June 2020 MIX Magazine

Page 1

Welcoming the Deaf page 7

How can we show care to those most impacted by COVID-19? page 10


M I N I S T R Y C O N TA C T S Bookstore Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323 Currently the bookstore is closed due to COVID-19 but will open as soon. Please check our google site for the most update bookstore hours.

Global Café 614.259.5400 Closed until further notice



Community Center 614-259-5500 Counseling Center 614.259.5409


Funerals 614.259.5372 Care & Visitation 614.259.5239


Phase III 614.425.7284 Singles Singles@vineyardcolumbus.org Small Groups smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Value Life 614.259.5318 Volunteer diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org




Weddings 614.259.5234









PASTORAL MINISTRY CONTACTS To contact anyone on staff, please call 614-890-0000 or email at firstname.lastname@vineyardcolumbus.org. Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan Associate Pastors, Eric and Julia Pickerill Executive Pastor, Daniel Nathan

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S JUNE 2020 4

Global Impact


Prayer Requests


Welcoming the Deaf by Amanda Fessehazion


How can we show care to those most impacted by COVID-19? by Pastor Rich Nathan


WEEKEND Weekend Ministry Leader, Pastor Amanda Pershing Connect, Pastor Kerry Davis Worship Arts, Pastor Craig Allen Assistant Pastor Paul Cullen VC Twenty, Pastor Shane Huey Assistant Pastor Ellie Smith VC Student High School, Assistant Pastor Santos Chaparro VC Student Middle School, Assistant Pastor Michael Doom VineyardKids, Pastor April Murphy Assistant Pastor Pam White Assistant Pastor Beth Best


COMMUNITY Community Ministry Leader, Pastor Stephen Van Dop Men, Pastor Stephen Van Dop Women, Pastor Marlene Nathan Leader Formation, Pastor Andy Saperstein

Our buildings are closed, but church is still open during the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit our website for updates.

Join Us Online Find all our virtual connections at VineyardColumbus.org/online Weekend service times: Saturdays, 6 pm |Sundays, 9 & 10:30 am via YouTube, Facebook, & Church Online La Viña Spanish service streams on Sundays: 9 am on YouTube 11:30 am on Facebook 2 pm on Church Online

Small Groups, Pastor David Schermerhorn Assistant Pastor Adrienne Ash

CARE Care Ministry Leader, Pastor Ron Hitchcock Marriage & Family, Pastor Ron Hitchcock Assistant Pastor Kelli Messick Assistant Pastor Jason Loehr Visitation & Care, Pastor Anthony Cannon Life Support Mentoring, Pastor Lorie Kaufman-Rees Stewardship, Pastor Kent Irwin

MISSION Vineyard Community Center Executive Director, Gina Watts Assistant Pastor Jerome Smith Mission Ministry Leaders, Pastor Daniel Nathan & Gina Watts Volunteer & Value Life, Pastor Diane Bauman International Ministry, Pastor Bill Christensen Assistant Pastor Ximena Lozada-Rosales Community Outreach, Assistant Pastor Jenney Rice

M I N I ST RY R E S P O N S E T E A M If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did

CAMPUSES Multisite Strategy, Pastor Paige Goslin

not receive a response within a week, please reach out to

East Campus, Pastor Charles Montgomery

our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.

Lane Avenue Campus, Interim Pastor Andy Saperstein

response@vineyardcolumbus.org. Please include your

La Viña Campus, Pastor Irene Casale-Petrarca

name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or

Online Campus, Interim Pastor Andrew Oswalt

person that you contacted.

Sawmill Campus, Pastor Scott Engebretson Assistant Pastor Laura Weiant V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


g l o b a l i m p a c t The “Global Impact” section of the MIX is designed to share stories of how God is expanding his kingdom. For more info on International Ministries, email international.ministries@vineyardcolumbus.org.

Connection continues. . .online An update from our local international ministries

After the abrupt ending of large in-person gatherings in Columbus, it has been wonderful to see four ESL conversation groups continue in an online format. As all internationals have a smartphone, it has been easy to meet online every week to discuss different topics and process life together. Another group designed more for people processing faith and spiritual things has also moved online on Friday mornings. And last month, when a second Convoy of Hope shipment of food was distributed, many of our international friends, students, and neighbors were able to benefit as well. The pick-up day happened to coincide with the beginning of Ramadan, which in particular was a special blessing to our Muslim friends. One woman texted afterward to say, “Thank you for helping all people. Your work demonstrates compassion and charity for all people without discrimination. Thank you.”

P h ys i ca l ly a n d s p i r i t ua l ly h u n g ry An update from Middle East/ Caucasus

Our ministry focuses on training leaders, and reaching out to seekers has picked up in the last few months. One of the greatest joys this month has been through a project where we’re feeding people who are desperately poor during this time of COVID-19. Many have absolutely nothing to put before their families. The believers who are distributing the two months’ worth of food to the families are growing in faith and compassion! Also, they have been learning to discern the voice of God as they search for those who are spiritually hungry and open, with whom they can follow up. It’s exciting to see how training and reaching out to seekers is happening simultaneously through this simple project. We have been able to feed and connect with over 200 families so far, and we hope to help feed many hundreds more in the coming months. 4


Pa t i e n c e a n d t h e d e e p work of God An update from North Africa

I met my closest Muslim friend a few days after moving here, more than ten years ago. Our first year of friendship was dynamic and full of fascinating conversations where we discussed our respective faiths: mine centered around Jesus and his around Mohamed. We often agreed, and sometimes had to agree to disagree! I prayed often for him during that time. We worked a lot together as we shared adventures and ideas about business. He started his business, and I started mine. As the years passed, our friendship deepened. He helped us navigate a revolution in the country, and we helped him build business connections, and the years passed. Fast forward to several weeks ago when the lockdown was imposed. I received a telephone call from him asking, “Let’s meet again like we used to.” We have now been meeting weekly, online. The primary focus, driven by him, has been the Bible. He is particularly interested in the prophets and what they said and did. He has even memorized some of Jeremiah’s sayings about justice for the poor. Over the past ten years, I have often been excited, as his mind has been enlightened to the wonderful truths of Jesus, but then nothing visible would happen. I have been sensing God saying to me, through these years, and even now again, “Be patient, I am working, be his Jesus-friend. So, I’m continuing to wait. But in the meantime, I am enjoying, even loving, our interactions each week! V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


p r ay e r r e q u e s t s Amsterdam

• Pray that God would bless our work here, even as this pandemic

• Pray for the church as we pray and consider how we can serve the lonely in the city during these weeks of lockdown and physical

makes it challenging to be physically present with people. • Pray for the church here to be unified and grown by the power of the Holy Spirit.

distancing. • Pray for our new lead pastor, that God would give him everything he needs. Pray also that God will call people to join in more and

Middle East | Caucasus


• Wisdom and strength to be able to train more leaders to take

• Pray for the various ways the church is connecting virtually: daily morning prayer, online coffee corner, and Sunday morning Meeting Point. Pray that each person feels genuinely welcome and connected despite the physical distance.

over aspects of the ministry as we grow and start more house churches. • We are experiencing a lot of spiritual attacks lately. Pray that God would sustain and encourage us during this time. • Pray for unity and protection for us and our teammates and all of


our children.

