel of PwC representatives. The winning team from each school is considered for the national finals, but only five teams are chosen to compete. Villanova University is one of the five schools to advance, along with Providence College, University of California—Berkeley, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Washington.

Ali Galgano ’12 VSB, Alyssa Mazzarini ’14 VSB, Ariana Weihn ’14 VSB, Daphne Lam ’13 VSB, and Matthew Santoriello ’14 VSB won $10,000 and advanced to the national finals of the PwC xAct Competition. Kenneth Hiltebeitel, PhD, advised the student team.

“Being among the national finalists at the xACT competition

“The xACT competition exposed me to so many different

helped us establish a relationship with PwC on a personal level,

aspects of the business world,” said Mazzarini. “It improved my

which would have been hard to achieve in a typical networking

public speaking skills and gave me experience in presenting an

event,” said Lam. “The most rewarding part of this competi-

idea to a group of executives. Being a national finalist was a

tion is at the end of the day when everyone involved becomes

great honor, and I feel very accomplished after all the work our

our friends.”

group put into the competition.”

Real Estate Scholarships Awarded to VSB Students

Emily Dinovo ’12 VSB

Two VSB students won national scholarships from the Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Network. Emily Dinovo ’12 VSB and Kristen Killeen ’12 VSB were two of just ten students who received $10,000 grants, and were the first-ever winners from the Philadelphia area. As part villanova business  |  summer 2012

of the scholarship, Dinovo and Killeen also received internship positions with commercial real estate organizations. “I am honored to receive an award that not only will help support my academic experience in business, but will also provide me with practical experience in the real estate industry,” said Dinovo. “Not many scholarships also provide their winners with internships. This opportunity helps pave the way for women in a traditionally male-dominated industry.” The CREW Network is a premier business networking organization specifically designed to support women

Kristen Killeen ’12 VSB

in the commercial real estate industry. The scholarship program was launched in 2008 and distributes $100,000 annually to ten undergraduate students. These scholarships are just one way that the CREW Network helps women prepare for success in commercial real estate. They also provide mentoring,

leadership development, and professional training for women in all stages of their career. The CREW Network hopes that by supporting the achievements of women, they will help diversify the industry as well as influence its success. “Through winning the CREW scholarship, I was able to make many connections within the CREW network,” said Killeen. “Combined with securing an internship, this gave me an entrance into the real estate business. The value of this scholarship to my professional development is immeasurable.”

VSB Student Receives the SIM Future Leader Award Nishant Mehta ’1 1

VSB won the Society for Information Management (SIM) Future Leader Award for outstanding achievement and potential for leadership in the Information Systems field. SIM is an association of senior

IT executives, prominent academicians, and other IT thought leaders who come together to share and enhance their rich intellectual capital. Mehta was recognized for his academic excellence and leadership capacity. During his time at Villanova, Mehta worked as a resident assistant, a peer advisor, and a peer tutor for the Gamma Phi Business Honors

Society. He was also an active member of the Management Information Systems Society, an executive board member of the Model United Nations Club, and a council member of the International Business Society. As part of a course project, Mehta and a team of students proposed new product lines and product extensions for the Tasty Baking Company, their presentation

winning first place. During the inaugural Global Accounting Firms Case Competition, Mehta’s team placed among the finalists. Mehta graduated cum laude in May 2011 with a major in Management Information Systems and minors in Finance and History. He now works as a business technology analyst with Deloitte Consulting LLP in Philadelphia, PA.

Two student teams from Villanova won prizes in the 2012 TradeKing Challenge: Piotr Kuczaj ’13 VSB, Sarah Choi ’14 VSB, Eric Chen ’12 COE, Peter Schrader ’12 COE, and Gary Dawes ’12 VSB (not pictured, Michael Carney ’13 VSB).

Villanova Students Win Division in Campus Challenge

an application before, but with a little bit of training, support from TradeKing, and exploring existing tools available over the Internet, our students were able to effectively ‘mash-up’ data

A group of undergraduate finance majors won from multiple sources. This opportunity prepared them for their the eastern division of the TradeKing API Campus Challenge, a

future demands — the need to integrate different data sources

semester-long competition for business students that provides

in a meaningful way to solve someone’s problem. They learned

real-life experience developing investment-focused web and

that the technology itself is not the barrier; the hardest part was

mobile applications. The challenge provides a forum for collabo-

being business savvy and creative enough with the resources at

ration between academia and financial services industry leaders

hand to make an impactful solution.”

such as TradeKing, an online broker-dealer, to foster creativity

Nearly 30 teams from universities across the U.S. competed

and awareness of innovative entrepreneurial possibilities around

in the TradeKing API Campus Challenge, and the winners

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The 2012 TradeKing

were announced during a live streaming event that demon-

Challenge leveraged the innovative concept of classroom crowd-

strated the top seven applications. Villanova’s “Stock Portfolio

sourcing to encourage students to develop new applications

Manager” team of Sarah Choi ’14 VSB, Piotr Kuczaj ’13

using the TradeKing API.

