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We can all remember the adverse press coverage and alarming editorials regarding aviation during the year 1985. All of the reports and commentaries stated it was the worst year for airline accidents and I recall the general avia­ tion community also contributed its share. One year later we look back on 1986 and again remember the head­ lines from the shuttle tragedy to the Los Angeles mid-air, with lots of problems in between. It seems the little black cloud is hovering over us, continuing to douse us with problems we don't need. The product liability insurance prob­ lem has a death grip on general aviation manufacturers and suppliers. The in­ surance problem associated with local and area flying events have nearly eliminated these activities, and the new proposed FAA regulations referred to as the "40 point proposal" appears to tighten the noose around the neck of all general aviation flying . I am sure many of us are beginning to think "Why continue to fight for our rights, when it appears we occasionally win a battle but eventually we will lose the war." A good thought? No! When we look around and see what we have and how we got it, we are ready to fight again to keep it ... and fight we will. We can all remember a few years ago when big brother, the FAA, tried to lower the floor of positive control to 10,000 feet. Once again EAA and its divisions plus the general aviation com­ munity rallied to the cause and said no. This resulted in the FAA Administrator, Mr. Langhorne Bond, appearing before the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. waving a white handkerchief. This is what we can do and we will do it again . In 1986 your EAA Antique/Classic Di­ vision again experienced growth in all areas. Our membership continued to grow and another record was set for new members gained in one year. We thank and welcome the new members and will continue to publish their names in our magazine, THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. We are the largest organi­ zation in the world devoted to antique and classic aircraft owners, pilots and enthusiasts, and with this leadership, we become the spokesman for this large segment of aviation. We accept



by Bob Lickteig

the responsibility that goes with leader­ ship and will continue to do everything in our power to warrant your support, trust and vote of confidence. Our chapters are working to comply with all the requirements necessary for current status and future recognition. I can understand and appreciate these problems as I have been there myself. We will, however, show 100 percent compliance in the near future. Your EAA Antique/Classic Division participa­ tion in local and regional flying events· was again active and visible, even with the decline in these activities due to cost and procurement of necessary in­ surance by the sponsoring groups. This is a must as it is at these grass roots events we have an opportunity to reach the young people who must be encour­ aged to take over from us. Our restoration and preservation pro­ gram for antique and classic aircraft continues throughout the country and the numbers of these wonderful flying machines are growing every year. The Antique/Classic Library main­ tained by our EAA headquarters staff has again added and catalogued an­ tique and classic reference materials available no other place in the world. Our support and cooperation with the Type Clubs again showed a marked in­ crease. The "Type Club Activities" sec­ tion published monthly in THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE will continue so we can be a part of this ever-growing group of owners of special type aircraft. In 1986 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE again set new journalistic standards. Our thanks go to the publishing and


editorial staff for this largest publication devoted to antique and classic aircraft and membership services. Oshkosh '86 was covered by the world news media in print and video making it the biggest aviation event story of the year. Your EAA Antique/ Classic Division played a major role in staging this, the world's largest aviation convention . The number of registered show planes , both antique and classic, was the largest in the history of the divi­ sion. Our members and guests enjoyed the new porch on the Red Barn and the new addition to the building which re­ sulted in an enlarged merchandising area. The participation in our organized group activities made each of our con­ vention programs successful and we will again organize and present these and additional events for Oshkosh '87. We have already ordered a larger Type Club Headquarters Tent to house these activities at Oshkosh '87. Your division is gaining financial strength which will allow us to launch new programs and offer additional membership services. I wish to thank the officers, directors, and advisors for their support, hard work and dedication to the objectives of our division. It is a pleasure to work with them. Once again in 1986, the EAA An­ tique/Classic Division completed another successful year and we look forward to the challenges that face us in 1987. It now appears that we will face the biggest survival test in our history and to succeed through these turbulent times, we have no choice but to work and fight together ... or in the future there will be no reason to do so. I am sorry that my report to you on the state of your EAA Antique/Classic Division has to start off with a call to arms, but that's the way it is. This battle and future battles will make your mem­ bership and support more meaningful and rewarding, because together we are the only hope to preserve our avia­ tion heritage as we know it today. When the FAA's "40 point proposal" is refined and published, we will advise you of the details and at that time ask you to comment. When this time comes, let's all stand and be counted one more time. Welcome aboard, join us and you have it aiL.


Tom Poberezny




Dick Matt


Gene R. Chase

FEBRUARY 1987 • Vol. 15, No.2


Mike Drucks

Copyright ' 1987 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc. All rights reserved.


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen

Dick Cavin


George A. Hardie, Jr.

Dennis Parks


Jim Koepnick

Carl Schuppel




President R. J. Lickteig 3100 Pruitt Road Port SI. Lucie, FL 33452 305/335·7051

Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets RI. 2, Box 128 Lyndon , KS 66451 913/828·3518

Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI49330 616/678·5012

Treasurer E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union, IL60180 815/923·4591

DIRECTORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough , MA01581 617/366·7245 Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293·4430

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 612/784-1172 Espie M. Joyce, Jr.

Box 468

Madison, NC 27025


Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442·3631

Gene Morris 115C Steve Court, R. R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262

Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 612/571·0893

Ray Olcott

1500 Kings Way

Nokomis, FL 33555


John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrightstown, NJ 08562

S.J. Wittman

Box 2672

Oshkosh , Wl54903




George S. York

181 Sloboda Ave.

Mansfield, OH 44906


ADVISORS Timothy V. Bowers 729-2ndSI. Woodland , CA 95695 916/666-1875

Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 312/779-2105

Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton , MI49065 616/624-6490

Robert D. "Bob" Lumley N104 W20387 Willow Creek Road Colgate, WI 53017 414/255-6832

S.H. " Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213

W. S. "Jerry" Wallin 29804 - 179 PI. SE Kent, WA 98031



Contents 2 4 5 6 9

10 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 27 27 28

Straight and Level by Bob Lickteig AlCNews by Gene Chase Welcome New Members Classic Award Winner - Class II ... Tom's Cessna 170B by Norm Petersen Vintage Seaplanes by Norm Petersen How to Rebuild a Waco in Five Easy Steps by Donna and Phil Michmerhuizen Type Club Activities by Gene Chase The Key Brothers by Stephen Owen Volunteers by Art Morgan and Bill Brauer Vintage Literature by Dennis Parks Mystery Plane by George A. Hardie, Jr. A Free Ride Back to Yesterday by Jerry Leach The Technical Side ­ Service Notes for Cessna 120/140 by G. E. Malonf Letters to the Editor Calendar of Events Sun 'n Fun '87 Update

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FRONT COVER ... The award-winning Cessna 170B flown by Tom Schoettmer nuzzles up to the photo plane during Oshkosh '86. For the full story on this pretty restoration, see page 6. (Photo by Carl Schuppel) BACK COVER . . . 1929 Paramount "Cabinaire" 165 with a Wright J6 engine. The designer, Walter Carr, flew the aircraft to a 15th place finish in the 1930 National Air Tour. (EAA Photo Archives - Allen H. Meyers Collection) The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION, and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to: Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903­ 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing oHices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product oHered through ouradvertis­ ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3

water-cooled, geared engine. Its top speed was 319.57 mph and it won the 1927 Schneider Trophy Race . Wouldn't it be great to see the replica fly at Oshkosh this year. Nearby Lake Winnebago is approximately 50 miles long and 10 miles wide, which should be plenty of water surface to fly from. Incidentally, the original touched down at 85 mph and had a 28 Ib./sq. ft. wing loading.

