14 minute read
Carole Hore and the Legacy of Coolinda Park
Carole Hore 1938–2021
A woman who had such passion and dedication to have created a legacy that touched so many is an exceedingly difficult person to describe in just one article.
Carole Hore was that type of woman. Her strength was enviable, her determination admired. Those that knew her well described her with such superlatives as ‘remarkable’, ‘knowledgeable’, ‘stoic’ and ‘courageous’. She had a passion that no obstacle could block and was tenacious in achieving her dream of producing a herd of Pure Polish Arabians that were both beautiful and functional. Her legacy is Coolinda Park and the Polish horses that she bred throughout her lifetime.
When asked ‘why Polish Arabians?’ her answer was always much the same – ‘I breed Polish Arabians because of their stamina, trainable minds, correct conformation, their ability to adapt to any environment and circumstance, and their continuing outstanding beauty which has been proven in every show ring around the world, including Australia. Their presence and movement give you goose bumps!’
Coolinda Park have line bred to proven Polish performance lineage following the expertise and knowledge of the directors of the State Studs in Poland. Polish Arabians are constantly proven to be a horseman’s horse, with the ability to achieve great heights in whatever discipline their owners set them to, and often at multiple disciplines. These extraordinary horses have withstood human interferences and have maintained their beauty and quality over the ages, emerging as survivors of wars, famine, floods and ‘owners’ whims’. Their heritage is not to be taken lightly. The history of the Polish Arabian horse is exceptional and the seeds that the modern Polish breeding programs sprang from were planted and nurtured during the 1500s. The Polish horses’ courage and boldness is well recognised, as was the devotion shown by their handlers throughout the ages. If not for this loyalty and dedication by the Polish grooms, combined with the
Arabians’ great courage, stamina and trust in their handlers, they would never have survived the atrocities of World War II. In all possibility the Polish breeding programs would have been shattered.
Carole loved horses. Her parents did not have horses or have anything to do with them, so this love was indeed a blessing she was born with. Her childhood stories kept us entertained for hours, becoming an important part of our childhood in turn. Saving her pennies so she could hire a pony near Sorrento to take it for a ride, not realising the ride was only meant for a short time and that she was in a lot of trouble when she eventually came back later that day! All Mum wanted was a horse of her own and after being told that you needed a job to have a horse, she left school and got a job – and a horse! At 14 years old, horses became a permanent part of her life, with events every weekend and riding for miles every day. Mum loved competing in Novelties – breakneck speeds, twists and turns and what looked to others like something crazy on a horse. Anyone who can be galloping across the Greensborough Bridge, spot a 10 pound note on the ground and reach down and get it without breaking stride was either an extremely competent and courageous rider or a little bit crazy. Probably both!

Mum’s greatest passion was for breeding a quality animal and learning pedigrees. There are scrapbooks of newspaper articles and photos of racehorses with all their breeding from when she was a child. Mum did all the hand serving on her own. Her stallions respected her and knew that she would only do her best for them. The mares spent so much time being with her that they treated her as one of them. Never any fuss and all went according to plan. Many times, when helping Mum to move the in-foal mares into their own paddock, I questioned why certain ones that hadn’t been bred were going with the others. ‘Well…. they were in season so I thought I would just see what would happen. And she is friends with this one, so they like to be together!’ Mum also foaled them all down. She was like a human foaling alarm. Without fail she checked those mares every two hours, or more often if needed, and was always there to help them.
In 1975 Coolinda Park was established in Northern Victoria where it co-existed with the family’s Coolinda Jersey Stud. Carole, Lionel and their three daughters, Shelley, Stella and Shannon all spent many years working the dairy farm and exhibiting at shows including Melbourne Royal. 1988 saw the dispersal of the Jerseys and an interstate move to Milton, NSW to concentrate on establishing further the Polish Arabians Carole so admired. There have been many winners and notable horses bred at Coolinda Park over the years. Mostly Polish Arabians but there was one mare of different bloodlines that we all loved, Coolinda Park Aflame (Amir El Shaklan UK x Orionette UK). Aflame was a beautiful horse to look at and be around. She excelled at halter and at one stage she started a saddle career for a couple of weeks. A prominent trainer had her in their stables at Penrith but sent her home because, in her words, halter horses this good are born, not made. Let her be what she was born to be. CP Aflame was a natural. Never professionally halter trained, she loved showing, especially if she had a foal at foot. She adored her foals. They could do no wrong and she could not bring herself to reprimand them in the paddock. They were mostly colts and it made for great times at weaning when they thought they could do whatever they liked! Her last foal was the Arabian Pony, Coolinda Park Aflame N Sin. He was bred to become granddaughter Emily’s pony, and he did that very well, giving Em lots of experiences and fun times.
