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By Brad Thomas President

AntiquelClassic Division

Sun 'n Fun '82 is now history, but it will long re­ main in the memories of those who attended. The weather was outstanding, would you believe the low 80s to the low 90s, with little or no wind! Thanks to a new build­ ing sponsored by the Florida Sport Aviation Antique & Classic Association, members and their guests were treated to a relaxing atmosphere complete with fresh iced tea , exhibits and a large front porch with dual swings. At no time did we observe any wasted space on either swing! Funds donated thus far allowed the Association to complete the basic structure of this new facility and future donations will fund the completion of the interior. The OX-5 Aviation Pioneers have also completed their permanent building on the Sun 'n Fun grounds and their warm hospitality surrounds the nostalgic meeting of men and women who made our aviation history. When attending the 1983 Sun 'n Fun Fly-In, be sure to stop by the OX-5 building. Many rare photo­ graphs and artifacts are available for browsing and you will never regret the opportunity. Attendance of antique and classic aircraft was about the same as at the 1981 Fly-In. Weather in the south­ east states improved dramatically during the last of the week which helped the attendance situation. The award winners will be reported in the June issue of VINTAGE . Fly-bys were a daily event and participa­ tion in the Antique and Classic Parade of Flight was effective with representation of each of the age groups present. Balloon enthusiasts and photographers had a field day near the end of the week when about twenty hot air balloons began a flight about 8:30 a.m. from the Lakeland Airport. The wind was light to calm and the sight of those colorful balloons slowly rising and moving across the airport filled one's heart with envy. The Division held its regular scheduled Board meet­ ing at Hales Corners on April 2, where final plans were discussed concerning participation and duties during the upcoming EAA International Convention at Osh­ kosh. Our many committee chairmen and co-chairmen have been appointed and have accepted their responsi­ bilities for the Convention. Of interest to those members in the Milwaukee area was the announcement that a new EAA Antique IClassic Chapter is being formed. The organizational process is underway and with the interest generated so far, this new chapter should be outstanding. If you in the Milwaukee area are not aware of this new organiza­ tion, please contact one of the local antique Iclassic members for details. 2 MAY 1982

The Officers and Directors unanimously voted to accept the appointment of Roy Redman, Kilkenny, MN as an Advisor to the Division Board. Roy is a dedicated antiquer and his restoration work is outstanding. His acceptance will enhance the Division and the attain­ ment of its goals. Welcome aboard, Roy. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE continues to become a publication where aviation history is compiled and printed for our members. The efforts of the contributors are greatly appreciated and we hope that articles con­ tinue to come in. How many times have we found it was "too late" to recognize someone, or to compile bits of aviation history that should have been researched, written and published? We must continue to visit with the aviation pioneers who are still with us, and record their stories, many of which have never been in print. Significant bits of history will be lost forever if we wait for "someone else" to do it. In addition to historic material, we want to continue to include coverage of items of current interest. The staff of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE cannot cover every fly-in as has been explained in the past, so our cover­ age of these events must come from the volunteer con­ tributions of our members . The ratio of antique air­ craft to classics is probably about 1 to 7 but the ratio of stories concerning the restoration of these planes is just the opposite. We are woefully short on restoration articles Iphotos on classic aircraft. Please don't be bash­ ful ... tell us about your classic projects. Since the arrival of the March issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, the response to our request for your thoughts on the availability of a Repairman's Certificate for vin­ tage aircraft is encouraging. Each letter received is read thoroughly and will help us in determining the feasibility of making such a proposal. Of the responses received so far, ALL are in favor of such a Repairman's Certificate. The responses are positive in suggesting various do's and don'ts and they include explanations. We need your input, whether or not you are in favor of a Repairman's Certificate for vintage aircraft. Our membership is composed of dedi­ cated restorers, owners, pilots and enthusiasts. We repre­ sent a cross-section that has the expertise and knowl­ edge to assist in formulating a proposal. If you have not written us your comments, please do so at once , for we want to obtain as many r esponses as possible t o gain the pulse of our membership.





MAY 1982 OFFICERS President W. Brad Thomas, Jr. 301 Dodson Mill Road Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 919/368-2875 Home 919/368-2291 Office

Vice·President Jack C. Winthrop Route 1, Box 111 Allen, TX 75002 214/727-5649

Secretary M. C. " Kelly" Viets 7745 W. 183rd St. Stilwell, KS 66085 913/681-2303 Home 9131782-6720 Office

Treasurer E. E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union , IL 60180 815/923-4591

DIRECTORS Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City , MI 49330 616/678-5012

Morton W. Lester P.O. Box 3747 Martinsville, VA 24112 703/632-4839

Claude L. Gray, Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge , CA 91324 213/349-1338

Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd . Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Ind ianapol is , IN 46274 317/293-4430

John R. Turgyan 1530 Kuser Road Trenton , NJ 08619 609/585- 2747

AI Kelch 66 W. 622 N. Madison Avenue Cedarburg , WI 53012 414/377-5886

S. J. Wittman Box 2672 Oshkosh , WI 54901 414/235-1 265

Robert E. Kesel 455 Oakridge Drive Rochester, NY 14617 716/342-3170

George S. York

181 Sloboda Ave.

Mansfield, OH 44906


ADVISORS Ed Burns 1550 Mt. Prospect Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 3121298-7811 John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245

Gene Morris Stan Gomoll 27 Chandelle Drive 1042 90th Lane, NE Hampshire, IL 60140 Minneapolis, MN 55434 3121683-3199 6121784-1172 S. H. " Wes" Schmid Espie M. Joyce. Jr. 2359 Lefeber Road Box 468 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Madison, NC 27025 414/771-1545 919/427-0216

FRONT COVER . . . Carl Swanson 's brand new replica Siemen's Schuckert D IV. WWI German fighter flies by with Jerry Thornhi ll at the controls . See story on page 6. (Dick Stouffer photo)

BACK COVER . .. 1937 Stinson SR-9F. NC19425. S IN 5715 photographed at Pittsburgh , PA in August 1940. See more details in AlC News, page 4. (Photo by Ken Sumney via Ted Koston )

TABLE OF CONTENTS Straight and Level . .. By Brad Thomas ... .... . .... AlC News ... Compiled by Gene Chase ...... .... . .. Early History of Aircraft Dope ... From U.S . Air

2 4

S ervice, July 1920 by Russell A. Felgate . ...... . .


Siemens-Schuckert D IV Replica . ..

By Norman Petersen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Dedication - Waco Owners and Others .. .

By Ray Brandly .. .. ............ ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Out of the Barn and Into the Sun .. .

By Phil Michmerhuizen ...... .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mystery Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Borden's Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's .. . By Lionel J. Salisbury ...... . . .. .... .... .. ... . . . 18

The Curtiss-Wright Falcon .... ..... .. . ... .. ........ 19

Calendar of Events ... .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20


EDITOR Gene R. Chase

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Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase , Editor, The VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE, P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their effort. THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Second Class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mailing offices. Mem­ bership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., are $14.00 for current EAA members per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3


One of the truly elegant aircraft of the day, this 1937 Stinson SR-9F, NC18425, SPN 5715, appears to be stand­ ing by as the man near the tail waits to assist the boarding of passengers for a trip to someplace. Time was August 1940 at Pittsburgh, PA. The pilot's name on the side of the fuselage is C. H. Curry, Jr. Note the four low frequency radio antenna wires extending forward from the rudder to the wing tips and forward fuselage . This photo was taken by Ken Sumney who sent the negative to Ted Koston, knowing that Stinsons are high on Ted's list of "favorite airplanes." Ted made the print for our use in The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. This beautiful Stinson "Gull wing" Reliant is currently owned by J . J . "Jonsey" Paul (EAA 36793, A IC 145), 14418 Skinner Road , Cypress, TX 77429. Jonsey is Chairman of the National Stinson Club. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT OSHKOSH SITE

Help is needed at EAA's Oshkosh facilities at Wittman Field not only at Convention time, but on a year around basis. The weather, of course, determines the areas of work, which include grounds maintenance , vehicle maintenance, carpentry and painting. Contact Vern Lichtenberg, Site Supervisor, at Box 2591, Oshkosh, WI 54903, Tel. 414 /231-4044, if you can assist in any of these areas. Volunteers are also needed for various jobs at the Kermit Weeks Flight Research Center where the EAA Aviation Foundation's flying aircraft are based. Continual aircraft maintenance programs are in progress at this facility, under the supervision of Tony Goetz, Foreman of the Kermit Weeks Flight Research Center, P.O. Box 2591 , Oshkosh, WI 54903, Tel. 414 /233-1460. Contact Tony regarding details of work needed here. REGISTRATION NUMBERS

The FAA has issued a new rule which would prohibit the use of numeric zeros and ones, and alphabetic O's and I's in aircraft registration numbers when these numbers and letters could be interpreted as one or the other. This is a change in paragraph 47.15 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. DC·3 CHARTER TO OSHKOSH

From the "Hangar Flyer," EAA Chapter 92 newsletter, Irvine, CA comes the following: Through the fine efforts of Elbie Mendenhall, we were able to contact an organization that charters real live DC-3s to groups such as ours. They can take 26 EAA Chapter members and guests to the big 30th Anniversary fly-in . The plane comes complete with two pilots and a stewardess and will take about 10 hours of flying time to travel the direct route. There will be one refueling stop on the way and we will have an option as to where that will be and whether we wish to stay there overnight. The fare will be $675 per person round trip for the direct route and about $100 more each in the event we want a scenic side trip to Yellowstone , for instance.