Compiled by Gene Chase NEW STINSON MODEL 10 CLUB FORMING A new type club for the "littlest Stin­ sons" is being formed for aficionados of Stinson Model 10, 10A and 1OB aircraft (also HW-75/105?). These planes were powered with engines of 75 to 90 hp and manufactured from 1939 until the intervention of World War Two. The group's communication media is titled , "Swept S Newsletter." The organizer of this new club is Bob Hupp, (EM 227032, AlC 10183), 3058 Atherton Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95052, phone 408/246-1508. HEATH PARASOL PROJECT



EAA Antique/Classic Division Chap­ ter 7 of Flanders, New Jersey is restor­ ing a Heath Parasol as a chapter pro­ ject. The group has a set of plans and is dividing the job among its members. According to a recent newsletter, one wheel and tire were completed; the sec­ ond wheel was completed and the tread was being removed from it; the horizon­ tal stabilizer was about 60% finished . Projects needing sponsors are the building of new wing ribs, fuselage for­ mers, rudder and elevators, rudder bar assembly and throttle assembly. The group hopes to have the Heath on its gear in time for the Chapter fly-in later this year. The President of Chapter 7 is Robert Kroll (EAA 63735, AlC 5246), 90 Cedar Street, Millburn, NJ 07041 .

" L'OISEAU BLANC" UPDATE As reported in the August 1986 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE The Inter­ national Group for Historic Aircraft Re­ covery (TIGHAR) had planned an ex­ tensive search in the wilderness of northeastern Maine for evidence of the crash of I'Oiseau Blank (the White Bird). This was the name given the chalky white Levasseur PL8 in which Fren­ chmen Charles Nungesser and Fran­ cois Coli departed Le Bourget Field near Paris on May 8, 1927 and disap­ peared on a flight to New York. Had they succeeded they would have been the first to fly non-stop from Europe to North America. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the two Frenchmen may very well have crossed the Atlantic and crashed in the Maine woods after running out of fuel attempting to land on a lake in fog .

TIGHAR's research and on-site opera­ tions during last year include determin­ ing and gridding the search area by conventional surveying methods, and searching 80% of that area; interview­ ing a witness and recording testimony on video tape; archival photo research in Washington , DC and aerial photo­ graphy of the search area. In September the searchers were vi­ sited by Roland Nungesser (Charles' nephew) and assistant Francoise Millet from Paris, escorted by Nicolas Durieux of the French Embassy for a diplomatic tour of the camp. An intensive effort is being planned for late April/early May, with the objec­ tive of bringing the project to a success­ ful conclusion in time for the 60th an­ niversary of the flight. Anyone in­ terested in joining the group or support­ ing their efforts is invited to contact The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR a non-profit foundation) at P.O. Box 424, Middletown, DE 19709, phone 302/378­ 8700. Other projects which T1GHAR is in­ volved with are the recovery of the world's oldest complete and original Flying Fortress, a 8-17E 41-2446 from the Agaiamabo Swamp in Papua, New Guinea, and the investigation of World War 1/ German underground hangars and the recovery of aircraft they may still contain . ... G.R.C. •

SUPER MARINE S.5 REPLICA IS FLY­ ING AG AI N The beautiful replica of the Super­ marine S.5 N220 seaplane owned by Bill Hosie of Cornwall, England is flying again after a lengthy rebuild. After winter storage there are plans for its ap­ pearance at various air shows this year. Designed by R. J. Mitchell (who I~ter designed the Spitfire) the original N220 was one of three S.5s built in 1926-27 by Supermarine Aviation Works Ltd. of Southampton, England. The sleek blue and silver seaplane was powered by an 875 hp Napier Lion VII B twelve-cylinder


L'Oiseau Blanc (The White Bird).


The following is a listing of new members who have joined the EM Antique/Classic Division (through October 14, 1986). We are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members. Meiser, Vernon M. Reno, North Carolina

Meer, Robert J. Cincinnati, Ohio

Peloquin Jr., Albert North Scituate, Rhode Island

Bain Sr., Robert E.

Boaz, Alabama

Whyte, Douglas Lakeside, California

Smith, William D. Maxwell AFB, Alabama

David Jr., Lloyd Lee Bracketville, Texas

Terrana, Carl J.

Seattle, Washington

Borri, Alessandro Ventimigli, Italy

Kissick, Robert R. Rockford , Illinois

Mosbey, James S. Sumter, South Carolina

Greene, Ronald

FPO, Miami, Florida

Gorski, Tim Neenah, Wisconsin

Bertelson, Bryan Hurst, Texas

Knapp, Charles W. Los Angeles, California

Lemon, Troy

San Antonio, Texas

Callahan,.Joseph Highland, Michigan

Hroch, Joseph V. Munster, Indiana

Edwards, Jerry South Fork, Colorado

Heroux, Henri

5t. Mathieu Du Pa, Canada

Huber, Corvin Glonn, West Germany

Scott, Merritt Bradley Shawano, Wisconsin

Owens, John R. Lexington, Kentucky

Welch, Phillip

Big Spring, Texas

Lautour, Bernard Ezanville, France

Frazier, Robert E. Pasadena, Texas

Sotak, Robert P. Chicago, Illinois

Klintworth, Philip W.

Fairfield Glade, Tennessee

Jackson, David Brent Arlington, Texas

Nowak, Stanley J. Barrington, Rhode Island

Balogh, Julius Herron, Michigan

Winder, Glenn

Fremont, Wisconsin

Otis, Roger W. Sacramento, California

Barber, John R. Manhatten Beach, California

Schaffner, Herbert A. Hummelstown, Pennsylvania

Nichols, Mike

Greeley, Colorado

Kelly, Michael P. Coldwater, Michigan

McClure Jr., Wilburn F. Camarillo, California

Petrosky, Phil Hubbard, Ohio

Brainerd, C.H.

Shawnee Mission, Kansas

Henkel, Richard Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ferrell, J. Braden Annandale, Minnesota

Neubauer, Ricahrd L. Miami, Florida

Bain Jr., Sterling C.

Bunkie, Lousiana

Slabaugh, Kenneth Adrian, Michigan

Roche, Tom Naperville, Illinois

Brower, Richard L. Royal, Iowa

Gall, Richard F.

