Vinson Voice 3 Mar 11

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Inside this Issue: NMCRS Kickoff | A Day in the Life of... | Beating Fatigue | CNO on Navy VOL 2 / NO 22

March 3, 2011

Women Take to the Skies Women Take to the Skies Story by MC3 Lori D. Bent USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer

The Carl Vinson Voice is an internal document produced by and for the crew of the USS Carl Vinson and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government or the Departments of Defense or the Navy and do not imply any endorsement thereby.

1973 was a historic year for the Navy as the first female pilots earned their naval aviator wings. Nearly four decades later, in honor of Women’s History Month, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 and Carl Vinson Sailors are serving with another generation of women who have taken their dreams to the skies. Vinson and CVW 17 are currently deployed supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in the 5th fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR) with more than ten female aviators serving as F/A 18 Super Hornet, EA6B Prowler, E-2C Hawkeye, C-2A Greyhound and SH60 Seahawk pilots and naval flight officers (NFO). These females are carrying out a legacy established well before the idea of flight was even conceived. During the American Revolution (1775-1783), women served in the military as nurses and cooks. The Civil See`AVIATOR` page 2

Carl Vinson Voice


U.S. Navy photos by MC3 Megan L. Catellier From ‘AVIATOR’ Page 1


War (1861-1865) brought women to field hospitals, Union hospital ships and even on the battlefield disguised as men. By World War I and World War II, women’s role in the military began to change. 1941 -1945 saw the organization of the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP), integrating women into the roles of test pilots and anti-aircraft artillery trainers, thus opening the door that led to female aviators in the military. “We are appreciative for the hardships that the women who came before us had to endure so we can enjoy fulfilling careers,” said Lt. Nydia Williams, attached to Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 125. “Being the first [women] to have the courage to join an unwelcoming military to pursue their dreams of serving the nation is beyond admirable.” “Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, no matter what it is,” said Lt. Melissa Myers, also attached to VAW 125. “That’s what you remember when you think about the women who came before us.” Although women were allowed inside the cockpit after the Women’s Armed Service Integration Act of 1948, it wasn’t until 1993 that women naval aviators were allowed to fly with a combat squadron. In 1998, the first female fighter pilot delivered missiles in combat during Operation Desert Fox. “When you look at the history time line, our past doesn’t seem so long ago,” said Lt. j. g. Meghan Walker, attached to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22. “We continue to share the sky with women who were instrumental to our cause.” Publisher

Capt. Bruce H. Lindsey Commanding Officer Executive Editors

Lt. Cmdr. Erik Reynolds Public Affairs Officer

Lt. Erik Schneider

Deputy Public Affairs Officer Managing Editor MC2(SW) Ashley Van Dien Photo Editor MC2(SW)James R. Evans Layout and Design MC3 Megan L. Catellier Staff Writers/Photographers MC3 Lori D. Bent MC3 Christopher Hwang MC3 Jessica Tounzen MCSN Rosa Arzola

Women have made and continue to make diverse contributions to the aviation community, and Team Quicksand female aviators are now writing their names in history. “Seeing and knowing how much my job affects people’s lives motivate me,” said Myers. “I know when we’re flying, we’re saving lives. This is my job. This is my life.” The blazing path of women like Amelia Earhart and Capt. Rosemary Mariner, one of the first six women to earn her wings as a naval aviator, shows history in the strength of women who have encouraged generations. In 1979, the first female naval aviator obtained her carrier qualification and the NFO community opened to women. “The freedom you experience while flying is exhilarating,” said Lt. Ashley Ruic, attached to VAW 125. “Proving to yourself you can do things you never thought possible, such as landing on a moving carrier helps you move forward and conquer other seemingly less complicated problems in your life.” In 2001, many women aviators were activated and deployed in support of the war on terrorism. “We use the courage of the female aviators in our own peer group to motivate each other,” said Williams. “Just being here proves there are no gender barriers anymore and we are just as capable as anyone else to do our jobs.” Women’s History Month originated in 1978, when Sonoma County, Calif., initiated a Women’s History Week to coincide with the March 8 International Women’s Day.