Another way to go is via Jet America from Long Beach to Chicago for about $298 per person round trip. We could rent a bus or a number of vans in Chicago and then drive up to Oshkosh via the scenic Lake Michigan route. The trip leaves on July 30 and returns on August 7. Contact Alex Kozloff, 29 Whitewood Way, Irvine, CA 92715. Tel. 714 /552-7742. JACOBS ENGINES AND PARTS AVAILABLE

New Jacobs engines, parts and overhauls are available from Bill Goldman (EAA 98828, A IC 4180) of Goldman Gear Company, Mesa, AZ 60296. This information pro­ vided by Clifford Crab (EAA 19811 , A IC 286), 25575 Butternut Ridge Road , North Olmstead, OH 44070. Clifford is Chairman of the Cessna 195 Club. AERONCA, CHAMPION AND CITABRIA PARTS

Univair Aircraft Corporation announces new additions of frequently requested Aeronca, Champion, and Citabria series parts. These parts incl ude FAA IPMA approved aluminum wing ribs for the above series. Also, recently approved are the U2-1655 Bellville Taxi Spring Assembly which is used in the U3-1207 Shock Strut Assembly. Univar has also added the Ul-9805landing gear U-Bolt that requires replacement as stated by Bellanca Service Letter C-135 (dated 12 /13178). Other U-Bolts that Univair has recently manufactured are the U1-10325 tail­ wheel U-Bolt (length 1.84") and the U1-10589 tail wheel U-Bolt (length 2.03"). For further information call or write Univair Air­ craft Corporation, Rt. 3, Box 59, Aurora, CO 80011. Tel. 303 /364-7661. AUCTION AT OSHKOSH '82

Approval was granted at the January 22 Board of Directors Meeting of the EAA Aviation Foundation for an auction of aircraft and aviation artifacts determined to be excess to the needs of the museum. At the April board meeting, recommendations from the Acquisition and Disposition Sub-Committee were presented on the method of operation, personnel required and aircraft to be auctioned. The auction is scheduled for 1:00 p.m ., Friday, August 6, 1982 at the Oshkosh Convention. A decision also was made to open the auction to others who wish to sell their aircraft in the highly charged atmosphere that will prevail during the Con­ vention. Therefore, a limited number of slots will be open to owners of EAA sport aviation type aircraft (homebuilts, antiques, classics, warbirds) in the auction. Aircraft must be licensed and flyable and preference will be given to the finest show quality machines. A $200.00 entry fee will be required to obtain an auction slot and be listed in the sales catalog. If you desire a slot, write immediately to EAA Aviation Auction 1982 , Box 469, Hales Corners, WI 53130, providing: (1) The aircraft make, mocel, and N number, (2) a statement describing the general condition of the aircraft and (3) include a current professional quality photograph of the aircraft. Be certain to include your full mailing address and phone number. For additional information contact Dave Jameson at 414 /235-6483 or write to him at 4322 Bellhaven Lane, Oshkosh, WI 54901. The deadline for receipt of slot requests is June 1, 1982 . Requests will be considered on a first come, first served basis. (Continued on Page 21)

4 MAY 1982


varied from flour paste on the one hand to glue and similar compounds on the other. It was found difficult to obtain both tautness and waterproofness at the same time. Thus rubber-proofed cotton fabric of much the same type as that now used for balloons and airships, was tried; but while being quite waterproof, it lacked the necessary tautening Editor's Note: According to the first paragraph in the properties and was quickly decomposed by the hot following article, the word "Dope" appeared in sensa­ lubricating oil splashed from the engine. Oil-proofed tional headlines over sixty years ago . Nothing has fabric was no more successful. changed, although today the word also has another At this time it occurred to a French art student completely different connotation. This article was named Voisin that the starch paste, which he was in the originally titled "Wing Dope From Historic, Technical habit of using for tautening the canvas on which he Side" and is an interesting account of the aviator's painted, would probably make a good airplane dope. This early attempts to waterproof the fabric of their air­ suggestion aroused a good deal of interest among aviators craft· and a number of experiments were carried out. It was found that the maximum tautness was obtained during the drying of the paste, and that those aviators who used The word "Dope" has recently been so conspicuous this paste had to apply it to their machines a few minutes in sensational headlines that it is probable that many before they purposed to begin their flights and then go persons are not aware that the word has a real significance up while the wings were still wet. This starch dope was, however, soon abandoned because the tautness of wings in desc r ibing a material used in the construction of airplanes. The following notes on Aeronautical Dope covered with it varied so greatly with the weather. may therefore be of interest: Gelatine solutions were also used but were discarded 'The problem of flight in the early days of aviation owing to the fact that the substance was partly soluble and one which perplexed would-be aviators to a great in water. It is reported that Delagrange, who flew in degree, was that of furnishing a covering to the wings France in 1909, met his death through flying a machine or lifting surfaces of their machines. Of necessity these doped with gelatine solution. While in the air he was wings must have lightness and strength together in a caught in a shower of rain, the gelatine on the wings greater degree than had ever been secured with any was immediately softened, the wings crumpled up and the combination of materials for any known purpose. machine crashed. The earliest wings, and indeed those of today, were The next step was doping cotton fabric with glue size constructed from light wooden spars and small wooden and then varnishing. Casein softeners were also tried. components linked together with strong wires, a piece These dopes were discarded, however, owing to the fact of work more reminiscent of the piano-makers' art than that their films became brittle within a short space of time and the tautness of the wings was quite variable. of engineering. A collodian solution was then suggested and, as a These structures were covered with materials in a result of many experiments, it was found that this somewhat vain endeavor to render the whole wing im­ constituted a better dope than any that had been tried permeable to the air and to produce a "clean" surface before. Considerable anxiety was, however, expressed which would facilitate the constructor's efforts to obtain as to the inflammability of the celluloid film and the "streamline." Of the many materials which suggested themselves matter was for a time allowed to drop. for this purpose, brown paper seemed to offer most The next step was the foundation of the present-day probabilities, and was almost generally adopted in dope. Cellulose acetate solutions were proposed. There the first efforts, but when cemented with starch paste is some doubt as to the actual originator of this type of the paper tore very readily, was not sufficiently taut, dope, but the discovery is probably attributable to Dr. and, being almost destroyed by water, only allowed flights Austerweil, an Austrian. Another name associated with to be attempted during the finest of weather. this question is that of a German chemist, named Eichen­ Oil packing paper glued on while wet was scarcely grum, who carried out a large amount of work on the any more successful and probably the first approach to subject. a waterproof, although not taut, coating was brown The dope used nowadays, therefore, usually consists paper painted with a glue solution and varnished (about of a solution of cellulose acetate in some solvent such 1908). as acetone, to which one or two other ingredients are "Pegamoid" was then tried, but it was found that, added to provide special properties. The wings, after although the material was waterproof, its tautness was doping with this solution are drum taut and remain so inadequate and its weight considerable. for many months regardless of the weather conditions. It was decided, probably about 1909, to use cotton As a rule, the dope layer, which is colorless and trans­ fabric and to try to find some medium to render the fabric parent, is covered with a coating of a khaki-colored more taut than was possible by simply securing the fabric varnish. The dope now used is, in fact, so reliable, that no with tacks and sewing thread. For this purpose "Dopes" anxiety about the efficiency of his wings need at any or tauteners of many types were introduced and these time be felt by the pilot . • From U.S. AIR SERVICE, July, 1920

By Russell A. Felgate

Late of Aeronautic Inspection Department,

British Air Ministry



By Norman Petersen

EAA Staff Editorial Assistant

Jerry Thornhill flies the D IV over the Southern Wisconsin farm land in late fall, 1981. (Ed Burns photo)

(Photos by Dick Stouffer except as noted.)