Plantation, Florida

Kor, Richard White, South Dakota

Kersey, Elizabeth A. Tulsa, Oklahoma

Rourke, Tim Owensboro, Kentucky

Hayes, Charles

Elba, Alabama

Calia, Joseph F. Cleveland, Tennessee

Hines, Joseph Elmhurst, Illinois

Newark, John A. Wantagh, New York

Garner, Allen

Highpoint, North Carolina

Briere, Mark Pascoag, Rhode Island

Garrity, Arden Mt. Hope, Ontario, Canada

Schleimer, Roger Middle Village, New York

Scheght, Arnold

Stephenville, Texas

Ridenour, John Cameron, Oklahoma

Helmer, David R. Eagle, Arkansas

Raney, Stephen K. O'Fallon, Illinois

Risoldi, Shirley

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Baumann, Richard N. Onchiota, New York

Sherman, Harry Newport, Rhode Island

Rebbetoy, Patrick Port Credit, Ontario, Canada

Fox, Jr., Lawrence

Clyde, New York

Spivey, Jay A Smyrna, Georgia

Andresen, Doug Owasso, Oklahoma

Bowden, Robert D. Lewisville, Texas

Wynkoop, Brian K.

Mount Vernon, Ohio

Stanton, David R. Washougal, Washington

Eaves, Christopher W. Dorchester, Ontario, Canada

Casale, Larry Tavernier,Florida

Cedwall, Lars

Bromma, Sweden

Melville, Brian E. Denver, Colorado

Anderson, John W St. Louis, Missouri

Brown, Harvey A. Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Stabler, Edmund

Baltimore, Maryland

Strain, Larry L. Bedford, Texas

Christiansen, Johan H. Tananger, Norway

Caillat, Gerald R. Jamaica, New York

Pearce, David E.

Leesburg, Virginia


Carl Schuppel Photo

An award-winning smile on Tom Schoettmer's face is caught by the photographer. This dedicated pilot must be one of Indiana's most eligible bachelors. Windshield was fitted at least six times before final installation!

by Norm Petersen Immediately following the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Cham­ pion awards at Oshkosh are the Class I, II and III winners in the Classic cate­ gory. 1986 saw the Class II (81 - 150 hpj award go to a beautiful 1952 Cessna 170B, N8236A, SIN 25088, re­ stored by its youthful owner, Tom Schoettmer (EAA 219068, AlC 8012) of R. R. 10, Box 92, Greensburg, IN 47240. Born and raised in Greensburg (population 8,620), a typical midwest town midway between Indianapolis and Cincinnati, OH, Tom grew up watching every airplane that flew over the house and building model airplanes. This led to control line models which only ac­ cented his desire to learn to fly. At age 18, Tom acquired a job in a bowling alley located next to the Greensburg Decatur airport. Before long, his minutes of extra time off were spent getting acquainted with the airport people, including a flight j nstructor. Fly­ ing lessons soon followed with a ses­ sion every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. In eighteen months, Tom had soloed and earned his Private license. Purchasing a 1967 Cessna 150 in patnership with two relatives, Tom con­ tinued to build flying time (and experi­ ence) when a friend suggested the trio should trade up to a "170." Tom admits he didn't even know what a 170 was! 6 FEBRUARY 1987



Carl Schuppel Photo

Tom's 170B shows its underside profile to the photographer. The familiar shape of this wing has been a Cessna trademark for many years. Dual landing lights in the leading edge are controlled by a single on-off switch.

Digging into the old books and magazines he soon discovered the attri­ butes of the Cessna four-seater. On a bright Sunday morning, Tom and his friend flew north to a small grass strip to look at a Cessna 1708 that was for sale. After looking the aircraft over and going for a ride with the owner, they bought it on the spot for $7,000 ­ $3,500 each! In just a few months, the friend wanted to sell out, so in May, 1976, Tom became the sole owner of N8236A - complete with a Narco VHT­ 3 "Superhomer" radio! (Some of us older pilots can remember when this radio was the "cat's meow"!) Having had 3-112 hours instruction in a Taylorcraft and more tailwheel time in a Piper J-5 Cruiser and Aeronca Champ, Tom was soon enjoying the 170 and feeling comfortable flying the airplane. He put some 300 hours on the plane during the ensuing three years. His work at the bowling alley included automatic pinsetter maintenance and repair. His improving mechanical skills and love for flying brought forth a deci­ sion to gradually upgrade and restore old N8236A. Wingtip strobe lights were the first im­ provement followed by a conversion to Cleveland wheels and brakes. A set of fiberglass wheel fairings (copies of the original) was obtained from Wag Aero and mounting brackets were fabricated from scratch using the Cessna parts book drawings as a guide. Once they were installed, the 170 began to take on a saucy look and Tom's pride in the bird began to swell. The 28-year-old interior was next on Tom's improvement list, so the instru­ ment panel was totally dismantled and the metal panels were stripped to bare metal. Discovering that the paint com­ panies have come a long way with paints, Tom took a liking to the DuPont Imron paint system and commenced using his Sharp Model 75 paint gun and portable air compressor. Each part of the instrument panel was etched and primed with an epoxy primer before the final color coat of Imron was applied. The "medium fawn metallic"'really made the panels look new when installed in the plane. The aft portion of the fuselage was thoroughly cleaned and epoxy primed from the baggage compartment to the tail. Luckily, no corrosion was found. All glass was removed along with the doors and the tough job of carpet removal was undertaken, consuming a full gallon of lacquer thinner to loosen up the glue! The aluminum floor underneath was like new. A call was made to the FAA GADO office to locate approved materials to redo the cabin interior. They directed Tom to Joyce Newman in Indianapolis who specializes in corporate aircraft in­ teriors. Her help and assistance in

Carl Schuppel Photo

Head on view of the 170B shows polished propeller and spinner. Tom lost one of the McCauley decals on the way to Oshkosh. Note extremely sanitary workmanship.

locating proper materials was the key to success as Tom was able to dupli­ cate the original interior - "And she wouldn't accept one penny for her as­ sistance," says Tom. The headliner had tiny "boot hangers" sewn in for support and these were transferred to the new headliner, mak­ ing the final appearance exactly origi­ nal. Wherever insulation could be put in, 1-112" thick yellow insulation from Airtex was compressed into the space. This makes the job look nicer and it should be warmer in cold weather. Tom has been unable so far to detect a re­ duction in noise. "The 170 is still loud!" The seats were dismantled to the bare frame and carefully cleaned and painted before being reassembled . New upholstery was completed at .the same time and the new seats literally "sparkle." Interior mouldings were stripped bare and numerous dents were "rolled" out before repainting began. Tom feels it is much easier to "roll" the dents with a wood or metal roller than to beat them out with a hammer and end up with a rough finish . The final

Norm Petersen Photo

Tom Schoettmer fires up the 145 hp Continental prior to going up for air-to-air photos. Large venturi provides vacuum for DG and artificial horizon.

