M I N I S T RY C O N TAC T S Bookstore Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323 Career Ministry Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 Church Planting Stephen Van Dop, 614.259.5303 Community Center 614.259.5503 Community Life/Small Groups Deb George, 614.259.5358 Community Outreach 614.259.5441 Connect Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235 Counseling Center Yolanda Zellars, 614.259.5409 Empowered Life Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482 Financial Ministry Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 Global CafĂŠ 614.259.5400 Hospitality Casey Knight, 614.259.5292 International Ministries Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369 Marriage & Family Life Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365 Phase III Ron Schmidt, 614.425.7284 Singles Christopher Ledezma, 614.259.5492 Support for Life Joyce Stewart, 614.259.5256 Value Life Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 VC High School Mike Chaparro, 614.259.5404 VC Middle School Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 VC Twenty Michelle Blackstone, 614.259.5290 VineyardKids Terri Stewart, 614.259.5466 Vineyard Institute Andy Saperstein, 614.259.5358 Vineyard Men Stephen Van Dop, 614.259.5303 Vineyard Women Liz Ward, 614.259.5335 Volunteer Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 Worship Arts Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S AUGUST 2018 4
Congregational Letter Beyond Diversity And Toward Beloved Community
Help & Wellness
Spiritual Development
Vineyard Growth Classes
Volunteer & Serve
New To Vineyard
Give & Donate
Families & Marriage
Adult Ministries
Cover Story Sawmill Campus: One Year at Tuller Road
C O O P E R R O A D W E E K D AY BUILDING HOURS Monday-Friday | 8:30am-10pm Ministry Center doors close at 5:30pm. Please enter at Worship Center doors.
MINISTRY RESPONSE TEAM If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did not receive a response within a couple days, please reach out to our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.response@vineyardcolumbus.org. Please include your name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or person that you contacted.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S PA S T O R S Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
La Viña Campus Pastor, Irene Casale-Petrarca Admin. Asst. Jordan Espino-Arvizu, 614.259.5241
Associate & International Ministries Pastor, Bill Christensen Admin. Asst. Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369
Lane Avenue Campus Pastor, Andrew Oswalt Admin. Asst. Jordan Espino-Arvizu, 614.259.5241
Children’s Pastor, April Murphy Admin. Asst. Terri Stewar, 614.259.5466
Leader Development Pastor, Andy Saperstein Admin. Asst. Deb George, 614.259.5358
Children’s Pastor, Mike Szlapak Admin. Asst. Debi Leake, 614.259.5413
Marriage & Family Life Pastor, Ron Hitchcock Admin. Asst. Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365
Church Extension & Evangelism Pastor, Stephen Van Dop 614.259.5303
Outreach & Connect Pastor, Eric Pickerill Ministry Asst. Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235
Community Center Pastor, Daniel Nathan Admin. Asst. Ahdra Young, 614.259.5503
Sawmill Campus Pastor, Scott Engebretson Admin. Asst. Allyse Huey, 614.259.5439
Community Life Pastor, Amanda Nash
Staff Care and Formation Pastor, Julia Pickerill
Admin. Asst. Marsha Martin, 614.259.5305
Community Outreach Pastor, Daniel Nathan Admin. Asst. Ahdra Young, 614.259.5503
Support For Life Pastor, Lorie Kaufman-Rees Ministry Asst. Joyce Stewart, 614.259.5256
Community Relations & Special Projects Pastor, Kwesi Kambon Admin. Asst. Debi Evans, 614.259.5467
Visitation & Care Pastor, Anthony Cannon 614.259.5364
Discipleship Pastor, Paige Goslin 614.259.5477
Volunteer & Value Life Pastor, Diane Bauman Admin. Asst. Dianna Fairchild, 614.259.5318
East Campus Pastor, Charles Montgomery Admin. Asst. Jamie Frisbey, 614.259.5245
Women’s Pastor, Marlene Nathan Ministry Asst. Liz Ward, 614.259.5335
Empowered Life & Youth Pastor, Kerry Davis Admin. Asst. Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482
Worship Arts Pastor, Craig Allen Admin. Asst. Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
Executive Pastor, Craig Heselton Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
Young Adult Pastor, Christian Root & Shane Huey Admin. Asst. Michelle Blackstone, 614.259.5290
Financial & Career Ministries Pastor, Kent Irwin 614.259.5505
Pastors may be reached by contacting his/her assistant at the extension listed. All staff members are listed at vineyardcolumbus.org. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
ecently, an article in Christianity Today suggested that
from over 140 countries. What a blessing to be part of the
the multiethnic church movement is working. In fact,
majestic mosaic of the Kingdom of God!
Protestant churches in the United States have become three times more likely to be racially diverse than they were 20 years ago! The percentage of Protestant churches where no one racial group makes up more than 80 percent of the congregation ‘tripled’ from 4 percent in 1998 to 12 percent, according to new research published in the Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion. Evangelicals and Pentecostals show even higher levels of diverse churches, up to 15 percent and 16 percent, respectively.
Undoubtedly, this picture of our church is akin to the prophetic vision shown to our Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan, who many times has shared with us a dream given to him years ago:
…More than 25 years ago, I had a series of dreams regarding the diversity of our church. At the time, our congregation was almost entirely white, non-Hispanic people. One evening I had a dream that while I was preaching, I looked out and the church was incredibly racially diverse. I woke up from the dream really
Nationally, nearly 20 percent of American worshippers
encouraged. I thought, “Wow, the faces that I looked at
belong to a multiethnic congregation. I’m proud to
were so different than the faces that I see every week in
share that Vineyard Columbus is one of these churches!
front of me.” I feel back asleep. I had a dream the second
According to our most recent church survey (2018), 43
time. Then I fell asleep and had the dream a third time and
percent of our attendees are people of color and come
after the third time I felt the presence of God in the room.
I thought this is the Lord speaking to me. Through the 90’s
(Livermore, 2009). I am convinced that the development
I prayed about the diversity of our church.
of one’s CQ can occur spiritually and practically. For
In many ways, it can be argued, that this prophetic vision has come to fruition. It has become a reality. By God’s grace (and strategic grit, I might add!) our church is now a multiethnic church. And we are diverse not just in race and ethnicity, but in age, gender, personalities and political philosophies. We are a diverse church! The question of the hour is, now what? Or perhaps more appropriately:
example, consider the experience of Pentecost in the Book of Acts. The Day of Pentecost hints that there is a spiritual dimension to CQ. Biblical scholar Virginia Burris suggests that at Pentecost “the disciples find not their own but ‘other’ hot languages in their mouths. When the Holy Spirit descended upon them at Pentecost, the disciples opened their mouths and someone else’s language came out! Yet at the same time these disciples were still their
How do we effectively steward our diversity to show our love for God and one another as we continue to partner with Christ to heal the world?
cultural selves” (Burris 2009). As such, developing cultural
I believe these are relevant questions for our time. We
to wait on the Holy Spirit to supernaturally saturate us so
live in a time when our country seems more and more
that we might experience and hear one another expressing
divided. Daily, the airwaves of our media are flooded with
our love language (worship) to God afresh. Again, Burris
stories of divisive political rhetoric, and people committing
reminds us that at Pentecost, the wind was heard before “a
violent acts that continue to cause erosion to our common
tongue rested on each of them” (Acts 2:3, NRSV). Hearing
sense of civility. Indeed, the ongoing modern democratic
preceded speaking.
experiment that is the United States, with all of its mixing and matching of differences is again in need of a prophetic paradigm to show that there is a (proverbial) ‘Balm in Gilead’ to make our wounded nation whole.
intelligence involves understanding more deeply the experiences of another while still being rooted in your own cultural reality. Our weekly gatherings in worship are opportunities for us
Practically speaking, we also develop our CQ by listening to one another’s stories. How often, after church, have you offered to take someone of a different culture or ethnicity out to lunch or share a table with them in our Global Café?
Our Senior Pastor has taught us that the church is the hope
Have you considered inviting or perhaps accepting an
of the world. To be clear, a single church cannot change
invitation to visit someone’s home of a different race or
the world alone. But a single church committed to the
socio-economic status than you and actively engaging in
one mission Christ has for His One Church can be both
fellowship, conversation and intentional listening? When
salt and light to the earth (Matthew 5:13- 16). As such, this
was the last time you sought to shop at an International
is a unique season for Vineyard Columbus, with all of our
grocery store in Central Ohio? Or perhaps worship at our
diversity, to provide a pathway paradigm to demonstrate
La Viña campus? What authors of different ethnicities and
how people from different ethnicities and different
genres are on your bookshelf that can stretch your thinking
cultures can live together in healthy community. So how
and development? All of these are practical ways you
can we steward our diversity well? In my opinion, we do
can develop your CQ and help strengthen our collective
this by starting or continuing our development in at least
witness as a community of faith.
three areas:
2. Develop A Culture of Inclusivity
1. Develop Our Cultural Intelligence
A second way we can steward our diversity well is by
My colleague, David Livermore, who is a senior consultant
continuing to develop a culture of inclusivity. By cultural
with the Cultural Intelligence Center in Grand Rapids, MI,
inclusivity, I’m talking about an environment that moves
defines cultural intelligence (CQ) as a person’s capability
beyond mere cosmetic diversity, where we simply worship
to function effectively in a variety of cultural contexts
side by side, and toward mutual relationships characterized V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
by reciprocal love. We see such movement throughout the
Revelator’s cadence of nations, tribes, peoples, and languages
book of Acts as we witness a Church increasingly mature into
occurs several times in Revelation, and each time it is stated in
local faith communities that are embodiments of cultural
a new order illustrating the equality represented when no one
group dominates (DeYoung, Emerson, Kim, Yancey, 2003).This
These communities of faith (churches) are assisted by the power of the Holy Spirit. At the aforementioned Pentecost, we see inclusivity on display between Galilean Jews and Diasporic Jews, who are so engaged in Holy elocution that they can’t help but be ecstatic about sharing and being with one another (Acts 2). Moreover, when the Spirit visits Samaria, cultural inclusivity occurs between Samaritans and Jews as cultural walls are torn down (Acts 8). Similarly, a culture of inclusivity is established between Jews and Romans at the home of Cornelius, signifying that even political structures,
and expressing their love for Him and one another. Do you not hear them beckoning us to do likewise? This vision of mutual relationship and reciprocal love may seem ideal but it’s not impossible. Not for those who keep Christ as the center of attention. It is Christ who calls us beyond diversity to beloved community – a place where we come together across racial, cultural, and ethnic divides and covenant to put love in action.
