In This Issue: Sailor ‘N’ The Spotlight | Tuesdays with the CMC | Water Bottle Distribution | INDOC | Fixing ACE 1
Vol 02 No 78 | December 13, 2011
TOBACCO CESSATION Supporting Tobacco-Free Sailors
MC3 (SW) Luke B. Meineke| Carl Vinson Staff Writer
n the heels of the Great American Smoke Out which began the day of our departure, Vinson is offering another resource for Sailors who want to quit their nicotine use. Starting Monday, Dec. 19, Vinson’s Medical Department is scheduled to conduct tobacco cessation classes using the American Cancer Society’s program, “Freshstart”. “It’s a four-week program and will be held in Medical,” said Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Melanie Torrez, Medical Department’s Preventive Medicine leading petty officer and course facilitator. “It meets once a week for about an hour and each class has a different mode to it. For example, the first session is all about why you started smoking to begin with.” The course then progresses to identifying and avoiding nicotine triggers and stimulants, coping mechanisms, avoiding relapses, overcoming major obstacles and keeping to a nicotine-free lifestyle. Torrez said, while the information provided by the The Carl Vinson Voice is an internal document produced by and for the crew of the USS Carl Vinson and their families. Its contents do not necessarily ref lect the official views of the U.S. Government or the Departments of Defense or the Navy and do not imply any endorsement thereby.
course is worthwhile, the group atmosphere is what makes the course effective. “You have to follow those four weeks to get the full effect,” she said. “Some people just want to get the medication, but if you don’t have the group effort or the peer mentorship, then you’re not going to be as successful. When you get people talking, someone might say how they quit and someone else might be like, ‘Oh. I’ve never thought about that.’ Studies have shown that having a peer group really helps.” The tobacco cessation course will also be the only way Sailors SEE ‘CESSATION’ ON PAGE 7
Photo Illustration By: MC3 (SW) Megan L. Catellier | Carl Vinson Staff Graphic Designer