Norm Petersen Photo

This is not a decal! Tom made the masks and sprayed the entire "One Seventy Bee" logo over a period of twenty hours of deli­ cate work!

finish surely presents a strong argu­ ment in Tom's favor! Reinstalling new windows presented a problem in locating the proper rubber channels . After many tries, Tom con­ tacted David Nation at Rhoades Avia­ tion in Columbus, Indiana, a Cessna dealer. In no time, Dave had located the proper rubber channels along with numerous other needed parts and pieces, including a new set of interior decals. A new windshield was installed in the original two-piece style, as Tom feels it is authentic. As usual, all new stainless screws and fasteners were used (courtesy of Gartmann As­ sociates) With the interior of the 1708 gleaming like new, attention was diverted to the VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

exterior of the airplane . Numerous dents and "hangar rash" required new "skin" on the left flap, elevator and rud­ der. Purchasing new materials from Cessna, Tom had Mike Jones at Louis­ ville Aircraft Specialists rebuild the sur­ faces. Mike's beautiful riveting and metal work displays the "touch of the artist." Critical to a nice looking airplane is a nice looking cowl. Noting a rather crude patch on the nosebowl, Tom checked with Cessna and found they had one left at $80.00. This was purchased and installed - bringing a smile of satisfac­ tion to Tom's face. The smile disap­ peared when new front cowl latches were needed! Noting a price of $75 each several years ago, Tom called Cessna to learn they were now $135 each! (Bottom price - $250 for two.) Cal­ ling Univair, who had them in last year's catalog at $112, Tom learned they now were $135! Tom quietly returned to Cessna and bought the two for $250! Ouch! With warmer temperatures approach­ ing, Tom took two weeks of vacation in April to strip the paint on the 170. Using a stiff bristle brush and 13 gallons (that's thirteen gallons', folks) of paint stripper, Tom was able to get down to bare metal. An added assist came from a hot water pressure sprayer. The result

Carl Schuppel Photo

Outstanding instrument panel with its well-known "piano" keyboard looks like factory new! Electric turn-and-bank is not original. Decals add a fine touch to a fine piece 6f work. That's Tom at the controls.

was a super clean airplane ready for painting. Tom's first spray session put the base (off white) coat on the tail surfaces which were hung in the back of the bowling alley for storage until needed. Back in the hangar, the fuselage re­

Norm Petersen Photo

Nicely finished tail feathers include genuine Cessna rubber abrasion boots on the stabilizer. These were installed with contact cement and a wooden roller to smooth them out. 8 FEBRUARY 1987

ceived coatings of Imron and finally the wings were sprayed, one at a time . Needless to say, Tom became quite adept at handling a spray gun! Now the fun began. Tom spent nearly a full month masking the first trim color - a deep yellow Imron. Here again, pa­ tience and skill paid off as the pleasing paint scheme caught the eyes of the judges. The plane was remasked again for the dark brown Imron which was ac­ curately measured before the tapes were put down. A close inspection of the finish on N8236A reveals what a true perfectionist Tom Schoettmer is. It is beautiful! As the plane was reassembled, all new bolts were installed along with proper nuts and cotters. Close attention was directed at the installation of the proper rubber edging where required for the proper look and long lasting effect. Attention to detail is Tom 's forte! Once assembled, the 170 looked like a new airplane and Tom enjoyed flying it for the balance of the year. However, with the advent of winter, the engine was removed and placed on a stand. The oil pan was sloshed out to remove accumulated sludge. After two days, Tom noted a small stain on the pan. Close inspection revealed a tiny pinhole! Tom touched the pinhole with a screwdriver - and punched right through the pan! By attention to detail, Tom had prevented a future serious situation. A serviceable pan was lo­ cated in Texas and carefully installed along with all new gaskets on the ac­ cessory case. Each part was polished or painted before re-assembly. A complete new set of engine baffles was fabricated using wooden block pat­ terns to avoid scratch marks in the aluminum. New inter-cylinder baffles

Carl Schuppel Photo

One of the perks of this job - the author rides right seat with Tom Schoettmer as we pull in close to the EAA photo plane. Note both cabin ventilators are pulled open in the warm weather.

were made using the old ones for pat­ terns . Supporting wires were made from stainless piano wires that will not rust. The exhaust pipes were sent to Aero Fabricators for overhaul- they needed it! Metallic silver Imron was sprayed on the firewall and the newly painted en­ gine mount was installed. The engine, smelling of. new paint, was hoisted into position and bolted down with new Lord mounts. Before long, the entire front end of the airplane returned to normal, including the highly polished metal prop and original polished metal spinner. By now, the 170B was really sparkl­ ing and Tom was anxious to fly the "new" aircraft. He was impressed with the way it sounded and_handled in the air - on the ground was a bit worse. The tailwheel shimmied on landing and no amount of re-work seemed to help. A new Scott 3200 tailwheel proved to be the answer and now the bird with the pretty paint job had everything - well almost. A check of the belly for signs of prob­ lems revealed dark splotches around the rivets under the landing gear. The rivets were loose! Carefully jacking uP . one side at a time, Tom drilled out the rivets and carefully replaced each one with a larger size. When all was finished, a new coat of Imron was sprayed on and the restoration was complete. Climaxing this entire six-year episode was the trip up the stairs of the Theater­ in-the-Woods at Oshkosh '86 to accept the Class II award for the outstanding classic aircraft in the 81 to 150 hp group. Tom Schoettmer was one happy man on that day - a feeling well earned.•



by Norm Petersen This photo of a Republic Seabee was provided by Capt. Richard W. Sanders, (EAA 74952, AlC 5208), Pres., Seabee Club Int'l, 4734 NW 49 Court, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33319, who wrote: The Seabee photo is of my NC6458K, SIN 709 built in April 1947. It was taken by Capt. Marion Wright (Delta Airlines) in his NC6048K on our way back to Ft. Worth from performing in the 1973 Rosser (Capt. Dick Rosser, TWA) Ranch Airshow. We 'loosened up' the formation for the photo. The 'Bees are standard, powered ' by the Franklin '500', 215 hp with Hartzell con­ trollable and reversible props." . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9

Phil Michmerhuizen and his beautiful 1942 Waco UPF-7. Colors are standard Stits' Waco Vermillion and Tucson Cream.


by Donna and Phil Michmerhuizen (EAA 33782, Ale 581) 186 Sunset Drive Holland, MI 49423 (Photos by the authors) More than 15 years ago we were sit­ ting on the grass at Oshkosh watching a big Stearman land. I remember saying to Donna, "Maybe someday we can

In Five Easy Steps ­

have an open cockpit, round-engine biplane ." In 1976 I joined the Stearman Restor­ ers Association (SRA) and started con­ tacting members who had airplanes for sale to get the "feel" of things. We flew to Southern Indiana to look at a Stear­ man and even went for a ride. We made about ten phone calls to Phoenix, Arizona and located a nice plane, but it was so far away . . . and fuel prices were steadily increasing.

This is the sight that greeted Phil when he removed the fabric from the lower right wing.

In addition to bird nests, the wings contained a crescent wrench, two clothes pins and

many mud dauber nests.

