Vine | May 2011 | Issue 47

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YOUR FAVOURITE SEVENOAKS MAGAZINE w w w . v i n e d i g i ta l . c o . u k

m a y 2 0 11

issue 47

HEART of the HOME Vine’s 7-page guide to getting the perfect kitchen

south east open studios


riverhill gardens


1 0 - pa g e e d u c at i o n s p e c i a l


news & events

Exceptional solid wood furniture for every room 2 vine May 2011

Rencraft Designed and handmade in our workshops at an affordable price

Please call for a brochure or visit one of our showrooms Unit 9, Chart Farm, Seal Chart Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 0ES Tel: 01732 762682 81 Calverley Road Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2UY Tel: 01892 520730






BR EW May 2011 vine 3 N

4 vine May 2011


Simply Stunning Simply Stunning Simply Stunning

Handmade kitchens, bedrooms and studies Handmade kitchens, bedrooms and studies H a n d m a d e k i t c h e n sShowroom ,Showroom b eat:dat:Orchard r o oBarn,m s Road, a nA224 d Badgers s t uMount dies London OrchardBarn, London Road, A224 Badgers Mount TN14 7AD

near nearSevenoaks, Sevenoaks,Kent Kent (opposite (opposite Polhill Polhill Garden Garden Centre) Opening hours: Monday - Saturday Saurday 9.00 9.00 -- 6.00 6.00 or or by by appointment

6 vine Established May 20111984

Showroom at: Orchard Barn, London Road,01959 A224 532233 Badgers Mount TN14 7AD Telephone: 01959 532234 Telephone: 01959 532233 Fax: Fax: near Sevenoaks, Kent (opposite Polhill Garden Centre) Opening hours: Monday - Saurday 9.00 - 6.00 or by appointment Showroom at: Orchard Barn, London Road, A224 Badgers Mount TN14 7AD




• W W W. V I N E D I G I TA L . C O. U K

• YO U R



What’s inside?

Don’t mis s our brand new


May 2011




INTERVIEW 14 DANGEROUS LADY Charlotte Luxford talks to Essex-born Martina Cole about her new venture for Breast Cancer Care and her latest bestselling novel The Family

VINE DINING 26 THE DARLING BUDS OF MAY Benjamin James visits Downingbury Farm to discuss the importance of local farm shops and expectations for the pickyour-own season PLUS Our pub of the month, The Woodman in Ide Hill

section o n page 12!

Welcome to Vine






16 BREAKING THE CHAIN London Road has some of the best independent shops in town.Vine takes a visit to 16 shops to find out what’s on offer

31 VINE KITCHEN SPECIAL Vine has collected together the best local kitchen designers and makers for our 7-page kitchen special PLUS The final part of our home development guide

21 SOUTH EAST OPEN STUDIOS Next month sees local artists open their studios to the public. Here Vine showcases a selection of work, including that of local Lorrain Mailer 52 HIMALAYAN HIDEAWAY After the chaos of World War I, Riverhill Himalayan Gardens was under threat and had to be opened to the public to survive. Katie Barron finds out how Ed and Sarah Rogers are bringing Riverhill back to the glory days Cover shot: Hand-thrown teapot, cup and saucer by Christine Goss. Read more on page 23

FAMILY & KIDS 40 EDUCATION SPECIAL Vine gathers reaction, analysis and interviews from the best local independent schools PLUS Our regular family pinboard

WELLNESS 58 SERVING THE COMMUNITY John Heuerman of the Tennis Academy talks about keeping the sport alive at the their new stateof-the-art courts PLUS Achieve the perfect beach body with Jason Crow

I hope you enjoyed the long Easter break and the royal wedding weekend; we’ve remained very busy at Vine HQ and I’m excited to be presenting you with a brand new edition – there are a few changes that hopefully catch your eye... We’ve introduced a selection of great new features including our ‘Monthly Musts’ on page 12; we cover the latest kitchen trends on page 31; we bring you our monthly ‘Readers’ Pets’ piece (please send yours in – not literally!) and we have a new look for our news pages. We’re always open to ideas and like our readers to be involved, so please enquire about our new reader focus group where you can have your say – we promise to lay on tea and cake for the occasion! We’d like to say good luck to all the students who are revising for their exams, and for the parents who aren’t biting their nails about those, we have our education section with the very best pick of Kent’s schools on page 40. In this issue I catch up with Essex crime writer Martina Cole on page 14 and take a look around London Road to find out more about its fantastic independent traders on page 16. Also, we showcase artists from this year’s South East Open Studios from page 21. We’re constantly working on our new website to bring you the best features from the past four years of Vine – if you have a favourite we’ve missed let us know, or send us ideas about what you’d like to see. Details of how to contact me directly are on page 10 – I’d love to hear your thoughts on this edition. Enjoy the issue!

Charlotte Luxford Editor May 2011 vine 7


Rare viewing at Riverhill Gardens

Martina Cole supports fundraiser

Riverhill Gardens will be open for a rare viewing of its 19th-century house belonging to the Rogers family for a charity event. The house featured on Channel 4’s Country House Rescue programme will be open on June 11 between 6pm and 8.30pm to raise money for the Rockdale Appeal’s campaign to build a new residential home in the centre of Sevenoaks. The Halstead Concert Band will be entertaining guests in the garden, and admission includes a glass of wine and canapés. Take in the views of the Kent Weald and visit the Himalayan Gardens.

Best-selling author Martina Cole will hold a question and answer session and sign copies of her latest novel during an event for Breast Cancer Care on June 3. WIN a signed copy of Martina The event at Knole Academy will include a Cole’s The Family – email Champagne reception with a classically-trained with subject pianist, a professional photographer, raffle and line ‘Cole’ with your name and book signing with all book sales of The Family contact details to enter going to the charity. Organiser Stephanie Harrison previously arranged a walk in Knole Park for charity in 2009, in which Martina and EastEnders star Marc Bannerman participated, raising over £4,000. “I’m delighted Martina is so passionate about the cause; every 11 minutes someone is told they have breast cancer in the UK so it’s important we have backing,” said Stephanie. Stephanie will be hiking up Ben Nevis in September to raise more funds for Breast Cancer Care.

■ Tickets cost £15. Call 01732 458762 or email to book

Reader Giveaway

■ Read our interview with Martina Cole on page 14. Call 0207 9603400 for free advice on breast cancer. To book a £7.50 ticket for the 7.30pm talk, call Stephanie on 07961 042917

Local business show a success The Sevenoaks Business Show opened by Michael Fallon MP on March 30 was dubbed a huge success by its 31 exhibitors. Over 200 delegates attended the event at The Stag Plaza Suite. Photographer Matt Evans said: “We were delighted with the response of local businesses to our stand.” ■ For 2012 bookings visit www.

Top tweets

Catch Vine on Twitter @VineMagazine

Our pick of the best local tweets this month

Hilariously I keep getting calls from Blockbuster in Sevenoaks. Happens every month. I hate disappointing people, but I’m not Rob.

Getting distracted by reading @VineMagazine online.... Must. Finish. Essay...

I’m just shocked that someone had an affair with Andrew Marr. Must’ve been that little sports car that did it.

@ KatieMcCullough

@ lisamor97

@ hollyseddon

Cantate choir in Florence

Boogie at village hall

Lunch with Stag founder

Bird watching for beginners

The Kent-based Cantate choir will perform their first summer programme in Florence. Their ‘a capella’ concerts, from May 31 – June 2, feature music from Italian and English composers from 15th-20th century. Cantate are in London on June 16 and on June 18 they will be at St Martin’s Church, Brasted. Visit

Get your glad rags on and head down to Otford Village Memorial Hall on May 7 for an eight ‘til late disco. The Really Old Skool Disco will play the best tunes of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Fancy dress is essential. There will be prizes for the most imaginative dresser! Email ovmh.manager@ or call 01959 525181 for tickets.

Enjoy lunch with Margaret DurdantHollamby MBE on May 17 at Hotel Du Vin, Tunbridge Wells for Hospices of Hope. The Stag theatre founder will talk about her life and autobiography Life’s not a Rehearsal. To book, email vanessa@hospicesof or call 01959 525110 (£26.50 lunch and refreshments, 12pm).

Try bird watching for beginners at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve for free on May 7 from 10am to noon. Volunteers will show visitors the wonderful selection of birds around the lakes from the reserve’s hides. Contact John on 01959 532364 for weekend outings or Nick on 01732 762816 for weekday trips.

8 vine May 2011

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Businessman helps fellow traders

Mariusz Kaldowski exhibits at Knole

Local businessman Martin Cozens has launched a campaign to promote the independent traders of London Road, despite the increasing number of shop closures in Sevenoaks. Martin’s Pronto bagel shop on London Road is a popular lunchtime haunt, but not every trader in Sevenoaks is doing so well. With more shops closing down in the high street, Martin wanted to club together with other traders to maintain London Road as a thriving community hub. Martin said: “If you want to see the true home of independent traders in Sevenoaks, just take a look at London Road. There are so many fantastic shops here and many people don’t realise how good they are; each one has its little secrets or gems of information.” Martin says that many of the London Road shops are overlooked, not just by shoppers in favour of the chain stores in town, but also when it comes to publicity. He said: “A good example is Bligh’s Meadow – they get all the attention at Christmas – so I wanted to set up an affordable publicity scheme exclusively for London Road traders so we can keep shoppers in town – it’s surprising what you can get here in Sevenoaks.” Stuart Wallinger of Sevenoaks Art Shop commented: “I think that what Martin is doing for the traders in London Road is admirable.”

Westerham-based artist Mariusz Kaldowski will be exhibiting a series of paintings of National Trust properties from May 17 to June 12. The exhibition in Knole’s orangery will consist of some two dozen views of Knole and neighbouring southeastern properties. Kaldowski was artist in residence at Regent’s Park, London and received first prize for ‘capturing the spirit’ of Holland Park, London in 2002. “Every new encounter with a different National Trust property or garden was full of excitement and revelation. Their magnificence and inspiration was amazing.” n Visit for more information


01732 760823 Email: Vine Publishing Ltd 3A Lakeview Stables, St Clere, Heaverham, Sevenoaks Kent TN15 6NL

EDITOR Charlotte Luxford t: 01732 764508 HEAD OF DESIGN Christopher Porter DESIGNER Justin Kemp MARKETING EXECUTIVES Nic Lapham Valentina Osborn WEB DEVELOPER Celine Cozler

n Read our feature on the secrets of the London Road traders on page 16

Summer Festival

Send us your stories Email your interesting and exciting stories, snippets and pictures to hello@ or call the news desk directly on 01732 760823 and you could see your story in print

Sevenoaks Summer Festival is coming soon! Enjoy the festival fair, celebrity concerts, exhibitions, comedy, dance and drama, music, open days, talks and walks from June 18 – July 3. Full listings at

Vets go far for charity

Get to know H G Wells

Enjoy the Great Comp Music Festival played in the outbuildings of the garden’s 17th-century manor house in Borough Green. The festival starts July 3 and concerts occur each weekend throughout July. Highlights include string quartet repertoires and Peter Medhurst’s talk on Vauxhall’s 18thcentury Pleasure Gardens. Call 01732 453 240.

Two vets are planning to walk 62 miles in 30 hours over the South Downs for Oxfam and The Gurkha Welfare Trust. Andy Green and Pete van Dongen from Pennard Veterinary Group are doing Trailwalker UK 2011 in July with two friends and need to raise £1,500. Visit trailwalker2011.

See H G Wells’ tooth, among other fascinating things, at ‘The Different Worlds of H G Wells’ exhibition, on at Sevenoaks Museum until June 30. Learn about this famous writer who stayed in Sevenoaks while writing his first novel The Time Machine. Find out about where he lived, his contemporaries and the issues of the day.

SUB EDITOR Amanda Hayden

VINE PUBLISHING LTD PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Owen Hunnam t: 01732 764509 CHIEF EXECUTIVE Charlie de Rusett t: 01732 764501

Vine is published monthly in the UK by Vine Publishing Ltd. (Company reg no: 7195338) with a total circulation of 15,000. 8,500 land on the doormats of selected Sevenoaks households. An additional 6,500 are available through our extensive distribution network of over 150 pick-up points across the district. Printed in the UK by Acorn Web Ltd. Please recycle Vine.

H G Wells and his first novel The Time Machine


Great Comp Music Festival

10 vine May 2011


we’d love to hear from you

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions relating to advertising or editorial in Vine. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher. © 2011. All rights reserved.

Dreams that take shape At Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks we have over 30 years of experience in designing both contemporary and traditional kitchens. Choose from innovative features and inspiring technology to make your kitchen dream come true. Showroom Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00-5.00 Saturday 9.00-3.00 Closed Wednesday and Sunday

118 London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1BA Email:

01732 741100 May 2011 vine 11

MUST-VISIT A major exhibition of 150 works by one of the greatest 20th-century artists, John Piper, reveals the artist’s love and fascination for the local landscape. The Mascalls Gallery in Paddock Wood has been working with Tunbridge Wells Museum and Art Gallery and The National Trust property Scotney Castle in Lamberhurst to present the exhibition ‘John Piper in Kent and Sussex’ across the three venues running until May 21. If you can’t make the exhibition, Sevenoaks Bookshop will be stocking the fully illustrated catalogue.

May 2011


MUSTS A roundup of trends, what’s new and must-have buys from your local area



The sun is finally shining and it’s time to bare all – including your feet! Spruce them up with Nails Inc.’s limited edition ‘Porchester Place’ polish, part of their London range (£11 and then dress up with jewelled sandals by Day Birger et Mikkelsen or Fonnesberg’s studded navy gladiator sandals for everyday wear, both from Tommelise, Sevenoaks 01732 458 247

Early in the Morning is the beautiful debut album from Irish singer-songwriter James Vincent McMorrow. Rightly compared to Bon Iver and Damien Rice, his tales of heartbreak and disillusionment create a sound all of his own. Borrowing from traditional folk themes this is a perfect listen for a sunny afternoon. Alternatively try Paper Airplane by Alison Krauss & Union Station, a breathtakingly-crafted album bridging the gap between roots, bluegrass and country. Available from Compact Disc, Sevenoaks 01732 740889

MUST-READ This delightful Great Food series by Penguin covers 400 years of the finest food writing in 20 titles designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith. Greats like Isabella Beeton, Elizabeth David, Agnes Jekyll and Alice B. Toklas cover everything from ‘Domestic Happiness’ to ‘Murder in the Kitchen’. Sevenoaks Bookshop is offering these at three for the price of two this month.

MUST-SEE The loveable rogue Captain Jack Sparrow finds himself on an unexpected adventure in Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides and he doesn’t know who to fear more: the formidable pirate Blackbeard or the ruthless woman from his past. There’s fun for all the family in this swashbuckling adventure. P.S. Did you know that part of this film was filmed at Knole? See it at The Stag Cinema from May 18.

Props on set at Knole

12 vine May 2011

MUST-TASTE Dale Bentley, who you may know from Rafferty’s Café, is due to open a fantastic delicatessen on Hollybush Lane offering the best local, organic and fairtrade produce. At Deli on the Lane you can expect to find the best of artisan cheese, British-cured meats, craft beer and wine, home-made chutneys, free-range patés, Kentish juices and also gluten and dairyfree products. Now it’s perfect picnic weather, try one of Dale’s deluxe hampers which can be bought ready-made or customise it yourself. Our flexible service includes: Airports and ferry ports Local and long-distance New business accounts welcome Executive cars available MPVs and up to 8 seaters Pre-bookings taken 24/7

We are always here for you Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week We accept cash, cheques and credit cards

Need a reliable punctual and friendly service? Then get ready to book your taxi with us

Tried the rest? Now try the best! May 2011 vine 13



As an Essex girl born and bred, Martina Cole’s best-selling gritty crime novels are based in the heart of London’s gangland. While this feisty and successful woman has moved to the quieter pastures of Ightham, Martina is still in full force; she's writing a new novel, her books are now Sky One dramas and she's an avid campaigner and fundraiser. Her latest venture is for Breast Cancer Care, which she will speak frankly about at Knole Academy on June 3, along with her latest best-selling novel, The Family So I hear your book The Runaway is showing on Sky One? Yes, it’s still running now (the series started on March 31) and it’s got a great cast; Alan Cumming (The Good Wife, X-Men) is a fantastic actor. My book The Take was previously done by Sky a few years ago and the plan is to get them all dramatised. How realistic are your stories; do you base them on real-life events you’ve encountered? I do a lot of research, but they’re not about me! I often have contacts who help me with my research and I get so many letters, mainly women, telling the stories of their own lives, but I write my own material. They are all completely fake characters yet so many people assume that they are based on my own relationships and real people. At book signings people will often come up to me asking if I really knew so-and-so family mentioned in the book. I try and capture people’s imaginations with my stories and that’s all they are – stories. Just because I write it, doesn’t mean I lived it – I mean, you wouldn’t presume that Stephen King was a murderer would you? You have a lot of strong women in your books; how did you cope with being a single mother yourself? When I first had my son Chris at 19, times were tough – it was hard being pregnant because of the stigma and we lived in a bedsit, but we got by and I worked hard. A lot of women are left on their own and it’s often through no fault of their own; many women have lost their husbands so it’s not just single women. I support the work of Gingerbread, which campaigns for single parent families, and I’m also a patron of Women’s Aid. A lot of the women in my novels face huge dilemmas and are often stuck in the midst of a man’s world and while my books have violence

14 vine May 2011

in them, they send out anti-violent messages, where the baddies get their comeuppance and women always come out on top.

and I believe the written word is powerfully important – I know a lot of single mothers use them as I did.

Do you often find that as female crime writer you come up against criticism for the violence in your novels? I think there's prejudice against most women. There always will be and always has been. It’s a man’s world and my job is very maleorientated. I think men are often scared by my writing; I remember one man telling me how he and his mates were all talking about my book down the pub and said: “All of us were of the same opinion: that you know too much about us men and about how we think.”

Why have you decided to support the Breast Cancer Care event? I was really inspired by local campaigner Stephanie Harrison who is organising the event – I’ve been supporting her for a long time now and she’s been on an uphill struggle. She’s a real survivor and I admire her energy. We did a charity walk a few years back to raise money and I hope this event will help raise money for breast cancer – it’s such an important cause and I have had cancer in my family so I know what it means to people. Personally I think it’s wrong that we have to raise money at all – we shouldn’t have to.

