VCC Otago Roadrunner Feb 2025

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 Men and Women

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

 1920’s - 1970’s era

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987

Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service

Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now

Phone 455 4065


Leather Dyers

Over 50 years serving Otago

Branch Committee 2024-2025


125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012

Phone 455 0586



Postal Address:

125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm





First Friday of the month

Last Friday of the month 8.30pm

Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm.

Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please

VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916”



7th Bill Veitch

14th Closed

21st Closed

28th Kevin Mason


4th Tom Hewson

11th Closed

18th Closed Easter

25th Bill Veitch Anzac

Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night


7th Bryan McConachie

14th Closed

21st Closed

28th Bruce Murray


2nd Kevin Mason

9th Closed

16th Closed

23rd Closed

30th Bryan McConachie

Welcome to New Members


BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Contact Branch secretary for entry forms from other branches 2025

FEB Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting

5-7th National Veteran Rally – Marlborough

Sun 3rd Best of British 22nd Gore Festival Rally

Thurs 27th Midweek Picnic Lunch Run

Fri 28th Club Night & Meeting

MAR Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting

8th – 50th Annual Motorcycle Rally – South Otago

Sun 16th Gore Car boot sale and Swapmeet

22-23rd Southern Backroad Adventure 15th CO Motorcycle Rally

Thurs 27th Midweek Lunch Run

22nd Scenicland Rally – West Coast

Fri 28th Club Night & Meeting

Sun 30th Otago Classic Motoring invitation rally

APR Fri 4th Motorcycle Group Meeting 5th Winchester Swapmeet 4-6th Rally Otago

11-18th South Island Club Captains TourT

Thur 24th Midweek Lunch Run

18 -21st North and South Island Nat Easter Rallies

Fri 25th Anzac Day – Club Night and Meeting

MAY Fri 2nd Motorcycle Group Meeting

2-4th Overnight run to Ashburton incorporating Ashburton Swapmeet

Sun 18th Restoration Rally / Ladies Run

Sun 25th Garage Raid

Thur 29th Midweek Lunch Run

Fri 30th Club Night & Meeting

JUNE Sun 19th Branch AGM & Pot Luck Lunch

JULY Sat 19th Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving


2025 August National AGM Invercargill 2026 March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic MotoringNelson

Please WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events. This helps new members to identify you

Best of British

Sunday February 23rd

We are looking for volunteers to marshal at the gate at Outram from 10.00am onwards. Ideally, we need a minimum of 4 marshals however the more the merrier to help cover breaks etc. so, you could go on the run and then help out.

Please contact either Mark or myself if you are available.

Nicola – 021 1803225

Midweek Run – Picnic Lunch

Thursday 27thFebruary

Picnic or café – weather dependant

Venue to be advised – meet at the clubrooms at 11am

Club Night – 28th February

7.30 pm open with club meeting and cuppa to follow

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday From 9.30 am until 11am Acuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation. This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to.

The new year is off to a flying start, with the old year gone after a very good BBQ which was well attended

We had a very good and interesting speaker in November but we were very short on members to listen to him. John Lister from Aburns Glass spoke on glass in many applications and it was very interesting, also the skills of this trade are disappearing as are many other skills.

The Moped Rally was also in November which is a lot of fun.

Over the holiday period the filming company that was in Oamaru was looking at my Ford TT truck but, in the end, did not use it. I think the colour was a bit wrong for them and of course it is not lefthand drive.

You will be getting a lot of paper work re our constitution, please check it out if it is your thing and send in any feed back you think needs modified.

Coming up at this time is the Jackson rally and the Brighton run which will be over by the time you get this.

Please check the calender of events to keep up with the upcoming events

Copies available at Clubrooms

Copies of the draft National Constitution are available from your branch secretary or at the branch clubrooms for your consideration.

If you wish to make any comment on this draft please forward them to Nicola Wilkinson our branch secretary by the 15th of February

From your Branch Secretary

Welcome to 2025 – I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Updating the Resource Consent – As advertised elsewhere in the Roadrunner the committee is investigating updating the resource consent to allow us to rent out the clubrooms however, we need to know if we would have the support to make this worthwhile. Please contact me if you would like more details on the type of groups that would meet the resource requirements.