Every once in a while, an extremely capable person shows up with that rare ability to do the difficult jobs immediately and the impossible jobs taking just a bit longer. Such a person is Carl Swanson (EAA 126116, A IC 4044) of Route 1, Box 46, Darien, Wisconsin 53114. His latest flying creation is the subject of this article - a full size replica of a Siemens-Schuckert D IV powered by a Gnome "Monosoupape" rotary engine. Carl had previously built a Nieuport 27 replica with a rotary engine which is now in Doug Champlin's Fighter Museum in Arizona. His fascination with World War I airplanes led Carl into the next project, the Siemens足 Schuckert D IV to be followed by a Halberstadt and possibly a Hanriot! Again I must emphasize, Mr. Swanson is a very capable builder. The D IV was built on a foundation of steel tubing in the fuselage and wood spar wings. Using plywood formers and stringers, the fuselage is covered with plywood to give it the typical round barrel look, remi足 niscent of a monocoque structure. The rather large 6 MAY 1982

elevator is balanced at both ends and contains an adjust足 able trim tab at the trailing edge. Below the tail sur足 faces is the auxiliary fin with its attached tail skid cushioned by a bungee cord in tension. A small tail wheel is built into the solid ash tail skid in deference to modern hard surface runways. The rudder has a mass balance ahead of the hinge line and remains effective down to 15 mph. Welded streamline tubes make up the landing gear with the spreader bar of streamline section and crossed stainless wires in the plane of the rear landing gear struts to add strength. Ultilizing 3.25" x 19" motorcycle tires and rims, wheels have been made to use Kelsey-Hayes disc brakes (for the aid of the pilot) and are covered on both sides with fabric discs. Dual shock cord rings such as used in the Aeronca Sedan provide "give" for the wheels when landing. Using an original airfoil similar to a Fokker, Carl was able to engineer and develop the all wood wings for the D IV. Plywood ribs are fitted on spruce spars and the entire unit is made rigid by the clever use of horizontal

webs between all ribs that handle the normal loads of drag and anti-drag wires. Mass balanced ailerons are employed on all four wing panels and are operated by torque tubes. Interplane struts are welded streamline tube as are the cabane struts. Cross bracing between the wings consists of sets of7 x 19 Mac Whyte stainless cables using swaged fittings on the ends. An additional "anti足 drift" cable is attached between the engine cowl and lower "V" fitting outboard on the wing. (The anti-drift cables were installed on the original D IV to keep things in line during very high speed power dives!) Forward of the firewall is the area that separates the men from the boys. Carl has literally had to become an expert on rotary engines in order to gain a reliable power plant that was basically similar to the original Siemens & Halske rotary. Using a French built Gnome 9 cylinder "Monosoupape" of 160 horsepower, he has created a facsimile of the D IV right down to the noisy sounds of a rotary engine with regulated engine speed by ignition selector switch instead of fuel. Dual ignition is featured on the Gnome engine, the left mag is "blipped" on and ofT by a blip button on the control stick. The right magneto can be set at VB power, J,4 power, 'h power or full power. The fractional settings cut out alternating cylinders to reduce power for starting, taxiing, gliding, etc. Remember that the entire engine whirls around and the crankshaft is bolted to the firewall. The 9' ash propeller is bolted to the crankcase and turns with the engine. Needless to say, large amounts of torque are generated by this whirling mass of engine at a maxi足 mum rpm of 1250. The original 1918 SSW D IV used a 160-240 hp Siemens Halske engine that ran two ways at once to produce 1800 rpm! The engine ran clockwise at 900 rpm while the propeller ran 900 rpm in a counterclockwise direction. The idea was that the contra-rotating masses would cancel each other. It must not have been perfect as the original fin was built with a non-symetrical airfoil and the left wings were four inches longer than the right to offset torque! This complicated engine swung a four-blade propeller of 12'2" pitch and 9' diameter! The extra weight of the 11 cylinder engine required a support bearing at the front of the engine - hence the "spider" which has been faithfully reproduced on the replica. Sporting a beautifully formed aluminum cowl and a spun aluminum spinner, the D IV replica has that almost brute power look to it. The dual Spandau machine guns on top of the forward fuselage accent the authenticity. It is evident that Carl has done his homework on the paint job as it truly portrays the D IV as it looked in 1918. One of the most famous pilots to fly the Siemens足 Schuckert in actual combat was Obltn. Ernst Udet, Staffelfuhrer of Jagstaffel 4, and later to become rec足 ognized as a very famous German aviator. When the Siemens machines were handed over to the Allies after the Armistice, the first three Allied pilots to fly them turned them upside down on landing! The Siemens demanded expert pilots! The problem of flying the D IV replica was solved by turning the pilot's job over to Jerry Thornhill (EAA 103924), Box 125, Hampshire, Illinois 60140. Jerry was well experienced with Carl Swanson's earlier planes and has done all the flying of the D IV. Using a mixture of 60 weight Aeroshell oil with 10% STP in the oil tank and unleaded auto gas in the fuel tank, flights are

Frontal view of 0 IV replica shows how bottom half of cowl is open for cooling air to reach cylinders as they rotate. Balanced ailerons are clearly visible.

Siemens-Schuckert 0 IV replica poses for a portrait with its aluminum cowl and spinner shining in the morning sun. Note bun gee cord on tailskid and very meticulous paint job by builder, Carl Swanson.

SpeCifications of original 0 IV:

Manufacturer: Siemens-Schuckert Werke G.m.b.H. , Siemenstaadt, Berlin and Nu:rnberg Powerplant: 160-240 Siemens Halske ShIll and ShIIIa Dimensions: Wing Span - 27'8", Length - 18'8W', Height 8'11", Wing Area - 163.25 sq. ft.

Rear view of the only flying S.S.W. 0 IV in the world! Wings are rigged straight with no dihedral. Very clean design is evident from this angle. Note hand-holds in center section. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

Cockpit area shows steel tube construction and very basic instruments. Left switch is for magneto controlled by blip switch on stick. Right mag switch is used for Va, V4, Y2 and full power. Center of panel has tachometer and hole to look through to see gas guage! Note trim control on right side.

Nine cylinder Gnome rotary engine installed with front bearing "spider" in place (used with the larger Sh III engine). Note dual spark plugs on each cylinder. Push rods (one per cylinder) have not been installed at this point. 8 MAY 1982

possible to a maximum of two hours. Fuel consumption is 12 to 15 gallons per hour and oil consumption is a little less than two gallons per hour. (You can see why not everyone wants to use rotary engines in their home足 built airplanes!) Flight characteristics are somewhat similar to an aerobatic airplane where you have stability in smooth air. Climb is best at 75-80 hp yielding 1300 fpm. The landings are the real test. With the center of gravity nearly 20 inches aft of the main gear, it moves back another 10 inches as the tail comes down! Forget three足 point landings! Prior to touchdown, the line of flight must match the centerline of the aircraft on the first touch or the tail will try to get past the nose. Landing on grass is almost essential. Once the machine slows down, the tail will drop and forward visibility disappears completely. The stall occurs at about 55 mph which is a bit high for most World War I airplanes. What is really amazing is how close to the original D IV Carl's replica is able to duplicate weights. The original machine had an empty weight of 1190 lbs. and a gross weight of 1620 lbs. The replica has an empty weight of 1170 and a gross weight of 1600 lbs. with Jerry Thorn足 hill on board! The ultimate experience for genuine WWI buffs would be standing on the flight line at Oshkosh observing the arrival of a Siemens-Schuckert D IV complete with the unmistakable noise of a rotary engine. Perhaps this could happen in '82 if everything were to work out according to plans and the distance to Oshkosh can be negotiated without harm to this one-of-a-kind replica. In retrospect, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the master builder, Carl Swanson of Darien, Wisconsin.

Siemens 0 IV pilot Jerry Thornhill pours in a few gallons of fuel before making a flight. Note gun sights on replica Spandau machine guns.