“When you look at the history time line, our past doesn’t seem so long ago.” -Lt. J.G. Meghan Walker

March 3, 2011


Navy Marine Corps Relief Society

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Fund Drive Story by MC2(SW) Ashley Van Dien USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer


arl Vinson kicked off its Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) fund drive March 1. Last year, Carl Vinson Sailors exceeded their goal of $65,000 and raised $85,555 during the annual fund drive. “This year, our goal is to raise more than we raised last year,” said Chief Electrician’s Mate (SW/AW) Bart Levin, command coordinator for the NMCRS annual fund drive. This goal can be met through individual contributions and money raised by command activities, such as food service attendant (FSA) for a day, a pie throwing contest and shadow Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Erik Disuanco, Ship’s Serviceman Seaman Nikisha Jackson and Personnel Specialist the commanding officer for a Seaman Luis Cano fill out Navy Marine Corps Relief Society contribution forms in hopes of bettering a servicemember’s future. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Rosa Arzola. day. Levin encourages Sailors to get involved. “We are always looking for new ideas,” said Levin. “We want the fundraising activities to board, and they are given the opportunity to donate. All Sailors will be fun and morale boosting, and give Sailors an opportunity fill out a contribution card, which must be filled out completely and to take their minds off their daily jobs for a few hours out of correctly. the day.” Sailors who want to help out their Shipmates by donating to NMCRS The purpose of NMCRS’s annual fund drives is to increase can do so in several ways. They can donate cash, including Navy Cash, awareness of Sailors and Marines and their families about check or set up an allotment. The minimum donation is $1. If a Sailor the availability of assistance from the NMCRS, and also to sets up an allotment, NMCRS will automatically deduct the amount obtain funds that are essential to the continuation of the they choose once a month. It is critical that Sailors fill in their complete organization. social security number on the contribution card to set up the allotment. “NMCRS received no government or federal funding,” On the “total contribution” line, Sailors will either write the amount said Levin. “It is important for Sailors to donate to allow they donate if it is a one-time gift, or the amount they decided to donate everyone to continue taking advantage of the resources this monthly multiplied by 12 for an allotment. All contributions to NMCRS organization provides.” are tax-deductible. They offer assistance such as quick assist loans, interestCarl Vinson’s Commanding Officer Capt. Bruce Lindsey said he gives free loans, financial counseling, thrift shops, visiting nurses, to NMCRS every year and encourages all Sailors to consider doing the layettes, hospital visits and combat casualty assistance. same. The mission of NMCRS is to provide, in partnership “The best thing about NMCRS is that the money we contribute goes with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational, straight to the Sailors and Marines who need it the most. I don’t view and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of NMCRS as a charity donation, but an investment in the Navy family. the United States, and their eligible family members and We talk a lot about Shipmates helping Shipmates and how we need to survivors, when in need: and to receive and manage funds take care of our Sailors. Here’s a chance for us all to stand by those to administer these programs. words.” Carl Vinson has departmental NMCRS representatives to To find out how you can give, or if you have fundraising activity ideas, facilitate the fund drive. It is their responsibility to ensure contact your departmental NMCRS coordinator, Chief Levin or Lt. Erik 100 percent meaningful contact is made with each Sailor on Schneider.

Carl Vinson Voice

4 U.S. Navy photos by MC3 Christopher K. Hwang

A Day in th Story by MC2 Jessica Tounzen USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer


ailors in Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD) IM2’s Jet Shop play a vital role in Carl Vinson’s mission: they keep the ship’s aircraft flying. “It’s our job to provide help when the air wing needs it, whether it’s equipment, maintenance or oil samples,” said Chief Aviation Machinist’s Mate (AW/SW) Anderson Wharton, IM-2’s Jet Engine Shop Branch Chief.

And it’s a job that brings something new to the table every day for even the most seasoned Sailors, said Aviation Machinist’s Mate 1st Class (AW) Jason Evans, the Jet Shop’s Leading Petty Officer (LPO). “I’ve been in the Navy 15 years, and 12-and-a-half of those I’ve worked on

“It’s our job to provid -Chief A jets, not jet engines, so I’m still learning,” he said. “Here, we maintain five different types of aircraft engines, but I’ve only worked on two of them.” For junior Sailors like Aviation

March 3, 2011


Jet Shop

he Life Of IM-2’s Jet Shop Machinist’s Mate Airman Phillip Carter, working in the Jet Shop offers a chance to establish his level of knowledge, but with learning comes new challenges. “The most difficult part about the job is working on a motor I don’t know,” revealed Carter, whose daily tasks include repairing and testing engines

part of my day, because anything could happen, and that’s where you see your hard work pay off.” Aviation Structural Mechanic Airman James Solomon’s job is comprised of testing and troubleshooting F/A-18 hydraulic servo valves—the part which makes the jet’s rudders move—and

de help when the airwing needs it.” Anderson Wharton and performing preventive maintenance on his equipment. “But I like my job, it’s interesting. New stuff can come up at any time, and every day is different. Testing the engines is the most exciting

testing and checking aircraft flight controls, which determine the jet’s pitch and trim. Solomon takes the most satisfaction from transforming a damaged piece of gear into a fully-

operational part. “It’s very rewarding being able to declare a part Ready For Issue (RFI), taking something that’s broken and repairing it so the aircraft can fly,” he said. Carter explained what motivates him to provide quality work to keep Vinson’s birds in the air. “It’s definitely coming to the shop,” he said. “Every day is interesting and the guys I work with are great, we all get along pretty well.”


