VCC Central Otago PNS Jan 2025

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Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch


The VW Golf GTI, featured on the cover, is a pretty neat little car with an interesting history and a connection to Cromwell

In May 1974, Volkswagen presented the first-generation Golf as a modern frontwheel-drive, long-range replacement for the Volkswagen Beetle. Later Golf variations included the Golf GTI (introduced in June 1976 with a fuel-injected 1.6-litre engine capable of 180 km/h (110 mph)). This car was one of two imported by Colin Giltrap to compete in the Benson & Hedges race series in 1979. It was driven by Stirling Moss and Denny Hulme and was later run by Lin Neilson and Rod Collingwood before being campaigned by Ian Begg, mainly in the South Island Production series.

Ian was a resident in Cromwell for some time. I understand that, at one time, Ian’s sons owned the sister car

The car is now back with the Giltrap family and has been restored to its previous race condition by Auto Restorations in Christchurch.

Thanks to Auto Restorations for the photos and story


As I write this, it is at the end of a hectic month, what with Xmas, two birthdays, two weddings, a funeral, a trip to Oamaru and Christchurch, and a week with the grandkids. It has to slow down!

Driving around at this time of year can be frustrating. It appears that some people venture out of urban areas for the first time in ages and they appear to have little idea on how to corner, can only manage 75% of the recommended speeds on corners, yet speed up dramatically on more open roads to make passing without risking your license almost impossible.

Then there are camper vans. Rose was driving back from Wanaka the other day following two camper vans and a large truck. The campervans appeared to be speed limited to 65kph and consequently had about 40 cars banked up behind them. The trip took almost 50 minutes. Not only is it rude and inconsiderate but it is extremely frustrating and potentially could lead to a serious accident.

What is the matter with these people? Do they not have rear vision mirrors? What do they gain by tailgating or slowing people up?

If the police were really serious about road safety they would stop and ticket drivers behaving like this, but in over 50 years of driving I have only seen that happen once.

As is mentioned elsewhere in the magazine, we are looking for a new Editor. I am happy to stay on until theAGM but after that I intend to stand down. By then I will have been doing this for 2.5 years and, as I have said before, I feel a bit of a fraud as I am not really a vintage car club person. I haven’t got to many events lately and, if I am being honest, that is telling me I am not interested in some of the activities, so it is appropriate that I step aside and let someone else have a go. This is in no way a criticism of what the club is or does and I don’t want it taken wrongly. It is just me.



Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Pretty full calendar. Thanks John. Note: subject to change but any changes to next month’s event will be e-mailed out.

Date Event Organiser Detail



Wednesday 12th February Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run

John Gray

John Gray

Tuesday 25th February Special Club NightClubrooms open 7.30pm, meeting starts 8.00pm

Thursday 27th February

MARCH 2025

John Gray

Thursday Muster

John Gray

Wednesday 12th March Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Friday 14th -

Sunday 16th March COVCC Central Otago Gold Motorcycle Rally

Saturday 22nd –

Monday 24th March (EVENT POSTPONED) COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run

John Gray

Martin and Kaye Curtis, with an illustrated talk on their many tours to Bhutan in the Himalayan area of Asia.

Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, visit to see Bryant Motors open top bus (Routeburn Track) picnic lunch or café

The much-anticipated talk by Hayden Paddon on his incredible rally career. (Members/Partners Only)

Visit to ‘Hook” at Albert Town. Catch your own salmon, and have pizza and coffee at the café.


Ken Roberts, Neville Ridd, John Martin, John Gray

COVCC Motorcycle rally. Assistance of local members with the event, would be appreciated.

John Gray/Committee (EVENT POSTPONED) A three-day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins. Visit Invercargill museums, coastal towns, return home Monday via garden of significance.

APRIL 2025

Wednesday 9th April

Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 13th April No Weekend Run this month owing to Easter.

Saturday 19th –

Sunday 20th April

Thursday 24th April

Wheels at Wanaka Easter Weekend.

John Gray


Thursday Muster

26th April Arrowtown Golden Times Rally

MAY 2025


14th May Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 18th May Weekend Run

Thursday 29th May

JUNE 2025

Thursday Muster

Wednesday 11th June Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.30 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 15th June Annual General Meeting

Thursday 26th June

Thursday Muster

Murray Pryde

Car and Machinery Show. Attend and display your vehicle or volunteer.