Following is a list of full-scale World War I airplanes by Carl R. Swanson in order of completion. Included is type of construction and present location. 1917 Nieuport 17 - Original construction with 120 LeRhone rotary. National Museum of Canada 1917 Sopwith Triplane - Original construction with 130 Clerget rotary. National Museum of Canada 1918 Sopwith 2Fl Camel - Original construction with 130 Clerget rotary. National Museum of Canada 1916 Sopwith Pup - Original construction with 80 LeRhone rotary. Champlin Fighter Museum 1918 SPAD XIII - Modern construction with 0-360 Lycoming. Owls Head Museum, Maine 1918 Nieuport 28 - . Modern construction with 0-320 Lycoming. Owls Head Museum, Maine 1916 SPAD VII - Modern construction with 0-360 Lycoming. Dick James, California 1917 Nieuport 27 - Modern construction with 160 Gnome Monosoupape rotary. Champlin Fighter Museum 1916 Sopwith Pup - Original construction with 80 LeRhone rotary. Steve Linsenmeyer, Michigan 1918 Siemens-Schuckert D IV - Modern construction with 160 Gnome Monosoupape rotary 1917 Halberstadt Scout - Modern construction with 150 ENMA Tigre upright 1918 Hanriot HD-l (started) - Modern construction with 120 LeRhone rotary 1918 SE5a (started) - Modern construction with 0-360 Lycoming 1916 Nieuport 11 (contemplated) - Modern construction with 80 LeRhone rotary Editor's note: Now you can see why Carl Swanson is referred to as a "Master Builder" . •

Uncovered wing panel clearly shows plywood webs in place of drag and anti-drag wires. Note welded "V" strut and attach fittings. Aileron hinges look very sturdy. Workmanship is outstanding.

Welded steel tail feathers are installed for fitness checks before removal for covering. Note dual elevator horns and trim tab horn. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9

The fishhook stripe is evident on AI Nogard's 1935 Waco ZKC-S, NC14614, flown here by sons Gary and Alan from Ballston Spa, NY.



(EAA 38963, NC 480)

700 Hill Avenue

Hamilton, OH 45015

(Photos by K. Borisch Unless Otherwise Noted) We have all seen many examples of really sincere dedication shown among those who fly antique air足 craft. Some are merely dedicated to ownership, others show great dedication in proper restoration, but there are those who demonstrate sincere dedication to both proper restoration, the ownership and the flying of their antique aircraft. These are the people who really hold the antique movement together. They are not easily swayed by those who believe that everything has its price. They are the ones who take pride in flying, maintaining and providing a rare and valuable antique a good home for many years. There are several members of the National Waco Club who have owned their present Waco for more than thirty years. A very high per cent of Waco owners have had their present Waco for more than fIfteen years. These are the dedicated people who strive for absolute perfec足 tion in craftsmanship and originality. They are the ones who are aware that craftsmanship is actually a waste, if the end result does not exemplify the real or original product. Many times the only reward for such dedica足 tion is the satisfaction of knowing they have preserved 10 MAY 1982

An example of the placement of the registration number on the rudde r. This is on a Waco ZPF-6.

A variation of the custom three line stripe appears on this 1938 Waco ZGC-8, NC19360.

(Photo by Dick Stouffer)

A good example of the diamond point stripe on this 1931 Waco QCF-2, NC11482 owned by Frank Fox, Rockville. MD.

This 1937 Waco YK8-7, NC17701 , owned by Wayne Hayes, Trenton, NJ bears the funnel stripes. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

Known as the GIllies type leading edge tri m.

Factory records show many combinations of this paint scheme on Wacos built from 1931 thru 1935. Example : A Black airplane used Red panels on the top side of upper wings and on the bottom side of the lower wings, with numbers In Cream. Another example was a Red fuselage with Black & Gold stripe, Cream wings with Red panels using Black numbers. Numbers were usually 24 Inches In height. On all Wacos built In 1930 FUSELAGE or later, numbers on rudder should be five Inches In height, located horizontally with the NC above the number.

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AUTHENTIC WACO STRIPING The Waco Aircraft Company offered a variety of paint schemes. Those most commonly used are shown below: Fish-hook striping originated In 1931 and wa s commonly used thru 1936 on both open and cabin models. Diamond point striping was very common on the Taperwlng, Stralghtwlng, RNF, INF, aCF-2 and occasionally on the GXE. FIne-line striping originated In 1932 and was used with some variations thru 1936. In 1936 Waco offered Funnel striping, Lockheed and Ughtnlng striping and then added the Custom three-line the next year. Bump cowls were common In 1933, 1934 and 1935.

the original and historical value of another rare Waco. Very few people have been able to actually judge these airplanes for their true authenticity or their rare historical significance. Waco owners are most fortunate in that they have a choice of many authentic and different models, and there never was a particular paint scheme or color that could be called the original or factory standard. The owners of J-3 Cubs have no choice, and it was much the same with Staggerwings, Howards, Aeroncas, Rearwins and so on. The only paint scheme used by Waco, that could be called a factory standard, was the silver wings and horizontal tail surfaces used with a Vermilion fuselage trimmed with a diamond point stripe of black edged in gold or silver. This was common during 1930 and 1931. However, the same scheme was used with a choice of Insignia blue or Stinson green fuselage. The blue and the green fuselages used a Vermilion stripe edged in gold or silver. Occasionally, a customer would ask for cream wings instead of the silver. IntBrplane struts were always painted the darkest color used in this paint scheme. Waco also offered a choice of propellers and tires. Yes, there were some Wacos sold with red tires, using black lettering. Waco owners are also fortunate that we are able to refer to the actual sales records of most Wacos that were sold. Many ask for the original colors and paint schemes, as well as the original upholstery and the original equipment used in their particular Waco, prior 12 MAY 1982

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to starting their restoration project. The annual Waco Reunion Fly-In at Hamilton, Ohio the last weekend of June has become the mecca where the most dedicated meet annually to display and fly the finest examples of authentic restorations to be found anywhere. We invite everyone to experience the greatest display of enthusiasm in a non-competitive atmosphere where each revels in the accomplishments of other Waco owners. •

Bob and Doug Leavens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada own this 1928 Waco GXE, C-GAFD with the fuselage , fin and rudder painted vermilion with the wings, stabilizer and elevators in silver.

A happy Phil Mlchmerhulzen and the newly restored J-2 Cub. ~o


By Phil Michmerhuizen (EAA 33782, Ale 581 ) 186 Sunset Drive Holland, MI 49423 (Photos by the author except as noted)

I started to advertise and look for Piper J-2 Cub parts in 1970. Soon I had acquired a bare fuselage with nothing inside, a rather sad set of wings and a 40hp engine. I cleaned and painted the fuselage, but now what! I had no idea of how the floorboards , seats, rudders, and the control stricks went. An unairworthy fuselage was advertised in Oklahoma. After it was shipped to Michigan, I at least had rudder pedals, control sticks and a door. Then I received a call from a friend in another state. He remembered seeing old airplane parts in a barn several years ago. He said he'd show me the barn, so I could talk to the farmer. About a week later Donna and I were sitting on the farmer's porch. He was very cautious and skeptical; someone had gypped him in an airplane deal several years ago, I found out later. At one time he had four Cubs, including a J-2 and J-3s. Yes, he did have parts left. They were ~cattered about in three different barns, but he really didn't want to sell them. We spent the better part of that day visiting and reminiscing with him. He said he had belonged to the Flying Farmers. He had flown to Iowa, Nebraska and many other places in his Cubs which he kept at the strip on his farm. Later evidence leads me to believe he flew one air足 plane until it was damaged, worn out, or whatever. After putting the pieces in the barn, he would buy another plane. He let us go into the barns and oh what a sight!! Parts scattered all over, hanging here and there, old

tractors, trucks, a spinning wheel, old baby buggy, and on and on. After supper we went back to the farmer's house; he had had a chance to talk with his children and to think it over. Finally, we agreed on a price. I could buy all the "yellow" airplane parts that were in the barns. He asked us to come back in the morning and his son would help us load the parts. Donna and I went to a motel for the night. After breakfast the next day we had to go to the bank; the farmer wanted cash. We then went to a store to get some cardboard boxes. I was so afraid he might change his mind. When we pulled up with our truck he hopped up in the cab and away we went to the fIrst barn and started loading. Eight dusty, sweaty hours later our load consisted of a 1936 J-2 fuselage, a '39 J-3 fuselage, a Continental 40hp engine, a Franklin 50, three smashed wings, many bent struts, bent and twisted landing gears (one set with 18 x 8 x 3 Goodyear airwheels), tail feathers, floorboards, seats, boot cowls, and side enclosures. Also, lots of "little stuff," like pulley covers, a glass inclinometer, porcelain exhaust stacks and the old seat belts with CUB stitched into them! There were no log books, or papers, but we paid the agreed price. We had him sign a bill of sale and then we started back to Michigan. About six months later I had the paperwork straight足 ened out on the '36 J-2 and even had the original N number. I had been taking a lot of pictures, making sketches and notes before taking anything apart. From here on it was a rather typical restoration project 足 my fIrst. In the winter of 1974 - 1975 I sandblasted the fuselage. John Emmons, the All who was looking over my shoulder checked it and found only two tubes which needed replacing. All the tubing was re-oiled inside and epoxy VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

Phil sandblasts the fuselage frame, January 16, 1975.