Best of British 2025 – this is being held on the 23rd February and I am looking for volunteers to help marshalling. Please contact either Mark or myself if you are available.

Subs for 2024-2025 –

Have you received your current membership card yet? It will be green and expire October 2025. If you don’t have this it probably means that your renewal is yet to be processed. If this is you, can you please attend to it ASAP to aoid your membership being cancelled by the National Executive when they meet next month. Please contact either myself or National Office if you have any questions.

Newsletters from other branches -remember to check the VCC website each month to read what is happening in other branches around the country. You can also find their event entry forms there as well. The website address is

Other branch events & National Rallies - please let me know if you would like an entry form for one or more of the following events:

Irish Woman’s Rally based in South Waikato 8th - 9th March

Manawatu Ruahine Ramble based in Palmerston North 9th March

Central Otago Motorcycle Rally 15th March based in Cromwell

South Island Club Captains Tour 12th-18th April (this will finish in Christchurch in time for the South Island Easter Rally so why not combine the 2 events)

South Island Easter Rally 18th – 21st April based in Christchurch Wheels at Wanaka 19th-20th April

Highland Fling 25-27 April based in Feildin

Phone numbers and emails – I have had some emails bounce back so please remember to let both me and National Office know if you have changed your contact details so we can keep you up to date with what it happening. Along with the RoadRunner – the newsletter editor will be sending out an email each month with local events happening over the next month so having your email address will ensure you don’t miss out.

Branch Facebook page

Did you know that along with the main club Facebook page, Otago branch also has its own page – search for Otago Vintage Car Club. I set it up a few years ago and have been doing my best to look after it however would love to add another administrator who can help with content etc. Please contact me if you are interested.

Branch Activities

We all know the success of the Wednesday morning noggin and natter plus the Monthly Thursday run however - what can we offer members that are not able to attend due to work or other commitments and that may also attract new members. Some suggestions are Fish & Chip nights, Breakfast at Emerson’s (or similar). Please let me know if these appeal to you so we can organise.

VIC and Lighting Endorsement Forms

These are available via the website Vero Insurance

The VCC Vero scheme is solely for financial members and the discount we enjoy ceases when your membership is cancelled either through non-payment of subs, resignation or death. National Office can arrange for it to be transferred to a joint member, so the simplest way to continue receiving the discount is to add your spouse to your membership. This means that in the unfortunate event of the main member passing, the surviving spouse has time to decide what to do without worrying about the insurance. Please contact me if you want more details.



Do we have your correct contact details

Please contact your Branch Secretary or National Office of any changes of phone number, email, and address.

We also record the sales/purchases of vehicles to keep our club database as current at possible.Email or Post to VCCNZ,POBox 2546 Christchurch 8140

The Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ presents… The 2025 Southern BackroadAdventure

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of March

This overnight rally for pre 1932 vehicles showcases Otago’s amazing backroad scenery. Leaving Mosgiel’s Black Sheep Restaurant at 10am, we will make our way to Ranfurly where we will dine at the Ranfurly Hotel and stay the night at a place of your choosing. Please book your own accommodation. On Sunday we will return to Mosgiel and have a dinner at the Black Sheep Restaurant where the rally concludes. For those wanting to avoid gravel, a direct route to Ranfurly can be taken.

For an entry form contact: or for more info phone: Nevin Gough 0211150312 afternoons or evenings NB: please ensure you can get accommodation

Would you like to rent our Club rooms?

To help us decide whether we should apply to vary the resource consent, the committee is wanting to gauge if there is sufficient interest from various groups to renting the club rooms. The permitted activities would need to fit under community and leisure and have no more than 50 people in attendance. The rooms available would be the main hall and kitchen plus toilets. While this is solely a fact -finding mission for now and no guarantee of usage, can you please contact me if you know ofCORRESPONDENCE Dear Member


From 21st of February including Gore Festival Rally 22nd Feb

Tom Grant and Kelvin Henderson are to meander around Southland and Central Otago over 10 days in their 1953 MGTD roadster. Routes to be travelled will be as the mood and weather predict. We will not book accommodation as we cannot predict where, but anywhere from hotels to woolsheds. We will be carrying sleeping bags and a tent. The pace will be leisurely, no long legs. We invite all vintage cars, especially the slower ones from your private museums that have not been off their chocks for a long time. GET YOUR A into G.

