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Paul H. Poberezny


Gene R. Chase

FEBRUARY 1984 • Vol. 12, No. 2


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen


George A. Hardie, Jr.




President W. Brad Thomas, Jr. 301 Dodson Mill Road Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 919/368·2875 Home 919-368-2291 Office Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI 49330 6161678-5012

Vice President R. J. Lickteig 1620 Bay Oaks Drive Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-2351 Treasurer

E. E. "Buck" Hilbert

P.O. Box 145

Union, IL 60180


Contents 3


5 8

Robert G. Herman Arthur R. Morgan Wl64 N9530 Water Street 3744 North 51st Blvd. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/251-9253 414/442-3631

Vintage Plane Notes Lithesome Luscombe "Lady Bird" by Gene Chase

9 10

Olof Anderson and the Chicago Flying Club by Roy Redman

Restorations: Customizing vs. Modifying vs. Stock by Joe Dickey


A Glimpse at the Past by Gene Chase


S. J. Wittman Box 2672 Oshkosh, WI 54901 414/235-1265

John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrighlstown, NJ 08562 6091758-2910 George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-4378

See Page 10

The "Flyworm" Cyclonic Aircraft, X-660-E by Gene Chase


Mystery Plane by George Hardie


Letters to the Editor

Morton W. Lester AI Kelch P.O. Box 3747 66 W. 622 N. Madison Ave. Martinsville, VA 24112 Cedarburg, WI 53012 703/632-4839 414/377-5886 Gene Morris 24 Chandelle Drive Hampshire, IL 60140 3121683-3199

See Page 8

Calendar of Events The Stinson L-1 "Vigilant" by Norm Petersen


DIRECTORS Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46274 317/293-4430


by Gene Chase


Claude L. Gray, Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge, CA 91324 213/349-1338

Straight & Level

by Brad Thomas

See Page 12 FRONT COVER • .. George Chaffey's 1948 Luscombe 8F received the Reserve Grand Champion Classic Award at Oshkosh '83. See story on page 8. (Photo by Ted Koston) BACK COVER ... American Eaglet with some interesting modifica­ tions. Note scuffed right wing tip with grass still attached. Photo taken in late 1930s somewhere in Wisconsin or Illinois by Hugh W. Butterfield (EM 184848) of Momence, Il. If the registration/serial numbers ran sequentially, the SI N could be 1011. Can anyone further identify the plane? (Hugh Butterfield photo)

ADVISORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 6121784-1172

Esple M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025 919/427-0216

Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 6121571 -0893

Ray Olcott 1500 Kings Way Nokomis, FL 33555 813/485-8139

Roy Redman Rt 3, Box 208 Faribaull, MN 55021 507/334-5922

S. H. "Wes·' Schmid Gar Williams 2359 Lefeber Road Nine South 135 Aero Drive Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Naperville, IL 60540 4141771-1545 3121355-9416

The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EM ANTIQUE & CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademar1<s, THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademar1<s of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591 . The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091 -6943) is published and owned exclusively by EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 2591. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EM AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING ­ Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis­ ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken . Postmaster: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591 .


By Brad Thorn as President

Antique/Classic Division

Back in the "old days" when the barnstormers were touring the countryside, there was always a small kid in the area who often was so fascinated with the aircraft that he would do almost anything to assist the pilot, hoping to get that free ride. Most of the time he did get that ride, for in the eyes ofthe pilot, this kid was probably the best word of mouth advertising that he could get for a nominal expense. We saw it in the '30s and we still see it today, but in a different atmosphere. Today, we have the age of jets, fast transportation and cruise control for automobiles. "The kid on the fence" , whether in the '30s or today , still deserves the chance to pursue his ambitions; but how many of us actually give him the chance? Too many of us are too involved in our hobbies, businesses and pleasures to even look at that "kid on the fence" . Remember the days on that Saturday or Sunday afternoon , when we talked Dad into driving us to the airport, so we could just sit and watch the airplanes take off and land? Some of those times, there would be only two or three in the couple hours we sat, and at other times, none, with the exception of the arrival and departure of an Eastern Curtiss Condor. Do you remember your first airplane ride? I do! There was a small, fairly long strip alongside the main road on the outskirts of my town. Occasionally a barnstormer would operate from there, and what a thrill it was to watch; but my time came when Dad took me to that pasture on a Saturday afternoon and there before my eyes was the largest airplane I had ever seen . It had three engines, one on the nose and one under each wing! It appeared to be all metal, with a "wrinkled" appearance on the sides of its fuselage. Dad bought the tickets and we flew over my hometown, looking out the windows and not attempting to talk over the noise of the engines and the "rattling" of the metal body. Yes, I will never forget my first ride in the Ford Tri-Motor! Today, I have an opportunity to help some youngsters who possibly would never get a ride in an airplane. Up in the moun­ tains of North Carolina there is a camp for whom some people call "problem children". They earn their keep by working and learning to do constructive things for themselves. I had a call from a fellow EAAer a couple of years back. He told me about this camp, what it represented, its purpose, and how he did what he could to assist these boys to develop into self-supporting men. He wanted a way to get airplane rides for the boys. After the details were worked out, they were brought to our local airport. You should have seen their eyes light up when we placed them, one at a time, into the cockpit of my single engine homebuilt! Engine noises emitted from their lips and the controls moved in all directions! Knowing nothing of how the controls worked, a brief explanation began to light up their eyes with anticipation. Yes, they did get to fly, three at a time, for a short flight in my Mooney to the edge of the mountains, to see their camp below. The enthusiasm of the kid in the front seat bloomed as I de­ monstrated the control functions and he actually "flew" the airplane. After their flights, the fifteen young men got into the bus to return to their camp, and I could not help but notice the eyes of all, looking back toward the airplanes as they departed.

This is 1984, and what are we, the EAA Antique/Classic Division, doing to promote the enthusiasm of the "kid on the fence?" EAA , our parent Association has always been the promo­ ter of leadership for new adventures and the advancement of sport aviation. Since 1962 when the EAA Aviation Foundation was established. it has continued to generate activities that pro­ mote its purpose of education in the aviation fields . Now it has taken another step forward by organizing and establishing the EAA Air Academy, for youth 15-17 years of age - those "kids on the fence". Your Division Vice-President, Bob Lickteig, has volunteered to assist the Foundation by heading up the efforts of our Antique/ Classic Division toward this project, not only with funding from volunteers, but in assisting with the procurement of volunteers and tools needed to make this venture a success. During the Antique/Classic Board meeting last November, the initial proposal of this venture was announced by Chuck Larsen, EAA Aviation Foundation Education Director. The re­ sponse of the Directors was that of overwhelming enthusiasm, and each one offered to do something in one way or another to assist in this new program. We have the expertise, the knowledge and the know-how to assist the Foundation. What is more in line with our Division purpose than to be involved in the development of the EAA Air Academy! The first Academy session will begin on July 15, 1984 and continue for three full weeks, ending August 4, the final day of the annual EAA International Convention in Oshkosh. The first two weeks will feature programs on aeronautics, aviation history, shop skills and sport aviation. Also, the students will actually construct and complete a Monnett Moni tri-gear amateur-built aircraft. The final week of activities will include participation in the Convention. It is important to note that only thirty participants can be ac­ commodated in the 1984 session. Possibly many of us know young people who might wish to make an application for acceptance. Some can be supported by their parents, but others, not so fortu­ nate, would need sponsors, such as members of our Division, who see the need to assist these "kids on the fence" who have a sincere desire to become involved in aviation, but possibly do not have the necessary finances. I remember my early days of initiation into aviation and I'm already committed to sponsor two participants. You may consider this a challenge, if you wish, for without the assistance of our Division and other interested parties, this exciting program will not reach those who might never have the opportunity to become involved in aviation. Whether your contribution is monetary, volunteering your efforts within the program, or just encouragement to the Academy, such action will accent the pride the Antique/Classic Division feels in our purpose of promoting sport aviation.


~ews U

Compiled by Gene Chase

WALTER HUNTER (1906-1983) On October 17, 1983 another participant in the golden age of aviation passed away. Walter Hunter grew up in southern Illinois and learned to fly in 1924. Along with brothers, John, Kenneth and Albert, they set a flight endurance record of 553 hours in 1930. In 1931 Walter entered the Bendix and Thompson Races with a Travel Air Mystery Ship, but an in-flight fire forced him to bailout before the Thompson started. In the late twenties Walter began his airline career, retiring as an American Airlines 707 Captain in 1966. He resided in St. Louis, Missouri. For a full account of Hunter's Mystery Ship flights see Joe Haynes' article in the February 1983 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. (This information from the De­ cember 1983 issue of The Texas AAA News.)