You focus on the criminal world rather than writing through the eyes of the police as many crime novelists do – what’s your view of the prison system? Often you get loads of the newspapers writing about how they live the life of Riley in there and it’s not true. While they’re in there for a reason, often they go out worse than when they went in – many should at least receive a basic education and a large amount of them can’t read. I’ve done quite a few prison workshops to help them with creative writing at the big ones like Belmarsh. You campaign a lot for community services, especially libraries and theatres, why do you believe it’s important? I think community is important and Sevenoaks especially has a great identity. It’s important to give youngsters things to do too; The Stag does a great job but it had to fight to stay open. I’ve campaigned to keep libraries open too; I mean why would you shut your local library? If you suggested shutting all the restaurants, people would be outraged then! It’s a basic human right that people can read

Where are your favourite places to go in Sevenoaks? I love to go to the George and Dragon in Ightham and sometimes Crown Point for Sunday Lunch. Best of all I like the market on a Saturday; you’ll often see me pottering around Sevenoaks Bookshop, the fish stall, the local butchers and Nonna Cappuccini's does the best hot chocolate ever. It’s sad to see all the empty shops though, everything seems to be turning into fast food places. It’s all become very Americanised and so many of the chains are like cannibals, eating away at independent retailers and ruining our high streets. What would be your last supper? It would have to be something like Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yeah, something really greasy – and then a cream cake and a cigar. n To book a ticket for the 7.30pm talk, call Stephanie Harrison on 07961 042917. For the Breast Cancer Care helpline call 0207 9603400

LOUNGE49 Latin Vibes and showcase wine every week in May. Lounge 49 Presents Salsa night on May 28th, 7pm onwards

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The Anchor Inn: For a real good old fashioned pub right on your doorstep, look no further than The Anchor. Known particularly for their entertainment, they have live music events on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and also an open mic night on the fourth. For real cask ales, honest pub grub and entertainment, The Anchor is the place to be. Did you know? You can enjoy the pub’s excellent poker nights on a Monday and this pub is a real haunt for the local posties.


n 01732 454898

The Chocolate Shop: (1) This shop run by Sarah Salisbury and Tina Fenner is an absolute delight to any chocoholic. There are over 300 different varieties of handmade English and Belgian chocolates to choose from. You can either make up your own box or take a few loose chocs to enjoy with a coffee. Free local delivery and mail-order posting is available so you can send them to family and friends further afield. Did you know? You can get diabetic, dairy-free and gluten-free chocolate. There’s also real fruit jellies, fondants and Turkish delight for something different.


n 01732 742350

Sevenoaks Art Shop: (2) As a major stockist of Winsor & Newton and Daler Rowney, the shop not only has good quality materials, it also employs staff who know a thing or two, many being creative types themselves. As well as an onsite workshop for framing, the shop stocks a huge range of unique cards, ready-made frames and local maps and scenes. Its fantastic gallery holds original paintings and limited edition prints including the work of Quentin Blake, Graham Clarke and Rob Ryan among others. Did you know? The shop has been a family-run business for 80 years and renowned poet W H Davies lived on the site from1911-1914. n 01732 452551

The Compact Disc: (3) Be it jazz, rock, pop, classical or folk Martin Salisbury and Phill Drown will have it in – if not, they will get it for you. Martin has been in the trade for 38 years and knows his Brahms from his Elbow, so unlike many chain stores, you’ll get what you came for, no matter how obscure. Its popular classical section is thriving and the shop also stocks vinyl, talking books and comedy. Did you know? It also stocks a large range of DVDs and is excellent at sourcing specialist DVDs, whether it’s an old Norman Wisdom or all the Hitchcock films.

4. 5.

n 01732 740 889

16 vine May 2011

BREAKth London Road in the heart of Sevenoaks has town, which are sometimes overlooked in they need our support and for good reason stories to tell. With a 200-year-old family the Queen’s chandeliers and an art shop there’s more to London

Lady Butterworth’s Vintage Hire Emporium: (4) Sarah Murphy has lovingly sourced a beautiful collection of vintage crockery, cake stands and tea sets, not to mention vintage typewriters, over-sized pocket watches and top hats. This online haven has everything you need for your special event, whether it’s a wedding, anniversary, birthday or tea party. Did you know? Sarah Murphy is also a professional freelance photographer specialising in portraiture, interiors, corporate and events. n 07785 569837

The Curtain Scene: This haberdashery offers everything an enthusiast could possibly want, packed to the rafters with patterns, threads, wool, buttons, cross stitching, curtain tracks and accessories, net curtains and much more. The staff offer a great personal service and can source anything you can’t find in store. Did you know? The shop provides knitting and sewing workshops, clothing alterations, repair work, darning and even inspiration for fancy dress costumes! n 01732 459708

Sargeant Antiques: (5) This is a gift shop like no other in town; Sargeant offer hat boxes, picture frames, christening and wedding gifts, storage boxes and more. Did you know? Sargeant has an on-site workshop where they repair and restore light fittings, specialising in chandeliers – they have even restored ones in Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle! n 01732 457304

Sashani: This delightful independent jewellers at the top of town is a modern jewellery store offering a bespoke design service, diamond grading and gem testing, valuations for insurance and probate purposes and more. Did you know? Downstairs there is a workshop where you can make your own wedding rings under the expert guidance of Phillip Chown. n 01732 740300

Zapatas: (6) As Sevenoaks’ local Mexican restaurant, you can expect a great lively atmosphere and authentic dishes from


some of the best independent shops in favour of chain stores. However, in hard times too: these independent shops have great butchers, a gift shop that’s cleaned that a famous poet used to inhabit, Road than meets the eye... their extensive menu of chipotle, tortillas, fajitas, nachos and much more, not forgetting a good flow of sangria or a delicious cocktail. For a quick meal you can take advantage of their daytime special – a two-course menu for £8.95 per head or try their bottle and main meal for two at £24.50 (£19.50 for a chilli con carne). Did you know? It’s not strictly Mexican – they do a mean paella and are available for private hire bookings for an occasion that’s a bit special. n 01732 464545

Smart Mama Clever Papa: This traditional children’s clothes shop with a modern twist stocks top brands including Petit Bateau, Mayoral and Baby Bjorn. Owner Clare is keen to offer trendy, quirky and good quality clothing at fair prices, staying away from clothes emblazoned with designer labels – as she says, “there’s everything for dudes 0-5 years” at this lovely little store. Did you know? The shop also stocks wooden and educational toys, baby equipment, lovely gifts, cards and also christening wear. n 01732 461131 www.

The Hardware Centre: (7) A must for DIYers or budding chefs as it has everything you could possibly need to complete a job – or a culinary extravaganza! Expect to find top-of-therange brand names such as Le Creuset, Brabantia and Addis and also the more quirky ‘Sevenoaks kitchenware’ paraphernalia, including coasters, mugs and tea towels. Especially popular are the bottles and jars for home brewing and preserving. Did you know? They provide a selection of cake moulds and wedding cake stands to hire. They also sell council wheelie bins and door matting. n 01732 450363

The Find: This high-end ladies’ fashion shop offers a wide range of top designer names, including Masai, Karen Cole and Elisa Cortes and has a great range of occasionwear. The shop also stocks a good number of accessories and home fragrances, making perfect gifts for friends and family. The Find can also do wardrobe reviews, after-hours appointments, personal shopping and home delivery. Did you know? Channel 4’s ‘Queen of Shops’ Mary Portas



worked personally with The Find after the shop won a competition in Drapers magazine. n 01732 460696

Sevenoaks Computers: Whether you need advice, computer accessories, virus eradication or a computer, these computer specialists offer everything you could possibly need. The shop contains an in-house workshop where trained experts can do repairs and offer diagnosis and remedy. The shop has great deals on laptops and offers the latest technology, including the new Lenovo touch-screen computers. Did you know? The shop is an Apple Mac supplier, offering iPads, iPods and computers. They also offer broadband and IT support. n 01732 466666 www.

Pronto: (8) Get a genuine Brick Lane bagel in the heart of Sevenoaks town; from the classic smoked salmon and cream cheese filling to something a little less familiar like bacon and Brie, Martin Cozens at Pronto will rustle you something up that will whet your appetite and won’t break the bank with prices from 50p to £2.20. You can also get homemade sandwiches, salads, paninis and soup. There’s always a queue out the door, which bears testament to its great food for good value. Did you know? They also sell ice creams and you can pick up your paper here too.

7. 8.

n 07931 340259

Flower and Sparkle: (9) Lisa Reynolds has a beautifully-stocked bright shop full of wonderful flowers and plants, including handmade posies, bouquets and floral arrangements. The staff are very helpful, making it a real treat to shop here. The shop caters for weddings, including bridal consultations, bespoke wedding stationery and a wide range of chair covers. Did you know? Flower and Sparkle offer occasional, seasonal flower arranging workshops.


n 01732 741927

Williamsons Butchers: (10) This local butchers has been here for over 200 years and Gary Williamson is the seventh generation to run it. From field to table, all the meat is locally sourced and they sell cheese like Kentish Blue and Winterdale. You’ll get more than just your meat here as Gary loves to provide cooking tips and suggest recipes. Williamsons also provides a range of barbecue meats and hog roasts. Did you know? Gary is being sponsored to lose five stone by September for Hospice in the Weald. n 01732 453189

10. May 2011 vine 17

Question: Where does a wealth manager with a proven track record invest his own money?

Full Circle Asset Management is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Please be aware that any references to past performance are not necessarily a guide to future performance and values may go down as well as up.

18 vine May 2011

Answer: Directly alongside yours.

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To register for your free newsletter visit May 2011 vine 19



Air Cooling / Heating Security Alarms Window Blinds Fully Carpeted Network Cabling Plenty of Private Parking Lullingstone Park Farm Offices provide newly created office space with convenient access to the M25. Set in the heart of the Darent Valley close to Lullingstone Castle, the offices provide businesses with an impressive and refreshing alternative location to congested town centres. Units of 1,490 – 1,965 sq ft are now available to rent on surprisingly competitive and flexible terms.

To find out more, or to arrange an appointment to inspect the remaining units, please contact Karrison’s founder and owner David Robinson on 01959 563800

16 Market Square Westerham Kent TN16 1AW

20 vine May 2011

soul ART and


The South East Open Studios will see around 300 artists open up their studios to the public in June – here Vine showcases a selection of work, kicking off with a feature on emerging artist Lorrain Mailer


Works of art: (Clockwise from top right) ‘The Butterfly Dream’, mixed media on hubcap; ‘A House, A Box or a Coffin’, mixed media; ‘Winner’, mixed media; ‘Water on the Moon’, mixed media (above)

ent-based artist Lorrain Mailer has come onto the art scene with swift success despite exhibiting only since 2009. After a successful career in graphics, marriage, children and divorce, she has immersed and emerged as an abstract urban artist. Lorrain aims to create intriguing and poignant visual statements that have the power to both amuse and provoke, as she captures society’s obsession with commercialism and relationships. Her work has energy, passion and the ability to engage the viewer as she invites us to question “the value of things”. She uses strong colours, quirky balance, dripped and splashed paint, texture and, in particular, discarded objects and nonrecyclable materials, with fun and vigour. Her foundation course at Brighton was followed by a BA in Graphics from Middlesex Polytechnic and a CAM certificate from the London Institute of Marketing. Originally from a graphic/corporate background, she worked for a number of years, most notably for Sampson/Tyrell, part of Martin Sorrell’s WPP Group. “I have been able to use this discipline in understanding, focusing and interpreting my subject matter to produce artwork that gets under the skin and which, at times, can be uncomfortable,” said Lorrain. Since August 2009, Lorrain has already had two showings in Brick Lane in London and late last year exhibited over 50 pieces at Terebenthine, Berck sur Mer in France. Currently selected by Dexter Dalwood (nominated for the Turner prize 2010) she will be exhibiting her wall sculptures at the Creekside Open 2011 in Deptford, May 12–29. Her work is currently at the Art Room in Ashford, the Kino cinema in Hawkhurst and displayed at the YMCA Furniture Store in Tunbridge Wells. Lorrain’s studio is on the third floor and the entire store will host Lorrain’s work for the South East Open Studios June 3 –19. Committed to various charities, Lorrain donates work to help raise funds. Hospice in the Weald “is special” to her: Lorrain’s Bethlehem camel cartoon will appear this year on Christmas cards, with all proceeds going to the Hospice. She has held workshops for young teenagers in Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells, spraying hubcaps and other abanded manufactured objects in order to create art and build self-esteem. This is something she would like to continue. n Visit, call her on 07958 721 264 or email to make an appointment or for more information about her work May 2011 vine 21

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22 vine May 2011

25/03/2011 13:41


My aim is beauty in both form and function – one flowing from the other CHRISTINE GOSS

1 After taking early retirement from a career as a consultant ophthalmic surgeon I have taken up sculpture on a full-time basis. I model an accurate representation of figures or animals in clay or wax, and then pare back until only the essence of the subject remains. Indoor pieces are cast in plaster polymer or bronze and polished concrete for outside frost-proof sculptures.

Michael Glasspool Dibgate Farm, Chevening Road, Sundridge, Sevenoaks TN14 6AB 2 My work is hand-thrown and turned with a delicate yet functional style. I enjoy the vibrant textures and breadth of colour that comes with working in earthenware clays and glazes. I have been influenced by the design ethos of the Bauhaus and the simplicity of execution of Japanese pottery. My aim is beauty in both form and function – one flowing from the other.

Christine Goss Dibgate Farm, Chevening Road, Sundridge, Sevenoaks TN14 6AB


2 3

3 Each breaking wave reaches its full glory and uniqueness moments before it crashes onto the Cornish sand. My paintings present a metaphor for the glory and tragedy of human life.

Karen Birt Dibgate Farm, Chevening Road, Sundridge, Sevenoaks TN14 6AB 4 My work revolves around interpretation and I am inspired by music, literature, poetry and nature to which I add personal experience and feelings, frequently trying to give form to that which has none.

Ruth Dent Grove Cottage, Yopps Green, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks TN15 0PY 5 I mainly make vessels and sculptural forms designed to enhance garden areas. My work is often asymmetrical and generally inspired by plants and nature. I work in a heavily grogged clay which is biscuit fired to 1050°C then either stoneware or raku glazed. I also run children’s art workshops and adult pottery classes from my beautiful studio at Stonepitts Farm.


Andrea Farndon Stonepitts Farm, Watery Lane, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks TN15 0ER



6 My work ranges from abstract to figurative through to works from imagination. The Kaleidoscope SEOS exhibition will show an example of my desert landscapes and the Portico taster will show abstract interpretation of the ‘Four Seasons’ and a Namibian watercolour.

Margaret Devitt 4 Stapleford Court, Sevenoaks TN13 2LB May 2011 vine 23








7 I draw and paint whatever takes my fancy, sometimes in painstaking detail, sometimes looser, based on both sketches and photos. SEOS offers a wonderful opportunity for local artists to introduce their work to a new audience and exhibiting as a group presents the visitor with diverse styles and mediums displayed in beautiful surroundings. Peter Muller

10 My pictures tend to be diverse in style as I am influenced by life’s events and places, but I keep returning to the theme of music and trying to depict the thought process that accompanies hearing and playing. I prefer to work in oil, but I do find that pastel, watercolour and mixed media can fire my imagination. Anne Starling

8 My inspiration comes from everyday sights and all aspects of life. Painting is a pure joy for me and I sincerely hope that this is conveyed through my work. This picture depicts my love of colour and is painted with acrylic, as I prefer its versatility. I also enjoy painting with oils and watercolour. Kate Jeffery

11 I am inspired by the elements and drawn to clashing vivid colours and protruding textures. I cannot resist the depths of layering and being tactile with my artwork. I use various media and techniques to create abstract pieces, from inks to glue and creating movement with my fingertips! Hannah Starling

9 Over the last three years I have participated in a variety of courses covering subjects from sculpture, painting and drawing to ceramics, printing and photography. I like to experiment with different techniques and particularly enjoy working in 3-D. Mitzi Quirk

12 My work recently has been influenced by visits to museums and reflects my interest in historical events that relate to modern progress. I work mostly with oil but enjoy using acrylics and mixed media to create texture and interest. Jill Goldsworthy

n The group of six artists, ‘Class Act’, will be at Hop Pickers Yard, Winfield Lane, Borough Green, Sevenoaks TN15 8PX n To see more of the artists’ work, to discover more participants or to find contact details for all artists, visit

24 vine May 2011


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he unexpected spell of hot weather has made April feel more like August and looking around the fields of Kent it is easy to see that spring has well and truly sprung. Blossom is on the trees, bees are busy flying from plant to plant and shrubs and trees are budding-up in preparation for a fantastic bloom later in the year. Here at the George & Dragon in Chipstead, we spent the Easter break digging the vegetable and herb plots that surround our outdoor eating area, removing the winter crops and planting up rows of peas, beans, lettuce, tomatoes and courgettes, which we will harvest later in the year. Regular readers of this feature will know that I spend a lot of time driving around the county in search of new suppliers who share my passion for traditional husbandry techniques and locally-grown produce. Sometimes, however, it is not possible for our ingredients to come directly from the farm gate; on particularly busy weekends it can be necessary for us to visit a one-stop-shop to pick up a few local essentials. Downingbury Farm Shop in Pembury is our usual choice. Located just off the main road from Tunbridge Wells to Pembury, Downingbury Farm is ideally located for the George & Dragon Chipstead’s head chef, Olly, to pick up a few local favourites on his way to work. What Downingbury Farm owner Peter Jervis has developed over the past 25 years is very close Downingbury’s Steve walks me to my heart, mimicking the same ethos and values philosophy through theis as my own business. Many simple: support milking parlour to self-proclaimed ‘farm British and local the adjacent barn, shops’ aren’t actually on working farms farms. Peter where a group of situated and buy in produce from worksborn alongside newly calves large wholesalers who an astonishing are busy nuzzling source items from miles away, when often there number of local their mothers for are great local producers producers nearby. Predominantly milk a fruit farm with a well established pick-yourown (PYO) reputation, the farm comes into bloom from the first week of May when the first harvest of strawberries is ripe for picking, but this is almost a month earlier than on most other farms. Peter achieves this seemingly miracle growth by cultivating the plants under a protective poly tunnel. Unlike hydroponic vegetables and fruits grown in places such as Africa, poly tunnels in the UK are merely a way of controlling the environment, allowing the fruit to ripen earlier with less of a threat from pests and no need for pesticides and chemicals. Because the first crop ripens in early May, Downingbury’s 49 acres then give rise to a range of other fruits over the summer with gooseberries and raspberries in June, blackcurrants and redcurrants in July, plums in August and English apples such as the Cox, Russet and Bramley in September. As well as the thriving PYO business, Peter’s farm shop always stocks a range of produce from neighbouring farms. With this year’s asparagus coming into season I was keen to get some of Kent’s best on the menu at the George & Dragon, Chipstead. Luckily for me, Peter was able to source some of the first crop available from New Park Farm in Groombridge. Downingbury’s philosophy

Owner of The George & Dragon in Chipstead Benjamin James visits Peter Jervis from Downingbury Farm to discuss the importance of true, local farm shops and expectations for Peter’s pick-your-own, beginning this May

26 vine May 2011 Ripening strawberries


PYO fruits: At Downingbury farm you can pick an array of fruit throughout the summer. In August this plum tree will be bursting with fruit The George & Dragon, High Street, Chipstead TN13 2RW t: 01732 779019 www.georgeand Downingbury Farm, Maidstone Road, Pembury nr Tun Wells TN2 4AD t: 01892 824282 e: downingburyfarm@




is simple: support British and, where possible, local farms. Peter works alongside an astonishing number of local farms and producers. Owlet’s apple juice from Lamberhurst, bread and cakes from Plaxtol Bakery in East Peckham, Pippins honey from Pembury, and Pluckley tea from Ashford are but a few of the dozens of local suppliers the shop stocks. Downingbury Farm shop is directly opposite two acres of blossoming plum trees. Curious to know how the unexpected heatwave will affect Peter’s fruit, he tells me that the Elsanta strawberries, expected to reach ripeness in the next two weeks, will definitely benefit. He anticipates they will be particularly sweet and juicy this year. With this in mind, I leave with a boot full of asparagus and I look forward to English strawberries in May. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we are in store for a long, hot summer to go with them!