We will be leaving Dunedin on the 21st Feb. Travelling through the Catlins to Gore for the night to join their Festival Rally.

We will meet at the Sunnyvale Sports Centre carpark, at 10.30am. From there, travelling via the coast road towards Te Anau. Unknown after that.

Phone Tom on 027 299 3996

If people joining wish to continue further, they might eventually end up in Northland.

Do it now before you get too old.


Post Vintage Run with the Otago Classic Motoring club

30th March -1.00pm atWharf St Carpark

No classes just combined run with some questions for overall winner

Meet at car park opp Allan's behind railway station at 1.00 pm. A couple of visits have been arranged. Bring your own afternoon tea picnic. Idea of numbers would be good for printing and no rally costs




As in previous years members of our branch volunteer to do Marshalling as required on Saturday or Sunday at allocated Road Blocks on Stages along the course. Our branch gets a donation for the work done.

71st Dunedin Brighton Report 2025

Nevin Gough stepped up to assist Colin Winter with organising the event this year. Twenty five Veteran cars and 1 bike arrived at First Church on a calm overcast morning. Three Sunbeams from the Pearce fleet, and three cars from the Kidd fleet, all driven by two generations of family or friends. Bryan and I entered in Nevin’s Model T Depot Hack. Entrants came from as far as Christchurch and Gore with John Wilson having owned his Model T for eight months. There was a good representation from our local veteran owners too.

Before the driver briefing Mark Wilkinson took the opportunity to remember our club founding member Andy Anderson who passed away earlier in the year. A few stories were shared before observing a moments silence in his memory. His memorial service was being held in Christchurch on this day.

Lee Van der Vis and Mayor Jules Radich kept entrants and the public informed by talking about the vehicles on display and interacting with the entrants and public during the hour we were in the Octagon. This year the route took us over Hawthorn Avenue and down Stone Street through Green Island and on to Brighton Domain. About half of the group took the chance to motor out to Taieri Mouth and back before participating in the Field Tests. These involved: driving a circuit while running over boards with passenger front wheel. The navigator needing to hit 5 balls into buckets with a hockey stick. Towing a metal tray with a full bottle on it without tipping it.

Then it was lunch and social time while some owners took others for rides in their cars around the paddock.

George’s son managed to keep them out of a challenging spot when they developed fuel issues in the Sunbeam, along Kaikorai Valley Road – after some time of trouble shooting they found the problem in the carburettor. Once sorted they were on their way again.

Prizegiving dinner was held at the Edgar Centre. Andrew Roxburgh having the only bike in the event was already aware that he would be up for a number of trophies and certificates. So no surprise for him. Stephen Kidd’s vehicles gained a number of prizes as well. A good number of visitors gained placings as well – congratulations to all of you.

Thanks goes to Colin and Nevin for ensuring another successful event. Thanks to all the marshalls who helped at First Church, the Octagon and to David Cunningham and his team, who ran the field tests out at Brighton Domain.

71st Dunedin to Brighton 2025 Results

Class 1 – Vehicles with less than 4 Cylinders

1st 1909 Briton

Gary Turner (S Kidd)