CAN YOU HELP? This isn't a mystery plane because we know it's a Travel Air 4000, but Paul Stephenson (EAA 24907, AlC 745), 1839 Childers Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 is very eager to learn more about this specific Travel Air, X4419 . Please contact him if you can shed any light what­ soever on this plane.



Allan Duncan (EAA 120698, AlC 3570) of Lakeland, Florida reports that the volunteer work parties are mak­ ing good progress on weekends in improving the Sun 'n Fun grounds at the Lakeland Airport. Work includes re­ locating the fencing around the registration building which should result in a more efficient flow of people. Additional landscaping is being done at the main entrance thanks to the Winter Haven EAA Chapter 229 providing funds and the City of Lakeland supplying trees and shrubs. New on the scene this year will be a rare Convair XF2Y-1 Sea Dart, a jet-powered Navy fighter seaplane first flown in 1953. This rare aircraft is on loan to Sun 'n Fun, Inc. by the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington and is being prepared for static exhibit at Sun 'n Fun '84. It was on display for several years at the now defunct SST Museum at Kissimmee, Florida.

Ray Brandly, founder and president of the National Waco Club, has informed us of the availability in April of a new book on the legendary Waco Taperwing. Years of research have gone into its preparation and the result will be a~ authoritlRtive text, approximately 100 rare photos, drawmgs and construction shots. Episodes involving fa­ mous Taperwing pilots, including Freddie and Betty Lund, L~n Povey, Art Davis, Johnny Livingston, Joe Mackey, Mike Murphy, Gladys O'Donnell and others will be fea­ tured. For price and other ordering information, contact Ray Brandly, National Waco Club, 700 Hill Ave ., Hamil­ ton, OH 45015 , 513/868-0084.

ANZANILONGSTERPROJECT A note from Tim Talen (EAA 8615, AlC 1616), 86094 Panorama Rd., Springfield, OR 97477 informs us that steady progress has been made during the past three years on this classroom project at Lane Community College. A temporary slow-down occurred when low enrollment caused the class to be cancelled during the fall term of'83, but Tim expects the enrollment to be up for the winter term and the plane to be completed this school year. As of this writing in late December all component parts are completed on the Longster and all but one wing are finished through color. A final weld or two is needed on the rear struts and the plane will be ready for final assembly.




For a number of years now, the showplane flightline at Oshkosh has been limited to EAA members . .. and to flyable aircraft. We simply no longer have room for un­ finished projects. If you want to trailer or tow a non-flyable aircraft to Oshkosh and display it, contact Tom Poberezny at EAA Headquarters (414/426-4800) well in advance of July 1 and discuss your intentions and/or special cir­ cumstances. A special, non-flyable aircraft display area is available and you may be eligible to use it. You will NOT be permitted on the showplane flightline.

BERNIE PIETENPOL 1901-1984 As this issue was going to press we were informed that Bernie Pietenpol (EAA 2334) passed away on January 11 , 1984 in a nursing home in Cherry Grove, Minnesota. Bernie, an active supporter of EAA, will be sadly missed by his family and many friends.

Vintage Plane Notes

Editor's Note: In the mid-thirties a series of articles by James G. Thompson appeared in the monthly issues of "Western Flying" Magazine, on the subject of aviation service and maintenance. Each article dealt with a specific aircraft or engine or combination of both, such as the following entitled "The Lambert Monocoupe". This article appeared in the September 1935 issue of"Western Flying" and concerned the maintenance ofthe Monocoupe and the Lambert R-266 engine. Although written nearly 50 years ago the advice is still pertinent today, not only for the lucky owners of Monocoupes, but other vintage planes with similar systems. We hope the readers of The VIN足 TAGE AIRPLANE wiJ] enjoy reading this reprint and those we have planned for future issues . . . Gene Chase

The Lambert-Monocoupe By James G. Thompson The Monocoupe is a two-place high-wing cabin mono足 plane powered with a variety of power plants ranging from the 60 hp Velie to the 145 hp Warner Super Scarab. The majority of these ships in service, however, are powered with the 90 hp Lambert R-266, and this is the type that will be considered herein.

Many different Monocoupe models have been built during the eight years of this ship's history, but all are fundamentally the same, late models being refinements of the original 'Coupe. Those interested in the specifications and characteristics of these airplanes are referred to this magazine's Annual Aircraft Directories. Wings and rigging

The Monocoupe wing is built in one piece, continuous from wing tip to wing tip. It is attached to the fuselage at four points on the top longerons, and is braced to it by wing struts. The rigging is quite simple, being largely fixed. All models have 0 incidence and 1 degree dihedral, with the exception of the D-145, which has 0 dihedral also. One degree of dihedral is built into the wing at the factory , and this angle can be checked by stretching a string tightly over each spar, from wing tip to wing tip. Small blocks of exactly the same thickness should be placed under the string at the first rib inboard of the wing tips. The distance from the string to the four corners of the cabin skylight should be 2% inches greater than the height of the blocks. If the measurement on one side of the skylight is less than 2% inches for both spars, then that wing is rigged with insufficient dihedral; or, if greater than desired the wing has excess dihedral. If diagonally different corners give different measureVINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

ments, one wing has greater incidence than the other. In the outer ends of the wing struts are forked-end bolts by which the strut length can be altered. A universal link is placed between this bolt and the wing fitting. The struts should be adjusted until the wings are free from distortion, and have proper dihedral. After attaching struts, check the incidence setting by placing a straight­ edge on the lower surface of several ribs, using a level to see that there is no incidence at any point. Whenever the strut length is altered, make certain that the head of the bolt through the universal link is on top. After rigging correctly, it is desirable to "wash-out" the right wing slightly to compensate for engine torque. Shortening the front right lift strut from one to two turns is usually sufficient. When the ship is provided with an adjustable fin , the torque compensation can be made in whole or part with the fin . Correct for wing-heaviness, if present, by washing-out the "light" wing, rather than by washing-in on the heavy side. When replacing a gasoline tank be certain to avoid pinching the aileron cables between the tank and front spar. There is scant clearance here, and this could easily occur. Landing Gear

Early 'Coupes using an oleo landing gear should be inspected frequently for worn landing gear hinge bolts. These bolts wear rapidly unless kept well lubricated. Lu­ bricate at each daily inspection with penetrating oil, made from one part of lube oil and two parts of gasoline. Penetrating oil is preferable for lubrication of such bear­ ings, as the gasoline will carry the oil into the bearing sur­ faces, cut the grime and dirt, and soon evaporate, leaving the oil. For the best possible results, the landing gear hinge bolts should be drilled for lubrication and fitted with small alemite fittings of the push-in type. A hinge bolt of 1/2 inch or greater diameter can be drilled with a Vs-inch grease passage through its center, without detracting appreciably from its strength. Recent Monocoupes using a cantilever landing gear should be checked frequently for bent axle struts. This condition will be indicated by slack in the axle brace tie-rod. These struts are rather easily bent in a severe ground loop, and even a slight bend will give the ship a chronic tendency to ground loop. Hard landings are usually due to improper oil level in the oleo struts. A filler plug is provided near the top of the strut with an integral oil-level rod attached to the filler plug. Some trouble is experienced with spring leaf breakage at the skid-shoe bolt. This can be eliminated by using two main leaves on the skid spring, running the full length of the spring, and bolting through both leaves. Brakes

Only one brake adjustment is provided, at the brake shoe itself. An adjusting screw is located in the brake torque plate of each wheel. Loosen the lock nut, and turn the adjusting screw OUT to bring the brake shoes closer to the drum. Do not attempt to secure additional brake action by shortening the brake cables. The brake lining is worn out when all wheel adjustment is taken up. The brake cables on late Monocoupes with the can­ tilever landing gear should be replaced with larger (l!s­ inch) cable to eliminate the possibility of breakage. The 3i32-inch cable used as original equipment has a bad habit of failing under a sudden strain when it becomes slightly worn. 6 FEBRUARY 1984

Wheel bearings

The wheel bearing sleeves wear rapidly, causing faulty brake action and "fluttering" of the wheels in flight. The maximum wheel bearing diametrical clearances is 0.055 inches, and the desired fit is 0.010 inches with about 0.030 inches end-play. When the sleeves become worn beyond this value they should be replaced with a chrome-molyb­ denum tubing sleeve of the proper size and gauge to give the desired fit. If the wheel bearing clearance becomes extremely large this may result in wing flutter at air-speeds around 100 mph. The airflow over the wheel causes a vibration or "flutter" of the wheel on its axle. This vibration is carried through the structure of the ship, and sets up a sympathetic vibration in the wing. This is not the only possible cause of wing flutter, but is one that would ordinarily be overlooked. The most com­ mon cause of wing flutter is improperly rigged ailerons. Control sytem