The farm shop

Asparagus with poached free range egg and Hollandaise For the Hollandaise 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 150g unsalted butter 3 egg yolks 1 tsp of water Juice of half a lemon Salt & pepper Heat the butter until it has just melted, Place the vinegar, water and egg yolks in a blender, mix on a slow blend and slowly pour in the warm butter a little at a time until thick and creamy. Finally pour in the lemon juice and season to taste, serve immediately. For the Asparagus 5 spears per person 1 poached egg per person

Peter Jervis

Hold the asparagus between your hands in your finger tips, bend and it will snap at the natural point at which it becomes tender to eat. When ready place all the asparagus in a steamer for 4-6 mins until just al dente. Place on a plate, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper, place the poached egg at the foot of the spears and spoon on the Hollandaise sauce. The great thing about this asparagus is that however you serve it, the result will be just as good; try a fried egg and no Hollandaise, or even try barbecued asparagus with shaved parmesan. May 2011 vine 27


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28 vine May 2011


The Woodman, Ide Hill

PUB of

the month

Address: Goathurst Common, Ide Hill, Sevenoaks TN14 6BU Cheapest Pint: £3.50 Tel: 01732 750296 Opening times: 12 noon – 11pm, seven days a week; food orders before 10pm Food: All the British favourites plus a superb selection of South African specialities – not to be missed! In a sentence: A real country pub, which doubles up as a menagerie and a venue for great live jazz words: Charlotte Luxford

A Walking through the front door you get a sense of its 18thcentury heritage with oak beams, dried hops, bone china, log fires and cosy, intimate seating, perfect for meals or a quiet pint

s soon as you pull up to The Woodman, set in the picture-postcard setting of Ide Hill, it becomes apparent that this is a true country pub. The undulating lawn with its freshlyplanted flowerbeds, rockery, fishpond, dovecote and even Harvey the gigantic rabbit, joined by two other sherry-inspired rabbits, might give it away. It’s a children’s paradise outside and landlord Heinz Klose tells me there are soon to be ducks and chickens joining the brood, but inside there’s certainly something for the adults. Walking through the front door you get a sense of its 18th-century heritage with oak beams, dried hops, bone china, log fires and cosy, intimate seating, perfect for meals or a quiet pint. Once you’ve taken your seat, inside or out, you can enjoy over 40 different freshly-prepared dishes from The Woodman’s extensive menu. You can expect the traditional flavours of good British pub grub, including braised lamb shank and stuffed pork belly and ten different desserts to choose from. You may also find the produce from the pub’s own vegetable garden on your plate, which couldn’t get much fresher. For something different, the specialist South African menu is superb. There’s the Potjies (slow-cooked stews) which fly out the door; Durban Bunny Chow (don’t worry, it has nothing to do with Harvey the rabbit) or even homemade boerewors served with spinach mealiepap, chakalaka and Mrs Balls’ chutney (your guess is as good as mine, but it sounds interesting!). Wash it all down with one of their hand-pulled, caskconditioned ales pulled by one of the friendly bar staff, or there’s a range of four bitters and four lagers to try. The wine list is also extensive with 23 options and obviously you can expect some unique South African wines as well as a strong list of European wines. But it’s not just the food and drink that distinguishes The Woodman. The spacious car park allows Heinz to attract a number of events and functions. The upstairs function room (available for free hire) is a huge barn-like space, perfect for celebrating occasions and there’s plenty of live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night. Expect a strong emphasis on traditional and mainstream jazz; on the fourth Monday of every month there’s the Ben Beddoes 18-piece swing band (playing this month on May 23) and Derrick Nash from the Jools Holland band makes an appearance at the pub regularly.

On July 17 the pub is holding a special all-day event to raise money for the Variety Children’s Hospital, King’s College Hospital London. The reason for the event is that two of the pub’s regular customers, Mark and Lindsay Hobson, have a son called Joshua who was diagnosed with cysts on his lungs at the 20-week scan. “Little Joshua’s expanding lung was compromising his heart and pushing it over onto the wrong side of his body, so in March Joshua underwent 7.5 hours of surgery and has since responded very well to the care and treatment he received from the hospital,” said Heinz. “Mark and Lindsay want to give something back to the hospital, having provided them with amazing support and giving their son a second chance to live a normal life.” On the day there will be a barbecue, three local bands – Hush, Coupe De Ville and Wasted. There will be a raffle, tombola, an auction, face-painting and other activities. In the early evening there will be a Zumba cabaret. n

The Woodman dates back to the 18th-century May 2011 vine 29


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freedom IS KEY The best way to keep your kitchen timeless and onbudget is with freestanding furniture. It’s flexible, it tends not to date and it means you don’t have to rip out your entire kitchen when you want a change. Good quality, handcrafted pieces are better investments – let your accessories do the talking when it comes to colour and keep things neutral with the furniture, like this Dower House Dresser from The Kitchen Dresser Company.

Vine brings you kitchen trends, inspired buys and the best selection of local suppliers around in our seven-page kitchen special, covering everything from complex 17th-century kitchens to the best modern appliances



One of the best things about the 50s revival is its bold floral prints, which can easily be injected into the kitchen. Local textile designer Caroline Gray’s Marimekko-inspired prints are great for big impact or try Sanderson’s Dandelion dinnerware (from £16) from House of Fraser for more subtlety.

Hot colours for 2011 are tangerine and teal. A great way of juxtaposing these two vibrant colours is with Farrow & Ball’s ‘Chinese Blue’ paint from Brewers, Sevenoaks on an accented wall with tangerine accessories. You can’t go wrong with Le Creuset’s cast iron cookware in ‘Volcanic’ orange from the Hardware Centre on Sevenoaks High Street. www. www.

PLAYTIME Release your innerchild with quirky kitchen accessories like this handmade aluminium ‘Cow’ coffee machine by the Barcelona company Ascaso (£619.95). These stacking ‘Doll’ mugs (£15 for the set) from Maxwell & Williams are also great fun – your kids will appreciate them anyway. Both from Myrrh in Sevenoaks.

INSPIRED BUYS Get the look from our featured kitchens on the following pages of our kitchen special Unique light fittings: Go to a salvage yard or antique shop for something quirky like Justine Docherty’s mining light, or get a more contemporary look such as Katie Lee-Amies’ with this simple fitting Painted kitchen units: The painted kitchen is very on trend and you can repaint it when you want to freshen up your kitchen – a great compromise when you have fitted units The island: Great for creating extra space and storage – go for a timeless oak island to contrast with painted units Perfectly British: Traditional British accessories to complete the English manor house look are always winners

(top to bottom) Brass mining light, Justine’s own; Bone china teardrop light, £130 John Lewis www.johnlewis. com; Painted cabinet door and kitchen island, P.O.A Rencraft; Stipple Kent blue 1/2 pint mug, £19.95 Emma Bridgewater www. May 2011 vine 31



The kitchen is the heart of any home and therefore choosing the right kitchen company is paramount. Charlotte Luxford speaks to three women who wanted very different kitchens, yet their experiences with established company Rencraft are the same – superb quality, good value and a personal service, leaving them all very happy customers


s I pull up to Justine Docherty’s house in the quiet Weald area, the first thing that hits me is the breathtaking view. Justine peers around the corner, busy with her gardener – one of the many ongoing projects at the Docherty’s new home. The Dochertys, Justine and her husband Adrian and their children Lucy and Robin, finally moved into the fourbedroom house in August last year, after it had undergone dramatic building work to create a ‘New England-style’ home. One part of the house that is finally complete is the absolutely stunning kitchen – it totally epitomises the heart of the home. She said: “I knew what I wanted and did a lot of research – I went to the top kitchen companies in London, but I felt they all looked the same. I found Rencraft, eventually, located in Seal Chart and I really wanted to support a local business as my father had one. It was great to have them just down the road, so if I wanted to pop to the workshop or have them come and see me about any issues it was really

32 vine May 2011

convenient. John and Steve were easy to work with; they actually listened to me and made suggestions that nobody else did.” “I wanted an L-shaped kitchen and decided to knock through into one of the rooms. I didn’t want a dining room as we don’t really do formal dinners. Because of the way the kitchen is laid out, my friends can sit on the sofas, relax and soak up the countryside view, and I can talk to them while I cook. Everything just works and has its place – there’s storage for everything, from all of my baking stuff and the kids’ plastic pieces, to my cake plates and spices. I just love my kitchen!” Justine strived for a kitchen that would remain “timeless” and worked with Rencraft to realise her dream. The distressed oak island she chose works perfectly as a central worksurface, fitting in with her love of baking and cooking, and Rencraft planned the new extended space around her impressive threemetre oak dining table. John and Steve worked with Justine to create bespoke painted units: “Rencraft had doors with beading, but it wasn’t quite what I wanted, so they customised

the style to make it perfect.” These tie in perfectly with a selection of free-standing pieces of furniture and a colour scheme of ‘Pavilion grey’ and whites, which make the kitchen appear fresh, regardless of date. At the time the kitchen was being built, Justine was stuck in Australia visiting relatives because of the ash cloud, but she wasn’t perturbed. “The builder was amazing and he worked with all the suppliers along with Rencraft to make sure everything ran smoothly – it was such a surprise to see the floor was done, the Aga was in and the kitchen finished by the time I got back!”

THE OWNER: Justine Docherty LOCATION: Sevenoaks Weald HOUSE: An Edwardian property with an extension KITCHEN STYLE: A relaxed, timeless, ‘New England’ interior

THE OWNER: Katie Lee-Amies LOCATION: Tudeley, Tonbridge HOUSE: Oak-beamed, 17th-century home KITCHEN STYLE: A traditional, painted kitchen


he Lee-Amies family began building work in February this year – they had done a lot of re-wiring due to the age of the property and decided to rebuild the kitchen in one go; with a family of five and three growing boys they wanted more space and therefore opened out the kitchen to include a breakfast area for everyday use. Katie said: “Rencraft were recommended by a number of friends and offered a good price and quality for a small outfit; I didn’t see the point in spending such ridiculous sums of money when you can get Rencraft quality for such great value. It was also the only company that suggested we put our island lengthways. After disagreeing with the drawings initially, I eventually saw that Steve was right; I trusted his original plans and it’s worked out perfectly. “I wanted to keep my Aga, so Rencraft built around it and they made custom-fit units to go around the numerous oak beams. I wanted a traditional, farmhouse kitchen but with a contemporary feel, so I used a Farrow & Ball blue/grey colour for the Shaker-style units. Rencraft definitely paid attention to detail; John and Steve made me a larder in a cool, dry place as it was previously located on the wall behind the Aga and the food all solidified! Because it gets so hot in summer, they also installed a second oven in the island so we could turn the Aga off. There was never any pressure to buy new appliances though; they built around all my old ones and reinstalled

n Rencraft has over 30 years’ experience producing a sophisticated range of fitted, handmade furniture from its showroom and 12,000 sq ft workshop in Seal Chart, Sevenoaks. Rencraft also has an impressive showroom in Tunbridge Wells, where you have an opportunity to view a range of design possibilities and meet Rencraft’s experienced design staff who will offer a relaxed and sensible approach to the process of choosing, designing and specifying your kitchen. Rencraft is a specialist supplier of Miele and Neff appliances and, when required, Rencraft is able to provide general building, plastering, tiling, plumbing and electrical services, or liaise closely with others providing these services (Rencraft did the building prep work and supplied beams for Katie Lee-Amies’ property). n Visit one of Rencraft’s spectacular showrooms at Chart Farm, Seal Chart, Sevenoaks or 81 Calverley Road, Tunbridge Wells. Call the Sevenoaks showroom on 01732 762682 or the Tunbridge Wells showroom on 01892 520730. Visit

my double farmhouse sink. “Rencraft were fantastic and it was obvious that the suppliers were happy to work with them – everything was so coherent and smooth; the people who fitted the worktop said they were pleased to work with Rencraft because they knew the dimensions they had given were exactly right so it would fit perfectly without fuss. I have been using my kitchen for around a month now and the service I received certainly sets Rencraft apart from other companies I have dealt with before – I’m really, really happy!”

THE OWNER: Lizzie Winkett LOCATION: Sevenoaks town HOUSE: An extended Arts & Crafts house KITCHEN STYLE: A spacious, contemporary kitchen Lizze Winkett and her family are in the process of renovating a beautiful Arts & Crafts property to create the ultimate home, after having dreams of building from scratch. Finding a house with planning permission is difficult these days, but Lizzie was lucky enough to get one with exactly that. Major work is taking place and her new Rencraft kitchen will be placed in the new extension. Lizzie said: “Many of the top kitchen companies were actually quite uninspiring and not very good at visualising the space. John at Rencraft, however, has been great; he has drawn up different scenarios and together we have taken elements from several drawings to come up with a finalised plan. I’m going for a light, contemporary kitchen with glass walls on the south and east walls; there isn’t much space for wall units, so instead I will have a large, elongated island. The units will be walnut with an off-white worktop and Miele appliances. I also want a mirrored splashback so that it reflects the light and greenery. I’ve also got other Rencraft fitted furniture going into the study and a mix of walnut shelves and drawers and painted fitted wardrobes in the dressing room.”

The custombuilt cupboards Katie MayLee-Amies’ 2011 vine 33 beautiful kitchen and breakfast area


detail FINE

Visiting showrooms can be a tiring process when searching for something that inspires you, but that is not the case with Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks’ says Charlotte Luxford


veryone starts looking for a new kitchen with an idea in their mind of what they want it to look like, so the first impact of any visit to a kitchen showroom is a visual one. At Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks, based on the bustling London Road, your visions should be realised with at least one of the showroom’s impressive eleven displays from their principal furniture partner Stoneham Plc. It is also comforting to have someone who knows what they are talking about guide you through the initial process. Gary Bullen of Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks has 30 years of experience in the trade, based on a quantity surveying qualification, which makes his advice and insight into individual kitchen requirements invaluable. The displays in this showroom are of the very highest quality and reflect the diversity of design and scope of imagination and innovation offered by Gary. Stoneham is a fifth-generation family-owned English kitchen manufacturer and a holder of The Royal Warrant to HM The Queen. The inherent craftsmanship and attention to fine detail put Stoneham kitchens at the highest level of international kitchen makers. Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks clearly demonstrates its capability to offer styles and designs across the spectrum, whether you are looking for a beautiful, in-frame traditional kitchen or one with streamlined contemporary design using the latest timbers. Also on display are designs from the factory-painted ‘Fusion’ range as well as avant-garde combinations of wood and modern surface materials. Before even sitting down to plan the kitchen, Gary shows customers the important details of the designs – what’s behind the doors and in the drawers of the kitchens. Each individual piece is state-of-the-art, geared to maximising storage and using the latest technologies for effortless motion and function. What Kitchen Designs of Sevenoaks specialise in is a concept-to-completion service whereby Gary project manages the entire operation from careful planning through to building and structural work, including electrics, gas and water. He will work in collaboration with customers’ architects and builders to ensure a complete and totally satisfactory project, bringing the expertise of their stonemason in Eynsford and floor and wall tile supplier in Dunton Green. Gary achieves a full understanding of the customer’s ideas and aspirations before beginning the project partnership. After buying a house, the kitchen is often the next biggest investment a customer will make. “A new client needs to have total confidence that we can provide a truly outstanding end result without hassle and this is where recommendations by existing clients prove to be so strong and valuable,” explains Gary. “It doesn’t end when the project has been completed though. Customer service should continue; we look to support our customers and do our best to ensure that any future

34 vine May 2011

issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently.” The majority of new kitchen buyers are unaware of the complexity of planning a kitchen that will not only look good and endure, but prove to be a pleasure to be in and work in; the kitchen is very often the hub of the modern home from cooking, to homework, to entertaining. At Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks, Gary stays at the cutting-edge of modern kitchen design and individual planning. When the customer walks away from an initial consultation they may have a totally new set of ideas and understanding, along with drawings, specifications and costs in ‘plain English’. This will culminate in a highly satisfying experience once the kitchen is complete. After all, Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks has enjoyed steady success for over 30 years on word-of-mouth recommendations.