John Gray

Michael Wyatt and Greg Doran

John Gray

Run to Oturehua to visit the historic gold mine and poppit head structure, with picnic lunch.

See flyer later in mag


John Gray TBC

Graham Taylor AGM, to be preceded by a potluck lunch at 11.30 am.

John Gray TBC

JULY 2025

Wednesday 9th July

Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.30 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 13th July Weekend Run

John Gray TBC

John Gray TBC

Thursday 31st July Thursday Muster John Gray Curling at Alexandra


Wednesday 13th August Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.30 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

John Gray TBC

Sunday 17th August Weekend Run TBC

Sunday 24th August Daffodil Day Cancer Society fund-raiser


Show and Shine. Gates open 11.00 am. Display 12.00 – 2.00 pm. Barbeque and raffles. All proceeds to Cancer Society. Please bring your vehicle for display and support this event and this great cause.

Thursday 28th August Thursday Muster TBC

Saturday 15th March 2025

A Central Otago Vintage Car Club Event

This is the first Central Otago Gold Motorcycle Rally to be organized by the Central Otago Vintage Car Club. If there are sufficient entries and support for the event it is hoped that it will become an annual event. Therefore, all motorcyclists with an eligible motorcycle are encouraged to enter. Eligible motorcycles are those manufactured before 1995.

Name of Entrant

VCC Membership Number

( Circle ) Total

Friday 14th

Central Otago Gold Motorcycle Program

Saturday 15th

To make the rally suitable for all classes of motorcycle, there are three route options. The three route options start at different locations and finish at that route option starting point. All route options have the same lunch stop at the Oturehua Hall.

Short Route 100km approx.

The Short Route starts a 9.00am at the Chatto Creek Tavern car park and finishes at the same location

Note: Vehicles that are going to be left at this start point should be left at the DoC Rail Trail car park about a kilometre to the east of the Chatto Creek Tavern on the left side of SH85.

Rally Packs will be available at the start point to those entrants who have not already picked them up at the club rooms on Friday night.

The only Fuel available on this route is at Omakau on the way to the lunch stop, although the return route does not go through Omakau, it goes within a couple of kilometres of the town.

The short route is particularly suitable for Veteran and Vintage motorcycles and also small displacement motorcycles. There are two large hills on the route that may be difficult for veteran motorcycles, particularly those with fixed drive. In an endeavour to encourage Veteran motorcycles to the rally, a car trailer will be available to transport such motorcycles up these hills, if it’s required.

Medium Route 150kms approx.

The Medium Route starts at 9.00am at the Clyde Dam lookout near the north end of Sunderland Street and finishes at the same location.

Rally Packs will be available at the start point to those entrants who have not already picked them up at the club rooms on Friday night.

The only Fuel available on this route is at Alexandra and Omakau on the way to the lunch stop and although the return route does not go through Omakau, it goes within a couple of kilometres of the town.

Long Route 300kms approx.

The long Route starts a 9.00am at the Central Otago Vintage Car Club rooms in Litany Street, Cromwell and finishes at the same location.

Rally Packs will be available at the start point to those entrants who have not already picked them up at the club rooms on Friday night. The only Fuel available on this route is at Alexandra, Omakau and Ranfurly on the way to the lunch stop and although the return route does not go through Omakau, it goes within a couple of kilometres of the town.


Lunch for rally entrants will be provided by the Oturehua Community Group at the Oturehua Hall. Additional lunches will be provided to the support personal if they have been pre-ordered and pre-paid at time of rally entry.

Dinner and Prize Giving

The rally dinner and prize giving will take place at the Central Otago Vintage Car Clubrooms in Litany Street, Cromwell on Saturday evening. The clubrooms will be open at 4.30pm and a meal will be provided to those who have pre-paid at the time of their Rally entry.



Meet for tea or coffee at 9.30am at the COVCC club rooms. If you have time before you head home and are interested in visiting a magnificent Speedway Bike Museum. the collection is close to Cromwell

Other Matters

A back up trailer will follow the rally route.

The rally is run under the umbrella of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc. and is open to financial members of that club and invited potential members as guests. Entrants must abide by the traffic regulations and the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc. and also the marshal’s directions.

The organisers reserve the right to disqualify an entrant who is likely to bring discredit to the event.

All entrants must complete an entry form

Trailers, caravans and motorhomes are welcome to stay in the COVCC yard over the weekend.