power, and privilege are leveled when the Spirit is actively
Up to this point, I have focused on racial and ethnic cultures,
involved (Acts 10).
but I would be remiss if I did not share that this same vision
Perhaps the most sustainable demonstration of a cultural, inclusive community was the church at Antioch (Acts 11). I believe what sustained the Antioch church was sound
and these principles could also apply to diversity in gender, class, ability and the like. In order for our congregation to move beyond diversity and toward beloved community we
leadership. While I do not have space to dive into the
must address all historically underrepresented groups and
intricacies of these leaders, suffice it to say that the team
build a faith community that authentically represents our
consisted of multi-ethnic leaders who had the necessary
“Kin-dom in the Kingdom!” This comprehensive approach
cultural competency and spiritual maturity required for
maximizes our potential to help bring about transformative
leading a diverse Antioch church. Likewise, I believe having
change to our communities and our world.
leaders with high CQ (mentioned above) and spiritual maturity at all levels of our church (leadership teams, governance, worship, ministry and programming), who are empowered to share power justly can help us model and develop a culture of inclusivity. Transformational leaders with these qualities are vital to us sustaining and leading our diverse church into the future.
If you are interested in further developing in any of the three areas above, Vineyard USA is hosting a national conference entitled “Better Together: Race, Reconciliation & The Multiethnic Church” August 21-23 at the Evanston Vineyard Church, Evanston, Illinois. You can register at vineyardusa.org/events.
3. Develop A Christ-Like Intentionality
Christ-like intentionality is also vital to us responsibly
1. Curtis Paul DeYoung, Michael O. Emerson, George Yancey, and Karen
stewarding our diversity well. Maintaining our focus on Jesus
Chai Kim, United by Faith: The Multiracial Congregation as an Answer to
Christ is non-negotiable. Jesus Christ is (and will always
the Problem of Race (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003).
be) the head of the Church. If Pentecost is the beginning
2. David Livermore, Cultural Intelligence: Improving your CQ to Engage
of the church, than Revelation 7 presents us a picture of the end of the church. Here the word picture(s) John, the Revelator, paints is instructive for those of us interested in stewarding diversity. Capture the scenario: the church gathers around the heavenly throne fully inhabiting their specific cultural identities and representing a full acceptance and understanding of each other’s culture. Meanwhile the 6
is done by maintaining a laser beam-focus on the Lamb of God
in our Multicultural World (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2009). 3. Kate Shellnut, “Guess Who’s Coming to Church: Multiracial Congregations Triple Among Protestants.” Christianity Today, 22 June 2018. Web. 9 July. 2018 4. New Revised Standard Version. Biblica, 2011. Biblegateway.com 5. Virginia Burris, “The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles,” in A
Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings, ed. Fernando F. Segovia and R.S. Sugirtharajah (London: T &T Clark, 2009), 147.
Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership. No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare (ages 1-12). Next Class: Sunday, November 11
Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Scott Engebretson Whether you’ve followed Jesus for a short time or many years, discover practical ways to mature and thrive. We’ll offer ways to read the Bible so that it comes to life, pray with more power, and live a life of holistic stewardship. Next Class: Sunday, November 11
Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Craig Heselton Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God and his presence into our lives and the world. You’ll also learn how to follow his lead in praying for healing in people’s lives. Next Class: Sunday, November 11
Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Diane Bauman As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve. Whether you have been around Vineyard Columbus for a week or years, you’ll find this class helpful in discovering where God wants you to serve and grow. Next Class: Sunday, November 11
Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Stephen Van Dop The purpose of this class is to train and encourage every Christian, to share Christ, everywhere, in every way, all the time. Next Class: Sunday, November 11
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Baptism Classes | Youth (Ages 10-18) & Adult Saturday & Sunday, August 4 & 5, after services
Journey to Oneness: Committed Dating & Engaged Couples
Contact: baptism@vineyardcolumbus.org
Thursdays, September 6–October 11, 7-9pm
Youth Contact: Pastors Kerry Davis, 614.259.5502 or
Additional two weeks for stepfamilies on October 18 & 25, 7-9pm
Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317
Cost: $20 per person (includes required reading material and online
If you’re a new follower of Jesus, getting baptized is a public
relationship inventory)
proclamation of your decision to follow Christ. To participate in
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
baptism, you must attend one of the required classes. Find more
Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org
info online.
Open to all couples in committed dating relationships, those
Baptism Celebration: Saturday & Sunday, August 11 & 12
considering engagement and engaged couples. Come learn how to
Join A Small Group Visit: vineyardcolumbus.org/groups Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Doing life in community is important. Small groups bring people together from different cultures, life stages, and experiences for
for those getting married at Vineyard Columbus. Couples creating a stepfamily will be encouraged to attend the two additional classes—come and get equipped to create a family plan that will prepare both you and your children for success.
a rich community of worship, friendship, growth, and service. Stop
Journey of Hope
by the small group area at your campus to learn more!
Tuesdays, September 25–October 30, 7-9pm
Membership 101 Sunday, September 16, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan Childcare: Register for free at vineyardcolumbus.org/vgc. Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership. No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare (ages 1–12). Next Class: Sunday, November 11 Learn about all of our Vineyard Growth Classes on p. 7.
Cost: $25 per couple Childcare: Childcare is included, ages 1-12, (must register a week in advance) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org If you and your spouse are experiencing conflict or crisis in your marriage, the Journey of Hope classes will help you find healing and direction. You will learn spiritual & practical applications from pastors and marriage coaches to restore hope and trust to your relationship.
VC Students
VC Students | Middle & High School
Chosen4Love Contact: Julie Pierce (614.625.7335, jasandjul95@netscape.net), Abigail Shaw (abigailjoyshaw@yahoo.com), or Peggy Steinbower (chucklipeg@sbcglobal.net) Chosen4Love is a community of families with a passion for adoption and foster care. We serve as a resource for adoptive families and for people who are considering becoming foster or adoptive parents. Please connect with one of us for support and encouragement in this area.
Vineyard Columbus Homeschool Network Contact: Martha, marthahawthorne@gmail.com Our mission is to support and empower families who homeschool their children. We all contribute our unique gifts to benefit and build up one another, and to provide support to children and parents through classes, field trips, and social engagements. Find us on Facebook!
have the kind of marriage God intended. Open to all, but required
Weekend Services: Saturdays, 6pm & Sundays, 9am & 11:30am Middle School Contact: Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 or michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.org High School Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or santos.chaparro@vineyardcolumbus.org VC Students is the name of our community of students from across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. See you there!
VC High School | MDWK Wednesday, August 8, 7-8:30pm, Second Floor Ministry Center Contact: Sarah Wiechman, 614.259.5390 or sarah.wiechman@vineyardcolumbus.org This summer VC High School will have a midweek service “MDWK”. This is an opportunity for our students to hang out with friends, engage in worship, and hear a powerful message! MDWK will be a new, fresh, and exciting experience outside of weekend services.
VC High School | Student Core
KQ Worship Club Summer 2018
Application: Pick up an application during high school services
Saturdays, August 11, 18 & 25, 2:15-4:30pm
Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or
Cooper Road Campus, Multi-Purpose Room
Cost: $20 (includes t-shirt)
Student Core is our leadership team where we partner with Christ
The Worship Club includes training for children related to
to heal the world. We have so much fun doing God’s work together—
voice, dance, percussion, band, spoken word, media, puppetry
join us!
and visual arts.
Tuesdays, Beginning September 11, 7-8:30pm Cost: $30
Phase III: A Ministry for Retirees
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
1st Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30am
Contact: David Grace, 614.769.4413
Contact: Ron Schmidt, rjsgar@gmail.com
Awana is a discipleship program where parents and children
This group is for people of retirement age who want to flourish in
memorize and learn the Bible, have fun, and become more like
the Kingdom of God. We have opportunities to have fun and develop
Jesus. It’s a lot of fun and a great way for the church and the family
deep relationships with other Christians our age, grow personally
to partner together in raising up our kids to love Jesus. There is
and spiritually, and give back by serving (supporting other ministries).
a limit to the number of children that can participate so please register in advance.
Singles Ministry
Awana Carnival
Cedar Point
Sunday, August 19, 2-4pm
Saturday, August 25, 7am
Cost: free
We will meet in the Cooper Road Vineyard’s parking lot at 7am
Contact: David Grace, 614.769.4413
and departing promptly at 7:15am.
The carnival is free to attend. We will have a games, candy, a
Contact: Henry Lee, henrylee.juiceplus@gmail.com to RSVP so we
bounce house, and lots of fun. Find out about our Awana ministry.
can work out further logistics and transportation plans (carpool
Awana is a discipleship program for children where parents and
and caravan).
children learn and memorize scripture, have fun, and become like
Join us for a trip to Cedar Point! Ticket purchase will be on an
Jesus. You can sign up at the carnival or on line.
individual basis. You can purchase tickets online in advance to save
Baby Dedication Classes
money and time. Additional discounts may be available through AAA, Meijer, newspapers, etc. Bring money for food or feel free to
Saturday, August 4, 7:45pm
pack your meals. A large group of us will stay until the park closes,
Sunday, August 5, 1:15pm
but you are free to leave whenever you like. Children are welcome.