Something for everyone: Whether you are looking for a beautiful, in-frame traditional kitchen or one with a streamlined contemporary design, Kitchen Design of Sevenoaks can provide designs across the spectrum

n Visit the showroom at 118 London Rd, Sevenoaks or visit for more information

To truly appreciate our furniture and service, please visit our showroom. The Old Timber Yard, London To truly Road, appreciate our Halstead,and Kent, furniture service, TN14 7DZ please visit our showroom. t. 01959 532553 w. The Old Timber Yard, London Road, Open: Halstead, Kent, Mon-Fri: 09.00-17.30 TN14 7DZ Sat: 09.00-14.00 t. 01959 532553 w. Open: Mon-Fri: 09.00-17.30 Sat: 09.00-14.00

C H A M B E r f u rniture

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C H A M B E r f u rniture

08/02/2011 11:40 May 2011 vine 55 35

36 vine May 2011




Pre-Press There are so many Proof kitchen companies to choose from, so how do you avoid buying a kitchen that may become outdated, looks like everyone else’s, or avoid the hard-sell you often get on the high street? dY for APProvAl


ammerton’s is a local, bespoke kitchen specialist based in beautiful a short into our e-press Cross proofinofHand, your insertion drive from Sevenoaks, old-fashioned ue 36) isoffering attached. Please approve for PleAse check cArefUllY for quality craftsmanship s we hear from you with amendments with modern, efficient the AccUrAcY of sPellIng, techniques. Its friendly telePhone nUmbers, Addresses, team pays attention to detail and designer 20TH MAY 5.00 pM emAIl Mike Hammerton will A mixture of textures anddetAIls materials And All other ess withpersonally this artwork. guide you help create a beautiful kitchen elements of YoUr Advert As we through your plans, ms or technical queries, please contact and VAT, from the comfort of your taking time to work out with your trades people, whichever is AccePt resPonsIbIlItY own home. ThiscAnnot way you can avoid the everything you want it. who will be very as happy to help: best for you. pressure from sales staff to buy out of One defining feature of Mike Hammerton also founded errors thIs stAge. your price rangefor at a showroom andbeYond also Hammerton’s is that the Caraco Marble & Granite to supply email: team decide what you can and can’t afford and realises a kitchen is worktops for his own Hammerton’s re-evaluate the costs in your own time. a significant expense and kitchens, finding that good service was Hammerton’s delivers a complete and their handy price guide sometimes lacking from other sources. truly personal service, which compares calculator on the website Having its own granite company means favourably with branded kitchens, from will give a ‘ball-park’ the team can supply worktops direct to start to finish. Hammerton’s is happy to figure for your complete you, keeping costs down, and you benefit project-manage for you or co-ordinate kitchen, including fitting from Hammerton’s expert knowledge

of kitchen fitting and professional installation. Granite can be a very affordable choice; the price range is surprisingly varied and a well-chosen worktop can make all the difference in creating a very special kitchen. As with Hammerton’s, you can get an on-thespot estimate based on your dimensions, using the interactive price calculator. n Hammerton’s is a bespoke kitchen, bathroom and bedroom specialist. Hammerton’s: 01435 868611 Caraco: 01435 867766

Garden House Collections Hand-made wooden kitchens



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187 High Street, Tonbridge, TN9 1BX Telephone 01732 351866 May 2011 vine 37

KITCHENS B AT H R O O M S BEDROOMS Building Alterations Suspended Ceilings Plastering | Joinery Stone | Ceramic Wooden | Laminate & Vinyl flooring | Wall tiling Decoration Lighting | Electrics Plumbing | Gas works. Full supply & Installation All work guaranteed

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38 vine May 2011

“The beauty of natural Granite or the modern crisp look of Quartz, our hand-crafted stone surfaces are supplied and fitted to the highest standards. Offering superb quality and surprising value.” Kitchen Worktops | Bath And Vanity Tops | Shower Trays and Walls | Bespoke Furniture | Natural & Porcelain Tiles | Fire Surrounds | Pool & Hot Tub Edges

T: 01233 650944 M: 0781 606 3086 Great Chart, Ashford, Kent. TN23 3DA

StonewrightWT109b.indd 1

22/02/2011 19:17


TRADITIONAL CRAFTSMANSHIP If you appreciate traditional craftsmanship when looking for your dream kitchen, Traditional Bespoke Furniture offers personal service and pieces that set them apart, says Charlotte Luxford


raditional Bespoke Furniture (TBF) creates quality, bespoke pieces for those who appreciate the efforts of traditional craftsmanship. The Matfield-based company has over 18 years’ experience in high-quality furniture production and a good reputation for its professionalism. TBF’s customers have constantly fed back to partners Jason Avon and Chris Lee that what sets TBF apart from other companies is its deep knowledge of its products and the ability to produce the finest furniture for all manner of purposes. Jason says: “We believe that our true ‘bespoke’ approach to furniture

production is a rare benefit that increases flexibility and thereby enhances customer satisfaction.” Because TBF is an independent company, it can offer a premium and highly-personalised service to its clients, which inevitably leads to a close and long-term relationship. Often many companies don’t follow through on start-to-finish project management, but at TBF the staff will guide you through the process of commissioning bespoke furniture – something that can be quite daunting and complex without help. Chris and Jason strive to offer the best personal service and tailor-

make specific solutions to your requirements; the proof of this can be seen on the TBF website where they publish various testimonials of past clients’ comments.

CLIENT: Kate Clayson KITCHEN STYLE: Georgian antique style with tulip wood painted units in little green acrylic egg shell and Evo Crema quartz worktops “The most satisfying thing about TBF was not the really friendly service or even the great craftsmanship; it was that they managed to convert the dream kitchen that was in my head into reality. Not an easy task!”

CLIENT: Katherleen Riordan KITCHEN STYLE: Quadrant style with tulip wood painted units in little green acrylic egg shell with two-tone colours, honed Zimbabwe granite and full-stave walnut worktops with butcher’s block and tumbled marble floor

n For more information visit www. traditionalbespoke or call 01892 723083

“We would like to thank you all for our wonderful kitchen, which has far exceeded our expectations; the craftsmanship of the final kitchen is absolutely superb and we would not hesitate to recommend you.”

IT’S ALL IN THE DETAIL Kitchens are central to the home and therefore a worthy investment. Karen Jackson Interiors provides beautiful yet functional kitchens that are timeless and effortlessly stylish


itchens can be difficult to get right and although buying bulk units from a DIY chain store might seem like a good idea at the time as a bargain and a quick fix, is it really what you want? Is it even good value? Karen Jackson Interiors goes a step further, offering all the practicalities of a functional kitchen, but it’s the finesse and meticulous attention to detail which makes her designs elegant and inspiring. Karen works closely with her clients to create interiors that suit their lifestyle and taste. She recalls working on the home of a young family who wanted ultra-

Modern yet homely kitchen modern technology in a traditional homely environment. “The family hardly ever used their dining room and wanted a more practical space for their three young boys to play and to entertain friends. They also wanted more light, so we knocked through into the dining room, installing traditional folding doors to complement the dining room and then added more recessed downlights.”

“I am hugely passionate about colour and texture, so I introduced a mix of the brushed stainless steel appliances with beautiful American black walnut and hand-painted units. The wife’s favourite colour was blue, so I chose a lovely, smoky ‘Air Force’ blue and also cream for the Shaker-style kitchen units, which complemented the dark chocolate brown matt slate worktops and the wide oak plank flooring. Warm gold and cream

neutral fabrics completed the look, giving the room a cosy atmosphere. “Appliances to the clients’ specifications included an Amana fridge-freezer, Mercury range-cooker, wallmounted TV, built-in water filter and details like the bespoke storage box-cum-coffee table with soft-close hinges (to keep little fingers safe!) and an additional storage unit for the boys’ toys. The mix of textures, soft furnishings and top-of-the-range appliances has created a stylish, timeless kitchen that will last decades, not years. n Call 01892 618619 or visit www.karen May 2011 vine 39

THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT at In the final instalment of Vine’s three-part series on the past, present and future of St Michael’s Prep School, we discover the school’s plans for a new Pre-Prep, its ‘outstanding status’ and we talk to pupils about their own dreams for the future

A ‘grand design’ for an ideal Pre-Prep When I took on the role of Head of Pre-Prep four years ago, the plan for a new-build was well under way. Luckily for me the designing had not yet started, so it was with great relish that the Pre-Prep team started thinking about what would make an ‘ideal’ Pre-Prep. As adults, we know that our environment is so important to us – it helps or hinders our wellbeing. A learning environment is critical as it can enhance achievement and act as an additional teaching tool. At St Michael’s, we are blessed with the most magnificent setting and the architects were thrilled with the challenge of creating a building that would become part of that setting; we were determined to use the natural world as part of our learning environment. Together we have designed a building that aims to merge the indoors with the out; all classrooms have covered outdoor areas and open out onto an outdoor classroom centred around an old Copper Beech that will be used by all children in the Pre-Prep. Sustainability has been a key element, as well as ensuring that the build is sympathetic to our wonderful landscape. The children are very excited about having a ‘green roof ’ and sun tubes to capture natural light. We all love to have space: freedom to move, explore, be silent, creative – this building will give us all of this and much more. We will have music rooms, an art and design room, a library and, of course, spacious classrooms. We love sport and performing, so a large multi-purpose hall was an essential element, as well as a dining hall with a balcony for those summer days when you just have to eat outside! This will be a building that reflects the rapidly changing needs of our world yet is firmly grounded in the traditions of our school. One which will enable our youngest learners to thrive in a secure, safe setting that will inspire their thinking and encourage their naturally adventurous natures. MARY STEPHENS, Head of Pre-Prep

Head of Pre-Prep Mary Stephens

40 vine May 2011

View towards the new nursery

“When I grow up, I want to be...” “When I leave school I would like to continue with my acting, to do more on television (Ed was recently in the TV series Just William) or on stage; this has been my dream since I was little. St Michael’s have always supported me with this dream, they have never objected to my trips to London for auditions. With my ‘on stage’ acting, St Michael’s have helped me through many plays inside as well as outside of school.” ED PIERCY, Head Boy “When I grow up I would like to be a class teacher like the teachers at St Michael’s Prep School to make money, and an actress for fun. While I am at university I would like to be a waitress in the holidays to get enough money to learn to be a teacher. In my free time I would like to play with my friends and go horse-riding.” SASHA ECCLESTONE, Year 3

“I’m not sure what I want to be, but I particularly enjoy art, geography and games. Last term we went on a field trip to study the River Tillingbourne which I really enjoyed and brought our geography lessons to life. My confidence has grown while at St Michael’s and I will be sad to leave but I am looking forward to my next school and a future full of possibilities.” ELEANOR KOOIMAN, Head Girl

An ‘outstanding school’ that ensures your child’s future success Sending your children to the right school from an early age is integral to ensuring their future. St Michael’s is a mixed ability school and gets the correct balance of academia and extracurricular achievement to produce well-rounded, exceptional individuals. Many achieve grammar school places, nearly all achieve places at their first choice independent school and a number go on to receive scholarships. The recent Independent Schools’ Inspection Report concludes the school is ‘outstanding’ in every area – as the school says, sending your child to St Michael’s is “the best investment you will ever make”. HEADMASTER KEITH CROMBIE SAYS: When the inspectors arrive, you can only hope that you’ve done everything possible to make the whole process a

success. Policies and procedures are in place and it’s down to the teachers, pupils and parents. A detailed self-evaluation form has been seen by the inspectors before they arrive and you are asked to make your own judgements – will they agree with you if you judge the school to be ‘outstanding’ in every area? Oral feedback and judgements come at the end of the second visit and thankfully, the inspection team’s response could not have been more positive – they totally agreed with our own self-assessment. Then it’s all over. How do you feel? Huge relief, a glowing sense of pride, can’t wait to share the results when they are made public, tired, shared celebrations with the staff – all of these. It takes time for it all to sink in and you won’t have to go through the process again for another six years!

Inspection highlights The ISI judged St Michael’s Prep School on regulatory compliance as well as quality of teaching, governance and management, etc. The inspectors’ judgements across the board were that the school is outstanding (the highest judgement) in every area. The full report is available on the school’s website, but a selection of comments includes:

Discussing the future

Entrance to the new Pre-Prep

“The quality of the pupils’ personal development from the Early Years’ Foundation Stage onwards is outstanding and is supported by excellent pastoral care” “The pupils’ outstanding achievement is strongly supported by the high quality, broad and interesting curriculum” “The school promotes excellent links with parents, who responded extremely positively to the pre-inspection questionnaire” “Within a Christian framework it strives to develop self-confidence, a sense of responsibility and consideration for others, as well as tolerance and respect for the diversity of the world”

“Lasting friendships”

“My past, my present, your future”

I joined St Michael’s Prep School at the age of eight (Year 4). I was the third girl in my class and helped make up numbers for the first netball and hockey teams; the school had just started to take girls. Whilst there I developed a great passion for sport, music and drama – performing as Annie in the Prep School Production of 1993! Upon leaving St Michael’s, I went to Tonbridge Grammar School and then on to university to study Sports Science. My education specialism was in Physical Education. On completing this I was fortunate to land my first teaching job at St Michael’s and have been there for nearly five years. St Michael’s has been such an important part of my life – so many wonderful memories. I made lasting friendships from my time as a pupil at the school and now, as a member of staff, have formed many more – as well as finding my husband!

I first visited St Michael’s Prep School in 1940 with my mother when my brother became a pupil. I was then a pupil myself from 1943 until 1951. At that time it was a boys’ boarding school with about 50 boys. I then became a governor in 1988 and subsequently chairman in 1997. During all these wonderful years of association, I have been so delighted that the ethos of the school has not changed. The caring way the staff look after the welfare of the pupils and their continuing belief that everything done at St Michael’s is for the good of the pupils continues; that is what makes it a remarkable and wonderful school. I am delighted that we are now going ahead with the building of a 21st-century Pre-Prep school and the refurbishment of the ‘Old Stables’ to make it into the Headmaster’s house. This will be the culmination of years of development at the school and will ensure its continuing success in the future. I think any pupils, past, present or future, are very lucky to be at St Michael’s and I wish them every success.

GEORGINA SINCLAIR, Head of Drama Georgina and husband, deputy head Duncan

n St Michael’s open mornings will be on Tuesday May 17 and Saturday September 17. For more information visit

GORDON OWEN CBE Chairman of Governors May 2011 vine 41

Mountains Noble Tree Road Hildenborough Kent TN11 8ND 01732 834212

Fosse Bank School

Fosse Bank School offers an excellent academic education for girls and boys aged 3 to 11, combined with a truly supportive friendly and stimulating environment in which your child can learn, grow and flourish.

Fosse Bank School Mountains Country House Our Head Mr Jamie Broad said ‘Our school has a positive ethos which celebrates Noble Treecaring Road success and encourages each child to be the best that they can be.’ Hildenborough The importance of good manners is emphasised and our children have a reputation for Kent, TN11 8ND being confident, articulate and well-behaved.

Fosse Bank School offers an excellent academic education for girls and boys aged 3 to 11, combined with a truly supportive friendly and stimulating environment in which your child can learn, grow and flourish.

Fosse Bank School is a caring happy school where individuals are inspired with confidence to reach their full potential.

Please make an appointment to come and visit us by contacting the School Office on:

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A flexible dynamic Pre-school for rising 3 to 5 year olds A smooth transition into Reception Maximum class sizes of 18 Excellent results for entry into Secondary Schools

01732 834212 For further information visit:


Expectations Open Morning

Saturday, 14th May: 9.30am - 12 noon

Tours and taster days always available, please call T: 01634 888555 E: For further information, check our website or ask to be added to the mailing list Independent education for girls and boys aged 3-18. Boarding from age 11. Excellent pupil-teacher ratio allows small classes, top exam results at A level and I/GCSE and entrance to the best universities in the country. 37 minutes by train from central London Daily minibus services from: Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Maidstone, West Malling, Gravesend and Sittingbourne/Rainham

42 vine May 2011




While academic results and league tables are at the forefront of every parent’s mind, Caterham School digs a little deeper, providing students with a lifelong love of learning as well as the grades, says Charlotte Luxford


eague tables can be misleading, yet many parents rely on them when considering where to send their children. While Surrey- based Caterham School is in the top 35 of the Financial Times’ top independent schools survey and in the top five coeducation schools, Caterham believes it is all about ‘adding value’ rather than raw results. In the Government Performance Survey, the ‘value added’ is based on a more accurate formula, which examines how the child has progressed from start to finish at school. It takes into account that at schools with children of mixed abilities, achieving better results is tougher, rather than at a school that already has a high intake of academic students. Caterham is the only school that is in both the top 35 of the Financial Times’ list and top one per cent of value added, which speaks volumes. Head teacher Julian Thomas says: “At Caterham we believe in a holistic approach – education of the whole person is at the heart of everything and I think our results prove this works. We want our children to have a lifelong love of learning which ensures that each pupil leaves here ready for the challenges of life at university and beyond. “With the transient nature of career paths these days we now change jobs on average around three times in our lifetime, so it’s important that students are adaptable and get a broad education, including time spent outside the classroom.” Julian’s approach to teaching is refreshing and it is clear he has a passion for his job. He worked in the city for BP in a highly successful position, but realised it wasn’t what he wanted to do. He recalls: “I remember walking into work one day and just thought, ‘What am I doing?’ I wanted to find a career that would make a difference. The next day I signed up to do a PGCE and never looked back. I come into work every day and look forward to what it will bring.” The teachers are encouraged to approach students for

feedback on what they want from lessons and adapt their teaching styles to suit individual children. Julian believes in motivational teaching and interacting with the students, leaving them wondering “Where did the time go?” rather than being spoon-fed the basic information necessary to pass the exams. “Education is not about hot-housing children; there are a myriad of ways to get great results and many children often leave schools with good results but not a fulfilling educational experience,” he explains. The school provides accommodation for over 150 boarders in two houses and is tucked away in the peaceful countryside with fantastic sports and creative facilities. The day pupils benefit from the wide range of activities of a boarding school, while the boarders benefit from daily contact with the local community. This broad social and cultural mix ensures that the school has a national and global outlook and often children make life long friendships that will lead them abroad to discover countries they might not otherwise have visited. The school believes in encouraging students to develop new interests surrounding their passion for learning. As Caterham is home to the ‘Caterham’ racing car, the school has a kit car club and there are over 35 co-curricular clubs including fencing, knitting and even a circus club! As well as being successful in sports, especially lacrosse and hockey, pupils are also encouraged to take on charity work, making them incredibly well-rounded individuals who are independent thinkers and vibrant, sociable people – as well as academic achievers. Forget league tables: if you’re looking for a school that provides your child with an education for life, Caterham School is the one. n Caterham School, Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6YA. Visit or call 01883 343028 for more information May 2011 vine 43


sense & SENSIBILITY Combe Bank is a thriving girls’ school, set in beautiful grounds fit for a Jane Austen novel, and the girls are just as strong-minded, intelligent and free


The Library

44 vine May 2011

ounded in 1924, Combe Bank School is a flourishing independent girls’ school on the beautiful Kent/Surrey border within easy reach of the centre of Sevenoaks. The school has over 400 girls aged three to 18 with small classes, outstanding facilities and first-rate teaching – the perfect combination to help girls achieve their full potential. A 100 per cent pass rate at GCSE and A-Level, plus a 100 per cent university success rate, bears testament to these high academic standards. The latest inspection report stated: “The school as a whole provides a high quality academic education and excellent pastoral care in a friendly, supportive community which is highly conducive to the effective personal development of the pupils and to their enjoyment of the educational experience.” The senior school is set within a Grade I, 18th-century Palladian country house and is surrounded by 27 acres of stunning Kent countryside. This beautiful setting provides extensive sports grounds, tennis and netball courts, alongside the sports complex which houses a 25-metre pool, fitness suite and large multi-purpose sports hall. The outstanding facilities at Combe Bank also include excellent ICT resources with over 200 networked computers and video conferencing capability. Classes are small to ensure effective learning and to better enable girls to develop and grow in confidence. The extensive enrichment programme also provides students with opportunities beyond the purely academic, including sports, music and the performing and visual arts. Sixth formers are privileged to have their own purpose-built centre, opened in 2003, where they are able to study and socialise in a more adult environment. This provides them with the ideal progression onto university life. The preparatory school is housed in an original stable block and affords a unique environment in which the children feel secure and comfortable. Specialist teaching rooms include those dedicated to ICT, French, music, PE, speech and drama. The hall includes a permanent stage with sound and lighting systems. The older girls have access to a purpose built technology room and to the senior school science labs. The ICT suite, networked to all classrooms, allows full-class access at any time. EYFS nursery classes, housed within the courtyard area, have recently undergone refurbishment, thereby providing first-class facilities for both indoor and outdoor activities, including a specially-designed secret garden. Beech Walk, with its secure adventure play area, gives children greater freedom at break times. There are

two playing fields and five outdoor tennis and netball courts. The purpose-built Jubilee Sports Hall allows for the teaching of multi-sporting activities and interschool fixtures. All pupils, including the nursery, use the indoor heated swimming pool throughout the year. Academic standards are high throughout the school. The girls between the ages of seven and 11 are prepared for scholarship and entrance examination. Girls sit the entrance examinations to the senior school and compete with other potential Year 7 candidates for academic, art, sports and music scholarships with high levels of success. Girls are also successfully prepared for the Kent Assessment Procedure at 11+ (100 per cent pass rate for those girls recommended) and entrance into other independent schools. Drama and music flourish in the school. Girls have many opportunities to perform throughout their time in the prep from large drama productions to musical ensembles. The majority of girls study at least one musical instrument from Year 3. A highly dedicated staff team take care of the academic, physical, pastoral and extracurricular needs of the pupils. Staff are committed to academic excellence for all pupils, working together to raise the self-esteem of each child, paying particular attention to the development of thinking skills and positively encouraging independent learning. Combe Bank actively promotes the development of a strong home-school partnership through parent consultation, information evenings and a programme of INSET. The school is distinguished by the high standard of pastoral care it offers. Combe Bank can truly be said to nurture the individual.