Remove the inspection plate on the underside of the fuselage and inspect the rudder pedal assembly at each periodic inspection. Check for slack and/or chafed cables, and weak rudder check springs. The rudder cables must not touch, or failure will soon result. Weak check will cause sloppy action of the dual rudder pedals. The aileron bellcrank pivot bolt tends to wear rapidly. Keep this bolt well lubricated, and inspect frequently for wear. Replace with an oversize bolt when necessary. The control stick main-bearing bolt must not be per­ mitted to turn in its fitting on the floorboard, or the fitting will soon wear out. Tighten the bolt until all wear comes on its aluminum bearings in the stick. Service

During daily service operations, particular attention should be given the following items: 1. Lubricate control and landing gear hinges with pen­ etrating oil. 2. Inspect for slack landing gear tie rods. 3. Lubricate the aileron bellcrank bearing and the stick main bearing. Where the ship is used only occasion­ ally, it should be given the equivalent of a daily inspec­ tion at the end of every five-hour period. During periodic (20 hour) inspections, the following items should receive particular attention: 1. Check the landing gear hinge bolts for excess wear, and replace with oversize bolts if necessary. Make certain the bolts do not turn in their fittings and that all wear comes on the bushings. 2. The brake cables pass over a number of small pul­ leys, making turns of small radius. Check the cables care­ fully for evidence of fraying or chafing at pulleys and guide sleeves. 3. Check aileron cables for evidence of chafing against the fuel tanks. 4. Check the wheel bearings for excess clearance. 5. Inspect insulating felts between rocker box caps and anti-drag cowling for evidence of wear or disintegra­ tion from oil, etc. 6. Inspect for wear in aileron bellcrank. 7. Check for excess clearance in the control stick main bearing. Lambert engines

The Lambert R-266 engine develops its 90 rated horse­ power at 2375 rpm. Its five air-cooled cylinders have a bore of 4 1/ 4 and a stroke of 3% inches, a total displacement of 266 cubic inches, and a compression ratio of 5.55 to 1.

The normal dry weight, without hub or starter, is 214 pounds. Two Scintilla PN-5D magnetos supply ignition current to the ten spark plugs. Both magnetos are timed to fire 25 degrees before top center with full advance or when the propeller hub keyway is in line with the Mag. Ad. mark on the front thrust bearing cover. It is rather difficult to obtain spark plugs that will fire perfectly at all speeds. A plug that is "hot" enough to keep free of oil and soot for long periods of idling will tend to overheat and pre-ignite at full throttle, owing to the high head temperatures of Lambert engines. Experience shows that best results are obtained with BG 4-B-2 spark plugs. These seem to be the only plugs having a temperature range that will permit the engine to idle fairly well, and still fire properly at full throttle. Trouble with cracked magneto mounting shelves is due to improper mounting of the magnetos and can easily be avoided. If the base of the magneto is making uneven contact with its mounting shelf, both the shelf and mag­ neto frame are placed under torsion upon tightening and magneto hold-down bolts, resulting in fatigue of the aluminum shelf and cracks at its corners. The mounting shelves should be checked for cracks at each periodic in­ spection. If cracks are found, the magnetos should be aligned to prevent future trouble, and the cracks welded.



three inches. Pound on the block until head is loosened on the barrel, then drive head off by continued pounding. Do not let head drop on floor. Do not attempt to separate head from barrel by pounding or prying on outside of bolt bos­ ses. Carburetion and lubrication

Mixture is supplied by a single throat Stromberg NA­ R3 carburetor. The important jet sizes and float level setting are stamped on a metal tag riveted to the car­ buretor. The normal fuel consumption is 0.58 pounds per horsepower hour. The intake pipe brace rods must be kept snug at all times to avoid vibration breaking the intake pipe between the carburetor and engine. Conventional dry sump lubrication is employed. The oil pressure at cruising speed under normal conditions should be 70 pounds per square inch for a new engine. An old engine with worn bearings may operate at 50 to 60 pounds pressure. Pressures lower than 40 pou.nds or greater than 80 pounds cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. Under normal conditions, the oil outlet temperature will range between 110 and 150 degrees F, and at no time should run over 180 degrees F. Oil pressure may be adjusted by tightening or loosen­ ing the oil pressure relief valve located directly below the oil pump on the right hand side. The adjusting screw is locked by a jam nut. Loosen this, and turn the adjusting screw out to decrease the oil pressure and in to increase the pressure. Tighten the jam nut securely after adjusting. The Lambert engine is not provided with an oil screen. The oil sump between cylinders 3 and 4 should be removed and cleaned at each periodic inspection. Heavy "oil-pumping" upon first starting the engine indicates that the oil pressure pump gears have become worn sufficiently to permit oil draining from the reservoir past the pump gears and flooding the crankcase. The pump must be removed and overhauled. This condition can be easily checked by determining if the oil level in the supply resevoir remains the same after the engine has been shut off for several hours.


""'RJ!VG DHGR....II FOR LAMBERT E ;'l/Gl ,'l/ES Fire "din nuranr.a '0 ,/w front .parle plu... 1/ G boo"eT i. uud (:onnn"



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Valves and timing

Valve timing is arranged so that the exhaust valve closes at top dead center with 0.060 inches tappet clear­ ance. For normal running, both intake and exhaust valves should be given a tappet clearance of 0.010 inches with the engine cold. Valve trouble can be largely avoided by using high octane aviation gasoline. The head temperatures of Lam­ bert engines tend to range quite high at best, and use of low grade fuels will cause dangerously severe detonation, with resultant short valve and spark plug life. For best results the valves should be replaced at the end of each 300-hour period, to avoid the possibility of fatigue and crystallization causing failure. Inspect the valve springs carefully at each periodic inspection for signs of weakness or failure . Collapsed spring coils, or coils darker in color than the balance, indicate overheating and weakening at that point, and the spring must be replaced. The cylinder heads may be removed from the barrels for ease in valve grinding. Use a hardwood block about 11J2 x 21f2 x 12 inches with a rounded end, to drive the head from the barrel. Turn the cylinder upside down and place the rounded end of the block against cylinder head dome. Have an assistant hold the barrel clear of the floor two or


Daily and periodic service routine for Lambert engines is much the same as for any other small radial aviation engine. However, certain features of the Lambert require special attention and are itemized here. During daily service operations, give particular atten­ tion to the following: 1. Lubricate rocker arms with graphite grease. 2. Lubricate valve springs and guides with valve oil. Oil valve rollers with lube oil. After every five to ten hours the magnetos should be oiled with a good medium body oil. Use 30 to 40 drops in the front end and about 10 drops at the rear. 3. Check carburetor brace rods, and carburetor and intake pipe flange nuts for tightness. Give particular attention to the following during periodic service operations: 1. Check for cracked magneto mounting shelves. 2. Check all cylinder hold-down and head nuts for tightness. 3. Remove and clean the main oil sump. Note: Adjust the valve tappet clearance after tighten­ ing the cylinder nuts. Tightening these nuts may change the tappet clearance slightly. After draining oil from tank and lines, care must be taken to see that all oil lines are properly replaced and (Continued on Page 17) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

Winner of the Reserve Grand Champion Classic Award at Osh­ kosh '83 was this 1948 Luscombe 8F.

LITHESOME LUSCOMBE "LADY BIRD" By Gene Chase (Photos by Ted Koston) George Chaffey and "Lady Bird" at Oshkosh '83.