When setting up the stud, Carole and Shelley travelled throughout Australia purchasing the best Polish Arabians they could find. A visit to Lillaine Gedye at Batlow soon had them bringing home more Polish Arabians than expected, many that Lillaine had imported and bred. The first Polish stallion to come to Coolinda Park was Lingxiu. At that time, Lillaine had leased Lingxiu and had lost track of him…Mum found him! He was living in a chook shed on the outskirts of Melbourne. Barely able to stand from starvation and malnutrition, they loaded him on the float and he made it back to our farm at Coomboona. They did not expect him to survive the trip, but he is Polish, and they are tough! His long journey back to health was slow. At first, he would not eat unless someone stood with him. He had wounds on his hips from where they would bang on the side of the chook shed he was living in, and these wounds left scars that lasted his lifetime. For all that he went though, Lingxiu was a perfect gentleman. His progeny were outstanding and well and truly forged the way for the Polish horses in Australia. Lingxiu and his son Winds of Warr (ex Gedye Lastella) were the only father and son to win races, and both over 1600m. His daughter, Afling (ex Fairview Egyptian Fantasy), was Australian National Champion Mare and her full brother Provocative, won the Quilty. There are not a lot of sires who can claim such success and from only 46 registered progeny. Lingxiu was sired by Mexi DK (Exelsjor x Mimikra) from the immortal Banat daughter, Lillaine (iid UK).
Lillaine (iid UK), her mother Etelka (UK), together with her daughter Lilliana bint Lillaine (The General imp/exp US) were soon able to join Coolinda Park from Lillaine’s stud. Etelka (UK) travelled the world to bring some of the most influential Polish bloodlines at the time to Australia. Sired by Legend of Europe from the Gwarny daughter, Etyka, Etelka came to Australia from Great Britain, via USA, in foal at the
time with a filly that can easily be described as the foundation to the whole of the Coolinda Park Polish breeding program, the aforementioned Lillaine.
Lillaine (iid UK) was bred by Lillaine Gedye and was named after her as they shared the same birth date. Lillaine had a brilliant saddle career as a young mare including being invited to compete in the Salon du Cheval in France. In the current pedigrees at Coolinda Park, Lillaine and her daughters are never too far away.
Crème Dynasty (US) was soon purchased as the next Pure Polish stallion and he lived up to his heritage and promise, sired by Aladdinn (Nuredinn x Lalage by Gerwazy) from Mi Daiclare (Fortel x Mortraza). Aladdinn stems from the Koheilan Haifi sire line, known for their great dispositions and ability to perform in classic athletic competition…just what Carole was looking for in her Polish Arabians.
Crème Dynasty (US) accidentally started the black breeding program at Coolinda Park. He sired Coolinda Park Diamond Lil, who together with her mother, the Lingxiu daughter Xia Xiang, were both awarded Top Ten Mare at the Australian Championships in the same year. Diamond Lil’s daughter, Coolinda Park Texas Tilly is still at Coolinda Park along with the Crème Dynasty (US) daughter, Dancing in the Dark. Due to a terrible leg injury as a yearling, Crème Dynasty (US) was never able to be shown or saddle trained, however that didn’t stop him trotting around the paddock with a milkcrate on his head!
Khundjur (UK) was welcomed to Coolinda Park in the 1990s. Also bred by Lillaine Gedye, his early career as a dressage mount proved what his pedigree said he could do – be a truly athletic horse. Sired by Legend of Europe and from the Banat daughter, Kula, Khundjur continued to be a performance horse and has bred this into his progeny. His granddaughter, Coolinda Park Hello Dolly, has bred some brilliant performance horses. They are immensely powerful race and endurance horses and follow in Dolly’s footsteps as Halter champions. CP Hello Dolly remains at Coolinda Park with her youngest son, Coolinda Park Wil’sson.
Carole knew that she needed to source another stallion from outside Australia. She started researching, and gaining as much information as she could, which led her to Chronicle DV. Only a weanling at the time, Mum studied his pedigree over and over, and gathered everything she could find about his bloodlines, such as photographs of his family. She endlessly watched a short video of him trotting towards the camera and away from it. His legs were straight and his pedigree proven. Chronicle DV was the one. Sired by Wiersz (Tallin x Wiorsta), his dam is the beautiful Cosmopollytan (Bask Clasix x Widar). The first time Mum saw him was when he came off the plane from America. He never disappointed, and his progeny have been so successful in every aspect, and they continue to breed on.
In 2000, Carole and Shelley made their first overseas trip to study the Polish horses. Weeks were spent viewing, talking and learning about horses they had only ever seen in magazines. During this time, they were taken to many places with George Z who introduced them to Emanor PASB (Wosjlaw x Emanacja). They were blown away with his phenomenal movement and his impressive, masculine beauty. They knew they wanted a son to be the next sire to follow on at Coolinda Park. WH Zmanor E arrived in 2001. With his huge, groundcovering trot, long slim neck and chiselled head, he soon proved himself as a sire with progeny winning in the show ring, endurance and racing.