Combe Bank: then and now

Head girl Alice Minns reflects on her Combe Bank journey I started in the nursery at Combe Bank School when I was just two years old. After my initial reluctance to join in, when I would sit on a chair and watch the other children play, I was actively participating in the fun and games. In particular, I remember the ‘teddy bears picnic’. The time and effort that went into making my little bear’s hat and bow tie was most definitely worth it when the next day came and we all spent lunch time in the sunshine. When it came to moving up to the preparatory school I was so excited I wore my uniform for two consecutive days before I started ‘real school’. The prep school created an ingenious balance between feeding us with information and learning from our own adventures. A place to create these adventures was Beech Walk. Everyone looked forward to every lunchtime when we would put on our wellies and trek up to Beech Walk where the daily decision of what game to play would begin. Combe Bank prep school was just that: a superb preparation for senior school, making us ready for the challenge to come.

Senior school was slightly daunting at first. It was so different from the prep, yet I felt comfortable in familiar surroundings. Combe Bank’s close-knit environment gave me the chance to develop at my own pace in an atmosphere that was encouraging and supportive. This is demonstrated particularly in the teaching, which is personal and available outside lessons if required, given the close relationship with teaching staff. One cannot talk about Combe Bank without mentioning the amazing school lunches cooked to a superbly high standard – an important aspect of daily life for us all. I cannot think about Combe Bank without reflecting on the wonderful friends I have made, friends that will be with me all my life. For me too, it has been the music department that has played a large part in my school life. I have been able to explore my passion for singing within the choir as we had the opportunity to sing in St Peter’s in Rome and the Royal Albert Hall. Outside school, my passion is horse-riding and I will continue to show Mountain and Moorland native breeds at national level. I have appreciated all the support and the recognition they have

given to me, culminating in the senior school when they presented me with an achievement award. This made me very proud and motivated me to do well. Finally, achieving the role of head girl was something that I never had thought possible. This not only gave me a chance to give something back to the school that has done so much for me, it has also given me confidence and taught me to have a go, be determined and to never give up, as all things are possible. The next chapter of my life will see me move on to study rural land management at The Royal Agricultural College at Cirencester so that I will eventually become a chartered surveyor. This will again be a challenge, but I know now that Combe Bank has equipped me for that challenge, giving me the confidence and ability to prosper. n For more information call the senior school on 01959 563720 and the preparatory school on 01959 564320 or visit www.combebank. Take a tour around the school on its next open day on May 7 May 2011 vine 45


LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX Sex education is a daunting concept for many parents – when do you have ‘the talk’ and how much do you say? Teaching Lifeskills is working with parents and schools to tackle this difficult subject


eaching Lifeskills based in Sevenoaks is working closely with schools and parents to provide age-appropriate Sex and Relationship Education (SRE). With the backing of Kent County Council, the Family Planning Association and Sex Education Forum, midwife and yoga teacher Yoan Reed and former school nurse Lisa Nix are professionally qualified to teach this subject. Not only do they have an understanding of the physiology of their subject due to their past careers, they are mothers to six boys between them, understanding the

pressures parents face acutely. Lisa says: “Parents fear for their child’s innocence and that teaching SRE might take it away, but it’s all to do with being age appropriate. We live in a world where everything is sexualised, and short of stopping your child watching TV, going online or using Facebook, you can’t protect them, but you can give them suitable information. In Holland they learn SRE from the age of four and our teenage pregnancy rate is 400 per cent higher than theirs, which speaks volumes,” says Lisa. “A friend’s child, aged nine, was secretly using her laptop; she said she was looking at CBeebies’ website, but in fact she had Googled ‘how to have sex’. She is from a decent family, goes to private school and has a healthy relationship with her parents, but she was just curious – if you don’t tell them, they’ll use other means to find out.” Lisa and Yoan provide effective teaching (they have taught at Sevenoaks

Prep and Russell House School already), which is needs assessed to find out what information pupils want, covering issues such as self-esteem, body image, healthy relationships, bullying and puberty. Then, working with parents and teachers, it is taught age-appropriately over a series of sessions. They believe giving SRE in schools helps parents to initiate the conversation at home. Sevenoaks Prep headmaster Phillip Oldroyd

said: “Lisa and Yoan are special because they spend a lot of time fact-finding before delivering their knowledge to their target audience. They listen to the school’s point of view and understand its ethos, tailoring their sessions accordingly. I have received nothing but praise for them from staff, parents and most importantly, the children.” n For more information or to book Yoan and Lisa at your school, visit www. or call 07759 101154

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46 vine May 2011

& success BREADTH


Russell House School in Otford combines a real breadth in education with exceptional exam results at 11, while retaining a happy, friendly, supportive atmosphere. Vine takes a closer look at a few of last term’s highlights

The art of speech making: Choose a topic, research it, write a speech and present it. Many skills are involved in preparing and then taking part in Russell House’s annual public speaking competition. These are useful not only in secondary school, but well beyond too. Russell House children have an easy confidence, bringing vitality and humour to this year’s subjects which included children’s authors, fascinating facts, global warming and Michael Flatley.

Adventurous Maths: The upper school’s ‘Dangerous Maths’ sessions are challenging, interesting and stimulate children to apply their maths knowledge in new situations. The emphasis is on problem-solving and gaining confidence in trying new approaches. Last term, ‘Braver Maths’ was introduced in the middle school, helping children to start developing these skills at a younger age.

La semaine française: French week really did encompass all things French. Everyone was involved – from three year olds and up. The children enjoyed Quiche Lorraine and crème caramel at lunch; they learnt about Seurat and pointillisme in art; Saint-Saëns in music and, of course, joined in with lots of French conversation including a Skype call to Paris.

Musical delights: At Russell House, the school day starts with choristers for all the children aged seven and above. Every six-year-old has a year of introductory lessons on a stringed instrument and, across the school, more than two-thirds of children learn an instrument. Put these together and one result last term was an impressive concert featuring two orchestras, chamber groups, form bands, individual performers and choristers.

Excellent results at 11: Russell House children had another highly successful year in 11+ and independent school entry exams, some gaining academic, sports and music scholarships on the way. For the first time in Russell House’s history, one boy gained a choristership at St Olave’s and already has been singing in the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, London. n Russell House School in Otford welcomes boys and girls aged two to 11. Places are currently available for children aged seven and nine. To find out more, call 01959 522352, visit or come to the open morning on May 20 at 10am May 2011 vine 47

Come and see and see Come our farm! our farm!

                  

Hilden Oaks School & Nursery             

OPEN DAYS  Friday 13th May 1.30 - 3pm Saturday 14th May 9.30am - 12 noon   Quality education for boys and girls from 3 months to 11 years

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Open Farm Sunday Open Farm Sunday at Princess Christian’s Farm Christian’s Farm at Princess Hildenborough. Hildenborough.

Come Come and and see see our our13th farm! farm! Sunday June 2010 Sunday 13th June 201 10am - 3pm 10am - 3pm Open Open Farm FarmSunday Sunday

atatPrincess Princess Christian’s Christian’s Farm Entry is FREE Entry isFarm FREE Hildenborough. Hildenborough.

Children’s activities • Children’s activities Nature trail 13th trail Sunday Sunday 13th June June 2010 2010 2• Nature Pond dipping • Pond dipping 10am 10am - -3pm 3pm Tractor & trailer Tractor & trailer rides •rides Agricultural machinery Agricultural machinery • Entry EntryisisFREE FREE Pigs • Pigs Celebrating 100 Calves • Calves years of Princess Children’s • • Children’s Ewes and lambsactivities Ewes and Christian lambs Farm •activities Naturetrail trail • • Nature Ponddipping dipping • • Pond Everyone is welcome, please wear Everyone welcome, please w Tractor &&trailer trailer rides ridesis • • Tractor Agricultural machinery machinery • • Agricultural clothing and footwear appropriate clothing and footwear appropr Pigs Pigs • • to the weather and for and suitable f to suitable the weather Calves • • Calves outdoor activities.outdoor activities. Ewesand andlambs lambs • • Ewes

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48 vine May 2011

Princess PrincessChristian’s Christian’sFarm, Farm,Riding RidingLane, Lane, Hildenborough, Hildenborough,Tonbridge, Tonbridge,Kent KentTN11 TN119LP 9LP



From incubating eggs to creating video link-ups with a school in Thailand, pupils at The Granville School always have something exciting to look forward to. Here is a round-up of some of their latest experiences

Granville Scholars: All girls work hard and Granville is very proud of the success of all its pupils. Once again results have been outstanding. This year is an all-time record with 13 scholarships and exhibitions being awarded to 10 Year 6 girls.

Class Trips: All classes have the opportunity to go on a wide variety of school trips, some of which are residential. Year 6 is learning about regeneration and the group was privileged to be able to visit the 2012 Olympic site and view the progress of work in the London Olympic Park. Science and ICT: Year 6 was extremely excited to be part of the first-ever school live video link to the International Space Station. The link was organised and hosted by Sevenoaks School. The words “Sevenoaks School this is Houston” will be lodged in memories for a long time to come. The Astronauts answered questions as they floated and waved. The ISS orbits the earth 12 times a day at a speed of 17,500 mph, 230 miles above earth. Granville pupils learn ICT in stimulating and innovative ways. They have many opportunities to develop and extend their ICT skills. The latest excitement has been to make video links to various schools in Thailand, Kenya and the Czech Republic. Granville girls have been able to compare school life here with schools in other countries. The Sriwittayapaknam School in Thailand, for example, has 1,700 pupils aged from three to 15 and there are 45 to a class. They start school as early as 5.45am. Staff, as well as pupils, wear a uniform. The children are not allowed in class with shoes on!

Sport: Pupils have the chance to take part in netball and rounders matches and tournaments, as well as competing in swimming galas. Hockey and lacrosse are also played, which prepare pupils for senior school. In gymnastics pupils work to gain the BAGA awards and in PE they enjoy using the climbing apparatus. Sport is an important part of Granville’s curriculum and all pupils achieve highly.

Charity and ECO: The Granville supports many different charities, the most recent being to raise money for Hospice in the Weald and Breakthrough Breastcancer with a Chartwell House Spring Fair and Easter egg raffle. An ongoing charitable project is the collection of plastic milk tops which are exchanged for money to buy specially adapted trikes for disabled children. Granville is also very eco-minded and has its own chickens. Reception girls look after the chickens. Eggs are raffled and the proceeds pay for the upkeep of the chickens. There is great excitement in Reception at the moment as they are in the process of incubating eggs and hatching their own chicks.To the delight of the children, one chick made an appearance on the last day of term!

Music and Drama Festivals: Granville is very musical. Informal concerts are performed by each class from Year 2 upwards. At the end of every term there are drama and musical productions. The highlight of the year is the Spring Festival. Girls wear a chaplet of flowers and the boys and the staff a buttonhole. The Easter story is recited in verse by Year 6. All classes then take part in reciting poems and singing songs, some of which are composed by Year 6 girls. Granville’s Art and DT department is very creative and each class produces giant paintings which adorn the walls of the Great Hall for the Spring Festival. The hall is filled with spring flowers.

n For more information visit For a tour of the school with the Headmistress phone 01732 453039 or email May 2011 vine 49

family Your Sevenoaks

West Heath students ‘Act Up’ in production

All The Right Ingredie nts For Cookery Fun! Clubs ⋅ Parties Workshops

n Students of West Heath School will be performing the all-time classic children’s story The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe from The Chronicles of Narnia this summer. Student theatre company ‘Acting Up’ will be performing on July 12-13 with two matinee and two evening performances for the public. Spokesperson Laura Christmas said: “The rewards and benefits of such a project to our students is enormous. All monies raised go towards ’Acting Up’ to provide resources for future productions.” Tickets cost £5. n For more information visit

If you have some exciting news about a school or pupil in Sevenoaks or you’d like to feature your business on the pinboard email

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Celebrity cooking with Cookies Kitchen n Celebrity TV Chef Gino D’Acampo joined Maxine Pancaldi from Cookies Kitchen in a Brighton restaurant for the filming of the first series of There’s No Taste Like Home, due to be aired this summer on ITV1. She also had cameras in her own kitchen for the programme, which aims to bring together cooks who are passionate about home cookery. Maxine said: “Working with Gino was a great experience. It was very inspiring and I really enjoyed working with the chefs from the restaurant too – although it’s taking me a while to recover!”.

Gino D’Acampo

can shine child Every2011 50 vine May

Kelly Holmes backs food art competition Holmes will be backing the n Olympic gold medallist Dame Kelly erpiece’ art competition. Mast Olympic-themed ‘Create a Fruit & Veg interact with Kentish to ed urag enco are Primary school children from real fruit and veg, as e mad seasonal produce to devise a picture g. eatin hy healt and t spor well as engaging with “We are thrilled to have said: n kma Mon Julie ’s Kent in uced Prod tswoman and role model. the support of such an outstanding spor h will be judged by TV’s whic We also have a very exciting live final, ner.” War Carl t artis and foodscape photographer is Monday, June 13. For more ies entr ion petit com for line dead The information on how to enter, visit www

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Do you need training to show you’ve got talent? n In this age of the reality sho proving you have the ‘X Fac w, it may appear that tor’ is the only road left to the stage and screen. While this format was originally limited to the realm of pop star s, it has bur st on to the per forming arts scene, with Lord Lloyd Webber using it to find his last four leading actors for the West End. While these shows are invaluable in creating a pub lic profile and job opportuni ties, they cannot replace the solid foundation of trainin g in the performing arts. It is no coincidence that 8 out of 10 of the final ‘Dorothys’ in the TV show Over the Rainbow had some form of performin arts training while growin g g up. Danielle Hope is said to have had up to six dance classes a week before win ning the show. Past success stories such Fisher both attended drama as Lee Mead and Connie school and even winner of The X Factor, Leona Lewis, wa s an exponent of star fact ory the BRIT school. Despite the newfangled way of getting into the art s, the training still shines thr ough when it comes to the crunch. Jigsaw Performing Arts, with its classes for thr ee years upwards, deliver s trai ning in singing, drama and dance from an ear ly age, to give your star t in a tough and compet children an essential head itive industry. Children lear n stagecraft, jazz and moder n dance and singing techni ques from teachers who work or have worked profession ally in the industry. n To find out more about Jigsaw Weekend Performin g Arts Schools, call 0208 447 453 0 or visit www.jigsaw-arts May 2011 vine 51



Riverhill Himalayan Gardens has been cherished by the Rogers family for over 160 years, but it’s not all been easy. After World War I this exotic gem was under threat and had to be opened to the public to survive. After a gruelling time on Channel 4’s Country House Rescue, Ed and Sarah Rogers are bringing Riverhill back to the glory days


ucked away on the road between Sevenoaks and Tonbridge, you may be forgiven for having never noticed Riverhill House. However, its true hidden treasure is the Himalayan Gardens, which were re-launched last year after appearing on Channel 4’s Country House Rescue. The gardens may be newly opened, but Riverhill as a home is long established: there has been a house on the site since Tudor times. The oldest part of the house is built on a farmstead, belonging to the Pett family, who are listed as benefactors to Sevenoaks School in the Elizabethan period. After the Petts, the house was bought by the Childrens – bankers from Tonbridge. During their ownership, in 1710, the Turnpike road from Rye to London was built. Effectively the forerunner of the motorway, it replaced Saxon tracks. A piece of the ancient road is visible in the grounds of Riverhill today

52 vine May 2011

and is believed to have been the route taken by King Harold on the way to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The Children family demolished the old farm in favour of a grander Queen Anne building. Riverhill passed to the Woodgate family through marriage and it was from them that Colonel John Rogers purchased the property in 1840. It has remained in the family ever since. The colonel chose the site because of its position and soil, which make it perfect for growing azaleas and rhododendrons, some fine examples of which can be seen in the gardens today. Passionate about plants, a keen botanist and one of the first members of the Royal Horticultural Society, Rogers was also a friend of Charles Darwin. The proximity to Darwin’s home at Down may have influenced Rogers’ choice of location. He wrote in 1862: “I wish we were nearer neighbours as I should have much pleasure in showing you anything which I have.” Letters between the pair still survive, where