10 FEBRUARY 1987

Then one day I happened to talk with someone who owned a Waco UPF-7. He sold rides carrying two passengers at a time in the front cockpit. That put the biplane situation in a different light for us. Holland, Michigan where we live is seven miles from Lake Michigan. Nearby Ottawa Beach is the busiest place in the state in the summer. Ninety percent of the traffic going to and from the beach passes by Holland's Park Township Airport. Would people stop and go for a ride in an old biplane? We thought they would. We started looking for a UPF-7 and found out they aren't as plentiful as Stearmans. We finally located one and it was even in Michigan! Donna and I flew the Holland Flying Club's Cherokee to look at our find . It was dirty and dusty and tucked back in the corner of a hangar near Oxford Michigan, north of Detroit. Its paint was peeling and it car­ ried lots of "100 mph tape. " We learned the plane was to be an­ nualled in about a month and we told the owner to give us a call at that time. We needed more time to think about that deal. I flew back there during the inspection and saw grass (read nests) in the wings, and dirt, oil and grime everywhere. I then listed the pros and cons thusly: Plusses: 1) It was a complete flying airplane. 2) The engine had 40 hours SMOH by Page Industries, Inc. at Yukon, Oklahoma. (I checked this out.)

3) It was in Michigan. 4) The airframe had relatively low time and was undamaged??? 5) The seller would check me out in it. 6) A new lower aileron and ceconite envelopes for the entire plane were included. Minuses: 1) It was a flying basket case. 2) It had never been totally rebuilt and it needed it, soon. 3) They wouldn 't accept my offer. I didn 't want to buy a shiny prop and a new paint job, but after a trouble-free title search, we bought the plane any­ way. My friend Ken Dannenberg, one of many EAAers who would be of im­ mense help, flew me over in his Cougar to pick up the Waco. There was quite a crosswind on the hard surface runway that day and the seller kept making excuses for not checking me out. To make a long story short, in looking back, I can now see that no one was qualified, willing or able to handle the big biplane in that cross­ wind . I had to go it alone so I taxied around, locking and unlocking the tailwheel and generally getting the feel of the Waco. Boy, what a big engine up front! I couldn't see anything ahead. Time was fleeting and I taxied some more. It was getting late and I faced a 1-1 /2 hour flight back home to Holland. Then I did a very dumb thing - I took off. I don't recommend that anyone fly a strange airplane without a proper check out. Even though my log book shows 900 hours in tailwheel types including Cub, Champ, Citabria, Cessna 180 and Stinson, I still went against my better judgement. Fortunately my take off was okay (I took off on the taxiway, directly into the wind). I immediately began to think about my landing back home. Enroute to Holland I did some slow flight, turns, glides and stalls and acquired some feel for the big old biplane. My landing at Park Township Airport was not the best, but I had no big problem. I went out to fly some more the next day and found the battery was dead. After installing a new one I began my "get acquainted" sessions in the Waco. After some ten hours of flying I started to feel at home in NC39738. We sold rides that summer then I de­ cided to start restoring the plane in steps. On October 24, 1981 I cut into the wing fabric and knew I'd made the right decision. Friends helped me re­ move the wings and center section so I could take them home. Inside the wings we found three bird nests with eggs and/or dead birds, a crescent wrench, two clothes pins and many mud dauber nests made of clay, red from Georgia and white from Ok-

An example of plywood separation in one of the wings. The three crush bushings are among. the 20 that had to be replaced because of intergranular cor~osion.

Jason Petroelje fits a new plywood leading edge to the new center section he made. Jason is an ex-boat builder and excellent wood craftsman.

Phil Michmerhuizen applies varnish to one of the wing panels.


The fuselage was towed to the Michmerhuizen home for restoration on 10/28/83.

Phil removing parts off the fuselage. They contained a 41-year collection of oil, dirt and grime. 12 FEBRUARY 1987

lahoma. The lower right wing panel obviously had been dragged on the ground but there was no such entry in the log book. It had been repaired with common plywood, form ica and adhesive tape! It also contained some wood rot. The glue had failed on the plywood plates at the N-strut attach points, and also in the center section. Jason Petroelje did an excellent job on wing repairs, including the building of a new center section. I had to replace 20 of the crush bushings in the wings because of intergranular corrosion. After much scraping, sanding, cleaning, vacuuming and varnishing the wood , then sandblasting priming and reinstal­ ling the metal fittings, the wings were ready to cover and Gary Van Farowe signed them off. We had installed new leading edges and bolts. Donna did 80 percent of the rib stitching and I did the painting. We both did the sanding and masking. Rebuilding the wing was a full winter project. I had help putting them back on the airframe, then flew the Waco from June to October 1982, selling rides again. I nearly ground looped in Sep­ tember when the brake went out on the right side, During the winter of 1982-83 we re­ moved the tail group and took them home for restoration. Except for the left elevator these pieces just needed the normal clean-up, sand blasting, priming and plywood replacement before re­ covering . The left elevator had to be dis­ assembled because of excessive rust in areas I couldn't sandblast. We also rebuilt the master brake cylinders and made up new steel brake lines for the landing gear. We were back in the air again in June 1983 and sold rides until September. We knew we had a lot of work ahead for the next winter. Oh, how I hated to shut off the engine and take out the knife. Friends helped with removal of the wings, engine and tail group and I towed the fuselage home on October 28, 1983. We had to take the wheels and windshield off to get the Waco into our basement garage which serves as the shop. A word of advice is in order here. As noted in earlier restoration articles in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, get all the service letters, A.D.s and as much his­ tory on your aircraft as you possibly can before starting a restoration project. Also take many pictures and make lots of notes and drawings. I did and it helped a lot. I took EVERYTHING off the fuselage. Our basement was a mess and full of old Waco parts with a 41-year collection of oil, dirt and grime. My son Randy helped strip paint off some of the aluminum parts before the weather got

too cold to work outside. On December 27, 1983 we carried the bare fuselage through two feet of snow, loaded it on the pickup and took it to Kalkman Redi-Mix where Randy and I sandblasted it. The temperature was five degrees above zero on a dry and cold day. After returning the fuselage to our warm basement, Gary Van Farowe, our resident AI and also an Antique/Classic Division member, inspected the struc­ ture and finding no cracks, dents or bro­ ken welds, proclaimed it ready for prim­ ing . We applied two coats of epoxy primer and it looked very good. We have a small sandblasting unit in our garage and it handled the myriad of small metal parts beautifulry. They were all cleaned and primed. The rest of the project was a typical "ground-up" resto­ ration with new control cables, fuel and oil lines, and plywood floor installed. Master Craftsman Gord Meeuwsen made new cockpit fairings plus the bag­ gage compartment floor and door. New electrical wiring was installed by Ken Dannenberg. Bob and Joan Harderwijk made a new seat cushion for the back cockpit. I cut new plywood formers and wood stringers then Jake Steenwyk built up a new turtle deck after re-glue­ ing the old one together for use as a pattern . All the new wood was given three coats of varnish . Finally on April 21, 1984 the airframe was ready for a pre-cover inspection. This was accomplished by Gary Van Farowe and he Signed it off on that day. On April 28 we slid on the ceconite cover. I was well pleased with the way the plane turned out. Except for the Ceco­ nite fabric which came with the plane, I used Stits products up through color. The only problems were caused by me, such as the air hose touching wet paint and dope creeping under tapes not put down tightly. Also, I learned that paint runs uphill! The fuselage came out of the base­ ment at 6:00 a.m. on July 3, 1984. We installed the wheels and towed it to the airport. Would I fly it yet that summer? Vainly we tried. Jack Elenbaas, Gary and I installed the wings and new stain­ less steel wires by July 10. The Waco came with a Stearman exhaust manifold on the 220 hp Conti­ nental and a "Mickey Mouse" carburetor heat system. I wanted to replace these with original items and started making many phone calls. I finally contacted Antique/Classic Di­ vision member Tom Flock of Rockville, Indiana who was preparing to make up some new exhaust manifolds out of stainless steel. Lucky me - he prom­ ised me the first one! After receiving and installing it I phoned Tom to tell him how well it fit. "Good," he said and added ,"We buffed

