Ian Elmsly (Kay)
C. 027 479 0682
E. ian.elmsly@xtra.co.nz
Past Chairman:
Esther Smith (Graham)
C. 027 464 7314
E. Humber@xtra.co.nz
Larry Morgan (Cindy)
C. 021 401 092
E. hawkesbay@vcc.org.nz
Club Captain:
Robert Benge (Katrina)
C. 021 757 215
E. horselessauto@gmail.com
Paul Eager (Carol)
C. 027 231 4304
E. hbtreasurer@vcc.org.nz
Malcolm Blair (Lesley)
C. 021 576 360
E. malcolmblair52@gmail.com
Alastair Chalmers (Jean)
C. 020 4088 4523
E. alastairchalmers@hotmail.co.uk
Steve Donovan (Pam)
C. 027 217 7730
E. stevedon@xtra.co.nz
Craig Manning (Beth)
C. 021 954 958
E. cmanning@inspire.net.nz
Mercia Paaymans (Hans)
C. 027 325 0112
E. hapmap@xtra.co.nz
HB Branch Life Members:
Allan Harris
Trevor Charman
Larry Morgan (Cindy)
C. 021 401 092
E. lazzer56@gmail.com
Club Custodian:
Steve Donovan (Pam) C. 027 217 7730
E. stevedon@xtra.co.nz
Wednesday Run:
Barrie Browne (Lyndsay) C: 027 270 1238
E. clydebrowne@xtra.co.nz
Cruise Ship Co-Ordinator:
Colin Barnes (Judy)
C. 027 695 7075
Mag Editor:
Kay Elmsly
C .027 286 6480
E. hbvccmag@gmail.com
Spares Manager:
Brian Taylor (Margaret) C. 027 443 6009
Spares Assistant Manger:
John Durry (Jenny) C. 022 676 9401
Trevor Charman (Lyn) C. 027 292 6068
E. trevlyncharm@actrix.co.nz
Mix & Mingle :
Malcolm & Lesley Blair
C. 021 576 360
E. malcolmblair52@gmail.com
Beaded wheels:
Diane Friis
C. 027 305 1716
E: di.friis@xtra.co.nz
Pleasesubmityourcontributionsby: 20thoftheMonth
Please supply your content in a word document with photos sent separately. Please indicate within the word document the image number that needs to be placed within.
Late contributions are accepted only if time allows, please phonetocheckifthisisok.
Contactableduringworkhours9am-5pm Monday-Friday
Theviewsexpressedhereinarethoseoftheauthorsanddonotnecessarilyexpressthepolicyor views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material maybeheldoveruntilthereissufficientspacetopublishit.
By Ian Elmsly
Welcome to 2025! Hope you all had a great Christmas & NewYearanddidn’toverindulge!
As an absentee chairman I know you have been in the capable hands of Past Chairman Esther and Club Captain Robert and things are ticking over. Obviously the big focus to start the year is the upcoming Art Deco Festival and we look forward to a successful weekend, and I look forward to seeing you there, and catching up on the gossip!
So that’s it from me, nothing for me to add other than let’s have a good 2025 and enjoy some classic & vintage motoring.
By Robert Benge
Just a quick update I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. As we move into the 2025 year we are busy planning some interesting and varied events foryou alltoenjoy.
I wanted to say a special thank you to Derek Gordon who did a wonderful job being our auctioneer for our last event of 2024 and also thank you to his little elf helpers Craig & Alastair on the night for all those people that participated in making this event successful a huge round of thanks.
We cracked the thousand dollars so a worthy event and thanksagain.
Thank you to Malcolm and Lesley for arranging the run for down to the CHB settlers Museum. It was greatly appreciated for those members that are keen to get out motoringinthemonthof January.
Our event in February is of course the wonderful Art deco event which is shaping up to be another cracker so let’s hope the weather co-operates over that important weekendforthebay.
Art deco is our event for February as for our club night moredetailstofollowclosertothenight.
Below is a list of events that our members and their cars supported throughout2024:
21/10/24 - Supplied Chev Impala for Tabard Theatre. Took Jersey Boys around Napier for Publicity Photos then to Hastings for BlossomParade.CarsuppliedbySteveTrott.
03/10/24 - The club was part of NCC 150th Car display on Marine Parade.
09/11/24 - Ian Elmsly supplied 2 cars to Omahu School’s 125 year celebration that was a Gatsby themed dinner. Thanks to Graham Smith&Han’sPaaymanforprovidingtheircars.
07/12/24 - Took deputy Mayor in Napier Christmas Parade. Car suppliedbySteveTrott.