Darwin enquires if his friend had ever encountered the Catasetidae orchid, which particularly interested him. It is through Rogers that the unusual link with the Himalayas came about. He sponsored plant-collecting expeditions to the region, and planted the rare and exotic seeds at Riverhill. Despite extremely hazardous conditions and very basic equipment, many seeds survived their long journey and the plants they grew into can be admired at Riverhill two centuries later. “Subsequent generations then went berserk,” laughs Sarah Rogers, wife of Ed, the great-great-great grandson of Colonel John Rogers. They certainly left their mark on the modest Kentish ragstone house which was added to and enlarged until 1900. “The ‘infamous’ Muriel Rogers in particular, was a great one for putting her stamp on things.” Muriel created the rock gardens with Penshurst stone and was known for her lavish entertaining and house parties. Her book of household tips remains

in the family to this day, with her recipe for lobster soup famously calling for four quarts of cream and 12 lobsters! Her portrait can be seen in the house, and interested Channel 4’s Ruth Watson during the filming of Country House Rescue. Another fascinating Rogers was Geraldine, who took extraordinary photographs of Kentish life in the early days of photography in the 1860s. However, records of her work stop suddenly in 1865, so it is assumed that she gave up photography when she got married. Her collection was discovered by the family and was put up for auction in 1984. “All was going pretty well until World War I,” Sarah explains. With social conditions changing, the house went through a period of difficulty. Manpower was significantly reduced, and the army of kitchen maids, cooks, parlour maids, gardeners, coachmen and stable boys had to be scaled back. In order to maintain the house, the decision was taken 30 years ago to open to the public. It was a family affair, with Evelyn Rogers selling tickets and her daughter-inlaw, Jane, running the tearoom. All would have continued on this modest scale, had not Ed returned to the area five years ago with his wife Sarah and their young family. Realising the need to generate more income in order to preserve this beautiful piece of local history, they came up with the concept of a Himalayan adventure for families to enjoy. The Rogers were approached by the producers of Country House Rescue in 2009 and were filmed over a sixmonth period, an experience which Sarah describes as “absolutely exhausting”. She recalls: “The challenge was to be seen to be making progress and, given planning restraints, it was nerve-racking. I think Channel 4 saw we genuinely wanted to improve and rescue Riverhill – Ed would rather cut off his arm than sell.” Luckily, the challenge of juggling the running of a country house with a young family and a TV debut paid off. The gardens were re-opened in March last year and the first season has been a great success, with visitor numbers increasing dramatically. In October, Ruth Watson returned with her team for a revisit, due to be aired in the near future. Riverhill’s charm lies, of course, in the plants. Among the fascinating tales spanning 160 years is that of the Turkey Oak, grown from an acorn that travelled back from the Crimean War in the pocket of John Thornton Rogers in 1856. The military connection continues with the Waterloo Cedar tree which was planted in 1815 by the Buckley family, who rented Riverhill from the Woodgates. Their son, Henry, was killed on the bloodiest day of the Battle of Waterloo and the tree stands in tribute to his memory. Riverhill is a place for families to experience simple outdoor fun. Continuing the Himalayan theme, there is the mysterious yeti burrow and other new play equipment, as well as the opportunity to try out rock climbing in partnership with Halls Green-based company ‘Rock UK’. And when little explorers have reached ‘Everest summit’, the tearoom boasts a delicious array of locally-sourced, organic and homemade treats. “Whatever we do, we want it to be done well,” says Sarah. “Riverhill is first and foremost a family home but one which we enjoy sharing. We hope that families will enjoy spending time together, enjoying excellent food, the shop and, most of all, have a great experience in the fresh air.” v n

A view of Riverhill House from the rose gardens



Colonel Rogers and

his wife Muriel May 2011 vine 53

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pen Farm Sunday’ is an initiative set up by ‘LEAF’ (Linking Environment And Farming) where farmers from all over the UK open their gates to enable the public to see first-hand the sort of work they undertake. Princess Christian Farm (PCF) at Hildenborough is one suchestablishment taking part in the Open Farm scheme this year. Managed by Hadlow College in a partnership with Kent County Council, PCF provides people with disabilities a unique opportunity to acquire and improve their land-based skills. Pat Crawford from Hadlow College said: “More and more people want to know where their food comes from and how it’s produced. The public care about the way livestock is reared and Open Farm Sunday gives farmers the chance to demonstrate the high husbandry standards they practice, which – with very few exceptions – are undoubtedly the best in

54 vine May 2011

the world.” This year Open Farm Sunday will be especially significant for PCF, which is using the event to celebrate the centenary of its foundation. The day will have an Edwardian fancy dress theme for staff and students and there will be animals to see, including calves, pigs, lambs and chickens. The event will also involve a nature trail, tractor and trailer rides, pond dipping, refreshments, stalls and stands and much more. n Visit Princess Christian Farm on Sunday June 12 between 10am - 3pm. Call 01732 838408 for more information


PART THR3E In the final instalment of Vine’s threepart guide to extending your home, we focus on evaluating the tender responses and choosing your appointed builder


AVOIDING THE LOTTERY AND BACKING THE WINNER When the tender documents arrive, try to avoid going straight to the price and immediately rejecting any that fall out of your expectation range. Instead, review each submission thoroughly and ensure your requirements have been included and priced accordingly. It may help to have your original briefing checklist to hand and tick each item off as it appears. If the builder has only given you a single line price, make sure the tender clearly states that it incorporates all the elements detailed in your brief, otherwise you have no way of knowing what the price includes. A common game played by less scrupulous builders is to price for only certain elements of the work and when they have the work underway, say that they had not allowed for certain works. Be sure to check the price is a ‘quotation’ not an ‘estimate’ as quotations are legally-binding fixed prices. Some tenders make reference to provisional sums and/or prime cost sums and it is worth understanding their meaning. Provisional sums refer to a price for work that may not be required, or whose scope is undefined. The builder will not have tried to price it accurately but will have allowed a figure (estimate) deemed to be their ‘best guess’. It should be clearly stated whether the builder has included a disclosed margin within this sum or whether this would be applied to the

sum specified. The provisional sum could therefore be higher or lower than the sum quoted and best avoided if possible. If a provisional sum item is not used then that sum is not paid to the contractor. ‘Prime cost sums’ may be specified to cover a specialist task or supply of a specific item based on an explicitly stated sum of money and an accurate cost. Richard Sonnex of Sonnex Associates Chartered Building Surveyors says: “I am often surprised at many homeowners, decisions, regarding who they appoint. A common case is where they picked the ‘middle price’ to avoid going with the cheapest. Almost without exception, that same person has never carefully checked what the prices included or taken references on each candidate, yet the best person might have been the lowest cost! It’s not unusual for people to not spot ‘estimates’ rather than ‘quotes’ and for people to think they have a price for something when in fact they don’t. Getting expert advice from someone who is familiar with construction contracts is well worth the investment, thereby reducing the risk of financial loss further down the line.” n Richard Sonnex is a Chartered Building Surveyor specialising in the formulation, administration and overseeing of building contracts and he can be contacted on 01732 455066

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Sports Performance The south-east’s premier strength and conditioning facility, uniquely equipped to enhance the performance of individual athletes, clubs and teams of all sports at all levels.

Guided Eating Expert nutritional guidance covering all areas from weight loss, to sports performance. Now with our own range of fresh and frozen foods specifically designed to complement our weight loss programme.

Extra Care Our advanced exercise and physiotherapy departments cater for those who require a greater level of assistance than can be provided in a traditional gym environment. From medical conditions, to teenagers to the over-60s.


Helen Morton

BETTER BODYSHOP SHOP - SEVENOAK S BETTER BODY – SEVENOAKS Opposite the Bat & Ball station Unit 3, Sevenoaks Enterprise Centre Bat & Ball Road, Sevenoaks TN14 5LJ For more information call Alison on

01732 451 979


Personal Training Session* Just visit our website to redeem your free 30 minute personal training session May 2011 vine 57 *1 session per person, for first time Better Body Shop clients only.


community SERVING THE

Tennis is a sport enjoyed by millions and brings communities together every year. John Heuerman is striving to keep this very British sport alive at the Tennis Academy’s new state-of-the-art Hollybush courts. John tells Charlotte Luxford his story


he Tennis Academy has been a labour of love for coach and founder John Heuerman since its early beginnings in 1991. Despite the fight for funding and the right to own Hollybush courts in order to keep them properly maintained, John has achieved his ambitions and has just reopened six brand new, state-ofthe-art courts in this thriving community hub. The Hollybush venue suffered due to the rapid cuts in funding from the council to maintain the park courts. John said: “The courts were decrepit and falling apart, but the council didn’t have the money to maintain them. Eventually I took the courts over and invested in the redevelopment of them.” The LTA provided £54,000 in funding and John matched this amount personally with the backing of the Tennis Foundation to invest in a complete overhaul of the courts. The Tennis Academy has been awarded Beacon status, the highest community award in the UK, for its high-level, sustainable tennis programme. All six coaches are internationally qualified from the PTR and the LTA, making Hollybush the perfect place for budding tennis stars or beginners who want to learn in the best surroundings. “Hollybush has such a great community atmosphere and the park is full of activity; there’s all sorts of clubs, such as hockey and bowls and the lovely Lodge Café is a great place to relax after a session. Tennis is a real family game and a great way to keep fit and learn a valuable skill.” says John. Everyone is welcome at the new Hollybush site and there are plenty of membership options and courses to choose from. There’s free junior coaching on a Monday and juniors can join for an entire year for just £50, which includes unlimited court hire and an hour’s coaching per week for ten weeks in the summer term, plus other benefits. The Saturday morning club is incredibly popular, with casual pay and play sessions for all abilities. The Tennis Academy also does extensive outreach work in schools, where coaches visit schools and tournaments are organised for those wanting to play more competitive tennis. It’s not just children who benefit from the wealth of programmes on offer – adult classes run on the weekend and every weekday there are ladies’ coaching sessions covering all abilities, which make for great social occasions. If you have the luxury of owning your own

58 vine May 2011

EXCLUSIVE VINE READER OFFER Vine has teamed up with the Tennis Academy to offer a free Saturday session for children aged 7-16.Visit for times or call 01959 523377. Offer ends June 4 2011 and is only valid for one free session

court, you can easily arrange for home visits, which can be one-to-one sessions or invite a group of friends to play too. Court cleaning, maintenance and even rebuilding can also be provided if your court needs it – a service that is often expensive is provided by the Tennis Academy at a decent price. If you’re after a new racquet, the Racquet Academy provides over 500 racquets and shoes in store and is Kent’s number one sport specialist. There are plenty of camps and coaching programmes to look forward to this summer (events listed below), offering those who don’t usually play the opportunity to get a flavour for this fantastic British sport and get a little Wimbledon fever! n Visit www. or call 01959 523377 for more information

FORTHCOMING EVENTS: MAY HALF TERM MINI CAMPS: May 31 – June 3 The camps cover ages from three to 16 over the course of a week GRADE 6 OPEN TENNIS TOURNAMENTS: June 3 and June 5 SUMMER HOLIDAY CAMPS: July 14 – September 2 Mini munchkins, mini camps and pro camps for ages three to16 years. Full technical instruction is given along with games and tournaments to make learning the game fun and enjoyable for all levels

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GET A BODY LIKE COURTENEY COX Recently a lady handed me an article she’d cut out from a leading women’s magazine, showing a picture of a bikiniclad Courteney and asked me how she did it. “What is the secret to this 46-year-old actress’s lean-looking beach body?” I wondered. And, more to the point, once I had identified these secrets, how might the Sevenoaks ladies benefit from them? As I searched through her past exercise and diet history it became very obvious that Courteney is a relative newcomer to keeping in shape. Here are some of her beach body secrets:

4. Targeting: Her exercise choice is very body-part specific. The star’s training focuses on the body parts she wants to improve. 5. Low-fat diet: Lastly, Courteney has a very lean, low-fat diet that provides a key component to the way she looks. Her lean physique comes from keeping her body fat levels exceptionally low.

So how do you get a body like Courteney? Well, the answer is to train often and consistently, focusing on the muscles you want to improve while constantly keeping the body guessing with different exercises and sticking to eating low-fat. So how do you achieve this 1. Consistency: 89x136mm baseCourteney strip AD:Layout 1 04/01/2011 15:40 Page 1 quickly if you have a busy employs a consistent and longlifestyle and with the summer term strategy towards looking already nearly upon us? great. She doesn’t travel down Well, I may not be an allthe road to physical perfection singing, all-dancing Hollywood NoSheyearly gym alone. has employed many producer, but I can help. My different people to help her just membership advice is to try our summer along the way. special film star two-week 2. Personal training: She invests transformation programme. a significant amount of time Do what Courteney does: put in her training, working out your physique in the hands of an at least five times a week. She expert and rely on us to get you uses a technique that we use in bikini shape. at the Better Body Shop called “avoiding accommodation” to n For more information about ensure maximum improvement. the popular Rapid Physical Tranformation (RPT) courses, 3. Variety: Courteney constantly May 21, and again varies her exercises • Nutrition which run until • Physiotherapy • Personal Training with every 1-to-1thus or group training her body in June and July, callRehabilitation 01732 451 session, preventing • Sports Performance • Injury • Weight Loss acclimatised•to 979 or see our website at: from becoming Individual Athletes • Over Sixties the•exercise regime. Tailored Classes • Teams & Clubs • Teenage Fitness


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THE BENEFITS of PILATES We’ve all heard about Pilates, but what are the benefits of this popular exercise? Pilates instructor Ruth Jones tells Vine why her classes at the Kikodo Centre can help you

Another piece of Pilates equipment is the stability chair, which is not the easiest piece of apparatus to work with but in many ways is more functional as the body can be in a more upright position. Ruth Jones offers one-to-one sessions from her studio at the Kikodo Clinic using the various apparatus. The session lasts one hour and costs £40. You can also attend a weekly class with Ruth at the Kikodo centre.

What are Pilates? They help develop strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, speed, agility, endurance and teach us to activate muscles more effectively. Pilates can be practised on a mat or equipment. Here are some of the benefits: • Better awareness of your body • Achieves balance • Corrects breathing

What types of sessions are there?

• Controls and uses energy efficiently

Mat work can be done individually or in a group, but Ruth always ensures that there are no more than 10 students per class. Additionally, small equipment can be used such as resistance bands, fitness circles, toning balls and foam rollers.

• Achieves a more precise and harmonic flow of movement

One-to-one sessions tend to include a piece of equipment called the reformer. The reformer will allow

• Centres yourself • Improves your concentration

Pilates: Instructor Ruth Jones runs several Pilates classes at the Kikodo Centre movements ranging from fundamental to extremely advanced, challenging the body and its movements in every possible way. This is especially good for people who may have limited movement and where mat work is not an option, due to injury or following surgery.

n For more information about the classes, visit, call Kikodo on 01732 451839 or call Ruth directly on 0796 8002590

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OVERCOME YOUR DENTAL PHOBIA Even the most anxious patients can undergo dentistry more comfortably than ever thanks to state-of-the-art equipment and expert dentistry at Atkinson Brignall


any patients are anxious about going to the dentist and often allow problems to progress to an advanced state without doing anything. For some it stems from bad experiences in childhood or earlier in adult life, for others it may be a high gag reflex. At Atkinson Brignall, the staff understand this and go out of their way to help you overcome your fears. From the moment you step into the lounge area they make you feel at home with tea and coffee facilities, internet access and air conditioning and welcoming reception staff. All Atkinson Brignall’s dentists realise that, whatever the cause, the

anxiety is real and they are there to help you cope with it. For some patients the relaxed, friendly atmosphere and gentle professional manner of the dentists and their support staff is sufficient to help them overcome their anxiety. However some patients require something more. Miles Atkinson and Mac Ogretme both excel at helping very anxious patients cope with dental treatment with their calm and relaxing personas. Miles is a ‘dental phobia’ certified dentist. The practice has cutting-edge facilities available including ‘the wand’ a syringefree computerised local anaesthetic system, and air abrasion, which can replace conventional tooth preparation.

intravenous sedation (though depending on the procedure sometimes works with a visiting specialist anaesthetist). Treatment from fillings, crowns and dental implants to advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures can all be managed in this way. Professor Graham Roberts, a specialist in paediatric dentistry, can provide inhalation or intravenous sedation for nervous children (or indeed adults).

Sedation dentistry Facilities are available for gas and air ‘inhalation sedation’ and also intravenous sedation. This allows even the most nervous of patients to undergo treatment more comfortably than they ever thought possible. Ian Brignall is fully trained in the administration of

Relaxing persona: Dentist Miles Atkinson excels at helping anxious patients

n 1st Floor, Lady Boswell House, 42-44 London Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 1AS. Call 01732 459222 or visit www. for more information

Drs Ian Brignall & Miles Atkinson

Dr Makbule Ogretme, Prof Graham Roberts

Incorporating Sevenoaks Smile Studio

Incorporating Sevenoaks Smile Studio

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with Dr Mac Ogretme until 10th

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A case of non- invasive composite veneers

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June 2011, with this voucher Mac excels at helping both nervous adult and child patients and has undergone formal training in cosmetic dentistry

Nervous patients Welcome “Inman Aligner” treatment for correction of crooked front teeth, in a matter of weeks . From £1,100 Case below took 12 weeks (Both cases shown by Dr.Ian Brignall)

62 vine May 2011 Case below took 12 weeks

1st Floor, Lady Boswell House, 42-44 London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1AS. Tel 01732 459222


your life



e all know what it means to ‘make a living’, working most of our time for things like material rewards, security, progression and retirement, but do we really know what it means to ‘make a life’? Only you can answer that about your own life, but if you’re unsure, help is at hand. Professional performance coach and founder of Excel With Purpose, Nadine Slater has worked with high-flying business professionals and those who want to raise their game and gain clarity, direction and focus so they can excel at whatever it is they want out of life. Take a few moments out of your own busy life right now to consider the following five ways suggested by Nadine that will enable you to get into the driver’s seat so you can not only drive full speed ahead but, more importantly, enjoy the ride.