Preparing to solder the hand spliced and wrapped cable ends, March 12, 1976.

Fitting the wings to the fuselage on May 5, 1979. L-R: Dan Bauman, Ken Dannenberg, Jason Petroelje and Gord Meeuwsen. 14 MAY 1982

primed outside. I took a large cardboard refrigerator box and made a small sandblaster in the basement to handle the small parts. With a light in the top, vactium hose in the side, plexiglass on one side and two arm holes, it worked just fine. Using the old floor boards and seats as patterns, it was no problem making them. We took the Continental A-40 to Bob Thompson (also known as "Mr. A-40"), in Dayton, Ohio, for an overhaul. On our way back home after picking up the engine in June, 1977, we stopped at the farmer's place to show him the pretty little A-40. He asked if we had a prop for it. We didn't. Five minutes later he came out of the house with two!! One was not airworthy, but the other had been reconditioned at the Anderson Prop Co. and was still boxed and wrapped in 1949 newspapers! In February, 1978 the airframe rolled out of the basement garage door on the Goodyear 18 x 8 x 3 air足 wheels, with engine and prop installed. After tying the tail down the little engine started quite easily and I had a smile from ear to ear. Only wing rebuilding and covering remained; almost done!! Ha ha!! Mter removing the fabric, I kept one '36 wing intact for a pattern. I took five others apart to get at the good ribs and steel fittings I needed. The wings really were in sad shape. Besides a landing accident (tree or pole), a concrete block hangar had fallen on them! Finally the ribs were sorted out and repaired, but I was still concerned with corrosion. Donna and I went to EAA Headquarters where I talked with Mr. Bill Chomo about it. I followed his recommendation: scrub the ribs with a stainless steel wire brush and phosphoric acid, rinse and then apply zinc chromate. The new spars, new drag wires and bolts arrived and I started to re-assemble the wings. With help, the wings were bolted to the fuselage for alignment and squar足 ing up. I had decided earlier to restore the J-2 as close to original as I could. The old control cable had some of the original Roebling roll splices at the ends and also some nicropress and someone's attempt at a 5-tuck navy splice. Oh those Roebling roll splices looked so neat! I had already done the wire wrap and solder on the tail brace wires. I tried the splices and anguished over the results. At first they looked like spiders! Slowly they did improve. John Emmons said they looked O.K., but to be sure I did a 10" sample with new cable and had it tested in a lab. At 2,300 lbs. it broke in between the splices! Soon the control cables were fmished. One big decision was yet to be made - the fabric. Original of course wag grade "A." New fabrics are lighter, easier, better. Maybe at Oshkosh I could decide. Pros - cons, good, bad, everyone had his preference. I finally settled on the Stits process for several reasons. 1) A possible six pound savings in weight. 2) A good instruction book (I had never done any fabric work before). 3) A friend was just finishing up his Wagabond and it looked super. I found out that I'm not a painter. I wiped up the worst runs ofT the floor! I had written to Piper Aircraft for the original colors and their reply was "green and yellow." The fabric work was fun and very educational. Donna and I did the rib stitching together. By April, 1981 I could not find much to do on the airplane at home. On a Saturday morning we took it to the airport and into John Emmon's hangar. After assembling and rigging the airplane, I worked on the three piece windshield. Everything takes me longer than I think it will. Then we ran the weight and balance and finally the taxi tests! Now I could make application for an airworthiness

certificate to our local GADO office. On August 25, 1981 Mr. Noel Gary from the FAA handed me this important piece of paper. The weather was good that day but I waited one more day and on August 26 , 1981 our airplane flew for the first time in about 30 years. It was exactly 45 years after it rolled out of the Taylor Aircraft Company in Bradford, Pennsylvania. The airplane now has 18:30 hours on it. The only problem has been the windshield. I used material which was too thin and flexible . It certainly is fun to fly. It lands very slowly and I enjoy flying it with the tail skid. I could not have done this restoration alone . My thanks go to John Emmons, the A l l, Bob Thompson, and to members of our EAA Chapter 211 - especially Gord Meeusen who hammered out a new nose bowl and did all of the aluminum work. I also want to recognize my friends Dick Hill, Garth Elliot, Ed Kastner, Jim Hays and Howard Brandon who provided information which was instrumental in making the restoration so authentic. As shown on the original ledger sheet from the Taylor Aircraft Company, the empty weight of our J -2 was 553 pounds. As hard as I tried to keep weight down wherever possible, the empty weight of our restored plane came to 591 pounds. Interestingly enough, the quoted empty weight of the plane as it left the factory, plus the weight of the following components (as shown on a company Weight and Balance report 139 dated November 8, 1937) comes out like this: 5531bs. E. W. 8 Prop 5 Wheels 15 Tires 3 Skid 7.5 1 Gal. Oil

The Continental A-40 expert, Bob Thompson, age 79 and the engine he overhauled for the Michmerhuizens' Taylor J-2 CUb. Photo taken in Bob's shop in Dayton, OH on June 11, 1977.

59l.5Ibs. Our Cub is as authentic as we could make her and as yet no carburetor heat, airspeed, compass or side enclosures are installed. The registration number is NC16957, SIN 823. The Continental A-40-4 is SIN 2016. Date of manufacture is August 26, 1936. Full static rpm is 2250 and full throttle in flight produces 72-74 mph true air speed at 2400 rpm. The Lewis propeller is Design L-33-2-22, SIN 5540.• The Cub flies again, exactly 45 years to the day when it first rolled out of the factory. .

The J-2 leaves the basement workshop for the trip to the airport, in April 1981.



Editor's Note: Ted Koston forwarded the following letter from Mike Rezich which corrects a misstatement in Ted's "22nd Annual Waco R eunion" story in the January 1982 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Mike also supplies additional information on the subject Waco eRG which we find to be most interesting: Dear Ted, I saw your beautiful spread in The VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE on the Waco Fly-In. I regret that I missed the event. To straighten you out on Waco CRG, N600Y .. . it was originally built for the Ford Reliability Tour as was its sister ship, NR660Y. NR600Y was flown by John Livingston and NR660Y was flown by Art Davis. Both planes were built especially for the tour. You will notice the landing gear vees and oleos are much taller than the standard Waco tripod gear. The reason was to lift off quicker during take-off which gave an additional point advantage. NR600Y also had the super­ charged Wright J6-7-El engine. You said it was the first aircraft to do smoke writing over New York City .. . not so! This plane was bought and operated by Andy Stinis, an old time smoke writer in the New York area. But the first smoke writer in America was an Englishman named Dick Acherly with a Hisso powered SE5. He had a contract with Chevrolet (and the secret for the smoke), and he wrote in script, not print! Later, Andy Stinis had a contract with Lucky Strike and he used the Waco CRG, NR600Y, a Laird LCR which formerly belonged to Alex Seversky, and several Speed wing Travel Airs. I bought our Speedwing NC606K from Andy in 1949. It was also used in the smoke writing program. His son is still in the business using five AT-6s. Regards, Mike Rezich (EAA 510, A /C 2239) 6424 S. Laporte Avenue Chicago, IL 60638 Dear Sir: The Mystery Plane in the March 1982 VINTAGE AIRPLANE is the Gee Bee P-l. This was the first Gee Bee Airplane and was first powered by a Velie engine . Different engines were installed and tested and the one pictured would be the Cirrus. Finally the Kinner was installed as standard during production. The series became known later as Model A. The registration number on this plane was 3086. No "NC" was included until production was started on these planes - after approval. One of these planes is currently owned by the Bradley Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT, Registration No. N901K. Thank you for a fine magazine. Yours truly, Burton Williams (EAA 115942, A /C 3328) 347 Southwick Rd. Westfield, MA 01085 Dear Mr. Chase: I was looking through some of my past VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazines when I saw an article in the March 1981 issue on page 6. The article is about a Waco UBF-2 starring in a movie. I have recently seen the famed movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" starring Harrison Ford who plays Indiana Jones, an anthropology professor at a university. 16 MAY 1982

Near the beginning of the movie, Indiana Jones is captured by some unfriendly natives after stealing a prized artifact. He quickly escapes and runs to his friend who is fishing off his plane. Jones, with natives not more than a second behind him, yells to his friend to start the plane and start moving. With split second timing, Indiana Jones swings on a vine and lands next to the plane. With spears coming from all directions, Jones hangs on for life as he and his friend make a hectic getaway to safety. As they narrowly miss the treetops , the Waco UBF-2 on page 6 of March 1981 VINTAGE AIRPLANE and Indiana Jones fly off into the sunset! Art Webb (EAA 155011, A /C 5615) 2626 West Avenue N-4 Palmdale, CA 93550






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Kinner powered Gee Bee Model A, N901 K as re stored by Encel Kleier (now deceased) of Clare more, OK. Robert L. Taylor, AAA founder and president, spins the prop. Photo taken 1V HY62 at Claremore's Will Rogers Airport by Gene Chase.