Phil and son, Randy, sandblasted the fuselage frame on 12/27/83. Temperature was plus five degrees!

It's build up time. Phil re-assembles the myriad of parts on the fuselage frame.

The turtle deck with all new wood. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

the next set and does it ever shine and look nice!" The following Saturday we removed ours and had it buffed. It's not original , but it looks great. Oshkosh time came and went and the Curtiss-Reed prop was sent to the prop shop for rebuild and polish. The new oil and fuel lines were connected and Paul Dannenberg rebuilt the carb heat box. We installed the rebuilt brake cylinder, new brake lines and linings, tires and tubes. The engine was run on December 1, 1984 for the first time in 1-112 years . There was oil all over and the generator didn 't charge (loose wire inside) but the Continental made a wonderful sound . During that winter I finished up the detail work such as installing all new Dzus fasteners in the engine cowl , welding shut extra holes in fairings , sanding, bumping them out and paint­ ing. I also installed new leather around the cockpits. The first flight was on June 12, 1985 and I sold rides from July 4 to October 26 putting in nearly 75 hours of trouble­ free flying. Looking ahead on this restoration project I realize how good it was that we did it in "steps. " In the winter I have more time as my concrete business is slow that time of year. Never having re­ stored anything larger than a Cub I think I might have become discouraged if the antique plane had been disassembled all at once. The total rebuild time was approximately 3,500 hours, yet I had the pleasure of flying in the summer to keep my interest up. I certainly want to thank the many friends who gave of their skills and time to help on this project. Also, my wife Donna for rib stitching, masking, var­ nishing and always being ready to lend a hand . It's a real joy to sit in the back cockpit and watch the excited and wide-eyed passengers (oldest 78, youngest 2-1 /2 years). Have you had a little girl say, "I want to kiss the pilot!" Or a little boy say,"1never touched a real airplane be­ fore?" Such experiences make those many days of working on the plane from 5:00 a.m. to midnight all worthwhile .• The Waco Model UPF-7 NC39738 SIN 5871 Mfd. 9/16/42 (Only 21 were built after this one. Production stopped on 11 /71 42) Delivered to first owner on 9/20/42 , Tur­ geon Flying Service, Northbrook, Illinois (Lewis School of Aeronautics, Lewis­ Lockport Airport.) The aircraft was sub­ sequently based in Goshen, IN; Peotone, IL; Coloma, MI ; Chicago, IL (hail damage, 1961); Stone Mountain, GA; Lawton, OK (engine overhaul by Page) ; Oxford, MI and then Holland, MI. 14 FEBRUARY 1987

Phil sprays a coat of Stits Waco Vermillion on the fuselage.

Jack Elenbaas (L) and Gary Van Farowe rig the center section. Gary is the AI who supervised the entire restoration.

The first engine run after being mounted in newly restored airframe on 12/1/84.


~ ~ype


Compiled by Gene Chase

AERONCA CLUB 11 AC Prototype

Aeronca Club member Myrl S. Morris, 306 Hiatt Avenue, Willmington , OH 45177, is the owner of Aeronca Chief NX39634, SIN 11AC-2 (11AC-1 was static tested to destruction at the fac­ tory). Here is Myrl's description of his Chief: "My airplane was built sometime prior to 7/2/45. It was test flown on that date and Lou Wehring , L.H. Noonan, Ray Hermes, R.L. Davidson and Jim Rosing flew off the first 100 hours. According to the logs, no problems were encoun­ tered during this time. "At 100 hours the wings were re­ moved and new wings with experimen­ tal Lips ailerons were installed along with a crude radio (receiver only). Spin recovery and stability tests were con­ ducted during the next 15 hours by Lou Wehring and Jim Rosing . During these tests, three different props were used - McCauley, Flottorp and Sensenich. "Hours 115 through 137 were flown at Denver, Colorado executing high al­ titude take offs and landings I'm told , but I can't verify that. However, take offs and landings at elevations between 4000' and 8000' were logged by Wehr­ ing. The aircraft made local test hops during the next 40 hours at Cincinnati and Middletown, Ohio. "On 9/6/46 the radio was removed , a new windshield , new doors and new wings with standard ailerons were in­ stalled. The plane was then sold to the Aeronca X-County Flying Club at Middletown. This was a factory sup­ ported club. After three years it was sold to Paul Mee, an airframe welder at Aeronca. Paul kept the plane until his death in 1982. I bought it from his estate in October of that year and have en­ joyed it immensely. "Some of the differences between SI N 2 and other Chiefs are : 1-piece instru­ ment panel, cast aluminum control

wheels, axlel struts are built up in sec­ tions rather than one piece, front and rear wing struts are both built of large size, streamline tubing. Also, it has no glove boxes, ash trays or 'Chief' logo on the instrument panel. It has no sub­ panel and the fuel valve and mag switch are located in the middle of the instru­ ment panel." Myrl says his Chief will need to be restored eventually and he hopes the original configuration of the registration number (NX39634) can be placed on the plane. (It can - see F.A.R. Part 45, Subpart C . .. G. R. C.) For information on the AERONCA CLUB, contact Augie and Pat Wegner, 1432 28th Court, Kenosha, WI 53140, phone 414/552-9014 .

Mr. Myers also indicated that in a flat spin (however, not all flat spins) with the PA-12, PA-18, PA-20 and PA-22 the nose will initially pitch up. However, after each rotation the nose will drop a little lower. If you have enough altitude, it will eventually come out of the spin, providing you do not move the controls from full down elevator and full rudderl full aileron against the spin. He said that if you move the controls, you are back where you started." For information on the CUB CLUB, contact John Bergeson, 6438 W. Millbrook Road, Remus, MI 49340, phone 517/561-2393.