During his service in the Peace Corps the owner of this beautiful Luscombe was exposed to aviation in such a way that he just had to learn to fly and obtain his pilot license. George Chaffey (EAA 149233, NC 5343), Pittsburg, California and his wife, Carol served as volunteers in the Peace Corps from 1967 to 1969. They both joined the Corps after his graduation from law school and were sent to Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa where he taught in the law school at the University and Carol taught fifth grade at an elementary school. Near the end of their stay George was named adminis­ trative officer of an "in-country" training program cover­ ing 14 training sites around the country where newly arrived volunteers were trained. He was transported to the various locations in Cessna 180s and it was this bush flying into small jungle clearings, pastures, beaches, etc. that sparked his interest in flying. Those were exciting times for George and as his in­ terest in fl ying developed, so did his appreciation for older aircraft. After his return to the U.s. the first thing he did was obtain his private ticket and begin a search for a Luscombe. Why a Luscombe? Because a friend had one and when George saw it he fell in love with it. The Lus­ combe also met his other requirements: stick control, two­ place or more , all metal if possible, and of course an "older" airplane . George and Carol searched for six months, "kicking tires" all over Northern California. Finally, in 1971 at an airport not far from home, they found NC1373B, a Lus­ combe 8F, SIN 6000, manufactured on 2/23/48 . George 8 FEBRUARY 1984

immediately knew this was the plane for him, and 12 years later he still feels that way. His previous flying was limited to tricycle geared Cessna 150s, a Cessna 172 and a Mooney so the first order of business was a checkout in a taildragger. This was accomplished with a CFI at a flight school and later with the CFI of the wife of a prior owner of 1373B. This instruc­ tor was thoroughly familiar with the plane which did much to build up George's confidence. The log books are complete back to the day the plane left the factory in Dallas, Texas. The original paperwork that also came with the plane included the factory war­ ranty, weight and balance, operating limitations and the papers which prove the jump seat in 1373B was installed at the factory . This installation was made on 2/26/48 when the plane was just three days old. George knows of a few other Luscombes with jump seats, none of which were factory-installed . The weight limit in this seat is 75 pounds. Entries in the plane's logs indicated it had been on its back at least twice before George bought it and it bore a few scars as a result. After flying it for eleven years, he decided it was time for a complete restoration so he took it to Tim Bowers at Woodland, California on 7/20/82. Tim is a masterful restorer of aircraft and his creden­ tials include winning the Grand Champion Classic Award at Oshkosh '79 with his immaculate white and blue Lus­ combe 8E named "Sky Pal". After a thorough inspection of1373B it was determined

the left wing would have to be completely rebuilt in a jig or else replaced. It had been repaired incorrectly many years previously and was not acceptable in the new resto­ ration . It was decided to replace the wing and after locat­ ing an undamaged one for sale in Oregon, George travelled there to pick it up. A unique problem surfaced at this time during an otherwise straightforward restoration project. When Tim and his helper, Randy Kaylor were disassembling the plane, they supported the left wing, removed the lift strut, pulled the wing attach bolts and were dumbfounded when the wing refused to separate from the fuselage. To their amazement, they discovered the top wing skin had also been riveted to the fuselage! This necessitated re-instal­ ling the attach bolts and lift strut, then drilling out all the rivets which should never have been set in the first place! Even though there were lots of dings and wrinkles in the fuselage, the plane had been treated pretty well and had not been modified. The instrument panel was reason­ ably stock although it had been re-painted brown. Fortu­ nately the placards on the panel were retained in their original maroon color. This color was also found on parts of the panel as well as the firewall , giving Tim the original trim color of the Luscombe. Due to the amount of repair and skin replacement on the fuselage it was decided to paint the entire plane rather than leave it with a natural aluminum finish. Another reason was that George's shoulder got tired each time he thought of the latter choice! Both the Aerospace soft white and the maroon are Ditzler Durethane. The location of the original trim markings and num­ bers was easy to duplicate because the old marks were

The Interior of the award-winning Luscombe Silvaire is authen­ tic except for the modern naY/com radio. The instrument panel is maroon and the upholstery is gray.

etched in the aluminum, so the positioning of these is totally accurate. The wheel pants are the original ones delivered with the aircraft. George said the pants were "trash" when he bought the plane, and he flew 1373B for eleven years without them. But he saved them and Tim Bowers worked his magic to restore them. Gray was chosen for the interior color as it seemed to be the best match with the maroon. Gray was an original color used by the factory but other colors were also used. The Continental C-90 engine is the one installed orig­ inally at the factory and it's in excellent condition. The total time on the airframe and engine is 2,600 hours, half of which was flown by George. George credits Tim as the genius behind the restora­ tion, and stated, "Tim not only possesses the skill to re­ store airplanes, he also has the heart for it and it shows in his work." The job was completed in ten months and on 5/20/83 at 4:45 p.m. George picked up his sparkling new treasure and flew it to Rio Vista, California where he keeps the plane hangared. Rio Vista is in the delta area about 40 miles east of San Francisco. Although Carol doesn't share her husband's en­ thusiasm for flying, she is totally supportive of George's involvement and is very proud of the family Luscombe. She is the one who named the plane, "Lady Bird," and is as pleased as George that it received the Reserve Grand Champion Award at Oshkosh '83 . •


We would like to list your aviation event in our calendar. Please send information to the Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 2591, Osh­ kosh, WI 54903. Information must be received at least two months in advance of the issue in which it will appear. FEBRUARY 10-11 - NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA - Fiftieth Anniversary of Lakefront Airport co-sponsored by EAA Chapter 261 . Static display to portray fifty years of aviation history. For more information contact James A. Riviere, Jr. , 604 Chambertin Drive, Kenner, LA 70065, 504/467-1505. MARCH 11-17 - LAKELAND, FLORIDA - Sun 'n Fun Fly-In. Join us for the 10th Anniversary of EAA's Spring Celebration of Flight. Contact Fly-In Office at 813/644-2431 or 813/665-6374 , 813/644-9319, 813/665-7955 . APRIL 14-15 - WASHINGTON , DC - 3rd Annual Tours of National Air & Space Museum and Paul E. Garber facility . Sponsored by EAA Chapter 4, Inc. Dinner with speaker of note. Limited to 200. Contact Bernie Meserole, 15216 Manor Lake Drive , Rockville, MD 20853, 301 /460·8207. APRIL 26-29 - SEDONA, ARIZONA - International Cessna 195 Club West­ ern Regional Fly-In. Contact Dr. W. W. Rogers, 5716 N. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85015, 6021249-1616 days, 248-0782 evenings. MAY 18-20 - HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA - Hayward to Las Vegas Air Race. Proficiency air race with no handicap. Student pilots welcome. Factory-built antique and experimental aircraft capable of flying to Las Vegas in seven hours welcome. $500 cash prize . Contact Hayward Air Race Committee, 20301 Skywest Drive , Hayward, CA 94541 or call Lou Chianese at 415/ 581-2345 , ext. 5285 . MAY 25-27 - ATCHISON , KANSAS - 18th Annual Fly-In sponsored by Greater Kansas City Area Chapter of Antique Airplane Association at Amelia Earhart Airport in Atchison . Pot-luck dinner Friday, Awards banquet Saturday. Accommodations available at Benedictine College, motels and camping. 80 and 100 octane fuel available. For information contact Lynn Wendl , Fly-In Chairman , 8902 Pflumm , Lenexa, KS 66215, 913/888-7544 or John Krekovich , President, 7801 Lowell, Overland Park , KS 66214, 913/648-1279. JUNE 8-10 - DENTON , TEXAS - Texas Chapter Antique Airplane Associ­ ation 1984 Fly-In at Denton Airport. For information contact Ralph & Bonnie Stahl, Box 115-X, Roanoke, TX 76262 , 817/430-8589. JUNE 15-17 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 3rd Annual EAA Ultralight Con­ vention . Contact EAA Headquarters for information, Wittman Airfield, Osh­ kosh, WI 54903-2591 , 414/426-4800 . JUNE 28 - JULY 1 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 25th Annual National Waco Reunion. Contact National Waco Club, 700 Hill Ave., Hamilton, OH 45015. JULY 28 - AUGUST 4 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 32nd Annual Fly-In Convention . Start making your plans now to attend the World's Greatest Aviation Event. Contact EAA, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903-2591 , 414/426-4800. AUGUST 6-10 - FOND DU LAC , WISCONSIN - Fifteenth Annual Interna­ tional Aerobatic Club Championships and Convention. Contact EAA Head­ quarters for information. Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903-2591 , 414/ 426-4800. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9



(Photo by Roger L. Beery)

By Norm Petersen (From a Chuck Larsen interview)