Dear Gene: With reference to the "Mystery Plane" shown in my just-received copy of the March 1982 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, it is a Gee Bee Model A, and in this picture mounted a Cirrus Ensign engine. If I read it correctly the plane pictured is the first one built and has the registration number 3086. It was first powered with a Velie M-5 engine, then a Kinner K-5, which was used on the production planes. This particular plane was apparently used to test the suitability of some other engines, for at various times it had a British Armstrong-Siddely " Genet" (requiring a left­ hand prop), Chevrolair D-4, and the Cirrus engine. The Chevrolair was an inverted four-cylinder in-line air­ cooled engine. The Model A was a two place side-by-side airplane. Apparently only eight were built. It apparently never achieved a full A.T.C., but was manufactured under a Group 2 approval. Incidentally, the above plane was also flown with floats and skis. Really, an interesting plane that was certainly overshadowed by the sportsters and racers that followed. Regards to all ­ J. William Knepp (EAA 76534, A /C 435) 6214 S. Navajo Drive, R.R. 3 Bartonville, IL 61607 Dear Paul: First of all , "Hello" from Australia. I am writing to you to ask for your help or advice with two aircraft I own. I have two Austers, a J5B powered with a Gipsy Major Series 1 with electric start. This aircraft needs are-bag

and has been flying up until recently. It is in reasonable shape , just needing re-covering and a good clean up. It has a Fairey-Reed metal prop and approximately 200 hours to run on the engine. All of the log books are there. It is a four place aircraft, cabin type with high wing, and it's a taildragger. It's an excellent paddock aircraft (short field take-ofT and landing). The registration is VH-KAL. The other aircraft is a J5G which is identical except it has a Cirrus Major (155hp) engine. This aircraft is completely stripped and in pieces. It has several major parts missing such as right wing fuel tank, prop, wheels, some instruments, and top, bottom and front cowls. I was wondering if you knew of anyone over your way who would be interested in buying them? I believe there are not very many Austers in the USA or Canada. I would be interested in selling them outright or perhaps swapping them for a good Aeronca Sedan, Cessna 170B, or perhaps a Cherokee 180 . . . preferably the Aeronca or Cessna. One day I hope to meet you at Oshkosh, or if you are over here, please feel free to call. Hope to hear from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Barry Shelton 7 Biloela Ct. Port MacQuarie N.S.W.2444 Australia (Phone 065-831794 evenings)

WHY GEESE FLY IN FORMATION - From Al and Betty Nelson's "Bird Talk ," Fall 1981. There must be some advantages to formation flying for geese or they would not persist in it. There is a great advantage, say California Institute of Technology researchers. As air leaves the wings of one bird it provides an updraft for the birds following it in formation.

ARTWORK AI Wheeler (EAA 64433 , A IC 5519) created this pencil artwork of the well-known N3N-3 owned by Bob Van Vranken (EAA 48657, A IC 2201), Suisun, California. Before his retirement and move to Hawaii, Al lived in EI Sobrante, California where he served as newsletter editor for the Schell ville Antique Escadrille Gazette of the AAA Chapter based at Schell ville Airport. For several years readers of "The Gazette" enjoyed AI's artistic talents in each of the monthly issues. Al based his Pitts S-l at Schell ville while he lived on the "Mainland." We wonder if he took it to Hawaii with him?

The resulting energy saving increases the range of geese by 71 per cent. But because the lead bird has to work harder than the other birds following it in V formation , you will see the lead bird drop back occasionally while another bird takes its place. Now, if I apply this principle to cross country in my E-2 Cub, I should be able to fly non-stop from Milwaukee to Bardstown, Kentucky. Incredible! . .. Ed.


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This month's Mystery Plane photo was sent by Ted Businger (EAA 93833, A IC 2333), Rt. 2, Box 280, Willow Springs, MO 65793. Identification will appear in the July issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. The March Mystery Plane was the prototype Gee Bee Model A, built in 1930 by the Granville Brothers and powered with a Cirrus engine in this photo. For additional details on this interesting aircraft, see letters in "Letters to the Editor" on page 16 from Bill Knepp and Burton Williams, both of whom correctly identified the Gee Bee . • 'iI Dan Cullman, Lewiston, ID, George Tinker, Bangor, ME, Mike Rezich , Chicago, IL, and John A. Eney , Doylestown, P A also identified this mystery plane.





Poster Number 14 of the original Thompson S eries

By Lionel J . Salisbury

(EAA 114523)

S even Harper R oad

Brampton, Ontario L6W 2W3



Borden's continued with the promotion, issuing several series of posters in the United States and Canada while the product gradually became known as Borden's Malted Milk. This poster of the Curtiss-Wright Falcon is the third and last supplied by Cedric Galloway of Hesperia , California from his collection that he started in 1933. Mr. Galloway was able to add these posters to the first 18 that have been published in The VINTAGE AIR足 PLANE, from a collection by Glenn Inch of Brampton, Ontario, Canada. When this collection of posters was initiated in The VINTAGE AIRPLANE we had no idea that there had been in total , 30 posters made available by Thompson's and Borden's. After Mr. Galloway came forward with his additions, Mr. Marion McClure of Bloomington, Illinois sent in his entire collection, from which we will be able to present an additional six posters for publication here. We will start with Mr. McClure's posters next month, featuring the Douglas Dolphin. The description and the three-view line drawing of this month's aircraft "The Curtiss-Wright Falcon" is from the back of the poster. Description of Curtiss-Wright Falcon

The Curtiss-Wright Falcon is made by the Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Co. of Buffalo, NY. This type of plane is used considerably in mail service, but the one illustrated Editor's Note: Twenty of these posters originally appeared is one of the high speed U.S. Army fighting planes. in the February 1979 through S eptember 1980 issues of Specifications. Span, upper wing, 38 ft. ; lower wing, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Starting with this issue, the 35 ft.; Length overall, 28 ft. 3 in. Height overall , 10 ft. first of the remaining eight of the nostalgic series will 4 in. Wing area (including ailerons), 351 square feet . appear. Lionel Salisbury accumulated the complete set Power loading, 6.9 pounds per horsepower. Wing loading, of posters for publication and obtained permission from 11.3 pounds per square foot. Curtiss D-12-E 435 horse足 the Borden Company. The original posters are from the power. Weight empty, 2,940 lbs.; Useful load, 1,060 lbs.; collections of Glen Inch of Brampton, Ontario, Cedric Gross weight, 4,000 lbs. Galloway of Hesperia, CA and Marion McClure, Blooming足 Performance. High speed, 160 miles per hour . ton, IL. Cruising speed , 136 miles per hour. Landing speed, 50 miles per hour. Rate of climb, 1,700 feet per minute. "Thompson's Double Malted" - that was the product Climb in 10 minutes, 12,500 feet. Service ceiling , that many a young man, and perhaps some young ladies, 25 ,300 feet. Radius, 415 miles. Gasoline capacity, 90 urged their parents to buy in the early 1930's, not only gallons - 160 gallons maximum. because they liked the drink, but more likely because The fuselage is of riveted duralumin tubing, fabric they wanted the coupon on the can, to send in for a poster. covered. The Frise ailerons are of duralumin and steel The posters were 19" x 11" on stiff card , and in black skeleton, fabric covered. Tail surfaces are of duralumin and white mostly, although some of the early ones had skeleton, fabric covered with balanced elevators and a slight tint of buff. All the posters featured airplanes rudder. The wings are constructed of spruce box spars of the day, all of interest to those pilots of the future. and spruce ribs, fabric covered. Landing gear is of the split-axle type. Strangely though, this obviously successful promotion The pla n e is equipped with Hamilton-Standard for the Thompson product seems to have been its last, for after the issue of the first series of these posters, propeller, Curtiss oleo shock absorbers, Eclipse starter, the Thompson Company of Waukesha , Wisconsin dis足 Bendix brakes, Curtiss instrument panel and oxygen appeared, to become a part of the Borden Company. equipment. 18 MAY 1982