2nd 1903 Darracq G Gavin Hunt

3rd 1910 Stanley Model 71 Allan Familton

Class 2 -Vehicles with more than 4 Cylinders under 20 hp

1st 1908 Talbot

Stephen Kidd

2nd 1914 Sunbeam12/16 Colin Pearce

3rd 1914 Saxon Model A Bill Sheddan

Class 3 – Vehicle with more than 4 Cylinders over 20 hp

1st 1914 Model T Ford Speedster John Wilson

2nd 1912 Model T Ford Sir Julian Smith

3rd 1914 Buick EX25 Nevin Gough

Class 4 -Motorcycles without gears or variable transmission

1st 1910 Triumph Motorcycle Andrew Roxburgh

Taieri Motorcycles Challenge Trophy - Motorcycle Field Tests –

1st 1910 Triumph Motorcycle Andrew Roxburgh

AA Challenge Cup – Car Concours

1908 Talbot Stephen Kidd

McIvor and Veitch Trophy - Motorcycle Concours

1910 Triumph Motorcycle Andrew Roxburgh

Field Tests – Cars - WD Read Cup

1st 1911 Model T Ford Paul Herron

2nd 1912 Wolseley 12/16 Colin Hey

3rd 1911 Sunbeam 12/16

Donald Campbell

Best overall performance CarsDunedin Festival Cup

1st 1908 Talbot Stephen Kidd

Alan Crichton Cup -

Best Overall Performance Motorcycle

1st 1910 Triumph Motorcycle

Andrew Roxburgh

DCC Festival Trophy -Best Dressed McConachie Family

W.D. Read Cup – Entrants Choice

1908 Talbot Stephen Kidd Veterans at First Church

Photo by; Janeane Benfell


Dear Member

It is with great sadness that we advise the passing of Andrew Anderson, VCCNZ Founding and Life Member over the weekend. For those who knew Andy we will never forget his energy, determination to do what has not been done before and booming voice, even at recent AGM's.

The Club wishes his family all the best over this time.

A Memorial Service will be held for Andy on Saturday 25th of January. Further details will be announced when available.


George Kear

National President

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated

The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand

Happy New Year from The Management Committee and National Office.

We start the new year with some exciting news. After an exhaustive search over the past 5 years, we have finally purchased a new building for the Club’s National Office and Archives

The new premises are situated on the corner of Main North Road and Meadow Street in Papanui. This places it midway between the airport and our current city location. While this is a residential area it is on a main throughfare and close to Northland Shopping centre. The site consists of two buildings, one which looks like a house but is in fact built as an open plan office while the other is one large modern hall type structure which is ideal for our archives. Both are under 13 years old. With 12 car parks on site and out of the city it will be far more accessible for the members who are on the various committees that meet onsite monthly and for general members to visit.

At this stage as we enter a busy period with Executive meetings approaching, a relocation date has not yet been set.

A full report will be provided at the Executive Meeting in March plus a drive by of the site for those on the bus attending the meeting.


The Management Committee

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated

The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand

From the Editor

Happy New Year everyone. We appear to be heading into a very busy few months with rallies happening all over southern region and also within our own branch. I would love to hear your stories of any rallies you have attended for publishing in the Roadrunner. It is always nice to hear what has been happening. Bryan myself and a few other Model T owners from our branch are heading to Gore for our National Model T Rally in the middle of February. So we will not be here for the Best of British. But we aim to attend the Gore Festival Rally on February 22nd .

Photos from 71st Dunedin Brighton by Editor

Otago Branch Christmas BBQ

On Sunday 15th December we held our Annual Christmas BBQ at the Clubrooms. A good turn out of members made it a great social occasion for everyone. Many hands made light work in the kitchen and at the BBQ. Was a good opportunity to meet some of our newer members too.

Before we all sat down to eat Graeme - our branch chairman presented our past House

Manager with a certificate of appreciation for all the work he has done for the branch over the many years he has been involved. Bill managed the bar and kitchen alongside Alistair Drummond during all the events we have had and some. Having also sourced much of the memorabilia that lines the walls of our main hall, and ensuring that the restoration photos got hung up each year. Until recently he was also part of the Parts Department team. Which often meant he was called out to open up the Parts for someone who was looking for that all important part to finish of a repair. Congratulations Bill

Snippets from latest Federation of Motoring Newsletter

WoF/CoF Update

Past President Readers will be very familiar with the major effort that the FoMC has put into our cases to the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) for lifetime Warrants of Fitness (WoFs) for all year 1919 and older vehicles (veteran) and 12 month WoFs for all those vehicles 40 years and older.

These proposals were well researched, including extensive risk analysis using NZTA’s own data on DSIs (death and serious injury) and on WoF failure rates across all vehicles age groups. We were complimented by NZTA on the depth of analysis that was presented.

Recently Garry (our president) circulated to all Federation clubs the Preliminary Decision he has received from the NZTA. Unfortunately, this Preliminary Decision has rejected both proposals, but indicates support for a 12 month WoF term for 1919 and older (veteran) vehicles. It’s the FoMC view that the rejected proposals are based on very conservative conclusions looking at the worst case scenarios.

The FoMC has responded with an interim reply, requesting further details of NZTA’s risk analysis data and the process used to arrive at the extremely conservative conclusions which have informed the Preliminary Decision.