• Pray for spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional health for our

Middle East | Refugee Ministries

family. • Continue to pray for the sale of the property to be finalized, and that all parties will feel good about the whole process. • Please pray for our church, leadership, and congregation; that we help people draw close to God as we navigate this pandemic and the crisis it has caused in Brazil.

• Pray for wisdom as we seek to partner with locals to support those in the camps during this pandemic. • Pray that we can establish rhythms and intentionality while being limited to our apartments. • Pray for me as I am supposed to be transitioning home for a sabbatical. Still, it is unclear what is wise and best to do at this

Central Asia

point with all the uncertainty with the pandemic.

• We have been writing a vision statement of what discipleship materials and training we offer to ministry partners. We will memorize it so that we are saying the same thing to everyone, every time. Please pray for us as we write a clear statement of ministry purpose and invitation that can be shared with future partners. • Pray that all of our teammates will be able to get visas, promptly. • Pray that God opens hearts to the gospel, even via online formats.

Southeast Asia: • Pray over the process of getting my long-term visa here. • Pray for wisdom concerning an opportunity to teach in a local hospital. • Pray for greater language fluency and wisdom to share the Good News according to the hearer (religious, educational, socioeconomic background). • Praise for opportunities to serve the community in public health

East Africa

advice during this pandemic.

• Pray for this country, that there would be freedom from violence, torture, harassment, persecution, as well as the increased desperation the pandemic has brought on. • Pray for our family, specifically our son, who is being hospitalized with hepatitis. Pray for complete healing for him. • Pray for health, safety, and Kingdom-breakthroughs for the refugees and migrants that are scattered around the country.

• For more depth in relationships – with the Lord and with people here.

Western Asia/Eastern Europe: • Please pray for wisdom regarding whether a specific family should join our team. God has thus far told us to go slow. This season of closed borders has helped with slowing down. Pray that we would feel God’s peace with “yes” or “no” in this decision.

North Africa

• Pray for more local relationships, even amid social restrictions.

• Pray for the man in the story, that he may know he is on the road where Jesus walks and that he and his whole family would hear His voice often and experience grace to obey His voice.

• Pray for us as we continue to learn the language, for greater capacity for our brains!

• V C M I S S I O N S P R AY E R G R O U P • Join us to pray for our international ministry work. For more info, contact Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or vcmissionsprayer@gmail.com. 6


Welcoming the Deaf By Amanda Fessehazion


or many Christians the current pandemic has

church. When Amanda was asked if her team could

made community life increasingly challenging. In

pull off adding an ASL interpreter into the production,

spite of these challenges, God has shown up in new

her answer was a clear and simple, “Of course.� There

and powerful ways to bring His Kingdom here. One

was no hesitation.

group in particular has seen God move, our Deaf Ministry. From the onset of online weekend services, Vineyard Columbus made a commitment to the Deaf in our community to give them the best experience possible. The church accepted the challenge to serve this community by doing more than closed captioned sermons. Amanda Pershing, pastor of the Weekend

There is a great yearning of many Deaf people for a truly supportive church community, especially in a time where so much is uncertain. Nationally, Vineyard Columbus is one of a handful of churches that makes an effort to offer accessible services for the Deaf or hard of hearing.

Team, was charged with the production of an online V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


The Deaf community at large often find themselves

Many people wonder why the worship sets are also

left out and isolated in a hearing world. With a vast

interpreted into ASL. Why would a Deaf person even

majority of Americans knowing little to no American

care about the music if they can’t hear it? Hearing

Sign Language (ASL), communication is a major

people often assume that there is only one way to

challenge. This barrier prevents hearing persons from

enjoy music, but this is simply untrue. Music can be

interacting with Deaf individuals and further creates

felt. The vibrations produced by music are felt, as is

a separation. As people of God, we are called to break

the emotion or meaning of a song. Many Deaf people

down barriers, welcoming people into His kingdom.

enjoy music and find it meaningful in worship.

By offering not just closed captioning, but interpreted services we are able to reach a larger population of

According to Moore, “As for the music, it is a win-win

Deaf individuals. Vineyard Columbus has shown what

for the hard of hearing/Deaf to have lyrics on the

it means to be a church that embraces diversity, and

screen along with interpreters. Hard of hearing can

demonstrates Christ’s love for EVERYONE through

hear music, but the Deaf can “see” music through

inclusion of the Deaf individuals among us.

interpretations. Both parties know what the lyrics are through closed caption and ASL.”

Deaf Ministry co-leader, Angela Moore, has this to say about the difference between closed captions and

Central Ohio is home to a large and thriving

ASL interpretation. “Sermon interpretation is crucial

community of individuals who are Deaf or hard of

for one to gain an understanding. A skilled interpreter

hearing. Columbus Colony elderly care, the Ohio

(has the capability) to bring clear messages for the

School for the Deaf (OSD) and the OSD Alumni

Deaf. Deaf people often have to translate English to

Association are all located within a four mile radius

ASL when reading closed captions. It is a blessing

from our Cooper Road campus. These places are hubs

to sit back and take in God’s message through a

for the Deaf community from all over Ohio. Through

language that is natural for ASL natives. However,

the leadership of Angela Moore and Jonathan Poe,

when viewing movies/videos, we (Deaf persons) enjoy

Vineyard Columbus have welcomed these groups for

reading closed captions because we already have the

many years by offering American Sign Language (ASL)

concept of what’s happening on the screen. We just

interpreted services, small groups and fellowship.

need the captions to understand what was said.”

When news from the governor made it apparent that

Another long time Vineyard member who is Deaf,

in-person church meetings would need to be put

Becky Mickelson, says, “I don’t watch closed captions

on hold, the leaders at Vineyard Columbus quickly

during this COVID-19. I did watch closed captions

began to pivot. Questions began circulating about

before the COVID-19 when I missed church on

how to best serve the Deaf community. Would closed

Sunday, at least I had a chance to watch it. I prefer

captioned services suffice? Should an ASL interpreter

to watch with the interpreters more, to understand

come in and film the service? If so, how would we

better with their facial expression and body language.”

broadcast that effectively?