The tremendous surge of interest in all phases of "war­ bird" activity in recent years has fortunately included the liaison aircraft from WWII and later. The subject of this article is lite~ally . one of the first aircraft of this type, hence the deslgnatlOn, L-l. The man behind this rare and unique bird is Bill L. Stratton (EAA 147044, WB 2450) of 16518 Ledgestone, San Antonio, TX 78232. Bill is a staunch ~ember of The Alamo Liaison Group (ALG) of San AntolllO whose sole purpose is to locate, p.urchase, restore, preserve and maintain in flying condi­ tion, a complete set of World War II liaison aircraft. With the only complete flying set known to exist in the world the ALG consists of a Stinson L-l, Taylorcraft L-2' Aeronca L-3 , Piper L-4, Stinson L-5 and the Interstate L-6.' The origin of the L-l Vigilant goes back to the Cleve­ land National Air Races of September, 1938. A demonstra­ tion flight at the races by a German Fieseler "Storch" (Stork) S~O~ aircraft r.e ally started the Army Air Corps people thmkmg. They Issued a requirement for a STOL type monoplane that would match the performance of the Storch: Prototype contracts were signed by Bellanca, Ryan and Stmson. The latter was designated 0-49 (for observa­ tion) and with it, the designer, A. L. Fontaine, earned Stinson its first significant military order for airplanes. The years of 1940 and 1941 saw the delivery of over 3000-49 aircraft to the U.S. Army. Various sources indi­ cate a total of 324 to 352 aircraft were delivered. The L-l designation was applied to the aircraft in 1942. One of the problems that turned up during the Army "War Games" held in 1940 and 1941 was the difficulty in keeping the big 0-49 Stinsons active. Very few mechanics were available to service the complicated aircraft and the utility of the STOL machines suffered. The Army brass sent out a call for smaller lightplanes to do the observa­ tion, liaison and ambulance jobs. The end result was the ~-~'. L-3, .L-4, L-5 and L-6 as we know them today. The mltIal pnce was one-tenth of the big 0-49 and almost any motorpool mechanic could keep an L-2, L-3, or L-4 in the air! The utter simplicity of these 65 hp, two-place, tandem 10 FEBRUARY 1984

Lifting off the grass after a shon run, the big Stinson L·1 plainly shows the huge wing of 329 sq. ft. Note counter balances on ailerons and large exhaust pipe below left side of cowling.

aircraft was exactly what the Army needed. Although the Stinson L-l saw service in every theater of action, worldwide , during WWII, its duties were some­ what overshadowed by the little 65 hp L-Birds and upon cessation of hostilities, most L-l's ended up in the scrap heap. Only a very few survived to the present day. Three are on display in museums: the U.S. Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama, the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio and the Movieland of the Air Museum in Santa Ana, California. Numerous L-l's were used in Alaska during WWII for search and rescue along the routes used by the ferry pilots flying P-38 and P-39 aircraft to Siberia for the Russian Air Force. Following WWII, several L-ls were converted to float planes for use in the Alaska "bush". Some of the features that gave credence to such actions were the excellent STOL characteristics, large flaps, lead­ ing edge wing slots, big, powerful 300 hp Lycoming R-680 engine with a controllable pitch prop and a huge 329 square foot wing to do the lifting. Mounted on 3500-pound (Continued on Page 16)

(Photo by Roger L. Beery)

Overall size of the L·1 is shown in the group picture of the ALG. F~om left to right, Interstate L·6, Aeronca L·3, Taylorcraft L·2, Piper L·4 and Stinson L-S. The L·1 is head and shoulders above the rest!

(Photo by Chuck Larsen)

Front quarter view shows large "greenhouse" with slanted win足 dows. Note large flaps and drooped ailerons for maximum lift at low speeds. Landing gear is heavy and rugged.

(Photo by Chuck Larsen)

Three quarter rear view of Stinson L-1 shows large counter balanced tail surfaces which are effective at low speeds working in the prop wash. Note leading edge wing "slats" in the open position.


Olof Anderson and the Chicago Flying Club's Standard J-1, circa 1925.

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Axel Swanson, Olof's old roommate in Sweden, preceded him to America. Ole and Axel became partners in a Jenny which they purchased for $300 at Linton, NO.


By Roy Redman (EAA 83604, Ale 6600) R. 3, Box 208

Faribault, MN 55021

(Photos courtesy of Olof Anderson except as noted)

The afternoon of June 21 , 1925 found the members of the Chicago Flying Club at the club field. They visited quietly in the warm spring sun, each masking excitement. The smooth, low purr of an OX engine turned all eyes southward, a nd soon the long graceful wings of a J-1 Standard passed overhead. After a perfect landing the Standard taxied up to the anxious group, shut down, and the pilot crawled out. He was a tall, slim fellow with an engaging smile. The club's first aircraft had arrived. Olof Anderson was in the group that greeted the Stan足 dard. Olof, called Ole by his friends that day and forever足 more, had been in this country since 1922 and had aviation in his bones. He had been a mechanic in the Swedish Air Force at Malmslatt near his home in Linkoping. His friends and roommates at Malmslatt, Ole Fahlin and Axel Swanson, both Swedish Air Force pilots, soon followed him across the Atlantic. Ole had been working at a stepladder factory in Chicago since his arrival in the U.S. This pleased his father, who had encouraged his emigration to get him away from the influence of aviation. Ole Fahlin and Axel were actively involved in aviation in the Dakotas and in regular contact with Ole. The flame of aviation interest burned low, but was alive nonetheless. Early in 1925, perhaps March or April, Ole and friend Vic Lundberg attended the first meeting of the Chicago Flying Club. Vic had "gotten the bug" from Ole Fahlin who was flying near the Lundberg family farm in South Dakota. Ole and Vic drove to the downtown meeting in Vic's Model T. The trip home after the meeting was by streetcar - the Model T was stolen during the meeting! The early meetings of the CFC were mostly concerned 12 FEBRUARY 1984

Swedish Albatross, circa 1920-1922.

Airframe shop at Malmsliitt Air Base in Sweden, circa 1920-1922. Olof is sitting on wing in top center of photo.

Ole Fahlin flying an Albatross in Sweden. Photo by Olof Ander­ son from rear cockpit, circa 1922.

with discussions about raising money to buy an airplane. There was a small membership fee, and a set of tiny wings for the proud new members, but no airplane. The recruit­ ment of one Eugene T. Coutellier solved this problem, however. He not only shared an interest in aviation, he had money. Arrangements were made for Coutellier to buy an airplane and rent it to the club for the use of its members. Coutellier bought an OXX-6 powered J-1 Standard from Robertson Airways in St. Louis, Missouri. The club set up a flying field near Irving Park Road and River Road that had previously been a pasture. It was about one­ fourth mile square. A Robertson pilot was to deliver the plane. After the Standard arrived the club hired Norris Gathercoal and Earle Banker to instruct the members and also to fly charters and passenger hops. An OX-5 Canuck was acquired and the presence of two aircraft began to attract more members. Most were students like Ole, but there were a few with more experience. Mike Drabik came to the club with a considerable amount of time in the air - enough to be listed as an instructor. (See the August 1982 issue, page 13 of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE for more about Mike Drabik and the Chicago Flying Club . .. G.R.C.) Ole recorded a flight with him on July 5, 1925 in the Canuck. On this day an anxious father had brought his blind, deaf-mute son to the field at the suggestion that some time spent at altitude might cure his malady. Mike flew the Canuck while Ole held the boy in the front cockpit. As they climbed, Ole watched the boy who seemed to be enjoying the flight, but 'showed no sign of change. After cruising at 4500 feet for a time Ole signalled to Mike, and they returned to the field . The flight had done little more than give the boy some pleasure. A Mr. John Hinkley arrived on the scene and he had "the look of an expert". He spun tales of his experiences aloft and sported an elaborate aviator's uniform complete with shiny wings. His first flight in a club airplane was in the Canuck on July 5, 1925, following the above-men­ tioned flight by Mike Drabik. This one ended in disaster when he struck a farm implement on landing, collapsing the gear and breaking the fuselage . The club fleet was reduced to a single airplane later in the summer of 1925 by a mishap that also took the lives of three key members. Gathercoal, Banker and Coutellier set out for Detroit across Lake Michigan in the Standard. A squall line had been threatening and possibly it caught them over the lake, for they were never heard from again. No trace of the standard was ever found . Late in October, Ole got a call from his friend Axel.

(L-R): Mike Drabik, deaf mute boy and the boy's father on 7/5/25. The boy was flown in the Canuck to an altitude of 4,500 feet in an attempt to cure his condition.

John Hinkley's first flight in the club's Canuck ended like this on 7/5/25.

The Curtiss Jenny purchased by Olof Anderson and Axel Swan­ son at Linton, NO on 11 /1/25. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

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Ole Anderson's Chicago Flying Club membership card. The back side contains a record of the member's experience in club aircraft. This record did not replace the pilot's log book. One of the members was named club flight instructor when he reached a total of 30 hours!