Remember, it’s not a race and have fun.


VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at


Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of March

Event Organizer Detail

The 2025 Southern Backroad Adventure

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka.

The Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ.

See info following

Celebrating 100 years of Caterpillar.

The Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ presents... The 2025 Southern Backroad Adventure. Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of March

This overnight rally for pre-1932 vehicles showcases Otago's amazing backroad scenery. Leaving Mosgiel's Black Sheep Restaurant at 1O.00am, we will make our way to Ranfurly, where we will dine at the Ranfurly Hotel and stay the night at a place of your choosing. Please book your own accommodation. On Sunday, we will return to Mosgiel and have a dinner at the Black Sheep Restaurant, where the rally concludes.

For those wanting to avoid gravel, a direct route to Ranfurly can be taken. For an entry form, contact or for more info, phone Nevin Gough 0211150312 afternoons or evenings.

2025 Southern Backroad Adventure Entry Form

22 nd & 23 rd March 2025

Please fill out & email to




Cellphone: VCC Membership No •



Route: Gravel Seal (please circle one)

I have a fire extinguisher on board (please sign) (we will be passing through farmland on private roads)

Number attending meals

Ranfurly Hotel (Sat)............. Black Sheep (Sun).............

Please pay for all meals directly to the restaurants.

The Black Sheep Restaurant is opening specially for us on Saturday morning. Please show your appreciation by purchasing a coffee or tea.


This can be paid into the VCC Otago Branch Inc. bank account # 03-0903-0390951-00 using your name and 'backroad l as the references.

Note: This is a non-competitive tour. Prizes may be awarded for great motoring feats, misdemeanours and cases of hard luck.

Any questions, please contact Nevin Gough on 021 1150312 or email We look forward to seeing you!


The Club Xmas function turned out to be an excellent and well attended event and I want to thank everyone who had some involvement with organising the day. Also, everyone who brought delicious plates of food for members to share.

I do hope everyone had a good Xmas and had a great start to the New Year with family and friends. Like me, I hope you are all looking forward to a full and exciting year for rallying and places of interest to visit that we have on the coming events calendar so do read your Puff N Stuff and note the dates.

The swap meet proved to be a great success, netting a profit of $3600.00. Once again, a big thank you to all the helpers for making the day a success. The yard was full of venders selling their parts as did we in the parts sheds. We sold the two old trailers and a Vanguard car to a couple in Southland as garden art. There are still a few pieces of garden art for our members so be quick.

Just before Xmas, Steve Bell installed the veranda screens and they now make it quite pleasant when sitting on the veranda when it is windy.

The heat pumps were also installed just before Xmas and were trialed at our committee meeting on the 16th of January. The room was very warm when I arrived, but soon had it cooled down to a comfortable level. I want to thank Tony Van Gool for his input on managing this task.

Brian Anderson, our parts manager, has taken on another roll as our resident painter and has sanded back some scruffy timber work and given it a fresh coat of paint. Not sure if members have noticed? Well done and a big thank you to you for your time and effort given.

For those of you who knew Steve Renolds, our Safety Officer and much valued parts sorter, he has now shifted to Broad Bay, Dunedin. He is worthy of praise because of his ability to sort out a pile of parts into a useful and easy-to- identify order that included such items as light bulbs, contact points, spark plugs, V8 parts, to name a few.

So members, on that note we are now in need of filling the role of Safety Officer. It is not an onerous position as you only need to point out potential problems that could be deemed unsafe about the facilities. Please come and talk with me.

Wendy and I are entering the National Veteran Rally on my 1913 Royal Enfield Motorcycle where we will meet up with 20 other riders and 60 veteran cars - that will be a sight to see. They are also combining it with the Dunedin Brighton Rally. I have

not quite completed my 1915 Veteran Studebaker so it’s in the naughty corner for this rally. There will be other veteran rallies to attend during the year once completed though

Then, on the 5th of February, we will be attending the Blenheim National Vintage Rally in our 1926 !2/50 Alvis and from there a week later we will head for the Napier Art Deco weekend, so should be a great month of motoring a historic vehicle

Happy motoring

Regards John Martin



Happy New Year to you all. I trust you had an enjoyable festive season with family and friends.As usual, the year seems to go faster and faster as we get older and it is already a 12th of this year gone.