It is important to note that these decisions rest with the NZTA officials under the legislation, and are not the prerogative of the Minister of Transport. While we wait on NZTA’s response to our interim reply, we are developing a “Plan B” approach. It’s too early yet to share details, but with approximately 150,000 members in our affiliated clubs, and our members representing around a $16.5 billion economic footprint (as shown in the recent NZ Historic and Classic Vehicle Survey) we expect the current government and its agencies may have great interest in the response!

Funding Streams – Bruce Lewis

It is pleasing to report that some progress has been made in our quest to have a funding stream in place so that FoMC can look forward to a day when we can say to our valued member clubs ’look at what FoMC can do for you!’

Our first such partner is the company, an international company with their Car Watch GPS vehicle tracking system. This enables customers to set an alert via the Cartrack mobile application on their vehicles that are equipped with management tracking directly back onto your cellphone.

Member clubs now have the option of their valuable vehicles being fitted with a GPS unit at a very special FoMC Membership rate of $250 for the unit installed (usually $499 retail) and a $15/ month monitoring fee. FoMC receives a $5 / month rebate / unit ongoing from Carwatch.

Following the mid-November All USA Day, the Bay of Plenty Mustang Owners Club has 4 vehicles fitted and more awaiting installation.

The Ferrari Owners Club and Auckland Mustang Owners Club all have strong interest in having their pride & joy vehicles monitored.

Checkout Carwatch at

Special offer to members of FoMC member clubs: carwatch-fomc/

Or you can email:

Work continues with other partners who are showing strong interest in tapping into the vast market of some 150,000 members with possibilities of fuel, motor accessories, travel and other commodity discounts with a rebate type structure in place for FoMC.

This will greatly assist FoMC to better serve & represent your club in all areas of ensuring our Vision: "FoMC is a fit for purpose and relevant organisation delivering what our members want"

And, a reminder of our Mission:

"The primary mission is (and always has been) to maintain our freedom and right to use our historic, classic and custom vehicles on all NZ roads with no restrictions."

Preservation and enhancement of the heritage values of our vehicles and for our sector, is a very important mission for the years ahead.

If you don’t see a report from an event in here it means the editor has not received one



Irish Women’s Rally

Saturday/Sunday 8th & 9th March 2025

A non -competitive rally into the back country.

Mainly backroads, gravel and farm tracks can be expected. Entry to cars before 1931 only. Please note: 30 cars only on a basis of first in first served. For more information contact:

Pieter Ebeling on 0274845071 Or Trevor Appleby on 02102711049


Some information for you from Tahuna Beach Holiday park

Tāhuna Beach Holiday Park, 70 Beach Road, Tāhunanui, Nelson.

️ Motel units, studios, cabins, with and without kitchens, powered and non-powered sites.

️ Right on Tāhunanui Beach with restaurants and bars within walking distance and only 5.6km / 10 minutes drive from Vero IFHM HQ - the Trafalgar Centre

Tāhuna Beach Holiday Park are offering 15% discount to people attending the Vero IFHM. Some of you have already booked with them and TBHP have assured us that you will get the 15% discount when they finalise the bookings. Please make sure they know you are coming to the Vero IFHM.

Because we are so far out from the event they can't send confirmation of deposits owing and balances due until their 2026 rates have been set. They hope to be in a position to do this at the beginning of 2025. TBHP are also able to help with trailer storage. A couple of their camp site zones will be closed for winter so those sites will be available for trailer storage. The standard storage rate is $20 a week per vehicle, less the 15% discount would be $17 for the week. Give them a call on this number: 03 548 5159 And check them out here:

A sealed Light Bean front light in Red Box

A picture in old wooden frame of a 1915 Model T – with a write up about it – worth a look

Please contact Dean 0210709867 no txt or message please


Archive Material - for Otago BranchArchives

Copies of any past events/rallies that you have organised in the past. These are needed to ensure that the branch Archives are kept up to date. Please deliver to the clubrooms – with my name on it – thanks Marion -

I am looking for some 19 inch tyres secondhand or new if anyone has anything For sale 4.75 5.00 19 Or similar to fit a Model A Ford Thanks Kelvin (021) 041 4796 -

Just asking if any of our members might by chance still have any copies of this journal in you possession. Or if you might know if there are any still in our branch library. Another Branch librarian is looking for a certain addition of it. For further details please contact Marion

R Dewes
G Duthie


Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029

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