Be in control of how you use your time: We are all inundated with daily tasks, whether it is housework, appointments, daily chores or all that paperwork piling up on the desk. In today’s fast-paced society it is almost impossible to avoid being ‘busy’. We think the best way to deal with these responsibilities is to multi-task or rush from one thing to the next, but never really put 100 per cent into any of them. Tasks seem to run us, rather than us running our own agenda, so how do we cope? Nadine says: “Those of us who lead a full life – in the sense of fulfilled rather than ‘packed’ – make a conscious choice to assign chunks of time to dedicated activities. We plan ahead, perhaps even formulating career and life plans for where we want to be in three, five and 10 years from now. By taking control of every aspect of our lives, we allow nothing to take over and thereby improve our personal productivity and work-life balance.”


Be present and focus on what you are doing – even if you’re just ‘being’: It has been said that when you concentrate on one thing, the activity you are doing at that given moment becomes much more effective. Many of us tend to eat a quick sandwich on the run, but in fact nutritionists preach that only when you eat consciously does your body absorb the nutrients and vitamins better. Similarly, if you take your time over each activity you are more likely to get a more satisfying outcome, suggests Nadine. “You should dedicate yourself to each moment of allocated activity, be it playing with your children or speaking to a business prospect. In order to detect and embrace all opportunities life throws at you, you will need to consciously look out for them and be fully present when they unfold. It helps of course if you know what it is you are looking for, then you can become proactive rather than reactive and stop waiting for the right things to just happen to you,” she says.


Take charge of your own personal development: Nadine says to take charge and become the best person you can be “you need to invest in yourself first and

Do you feel like you’re merely working to get by from one day to the next? Performance coach Nadine Slater shares with Charlotte Luxford five empowering ways to make a life rather than a living

foremost, not rely on other people to ‘grow you’.” She suggests that you ask yourself questions you might have been avoiding or just never thought of. However, many of us aren’t willing to take the plunge in order to ask the right challenging questions and it can be remarkably more effective to get professional help from an accredited coach like Nadine, whom you trust. We all need an external impulse at some point to help us gain clarity, direction and focus in order to get out of our comfort zone and reach for new heights. She warns: “But don’t be too hard on yourself either, especially if you’re ambitious; pushing your boundaries is good as long as you don’t take yourself too seriously. As G K Chesterton put so aptly: ‘Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly’.”


Align your head with your heart and trust your intuition: Many of us, especially success-driven personalities, often focus on what our rational mind tells us. Our fastpaced society and uncertain economic times make us very aware of potentially harmful consequences of any decision so we tend to overanalyse things and worry. “But worry is a no-win game!” says Nadine. “You’ll know what’s right for you when you feel good about it and are ‘at peace’ with a decision you make. Doubt is often a sign that you haven’t aligned your heart with your head and listened to your feelings about how a certain rational decision sits with you. “The most successful entrepreneurs use a healthy balance of head and heart, or gut instinct, to make their most risky decisions. You might have heard leaders say when interviewed about their successful careers, ‘if your heart isn’t in it, it won’t work’ or ‘you have to do it whole-heartedly for it to unfold.’”


Be absolutely clear about what your ladder is leaning against and know when you have reached the top: “The ‘ladder analogy’ is commonly used when we talk about careers, but it is rarely explored from a work-life balance and fulfilment angle. Also, our generation tends to have multiple ladders for different stages in our lives. “According to a recent study by Accenture, 43 per cent of professional women and 42 per cent of the men don’t like their jobs,” says Nadine. “If you strive to make a life rather than a living, you want a career that is fulfilling you, i.e. you find your profession inspiring, stimulating and rewarding. You need to evaluate and be absolutely clear about the three associated influencing factors of your happiness and fulfilment at work:

The future depends on what we do in the present M A H AT MA GANDHI

n For the full report on ‘Five empowering ways to make a life rather than a living’, visit www. or call Nadine on 07789 518955

1. The foundation your ladder is standing on, i.e. your core values and natural talents 2. What your ladder is leaning against i.e. your support network 3. The top end of your ladder i.e. your end goal “If you have a clear understanding and strong vision of all these three elements, you will be able to resist temptation to trade-off any of your core values or your work-life balance. By staying true to yourself you will instead achieve happiness and perform at your best.” May 2011 vine 63

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CELEBRATIONS AT SEVENOAKS VETS Bring yourself and your dog to the Sevenoaks surgery’s birthday party – they have plenty of stories to tell and there’s cake to be had!


his May, Sevenoaks Veterinary Surgery will be celebrating its first birthday – and what a year it’s been! The staff have seen a number of unusual and interesting cases over the past year, including orthopaedic and soft tissue surgeries on a range of animals from dogs to degus (a small rodent native to Chile), and a young puppy with a very unusual case of diabetes. Emergency surgery was even carried out on a very sick little Jack Russell who had to be carried all the way to the surgery through the snow! To celebrate, the surgery is holding an open evening on Tuesday May 10. The evening will run from 7pm–9pm, and all are welcome to come along and have a look behind the scenes! There will also be a range of talks and demonstrations on subjects including physiotherapy and puppy training and also a charity raffle and a buffet. You can even bring your dog along! n Call 01732 740999 or visit

64 vine May 2011

WHEEL IN the ICE CREAM Bewl Water, the largest lake in the south-east, has much to offer in the way of activities and scenery – now you can enjoy traditional ice cream from the Ice Cream Bicycle Company and have them at your event too


ewl Bike Hire Centre at Bewl Water, Lamberhurst has been a popular attraction for many years and what better way to top off an afternoon cycling in beautiful surroundings with a refreshing ice cream? This year the owners decided to add to the experience by putting traditional ice cream bikes around the lake selling fabulous Taywell ice creams, traditional lemonade and award-winning Arena blackcurrant and apple juice, which is produced right next door to Bewl. You will be served by a young person who is also there to give information about Bewl Water and the

either a one-off payment and unlimited ice cream for your guests, or, if it is a public event, a percentage of turnover for the day or afternoon.

The Ice Cream Bicycle Company’s traditional ice cream bikes many experiences and activities it has to offer; there’s everything from mountain biking and high-adrenalin sports, to sailing and fishing. The new Ice Cream Bicycle Company has become so popular that enquiries have started to come in from local music festivals, people having parties, schools for sports days, barn dances and even couples getting married to have a bike at their venue. Thus the Ice Cream Bicycle Company began as an enhancement of many years

of experience in the tourist trade to a new venture! A new website has been created, featuring all the varieties of ice cream and sorbets on offer. Special flavours can be made to order if you’ve got a theme in mind – the royal wedding saw Champagne ice cream at Bewl for example… The servers are smartly dressed in uniform and chic bunting to match the occasion decorates the carts, be it a garden fête, prom or sports day! There are two ways to hire the carts:

n For more information about the Ice Cream Bicycle Company visit www. icecreambicyclecompany. com or ring Bridget Logan on 07808911755 to discuss your requirements n For more information about the Ice Cream Visit or call 01892 891446 for cycle hire, birthday parties; new to 2011 are the group activities, including ‘The Bewl Challenge’



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of the month

Map: OS Explorer 147 Sevenoaks and Tonbridge Start & finish: Limpsfield Common, Moorhouse, Distance: 3 miles, Time: 1.5 hours, Grade: Easy with one short steep section How to get there: A25 from Westerham towards Limpsfield. Around a mile outside Westerham and just before the Grasshopper Inn take a small lane on the left at Moorhouse Bank. Follow for a third of a mile to a National Trust car park for Limpsfield Common.


rom the car park cross the lane to the track opposite and immediately take a small footpath on the right. The path is indistinct in places as it wends through the trees but maintain direction to drop down to a T-junction and turn right. At a signpost and Titsey Foundation sign, turn sharp left almost doubling back, soon to arrive at a junction of paths. Ignoring the first two paths to the right, go straight ahead up an incline signposted Public Bridleway. On reaching a wide crossing track, turn right and ignoring a left fork continue to a junction of paths by a National Trust (NT) sign for ‘Limpsfield Common’. Care should be taken at this section of the walk to follow the route instructions as there are many paths in these woods. Cross to the NT sign and pass a small pond on the left. Go up a small incline and when this flattens out and at the first wooden post turn left (this is the first path to the left) to another waymark post at a crossing track. Cross to follow a small path opposite, ignoring a small path to the right and soon, at a fork, bear right. Maintain direction keeping to the most obvious path until reaching a T-junction with a dip ahead. Follow the dip round on the right but ignore any paths going off to the right. Soon reaching a wide track turn right. Follow this well-defined track to a road and turn left passing St Andrew’s church on the left. At a crossroads with the B269 cross to Trevereux Hill passing on the right houses with magnificent views over the Weald. Opposite the last house ‘The

Old School’ with its charming bell tower, turn left onto a small footpath through woods. Before the 1987 hurricane this regenerated woodland was a magnificent beech wood. You are now following the edge of an escarpment although the views are obscured by trees. Continue straight on ignoring any joining paths, until reaching a tarmac drive on which you turn right. Follow the yellow waymark signs and just before the entrance to ‘Scearnbank’ turn left up a short, steep incline. At the top go straight ahead soon passing metal fencing on the right and coming out to a road. Cross to the path opposite. You are now back into the Titsey Foundation ‘High Chart Woodland’. Go straight ahead over a major crossing track by a small yellow sign indicating a gas pipeline and continue along this wide track for some while until reaching a junction of five paths. Take the second path diagonally left, waymarked Tandridge Border Path. With a metal water tank on the right follow a wide path leading gently down, ignoring a left fork. Further on continue over a wide crossing track and follow the blue waymark arrows, eventually coming to a main crossing track. Turn right and shortly take the left fork at a triangle of paths. Almost immediately at a meeting of three paths take the path on the right leaving the Tandridge Border Path. Continue straight on over two crossing tracks and at the next junction by a blue sign for ‘High Chart Woodland’, turn left onto a gravelled track leading out to a road and the car park. Woods around Limpsfield Common

66 vine May 2011

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In this month’s political column, Michael Fallon MP examines what it means to be part of ‘the big society’ for Sevenoaks

B CANTERBURY: 35 Burgate, CT1 2HA - 01227 464789 MAIDSTONE: 12 - 14 Gabriels Hill, ME15 6JG - 01622 753150

y its very nature the big society escapes precise definition. It is perhaps easier to say what the big society is not. It isn’t about replacing the state: we all need the state to be strong and efficient at various points in our lives. It is not a government programme. It isn’t even directly political: many Labour MPs participated keenly in the recent House of Commons debate. Rather, the big society is about turning government inside out. It accepts that society should be defining government and not the other way round. Firstly, it is about empowering communities and giving more power to district and local parish councils. Localism is a first step that builds on community strengths. The Sevenoaks area has long been more than the sum of its pretty villages, commuter estates and great houses. The vibrant community that we know today is built on long-established local groups like the rotary clubs, Sevenoaks Players, the rugby club, the scouts and guides and many, many others. Secondly, we must open up public services and allow charities, co-operatives, businesses and other social

enterprises to run them. Transparency is crucial: Sevenoaks District Council must put all contracts worth more than £500 (online) for the public and local businesses to scrutinise. Thirdly, the big society promotes social action, encouraging all of us, young and old, to play a more active part in our society. In Sevenoaks, there are an amazing 407 registered charities: I am proud to be associated with Rockdale House, Dorton House, and the Friends of St Mary’s, Sundridge. The budget has made it easier than ever to give to charity, lowering inheritance tax on charitable donations, simplifying the Gift Aid system, and allowing Gift Aid claims on charity bucket collections. T S Eliot once warned us against people who “dreamed of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good”. The big society isn’t a system at all. On the contrary, the ideas and reasoning behind it should help to reinvigorate those longestablished ties that enable people to be good, recognising the deeper human instinct that understands that “there is no life that is not in community”. For more information visit

Michael Fallon MP and Town Mayor Simon Raikes meet a local business owner at the Sevenoaks Business Show May 2011 vine 67






Country Landcraft

Garden Management and DESIGN For all your design, construction and maintenance requirements, contact: Adam Sutton BSc (Hons) Environmental Science | Tim Playfoot BA (Hons) Garden Design Tel:01892 722699 | Adam:07979 362241 | Tim:07990 751353 |

68 vine May 2011



In the final part of Vine’s three-part series on Hever Castle Golf Club, we discover the real benefits of being a member at this inspiring golf course


ever Castle Golf Club prides itself on being “historic, picturesque and inspiring”. When enjoying a rich historic setting, picturesque courses and a wide range of membership options, it is hard for most golfers not to be inspired by the club’s offerings. The team at the club is very passionate about the sport and strives to promote golf while providing some of the best benefits available to club members in the area. If you were after the full seven-day membership you receive many perks, including access to over 24 hours of members-only times every week; complimentary range balls for use on the extensive driving range and practice facilities; discounted rates for hire items and guest greenfees. New members will also receive a voucher booklet with over £1,000 of savings, including entry to the stunning Hever Castle and its gardens, which is certainly a great advantage. One member said: “Having only just started as a seven-day member, everything about Hever Castle Golf Club is so very professionally run. The priority times and free balls for the practice facilities are great features that really prove Hever puts its members first.” A variety of membership options are offered including the ‘Princes’, which gives seven-day golf on the ninehole course, with the option to pay a reduced greenfee to play the Championship 18 course. In addition, the ‘flexible approach’ membership is offered to new members as an introductory membership scheme: you can purchase 600 golf credits and use them as you wish to play both courses. It’s not just the adults who can enjoy this fantastic course: one of Hever’s big commitments is to junior golf. This becomes evident when you realise that every full member may have up to two of their children join for free. Hever has also hosted a variety of junior events such as the HSBC WeeWonders and, once again in

2011, the Trailblazers Tour. A parent commented: “The facilities are excellent, the members and staff are all really friendly and it is fantastic that my children play for free.” The family that owns the club is very committed to developing the facilities and services, primarily for the benefit of its membership. Vast investment over the years has shown this, including the redevelopment of the driving range and practice facilities, the updating of the clubhouse, including the showers and changing facilities, and investment across the golf course maintaining its high standards. The course plays very well all year round with no temporary tees or greens in the winter and in summer full irrigation to all tees, greens and approaches keeps the course in superb condition. A member commented: “The club has a wonderful atmosphere and it is a real pleasure to be a member. The thinning out of some of the surrounding areas has really opened the course up and made it far more picturesque, in keeping with the area. It is a real pleasure to play golf on the course.” A warm welcome is assured when visiting the club, where you can enjoy the peaceful surroundings in the clubhouse, overlooking the course and ornamental pond. Great facilities are available including the well-stocked professional shop with the latest equipment and clothing and the team in the bar and restaurant will ensure that you have a sociable and relaxing time. Hever Castle Golf Club offers a truly unique local golfing experience within the stunning surroundings of this historic estate; it is simply a must for local golfers.

Inspiring: Entrance to Hever Castle is just one of the perks of the seven-day membership. The clubhouse and its large outdoor patio (main image)

n For more information about membership or to arrange a time to preview the club, visit, call Membership Manager Peter Holder on 01732 701004 or email pholder@ May 2011 vine 69


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70 vine May 2011



We’d love to know what you think of this month’s Vine. What did we get right? What did we get wrong? Send your 250-word review to Or you can post letters to Vine, 3A Lakeview Stables, St. Clere, Sevenoaks TN15 6NL

The Kingfisher photographed by Sam Baylis (left) and Hereford cow taken by John Morrison (above)

Visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter



r Stinton Ode to Knole Pa rk by Jennife es to an azure sky ch an br led ar kn ch ret st s ak M ajestic O e Clothe d in green of every hu trees flourish Horse-Chestnut and Beecnehver-ending ca lls Hidden birds sin g their g bursts into vibrant life. As the summoned Sprin haughty brown geese e sid be lly efu ac pe e az gr er Timid de d sh adowy woo ds Restin g in the sh ady dellseaante a web of murmurin g sound Buzzin g flies and bees crory and the ga lloping hooves of Timeless vistas ec ho hist by gone da ys in g Chesnut Tree? ad re sp is th h at ne be t sa t Who las

POSTBAG your letters

Dear Charlotte,

Here at Vine we love our pets and we know you do too! To see your pet featured, send in your photos to: or if you want to send in a poem or a letter send it to:

I am writing to wish you all the best and to congratulate you on taking over the leadership of Vine magazine. You have been part of a very successful and inspirational team that has created something really worthwhile and what is now so much part of Sevenoaks life, out of nothing. The excitement for all of us is continuing to support and enjoy the evolvement of the magazine under your leadership. Great times ahead. Edward Oatley, via email


NAMES: Maggie and Basil the bearded dragons OWNER: Eli Buckle LIKES AND DISLIKES: Maggie – likes: her head being rubbed like a dog, locusts, having a bath, digging; dislikes: sharing, being unsettled Basil – likes: mealworms, being fed by hand (or tweezers!); dislikes: baths – he always jumps out FAVOURITE TREAT: they both love grated carrot! A WORD FROM THE OWNER: Everyone thinks of Basil Fawlty when Eli says his name but we don’t think he is quite that eccentric! He knows what he likes though and ignores what he doesn’t.You can see in the photo that Maggie is much softer looking than Basil, but she can definitely hold her own – she likes playing to an audience; she’s a pretty girl and she knows it!

IS THIS YOU? Win two tickets to The Stag Cinema If this is you, walking through the High Street on Thursday March 24 2011, simply send us some form of photo identification and you’ll win 2 tickets to a film at The Stag Theatre. Aren’t we nice! Prize available until June 6 2011 May 2011 vine 71

WHAT’S ON? Summer Festival. Eden Valley Museum, High St, Edenbridge

ART n 01 May. Spring Exhibition. Sussex House, 61 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. Free. Royal Tunbridge Wells Art Society 01892 542999

n 17 May-07 Jun. Closed Mon. 10:30-17:00. Beauty of National Trust art exhibition. Orangery, Knole, Sevenoaks. National Trust 01732 462100 www.

n 01-07 Jun (dates to be confirmed). Cricket Week. Nevill Cricket Ground, Tunbridge Wells

n 19 May. 13:45-15:00. Talk on the Art of David Hockney. Community Centre, Cramptons Rd, Bat & Ball. Knole Decorative & Fine Arts Society 01732 780453

CHARITY n 06 May. Charity Golf Day. Wildernesse Golf Club, Seal. Amherst Rotary Club. In aid of CAB & Age UK 01732 454108

CARNIVALS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS, FETES, SHOWS n 21 May. Village Fete. Shoreham

n 27 May. Charity Golf Day. Wildernesse Golf Club, Seal. In aid of Bradbourne Riding for the Disabled Association 07973 814275

n 21-22 May. 09:00-17:00. Heavy Horse & Country Show. Blue Anchor Showground, Eastbourne Rd, Blindley Heath. £5. 01737 646132


n 28 May-07 Jun. Eden Valley 

n 05 May. Weekly. 19:15. Practical Philosophy course. Humanities Building, Weald of Kent Grammar School, Tudeley Lane, Tonbridge. £70 (concessions £50) for 10 weeks. Kent School of Philosophy 01892 616144 www. philosTim Vine ophycourse. com

n 29 May. Ancient Egyptian Festival. Chiddingstone Castle near Edenbridge. www. chiddingstonecastle.

n 01-26 May. Local Artists exhibition. Kaleidoscope Gallery, Sevenoaks Library, Buckhurst Lane, Sevenoaks. 01732 453118




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n 13 May. 09:30. Floristry Workshop. Coolings Garden Centre, Rushmore Hill, Knockholt. £25 including lunch. 01959 532269 www.coolings.