Dedication Application Deadline: Sunday, August 5 Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org
Creation Museum Trip
Attendance is required for baby dedication. If you have previously
Friday-Saturday, September 21-22
attended a class for another child, you do not have to attend again.
Childcare: Not available (adult only event)
Applications are available at the Information Counter and online.
Cost: $50
Please bring your completed application to the class.
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/singles/events
Baby Dedication
Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Join us on Friday, September 21 for an overnight trip to the Creation
Saturday, August 18
Museum! This special event includes a late night, private walk-
Check-In: Registration window, 5:30pm
thru and scavenger hunt in the museum and two private video
Sunday, August 19
presentations. Ticket price for this two-day experience is $50, and
Check-In: Registration window, 8:30am (for 9am service)
gives you the option to have two full days in the museum! If you
Check-In: Registration window, 11am (for 11:30am service)
are unable to come during the day on Friday, you have the option to
Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org
arrive Friday evening to take part of the night activities, sleep over
Next Baby Dedication: December 8 & 9
and visit on day two. Either way, you won’t want to miss this! Cost does not include food.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Free Social Dance Classes
Men’s Prison Ministry
Friday, September 7, 7:30-9:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
If you are interested in serving in our Prison Ministry, many
Sunday, September 16, 7:30-9:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
opportunities are available. For information, see Prison Ministries
Childcare: Not available
under “Volunteer & Serve” in this edition of the MIX for training and
Contact: Natalie Struttmann, nataliestruttmann@yahoo.com
opportunities to serve at various jails throughout Central Ohio.
These free dance classes are followed by practicing and socializing. Adult singles and married couples are welcome. No partner is necessary. Dress is casual. All levels of dance are welcomed! These classes will be ongoing every first Friday and third Sunday of the month.
International Women’s Breakfast 1st Saturdays, 9:30–11:30am Contact: Flo Gimei, fgimei@gmail.com or
Picnic in the Park
Julie Franks, jufranks@hotmail.com
Sunday, August 19, Ridgewood Park, 2-7pm
We are a group of women from all over the world who meet monthly
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/singles/events
to experience unity in Christ while we honor diversity. We share a
Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
meal, listen to a brief teaching, discuss and pray for one another.
There will be several group games including volleyball, kickball,
Please bring a dish to share, but if you are unable to bring food, come
sack races, and ultimate Frisbee. Please bring your favorite board
and card games to play with others. There is also a playground for children. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. Please visit the Vineyard Website listed above to sign up to bring a side dish. We also need two volunteers to bring a grill and help with cooking (the park only has one). Seating is limited, please bring a picnic or lawn chair if you have one.
Run for God Saturdays, 7:30–10am Register: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/women/events Contact: Farrah Langlois, Rejoui78@yahoo.com or Julie Franks, jufranks@hotmail.com The Run for God program provides a practical guide to running
Vineyard Men
and a 12-week training plan aimed at completing a 5k race, while
180 Men’s Recovery Group
running, and a fellowship time after. All levels of walking and running
Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus
are welcome! You can join at anytime!
Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com 180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness. This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
maintaining a Christian focus. Meetings include discussion, walking/
Soul Provider Wednesday, August 8, 6pm Childcare: Available (ages 1–12; must register in advance) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (for childcare & event by Monday August 6) Contact: Myiesha, myiesha.mccrary@vineyardcolumbus.org
Chili & Chainsaws
Soul Provider is a ministry for moms who are single with children up
September 15, 8am-2pm (includes drive time)
to 18 years of age and still in high school. Please note: During the
Pleasant Hill Lake Park
summer, we are going to attend the Women's Summer Series instead
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
of having our regular meetings on the second Friday. We will meet
Contact: Stephen Van Dop, stephen.vandop@vineyardcolumbus.org
for dinner at 6pm and then attend the Women's Summer Series at
Men, join us as we cut and stack wood in preparation for Man Camp.
7pm. Join us!
Chili and water provided. Bring your own chainsaw. We will work for four hours. Please register in advance so we know how much chili to provide.
Vineyard Women: Event Team Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5335 We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people, serving
Helping Hands
others, and offering hospitality to join our Event Team. This would
Contact: Denise Birkhoff, denise.birkhoff@vineyardcolumbus.org
include promoting events, administrative help, decorating, greeting,
Are you handy? Can you fix things? Our ministry helps people who
registration, and more. We have fun serving together and would love
need minor home repairs such as leaky faucets, screen door repairs,
to have you join us!
etc. Often single-parent homes, elderly, or those who can’t afford repairs on their own.
Vineyard Women
Women's Summer Series | You Shall Know The Truth Wednesday, August 8, 7–9pm, followed by an after party
International Ministries
Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5335
VC International Teams
Childcare: Available for ages 1-12 years, $3/child, $5/family) but you
For more information about our teams sharing Jesus overseas, email
must register in advance
us at international.ministries@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (for childcare only by Monday, August 6) According to the Bible, truth is a big deal to God. So how do we, as followers of Jesus, in a day of “alternative facts” and “fake news,” discern what’s true? How can we tell the difference between fact and fiction, reality and fantasy, truth and falsehood, right and wrong so we can, as Jesus said, know the truth? Amanda Nash, Pastor, Community Life, is our featured speaker for the last of this two-part
East Campus Missions Prayer Group 3rd Mondays, 7pm, East Campus
Contact: Edna Wright, ewright3@att.net If you live on the east side of Columbus or in the Reynoldsburg/ Pickerington area and have a heart for missions, join us to pray for the nations and Vineyard Columbus’ missionaries in various areas of the world.
series in which we address this most important topic. Please join us
Vineyard Columbus Missions Prayer Group
for an evening of worship, teaching and prayer as we consider how to
2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
discern what’s true, believe what’s true and live what’s true. Spanish
Contact: Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or vcmissionprayer@gmail.com
interpretation will be provided. Stick around afterwards for a time of
Pray for our international ministry work. We typically worship, share
food and fun together in the lobby.
updates on our missionaries, and pray for special areas of the world
Young Adults
and our VC missionaries.
VC Twenty All Campus Gathering
Sunday, September 2, 6pm, Cooper Road Campus
Vineyard Columbus Visitation Care Team
Childcare: Available for ages 0-5
Contact: Visitation Care Team, 614.259.5239
Contacts: Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org
We want to come alongside our church and their families who are
VC Twenty is a place for young adults from Columbus to connect.
hospitalized, in nursing homes, in long–term care, or homebound. If
We’d love for you to come hang out with us on Sunday, July 1 at
you or a family member would like to be visited, please contact us.
our Cooper Road Campus for a night of worship, teaching, and community. Whether you’re a college student, young professional,
Funeral Needs
or somewhere in between, we’re saving a seat for you!
Contact: 614.259.5372
If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral and pastoral care services, please call us.
Immigration Services
Helping Hands
ICS Walk-in Clinics
Helping Hands is a ministry that will do minor repairs and
Saturdays, 9am–1pm, Vineyard Community Center
upkeep in your home if you cannot complete them on your own.
Contact: Trudy Ann Badillo, 614.259.5299 or
Most jobs are completed on Saturday mornings between 9am-
12pm. We do not mow grass or help with moving. If you need
Cost: $20 payable at the time of intake
minor repairs around your home, please leave a message for an
Vineyard Immigration Counseling Services (“ICS”) provides family-
based immigration legal representation to persons at 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and below. ICS responds to requests for representation and legal questions from the public through its Intake Clinic. Consultations are available for those who complete the intake process; but, representation decisions will be made on a case-bycase basis and are subject to ICS availability. Intake is the mandatory first step. We will provide low-cost consultations for individuals interested in applying for immigration. We will meet with the client after the formal intake process. Intakes are limited to a first-come, first-serve basis within the weekly clinic hours.
Contact: Denise Birkhoff, denise.birkhoff@vineyardcolumbus.org
Career & Financial Career Acceleration Class Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org This eight-week class is offered three times per year and helps you tackle topics like resumes, interviews, and networking. A professional recruiter leads the class, providing a real-world view of what employers are looking for. This hands-on class has helped people get new jobs right away and lends itself to networking and friendships.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Career Coaching Application: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/career-ministry/about Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
Lower Lights Christian Health Center
We offer comprehensive career coaching by appointment from one
6000 Cooper Road:
of our expert volunteer team members, to assist with your resume,
• Mondays, Wednesday, & Thursdays, 8am–5pm
and skills in job search, networking, interviewing, negotiation and
• Tuesdays, 8am-3pm
conducting a job search plan. To apply for coaching, please submit
• Fridays, 8am-1pm
the application to Kent Irwin.
171 E. 5th Avenue:
Dave Ramsey | Financial Peace University
• Mondays–Fridays, 8am–5pm Appointments: Call Lower Lights, 614.274.1455 (Option 1).
September 12-November 8, Thursdays 7-9pm
LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health provider.
Cooper Road Campus
They see patients of all ages with Medicaid, Medicare, CareSource,
Registration: fpu.com/1065755
Molina, and private insurance as well as the uninsured. Whole family
Contact: kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
services are offered on a sliding fee scale based upon income.
This class helps you understand and follow Jesus and Biblical
However, all patients are seen regardless of ability to pay. Services
financial wisdom to gain control of your money, beat debt, increase
offered include pre–natal care, immunizations, well–child checkups,
generosity and build wealth. Cost for the materials is about $100
physicals, routine care, and chronic disease management.
including shipping. Childcare is available for entire class at an affordable rate. Please email Kent Irwin to request childcare and
Vineyard Free Health Clinics
information about partial scholarships for materials and childcare.