... z z Beating Fatigue zz MC3 Jessica Tounzen USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer


f you’re feeling tired and run-down and need a pick-meup, you might want to think twice before you reach for a cup of joe, energy drink or a cigarette. There are healthier and more effective ways to get back your ‘get-up-and-go’ when it’s gotten up and left. But first it’s important to understand what makes you feel that way. Carl Vinson’s Senior Medical Officer (SMO), Cmdr. Al Shwayhat, said most cases of exhaustion and fatigue can be attributed to four common factors. The first, he said, is a lack of adequate sleep. “Studies confirm that most people need at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night,” said Shwayhat. “We can’t ‘bank’ our sleep, getting 12 hours one night and four the next. It doesn’t work that way. The best approach is to go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time.” If you’re catching enough Z’s and still feel like you’ve got a case of the Mondays every day of the week, you might want to look at your stress level. “Being in your work environment 24/7 is an unconscious source of stress,” said /8Shwayhat. And since the needs of the mission come first during a combat deployment, it’s important to be able to adapt to the constant demands that arise. “Try engaging your social surroundings and your chain of command when you believe your level of stress exceeds your ability to cope,” suggests Shwayhat, who urges stressed-out and overwhelmed Sailors to avail themselves of the resources Medical Department has to offer, such as anger management classes. A seemingly innocent trip to the Ship’s Store, the 7-11 or the vending machines for a can of liquid energy may be the culprit behind your perpetual exhaustion. Not only are beverages like Monster and Red Bull chock full of sugar and calories, they’re also harmful to your health, said Shwayhat. He also warned against the use of other artificial energy supplements not sold in the Ship’s Store. “They’re not at all regulated by the Food and Drug

U.S. Navy photo by MC2(SW) James R. Evans

Carl Vinson Voice

zz zz

Administration (FDA). We’ve seen several Sailors on board Carl Vinson develop dangerous cardiac conditions because of their use of supplements they thought would help them in the gym or at work.” Instead of turning to artificial means of boosting your energy, Shwayhat recommends examining what’s going on your tray as you walk through the chow line. “Eat fewer refined simple sugars such as those found in candy and desserts, and eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and complex carbohydrates like potatoes or pasta,” he said. And for Sailors who work below decks, Shwayhat added the importance of getting as much Vitamin D as possible, to make up for what your body’s missing out on when it doesn’t get the sunlight it needs. Regular exercise is possibly one of the best ways to give you the energy needed to get through those long and stressful days. Not only does exercise get the blood pumping and the adrenaline flowing, it also raises the body’s serotonin levels, thereby improving your mood and with it, your ability to face whatever challenges come your way. It’s also beneficial for overall good health. “The American College of Cardiology and the American College of Sports Medicine both recommend at least 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five days a week for physical and mental health,” said Shwayhat. Hitting the treadmill, lifting weights or practicing your warrior pose on the yoga mat are just some of the outlets Morale, Welfare and Recreation provide Sailors for whatever emotions that may be running amok, said Brett Pelfrey, the ship’s Fit Boss. “We’re at this point in the cruise where there’s a lot of tension and a lot of stress…instead of making a choice you’ll regret later, walk away and use one of our fun or fit activities as an escape,” urged Pelfrey. “Grab a workout buddy and find a way to motivate yourself, whether you want to look good for yourself or your significant other, have more energy, be healthier or just feel better about yourself. Find your motivator and run with it!” When making a change to your lifestyle, whether it’s sleep, diet, or exercise, Shwayhat recommends giving it six to eight weeks to notice a difference. At that point, if Sailors still feel fatigued, they should visit the ship’s Medical Department to determine if there’s a deeper cause to blame.


March 3, 2011


CNO Weighs In On State Of Navy Navy Times

Navy Times reporters and editors interviewed Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead on Feb. 24. Here are excerpts of the interview, edited for brevity and clarity.

`Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Q. What should sailors expect as the military repeals “don’t ask, don’t tell?” I think with the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” what sailors should expect is the training to be in place and underway for the next couple of months. The training is not designed to change anyone’s moral beliefs on the matter, but it’s there to talk about what our standards are in the service, what the policy changes are going to be. And the training is not going to be extraordinarily lengthy. It is not sensitivity training that many of us in our younger days grew up with. It’s really there to say this is what has changed, this is what has not changed, and I think you’re going to find that the standards of the Navy have not changed, and so sailors are going to be very much aware of what the rules are. So that will be in play for the next couple of months. When we get the force trained to a certain degree, I will make my recommendation to the secretary of defense, and then, as you know, the SECDEF, the chairman and the president will make certification 60 days after that, the law changes. So the training will be taking place. It’s going to be very efficient, very direct, and I think the sailors will be probably most surprised at how little change there’s going to be. Q. You say it’s not lengthy. So, like a fourhour block of classroom instruction? I would say that depending on whether you’re dealing with certain communities or fields like chaplains, recruiters, public affairs, master-at-arms force, kind of the law enforcement piece, some of that training may be a few hours, largely because I think there will be ample opportunity for discussion and questions. Then there’s the command element that will be trained probably or will be under-

taken, a couple hours there, and then the Navy writ large, I would say is also a couple of hours. Q. Will the change be easy? I think the change is going to be easy. I really do. As the process was underway, as the surveys were taking place, I was out and about, as was the rest of the leadership. So when the results of the survey came out, quite frankly I wasn’t very surprised. It was what I expected. I have since been out in the Pacific, and I’ve been out in the Middle East, literally talking to thousands of sailors, and what struck me in those discussions was how little of a topic the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” was. Most of the time, I had to bring it up, and I don’t view it as being intimidating. It’s just that at least with the numbers of sailors that I talk to, if I said do you want to talk about “don’t ask, don’t tell,” or do you want to talk about Perform to Serve [re-enlistment approval], I could pretty much tell you that they want to talk about Perform to Serve. I think once we start the training, it will be a great opportunity for our people to have discussions about it, but as I said, it will be remarkable in how little change there will be because it really gets down to who we are, what our standards are and how we as sailors treat other people, and so the expectations are the same across the board. Tone Of Leadership Q. There have been a number of high-profile incidents with commanding officers recently. It started with Capt. Holly Graf, then there’s Capt. Owen Honors, and now an ensign who was held up to ridicule through anti-gay call signs. Is there a question about the maturity level of leadership? Are you concerned about the tone that these high-profile incidents set? Well, there’s not a question about the quality of the Navy leadership writ large. If you look at what we are doing around the world, the number of commands that we have, and how those commands perform and the tone within those commands, by and large, I’m very proud of what we have. Am I bothered by some of these cases that you cited? Absolutely. And so the emphasis on command, the responsibilities of the command, the adherence to ethical behavior, I’m not going to compromise on. The fact of the matter is that we hold our commanders to a very high standard, and one

can say in some of the cases, well, that’s how people behave in society. Well, we in the Navy must set a higher bar. And if a commanding officer does not live up to that standard, then that commanding officer is not going to remain a commanding officer. Q. But in these cases, there was a track record of past incidents. How did they get past command screening? Well, I think part of it is how in hindsight you can go back and say it was in the past. What was the proactive nature of those leaders who saw this behavior and didn’t do anything about it? And that’s why I hold what I call the [immediate] superior-incommand to the same high standards I do as a commanding officer. We have an obligation to do that. We are always grooming our relief, so to speak, and if there are short-comings that call into question someone’s ability to command, then we have an obligation to identify that. I would also say at the same time, and particularly in the more junior ranks, the decision that one has to make — is this a teaching moment or is this a fatal flaw — always comes into play. There’s no cookie cutter. There’s no blackand-white solution. It is important, however, that we ensure that our leaders understand where the standard is, and that’s what we have to do. ‘Spice’ Q. The Air Force just announced it will be testing for “Spice.” Is the Navy going to follow suit? Well, I know that all the services are working with the labs that do the testing, and I’m told that there’s a fairly promising test. I’ve not gotten the details on that, but clearly we will want to be able to put this into our testing program. I do know that there’s a great deal of effort going on to develop a test that will be able to detect spice use, which I think is something that we need to throughout the military understand more about, and it’s not just a military thing. I’m sure that if I were to go on to campuses and in schools, we would find the same thing, but I’m committed to finding a good test, using that test, and even absent that test holding those who use spice accountable for that action.

Carl Vinson Voice


Winning Caption for last week’s photo

“With a dance party like this, who needs a port visit!?”

SPQ-9B: 2-D f ire control, max range 80 N.M. (replaced MK 23 TAS)

hangar deck ballistic doors can be completely opened or closed in 28 seconds.

Caption submitted by Lt. J.G. Clay Martin

DECKPLATE Deckplate Dialogues

Why do you think it’s important to contribute to charities like NMCRS?

LS3 Maston Buchanan

AS2 (SW) Carlos Platero

LSSN Jesse Griffin

“NMCRS uses our donations to help Sailors and Marines in need. It’s always important to help out our shipmates.”

“You never know when you might be that person in need. It’s just a good way to give back.”

“I know I will be helping a Sailor or Marine in some way.”

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