Earle P. Banker, one of the Chicago Flying Club instructors was a former army flying sargeant and mechanic with 500 flying hours. He was one of three club members lost on a flight across Lake Michigan in the club's Standard in late June, 1927.

He had found a Jenny they could buy for $300. It was not the best. It had a hybrid fuselage built in South Dakota and a tin windshield for the rear cockpit - but it flew and the price was right. Ole joined him in Linton, North Dakota where they completed the purchase and started barnstorming. The date was November 1, 1925. The course of Ole's life was never to leave aviation after this. The wings of the CFC were set aside for years of barnstorming, charter flying, air ambulence, and finally the U.S. Air Mail wings of Northwest Airlines. The CFC had a profound effect on others as well. Vic Lundberg became a crew chief with American Airlines, and Mike Drabik recently retired from a similar position at United. On that memorable day in June, when the Standard first arrived the pilot was surprised to find the club had no regular instructor. He suggested that he stay through the weekend to offer each member a flying lesson. Ole's tum came at noon on Sunday, the 21st. That was lunch­ time for the pilot and in order to save time he called for a sandwich to be brought to the airplane. Armed with something to eat and with Ole in the rear cockpit, he accelerated the Standard over the sod and became air­ borne. Leveling off he signalled for Ole to hold it straight and level, then proceeded to eat his sandwich. Now, thought Ole, "Anyone should be able to turn one of these things, especially with my expansive background in aviation." He started a turn, but carried the nose a bit too high. This wasn't the first time in aviation history that a student made this error, nor would it be the last. The fragile stability of the J-1 wasn't tolerant of this slight lack of skill, however, and it promptly fell into a spin. The instructor grasped his sandwich in one hand and recovered from the spin. Then he turned around and, grinning, motioned for Ole to fly straight and level again, and the lesson continued for a few more minutes. The instructor punctuated the flight with a loop and then landed. Later, Ole quietly entered 20 minutes in his log­ book beside the pilot's name - Chas. A. Lindbergh . • 14 FEBRUARY 1984

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(Photo by Marian Cavadias)

Olof Anderson's Chicago Flying Club wings which he recently donated to the EAA Aviation Foundation. This handsome lapel pin is 10K gold and measures one inch.



(Or "How Purist Can You Afford to Be?")

The restoration of an Aeronca should be preceded by much thought and planning. You should have a very clear idea of the airplane you want as a result of your effort and cash, then work toward the goal. By Joe Dickey

The present trend of restoring Aeroncas to "as stock, (EAA 62186, AlC 4169)

factory-new" is commendable and produces a valuable AERONCA A VIA TORS CLUB

airplane if well and authentically done. Such a restoration 511 Terrace Lake Road

may also be the most difficult and expensive. Authentic Columbus, IN 47201

parts, trim pieces, instruments, etc. are very hard to find whether original or reproductions. Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in the No. But such a restoration is worth the effort and expense 2, Summer 1982 issue of The Aeronca Aviator, the news­ as an investment, if for no other reason. A truly authentic letter of the Aeronca A via tors Club published by Joe and Aeronca has a wide appeal and can always be sold for top Julie Dickey. Although the subject matter is Aeronca dollar. aircraft, the advice is pertinent to all aircraft restoration At the other extreme are Aeroncas (usually Champs) projects . .. G. R. C. TYP'CA.L FEATURES

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so "modified" as to be unrecognizable. These are an at­ tempt to defy the laws of physics and convert an Aeronca to a "poor man's Bonanza". The modifications go far beyond a big engine and usually include gyros and radios sufficient to do a 747 proud. Such machines are interesting technical exercises, but prove a disappointment more often than not. There are cases where extensive modifications make sense, of course. Bill Pancake's full-IFR Champ which won Custom Classic at Oshkosh is very well done and serves as a flying advertisement for his business. And even I, a confirmed and dedicated radio-detester, must admit a perverse pleasure at the thought that someone has a Champ that can legally operate at O'Hare! More importantly, Bill's Champ could be returned to stock. Between the extremes are the customized Aeroncas. Most Aeroncas fall into this category and are the result of practical, "keep it flying" restorations. The custom touches are usually cosmetic - a paint scheme or a bit of interior fix-up - and reflect the owner's taste or an attempt to better suit the airplane to his intended use. I see nothing wrong with such customizing if it does not prevent the airplane from being returned to stock, and if it is done in a safe and legal fashion. The danger of customizing is that so much weight will be added that the airplane will become legally a single-place machine. Aeronca did a superb job of building a minimum airplane with maximum performance. Most anything one adds to the machine will reduce performance. I can speak with some authority on the subject of customizing, because we fly a highly customized 7AC. The airplane suits our purposes (travel and touring) perfectly. The custom touches make it quieter and more comfortable. But it will not climb like a stock Champ, nor is its short field performance anything to brag about. There is simply no free lunch. Any modification which produces one bEm­ efit is very likely to cost you elsewhere. The only solution is for every Aeronca Aviator to have at least four Aeroncas: Aeronca 1 would be an absolutely authentic stock res­ toration to be taken to airshows and to be used only to haul home trophies. Aeronca 2 might be a "minimized" Aeronca built as light as possible and equipped with a climb prop and big tires for bouncing through the boonies where you would not dare take Aeronca 1 for fear of getting a bug on it. Aeronca 3 should be a nice custom, optimal for long distance flying - a "Touring Aeronca" if you will - with a comfortable interior, soundproofing and pretty enough to assure good service and lots of attention at fuel stops. Aeronca 4 might not be an Aeronca at all. It might be a replica, an experimental upon which all our wilder ideas might be tried. Its real value would be to prove just how good a job the Aeronca folks did with the originals, but the concept has amusing possibilities. Even I have had fantasies of building a "sleeper," an airplane that looks exactly like my 7AC, but with 150 to 180 hp tucked into its stubby little nose. Ah, sweet revenge! But the point of all this verb age is to encourage you to think long an:! hard before you start restoring your Aeronca. It is worth the effort to go through the exercise on paper, writing down the kind of flying you want to do and describing the features that make the machine suita­ ble for that kind of flying. Paper and pencils are still reasonably cheap. Parts and materials are not. Look at as many Aeroncas as you can. Each is different, and there are many good ideas to be borrowed. The preceding chart summarizes the issue. Look it over before you restore, be sure where you want to be on the "degree of customizing" scale, then have at it. Let us know how we can help . • 16 FEBRUARY 1984

STINSON L-1 "VIGILANT" ... (Continued from Page 10)

displacement floats (7000 total), the L-1 is an exceptional float plane, especially when called upon for stretcher duties in medical emergencies. When Bill Stratton discovered the L-1 (N1704E, SIN 41-18915) for sale in Alaska, he journeyed to Anchorage and finally concluded a deal for the big bird. It was taken off the floats and with the wheels installed, it was flown to San Antonio and delivered to Bill on May 27, 1982. Now the hard work began. The big Stinson was taken down to the bare air frame and sandblasted to bare metal so every part could be inspected. Slowly, the reassembly began as each additional part was finished and installed. The doors, cowling, struts, etc. were all rebuilt and re­ finished and all new glass and fabric was installed. A trip to the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB resulted in the many details of a documented, au­ thentic paint scheme. Accuracy is the name of the game and the ALG wants to be as original as possible. Even the manufacturer's data plate is installed. As the L-1 (0-49) was built prior to WWII, the plate says "U.S. Air Service" rather than U.S. Army Air Corps.! In 1983, the L-1 took its place in the formation of six L-Birds that form the Alamo Liaison Group and it has been seen by many thousands of interested spectators. For "doing its thing" in front of a crowd, the L-1 is a natural with its very short takeoff run and steep climb-out all done to the sweet, low rumble of an R-680 Lycoming radial engine. While Bill Stratton was rumbling around Alaska buy­ ing the L-1, he chanced upon a second L-1 in Nome (N1377B, SIN 41-19015). Bill bought this basket case also and had it hauled to San Antonio in case parts were needed in the other rebuild. As this machine is now surplus to his needs, Bill says it is for sale. If you are interested, call Bill at 512/494-8678. Vital statistics of the Stinson L-1 Vigilant are listed as: Engine .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lycoming R-680 (300 hp) Wingspan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.9 ft. Length .. ...... . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. ... .. . ... . . 34.2 ft. Wing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 sq. ft . Empty Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2670 lbs. Gross Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3400 lbs. Top Speed ... ..... ........ . . . .. . . . . . ... 122 mph Cruise Speed .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 mph Stall Speed .. ...... . . . ......... . .. . . . .. . 32 mph Rate of Climb ........ . ........ . .. . . . 1160 ft.lmin. Contract Price (delivered) ........ . . ... . ... $25,420

by Chuck Larsen)

Touching down at the Kerrville, Texas EAA Fly-In in September 1983 is Bill Stratton and the Stinson L-1. With a 32 mph stalling speed, the big L-Bird can land extremely short when necessary.•

of the same problems exist today.