CLUBS n 04 May. 19:30. Talk on Jamaica stamps. Red Cross Hall, Town Council Offices, Bradbourne Vale Rd, Sevenoaks. Free. Sevenoaks Philatelic Society 01892 529154 n 23 May. Queen’s Own Buffs Regimental Reunion. White Rock Inn, Underriver n 26 May. Seasonal Sensations Demonstration. Day Centre, Paddock Wood. Paddock Wood Flower Club

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n 01 Jun. 19:30. Stamp Auction & AGM. Red Cross Hall, Town Council Offices, Bradbourne Vale Rd, Sevenoaks. Free. Sevenoaks Philatelic Society 01892 529154


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COMEDY n 12 May. Tim Vine. Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells. 01892 530613 n 12 May. 19:3022:00. Andy Zaltzman & Dan Antopolski standup comedy. EM Forster Theatre, Tonbridge. Tickets £12 (concessions

Edwardian Westerham exhibition. Squerryes Court near Westerham

£10). 01732 304241 www. n 20 May. Comedy Club. Salomons, Broomhill Rd, Southborough near Tunbridge Wells


n 27 May. Julian Smith. Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells. 01892 530613 n 28 May. Preston Reed. Trinity, Tunbridge Wells. 01892 678678

DANCE n 12 May. 20:15. Talk on Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. Ship Theatre, Walthamstow Hall School, Hollybush Lane, Sevenoaks. Sevenoaks Decorative & Fine Arts Society 01883 625877, 01732 454575 n 22 May. Red Cross Dance for Life competition. Stag

n 03, 10, 17, 24, 31 May, 07 Jun. 09:00-11:00. Farmers’ Market. St John’s Church Centre, Hildenborough. www.hildenbor www. n 05, 12, 19, 26 May, 02 Jun. 09:00-11:00. Farmers’ Market. St Giles Church, Shipbourne. www. n 07, 21 May. 09:00-14:00. Farmers’ Market. Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. www. n 14, 28 May. 09:00-14:00. Farmers’ Market. Town Hall forecourt, Tunbridge Wells. www.

DON’T MISS! Bank Holiday Weekend –

A fantastic family production of Roald Dahl’s classic tale Fantastic Mr Fox. Presented in a magical location at the Festival Theatre at Hever Castle, this production follows Illyria Theatre Company’s sensational sell-out season last year of James and the Giant Peach. Family meal also available on the Saturday. Adult, child and family tickets available. • 01732 866114 Community Arts Centre, London Rd, Sevenoaks. 01732 450175

EXHIBITIONS n 01 May-07 Jun. Different Worlds of HG Wells exhibition. Sevenoaks Museum, Sevenoaks Library, Buckhurst Lane, Sevenoaks. 01732 453118 n 01 May-07 Jun. 12:00-16:00. A Family Affair exhibition. Hever Castle, Hever near Edenbridge. Adults £14, OAPs £12, children £8. 01732 865224 www. n 04 May. Pram Race exhibition opens. Eden Valley Museum, 72 High St, Edenbridge. Free. 01732 868102 www. n 28 May-07 Jun.

GARDENS n 03 May. 20:00. Talk on Growing Fruit for the Garden. Village Memorial Hall, Otford. £1. Otford Gardeners Society 01959 523760 gardeners n 15 May. 11:00-17:00. Plant Fair. World Garden, Lullingstone Castle, Eynsford. 01322 862114 n 21-22 May. West Kent Garden & Leisure Show. Angels Football Club, Tonbridge n 03-04 Jun. 14:00-16:30. Head Gardener’s Tour. Penshurst Place & Gardens. £17.50 including cream tea. 01892 870307 www.


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72 vine May 2011


Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

MAY EVENTS AT THE STAG What’s on at your local theatre and cinema?

n 14-15 May. National Mills Weekend. Meopham Windmill. Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

With resident host Maff Brown...Lee Hurst, Doc Brown, The Raymond and Mr Timpkins Revue and Philberto.

supreme operatic masterpiece. The opera tells of the passionate romance of the innocent and ardent Tatyana for the charismatic Onegin. It is fully staged and sung in English, featuring soloists from leading opera companies, and a professional orchestra.

THE ATOMIC BACK TO BASIE ORCHESTRA 7 May, 7:30pm, £20, £18 conc.


n 20 May. 12:00-15:00. Conservation in Action. Knole, Sevenoaks. National Trust 01732 462100 www.


MUSIC – GENERAL n 07 May. Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells. 01892 530613 n 20 May. Sam Carter gig. St Edith Hall, Kemsing. Brandywine Music www.brandywinemusic. n 03 Jun. 15:00. Mystery concert. Vine Bandstand, Dartford Rd, Sevenoaks. Sevenoaks Town Council 01732 459953

MUSIC – JAZZ & BLUES n 07 May. 19:30. Atomic Back to Basie blues big band concert. Stag Community Arts Centre, London Rd, Sevenoaks. Tickets £20 (concessions £18). 01732 450175 www. GCR Promotions n 14 May. Blues Band. Stag Community Arts Centre, London Rd, Sevenoaks. 01732 450175 www.stagsevenoaks. Brandywine Music www. n 21 May. 20:00. David Migden & the Dirty Words gig. Plaza Suite, Stag Community Arts Centre, London Rd, Sevenoaks. £10. 01732 450175 www. Blues with Bottle Club www.

MUSIC – TRIBUTE BANDS n 21 May. Take That tribute band. Donnington Manor Hotel, London Rd, Dunton Green. £29.99


Presented by GCR Promotions...Directed by trumpeter Paul Lacey, Back to Basie, Great Britain’s Count Basie Tribute Orchestra, features top London session musicians and jazz soloists all dedicated to playing the music of Count Basie’s second great orchestra of the 1950s and 1960s. ‘Swingin’ The Blues – Count Basie Style’ captures the sound and spirit of Basie’s legendary ‘Swingin’ Machine’ with accuracy and style.

NINE BELOW ZERO 7 May, 8pm, £15

Presented by Brandywine Music...There’s no doubt that Nine Below Zero is one of the great bands to emerge from the late 70s. They are a remarkable, tight, professional band whose highenergy R&B sound is both distinctive and engaging, physically and emotionally.

SPIERS AND BODEN 12 May, 8pm, £14

Presented by Brandywine Music...Described by The Guardian as “the finest instrumental duo on the traditional scene” and twice winners of the BBC Radio 2 folk award for Best Duo, Spiers and Boden have made the genre of spontaneous, punky English folk very much their own stomping ground.

SOUNDWAVES 13 May, 7-10pm, £2 or £4 on the door

21 May, 2.30pm, £12, £10

The WWOS Strictly Music Hall is a Cavern of Conviviality, an Emporium of Entertainment, in which the company are proud to present, at enormous expense, a comprehensive collection of consummate crime carefully contrived to captivate the connoisseur and confuse the castigator.


Presented by Blues with Bottle Club...This is a blues band with an experimental, rocky edge – performing electric blues, country and rock material. They invite you to a strange, unpredictable world with numbers from their album ‘Secondhand Tattoo’. With David Migden’s baritone and versatile vocals, trumpet and piano, Joe Gibson’s guitar and vocals, Phil Scragg on bass, Graham Mann on keyboards and trombone and James Sedge on drums, this is a blues band not to be missed.

AMY WADGE & PETE RILEY 26 May, 8pm, £10

Presented by The Flying Burrito Club...Amy Wadge is one of the country’s most successful female singer/songwriters. Her voice is simply amazing with breathtaking range and emotional impact and her songwriting continues to excel. Amy has teamed up on this tour with Pete Riley, a brilliant guitarist and singer who has performed throughout the world.

Soundwaves is a monthly night of live music for U18s, showcasing up and coming local talent.



Presented by Brandywine Music...Cara Dillon’s crystalline, angelic voice is an instrument of rare beauty capable of melting the sternest of hearts. She has a rare, extraordinary talent that you only come across a handful of times in your life. She is an emotive and captivating performer at the very top of her field.

14 May, 8pm, £20

Presented by Brandywine Music...The individual members of The Blues Band were already held in admiration by generations of R&B fans when they formed back in 1979. Almost two and a half decades later, here they are, as enthusiastic as ever – Britain’s finest, most skilled practitioners in the art of the blues – The Blues Band.

FAMOUS CHARACTERS 15 May, 7.30pm, £13, £12, £1 U 16’s

Presented by Sevenoaks Symphony Orchestra...The Sevenoaks Symphony Orchestra will present a series of musical portraits and a trumpet concerto in their concert entitled ‘Famous Characters’. Opening with Kabalevsky’s Overture Colas Breugnon, James Woods-Davison will then perform Aruntunian’s exciting Trumpet Concerto. George Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess Suite and Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade will constitute the second half.

EUGENE ONEGIN 18, 19, 20 May, 7.30pm, 21 May, 6.30pm, £25, £19, £12

THE JACKIE GENERATION 28 May, 8pm, £12, £10 conc.

“…The ultimate tribute to the sensational 70s!” Live in concert, all your favourite 70s chart hits performed by this amazing six piece band who are storming the UK. Featuring ‘dual’ lead singers Janey Bombshell & Karl Jenner. Free CD with every family ticket. Come dressed in 70s gear to win prizes on the night!

PETER PAN THE MUSICAL 30 May, 4pm, 31 May, 1 June, 3pm & 7.30pm, £13, £11 conc. £43 family

Peter Pan, like its namesake, is a tale which never ages. Children and adults alike have all fallen under the spell of Neverland, a place where children can fly and exciting, frightening adventures happen every day. t

Presented by Kentish Opera Eugene Onegin is Tchaikovsky’s

27 May, 8pm, £20

Cara Dillon


including dinner. 01732 468510


n 28 May. Absolute Bowie tribute band. Soundhouse, Otford. £14. Brandywine 07798 767770 www.brandywinemusic.

A happy tune


The King & I, The Stag Theatre 16 April, The Sevenoaks Players

Copacabana, The Stag Theatre 27 April, Petts Wood Operatic Society

n What better way for the Sevenoaks Players to mark the occasion of the royal wedding than with a tip-top production of this Rodgers and Hammerstein classic? Like ‘God Save The Queen’, it’s a fair bet that ‘Whistle A Happy Tune’ and ‘Shall We Dance?’ are on the list of songs that even the most musically-challenged of us can hum or whistle in an emergency. But familiar tunes don’t make a show easy to perform – quite the opposite. Months of hard work and attention to detail are needed to produce a show of this standard. Director Alexandra Leigh made it look deceptively easy, with Anthony Eglinton and Angela Stromsoe leading a very talented cast as the King and Anna. Their performances revealed the inner subtleties of two people whose outward certainty crumbles into doubt as their prickly relationship develops into affection. Eglinton’s King was a man on a journey of self-discovery, his rigid ideas about monarchy and women dissolving into uncertainty as Anna repeatedly challenged him. Angela Stromsoe’s transition from buttoned-up Victorian widowhood to passionate emotion in her bedroom scene was perfectly judged. ‘Shall We Dance?’ in Act Two was another highlight, with both performers projecting the kind of relaxed confidence that only comes with real mastery of the movement and music. The big Stag Theatre stage is an unforgiving place, but the ensemble looked thoroughly at home, projecting effortlessly to the back of the theatre. Tom Meyrick and Jack Wood were clear and confident in the roles of Louis and the Prince. As the lovers Tuptim and Lun Tha, Rebecca Moynes and James Osborne conveyed a sense of secrecy and danger, but seemed too physically distant to suggest real passion. There was strong musical leadership from John Cornford and his 16 players who coped well with a complex score that combines lush orchestral passages with exotic, oriental decoration. Choreographer Jessica McEwen created an electrifying ballet sequence in Act Two, an eastwest blend of movement that seemed to grow naturally out of the earlier scenes. Scene changes went like clockwork, costumes and make-up were superb and the sound quality excellent. The Stag Theatre is one of Sevenoaks’ biggest cultural assets, which after several years of uncertainty is now happily afloat again under the management of the town council. So it was particularly satisfying to see town mayor Simon Raikes taking time out from the local elections to doff his red robes, chain of office and tricorn hat to perform with gusto as an interpreter and a Buddhist priest in this show. With our mayor showing the way, perhaps Boris Johnson will be tempted to follow suit?

n They know all about nightclubs in Petts Wood. While for us in rural Sevenoaks a coffee shop is the height of international sophistication, in Petts Wood the customers sip champagne all night to an exotic Latin beat, the girls shimmy around in ostrich feathers and little else, while well-muscled men with Italian names and sharp suits patrol the tables to see they don’t escape. Little Havana, I believe the natives call it. So who better than the Petts Wood Operatic Society to bring Barry Manilow’s Copacabana to the Stag Theatre? Mr Manilow is not one of my musical favourites, but with 80 million records sold, he must be doing something right. The storyline about a showgirl from the Midwest seeking fame on stage in New York seems to have been borrowed from 42nd Street, as do many of the characters. Even the Latino gangster, drawn with not even a hint of light to balance the shade, is two-dimensional. But this is a musical that succeeds despite its obvious flaws. The nightclub scenes give director Marilyn Gebbett and choreographer Caroline Ayling the chance to produce dance numbers that really sizzle. All hail to musical director Louisa Lowing and her 15-strong band for really setting the joint alive and creating an authentically Latin sound. In every good musical there’s a spinetingling vocal moment when words, music and movement come together and the show really takes off. When the Petts Wooders came to Sevenoaks last November with My Fair Lady, it arrived when Sarah Delany (below), singing Eliza, finally broke free of her cockney vowels to sing ‘The Rain in Spain’. In this show Miss Delany was once again quite outstanding. Her big moment came with the song ‘Man Wanted’, when Lola from Tulsa suddenly transformed herself from an gauche wannabe into a real star, delivering an electric charge across the footlights.

n 07 May. Weekly. 11:00. Jogging for beginners. £60. www. n 11 May. Weekly. 11:00. Jogging for beginners. £60. www. n 13 May. Weekly. 09:15. Jogging for beginners. £60. www.

WALKS n 04 May. Weekly. 12:35-15:00. Kent Walks. Organised by Adult Education Centre, Bradbourne Rd, Sevenoaks. 0845 606 5606 n 08 May. 5-mile walk. Meet 14:30 Ide Hill viewpoint Car Park. Sevenoaks Society 01732 457351 www.sevenoakssociety. n 22 May. 10:00-17:00. 13-mile walk to Emmetts Garden & back. Knole House, Sevenoaks. £1. 01732 462100 www. n 22 May. 5-mile walk. Meet 14:30 Camer Country Park Car Park. Sevenoaks Society 01474 853971 www.sevenoakssociety.

WILDLIFE n 09 May. 19:15-21:30. Talk on What’s going on out there? How our wildlife is changing. Jeffery Harrison Visitor Centre, Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve, Bradbourne Vale Rd, Sevenoaks. Free. Kent Wildlife Trust 01689 828831 n 14 May. 10:00-16:00. Beekeepers Demonstration. Coolings Green & Pleasant Garden Centre, Main Rd, Knockholt. Free. 01959 534386 To see your event here, email full details to tic@ Edited by Bob Carpenter. Guaranteed insertions cost just £35 + VAT. Call us today on 01732 760823

SEVENOAKS TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE Stag Theatre, Plaza Suite Tel: 01732 450305 Email:

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he danger of keeping If a hen is surprised, it lays an egg. chickens – and they If a hen is warm, it lays an egg. If a are generally about as hen is a bit chilly, it lays an egg. If a un-dangerous a pet hen is bored, it lays an egg. If a hen as it’s possible to find is jealous, it lays an egg. If a hen is – is that the youngest bewildered, it lays an egg, and so on. members of the house have no Even when the snow was half-way idea that having barnyard animals up the back door and there was an in suburban gardens is not a very Icelandic level of sunlight, they still standard state of affairs. managed to lay at least one between “When can we get them a day. In between our pig?” was one flapping their wings Food, seemed of the first fullyessential piled up as fast as they could to There are only formed sentences take off and nosedive on conveyor sothe many times out of my toddler’s into the snow, over and the lady in mouth, followed only belt, over again that is. I can serve a few weeks later So we have a lot of the cashier’s hot omelette... with, “Can I have a eggs. Three a day at seat turned to my Spanish sheep?” the moment. There husband and I omelette... His ongoing are only so many times and said: “I don’t requests for farm I can serve omelette... scrambled animals probably Spanish omelette... think you two egg... more wasn’t helped by scrambled egg... more look over 25” omelette... an incident with omelette... pancakes... pancakes... an escaped lamb muffins... even more in Rye Lane a few muffins... even omelette before a months ago. Pootling more omelette full-scale mutiny is along we came to declared. Anyone want before a fullwhat looked like a any eggs, by the way? scale mutiny slightly dirty cloud While the youngest zig-zagging across of the family has is declared. the road... My moved on (moo-ved Anyone want son thought it not on? Huge apologies) any eggs, by remotely odd to see to petitioning for a the way? his mum hoisting a cow, “for milk and lamb up under her for playing with,” arm and popping it my husband has back over the fence (I hope it was implemented a strict ‘one in, one the right fence). out’ policy. We already have two The only thing that surprised him cats, two guinea pigs (all of whom was that we didn’t strap it into a produce nothing edible, the slackers) booster seat and bring it back to our but it seems we’re destined to garden. (Believe me, I was tempted, stop there. they’re like squirmy little pillows – Which is a shame, because goat’s adorable! I’ve not so much as sniffed cheese made from our own goat’s a cutlet since). milk would be the perfect way to The other danger of keeping pep up all those omelettes. three fat hens in the garden is the Holly Seddon runs the community site fear of drowning in egg. It seems – and this is by no means scientific – Catch her on twitter too @hollyseddon that if a hen is happy, it lays an egg.

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