To sum it up, Deaf people are better able to internalize

By now, all of us have seen the work of Marla

what is being said when an ASL interpreter is

Berkowitz, the primary ASL interpreter for the daily

presented; more so than with closed captions.

press conferences with Ohio governor, lieutenant governor and Dept. of Health director. Berkowitz has



gained national attention for her skill and commitment

also an amazing team behind the scenes that makes

to getting important news relayed to Deaf Ohioans.

the interpreting happen on the weekends: Sam Fahmi,

Vineyard Columbus wanted to do the same, but for

Sarah Ammerman, and Amanda Maglish. These two

Kingdom purposes. As a church we believe that the

teams together create a quality church experience for

gospel of Christ is to be proclaimed to all people.

our Deaf community. The efforts of these individuals and the faithfulness of God have allowed the Kingdom

One of Vineyard’s fabulous volunteer interpreters, Pam Brodie, had this to add. “Something that struck me about Vineyard and DeWine’s use of interpreters, is they are two of the few broadcasts where the interpreter is broadcast alongside the presenter in nearly equal proportion. In other broadcasts, the interpreter is in a tiny window that is impossible to see, or in the same frame as the speaker, but not at an

message of Christ and Vineyard Columbus to reach more folks than ever before. In the months of March and April we have seen a massive increase in outreach and engagement. Our ASL interpreted Easter Sunday service has had over 700 views! On an average Sunday we have about 20 Deaf individuals in attendance, that’s 35 times more people receiving the word of God.

optimal angle for viewing. These details say a lot about who is acting in the spirit of Christ’s valuing of people

To view ASL interpreted services every Sunday at 9

while providing access.”

am, go to our Facebook page.

We at Vineyard Columbus want to be a church that

For more information about Bible studies and

not only welcomes and accommodates everyone, but

small groups for Deaf or hard of hearing persons

we want people to be fully included. We believe that

email Angela Moore or Jonathan Poe at

the body of Christ not only has room for each unique


person, but that without them we are lacking. At Vineyard, EVERYONE gets to play.

For all other inquiries about getting connected with our Deaf community, email Amanda Fessehazion at

Jamal Bailey had this to say. “Vineyard has been

amanda.fessehazion@vineyardcolumbus.org. 

very helpful and this church is very friendly by opening doors for anyone that has a disability such as blindness, deafness, physically disability, etc. I have never been to a church that has what I need for Deaf services (classroom and ASL interpreters). Without the interpreters, I’d fall asleep or daydream in the services. I would just be wasting my time, not understanding the pastor’s speech.” Vineyard Columbus has several extremely dedicated, professional and skilled volunteer interpreters. DeeDee Ball, Pam Brodie, Brandi Irons and Tonya Harris give away their gifts to help every Deaf individual who comes to Vineyard (virtually or in person) find the entire service accessible. There is

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


How can we show care to those most impacted by COVID-19? by Rich Nathan




o one in our Vineyard Columbus family, indeed

Impact on African-Americans

in our country, has gone unaffected by the recent

African-Americans have experienced a

pandemic. Like virtually every other church in our

disproportionate number of deaths from COVID-19.

country, we have been unable to meet in person for worship, prayer, teaching, communion, or baptisms

Approximately 13% of the population in America are

since mid-March. Most of our small groups have been

African-American. African-Americans have suffered

meeting online. Our Community Center and our Early

27% of COVID deaths where the deceased’s ethnicity

Childhood Center have been shut down.

is known. Johns Hopkins Medical School reported a number of possible reasons for the disproportionate

For some of us, sheltering in place has been a

number of African-American deaths that include

relatively minor inconvenience. On the one hand,

African Americans:

we miss connecting with friends and loved ones and being able to attend movies or sporting events. On the other hand, time with family has drawn us closer

• Living in crowded housing conditions. • Working in essential fields such as food services,

together. And our salaries have continued unabated as

transportation and home health care – jobs which

we work from home.

cannot be done from home.

For many of us, however, the pandemic has been profoundly disruptive and has radically impacted our lives.

• Experiencing inconsistent access to health care due to a lack of insurance or underinsurance. • Suffering from chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease more

Impact on Asian-Americans Many Asian-Americans have experienced an increasing number of racist and xenophobic incidents and comments. A reporter for the PBS News Hour, Jeff Yang, reported shopping at a local grocery store. A woman spotted

often than Caucasians. • Being referred to testing less often than Caucasians who display similar symptoms. All of these conditions point to persistent issues of racial disparity that existed before COVID.

him, the only Asian, in line at the store. She started

Ways We Can Support Others

shouting profanities at Jeff. Then she took her mask

How can Christians help support brothers and sisters

down, deliberately coughed on him, and walked away.

of color?

Civil Rights organizations report a definite rise in attacks upon Asians as a result of the pandemic. Nurses have been spit on. A family of three Asians were stabbed in Texas – an assault that’s being investigated as a hate crime. Asian-Americans report experiencing tremendous emotional strain while they have to be hyper vigilant, especially when out in public with children. There’s been a rise of cyber-bullying. The stress that Asian-Americans face has been exacerbated by some politicians who have racialized

• Speak up when you hear people making racist jokes or comments. • Talk to friends and give them space to share with you their fears and anxieties. • Believe them when they share their experiences or their fears. • Don’t discount stories that a friend shares even if that’s not your experience. • Pray for your friends.

the virus. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Frontline Workers

Loss of Loved Ones

Frontline workers have been disproportionately

The pandemic has particularly impacted those who


have lost loved ones to COVID-19.

We often think of “frontline workers” as infectious disease doctors who wear hazmat suits or police officers who know their job is risky. COVID-19 has forced us to add occupations as diverse as hog farm

• The normal grieving process has been interrupted by social distancing. Many Americans have found themselves dying or grieving alone. • Funerals have been done by Zoom. Those grieving

employees, bus drivers who collect fares, grocery

have missed the comfort of hugs and embraces

workers, mental health counselors, office cleaners,

and being with other people.

and prison guards to the list of frontline workers. Many of these workers are not paid well. Most never thought


that they were putting their lives on the line when they

Graduating high school and college students have

were hired for their jobs.

experienced loss.