This column was initiated in last month's issue of The The following article originally appeared in the April

VINTAGE AIRPLANE and gives insight as to the prob­ 27, 1925 issue of AVIATION Magazine.

lems facing those in aviation nearly sixty years ago. Some

Bringing Flying to the User

The gradual but steady growth of the number of new recruits who are getting flying instruction is shown by the increase of the flying schools which are advertising in our Where to Fly page. Twenty-two schools are now running their card and their fields are scattered from coast to coast. There are probably several reasons for this increase and they all show a healthy tendency in the growth of our commercial aviation. Gradually the itinerant or gypsy flier is becoming a fixed base operator, that is, he has a permanent operating base with a hangar and repair facilities about which he centers his operations. This in turn gives him a more stable and responsible position financially and also makes it possible for him to give a course in training of whatever length is desired. The fixed base also enables him to keep his ships in better condition and the repair work which is going on , especially during the winter, is very valuable to the student. Probably the most important factor , however, is the fact that the war-trained pilot who has not flown since the armistice is no longer fit to take up piloting on a moment's notice. The competition of the thousands of young men who got free training during the war is steadily disappear­ ing and to the flying school this is just as important as is the diminution of war surplus stocks to the manufacturer

of commercial planes. A new generation of pilots is being reared in the ways of commercial flying and not in the ways of war. There are still large areas where no training facilities are available, in fact whole states have no flying schools. Under the new conditions which are dawning there is bound to be a growing demand for training but for some time there will be little groups of people in outlying dis­ tricts who wish to learn to fly but cannot leave their hometown. In order to solve this problem certain California in­ structors fly to their pupils instead of making their pupils come to the base field . The instructor's permanent field must be near a large city where there is a steady volume of business but if he does not go out from the base he is losing a lot of revenue. Where a group of two or three students can be organized in an outlying town the instruc­ tor flies out and charges the students only for the instruc­ tion actually given. On the cross country trip the instruc­ tor often brings one of the students from the base field for cross country training and covers part of the cost in this way. This idea certainly spreads the interest in aviation and if groups of students can be organized it will prove profita­ ble as well and is a thing to be encouraged by the manufac­ turer of commercial planes. •


VINTAGE PLANE NOTES ... (Continued from Page 7)

are free from leaks. Leaks in the pressure lines are im­ mediately evidenced by oil leakage. Leaks in the suction lines can ordinarily be detected by applying a small amount of oil to the joints with the engine running. The oil will be drawn into the joint if a leak is present. Important engine clearances

Valves in guide . . . ....................... . 0.004L Rocker arm bushings* .. ... ..... .... . .... . . O.OOlL Piston in cylinder. Skirt .................... . 0.016 Piston rings in groove, side play No.1 .. . ..... . 0.003

Piston ring in groove, side play, No.2 . . . . . . . .. 0.002 Nos. 3 and 4 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.0015 Piston ring gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.015 Piston pin in piston . ... . .. .. ......... . light tap fit Piston pin in connecting rod ............... .. 0.001 *These bushings are made from a material known as "Compo" metal and can only be assembled in the rocker arm with the seizing arbor furnished with the engine tool kit. When pressed in with the seizing arbor and the arbor removed the bushings are the correct fit on the rocker arm shaft. Be careful to start the bushings straight, as they are easily broken when assembling. These bushings can­ not be reamed. • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

(Photo courtesy of Dale Glossenger)

A photo of this machine and a letter from Dale Glos­ senger of Edwardsburg, Michigan appeared on page 16 of the February 1983 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE . At that time we requested information from any reader who was familiar with the unusual craft. It took several months, but through the efforts of Ted Businger, Willow Springs, Missouri the machine has been identified. Ted contacted his friend, Mr. William T. Im­ menschuh, President of the San Diego Aero-Space Museum who recalled seeing the Flyworm Cyclonic Air­ craft, circa 1930 as a boy of about 12 years of age at Mission Beach in San Diego, California. He said the photo of the aircraft was just as he remem­ bered although he really didn't know what he was looking at from a technical viewpoint, other than realizing it was intended to fly. He added, the roller coaster in the back­ ground of the photo is still there, but is not operable. Mr. Immenshuh further stated, "It does strike me now that this invention might have been on the fringes of a unique form of jet propulsion if he (the designer, Paul Maiwurm) had continued his experimentation. Obviously, gyroscopic forces from the rotating components became a major problem and how he ever determined his center of .lift of the propulsivellift unit is a mystery as well as how he thought he was providing any lateral stability for the vehicle. The weight of the lower body including the engine and pilot(s) would act as a pendulum. Rather interesting, isn't it?" Mr. Bruce Reynolds, Archivist of the San Diego Aero­ 18 FEBRUARY 1984

Space Museum researched their files and came up with a copy of the cover sheet of a report by the inventor dated 1930 which contained "An Explanation of Theory, De­ scription of Construction, History of Early Experiments with Models and a Brief Treatise on its Place in the Future of Aviation. By Paul Maiwurm (Inventor and Patentee; Pres. , Flyworm Corp. of America)." A photo in the files was captioned, "June 23, 1929. First public ground test of Flyworm Aircraft 180 RPM pulling 1400#. Compliments of Paul Maiwurm, Inventor & Designer." Other papers indicate that Maiwurm filed an applica­ tion with the United States Patent Office dated May 31, 1928, Serial No . 281 ,908, for his "Flyworm" Cyclonic Air­ craft. Also among the files which survived the tragic fire in 1978 of the San Diego Aero-Space Museum was the follow­ ing unsigned and undated two-page typed report. The source is unknown but it does indicate the vehicle proba­ bly never became airborne. Note the author's spelling of the aircraft name differs from that of the designer: The "Fly-Wurm" or the "Flying Concrete Mixer"

Automatic drink dispensers are in common use today, but thirty years ago there was only one such machine in San Diego, It was in the lobby of the Broadway Theatre. You pushed a lever to indicate your choice of several drinks. Insert a nickel, and out came a freshly mixed Coke, root beer or other drinks. It was a distinct novelty. This dispenser was called a "Drink-O-Mat". It was the

brainchild and the handiwork of an inventive citizen named Paul Maiwurm. He was a big fellow , usually pleas­ ant, but very stubborn and apt to get riled if someone belittled his inventive efforts. Imbued with the great public interest in aviation, Maiwurm dreamed up a radically new idea for an aircraft design. He first demonstrated it by using an ordinary cylindrical oatmeal box from which both ends had been removed. On the inside of this cylinder, he had fastened a one-inch spiral of cardboard, like an endless screw. He held this device above his head, gave it a twist, and a forward fling, and it sailed almost a block down the street. Maiwurm decided to build a passenger-carrying air­ craft on this same principle. He called it the Fly-Wurm. We called it the Flying Concrete Mixer - but not within Paul's hearing. By various and sundry means, Paul set up his work­ shop in the Mission Beach Amusement area. Here he proceeded to labor with pipes, pulleys, rope and other gear for several months. Finally, he announced that on a cer­ tain day, he would unveil and demonstrate the completed Fly-Wurm. When this big day arrived, it so happened several newsreel camera crews were in town, so they de­ cided to shoot Paul's show. A considerable crowd was on hand when the contrap­ tion was wheeled out onto one of the parking lots. Paul's aircraft looked for all the world like a concrete mixer

mounted on a triangular base of tubular construction, with three wheels . The barrel-shaped cylinder, about six feet long and four feet in diameter, was cradled in a V­ shaped yoke in which it could rotate. The cylinder could be tilted for takeoff and landing. Around the cylinder was a heavy rope held in place by a groove, and in the bight at the bottom of the rope sheave was the power plant, a rotary air-cooled engine. The pilot's seat was on the trian­ gular frame under the engine. While the crowd gawked and the newsreel cameras ground, Paul and his helpers tied the machine firmly to a telephone pole so it couldn't become airborne. Then the engine was started and the cylinder began to rotate slowly. Paul prepared to climb into the pilot's seat. At that in­ stant, the yoke sheave broke and the engine landed with a crash right where Paul had intended to sit. The show was over. But Maiwurm was a stubborn man. He insisted his design was practical and he would build another one. To raise funds for this, he arranged to offer "interests" in his invention to patrons of some of the smaller theaters. The authorities took a dim view of this and ordered him to cease and desist. This so discouraged Maiwurm that he left San Diego. Nothing more has been heard of the Flying Concrete Mixer, or should we say, the Fly-Wurm . •


By George Hardie

Beginning with the first flying boat built by Glenn Curtiss in 1912, de­ signers have attempted to achieve the perfect machine, adding retractable wheel landing gear to make the air­ craft amphibious to extend its useful­ ness. The example shown here was built in the late 1920s and was one manufacturer's attempt to tap the growing aviation marketing boom resulting from Lindbergh's successful transatlantic flight. The photo was submitted by member Steve Hay, Sr. , who with several partners, was con­ sidering purchasing the aircraft. Answers will be published in the May 1984 issue of The VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE.