The following appeared in "Cub Clues" No. 16, the newsletter of the CUB CLUB. "SPIN INFO: J. Arlington Myers, P.O. Box 153, Cape Vincent, NY 13618 (summer address) was a test pilot for Piper and tested J-3s up to the PA-31 . He liked the spinning characteristics of a J-3 but was not enamoured with those of the PA-22. He indicated the PA-22 would go flat after three turns or so with full fuel and three passengers. This was the main reason , according to Mr. Myers, that the PA-22 was not certified in the utility category.

The 1986 National Stinson Fly-In at Minden, Nebraska featured some 30 Stinsons plus a Waco Cabin and Beech Staggerwing. The organizers and chair­ persons were Richard and Julie Klep­ perich of Webster, Minnesota. The event has the support of the Minden Chamber of Commerce and, of course, the good folks at the airport. During the business meeting at the fly-in it was decided to raise the annual dues to $15 to keep up with rising costs of publishing and mailing the newslet­ ter. The term "newsletter" is a misnomer in this case as the quarterly publication is a 24-page booklet with full size 8-1 /2 x 11 inch pages, complete with photos, editorial comments, interesting articles, a technical section, classified ads, etc. For information on the NATIONAL STINSON CLUB - 108 SECTION,.con­ tact George and Linda Leamy, 117 Lan­ ford Road, Spartanburg, SO 29301, phone 803/576-9698 . •





Part 1

by Stephen Owen English Department Meridian Junior College Meridian, Mississippi 39301

National Air and Space Museum

AI Key as student at Nicholas-Beasley Flying School, Marshall, Missouri. 16 FEBRUARY 1987

In the summer of 1935, Fats Waller's throaty saxophone rendition of "South" wailed from nickel jukeboxes, and "Begin the Beguine" crackled over living room Philcos. Ohio State track star Jesse Owens broke five world records within 45 minutes, insuring himself a place in Chancellor Hitler's Berlin Olym­ pics. Mussolini fanned the winds of war by invading Ethiopia. And down at the Bijou, W. C. Fields, Bing Crosby and Joan Bennett performed riverboat antics in the movie Mississippi. Before the main feature, very non­ stereotypical pictures of Mississippi en­ durance flyer Fred Key flickered across the silver screen in a Movietone News short. He looked deceptively like a stunt man; after all, he was straddling an airplane engine 3,000 feet in the air

without a parachute. As the camera plane zoomed past, he nonchalantly waved, grinned, and then cupped his hands inwards towards his sides, mak­ ing ape-like gestures barely two feet from the whirling propeller! Fred and his brother AI's dramatic flight ended when their Curtiss Robin highwing monoplane called "Ole Miss" touched down precisely at 6:06 p.m. on July 1, 1935, at a remote airport in Meri­ dian, Mississippi. As the tiny plane wob­ bled to a halt with a flat right tire, a mob reminiscent of Lindbergh's landing at Le Bourget Field rushed past police and national guardsmen. The two pilots . managed to crawl from the plane and stand on shaky legs as they stared with bloodshot eyes into a sea of 30,000 ad­ miring faces. In a black and white photograph snapped that summer evening nearly a half century ago, the slightly chubby and balding AI and his wiry younger brother Fred with his un­ ruly shock of black hair, portray a paradox. Their baggy overalls give them a pitiful, Grapes of Wrath dirt

farmer look. Yet, to the contrary, there is no appearance of despair on their faces. Though AI is 30 and Fred 26, none-the-Iess their boyish smiles have a typically American air of hope and triumph . . Justifiably, they had a right to be proud. Thirty-two years after the Wright's twelve-second flight at Kitty Hawk, the Keys circled their hometown for 653 hours and 34 minutes. They ac­ complished their aviation miracle by using down-home ingenuity with a local support crew and nickel-and-dime com­ munity contributions during the height of the Great Depression in the poorest state in the Union. Had they traveled in a straight line, they would have circum­ navigated the globe more than twice. Not until a 1973 multi-billion dollar Skylab II mission would man stay above the earth longer. And for the class of aircraft they flew, their record has never been broken. "Up front," to use an ad man's cliche, endurance pilots might have performed monkey shines to gain public support for aviation. But behind the scenes of these strange and delightful diversions from everyday Depression woes , the seemingly comical endurance flyers had dead serious motives. They wanted to prove their stamina and their plane's endurance. By doing so, they made val­ uable aeronautical experiments during the period between the two world wars when government aid for aviation was minimal. The Keys' story begins in Mississippi on a Kemper County farm. AI was born in 1905. Little brother Fred followed in 1910. The sons of a country doctor quickly gained a reputation for what the country people called "having wheels in their heads." The boys spent their spare time tinkering with machinery in their grandfather's gristmill, cotton gin and blacksmith shop. By 1918 when three Curtiss Jennies strayed from a World War I training base and landed in the Keys' pasture, AI Key proclaimed, "From that day on I wanted to fly." And fly he did. Like so many youths of the 1920s he was restless . After finishing high school, going to college one semester, marrying Evelyn Rogers, and working several years in a music store, in 1926 he struck out with his bride for Nicholas-Beazley Flying School in Marshall, Missouri. There he earned his pilot's license. Little brother Fred tagged along the next year. By the middle of 1928, the Key brothers opened their own training school in Sedalia, - Missouri. Nine months and 36 students later, they closed the school to become barnstor­ mers. Their mother called this period in their lives the time when they attended " 'the University of Hard Knocks and Poverty' where they took many post­ graduate courses - many times sleep­ ing in the plane, not having money to

National Air and Space Museum

AI and Fred Key and their 1931 Curtiss Wright Junior.

go to a hotel." Even in those rollicking , carefree wing-walking and loop-the­ 'Ioop days, they were offered excellent opportunities to prepare for future en­ durance flights . As they tinkered with planes, they earned the equivalent of a diploma in the "bailing-wire-and-chew­ ing-gum" school of airplane repair. By 1930 they returned to Meridian and became co-managers of the city's brand-new Municipal Airport. For two men who loved aviation, the setting was ideal. AI , Evelyn, Fred and his new bride, Louise, liveq in an upstairs apart­ ment in the airport terminal building. Not 100 yards from their doorstep was the traditional white wind sock flapping in front of a large hangar where they housed their two flight school planes. Unfortunately, the city fathers began feeling the full impact of the Depression. If the airport continued to drain city taxes, it would have to be sold and plowed back into its original state - a cotton field. Ironically, as Robert Penn Warren and the Fugitive Agrarians at Vanderbilt University published /'1/ Take My Stand, a collection of essays urging Southerners to return to their agrarian traditions, the Keys "took their stand" . for the advancement of technology. De­ sperately they began seeking ways to draw attention to aviation to prevent the closing of the airport. At first they planned to challenge Wiley Post's 1931 eight-day around­ the-world record. They reasoned that if refueling planes were placed at strategic locations along the flight route, they could rotate flying duties and never have to land. Lack of funds nixed these plans. Eventually they settled on stag­ ing an endurance flight at the airport. All attention would be drawn directly to the Meridian Municipal Airport in hopes that the city fathers would think twice about shutting it down. By the summer of 1932 reporter A. G. Weems decided the Keys had per­ fected mid-air refueling to the extent