Single Parents Single parents have been stressed by the pandemic. Many single parents have felt overwhelmed by homeschooling and the blizzard of learning apps, video meetups, and email assignments as they shoulder the weight of responsibility for their child.

Kids With Special Needs

While not amounting to the loss of a loved one, high school and college students have experienced loss over not having in-person graduation ceremonies. Graduates have not been able to celebrate with friends. There have been no parties. They have not received hugs from teachers, principals, or extended family members. Proms have been cancelled as have scholar banquets, awards ceremonies, and spring sports. For many

Parents of kids with special needs have been

student athletes, the last time they will ever play in

especially stressed during the pandemic.

an organized sports league was their senior year of

• In school, special needs kids often get lots of

school. This experience was taken from them.

individualized attention which may include speech therapy, behavioral therapy, occupational

Christian Faith

therapy, etc. Parents are simply not trained to

How does Christian faith provide us with resources to

be psychologists, special ed. teachers – they

deal with stress or grief?

are just trying to be a Mom or a Dad. None of the individualized, adaptive special educational services are present at home. • Many special needs kids have experienced tremendous stress because of the disruption to their routine.



• We can receive the comfort of the Triune God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all agents of comfort. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:3: 3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,

In the gospels, we often find Jesus to be a comforter.


We read this in Matthew 14:14:

every situation, by prayer and petition, with


thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had


compassion on them and healed their sick.


And the peace of God, which transcends all

understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And, of course, the Holy Spirit is a comforter. Here’s what we read in John 14:16:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in

• We can welcome the comfort of our Christian

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you

brothers and sisters. God uses Christian brothers

another comforter to help you and be with you

and sisters to bring us comfort. God uses the


prayers of others. God uses the words of others.

• We can refuse to self-medicate. When you are stressed, be aware of the unhealthy things you do to deal with stress. Are you drinking more than you

God uses the finances and help of others to support us. We dare not, because of pride, refuse the lifeline God throws to us through his people.

should? Are you spending too much time in front

COVID-19 has affected all of us, but some of us have

of a television or watching things online? Don’t

borne a disproportionate amount of weight from the


pandemic. My prayer is that we would be there for

• Spend time in worship and prayer. Philippians 4:67 says this:

each other – comforting one another in our grief and supporting each other in our stress. 

Welcome May New Members


Andrea Kowalski

Emanuel Ubochi


Georgian Arrey

Dan Kowalski

Isaac Watson

Brit’nicholle Bethel

Eddie Bennet

Brooke Large

Tamra Workman

Levi Bethel

Aylea Burkes

Angee Loebick

Glenna Wozniak

Myra Christian

Bill Loebick

Candace Wright

Diane Coy

Luke Mattson

Erin Zappin

Anthony DeStefanis

Conrad Mayer

Rawlings Ebot-Enow

Emily Mayer

Peter Emmett

Travis Mays

Sheree Ford

Gail Messmer

Courtney Gregory

Chanda Nichols

Loxley Gregory

Philip Nichols

Michelle Haddox

Anthony Njunge

Sharron Harris

Lori Pleasure


Karrie Hooff

Amara Ruckdaschel

Mauricio Aristizabal

Martha Imbamba

Ciara Stevens

Angela Suarez

SAWMILL Abena Anyidoho Karin Flora


Kevin Hien

Angela McCreary

Michelle McCague

Tim Sheldon

Ian Robinson

Angie Smith

Sandra Sabatka

Victor Smith

Kristen Witchousky

Marcia Wilson

Nick Witchousky

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


W E E K E N D M I N I ST R I E S Everything we feature during our weekend services – from excellent kids & students ministry, to welcoming hospitality online or at the front doors, to our worship service itself – is meant to create space where people can encounter the reality of God in a way that makes sense. Read below to find out how you can get more connected.

VC Kids | Birth — 5th Grade When: Saturdays, 6 pm | Sundays, 9 & 10:30 am Where: vineyardcolumbus.org/vc-kids-online for Kids worship, teachings and parent resources VC Kids Contact: Pastor April Murphy 614.259.5442 or april.murphy@vineyardcolumbus.org

ZOOM Hangouts Middle School: Tuesdays | 6 pm on Zoom High School: Wednesday | 6 pm on Zoom We invite all students together to play games, hang out, and pray together. These hangouts will be separated by middle school and high school students. VC Students On- Air When: Every Thursday | 6 pm  We will host a Live VCMiddleSchool & VCHighSchool Instagram video for students to interact and ask questions to our leaders and staff about the Bible.

VC High School | Student Core Application: Contact Santos Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or santos.chaparro@vineyardcolumbus.org

Join us online every weekend during our regular weekend service times for kids worship, teachings and parent resources.

Student Core is our leadership team where we partner with Christ to heal the world. We have so much fun doing God’s work together—join us!

VC Students

VC Twenty

VC Students | Middle & High School

VC Twenty Weekly Gatherings

When: During weekend services at all campuses Middle School Contact: Michael Doom,614.259.5517 or michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.org High School Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or santos.chaparro@vineyardcolumbus.org

When: Sundays | 6 pm Where: online at youtube.com/vctwenty

VC Students is our community of students from across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. See you there! Weekend Worship When: Every Saturday, 6 pm We will be posting our weekend content for students with a mix of worship and encouraging content that is catered just for your students during this season. We will post this on the VCMiddleSchool & VCHighSchool Instagram pages and also posting it onto YouTube on the Vineyard Columbus page. Vineyard Columbus Streaming Services When: Every Saturday, 6 pm | Sun, 9 + 10:30 am Where: YouTube, Facebook, & Church Online We encourage you as a family to watch our main services together. We will have youth leaders in the comments connecting with students and families, and we would love to pray for you!



VC Twenty is a Spirit-filled, Jesus centered, reconciling community. Whether you’re a college student, young professional, or somewhere in between, we’d love for you to join us online for our worship experience. Hang out with us afterwards on Zoom to meet new people and even receive prayer.

Special Needs Body Builders Class When: Sundays | 6 pm Where: Zoom Contact: Amanda Fessehazion, specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School or Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind, laugh, sit at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs?

CO M M UN I T Y MI N I ST R IES At Vineyard Columbus, we believe that we’re better together! Especially in a large church, it’s important to get connected into smaller communities where you can build relationships while you’re being encouraged in your faith walk. Read below to find out more about our small groups opportunities as well as our men’s, women’s, and singles events.

Join A Small Group Visit: vineyardcolumbus.org/small-groups-online Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Doing life in community is important. Small groups bring people together from different cultures, life stages, and experiences for a rich community of worship, friendship, growth, and service. Check out our website to see different ways you can stay connected!

