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Committee Chatter for Topical Torque

Hello Folks

Our AGM was held in May with 42 members in attendance. All of the committee were returned to their positions with Rob Thomson being elected from the floor as the Secretary and also retained the position of treasurer. As there were no written nominations received for the Chairman's position at the end of the meeting I accepted the nomination for Chairman so that the branch could operate with the position filled correctly for this year. Unfortunately we were not able to fill the important role of the Club Captain so if there is any member who would like to help the branch in this role please give it serious consideration as we can still co-opt you on to this position of Club Captain. .

We warmly welcome two new members. Andy Banks with a 1990 Fiat Uno S/wagon and Brian Evans with 1938 Morris 8. Welcome along.

We have events coming up. The very popular End of Rego run to the Mountain House is on the 18th June. The Mid week run organised by Brian Morris is on 29th June and I am very pleased to announce that we have had members step forward to run the Brick Run on the 30th July and the Breakfast Run to be held on 24th September. Thank you to those members for heeding our call for these events to be held again. All details will be elsewhere in this newsletter or in later newsletters.

Daffodil Day that we talked about at the AGM where we reported that the committee were going to organise an event in January is still now under consideration as we received some ideas from a club member from that discussion that has merit and we are looking at the options and will let members know of the outcome. This has to be decided promptly as the date is getting close in August for the Cancer soc appeal.

Newsletter articles. Please help the editor by sending write ups of the events you attend if you can as it makes interesting reading in our monthly newsletter. Also, photos help to enhance the write ups and are easy to send via your cell phone's.

The Sunday Run to see Laurie Callender’s collection at Tariki and the Forgotten World Museum at Stratford had a good attendance from members. Laurie’s new building to house his collection of Mountain Goat bikes, motor cycles, automobilia and TQ racing cars one of which was owned by his late father Johnny Callender was most impressive. Dave and Wendy Hunger has transferred and relocated the Forgotten World Museum to Stratford from Tahora and has exhibits relating to Farming and early household articles.

A donation of interesting parts and manuals have been donated to the Library and parts shed and just a reminder about our Library if you want to take a book home for reference please see either Rose Cox or John Muter and they will record the loan correctly. Books are usually loaned out for a month.

We are also on the lookout for a lockable glass cabinet for displaying vehicle parts that are complete and are in very good condition and may command a premium price. If you can help the branch by donating a suitable glass cabinet for this project we would really appreciate it.

We will again be asking members for photos of current club vehicles to be added to our photographic records on the walls in the clubrooms. If you would like to get your vehicle photo added see one of our committee members as we will be taking down photos that are not current and putting them into a file for further reference, this is a great project and is always viewed by visitors and other branch members and is showing our vast models of club vehicles.

Some members have inquired about the metal Rally Number Holders for holding rally numbers on the front of vehicles while attending Rallies. We have placed an order for these and they will be available maybe by the end of this month. Please see myself or Secretary Rob Thomson for supply.

I hope to see lots of activity over the winter months as there is ample time to restore, tidy up or get out and about in your vehicles.

Keep the passion.................Keep to the Left....................Stay safe.................Enjoy.


Chairman Colin H JOHNSTON

63 Broadway, Waitara 4320 Taranaki

MOB: 0211316699

I'm looking at organising a meet up of Taranaki Triumph car owners, anyone interested can contact me on my mobile

0277883304 Ben Clare (mem)

Editors Report

Hello Folks, well, winter has arrived, with a fresh dusting on our Maunga, hope you have got the wood shed well stocked and a project or two tucked away in the workshop to occupy those wet days. or fine, I hope that some of you can make it up to the Mountain House on the 18th for our annual outing. Also, on the 29th, Bryan Morris has organised a visit to Ohawe, don’t forget a snack for afternoon tea.

We received sad news that Alan Roberts, husband of Eileen, had passed away. The Robert family had a special link with our Branch, having attended 47 of the fifty Maunga Moana Rallies held from 1964 to 2015.

Jim Logan

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