* The Mystery Plane in the November 1983 issue was identified by many readers. It was the first of a series of beautiful aircraft with mod­ ern lines admired even today. The four-place Spartan 7-X prototype "Executive" design was laid down in 1934-35 and made its first flight in January 1936. Power was a Jacobs 285 hp which did not provide the per­ formance the designers had intended, so "back to the drawing board". The Model 7-W "Executive" production version was powered with the Pratt & Whitney Wasp Jr. of 400 hp and an additional seat made the 7-W a five-







place airplane. The dorsal fin was eliminated from the redesign of the fin and rudder. Several examples are still flying today. The EAA Aviation Museum has Serial No. 7-W-2, NC13993, the oldest "Executive" still in existence, and the only one built with side-by-side stick control. The airplane was donated by George S. Mennen, Morristown, New Jersey, as­ sisted by member John Turgyan, Trenton, New Jersey. Reference on the "Executive" can be found in U.S. Civil Aircraft, Vol. 7, page 104. Correct answers were submitted by Russ Brown, Lyndhurst, OH; Charles

M. Hayes, Park Forest, IL; Charles W. Harris, Tulsa, OK; Herbert G. de­ Bruyn, Bellevue, WA; H. Glenn Buf­ fington, San Diego, CA; and Jimmy Rollison, Vacaville, CA . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19


LETTERS Dear Gene: As you know, we are restoring a Boeing P-12E and are looking for any pieces, bent or bad, good or burned ... in other words just about anything we can get our hands on. Currently the Boeing is in the shop at Clover Park Vo Tech where they are removing and rebuilding pieces on a one-at-a-time basis. One thing that has us stymied is the old time cowl fasteners as used on T-Crafts and many other oldies in­ cluding the Boeings. Do you have any idea who made them or who might have them? Please let me know if you can help. Sincerely, Dick Baxter (EAA 13954, AlC 2739) Spencer Aircraft Industries, Inc. 8410 Dallas Avenue South Seattle, WA 98108 2061763-021 0 Dear Gene: Got a note today from Roy Redman about using type clubs as source material for VINTAGE articles. Great idea! The AERONCA AVIATORS CLUB will be glad to help. We will kick off the contribution with the package enclosed, containing copies of all PPA and AAC newslet­ ters to date. We will also put you on our mailing lists, so you will get both newsletters regularly ... well, as regu­ larly as we print them anyway. Take a fast pass through the newsletters. You may find something you can use as-is or whip into shape with a minimum of blue pencil work. If anything catches your eye that you would like expanded, reworked or taken from a different direction, let me know. I would be glad to take a stab at it. I should note that Pea Patch Airlines is not a "type club". PPA was set up primarily to encourage and sponsor air touring for all sorts of aircraft. PPA is also a small business, selling odds and ends to support the fun ac­ tivities and, to some degree, the AERONCA AVIATORS CLUB, a division of Pea Patch Airlines. The finances or, more to the point, lack of finances of a type club could make an important (and depressing and hilarious) article someday. Use what you can, let us know how we can help and be sure you will see more coming. So far (thank goodness!), we have more than we can use. The promised news to be found soon in VINTAGE has us very excited. We enjoyed and appreciated the chance to participate in the type club tent at Oshkosh '83. It worked very well for us and our members at a cost we could afford. The cost became even more affordable when the fee was returned. The AAC put it right back into the "Porch Fund". We're poor, but proud! We made sure our members understood the source of the convenience. They were impressed that the Antique/ Classic Division, at least, still had time for the "little guy with tired feet" . .We look forward to another good year on the south end of Wittman Field. Sincerely, Julie and Joe Dickey (EAA 62186, AlC 4169) AERONCA AVIATORS CLUB 511 Terrace Lake Road Columbus, IN 47201 20 FEBRUARY 1984

Dear Gene: Apparently I short-changed you on data regarding the Jim Vliet photo of the Folkerts SK-3, used on the back page of the December 1983 VINTAGE. So let's fill it in, as best as possible. That photo was taken inside the H. C. Robbins hangar. It was this hangar that I failed to identify on page 10, second paragraph, November issue of VINTAGE. H. C. Robbins was the Waco dealer in Cleveland. The aircraft you asked about is Clem Whittenbeck's radial-engined, straight-wing Great Lakes, that was used as a replacement for Al Williams and the Grumman Gulf­ hawk. In the photo,just ahead of the Folkerts spinner, you will see another plane against the far wall. That is the Hardwick-Whittenbeck Special (ex-Folkerts Matilda), with the Fordon-Neuman logo painted on it. I can't recall when this logo was put on, just sometime after the photo that was used in the story. Cordially, Ted Businger (EAA 93833, AlC 2333) Rt. 2, Box 280 Willow Springs, MO 65793 P.S. The news of Ken Flaglor's Gee Bee "Y" sure is excit­ ing. •



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Allow 4·6 Weeks for Delivery

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Regular type, 50¢ per word; Bold F_, 5~ per word; ALL CAPS, 60¢ per word. Rate covers one insertion, one issue; minimum charge, $8.00. Classified ads payable in advance, caah with order. Send ad with payment to Advertising Department, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield. Oshkosh. WI 54903·2591.

ACRO SPORT - Single pla~e biplane capable of un­ limited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans, includes nearly 100 isometrical drawings, photos and exploded views. Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 88 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing - $15.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860. ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Com­ plete with isometric drawings, photos, exploded views. Plans - $85.00. Info Pac - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Cor­ ners, WI 53130. 414/425-4860. POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low, cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 31f2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $45.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860.

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Aviation Memorabilia - buy, sell and trade. WWI and WWII pilots' gear and aircraft parts. Send $2 for year's subscription of lists to Griffon Aviation, Box 23081, Albu­ querque, NM 87192.

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• Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association. Inc. is $25.00 for one year. $48.00 for 2 years and $69.00 for 3 years. All include 12 issues of Sport Aviation per year. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $15.00 annually. Family Membership is available for an additional $10.00 annually. • EAA Member - $18.00. Includes one year membership in EAA Antique-Classic Division . 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EAA member and must give EAA membership number. • Non·EAA Member - $28.00. InCludes one year membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division. 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane. one year membership in the EAA and separate membership cards. Sport Aviation not included. • Membership in the International Aerobatic Club. Inc. is $20.00 annually which includes 12 issues of Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members are required to be members of EAA. • Membership in the Warbirds of America. Inc. is $25.00 per year. which includes a subscription to Warbirds Newsletter. Warbird members are required to be members of EAA. • Membership in the EAA Ultralight Assn . is $25.00 per year which includes the Ultralight publication ($15.0!y additional/or Sport Aviation magazine). For current EAA members only. $15.00. which includes UltralIght publIcation . • FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS: Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars or an international postal money order similarly drawn.



WITTMAN AIRFIELD - OSHKOSH, WI 54903-2591 - PHONE 414/426-4800


22 FEBRUARY 1984

~Revie\\S • "Magnificent" - Gordon Baxter • "One of the Nation's Most Impressive Aircraft Museums" -

A viation Magazine

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Flight International

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... We Put It Together To Set You Apart The Past , Present , and Future of Aviation will unfold for you . The EAA Aviation Center is a tribute to the men and women who have made personal flight possible and a proud salute to you , the members of the world 's greatest aviation organization . A bold new concept in museum design , using the modern magic of Audio-visual Technology offers the entire family the experience of flight. Fly or drive to the EAA Aviation Center at Wittman Field in Oshkosh (just off Hwy. 41). 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday th rough Sa turday 11 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundays Closed on Easter, Th anksgiving , Ch ristmas and New Yea rs Day Gu ided group tour arrangements mu st be made two weeks in advance.


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