My positive news, post-Christmas, is the installation of my new 2-post clear floor hoist, in our shed, which I have been waiting to happen for several months. As we all know, nothing seems to be simple these days, and this process was no different. Having researched the options and chosen the make and model I considered would suit my needs; the order was made in December. I had to await importation, Christmas season transport holdups and eventual delivery to Cromwell a couple of weeks ago.

As it transpired, my good friend Wayne Henderson, from Dunedin, arrived to stay for a few days, very conveniently, the day before the hoist. Wayne and I collected this very heavy 700KG beast from ‘Move Logistics’ on my car transporter and proceeded home. Fortunately, this was not my ‘first rodeo’ hoist wise, and we proceeded to ‘unpack’ the posts and various parts necessary for the assembly. In contrast to the last hoist that I purchased and assembled in Blenheim, the instructions and assembly manual supplied with this hoist resembled the instructions which may be supplied with ‘Rubics Cube’. The manual indicated that it could be assembled but, in reality, was next to useless. The basic form of assembly was there, but the detail of assembly and routing, nonexistent.

Anyway, my prior knowledge came into its own, and with a bit of head scratching, logic and a good supply of alternative larger size metric bolts, purchased during the assembly of my previous hoist, the project was eventually completed. The most difficult task is the weight of the posts, getting them out of the transportation frame, assembling the two sections of each post, and getting these erected vertically, and anchored into place.

Agarage engine crane is the minimum equipment required, as everything is very heavy, but there is also an optimum procedure with this, to achieve verticality, without disaster. The 20mm concrete anchors which are supplied with these lifts from China are, in my opinion, very ineffective, and I had considerable difficulties getting adequate grip into the concrete during the last lift installation, so a different solution was required. A quick visit to Blacks Fasteners saw me equipped with 10 new ‘screw anchors’, which are in effect high tensile steel screws, which screw into the concrete, in lieu of the usual expanding anchors.

Having the anchors was great, but the installation was another challenge, with considerable rotational pressure required. My Makita commercial rattle gun wasn’t adequate; and the ‘safety assessment’ (as per the ACC advert) was looking towards a broken wrist, (you know, the bit about who sorts your “loo” requirements) and it eventually required a 600mm crescent spanner with both Wayne and I on the end to screw these screws into the concrete. Another mate come around last Saturday to assist with the running of the steel cables and hydraulics etc and a couple of additional hours from me saw everything tidied up and the electrician’s installation of a dedicated 15amp circuit had full operation. This will assist with my restorations, and the first job is to get the 1967 E Type Roadster up in the air to get parts removed to allow paint stripping for the repaint, (necessitated by bad primer, by someone else) and finally get this car finished and on the road.

With that task finished, it’s back to reality and club duties to get future events organised and final arrangements for those events of which the planning is mostly there.

Following on from my December notes, I am still looking for new opportunities for ‘Club Night’; and visits for both the ‘Weekend Runs’ and ‘Thursday Musters’, so if you, or someone you know have a story to tell, a collection that we could visit, or know of a location or business that would interest our members, please contact me and share your thoughts.

I also invite feedback on the events I have organised. Do you want two trips each month as now? Or alternatively, should we have a weekend trip one month, and a Thursday trip the next, thereby only having one trip a month? Do you like picnics or going to restaurants/cafes for lunch?

I am interested to hear your views, as it is difficult to plan what suits most people, if you don’t tell me; both positively or negatively. Have a think and I will talk further about this at this month’s ‘Club Night’ to hear your views.


POSTPONED EVENT: PLEASE NOTE: The proposed ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND RUN to Invercargill, scheduled for 22nd – 24th March 2025 has been postponed due to a lack of indicated support from members at this time. We will discuss this event at our next committee meeting, as to whether it will be pursued for next year, perhaps in conjunction with the Otago Branch members. Thank you for those who had indicated their support.


MARTIN AND KAYE CURTIS – BHUTAN - Martin and Kaye Curtis will present an illustrated talk on the many trips they have guided to Bhutan, in the Himalayan area of Asia. The clubrooms and spare parts will be open from 7.00pm and the Club Night will start at 8.00pm.