We supplied cars to Napier SoundShell for the NCC 150th celebration.
Car supplied by Neville Smith and driven by Kevin March to pick up NCC Mayor and deliver to Sound Shell for Veronica Sun Bay opening.CarwasondisplayatTomParkerFountain.
In Hastings we supplied cars on 3/02/24 for their annual Earthquake Commemoration, we would also usually supply some cars for the Blossom Parade but unfortunately, they were too late asking us. However as per the first item in this list Steve Trott’s ChevwastherepromotingtheJerseyBoysShow.
Some members took their vehicles along to Twyford School, adding atmosphere for their Art Deco event, in return we received somelovelythankyoulettersbackfromthestudents.
In a slightly different context, there is a steady core of drivers who during the Summer period, take their cars down to the Port to farewellCruiseShips.
MID-WEEK RUNWednesday 5th February ALWAYSthe1stWednesdayof theMonth.
MIX & MINGLE NIGHTNoMix&Minglein February.Firstonefor theyearwillbe28th March.
CLUB NIGHT Wednesday 5th February. PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED DUE TO CLUB ART DECO EVENTS. Comealongfora natterafterthemeeting&a cuppa.
ART DECO FEBRUARY 13TH TO 16TH - RegistrationsClose onthe1stFebruary.Referto Website.
Every Tuesday morning the Club and the Spares Department are open between 9am & 11am. A cuppa is made around 10am for those that would like to have a sit down and have a natter.
Viva la Marque: Celebrating the Art Deco Bugatti at the 2025 NapierRally.
In February 2025, the world of vintage automobiles will converge on Napier, New Zealand, for a spectacular display of automotive history. The Hawkes Bay Vintage Car Club, in collaboration with the Art Deco Trust, will host the annual Art Deco Rally, a celebration that marries the elegance of Art Deco with the power and grace of classic cars. This year, the Bugatti marque takes centre stage, with the Bugatti Owners Club of New Zealand proudly showcasing these iconic vehicles as the event'sfeaturedcars.
Art Deco, born in France during the 1920s, is known for its luxurious design elements that blend geometric shapes, bold lines, and exquisite craftsmanship. The Bugatti cars that will grace Napier’s streets are no exception. Produced in France between the 1920s and 1930s, these cars are living examples of Art Deco at its finest. Many were crafted by prestigious independent coachbuilders such as Gangloff and Graber, as well as being produced at Bugatti’s factory. These vehicles are morethanjustcars;theyarerollingworksofart.
From Wednesday, February 12th to Sunday, February 16th, theseextraordinarymachineswillbeseencruisingthestreetsof Napier and the wider Hawke’s Bay region, participating in the various rally events organized by the Hawkes Bay Vintage Car Club. However, the highlight of the event will be the gathering of these vehicles on Saturday, February 15th, at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Napier Sound Shell. Of the 15 known Bugatti’s in New Zealand, 12 will be present, including an impressive collection of four Type 57 models, among which is the legendaryType57AtlanticCoupe.
The Type 57 Atlantic is the crown jewel of Bugatti's history —an Art Deco masterpiece that combines speed with style. Of the four originally produced, only two are known to survive, one of which resides in the Ralph Lauren collection. The fourth, a car shrouded in mystery, went missing in 1939 and has never been seen since. This car, affectionately known as "La Voiture Noire" (The Black Car), has captured the imagination of car enthusiasts and historiansalike.
In an exciting twist, Tom Andrews from the Classics Museum in Hamilton, New Zealand, acquired a barn-find Type 57 in France ten years ago. As Andrews set about fully restoring the Type 57 Ventoux, he was inspired to also build a faithful recreation of the lost ‘La Voiture Noire’. This remarkable recreation will be unveiled to the public on Thursday, February 15th, at 3:15 p.m. at the MasonicHotelonNapier'sMarineParade.
The Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic is more than just a car; it is an emblem of Art Deco design, an expression of speed, elegance, and innovation. Its teardrop-shaped body and aerodynamic design made it the fastest car of its time, yet its beauty still captures hearts and imaginations, standing asasculptureonwheels.
As the 2025 Art Deco Rally draws near, the streets of Napier will once again come alive with the sight and sound of these automotive masterpieces, celebrating both the timeless beauty of the Bugatti marque and the enduring legacy of Art Deco design. For those lucky enoughtobethere,itwillbeaneventtoremember. VivalaMarque!
In November 2024 the Branch Committee voted to award life membership of the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the VCC to Steve. This award was announced at our 65th Anniversary Dinner. Steve joins Trevor Charman and Allan Harris as life members oftheBranch.