Vineyard Men VC Men’s Golf League When: Spring league | May 12th - July 28th; Summer league | August 4th - September 29th Where: Royal American Links, just southwest of Galena Cost: $23/week, non-refundable Contact: John Wilcox at jwilcox891@gmail.com The VCC Men's Golf League is open to any man interested in playing golf, regardless of skill level. The spring season runs May 12th - July 28th, but you can still jump in. Summer season runs August 4th to September 29th. We have a tee time window 4:30 - 5:10 pm each Tuesday. Cost is a non-refundable $23/ week for all remaining weeks in the season (spring season or summer season). This includes 9 holes of golf, use of a golf cart, and a drink ticket. Skill level is NOT important. The league exists to give guys a way to get to know other guys, and to have fun doing it.

Man Camp 5.0 When: Friday, September 25 - Sunday, September 26 Cost: $70 general registration ends September 14 Register: Click here Contact: men@vineyardcolumbus.org Take this opportunity to leave the hustle and distractions of everyday life for a couple of days of seeking God’s voice and a recharging of your spiritual batteries.

Midpoint | Online Small Group When: Thursdays, May 28 - July 16 | 6:30–8:30 pm Where: Zoom; password is 018331 Learn more: vineyardcolumbus.org/small-groups-online Contact: Adrienne Ash, smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Midpoint is our onsite small group that is now meeting online with Zoom! Each week we have worship, Bible study and discussion, so it’s great for individuals who are desiring to grow in their understanding of the Bible. Midpoint is also an opportunity to meet and interact with others during this time of social distancing. If you are interested in growing deeper in the word and in community at our church, or you just want to hear a midweek word...Midpoint is the perfect place for you!

Vineyard Women

Man Camp has been a transforming retreat for those who have attended previously and we believe it may be for you, as well. This is a great time to laugh, compete, share stories, and connect with other men. Each camper will be part of a group of 6-8 men who will be led by a Trip Captain. Worship will, once again, be led by recording artist Truslow.

Stay Connected! Check out and join our Facebook Group "Men's life at Vineyard Columbus". Don’t forget to invite your friends too! Also, if you'd like to regularly receiving Vineyard Men updates, events, and newsletter, please take a moment and update your subscription settings here. Just fill in the form and select Vineyard Men Newsletter.

Man Camp 5.0 September 25 - 27

Stay Connected! Follow us on Facebook to find out what’s happening in Women’s Ministry! Ladies, if you would like to receive a monthly newsletter with an encouraging message from our women’s pastor, stories from women in our church, articles of interest, video and audio links to past teachings from women’s events, information about small groups and happenings that are of interest during this season of sheltering at home and social distancing, click here to sign up. = Volunteer & Give

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New Sermon Series | Beginning June 6-7 Have you ever felt stuck between a new beginning and the destination? Or have you ever been on a never-ending road trip? Sometimes the journey feels long, difficult, and unclear. Each of us know the feeling of wondering: Are we there yet? When will we arrive?! When will things feel normal again? The Old Testament story of the exodus gives us great examples for how to live in the in-between. In this series, we will find that in the midst of change we are not just supposed to survive the journey but thrive on the way! Join us for our summer series and prepare to be challenged, encouraged, and equipped for the journey ahead.



C A R E M I N I ST R I E S Our Care ministries are here to help you grow and be resourced in practical and Biblical ways. We have a strong marriage & family ministry, a robust collection of Life Support groups and individual mentors, a great financial discipleship ministry… and much more. Life can be challenging, but you’re not alone! Read below to find out more about our resources.

Singles Singles Connect When: June 12th | 9:30 pm and June 26th | 7:30 pm Where: Zoom, password: 399079 Hey Singles Community! We are going to have a Singles Connect on Zoom, and hope you can come join us. We will play some games, do some karaoke and just have some fun! Hope to see you there!

Devotionals for Single Parents When: Sundays, June 7-28th | 7 pm Where: Zoom, password: 888663 We realize that this is a trying time for most people, but single parents have a unique set of challenges during this social distancing. They have to work, look for work, teach, entertain and maintain their household…and hopefully some self-care. This devotional time is for us to address the self-care that single parents need in their lives. A time where we can come together as a community to encourage and pray for each other, and to hit the reset button as we prepare for the upcoming week. Hope you’ll be able to join!

Marriage Marriage & Family Relationship Coach Training Become a Dating, Premarital or Marriage Coach Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org In anticipation of added stress upon marriages during the COVID-19 crisis we want to be prepared to offer marriage coaching to support couples in our community. To become relationship coaches you will receive training and resources (including an online relationship inventory) to pass along to other couples the grace God has given you in your own relationship. Relationship coaches meet 4-6 times with dating, engaged or married couples. Attend a one-day training (online options available) and receive two personal coaching sessions with a staff member to help prepare you to coach other couples. Contact Mindy to learn more.

Prayer Ministry Open Prayer When: Every Saturday | 10 - 11:30 am Where: Zoom, password: prayer Contact: Kerry @ kerry.davis@vineyardcolumbus.org Open Prayer is available to anyone with a need for physical, emotional, or deliverance through healing prayer. No appointment is necessary. Sessions end promptly at 11:30 am, so please allow enough time for the prayer team to effectively pray for you. We will continue to hold Open Prayer via Zoom on Saturday mornings until the church is reopened and social distancing is no longer an issue. Individuals needing prayer will join the Zoom meeting in the waiting room, and then each person will be forwarded to a breakout room where two team members will be waiting to pray for them. Please join if you would like personal, private prayer.

Support for Life Women's Support Groups Divorce Care for Women When: Wednesdays | 7 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Cost: $15 for workbook Contact: Amy at DivorceCareVC@gmail.com DivorceCare is a friendly and caring group of women who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. This 13-week support group is for women who are separated and/or divorced and it can be joined at any time.

Free for Women: Finding Freedom and Healing from Your Past When: Contact leader for next session date Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Childcare: When we meet back on campus - $5/child or $10/ family each week (for ages 1 and up; must pre–register) Cost: $15 for materials (The Invisible Bond by Barbara Wilson, required reading prior to the study) Contact/Register: Brenda Bixler at BBixler313@gmail.com This study provides forgiveness, freedom, healing and hope to those who've been wounded by their sexual past, whether through choices of their own or choices others have forced upon them. Discover the truth about sexual bonding, how it impacts us and can continue to impact our current and future relationships. Learn to reverse the lies we've ingrained and replace them with God's truth.