6000 Cooper Road, Westerville
Financial Coaching
Contact: 614.259.5428 Free Medical, Chiropractic, Dental, and Vision Clinics
Learn more: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/financial-ministry/
We provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for
patients (ages 18 and up) who are uninsured OR have Medicaid or are
Whether you are in crisis, struggling, wanting less financial stress,
Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal
or just wanting to have Godly financial management, financial
Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government–issued health care
coaching sessions with a trained financial coach are available. One-
programs are eligible for services.) For more info, call 614.259.5428.
on-one coaching provides you an opportunity to receive personal
Si usted sólo habla español, puede comunicarse con la clínica latina
and confidential guidance. Sessions are with a trained coach in a
al 614.293.9906.
grace-filled environment.
• Medical Clinic
Vineyard Job Club
Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening
Tuesday, August 21, 9:30-11am, Vineyard Community Center
Walk in, first come, first served. Sign-in begins at 4pm. Patient
Contact: Paul Nicholson; penicholson51@gmail.com or 614.832.0471
visits begin at 6pm. We provide diagnosis and treatment of
Participants will share experiences of their job search and discuss
illnesses. Basic work physicals available by calling 614.259.5428
challenges, strategies, and resources. We’ll share job leads, receive
(option 6) prior to coming to the clinic. No lab test, injections, or
group support, guidance, and career development feedback
followed by a time of prayer and encouragement. This group is
• Dental Clinic
great if you’ve been unemployed for a while and need more ongoing
Cooper Road (appointment only)
support and accountability.
Call: Fridays, 9–9:45am to schedule appointments, 614.259.5428.
Empowered Life Open Prayer for Healing Sessions • Saturday, August 11, 9-11am
We provide dental exams, X–rays, fillings, extractions, and cleanings. (No wisdom teeth, bridgework, orthodontics, or dentures). • Vision Clinic
• Saturday, August 18, 9-11am
Cooper Road (appointment only)
• Saturday, August 25, 9-11am
Call: Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments,
Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
Open to anyone needing physical, emotional, or deliverance healing
We offer eye exams and vouchers for free glasses to those who
prayer. No appointment needed.
• Chiropractic Clinic
Circle of Grace Group
Cooper Road (appointment only)
3rd Tuesday of most months, 7-9pm
Call: Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments,
Contact: Linda Parker, circle.of.ministry@gmail.com
Circle of Grace is a discussion group seeking to explore how the
We provide evaluation and chiropractic care for those with pain
church can be a safe place for people with same-sex attractions to
involving headaches, neck, back, or joints.
explore their relationship with Christ in a loving, biblically-faithful
Interested in volunteering in our clinics? See p. 26.
Mercy & Justice
environment. Discussions are focused around books, videos, and other resources.
Circle of Hope
Orphan Care & Anti-Human Trafficking
Wednesdays, 7-9pm
Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact/Register: Sue, movingonwithJesus@gmail.com
Please contact Diane if you would like to receive updates and ways
A confidential group for women with unwanted same sex attraction
to help with our Orphan Care Ministry and our efforts to end human
(SSA). Using material presented in the Taking Back Ground teaching,
discussion will focus on topics presented via video as well as personal experience. The goal is to discover how God is working in
Support for Life 180 Men’s Recovery Group Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com 180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness. This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
All Things New Fridays, August 10 & 24, 7-9pm Contact: Support for Life, supportgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Cost: $15 per person (includes Nicole Bromley’s HUSH book and SOAR workbook required for participation) Registration: Pre-registration is required The purpose of this 8-week group is to create a safe place for
our lives, engage Him in the process, and offer prayer and support to each other.
Circle of Love Group 1st Monday of the month, 7-9pm Contact: Linda Parker, circle.of.ministry@gmail.com This confidential group meets to bring hope, support, and resources to the family and friends of people who experience same-sex attractions.
DivorceCare for Men Tuesdays beginning August 23, 13 weeks, 7-9pm Cost: $15 for workbook Contact: Dave Kuta, dave.kuta@vineyardcolumbus.org DivorceCare is a 13-week support group for separated and/or divorced men. This friendly and caring group of men will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences and can be joined at any time.
women with past sexual abuse to share their stories and to receive
DivorceCare for Women
further healing.
Tuesdays beginning August 23, 13 weeks, 7-9pm
Celebrate Recovery
Cost: $15 for workbook Contact: Susan, smbwaters@gmail.com
Fridays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus
DivorceCare is a 13-week support group for separated and/or
Childcare: not available
divorced women. This friendly and caring group of women will walk
Register: supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org
alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences and
Contact: celebraterecovery@vineyardcolumbus.org
can be joined at any time.
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive, compulsive, or destructive behavior. Here you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christcentered recovery. Meetings include worship, teaching, sharing, and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power!
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Community Life groups may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at any time for their groups. Cost: $30 for EHS course materials (book, workbook, and devotional) Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is a discipleship course that directly addresses how emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable. Eight life-changing sessions will show you how to incorporate daily life rhythms that lead to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Emotionally Healthy Woman - New!
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Saturdays, beginning September 1, 9–11am
1st Tuesdays of every month except January, July,
Cost: $20 for book and workbook
and September, 7–9pm
Contact: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org or
Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up; must
This video Bible study (eight sessions) provides you a way out of an
Register for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org
inauthentic, superficial spirituality to genuine freedom in Christ.
Register: Kris Garwood, Garwood.2@osu.edu, 614.259.5472
This study is for every woman who thinks, “I can’t keep pretending
This group allows grandparents to share the joys and the struggles
everything is fine!” The journey to emotional health begins by
of parenting again with those who understand. Speakers address
quitting. When you quit those things that are damaging to your soul
relevant topics.
or the souls of others, you are freed up to choose other ways of being and relating that are rooted in love and lead to life.
Families of Addicted Loved Ones - New!
GriefShare Beginning Wednesday, August 22, 7-9pm Contact: Chuck Clark, benaiah2.0@gmail.com
2nd and 4th Mondays beginning October 8, 6:30-8:30pm
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk
Contact: Melinda and Betsey, VineyardFALO@gmail.com
alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You
This group is designed to bring education, hope, support, and prayer
don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. This
to friends and family members of addicts. If someone you love is
13-week co-ed discussion/support group is for those grieving the
suffering from any type of addiction, please join us. It’s okay to get
death of a loved one and can be joined at any time.
the help YOU need while we pray they are willing to get the help that THEY need!
Free for Women: Finding Freedom and Healing from Your Past
Healing for the Survivors of Domestic Violence Beginning September 16, 8 weeks, 6-8pm Contact: Pam, stokinc@yahoo.com This is an eight-week support group for women who are walking out
Beginning Wednesday, September 5 (runs twice a year)
of and/or have survived domestic violence situations. This support
Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up; must
group will help you feel safe and secure, trust, forgive set boundaries
and be kind to yourself again all through the love of the Lord. Pre-
Contact/Register: Brenda Bixler, BBixler313@gmail.com
registration is required.
(must register by Tuesday, August 21) Cost: $15 for materials (The Invisible Bond by Barbara Wilson,
Hearts Restored | 8-Week Class
required reading prior to the study)
Tuesdays, September 4-October 23, 7-9pm
This study provides forgiveness, freedom, healing and hope to those
Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com
who have been wounded by their sexual past, whether through
The experience of sexual betrayal is traumatic and disorienting.
choices of their own or choices others have forced upon them.
This 8-week class will feature teaching discussion, prayer and
Discover the truth about sexual bonding, how it impacts us and can
testimonies from women who have seen God work powerfully in
continue to impact our current and future relationships. Learn to
their lives through their healing journey. We will cover topics that
reverse the lies we've ingrained and replace them with God's truth.
are foundational to God-led recovery including: an overview of what true recovery looks like, the effects of trauma, establishing safety,
Grace//Truth 1.0
self-care, building a support system, setting boundaries, detaching,
Saturday, September 8, 9-11:30am (5 weeks)
accountability, managing triggers, finding hope and planning for the
Cost: $5 for book and materials
future. The workbook “Journey to Healing and Joy” will be used, and
Contact: Linda Parker, circle.of.ministry@gmail.com
there will be weekly homework assignments. To help facilitate safety
Grace//Truth is a five-week small group learning experience that
and community the class will be closed to new participants after the
introduces Christians to LGBT+ people, the language to use and
first session. Pre-Registration is required.
avoid, a theologically faithful view of marriage and sexuality, and practical guidance on how to embody the love of Christ toward sexual and gender minorities. This group is currently open for leaders who have signed the Vineyard leadership covenant.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Hearts Restored Support Group | Recovery from Sexual Betrayal
MOM: Moms of the Military - New!
Tuesdays, 7–9pm
Contact: Lynn Getz, lgetz@columbus.rr.com
Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com
Moms of the Military is a Christ-centered support group for moms,
This support group is a faith-based, safe, confidential place to share
spouses, or any woman who has someone they love serving in the
with other women who understand the devastating effects of
military. In this group, we will study the Bible, pray together, and
sexual betrayal—whether it's pornography or emotional/extramarital
support each other as our loved ones serve our country.
affairs. We are engaged, married, separated, and divorced women and are here to help you as others have helped us. This group is for and about you, not your spouse or partner. It is not your fault, you will make it through this, and there is hope. Discussion topics are anger, identity, disclosure, setting boundaries, detachment, triggers, self-care, his repentance, forgiveness, and trust.
Overcoming Depression and Anxiety - New! Beginning October, Thursday evenings, 7-9 pm, 3 weeks Cooper Road Campus Contact: Toni King, tonikingcounseling@gmail.com This free co-ed class provides biblical wisdom and practical advice on dealing with and learning to overcome depression and anxiety. Each
teaching can stand alone, so you can attend as many sessions as you
Beginning Tuesday, September 11, 7-9pm (nine weeks)
are able. No childcare is provided. Pre-registration is preferred but
Contact: Meg Kuta, meg.kuta@vineyardcolumbus.org
not required to attend.