The award was made in recognition of Steve’s contribution to the VCC since he becameamemberin2006.
But to backtrack a bit, Steve started as a “Petrol head” by becoming involved in his Father’s interest in racing TQ Midgets which eventually became the Speedway. Later he was a founder member of the Marineland Street Rod and Kustom Klub and their 2nd Club President. He joined the 4-wheel drive club alongside the likes of Brian Taylor and Neil Peacock, he was President and Rally co-ordinator and also was involved with thatorganisationatanationallevel.
TherewasabreakwhileSteveandPamlivedinWaipukuraufor a few years and while there he joined the Jaycees, on returning toNapierStevegotinvolvedwithToastmasters.
About this time some of the guys he knew were becoming involved with the VCC, eventually Steve joined too . Car wise he bought a 1927 Chev from Les Lemmon which was soon moved on and was followed by a 14/6 Austin which was followed by a De Soto and then various other vehicles. Steve’s skills as a Mechanic have stood him in good stead with these vehicles and over the years have assistedmanyothersaswell.
As mentioned Steve joined the VCC in 2006 and by 2008 he was on the Committee with Mark Jenkinson in the Chair, the main topic in the Club at that time was getting new Club Rooms, the old house and sheds in Awatoto by the railway line had been a great venue since the mid 1980’s, but now it was time to move on to find a larger place with more parking space. A lot of time was spent looking for a suitable venue throughout the Napier/Hastings area. There was also a big question mark over how we could raise the required funds, the main assets were the existing clubrooms and a 1922 Rolls Royce which had been gifted to the Branch in the early 60’s (that is a story for another time), both of these were eventually sold but the sale of the RR in particular caused major divisions in the branch whichtookmanyyearstoheal.
Steve had become Chairman in 2010 so had to deal with several years of Special meetings, rancour and disruption, Steve does mention the support he received throughout that time particularly from Juliette Cadwallader as SecretaryandDerekGordonasClubCaptain.
Eventually the new Clubrooms were built in the great location we now enjoy. Steve continued as Chair until 2016, took a break andthenwasChairagainin2019/20.SincetheClubroomswere built he has had the role of Custodian, as a rural property we have all the joys of a septic tank system, and our water is pumped from a nearby bore, Steve is our infrastructure Guru as we have tweaked and altered our building systems through the years, he has it all under control also ensuring regular maintenance of the exterior and interior of the building. It was a busy few years as Steve D along with Steve Trott also took over the organisation of our Art Deco Rally from Carolyn and RogerAnderson,andputtheirownstamponthatweekendasit evolvedthroughtheyears.
ThetwoSteve’sarewellknownandfrequentattendeesatSwap Meets around the country, so it should have come as no surprise when Steve came to the committee with the suggestion that it was time the Branch held another swap meet with the rider that it should be a “Back to Basics” event ie vehicle stuff only !! The four events he has organised to date have served theirtargetmarketwellandourcoffershavebenefitedfromthe results.
AsIwritethisarticleIrealisethehugeamountoftimeandeffort that Steve has put into the branch, we have benefited financially from his efforts along with the enjoyment we have hadgoingonthevariousrunsandadventureshehasorganised for us using his numerous connections throughout the HB region . The Branch had previously recognised Steve’s contribution by awarding him the Southward Family Award at the AGM in June 2017. But now we are very pleased to step that up a notch and award him Life Membership of our Branch ThanksSteve
We met at the lovely setting of Hawkes Bay Golf Club for coffee and scones etc. (Brisket & Bacon pie did look tempting)
After morning tea we then proceeded down to Waipawa via back country roads.The countryside was looking very green for this time of the year due to all the rain over the Xmasperiod.
We met up for a picnic lunch at the Nelly Jull Park in the Rotunda.
We were joined by members from the CHB Club so it was greattocatchupwiththem.
After lunch we wandered across the road to the CHB Settlers Museum to view the impressive exhibition of PukeoraSanitorium.
The Sanitorium was originally built in 1919 by the defence force to rehabilitate soldiers that had been exposed to MustardGasinWW1
It was then used to rehabilitate people with Polio and Tuberculosis and then in later years people with Head Injuries.
We then proceeded through to Waipukurau via back roads toPukeorahill.
ThenamePukeora,meansHillofHealth. Membersthenwanderedbackhomebydifferentroutes. Itwasnicetohavenewmembersjoinus. Lesley&Malcolm
It was 21 days to Christmas day (and yes you just counted!!) and 15 members cars assembled (30 plus participants)attheClubRoomsfora10.30amstart.