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Hearts Restored Support Group: Recovery from Sexual Betrayal

Men's Support Groups

When: Tuesdays | 7–9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com

When: Mondays | 7-9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com

Hearts Restored Support Group is a faith-based outreach where you will find a safe, confidential place to share with other women who understand the devastating effects of sexual betrayal. We are engaged, married, separated and divorced women who do not judge each other but rather embrace that we are all on a similar journey with a common goal. Support is a huge part of our recovery. We have seen God do amazing thing in our lives, bringing healing and restoration. We are here to help you as others have helped us. This group is for and about YOU, not your spouse or partner. Sexual betrayal, whether it be pornography, emotional or extramarital affair(s), is traumatic and disorienting. Come let us reassure you that it is not your fault, that you will make it through this and that there is hope. We will share/discuss topics on some of the core areas for healing such as anger, identity, disclosure, setting boundaries, detachment, triggers, self-care, his repentance, forgiveness, and trust.

Sister Sister When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 7–9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Elizabeth, 614.397.7764, or elzbthhwrd@aol.com We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic events and can help other women as we share as sisters in Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying God’s Word, worshiping, and prayer.

Unequally Yoked: Healing the Loneliness in your Marriage When: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month | 6:30-8:30 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Childcare: When we meet back on campus - $5/child or $10/ family each week (for ages 1 to 12; must pre–register) Contact: Laurel at jj2012tiny@gmail.com or 614-886-1749, or Gladys at mganonie@gmail.com We are a group of married women who feel alone in our Christian walk with our husbands. Please come and join us as we support one another, pray for our husbands, fellowship, and become Sisters together in our Journey as we walk together with Christ as our 'First Love'.



180 Men’s Recovery Group

180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness, including pornography, lust, and sex addiction. This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.

180 Men’s Recovery Group When: Wednesdays | 8-9:30 pm Where: Online (Sawmill Campus) Contact: Sean at seanlucas3@live.com 180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness, including pornography, lust, and sex addiction. This ministry is open to all men. We will be focusing on achieving freedom from sexual sin through prayer, teaching, ongoing accountability and discipleship. Registration is required for this group, please contact Sean for details.

Roots for Men When: Thursdays | 7:30-9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Tom, brankamp@aol.com or Support for Life, 614.259.5289 or supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org This is a recovery group for those that struggle with lifecontrolling addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, work, or anything else that keeps you from experiencing the abundant life God wants for you. Come join us as we share our experiences, lift each other up, and find hope and healing as we walk with Jesus one day at a time. Although we are a Biblically based group, you do not need to be a Christian to attend. We are here to walk through recovery with you!

Co-Ed Support Groups Celebrate Recovery When: Fridays | 6:30 pm Where: Open share groups online (Cooper Road Campus) Childcare: not available Contact: celebraterecovery@vineyardcolumbus.org or Dave Kuta, dave.kuta@vineayrdcolumbus.org Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive, compulsive, or destructive behavior —“hurts (like abuse or divorce), habits (like addictions to drugs, alcohol, or pornography), or hang-ups (like anger, co-dependency, or pride).” Here you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered recovery. Meetings include worship, teaching, sharing, and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!

Circle of Grace Group

H.O.P.E -Infertility Support Group

When: 3rd Tuesdays | 7-9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Dave Kuta at dave.kuta@vineyardcolumbus.org

When: Beginning Fall 2020 (date/time/campus to be determined) Contact: Krista & TJ Tillman. Krista.tillman@icloud.com, 614.288.5851

Circle of Grace is a discussion group seeking to explore how the church can be a safe place for people with same-sex attraction to explore their relationship with Christ in a loving, biblicallyfaithful environment. Discussions are focused around books, videos, and other resources. We also seek to be in dialogue with church leadership to this end.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Materials Community Life groups may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at any time for their groups. Cost: $30 for EHS course materials (book, workbook & devotional) Contact/Register: supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org Do you yearn to be emotionally alive? Support for Life invites you to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a plan for discipleship which can deeply change your relationship with God. The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course directly addresses the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable. It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Learn through eight powerful life changing sessions how incorporate daily life rhythms that lead us to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others.

Families of Addicted Loved Ones When: 2nd and 4th Mondays | 6:30-8:30 pm. Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Cost: $10 for workbook Childcare: When we meet back on campus - $5/child or $10/ family each week (for ages 1 to 12; must pre–register) Contact: Melinda or Larry, VineyardFALO@gmail.com This group is designed to bring education, hope, support, and prayer to friends and family members of those who are addicted. If someone you love is suffering from any type of addiction, please join us. It’s okay to get the help YOU need while we pray they are willing to get the help that THEY need!

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren When: 1st Tuesdays | 7–9 pm except Jan, July, & Sept Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Childcare: When we meet back on campus - $5/child or $10/ family each week (for ages 1-12; must pre–register online) Register: Kris Garwood, Garwood.2@osu.edu, 614.259.5472 This group allows grandparents to share the joys and the struggles of parenting again with those who understand. Speakers address relevant topics.

H.O.P.E (Healing with Others through Purpose and Expectation) is a monthly co-ed hope and support group for primary or secondary infertility. We invite you with open arms for a time of sharing food, socializing, education, open discussion, and prayer together. This group will be structured to support couples as well as breaking out in women and men only groups. We additionally plan for women only and men only once a month social gathering.

Life Support Mentoring Application: Click here Contact: lifesupportmentoring@vineyardcolumbus.org Register: If you're a member or regular attender and would like to meet with a mentor, please fill out an online application or contact Support for Life. The Support for Life Ministry has a trained team of volunteer “mentor” counselors who come alongside people in difficult seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment. Life Support Mentoring is not professional counseling, nor is it “free” counseling. Life Support Mentors meet with individuals on a short term basis and are trained to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. Interested in BECOMING a life support mentor? Please contact lifesupportmentoring@vineyardcolumbus.org

Loving Someone with Mental Illness When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays | 7–9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Karen Twinem at karentwinem@gmail.com or 614.439.8475 This is a support group for families and friends of people with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer.

One Minded in Christ When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays | 7-9 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Angela Fontanini, 614.943.4588 or one-minded@outlook.com Modeled after Philippians 2:1-2, this is a co-ed support group for those affected with mental health (brain based) issues, other than addiction. The meeting format consists of relevant resources or teachings, and share and prayer time.

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Professional Counseling Center

Still Waters: Peace for Caregivers

Contact: 614.259.5409; Counselors are able to meet online or by phone! Contact for details .