This is an nine-week closed support group offering hope, healing, encouragement, and accountability for women who want to be more hungry for God and less dependent on food (compulsive or emotional eating) or dieting (obsession with weight or exercise) to meet emotional needs. Meetings will include a short teaching, group discussion, and prayer. There is no cost, but space is limited, so preregistration is requested.
Integrity for Women Thursdays Beginning September 6, 9 weeks, 7-9pm Contact/Register: integrity.women@hotmail.com This group is for women who desire healing for sexual brokenness while finding freedom from addiction, shame, and rejection. Preregistration is required. This group is cyclical and no new participants after the first class.
Professional Counseling Center Contact: 614.259.5409 The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness in all aspects of their lives. We also have Graduate Candidate Interns, $20/session, with experience in seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.
Redefining Christ Tuesdays beginning October 2, 6-8pm Contact: Gina Harding at redefiningchrist@gmail.com This closed, cyclical support group is for women who have come from a high control or cult background and now desire a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not a theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these women and come
Life Support Mentoring
alongside them. Our goal is to springboard into a praying small group
Application: vineyardcolumbus.org
for further discipleship. No participants may join after the first class
Contact: Support for Life, 614.259.5289 or
has begun, and preregistration is required. Each meeting will include
worship and teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and
Register: If you're a member or regular attendee and would like
prayer. Please contact Gina for more info and to register.
to meet with a Life Support Mentor, please fill out an online application or contact Support for Life. Our volunteer Life Support Mentors come alongside people in difficult seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment on a short-term basis. They provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. Interested in becoming a Life Support Mentor? See p. 27.
Roots (Men) Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm Contact: Tom, brankamp@aol.com or Support for Life, 614.259.5289 or supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org This is a recovery group for those that struggle with life-controlling addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, work, or anything else that keeps you from experiencing the abundant life God wants for you. Come join us as we share our experiences, lift each other up,
Loving Someone with Mental Illness
and find hope and healing as we walk with Jesus one day at a time.
1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7–9pm
Although we are a Biblically based group, you do not need to be a
Contact: Karen Twinem, 614.439.8475
Christian to attend. We are here to walk through recovery with you!
This is a support group for families and friends of people with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer. 16
1st & 3rd Thursdays, Beginning October 4, 7-9PM
Roots (Women) Tuesdays, 7-9pm Contact: Shelly Moss or Debi Evans, womans.roots@gmail.com This is a substance (drug/alcohol) abuse recovery group for young women. Come join us as we share our experiences, lift each other up, and find hope and healing as we walk with Jesus one day at a time. Although we are a Biblically based group, you do not need to be a Christian to attend. We are here to walk through recovery with you!
Sister Sister 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7–9pm Contact: Elizabeth, 614.397.7764 or elzbthhwrd@aol.com We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic events and can help other women as we share as sisters in Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying God’s Word, worshiping, and prayer.
Sisters of Sarah 1st Thursdays, 7:15-9:15pm Contact: Melissa, meladams617@gmail.com, 614.353.1792 or Jeannine, 614.578.7094 or jmanderson30@gmail.com Sisters of Sarah is a hope and support group for women facing the hardship of primary or secondary infertility. We have a time of sharing food, socializing, open discussion, and prayer together.
Understanding Life and Conflict God's Way Begins Wednesday, September 5 (11 weeks), 7-9pm Contact: Walt, wpoupart@gmail.com Life and conflict go hand in hand; it's woven into the human fabric of each individual. Yet, many do not understand the dynamics of life and conflict from a biblical point of view as they live life with their spouse, family, and interact daily with people. Where does conflict in life come from, and how can we resolve conflict so as we can live in peace with God, ourselves, and others? Come and equip yourself biblically in understanding how to live life as we look into what God has to say about these basic yet misunderstood issues of life.
Unequally Yoked: Healing the Loneliness in Your Marriage 2nd and 4th Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm Contact: Laurel, jj2012tiny@gmail.com or 614.886.1749 We are a group of married women who feel alone in our Christian walk with our husbands. Please come and join us as we support one another, pray for our husbands, fellowship, and become Sisters in our Journey as we walk together with Christ as our ‘First Love’.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Vineyard Community Center
Registration & Contact Information
VCC After School Program
Kevin Gilmore, Program Manager of VCC MS/HS
After School K-5
Email: vccmshs@vineyardcolumbus.org
Monday-Friday, 3-6pm
Phone: 614.259.5523
Registration: vineyardcommunitycenter.org VCC After School K-5 works toward the goal of developing students of character. This holistic program offers social emotional development, academic enrichment, homework support, physical recreation, and experiences with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics). Youth will engage in service projects, student led learning initiatives, leadership development, and learn foundational social skills essential for growth and development. Parents will also have leadership opportunities to serve, be a voice, and provide support for development of the youth.
Nann Horn, Administrative Assistant of VCC MS/HS Email: vccmshs@vineyardcolumbus.org Phone: 614.259.5507
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Alpha Thursday, September 6, 6:30-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Childcare: Available (please register in advance) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
Registration for the 2018-2019 school year is now open!
Contact: alpha@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5494
Registration will be open until spots are filled. With our new
Alpha is safe and open environment created especially for people
design, the fee is paid either up front or on a monthly schedule
who want to understand more about Christianity or for those who
and includes a seat in the summer program. *Discounts
don’t identify as Christians, and are open to learning more. Join us
available for families with multiple children enrolling in after
for our Alpha Kickoff on Thursday, September 6 at our Cooper Road
school programming.
Registration & Contact Information VCC After School K-5/Summer Nikki Mills, Program Manager of VCC K-5 Email: vcck5@vineyardcolumbus.org Phone: 614.259.5244
The Book of Judges Mondays, 7-8:30pm, (classes will resume September 10) Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Michael Karoly Childcare: Not available
Lizz Birkhoff, Administrative Assistant
Michael Karoly, a longtime Vineyard Columbus member, teaches
Email: vcck5@vineyardcolumbus.org
through the Book of Judges at the Cooper Road Campus. Through in-
Phone: 614.259.5251
depth, lecture-format teaching on one of the Old Testament’s most
After School Middle & High School Monday-Friday, 3-6pm
Registration: vineyardcommunitycenter.org
challenging books, he’ll explain how to apply God’s Word to our lives today. Detailed class notes will be handed out/sent by email each week. Each class stands alone; no need to attend each session.
VCC MS/HS After School Program is building experiences and
Deaf Ministry Events
exposure for our youth. We cover a range of experiences that
Worship Service Interpretation: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays, 9am
will help support and develop life readiness skills, career/
Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 9–10:30am
service learning exploration & workforce readiness, college &
Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com
post-high exploration, and academic enrichment along with
The Vineyard Columbus Cooper Road Worship Service is interpreted
individualized academic support. Youth will also engage in
in ASL. We also offer a Bible Study in ASL.
leadership opportunities, mentoring development, identity and relationship capacity building through our holistic life readiness program. Parents will also have leadership opportunities to serve, be a voice, and provide support for development of the youth. Registration for the 2018-2019 school year is now open! Registration will be open until spots are filled. With our new design, the fee is paid either up front or on a monthly schedule and includes a seat in the summer program. *Discounts available for families with multiple children enrolling in after school programming.
VCC MS/HS After School and Summer
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Holy Spirit Conference | Reveal September 26-28, Cooper Road Campus
Joyful Noise Worship Service (Special Needs)
• Wednesday, September 26, 7-9pm
2nd Sundays, 5:30–6:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
• Thursday, September 27, 7-9pm
Contact: Pam Newman, pmnewman7@gmail.com
• Friday, September 28, 7-9pm
Join our Accessible Worship Service for people affected by
Childcare: Limited childcare is available for ages 1-12; $5/
disabilities and their families, friends, and neighbors. We have
child or $10/ family per night; must register online by Friday,
a worship band, brief message, and prayer time. Bring your
September 21. We cannot guarantee walk-ins.
tambourines and streamers.
Cost: No cost for the conference, just for childcare Register: Register only if you need childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org by Friday, September 21 Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Julian Adams from South Africa is our guest speaker. Julian leads Frequentsee with his wife–a prophetic ministry that serves churches, businesses and leadership teams internationally to equip and empower men and women to see the Kingdom advance in the nations. Julian is from Cape Town, South Africa. He is passionate for the person of the Holy Spirit. He’s an experienced prophet with a strong teaching gift and has a desire to see the whole church mobilized to bring the Kingdom of God into every sphere of
Small Group: Leader Training 1 • Saturday, August 25, 9am-2pm • Saturday, October 28, 2-7pm Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5358 Leader Training 1 is an introductory class to become a small group leader at Vineyard Columbus. If you’ve recently HOSTed a small group and want to continue or you’re new to leading an existing Vineyard Columbus small group, this is your next step. Leader Training I will give you the basic tools you need to keep up the good work God is doing in you and your group. You only need attend one of these sessions.
Vineyard Institute
Meeting God 303: Power Healing and Evangelism
Contact: vineyardinstitute.org or advisor@vineyardinstitute.org
Sunday, August 26, 2:30-4:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Kerry Davis Prerequisite: Meeting God 301 Childcare: Register for childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org Childcare Cost: $5/child or $10/family Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Friday, August 24 Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Do you want to see God heal others? This class will explore New Testament healings and encourage you with stories of healing today.
Vineyard Institute exists as a global education provider to equip the people of God to go out into the world as workers of the harvest, whether that calling is as a disciple in the workplace and community, a parent, a small group leader, ministry worker, missionary, churchplanter, or a pastor.
Art Ministry Art Exhibit | Chagall and The Bible Friday, October 5, 7-9pm, Cooper Road Campus
You will receive practical training and inspiration to pray for physical
Contact: Holly Messerall, vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com
healing at church, work, school, or the community.