VSB, and Michael Carney ’13 VSB, was the school winner

“This competition allowed us to extend ourselves beyond our

and the eastern divisional winner, receiving $5000. Additionally,

traditional boundaries and recognize relevant skills needed in

Gary Dawes ’12 VSB, Eric Chen ’12 COE, and Peter

today’s marketplace,” said Professor of Management Information

Schrader ’12 COE, of Villanova’s “TK Dash” team, won a

Systems Sue Metzger, the faculty advisor for this challenge.

special Chairman’s Prize for developing a distinguished app that

“This competition required the students to challenge themselves

did not win an overall category or division. The top apps from

technically and think creatively while depending on their busi-

the Campus Challenge are featured alongside professionally-

ness acumen. Not one of these students had ever programmed

developed apps in TradeKing’s new Application Gallery.

summer 2012  |  villanova business



alumni spotlight

California Dreaming

VSB Grad USES HIS Marketing Degree TO break into the fashion industry BORN AND RAISED IN San Diego, Jack Ryan embodied Southern California from head to toe—in his clothes, in his shoes, and the skateboard he rode to classes at Villanova. “San Diego has influenced me in every way possible,” says Jack Ryan ’09 VSB. “I grew up surfing, skateboarding, and eating burritos. I’ve always loved the style, the extreme sports, and artistic culture.” That style is now replicated in his line of footwear, The Jack Ryan Shoe Art Collection, a venture he launched shortly after returning home as a VSB marketing graduate. Like many entrepre-

“All I wanted to focus on as a Marketing major was coming up with great ideas and trendy ad campaigns. I now realize why my VSB teachers were so focused on aspects of marketing aside from the creative,” Jack Ryan ’09 VSB says. Ryan is the founder and creator of his own line of footwear, The Jack Ryan Shoe Art Collection.

neurial success stories, Jack’s began as a pastime. “I can

artist, but I am really good

ponies, trees, school logos,

remember when I was maybe

at shading in the style of

and so on, but I tell everyone

carry his business to further

11 years old, I would draw

pointillism,” Ryan says. “I

that I strictly draw my

heights and deal with the

all the logos of my favorite

started drawing on canvas

unique floral designs. The

challenges of expanding a

skateboard companies,” he

shoes using fine-tip Sharpies,

more that people see the

new business in an unpredict-

says. “But once in college,

and shading the vibrant

flowers, the more they

able economy, Ryan knows

surrounded by such great

colors by making thousands

ask about them, the more

his VSB contacts will be a

business minds, I knew

of dots that fade into each

important they are. This has

further means of support.

I didn’t want to draw and

other. As more and more

allowed me to create an iden-

wear other people’s brands—

people asked me where I got

tity around a product which

on the Villanova Alumni

I wanted to make my own.”

my shoes, I realized I had a

previously had no personality

Group page of LinkedIn, I

huge opportunity.”

or significance.”

was welcomed by so many,

It was on the Villanova campus that Ryan began

Starting with a website

Another way his Villanova

As he endeavors to

“When I put my story

commending and congratu-

decorating shoes, trans-

and social-media marketing,

background has helped is

lating me for my willingness

forming his Vans into an

Ryan launched his business

through networking with

to take a risk and make a

artistic representation of his

and found quick success. He

fellow ’09 alums. Engineering

name for myself,” he says.

home state. “I loved them,”

attributes much of that to

major Juan Guerra filmed and

“I am so thankful to be a part

he says. “I would wear them

tools he attained at VSB.

produced all of Ryan’s promo-

of the Villanova family. When

all the time in Bartley Hall.

tional videos; communications

I decide to move to New York

Even then, people would ask

tant things I remember from

major Allison Montanaro

to really make things happen,

me where I bought them.”

marketing classes is to keep

’09 A&S connected Ryan

I know I will be welcomed

your brand consistent,”

with Toms Shoes, which

there too, by Villanova alumni

after graduation. “I don’t

Ryan says. “I get requests

has twice featured his

with open arms.” V

consider myself a great

to draw Disney characters,

product internationally.

– by Chris Nicholson

The attention continued

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“One of the most impor-

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