The run was in two parts, and the instructions stated “only todriveasfastasSanta’sSleigh”
Each participant had been asked to give a $5 mystery parcel which Santa’s helper collected at the start of the runforhandingoutatthelunchvenue.
The first part of the run ended when we found Santa and hishelper.
On leaving the Club rooms the route took us through Taradale and over the Puketapu hill to travel down SpringfieldRdandacrosstheWaiohikiBridge.
It was pleasing to see the recovery work in this area and with new orchard trees planted on some of the land that wascoveredinsiltfromtheCyclone.
A right turn past the Golf club and the Macrocarpa tree statuestoreachSwampRdandontoFernhill.
OnreachingOmhauRditwasaleftturnintoTwyfordRdto travel to Ormond Rd (Oak Avenue), which is always an enjoyableRdtotravelthroughthetrees.
Into Wilson Rd and Flaxmere to travel cross the roundabout on Flaxmere Drive to Portsmouth Rd with instructions to take a right turn to the HB Equestrian Park where sitting in the hot sun was “Father Christmas and his trustyhelper”.
Here each participant was given chocolates and the instructionsforparttwooftherun.
On leaving Santa we headed off to Bridge Pa Township to take a left turn into Raukawa Rd to travel past Burma Rd and the Raukawa Hall and the beautiful Glen Arros CountryEstate.
TurningintoValleyRdonourrightwasthe“TorrenFire Station”atthebottomofthehillandalittlefurtherdownon therightwasthe“WaiterenuiWeddingVenue”.
AttheendofValleyRditwasarightturnintoSH50totravel backthroughBridgePaTownshiponMaraekakahoRdto turnleftintoNgatarawaRdtore-joinSH50andtravelto ASHRIDGEWinerywhichwasthefinishoftherunandour lunchvenue.
Itwastimetoenjoygoodfellowshipandaselectionof Plattersorpizzasetc,plusofcoursesomegoodwinesand otherrefreshingdrinks.
Santa’s helper and Santa also gave out the mystery parcelswhichwereenjoyedbyall.
An enjoyable run through Hawkes Bay was well organised by Barrie and our thanks go to Barrie for all the work he puts into these runs throughout the year and we all look forwardtonextyear’srunscommencinginFeb25. HappyChristmasandNewYeartoall. Kevin&PaulineMcGrath.
Photos supplied by Flores Snelgrove
Sunday Excursion 19th January 2025
"Some people can't make up their mind if they are coming or going
Hans and Mercia Paaymans in their 1955 Chevrolet Pick Up
Our Run leaders Malcolm and Lesley Blair with their recently acquired Vauxhall Victor Station Wagon
Our clubrooms are available to members to hire for special events!
Costsare: $150Hirefee
Refundof$50providingthe clubroomsareleftinaclean andorderlymanner.
Thebookingclubmembermust bepresentforthefullduration ofthebookinghireandisresponsibleforthepremisesincludingthe lockingupandsecuringofthebuildingandsite.
For further enquiries please contact Steve Donovan - Club Custodian on mobile number 027 217 7730
HerbertLeijen-1928 Chrysler PlymouthQsedan
Notice for Members below
Nigel & Suzanne Purdy
Dave and Deanne Couchman
Neil Mitchell
Bill Prebensen
Your membership badges are waiting at the club rooms for you to collect please
By John Durry
Hi All,
Happy New Year from the spares team.
Even though we have been shut, behind the scenes a lot has been going on, with members having clean outs. We wish to thank, Hans Paaymans for the 28 Buick parts, which include wooden wheels, steering box, gearbox, manifolds and blocks. Mitchell Tindel for the boxes of spring washes, 1/2" and 9/16". Richard Horsefield for the Triumph motors, steering racks, doors, windscreens, rear diff parts & hubcaps. Brian Taylor for 2 big boxes of vintage headlights, wiper parts and gaskets.
Steve Donovan for a box of tools. We have for sale 3 motors:
one only, 2,000 Triumph motor complete $500 or O.B.O photo attached
one only, 2.500 Triumph motor complete $500 or O.B.O photo attached.
one only 998cc Morris HV motor complete $250 or O.B.O
Brian Taylor is looking to buy cheap & roasted peddle cars, & chain driven trikes, please phone 027 443 6009 if you can help.
Until next time Cheers John Durry.
19th January 2025
Club Run - Details to be advised 4th May Swap Meet
29th January Committee meeting
February 2025
13th - 16th February 2025
Art Deco Festival