Vineyard Columbus is excited to be hosting “Chagall and The Bible.”
Meeting God 305: Releasing Freedom
This exhibit will feature the works of artist, Marc Chagall. Chagall
Wednesday, August 29, 6:30-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Nancy Davis Prerequisite: Meeting God 301 Childcare: Register for childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org Childcare: Cost $5/child or $10/family Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Tuesday, August 28 Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God and freedom for the captives, creating conflict with the present evil age. This class will
was a Jewish artist from Russia who created a large collection of pieces depicting stories and scenes from the Bible. Be sure to join us for the opening reception at our Cooper Road campus on October 5. We are also looking for artists to be hosts for the exhibit during weekend services. Please contact Holly Messerall for more information.
Invitation to VC Artists for North Hall Gallery Exhibits 2018 Contact: Holly Messerall, vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com
equip you to obey Jesus’ command to partner with him to set people
If you are interested in exhibiting your work as one of our featured
free from the powers of darkness.
artists in the North Hall Gallery during 2018, contact Holly Messerall. A minimum of 10 pieces required (more than 10 can be considered). Please submit a portfolio for review.
East Campus | New Service Hours
If you are not sure where to serve, or want to explore other
Sundays, 10am, East Campus
opportunities, check out the list of volunteer opportunities at
East Campus has moved to one service at 10am. See you there!
vineyardcolumbus.org/volunteer, or stop by the Ministry Counter in
Lane Avenue Campus | Serve in Prayer Contact: Klodiana Tedesco, klodiana@gmail.com or bit.ly/serveatlaneavenue There are many ways you can serve in prayer at Lane Avenue Campus. For more info, contact Klodiana.
La Viña | Service Sundays, 11:30am, in the Chapel, Cooper Road Campus
Contact: Irene Casale–Petrarca, 614.256.5254 or irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org
the Main Lobby for a Volunteer Catalog. Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Bookstore & Library Bookstore | Meet the Author Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org Are you an author and member of Vineyard Columbus? We'd love to have an event at the bookstore where people have the chance to meet you!
La Viña is an all-Spanish service that meets in the Chapel (la capilla)
Bookstore Volunteer Opportunities
at Cooper Road. We serve the Hispanic community of Columbus,
Cooper Road Campus
showing them God’s love and watching their lives be transformed by
Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or
God’s power. We are not only a church, but also a family in Christ. You
are welcome as you are!
• Volunteer once a week: 2-3 hours, Tuesday-Friday, 12-5pm
La Viña | Servicio en Español Domingos, 11:30am, en la capilla (Chapel), Cooper Road Campus
Para más información, contactar a Irene Casale–Petrarca, 614.259.5254 o irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org
• Volunteer Saturday or Sunday twice a month: 15 minutes before and 20 minutes after the service you attend, operating cash register for half hour. • Volunteer Sunday morning: (every other week) Audio/media volunteer.
La Viña es un servicio completamente en Español y nos reunimos
Ministry Center Library Volunteers
en la capilla (Chapel) en Cooper Road. Nuestra visión es servir a la
Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or
comunidad de Columbus, presentándoles el amor de Jesús y ver sus
vidas ser transformadas por el poder de Dios. No somos solamente
Volunteer once a week restocking books, contacting those with
una iglesia además somos una familia en Cristo. ¡Bienvenido como
overdue books, and adding new inventory.
Noche de Adoración de La Viña 7-8:30pm, Primer miércoles de cada mes.
Childcare: Hay cuidado de niños. Contact: Jordan Espino-Arvizu,
Career Ministry Volunteers Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org The Career Ministry really needs new volunteers to serve in different
roles like: job coach, career expert, administrator, database manager,
Una noche de alabanza extendida, y encuentro con el Espíritu
networking pro, workplace navigator, and liaison between searchers
Santo a través de la alabanza, palabras proféticas, y un tiempo
and job providers.
extendido de oración.
Sawmill Campus | Engage 1st Wednesdays, 7–8:30pm Contact: Dustin Jasinski, djasinskivcsc@gmail.com Engage is a service of meditation on scriptures and listening to what the Lord is saying to each person attending. Prayer is also available for special needs, congregational leaders, and programs.
Community Life Alpha Leader Training Register/Contact: alpha@vineyardcolumbus.org or sign up at the Alpha counter. Are you interested in serving with our Alpha team for one of our upcoming Alpha courses? Please contact us for more information and to register!
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Attention Small Group Leaders & HOSTs Did you know that we have a resource page just for our small group
Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project: Volunteers at Franklin County Jail, Franklin County Medical Center, and The Ohio Reformatory for Women
leaders? Short on time this week to prepare a small group discussion?
Days and times vary (2 hours every other month)
Wondering how you can get more training? Need some tips on how
Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
to make hosting easier? Check out vcsmallgroups.org—a website
Volunteers record incarcerated parents reading to their children,
with several Bible study options as well as other helpful tools. If you
then we wrap the books and CDs and send them to the children. We
have questions, write us at
need both men and women for this program. The AMSB wrapping
group meets every 3rd Monday at the church from 6-8pm. Training is
Visit: vcsmallgroups.org
Community Outreach
Franklin Medical Center Parenting Class Volunteers
The following outreach opportunities are a bridge between our
Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
church and the people of Columbus. Contact: Rhodie Shreve,
We would like to offer parenting classes for pregnant moms at the
614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org for general
Franklin Medical Center, the prison hospital. We will provide class
questions or contact the person designated for the outreach.
materials and necessary training.
Contact: Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or
We minister to men during worship services at multiple facilities.
Volunteer with worship, prayer team, or help at the service.
Help inmates grow into disciples of Christ. To join us serving those in
Delaware County Jail: 1–2 Saturdays/month, 10–11:30am
prison, contact Deborah Scott.
Franklin County Jail: 3rd Saturdays, 8–10:30am
Vineyard Prison Ministry Training | Prison Basics Saturday, August 4, 9am-12pm Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org This training is the first step in a basic understanding of the culture, rules of the institutions and how we build a bridge of friendship in
Jackson Pike: 3rd Saturdays, 6:45–8:45pm Contact: Scott Osborn, 740.244.6528 or thescottrock@hotmail.com Franklin County Jail: 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 8–10:30am Contact: John, 614.578.8371 or seymour1546@yahoo.com
the context of prison. If you are interested in this transformative
Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project
area of ministry, if you have any questions or would like to register,
Days and times vary (One day every three months)
please email Deborah Scott.
Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
Vineyard Prison Ministry Gathering Saturday, August 11, 10am-12pm Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org As a follow up to Prison Basics, Vineyard Prison Ministry invites you to The Gathering on August 11. This meeting offers an opportunity to ask any additional questions you might have and receive assistance filling out state applications. This will also be a time for you to have conversations with volunteers currently serving in the ministry in order to help you determine how the Lord might be leading you serve. We’ll also have pastries and coffee. Please register by emailing Deborah Scott.
WOMEN'S PRISON MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Contact: Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org There are different ministry opportunities for women to serve at the Ohio reformatory for Women, Franklin Medical Center-Zone A and the Franklin County Jail.
We need men to help record father’s reading to their child(ren) at the Franklin County Jail.
FOOD PANTRY OPPORTUNITIES Our church has two food pantries that serve the community of Columbus. Please contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie. shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org, for important information about each location before serving. Children ages 7+ are welcome with parents. Opportunities to Serve: • 5th Avenue Food Pantry 181 East 5th Avenue Saturdays Only Free breakfast starts at 8am, food orders given out from 9:30-11:30am. Small groups of 10-15 need to be scheduled to serve at this pantry. Carpool if possible, parking is limited.
L O V E M E R C Y.
Community Outreach Opportunities Learn more on p. 22.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
• Northside Food Pantry 4664 Cleveland Avenue Saturdays Only Free breakfast starts at 8:30am, food orders given out from 9:30-11:30am. If possible, please carpool or park along Chester Road to keep parking available for guests around and behind the building. Small groups do not need to schedule at this location but please contact Rhodie for an info sheet. • Kitchen Anchor Adult Volunteers Northside Food Pantry, 4664 Cleveland Avenue
HOMELESS OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES Homeless Wednesday Night Outreach Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org Help us bring food and supplies to the homeless living outdoors. We travel together as a team to various outdoor stops. Serve with a small group or individually. Groups must be scheduled through Rhodie and children ages 10 and older are welcome. If you or your small group would like to make a meal for this outreach, we can cover the cost. Just email for details!
Saturday mornings, once or twice a month, 7am-1pm
YWCA Family Shelter Breakfast
We are looking for volunteers to help set up the kitchen and
900 Harvey Court, Columbus, OH 43219
prepare for serving food, cleaning up, and closing the kitchen.
2nd Saturdays of the month, 6:30-9:30am
Volunteers will be serving with 1-3 other anchor volunteers. It is
Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
busy, but fun! Training is available.
• Monday Night Service Mondays, 6pm 5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue
Help cook and serve breakfast to the 50 families at the shelter. Great outreach for the kids too!
Contact: Jenney, 614.259.5370 or
Saturday mornings, 8-11am, 4664 Cleveland Avenue
Small groups can plan, prepare, and serve a meal (we can provide
Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
meal ideas). We are looking for families and small groups to help
us purchase and prepare our holiday meals at the Monday Night
Help connect low and moderate-income Ohioans with free tax
Service in November and December. Please contact Jenney for
preparation and access to potential public benefits and work
more details and to sign up!
supports. We are always looking for volunteer counselors and
• Check-in Volunteers
training is provided. Contact Rhodie to make an appointment to
Saturdays (two per month), 8am-12pm
meet with a counselor or be trained.