Michael Wyatt has a very interesting collection of Italian cars, comprising the marques, Fiat, Lancia, Alfa and Lamborghini, with some very unusual models. We will then proceed to Geoff Williams property in Lower Shotover Road, to view his collection

For those members coming from Cromwell, or areas south, meet at the Cromwell Clubrooms at 9.15am, to leave for Queenstown at 9.30am. We will proceed straight to Michael’s residence at 115 Hallenstein Street, Queenstown, arriving at 10.30. Those members from Wanaka or Queenstown areas, will meet us there. Please note: parking around Michael’s house is at a premium, even on a Sunday, so you may have to proceed down the hill and find a park (possibly at the supermarket), then walk back up to his house.

We will then proceed to Neville and Margaret Bryant’s farm, near the base of the Coronet Peak Road, to view Neville’s restored 1937 ‘Bryant’s Transport’ bus from the Routeburn Track, Transport Company fleet.

The lunch venue is not entirely resolved at present. It will either be a picnic, or a café near Arrowtown. Watch this space for an update in the week before.


The much-anticipated talk by Hayden Padden, NZ rally legend, about his rally career from his start as a teenager from Timaru. As we are likely to have a large turnout of our own members, the committee have decided to make this event for members and partners only. To make sure we have sufficient seats for members, we would appreciate you RSVP, with names and numbers attending, by Wednesday 19th. To: John Gray or 0274345621.


Come along to “Hook” at Albert Town where you can catch and purchase your own salmon in their put-and-take pools. All fishing equipment supplied. The staff can fillet your catch, and/or hot smoke as required. However, you don’t need to fish. Just come along for the ‘run’, enjoy a wood fired pizza, fries, salmon dishes or coffee for lunch at their covered outdoor restaurant. It’s a great place to go and enjoy the surroundings, or a walk around the property. The choice is yours. There is no entry charge.

For those members coming from Cromwell or areas south, meet at the Cromwell Clubrooms at 10.15am, to leave for Albert Town at 10.30am. We will proceed straight to ‘Hook’, which is located at 49 Monteith Lane, Albert Town. Those from Wanaka or Queenstown areas, can meet us there at 11.30am. At the new Highway 6 Roundabout, head towards Albert Town on the main road. After dropping down the first hill (before theAlbertTown Village turnoff) watch out for the signs on the right and turn into Monteith Road. Follow around to ‘Hook’ and enjoy.


I have name badges for: David and DebbieAndrews, Barry and Sharron Walker, Martin and JoJo Hardy, Mary Keith, Nic Norman, Laurie McDonald. It takes a while to get enough badge orders together and I usually order twice a year. It’s a big help when members wear their badges, it helps hugely to put a face to a name, and the font size reflects our age!

I have two 35-year badges for Trevor Tosach and Barry Walker. I will have these and the name badges with me when attending VCC functions.

We will be looking for a new Treasurer and Magazine Editor. These are both important jobs but having been Editor I know that it’s important to keep fresh. We used to send most out by post but fortunately it’s now by e-mail, and easier to keep up to date, and considerable savings to the club bank a/c postage and printing becoming quite expensive.

I attended our swap meet last Sunday. The numbers coming in through the gate were very steady, cars and campers parked well down Neplusultra and Litany Streets. The yard has had a big tidy up with a truck and trailer unit (I heard 44 tons) off to become reinforcing rod. The work that has been done by the Wednesday group was reflected on the day, I got as far as the tunnel barn and spent the next three hours taking money and handing it on to Bryan Anderson (the guy in an orange vest with a very happy smile!) and also answering a lot of questions and directing people to the appropriate places. The committee will consider the social room floor re-surfacinganother option would be to have the same vinyl flooring as the kitchen, quieter and probably cheaper than polyurethane. We will also be considering our budget overall, one of the options may be a reduction in the membership levy, or sponsorship of a set of tweezers for the “new” Dunedin hospital…..

Graham Taylor Secretary.


A great turn out this year.

It says a lot about the club, and the format, that the club can put on a function for members at pretty much minimal cost. At this time of year money is short for many people.

Long service awards were presented by Club Captain Mark Wilkinson at our annual end of year function.

Awardees were (not all were present); 50 years; Mike Hanning, Bruce Jones; 35 years; George Wallis, Murray George, Trevor Tosach, Barry Walker; and 25 years; David Manson, John Gray, Michael Wyatt

ThursdayMuster30th January




Another fantastic turnout of members started a great day out. We were delighted to see a very good number of members and their ‘club eligible’ cars waiting for the start at the Cromwell clubrooms. We set off a bit late for the second rendezvous at the Alexandra Skating Rink, where the ranks swelled to around 21 cars and one vintage Henderson motorbike. It was great to see Neville Ridd out on this rare beast. A lunch time count of participants came to 37 people, which was fantastic.