When: 1st and 3rd Mondays | 6:30-8:30 pm Where: Online (East Campus) Contact: Dixie Vargo, still.waters.dixie@gmail.com or 614.531.6663

The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness in all aspects of their lives. We sometimes also have male and female Graduate Candidate Interns who can offer $20/sessions, with experience in seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.

Redefining Christ Begins: Contact Gina for next session dates, Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Contact: Gina Harding at redefiningchrist@gmail.com This closed, cyclical co-ed support group is for women and men who have come from a high control or cult background and now desire a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not a theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these men and women and come along side of them. Our goal is to springboard into a praying small group for further discipleship. No participants may join after the first class has begun, and preregistration is required. Each meeting will include worship and teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and prayer.



Reflect ~ Refresh ~ Replenish ~ Revitalize ~ Revive ~ Renew The life of a person caring for a loved one who is old, sick, dying or in need of continuous, regular care is often stressful and sometimes chaotic. We can often feel alone and inept to the task put upon us. We may struggle to find time for God, ourselves, and meaningful relationships. Come away, weary one, and find light, hope, peace and loving companionship. The 2nd and 4th Monday of each month will feature an online meeting format for those who may struggle to get away from their caregiving duties.

Foster and Adoptive Parent’s Interest and Support Group When: 3rd Thursdays | 6:30-8:15 pm Where: Online (Cooper Road Campus) Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1-12) Contact: fosteringhopenetwork@gmail.com This monthly support group is for anyone who: has, is, or wants to foster or adopt. And for all who want to learn more or support those who are fostering or adopting! Please join us for a time of education, support and prayer as you do this special ministry in your home!

Become a Life Support Mentor Contact: lifesupportmentoring@vineyardcolumbus.org Application: Click here Are you someone people naturally come to when they need to talk? Consider becoming a Life Support Mentor! We're looking to train leaders to meet one on one with individuals on a short term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by providing similar one on one support. Training cohort happens once/year and begins annually in September.

Life Support Mentoring 2020-21 Training Cohort When: 2nd Saturdays, September-May, 9am-3pm, Offsite near Cooper Rd. Campus Contact: lifesupportmentoring@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5353 Application: Click here Registration: required for class. Application and three references must be submitted to be considered. Do people naturally come to when they need to talk? You might want to consider becoming a Life Support Mentor! This unique cohort training experience, taught by Pastor and professional counselor Lorie Kaufman Rees, meets once/month and will combine lecture, video, experiential activities, discussion, role plays, self-reflection, and reading. Participants will finish the nine months with the skills, knowledge, and hands on tools necessary to understand how God heals through the power of the Gospel, know how to handle crises and basic emotional/ spiritual health situations, and be able to facilitate growth and healing in others. Don’t feel qualified? Don’t worry—that’s what the training’s for!

Stewardship Ministry Financial Coaching – In person or Online Apply/contact: Kent at Kent.Irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org Coaching sessions are available to give financial and spiritual direction, whether in crisis, struggling, or doing well, and want to be wise and follow God is this important area of life. One-onone coaching provides you an opportunity to receive personal and confidential guidance, in a grace filled environment.

Career Assistance Coaching Where: Online assistance Information: careerministry@vineyardcolumbus.org Are you looking to take a step forward with your current job, to obtain a new role, or to accelerate your career? Our career assistance team is offers one-on-one coaching and classes to make your next career journey a success! Contact us for more information.

Designing Your Legacy: Estate Planning Workshop When: Saturday, July 18th | 9:30 - 11:30 am, Where: Online Register: Click here Learn how to pass on your estate at death. Understand how to obtain a good estate plan and get documents done at no cost to you. Free seminar is informational, with one-on-one private meetings scheduled in August with estate planners.

Retirement Planning Class Where: Online When: Mid to late summer Information: Click here Please join us for a Christ-centered retirement planning workshop. This class focuses not only on money goals and spiritual aspects of planning, but also how you will spend your time and your life! This is a very thorough and exceptionally done retirement planning class, and you will learn much on how to prepare for the next phase of life. We are excited to welcome Art and Crystal Prunier back, who have been teaching this Vineyard Columbus for several years, and many other churches for over a decade.

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Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University When: Starting Monday evening, June 22 | 9 weeks Where: Online Cost: about $100 per person/couple. Scholarships available. Information/Registration: Click here Contact: email Kent.Irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University helps individuals to understand and follow Biblical financial principles and wisdom regarding money, debt, generosity & building wealth. Develop a cash flow plan, do smart buying, relate healthily with your spouse over money, lay a foundation for purchasing a home, retirement and college. Develop a life of wisdom and less stress. Class videos and live support and interaction, along with an entire platform of online and print resources, accompany your registration.

Visitation & Care Team Visitation Care Team Contact: Visitation Care Team at 614.259.5239 We want to come alongside our church and their families who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, in long–term care, or home bound. If you or a family member would like to be visited, please contact us.

Funeral Needs Contact: 614.259.5372 If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral and pastoral care services, please call us.

M I S S I O N M I N I ST R I E S Both locally and globally, Vineyard is committed to being a church that builds bridges between cultures and continents! We have a strong community of international members here at Vineyard Columbus, we’re committed to missional outreach in our own city, and we’ve got a lot of engagement around the world in multiple fields. Read below to find some great opportunities for connection and service.

Local Ministries Health Lower Lights Christian Health Center Where: Cooper Road Campus & 171 E. 5th Avenue When: Currently closed until further notice due to COVID-19 Appointments: Call Lower Lights, 614.274.1455 (Option 1). LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health provider. They see patients of all ages with Medicaid, Medicare, CareSource, Molina, and private insurance as well as the uninsured. Whole family services are offered on a sliding fee scale based upon income. However, all patients are seen regardless of ability to pay. Services offered include wellchild checkups, physicals, routine care, and chronic disease management. Prenatal care and immunizations are offered at select locations.

Vineyard Free Health Clinics Free Medical, Chiropractic, Dental, and Vision Clinics Where: 6000 Cooper Road, Westerville Contact: 614.259.5428 We provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for patients (ages 18 and up) who are uninsured OR have Medicaid or are Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government– issued health care programs are eligible for services.) For more info, call 614.259.5428. Si usted sólo habla español, puede comunicarse con la clínica latina al 614.293.9906. • Medical Clinic Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening Walk in, first come, first served. Sign-in begins at 4 pm. Patient visits begin at 6 pm. We provide diagnosis and treatment of illness. Basic work physicals available by calling 614.259.5428 (option 6) prior to coming to the clinic. No lab tests, injections, or X-rays.