In 2004, Carole and Shelley visited Poland to attend WAHO and tour studs that had produced the Arabians that they adored and spent their lives breeding. It was a dream come true! Mum was able to speak with the directors of the state studs and had private tours to visit with the horses and take photos. They were able to show and discuss the Coolinda Park horses with them and confirm they were heading in the right direction. It was during this trip they saw Wiliam (PL) when he had just retired from racing. Little did Mum know that she would one day be his owner with his progeny in her paddocks.

Shortly before the devastating loss of Shelley to breast cancer, Walidayt (US) was imported. Bred by Marsha Parkinson, he was sired by Ganges (Monogramm x Garonna) from the Arbil daughter, Weltawa. Walidayt had a huge impact with very few progeny. His daughter, Coolinda Park Dance with Me, was a brilliant racehorse. Running in only five races, she gained four wins and a second including winning the Shadwell Arabian Race in 2013. Another daughter, Coolinda Park Walencia, is a supreme champion at halter and saddle, competes in elementary dressage and is a qualified endurance horse. Both mares are still at Coolinda Park with their Wiliam (PL) daughters. Walidayt’s life was tragically cut short but his influence is being felt in the Arabian world.
In 2012 the stud relocated from Cowra NSW, to Invergordon, Victoria. A logistical nightmare, the relocation was over a few short, hectic months, arriving in Victoria during a one in 200-year flood. There were now three generations running Coolinda Park – Carole, Shannon and Emily. We were on the lookout for the next step in the breeding program when the opportunity to purchase some Samsheik (US) semen arose. Samsheik’s pedigree is full of horses that have proven their racing prowess generation after generation in the US, the Middle East and Europe. Horses that are 100% athlete and at the same time 100% Arabian, with all the beauty, stamina, charisma and durability that are the trademarks of the breed and sired by one of the most influential Arabian racing sires ever – Sambor 14 (6-4-1) and is out of legendary Sabellina 7 (5-1-1) – founder of the unbeatable ‘S-line’.
Samsheik’s dam line tied in extremely well with Chronicle DV’s. He was bred to Coolinda Park Miss Ellie (Chronicle DV (US) x Dancing in the Dark) and Coolinda Park Dahling (Chronicle DV (US) x Coolinda Park Dzaling). Coolinda Park Sheikan Dance (Samsheik (US) x CP Miss Ellie) is being saddle trained at the moment and will be bred in the spring to Wiliam (PL) while Coolinda Park Sam will begin his stud and endurance career at Fieryrange Arabians. Both are well over 15 hands, have extreme ground-covering movement and classical beauty. They are exactly what their Polish pedigrees said they would be.
Mum was at the stage of starting to wind up Coolinda Park when, in 2017, she had the great fortune to purchase the Polish import Wiliam (PL). To say Carole was excited about him just doesn’t cover it. He flared a fire within her that recently had lost some of its brightness. Wiliam (PL) is a true athletic masterpiece and is known in Poland as an indomitable racehorse with an incredible record of placing in all twelve Stakes starts including eight Firsts and the ultimate honour of the Polish Triple Crown – Victory in the Derby, Produce andCriterium.
Wiliam PASB has most deservedly earned acclaim as one of the greatest racers in Polish Arabian history, competing undefeated as a three-year-old. In the first leg of the Crown, Wiliam vanquished racing legend Druid, considered the best modern Polish racehorse.

Wiliam PASB is a masterful combination of both beauty and brawn. A herd sire at Michalow Stud in 2001, Bialka from 2002–2003 and again at Michalow from 2004–2006, his race record includes 12 starts, 8 x first, 1 x second, 2 x thirds and 1 x fourth places.
Wiliam (PL) has begun a new future for Coolinda Park and has two new daughters, Coolinda Park Wilenka and Coolinda Park Warmia. Only babies, they are already showing the same beautiful temperament of their father.
The colt Coolinda Park Wil’sson has a proven performance pedigree. Sired by Wiliam (PL), his dam is Coolinda Park Hello Dolly, the oldest Chronicle DV (US) daughter from the Khundjur (UK) daughter, Gedye Lilani. CP Wil’sson ties together the Coolinda Park heritage including the great foundation mare, Lillaine (UK). He is currently starting his saddle training and is shaping up exactly how his pedigreedictates.
A halter horse because it is performing when you are competing. A broodmare or stallion as they are the top of the performance scale. A trail riding horse because it is performing the task it is set. The companion horse that is performing its required duties every time it comes up for a pat and makes the owner happy. Every horse that performs a duty for its owner is a performance horse. Each one is equally important especially when they are bringing joy to someone’s life. Carole’s Arabians definitely brought joy to hers.
Carole was once asked, ‘What do you look for in a performance horse?’ Her answer – What exactly is a performance horse?
Author Shannon McCormick Images courtesy of Sharon Meyers & Stuart Vesty