Our first stop was a short drive to Wayne Campbell’s property to view his eclectic collection of cars, rock and roll memorabilia, models, numberplates etc. Wayne has beautifully restored MK3 and MK4 Zephyrs, along with a 1958 New Zealand-new Dodge sedan with original paint, and a 1982 Nissan Leopard coupe, believed to be the only one in NZ. Wayne has a separate room off his garage, where he has a life size statue of ‘Elvis’ along with several 60s and 70s pop art posters, guitars, early record covers, car models etc. A most impressive collection over-all, with very positive reviews from the gathered members.

Members inspect Wayne Campbells immaculately restored MK4 and MK3 Zephyrs.

From there. we moved on to Wayne’s other shed in Dunstan Road to view his ‘bulk storage’ department where there are several unrestored MK1 and MK2 Zephyrs, an early 80s BMW, an old Austin A50 and another body for the 58 Dodge. There were also several unrestored pedal cars, along with a vast collection of other old S.H.I.T. (Special Heritage Industrial Treasures). Wayne may have to vacate these premises sometime in the next year and is looking for potential buyers for some of the treasures.

Lunch was beckoning, so we moved on to Ken and Sharon Robert’s property at Young Lane, just out of Clyde, to enjoy our picnic lunches adjacent to their lovely garden and large pond. Following lunch, some of the members joined a guided tour of Sharon’s Garden, while the menfolk gravitated to Ken’s workshop and shed, to view his extensive collection of mostly AJS and BSA motorcycles, from the vintage era through to the 1960s, along with a couple of ‘modern’ interlopers in the form of KTM style cross country tourers.

Wayne’s Music Room with a full-size statue of Elvis
John Gray and Wayne Campbell discuss the Nissan Leopard Coupe

Some of these bikes are restored and motoring, while several are in the process of restoration or in original form and condition. Overall, a very impressive collection, and great to see Ken is still in full ‘restoration mode’, which is becoming somewhat rarer these days.

The varied collection is enjoyed by our group.

Members enjoy lunch in Sharon and Ken Robert’s garden

Sharon and Ken have a lovely property, which was very much enjoyed by the membership for their picnic lunch stop. We thank Wayne Campbell for his hospitality, along with that of Sharon and Ken, whom both turned a ‘Heven Sent’ summers day into a much-enjoyed outing for our members. Thank you to all who attended, it is your participation that makes planning and arranging these events worthwhile.

Ken Roberts (left) enjoys a laugh with Michael Wyatt and Martin Hardy, while discussing Ken’s 1929 Big Port AJS.


Welcome Jim Pottinger from Cromwell. Jim has a MG Magnette that is undergoing restoration.


I would like to offer Michael Stewart an apology. I inadvertently deleted his ad from Puff N Stuff

Michael is a long-term advertiser in the mag and deserves better.

Please support Michael and the other advertisers as they help meet the cost of publishing the Mag.


Role Person Phone Email Partner

Patron: John Loudon

Chairman: John Martin

448 7192

445 0598 021 109 1309

Vice Chairperson: Neil Webster 021999 049

Immediate Past Chairman Vacant

Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280



Club Captain: John Gray 0274345621

Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371

John Wilson 027 533 5626

Tony Van Gool 021631316







Raewyn Gary Fredrickson 021532960, ss

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707




Glenda Don Yeaman 443 2730

Lynne Idle Torque BW; John Gray 0274345621

Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077

Area Reps:

Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 TBC

Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598

Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973







Arlene Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

National Daffodil Day Coordinator: Beau Trevathan 4452864



No meeting in January.


Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event, and I enjoy it when others help with contributions, We urgently need some help on this. John Gray has been doing a stirling job but we are a club not a one-man-band. This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.


None this month

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)



The Wednesday, “Boys in the Shed” Spare Parts guys, could do with 2 litre ice cream containers or

I litre yoghurt plastic containers to store nuts, bolts and small parts. If you have any spare, drop these off at the clubrooms anytime, thank you.

WANTED: Bonnet side panels for a ‘K’ Series Bedford, to complete restoration. Ph Martin Withington. 021-1627051,

Stickers for COVCC members

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made from high quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen, or on the body work. They are easily removed with a hairdryer. Cost $3.00 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd

114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. 443 1416

027 248 9942



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