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MAY 21-23 - TULSA. OKLAHOMA - Harvey Yo ung Airport 41st Ann iversa ry Fly-In. Speci al welcome to ultralights. warbirds . homebuilts. antiques and classics. Contact Hurtey Boehler. Rt. 8. Box 617. Claremore. OK 74017. Telephone 918/341 -3n2 or 918/ 835-1900. MAY 28-30 - ATCHISON . KANSAS - Annual Kansas City Antique Airplane Association Chapter Fly-In. Amel ia Earhart Memorial Airport. For details contact Bill Hare. 6207 Riggs. Mission. KS 66202. MAY 29-30 - WATSONVILLE. CALIFORNIA - 16th Annual Watson­ ville Fly-In. Sponsored by the Northern Cal ifornia Chapter of AAA. Two days of airshows. Camping facil it ies. No pre-registrat ion required . For information contact Dick Borg. 6515 San Ignacio Ave.• San Jose. CA 95119. 408/ 226-3603. JUNE 4-8 - MERCED. CALIFORNIA - Silver Anniversary West Coast Fly-In at Merced Municipal Airport . For information contact Dee Humann. P.O. Box 2312. Merced. CA 95344. 209/ 358-3487. JUNE 8 - DeKALB. ILLINOIS - EM Chapter 241 and MST Aviation co-sponsor Annual Fly-In. Drive-in Breakfast. 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. For details contact Martin Crown. 815/ 895-6856. JUNE 8 - MENTONE. INDIANA - Dedication ceremonies for the Lawrence D. Bell Aircraft Museum. Museum will serve as historical research source for personal records and memorabilia of Lawrence D. Bell. aviation great. JUNE 11-13 - DENTON. TEXAS - 20th Annual Texas AAAlEAA Fly-In. For information contact Jack Winthrop. Rt. 1. Box 111 . Allen . TX 75002. 214/727-5649. JUNE 18-20 - PAULS VALLEY. OKLAHOMA - Oklahoma City Chapter of Antique Airplane Association Fly-In at Pau l Valley. OK. For information phone 405/ 321-8042 - Don Keating ; 405/ 392-5608 ­ Bud Sutton. JUNE 19 - TOMS RIVER. NEW JERSEY - EM Chapter 315 6th Annual Antique & Homebuilt Fly-In. 11 :00 at R. J. Miller Airport. Refresh­ ments. plane rides. flour bombing contest. aviation flea market. (Rain date Sunday. June 20.) For information call Lew Levison 201 / 367-4907. JUNE 19-20 - FREDERICKSBURG. VIRGINIA - 15th Annual Antique Aircraft Fly-In and Air Show at Shannon Airport. " A Tribute to Sidney L. Shannon. Jr." Antique Aircraft Fly-In Saturday. Air show Sunday ­ wing walker. aerobatics. clown act. sky d iving and more. For information call 703/37~4431 . JUNE 20 - ANSONIA. CONNECTICUT - 4th Annual Piper Vagabond Fly-In. Ansonia Airport. 60 oct. fuel avai lable. Contact Jim Jenkins. 8 Hemlock Drive. Huntington. CT 06484. 203/ 929-9814. JUNE 2So27 - HAMILTON. OHIO- 23rd Annual National Waco Reunion Fly-In. National Waco Club. 700 Hill Avenue. Hamilton, OH 45015. JULY ~ - SUSSEX. NEW JERSEY - Flanders Valley EM Antique/ Classic Chapter 7 and EM Chapter 238 Annual Fly-In. Antiques. warbirds. homebuilts. and factory machines welcome. Food. hangar square dance and much more. Camping and lodging upon request. Contact Dave Sylvernal. President. One Cayuga Trail . Oak Ridge. NJ 07961 or call 201 / 697-7248. JULY 3-5 - BLAKESBURG. IOWA - Aeronca Fly-In at Antique Air­ field. For information contact Augie Wegner. 1432 28th Ct.. Kenosha. WI 53140.

JULY 10.11 - ALLIANCE. OHIO - Annual Taylorcraft Fly/ lnlReunion sponsored by Taylorcraft Owner's Club and the Taylorcraft " Old Timers." Factory tours. many activities. Contact Bruce Bixler at 216/82~97 48. JULY 16-18 - ORILLIA. CANADA - Annual Orillia Convention by EM of Canada. Orillia Airport, 80 miles north of Toronto. Land and sea plane facilities, camping and motels. Convention UNICOM 123.4. Contact Bill Tee, 46 Porterfield Road , Rexdale, Ontario .M9W 3J5. 416/742-8939. JULY 16-18 - MINDEN, NEBRASKA - National Stinson Club Fly-In. For information contact George Leamy, 117 Lanford Road , Sparten­ burg , SC 29301 , 803/ 576-9698 or Mike Emerson, 3309 Overton Park E., Fort Worth, TX 76109, 817/ 924-6647. JULY 16-18 - LEWISTOWN, MONTANA - 5th Annual Montana Chapter AM Fly-In at Beacon Star Antique Airfield. For further information, please contact Frank or Billie Bass, Beacon Star Antique Airfield , Star Route. Moore, MT 59464. 406/ 538-7616. JULY 30 - AUGUST 1 - COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS - Funk Fly-In. Antiques. Classics, Homebuills invited. Contests, trophies, dinner. Contact Ray Pahls, 454 Summitlawn , Wichita, KS 67209. 316/ 943-6920, evenings. JULY 31 - AUGUST 7 - OSHKOSH. WISCONSIN - 30th Annual EM Fly-In Convention. It's never too early to start making plans for the wortd 's GREATEST AVIATION EVENT. AUGUST 6-8 - SHELTON, WASHINGTON - Sanderson Field. Second Annual Antique , Classic and Warbird Fly-In sponsored by the Puget Sound Antique Airplane Club, EM Antique/Classic Division 9. Arrive on Friday, Public Display Saturday, dinner Saturday evening. Fly-a-way breakfast on Sunday. For information contact Fred C. Ellsworth, 17639 SE 293rd Place, Kent, WA 98031 . 206/ 631 -91 17. AUGUST 8-14 - SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - International Cessna 170 Association Annual Convention. Contact John D. Benham, 12834 Dovetail, San Antonio, TX 76253. AUGUST 9-14 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - Annual International Aerobatic Club Championships and Convention. Contact lAC, P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130. AUGUST 22 - WEEDSPORT. NEW YORK - Antique/ Classic and Home­ built fly-in sponsored by Chapter 486. Whitfords Airport. Pancake breakfast, airshow. Field closed 1-5. Intermission for early de­ partures. Contact Herb Livingston, 1257 Gallagher Road, Baldwins­ ville, NY 13027. AUGUST 27-29 - ARLINGTON, WASHINGTON - Northwest EM Fly-In. Homebuilts, classics and ant iques. Camping, meals, forums , exhibits, awards and fun. For information contact Dave Woodcock, 206/747-2748. SEPTEMBER 2-6 - TULLAHOMA, TENNESSEE - 2nd Annual Ole South Fly-In. Parish Aerodrome, Soesbe-Martin Field. Saturday. Parade of Flight ; Sunday, Air Show. Camping. Contact Jimmy Snyder, President, Tennessee Valley Sport Aviation Association, Inc .• 5315 Ringgold Road. Chattanooga. TN 37412. 615/ 894-7957. OCTOBER 1-3 - CALLAWAY GARDENS. GEORGIA - International Cessna 120/ 140 Association , Inc. Annual convention and fly-in. For info contact Charles Wilson , 567 Forrest Ave., Fayetteville. GA 30214. 404/ 461-6279.


