Welcome to Your Fall Shipment!
I am pleased to share that we have planted over 15,000 trees since beginning our partnership with One Tree Planted (OTP) just under a year ago. Together, we created a simple way for everyone to get involved in bettering our environment – a portion of the proceeds from every bottle of The
Arborist sold goes to OTP to plant trees. If you have enjoyed a bottle of The Arborist lately, I’d like to personally thank you for helping us reach this milestone so quickly!
Founded in 2014, OTP has doubled the number of trees it has planted every year. The current projected total by the end of 2021 is 20 million trees. Our unique partnership is a perfect fit, as we share the belief that planting trees is the key to preserving our precious planet.
The entire Vina Robles family is excitedly watching our contribution grow. You can follow our progress along with them on social media and on our website.
Hans-R. Michel