5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue
Contact: Chris Blosser, cblosser4@att.net Could you help out twice a month checking in people at our
Contact: Arawak@cybercalvin.com
downtown 5th Ave. pantry? If so, we would love your help! Please
We are looking for volunteers year-round to help tend our
email Chris Blosser, our pantry manager, and talk with him about
downtown garden at 1455 N. 4th St. in the Short North area where
this opportunity to serve.
produce is grown and then donated to our 5th Avenue food pantry.
• Licensed Barbers and Cosmetologists Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org We are looking for licensed barbers to offer free haircuts for 2–4 hours at our pantry locations on Saturday mornings and licensed cosmetologists to volunteer services at our Northside pantry. • Pantry Drivers & Donation Pick-up Helpers Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org We are in need of strong volunteers to help pick up food from
We have experienced gardeners who oversee this project and there are year-round opportunities.
PRAY FOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH Contact: Jenney, 614.259.5370 or jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org Contact Jenney Rice to sign up for our prayer newsletter and intercede for this ministry area.
Deaf Ministry
the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for pantries. Ability to drive a box truck
Deaf Ministry Service Opportunities
and/or use a forklift is helpful, but not necessary. Pick-ups are on
Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Approximate time commitment is 4
We need skilled volunteer ASL interpreters to sign for adults and
hours every other week. If you are free to pick up donated items
children on a rotation at our Sunday, 9am Cooper Road Service.
from local grocery stores/bakeries, we could use help with that too, usually on Fridays.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Early Childhood
Outreach Call Ministry
Early Childhood Worship Ministry
Contact: Debi Leake, debi.leake@vineyardcolumbus.org
Do you like to talk and make people feel welcomed? Each Monday
Share your love for Jesus with children through music! Volunteer to
we call everyone that turned in a connect card or decision prayer
lead children in worship once a month during our weekend services.
card during one of the weekend services. We welcome them, give
Global Café
them information about ways they can get connected and upcoming
Global Café Volunteers
church, they were seen, and that they are important to us. Make calls
Contact: Adrienne Ash, 614.259.5494 or
events they can attend. We want them to know that in our large
Contact: vineyard.cafe@vineyardcolumbus.org
from your home or the church.
New to the church or want to get connected? Be a part of our
Security Ministry
family of believers who get to experience God through service and fellowship. The Café is an atmosphere where fresh, made–from– scratch food connects the community with the love of Christ.
Medical Response Team Contact: Jason Pierce, jp6797@gmail.com or 614.625.6216
Health Clinics
We are looking for volunteers to help with medical emergencies that
Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers
hospital or ER experience, or an EMT (Basic or Paramedic) and are
occur during our weekend services. If you’re a doctor or nurse with
Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or
interested in learning more, please contact Jason Pierce.
Special Needs
Current opportunities available for doctors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301 required for prayer teams).
Bridge Builders Contact: christy2311@att.net (children/middle schoolers)
Media Arts
Contact: Amanda Fessehazion,
Video, Audio, & Lighting Support
Befriend a child, teen, or adult with special needs who wants to be
specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org (teens/adults)
Contact: media.arts@vineyardcolumbus.org
part of our church community.
We’re looking for passionate, quick–thinking people who value
Body Builders Class (Special Needs)
quality to support the sights and sounds of the weekend service. If you love to use technology to help people encounter God, contact us to start making a difference in your church.
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Amanda Fessehazion, specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org
Outreach & Connect
Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School or
Membership 101 Volunteer Opportunities
at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs? Join us twice a
Contact: Cinnamon Doran,
cinnamon.doran@vineyardcolumbus.org • Data Entry Volunteer Opportunities Hours are flexible. 2-4 hours a week. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to enter data from our Membership 101 class. Vineyard Columbus membership is required. Computer literacy is preferred. Hours are flexible. This opportunity is best for those who don’t mind serving on a small team. • Class Volunteer Opportunities
Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind, laugh, sit
Sensory Break Room/Buddy Connection Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Christy Smith, 614.374.4859 or christy2311@att.net Befriend a child who needs an extra hand getting used to church and children’s ministry. If their special needs interfere with learning Jesus loves them, maybe they can meet Jesus through your guidance and love. Become a mentor buddy in our nationally–known program called the Sensory Break Room. Serve on a rotation.
12:30–2:30pm (Membership classes are scheduled on Sundays, five times per year)
Special Needs Intervention Support Team
We are looking for dedicated volunteers to help set up for
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus
Membership 101 classes at Cooper Rd. This opportunity is best for
Contact: Amanda Fessehazion,
those who don’t mind serving on a small team.
specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org If you have training in behavior intervention, special education, autism, and/or mental health support, consider being on call to help us create a safety net when the Special Needs ministry needs extra help.
Support for Life
ESL Leader Training
Become a Life Support Mentor
Wednesday, August 22, 10-11:30am
Tuesday, August 21, 7-9pm
Contact: laycounseling@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5289
Register: Jackie.williams@vineyardcolumbus.org
Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org
This training is for those currently serving and interested in serving
We're looking for leaders to meet with individuals on a short-
ESL students during the 2018-2019 school year that starts on
term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement,
Wednesday, September 5, 2018. You will only need to attend one of
empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If you've benefited from
the sessions.
support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by
International Friendships (IFI)
providing similar support on a one-on-one basis.
Contact: Jessica Burchett, 740.816.6518 or
Become a Support for Life Group Leader Contact/Register: supportgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5472 Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org We are looking for leaders to create groups that offer a safe environment for those who are struggling to experience the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you can help others by leading a group related to the same issue. We are currently looking for leaders for the following subjects:
burchettjes@gmail.com International Friendships (IFI) partners with Vineyard Columbus to promote friendships and show hospitality to international students at OSU. • IFI English Conversation Partner or Friendship Partner Visit: ifipartners.org/culture–cuisine–church–small–groups.pdf Become a conversation partner and help students practice English, learn about American culture, and more. Individuals and families can meet with an international student or couple monthly for a meal or activity. • IFI Internship Program
• Parents of children/teens on the autism spectrum
Contact: Estera Pirosca, e.pirosca@ifiusa.org
• Families impacted by the opioid crisis
Visit: ifipartners.org/interns.php#give (financial donations)
• Female or male victims of domestic violence
IFI would like to place interns (20 hours/week) in the chemical
VC International Teams & Ministries English as a Second Language (ESL) Volunteers Contact: Jackie Williams, jackie.williams@vineyardcolumbus.org We are seeking volunteers to serve in the following areas for Fall ESL classes (September 2018-May 2019) : Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, 10–11:30am (Cooper) Tuesdays, 7pm–9pm (Sawmill and Cooper) • Greeters: Our ESL students are eager to interact with people who enjoy giving warm smiles and speaking welcoming words as they enter the classroom. • Teachers: If you have a heart for internationals and enjoy teaching, we need volunteers to teach and assist our daytime and evening ESL classes. Fridays, 9-10am Contact: John Olver, johnolver.vc@gmail.com • Conversation Table Leader: We have a vibrant ESL program and are always in need of volunteers to assist us as Conversation Table Leaders.
industry, actuarial science, finance/accounting, statistical analysis, web design/media, and marketing. • Meals for IFI Friday Night Bible Studies Contact: Tiria, exec_assistant@ifiusa.org IFI always needs people/small groups to help organize, prepare, and distribute food at our Friday night Bible study when students and volunteers share a meal together. • Small Group Outreach for International Friendships Contact: Jessica Burchett, 740.816.6518 or burchettjes@gmail.com Sign up: ifipartners.org/groups IFI has opportunities for small groups to help “reach the world” together including prayer, preparing food for a Bible study, making welcome bags, greeting new students, and hosting a used furniture sale.
Missions Care Team Contact: Dotty Christensen, dbchristensen77@gmail.com If you enjoy hospitality, encouraging others, hearing how God is working, or want to give gifts, of time or money, then missionary care is for you!
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Refugee Ministry Opportunities Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30–8:30pm
Volunteer with After-School Program: Middle and High School
Contact: Andrea Tawney, andrea.tawney.vc@gmail.com
Monday-Thursday, 3:30-6pm, September-April
We’re looking for committed volunteers to tutor refugee and
Contact: VCCMSHS@vineyardcolumbus.org
immigrant children on a weekly basis for the Fall school semester
Volunteers provide classroom enrichment and activity support as
starting September 4 & 6! Come join the fun! Volunteers are
academic tutors and career mentors. A small amount of time is a big
required to complete an application, attend a training, and consent
to a background check. Please contact Andrea Tawney for more information and a volunteer application. Trainings will be held on August 28 & 30.
One Child One Community: Adopt A School Contact: Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452, anna.fullen@vineyardcolumbus.org
VC Students
If your small group is looking for a place to serve together, One
VC Students Small Groups & Weekend Services Leaders
Columbus schools. For more info on how your group can serve,
Middle School Contact: Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 or michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.org High School Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or santos.chaparro@vineyardcolumbus.org Volunteer with VC Students in two special areas: Small Groups and Weekend Services. Training is provided.
Child One Community needs groups to partner with us to support contact Anna Fullen.
VineyardKids Be an AWANA Leader! Tuesdays, September through May, 6:15-9pm Cooper Road Campus, Multi-Purpose Room Application: Pick up an application from the children’s info desk or
Vineyard Community Center
the Kidz Quest welcome center
Artists Needed
We are accepting applications for people who desire to invest in our
Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com
kids and disciple them. We have a curriculum, ongoing training, and
Contact Vineyard Columbus Artists if you are a member of the church
a team to work with. We are flexible when you need time off and
and interested in teaching an arts or crafts class.
offer the fringe benefit of being loved by the kids and leaders. To
Artists Small Group Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com Come with ideas to share and plan a course of growth beginning
Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317
make disciples we focus on scripture memory, friendship, and fun. Consistency is key. The kids will come regularly, and we need leaders who will, too.
with a book study. All artists are welcome. Send us an email if you're
Kids’ Worship: Campus Volunteer Recruitment
Teens and adults are needed to lead kids in worship at our campuses.