• Dental Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to COVID-19 • Vision Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to COVID-19 see page 16



• Chiropractic Clinic: Closed until futher notice due to COVID-19

Alpha When: Mondays at 6 pm | May 18 - June 22 or Wednesdays at 6 pm | May 20 - June 24 Upcoming: Tuesday at 7:30 pm | July 27 – August 31 or Wednesdays at 7 pm | July 29 – September 1st Where: Zoom; contact Jerome for link Contact: Jerome at Jerome.smith@vineyardcolumbus.org Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. We are offering two six-week sessions. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Everyone is welcome.

Local Ministries ESL Online Volunteer Training When: June 17, 10 am -12 pm | June 23rd, 7-9 pm Where: Zoom Contact: Ximena, Ximena.Lozada-Rosales@ vineyardcolumbus.org We are offering two ESL Volunteer training to those currently involved in our program or are interested in getting involved in serving our international community by teaching English. Training will cover online vs in-person, how to use and supplement the current curriculum, and best teaching practices from our experienced teachers.

Vineyard Community Center Check out what's happening in our Community Center online.

CAMPUSES We are one church that meets in multiple locations. Even when we can’t meet in-person, our campuses are gathering online. Check out what's happening at our campuses.

East Campus Connect When: Wednesdays, 8 pm Where: Facebook This is an opportunity to connect with a pastor and with one another for encouragement and prayer.

East-led Morning Prayer When: Fridays, 8 am Where: Facebook Start your day with prayer led by one or our pastors. Engage by sharing your prayer requests and praying for other in the chat. Fridays are led by Pastor Charles.

La Viña Tiempo de Oración Cuándo: martes, 8 am Dónde: Facebook Este es un tiempo de unirnos en oración como iglesia, una vez por semana.

Tiempo de Alabanza

Immigration Counseling Services (ICS) Walk-in Clinics

Cuándo: miércoles,8 pm Dónde: Facebook

Contact: Jeanine at jeanine.winfrey@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5299

¡Es hermoso cuando el pueblo de Dios se une a adorarle! ¡Únete a nosotros a nuestro Tiempo de Alabanza!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ICS twice monthly walk-in consultation clinics are suspended until further notice. The ICS team continues to diligently serve our current clients for whom we are providing direct representation. Members of the church or the public-at-large seeking immigration legal assistance may call ICS for further information about referrals to our community partner attorneys.

Tiempo de Conexión y Oración Cuándo: jueves, 8 pm Dónde: Facebook Esta es una oportunidad para conectar con nuestra pastora Irene Casale-Petrarca y los unos con los otros para animarnos y orar juntos.

Lane Avenue Lane-led Morning Prayer When: Tuesdays, 8 am Where: Facebook Start your day with prayer led by one or our pastors. Engage by sharing your prayer requests and praying for other in the chat. Tuesdays are led by Pastor Andy.

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Campus Connect When: Tuesdays, 8 pm Where: Facebook.com Tune in for a word from the Lord, maybe a little worship music, and a chance to share prayer requests.

Lunch Break When: Thursdays, 12 noon Where: Zoom Connect with Pastor Andy Saperstein and others from the Lane Avenue community for encouragement and prayer.

Serving at the 5th Avenue Food Pantry When: Fourth Monday of every month Where: 181 East 5th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201 Contact: Diana Harkness at diana@wreneagle.com Help feed the hungry in our city! Join a group of others from Lane Avenue to serve a meal once a month at our Fifth Avenue Food Pantry. You can just provide food, or you can also help serve it as well. Contact Diana to participate.

Sawmill Sawmill-led Morning Prayer When: Mondays | 8 am Where: Facebook Start your day with prayer led by one or our pastors. Engage by sharing your prayer requests and praying for other in the chat. Mondays are led by Pastor Scott.

Campus Connect When: Wednesdays | 6 pm Where: facebook This is a great time to gather and connect as a Sawmill family. We’re doing a “series” called “Meaning in the Mess”. We’ll have some opportunity to worship together and hear teaching about different ways to find meaning in this moment!

Lunch Break When: Fridays | 12:45 pm Where: Facebook This is a 15 minute (or so) opportunity for worship or a brief reflection to usher us into the weekend!

Sawmill High School Groups When: every Friday | 5 pm Where: Zoom Contact: Zach at Zach.White@vineyardcolumbus.org Sawmill High School groups is our community of students from across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. See you there!



GIVE Vineyard Columbus is committed to being a generous church with our church family, generous with our community, and generous with our world for the glory of God. We seek to extend mercy and justice into a broken world and to help people grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Online Contact: Vineyard.Finance@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5443 We’ve recently updated our merchant service provider to PushPay for processing your donations. Our new website giving interface is easier and simpler to use. It also allows us to better steward your donations by reducing our processing fees. For more information go to vineyardcolumbus.org/give.

Text Contact: Vineyard.Finance@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5443 We have updated our text-to-give services by now offering it through PushPay. Simply text the keyword (available: vcooper, vsawmill, vlane, veast, vlavina) for your campus to 77977. First time users will be prompted to visit a secure URL where you will complete your registration.

App Contact: Vineyard.Finance@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5443
 You can now give to Vineyard Columbus via the new PushPay app by simply downloading it in Google Play or the App Store. Then, open the app, enter in your mobile number and confirmation code, identify your campus, and then follow the prompts.

H OW W E ' R E O R G A N I Z E D PA STO R A L M I N I ST R I E S Eric & Julia Pickerill, Associate Pastors






Amanda Pershing

Stephen Van Dop

Ron Hitchcock

Under Development

Gina Watts & Daniel Nathan


Small Groups

Marriage & Family

Weekend Connect

Adult Discipleship

Support for Life

Vineyard Community Center

(Men's, Women's, & Singles)

(Mentoring & LIfe Support Groups)

Pastoral Residency Program

Children's Ministry

Leadership Development

Financial Stewardship & Benevolence

VC Students (Middle & High School)

Local & Global Int'l Ministries


Community Outreach

(Pastoral Visitation & Funerals)

VC Twenty

Vineyard Early Childhood Center

Value Life

O P E R AT I O N A L M I N I ST R I E S Daniel Nathan, Executive Pastor




Human Resources

Amanda Maglish

Corrine Stevens

James Ondrey

Shawn Steward

C A M P U S M I N I ST R I E S Eric Pickerill, Associate Pastor



La ViĂąa




Charles Montgomery

Irene Casale-Petrarca

Andy Saperstein

Andrew Oswalt

Interim Pastor

Interim Pastor

Scott Engebretson


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