• Membership In the Expeflmental Alfcraft ASSOCiation . Inc. IS $25.00 for one year . $48.00 for 2 years and $69.00 for 3 years . All Include 12 issues of Sport Aviation per year . JUnior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $15.00 annually. Family Membership is available for an additional $10.00 annually. • EAA Member - $14 .00. Include s one year membership In EAA Antique-Classic D,v,s,on . 12 month ly Issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EAA member and must give EAA memb ership number • Non -EAA Member - $24 .00. Includes one year membership in the EAA An tique-ClassIc D,v,s,on. 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane. one year membership In the EAA and separate membership cards . Sport Aviation not included . • Membership in the International Aerobatic Club . Inc. is $20.00 annually wh ich in cl udes 12 issues of Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members are required to be members of EAA. • M embership in the Warbirds of America. Inc . is $20.00 per year . wh ic h Includes a subscflptlOn to Warblfds Newsletter. Warbird members are required to be members of EAA. • Membership in the EAA Ultralight Assn . IS $25.00 per year which includes the Ultralight publlcal/on ($15.00 addltlOnalfor Sport Aviation milgazlne j. For current EAA members only. $15.00. which Includes Ultralight publicatIOn .


• FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS: Please submit your remittance With a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable In United States dollars or an internatIOnal postal money order Similarly drawn . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO EAA OR THE DIVISIO N IN WHICH MEM BERSHIP IS DESIRED .


P.O . BOX 229 - HALES CORNERS, WI 53130 - PHONE (414) 425-4860


20 MAY 1982

AlC NEWS ... (Continued from Page 4)

FLYING AND GLIDER MANUALS 1929, 1930, 1931 1932, 1933


EAA President Paul H . Poberezny has agreed to serve as a member of a newly established Aviation Advisory Committee formed at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. The purpose of the com­ mittee is to advise the SIU-C Flight Training Program supervisor and other University administrators on all aspects of aviation, including pilot training and aviation industry trends.

2.50 ea .


EAA Air Museum Foundation , Inc. Box 469 Hales Corners , WI S3130 All ow 4-6 Weeks Fo r Delivery

Wisconsin Residents Include 4% Sales Tax

Classic owners! Int.rior looking ahabbyf



Rags To Rivets is the name of an aircraft restoration 1 maintenance business just started by Gar Williams. Gar, you will recall, restored the fabulous 1928 Cessna A W that was declared the Antique Grand Champion at Oshkosh last summer - and was featured on our cover last October. After Oshkosh, the A W was also declared the Grand Champion at the Antique Airplane Associ­ ation's national fly-in at Blakesburg, lA, giving it a rare "grand slam" on the showplane circuit. The airplane is now on display in the EAA Aviation Museum here at Franklin. Gar has had 28 years of aircraft restoration Imainte­ nance experience, encompassing the full spectrum of lightplane types - wood, fabric, metal or whatever. He has completely restored a Meyers 145, numerous Luscombes, a Cessna Airmaster and, of course, the A W. He has also built a Midget Mustang from scratch. Rags To Rivets is intended to be a super custom operation, taking on even the most exotic projects many others will not touch. What Gar really wants to do is restore your airplane to Grand Champion condition ... but he will also do routine maintenance and annuals. His operation is located right in his backyard - he lives on the Naper Aero airport in suburban Greater Chicago, just south of DuPage County airport. If you want your aircraft restored Imaintained 1annualled at reason able rates by a Grand Champion caliber master craftsman, contact Gar Williams at Rags To Rivets, 9 South 135 Aero Drive, Naperville, IL 60540 or phone 312 /355-9416.

AVAILABLE BACK ISSUES March through December All Are Available All Are Available February through May, August through December All Are Available 1977 January through March, August, October 1978 through December February through December 1979 January, March through July, September 1980 through December 1981 - All Are Available 1982 - January through April 1973 1974 1975 1976

Back issues are available from Headquarters for $1.25 each, postpaid, except the July 1977 (Lindbergh Com­ memorative) issue, which is $1.50 postpaid.

Finish it right with an airtex interior Complete interior assemblies for do-it-yourself installation.

Custom Quality at economica l prices. • •

Cushion upholstery sets Wall panel sets • Headliners • Carpet sets • Baggage compartment sets • Firewall covers • Seat Slings • Recover envelopes and dopes

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(Closing Date - May 10) 1 Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues 12 Issues 1 Page $175.00 $165.00 $150.00 $145.00 112 Page 105.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 95.00 1 /3 Page 85.00 80.00 75.00 1 /4 Page 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 1 /6 Page 60.00 55.00 45.00 50.00 1 /8 Page 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 Rates are for black and white camera-ready ads. Classified Ads: Minimum Charge - $7.00, Regular Type ­ 45c per word, Bold Face Type - 50c per word, ALL CAPS - 55c per word. For additional information, including color rates and required ad sizes, contact: Advertising Department THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE P .O. Box 229

Hales Comers, WI 53130

414 /425-4860


CLASSIFIED ADS Single place biplane capable of un­ limited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans, includes nearly 100 isometrical drawings , photos and exploded views. Comp lete parts and materia ls list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 88 page Builder's Manua l - $60.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing - $15.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT , INC. , Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 4141 425-4860.



ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detai led plans. Com­ plete with idometric drawings, photos , exploded views . Plans - $85.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC. , P.O. Box 462, Hales Cor­ ners , WI 53130. 414/425-4860. POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low. cost pleasure flying . Big , roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3 1/ 2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $45.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC. , Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 4141 425-4860. . ANTIQUE AVIATION ITEMS FOR SALE - Original 1910 / 1950. Memorabilia and ephemera - Forty page


WORlD WAR I AEROPlANES. INC. 1s a UX-ex8lllllt non-prof1t orqan1­ zat10n fOWleleci in 1961 to br1ng together builders. r-estor-ers. scale-< and h1storians of pre-1919 I8roo l anes; and to make available to. th_ 1nfo.-tion about parts. drawings. "hole aireraft. and all the books and techniques "hich would be of use to th•• We work cl a.sely ,,1th 1llUS1II8S. li brari es. collectors. des i gners. lIistorians. supply-lleuses. bui l ders. pilots. anel other aviati on orqanizat10ns anel journals . We the on ly orqan i zation t o deal solely ,,1th the design anel construct10n of t hese machines. WI anel pre-WI as ...11.


To these enels ... publish our j ournal. WORLD WAR I AEROPlANES. fi ve t1_ a year for sa. 800 ..mars throughout the world. and conduct a substantial i nfonllltion s.,..,ice by mail and t.lephon.; we ".intain an up-to-date fl1e of both original anel r-eproduction a i reraft a11 ov.r the world ( th.... a... SOlIe 700 of the fo"..r anel sa. 900 of the litter!) . Th. orqlnizat10n lias op.rated f~ the beginning on vo l untary contributions for printing. postage. telephoning. photography. fees; and ... sell back issues. xel"'Ox copies of earl y aireraft anel engine manuals anel working drawings. and apPl"'Opriate adverti s i ng . $alpl. issue SJ.







catalog airmailed, $5 - Jon Wm. Aldrich, Pine Mountai n Lake Airport, P .O. Box 706, Groveland , CA.

Jacket: Unlined Poplin jacket, features knit waist and cuffs. The gold and white braid trim on a Tan body emphasizes the colors proudly dis­ played in the Antique/Classic logo. Sizes : X-small thru X-large $28.95 ppd

Cap: Complete the look in this gold mesh hat with contrasting blue bill . trimmed with a gold braid . Your logo visibly displayed . makes this adjustable cap a must. Sizes : M & L (adjustable rear band) $6.25 ppd


in an Antique/Classic jacket and cap

Send Check To:


P.o. Box 229

Hales Corners, WI 53130

Allow 4-6 Weeks For Delivery

Wisconsin Residents Include 4% Sales Tax


The framed photographs are described to the right. Pictured below we offer a desk pen set. Personalize your desk with anyone of these photographs bonded to the solid walnut base. Size of base is 3 1J2" x 7 114".

B l~


. ... . $24.00 Don't forget your friends . . . these item s make great gift s.


Great effort has been taken to produce the highest quality photographic enlargements from rather old negatives. Each print is uniquely mounted and placed on a neutral fabric background and put in a (9 3/4" X 14%") pewter finish frame, ready to hang. The professional manner in which these prints are presented , gives them the look befitting a fine piece of artwork. CLASSIC BEAUTY AND HISTORIC VALUE










ALL PHOTOG RAPHS ARE BLACK AND WHITE , MOUNTED, FRAMED, PA C KAGED AN D DELIVERED ... $ 46.0 0 EAC H. NAME ______________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________



Aero­ Visions

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