Coaches and Referees Needed for Vineyard Athletics! Contact: Jerome Smith, 614.259.5395 or jerome.smith@vineyardcolumbus.org
Each campus handles kids’ worship differently and needs people who want to help kids connect to God through the worship arts. No need to play an instrument! We offer training, materials, and include you in a rotation.
Help with our Youth Basketball, Cheerleading, or NFL Flag Football
Kidz Quest Leaders
leagues. We need coaches and referees for grades K-6.
Application: Pick up one at the children’s info desk
Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or carol.achmoody@vineyardcolumbus.org Current opportunities available for doctors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301 required for prayer teams).
Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317 Jesus said that if we are to inherit the kingdom of God we need to humble ourselves as little children. If this is true, why don’t we hang with kids more often to learn to be like them? We have opportunities this summer and also starting in September.
Vineyard Men Helping Hands Contact: Denise Birkhoff, denise.birkhoff@vineyardcolumbus.org Our Helping Hands ministry helps people in our community who need minor home repairs such as leaky faucets, screen door repairs, etc. Usually single parent homes, elderly, or those who can’t afford repairs on their own. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Vineyard Women
G I V E & D O N AT E
Vineyard Women Event Team Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
Aunt Mary’s Story Book Project: Donations (Prison Ministries)
We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people, serving
Contact: Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or
others, and offering hospitality to join our Event Team. We need
help promoting the event, administrative help, decorating,
Our women’s prison ministry offers a program to incarcerated
greeting, registration, and more. We have fun serving together—
moms that enables them to record themselves reading a book to
please join us!
their children. We wrap the CD and book to send to the children. We accept donations of new children's books. Drop off in bins at
Worship Arts
entrances and label “Aunt Mary’s.”
Serve with Worship Arts
Automobile Donations
Contact: shannon.gott@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact: Mandi, 614.259.5384
The Worship Arts Ministry is looking for experienced musicians
Donations of all kinds of cars are accepted, and we provide a
(all instruments and vocalists) for all worship teams. We are also
receipt for tax purposes. Well-maintained cars or small/medium-
looking for bilingual vocalists.
sized SUVs are provided to a person or family. High mileage cars
Join the Choir at Vineyard Columbus Contact: shannon.gott@vineyardcolumbus.org
are okay in fairly good condition. We sell cars in poor condition and use the funds for this ministry.
Our desire is to join together and sing praises to him. If you are
Back to School | Supply Drive
musically gifted, sense God’s calling, and would like to be a part
Donations due by:
of the Choir at Vineyard Columbus, please email Shannon Gott.
Cooper Road Campus: Sunday, August 19 Sawmill Campus & Lane Avenue Campus: Sunday, August 12
Other Opportunities
Learn more: vineyardcolumbus.org/back2school
Car Ministry
with local schools throughout the year. You can help our
As part of our commitment to loving our city, we’ve partnered
Contact: Jeff, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org
students get a strong start to their academic year by providing
Do you work (or as a hobby) in the auto industry doing
new school supplies for our partner schools. Just bring your
mechanical or auto body work? If so, we are looking to develop a
donations to the Cooper Road Ministry Center or check to see if
car ministry and would love for you to participate!
your campus is accepting donations.
Baker’s Delight
Contact: Mia Byrne, 614.751.5083 or mtjondro@hotmail.com
• Backpacks
We bake for the women’s shelter, single moms, children’s
• 2-pocket folders
volunteers, women’s ministry events, nursing homes, and others.
• Binders
Great for friends, families, and small groups who are looking for
• Paper (loose & notebooks)
outreach opportunities. Join us!
• #2 Pencils
Ohio Benefit Bank Counselors Needed
• Pens • Erasers
Visit: ohiobenefits.org
• Highlighters
Church members guide clients through a user–friendly, web–based
• Basic calculators
computer program to access public benefits like food stamps,
• Student planners
Medicaid, free tax filing, etc.
• Crayons • Markers • Colored pencils • Glue • Gluesticks • Safety scissors
Men’s Reading Glasses Donations (Men’s Prison Ministry)
Value Life Donations
We would love to have reading glasses for men in the prisons we
Drop off items in the Ministry Center lobby bins. Like Value Life
serve, prescription 1.25 thru 2.75 strength. Drop off in our metal
on Facebook and visit vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/value–
bins at the church entrances and clearly mark the bag for men’s
prison ministry.
Online Giving & TEXT to Give Contact: 614.259.5443 or Vineyard.Finance@vineyardcolumbus.org You can make a one-time offering or you can schedule regular giving by visiting vineyardcolumbus.org/give. You can also TEXT your amount to 614.333.0330 and follow the prompts. For more info, contact our Finance department.
Contact: Diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Yarn Donations Needed for Baby Blankets Our ministry has received an offer from the ladies at the Ohio Reformatory for Women to make 25 crocheted baby blankets for Vineyard’s Value Life ministry and we are truly excited to have this opportunity! The women in the prison will crochet the baby blankets BUT we need your help to collect any color of infant quality yarn for them to use! Drop your donations of yarn bagged and marked in the Community Outreach metal bins to the attention of Tiffany Fluellen.
Pantry Donations (Community Outreach) We are targeting the following foundational canned goods for our meal bags: beef stew, SPAM-canned meat, spaghetti/ravioli, vegetables, fruits. We also can always use personal care items like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Drop these items off in the metal bins at the Cooper Road Campus entrances or other campus drop off areas.
Planned Giving Contact: Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 or kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org. If you would like to discuss estate planning, contact Kent Irwin.
Project Venezuela Contact: Irene Casale, Irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5254 Venezuela is experiencing a shortage of food, medicine, and other basic needs, and we want to offer some relief by sending these things to Venezuelan churches. You can donate items in designated containers at the entrance of the church for the next several months. Specific items needed: • Nonperishable foods: Rice, sugar, pasta, dry beans, corn flour, powdered milk, salt, peanut butter, ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard • Medicines: Tylenol/Motrin, antibiotics, allergy relief, and First Aid supplies • Babies: Diapers, infant formula, baby food, and wipes • Hygiene: Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, toothbrush, and deodorant/antiperspirant
Transitions Ministry Contact: transitions@vineyardcolumbus.org Cooper Road Donation Drop–off: Ministry Center lobby
throughout the week. Campus Donation Drop–off: During weekend worship services.
Help us replenish our supplies for those in transition from homelessness. This month we are collecting pots and pans sets, new pillows, queen–sized sheet sets in package, and serving dishes. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
The same vision that launched Sawmill Campus in 2009 is the same hope for the future—to see our church and our community flourish.
n 2009, Vineyard Columbus launched
separate dreams where they felt like
we feel settled here and we’ll be here
its first non-Cooper campus on
God was asking them to shift gears.
for the foreseeable future. We’re not
Sawmill Road. Sawmill began with
They were unsure of what it all meant,
worried about having to find another
150 people gathering in Davis Middle
but over time Scott and Hannah felt
space in six months.” Since the move,
School. After growing quickly, two
confident God was leading them
the congregation has grown in size as
years later, the campus moved to
to Sawmill for their next step. Five
well as in diversity.
a temporary location in the Dublin
years later, the Engebretsons are still
Village Center. In July 2017, Sawmill
thankful to call Sawmill home.
campus moved into their new location on Tuller Road, close to the Bridge Park area in Dublin. Sawmill campus has just celebrated their first year in their new space – and is continuing to thrive and grow.
Campus in 2009 is the same hope for Scott and Hannah believe the success of Sawmill is a testament to faithful volunteers over the years. When they came to Sawmill, it was clear that there were—and still are—key leaders and committed volunteers. These
Scott and Hannah Engebretson first
leaders have made all the difference
moved to Columbus in 2012 with the
in the world to the vibrancy of the
intention to leave and plant a new
campus. Hannah also says that joining
church within two years. Scott worked
the campus family was easy with such
with Stephen Van Dop in the church
a welcoming and kind congregation.
extension ministry – which included
“People from Sawmill are incredible
both church planting and campuses.
and welcoming. We welcome well and
Scott spent a majority of his first year
we do families well. Sawmill is like our
on staff at East and Lane campuses
most weekends.
The same vision that launched Sawmill
the future—to see our church and our community flourish. Scott hopes to have same reputation in Dublin and on the northwest side of town as Cooper Road has in Westerville and Central Ohio. The Engebretsons hope for a deepening relationship with Christ in the coming years on multiple fronts. Being settled in one spot allows for more opportunity to reach out to the community and also deepen the community inside the church. “As a church, we’re more mature now. It’s
The vision behind Sawmill came from
now time for us to keep maturing
As time went on and after lots of
Genesis 26:22, which says “Now the
together and extending our reach into
prayer, the Lord changed their plans
Lord has given us room and we will
the Bridge Park area of Dublin and our
to plant a new church. “We went with
flourish in the land.” Now that Sawmill
Rich to look at a potential church
Campus has been in the new space for
plant location and it just didn’t feel
a year, the opportunities to flourish
If you’re in the area, stop by and meet
right,” Scott said. Then, after looking
on the northwest side of town are
the friendly faces of Sawmill. Services
at that potential location and praying
plentiful. Scott said, “there’s a big
are every Sunday at 9am and 11:30am
about options, Hannah and Scott had
difference in the new space because
at 4140 Tuller Road, Dublin, OH 43017.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
B O O K S TO R E 614.891.6440 M O N D AY Closed T U E S D AY 12-5pm W E D N E S D AY 12-5pm T H U R S D AY 12-5pm F R I D AY 12-5pm S AT U R D AY 5:30-8:15pm S U N D AY 8:45am-1:45pm Closed during services
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G