that it was time to announce their inten­ tions to make an endurance flight. The first public statement in the Meridian Star quite literally didn't get off the ground . A photographer showed up at the airport but flatly refused to go up in an airplane to snap a picture of a mid-air refueling operation. Unflappable AI and Fred worked out a compromise. Weems confessed in an article years later: "We rolled the two planes out on a field and (the photographer) shot pictures of each of them , then a third of the sky. So help me, when he had finished the composite , with the hose drawn and the planes sailing smoothly against a cloud­ fleeced sky, he had one of the prettiest pictures of a 'refueling' operation you ever saw. The Meridian Star carried it the next Sunday without a question asked ." AI and Fred had a knack for attracting just the right people to work on their project. Refueling pilot James Keeton recalls, "Those who liked aviation formed a sort of club . .. to be aro und airplanes and talk about them . At night my sister and I would go to the terminal rotunda. AI's wife, Evelyn, would sit and play the piano for us to dance literally by the hour." During the bleak winter evenings, especially in 1934, the little group bonded together and resolved to begin an endurance flight by late June. For two pilots with the lofty notion to break a world 's endurance record of 553 hours held by the Hunter brothers of Chicago, the Keys had two major drawbacks: They had neither a suitable refueling plan~ nor an endurance plane. To the rescue came two former stu­ dents and fellow barnstormers. Bill Ward loaned them his Curtiss Robin , the "Ole Miss," for the endurance ship, and James Keeton offered to serve as a refueling pilot of his Curtiss Robin while Ward manned the fuel hose and supply sack. Today the Curtiss Robin is best known by aviation buffs as the plane VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

Meridian Public Library

New instrument panel in "Ole Miss". Note earphones at upper right.

that took Douglas "Wrong-Way" Corri­ gan in 1938 (due to a "slight" miscalcu­ lation in directions) from New York to Dublin, Ireland, when he was supposed to be making a New York to California flight. Indeed, the tiny plane with its 41 foot wing-span , 25-1 12 foot fuselage, and a fabric skin was a hardy little craft even though it would look like a Texas­ sized mosquito when placed next to a present day jumbo jet. In earlier days, Robins were thE? fa­ vorite plane of numerous endurance flyers. Aircraft historian Joseph Juptner says, "The Robin was an easy airplane to maintain and fly; basically forgiving in nature, it was very friendly and ex­ ceptionally dependable in everyday ser­ vice." Of particular importance was its Wright Whirlwind engine. Built by the

Wright Aeronautical Company that built the Spirit of St. Louis' motor, this amaz­ ingly small engine had five cylinders protruding from its aluminum crank­ case. Not much larger than a washing machine, the entire powerplant could easily be lifted by two strong men. At full throttle, it produced a mere 165 horse­ power - the average horses under the hood of a mid-sized car. Yet, de­ mands upon this engine would be phenomenal. It would be expected to haul twice the weight it was designed to carry when "Ole Miss" was fully loaded. Preparations for endurance flights re­ quired speculation because flyers in these highly competitive contests were very secretive about their methods of operation. Relying on scant newspaper

National Air and Space Museum

Top of the gas tank in "Ole Miss". 18 FEBRUARY 1987

accounts of other flights, the Keys had only general ideas to guide their prepa­ rations . Thus, the skills of highly talented and imaginative machinists, mechanics and welders were needed to modify the planes. James Keeton ex­ plains, "Almost none of the things that were accomplished were the product of one individual's input. The result was a group input and a single output." How­ ever, certain individual 's abilities did emerge in specialty areas to perform a series of brilliant innovations which eventually helped the effort succeed. No one in Meridian today says A.D . Hunter's name without attaching the word "genius." Though the machinist and inventor had only a ninth grade education, nothing stopped him from engineering dozens of complex adjust­ ments to the endurance plane 's engine. Hunter says he has always gone by the simple philosophy, "If you take a notion to do something, you go ahead and do it." And as for his feelings about volun­ teering hundreds of free hours for the flight, he simply grins and says, "You have to understand attitudes were dif­ ferent back then. We just didn't mind helping another fellow out. For exam­ ple, if several friends among them had the money for one ticket to the picture show, one would be elected to go from the group and then come back and tell the others about it." Hunter tackled major problems as though they were child's play. Because the engines of previous endurance flight planes had stalled from lack of lubrica­ tion, he developed quick-drain oil fit­ tings so oil could actually be changed in mid-air! When fuel was to be shifted from the "Ole Miss" belly tank to the wing tanks, he constructed a wobble pump and placed it beside the pilot so he could pump gas and exercise his arms at the same time. Previously used refueling hose noz­ zles were extremely dangerous. A pilot in Minnesota, using a filling station type nozzle, had caught his hand in the handgrip and was dragged through the propeller. Other nozzles spilled gas dangerously close to the hot engine. Hunter invented a nozzle that didn't spill a drop of gas or use a handgrip. He explains, "The valve was a sort of 'gizmo' stuck in the neck of the hose. It would open and close automatically just like the valve in an air hose at a service station. " The modest account fails to re­ veal the true impact of the invention. Today, with only slight modifications, every three minutes Strategic Air Com­ mand bombers use Hunter's nozzle for mid-air refueling . If one thinks giving the family auto a lube and oil change on terra firma is a difficult task, one should consider dOing the job 3,000 feet in the air within inches of a whirling propeller while the engine is running at cruising rpm . To ac­ complish this feat, first the crew re­

moved the engine cowling . Then , ac­ cording to retired welder Dave Stephen­ son, "One ev.ening Fred called me out to the hangar . . . and he told me he needed something on which he could crawl out to the engine so he could change the oil and work on the pow­ erplant. After he explained the details, we took a piece of chalk and tape meas­ ure and laid it out on th~ hangar floor. I asked him just how big he wanted it and he said, "Just big enough so my foot won't fall through. " From such hum­ ble origins came the catwalk - the "running board" that clamped to each side of the cabin and extended to the nose of the plane within inches of the propeller. Fred became the in-flight mainte­ nance man because he was small and wind resistance gave him the least problem. His special work clothes in­ cluded a leather aviation skull cap, a pair of goggles, coveralls and a power lineman's harness. Before the the first flight he perfected the delicate art of strapping a halter-belt around his mid­ dle, reaching out and fastening a safety line to the catwalk and then climbing out of the right door of the plane. There he practiced working .on the ex­ posed engine by changing oil, greasing the rocker arms, lubricating the mag­ netos, and inspecting for metal fatigue. This inspection was of major impor­ tance because vibration weakens metal and should the engine mounts weaken , the engine with its whirling prop could dislodge and slice through the airplane's cabin, possibly killing the pilots. The best position for inspecting the mounts was to literally straddle the fuselage immediately behind the en­ gine. As he experimented with the pro­ cedure, Fred soon discovered that working so near the propeller wasn't as bad as it seemed because the propeller drove air downwards and not directly against him. Eventually he grew so comforatable with the position that according to a newspaper report, he was observed "sitting astride the motor mount on the exposed,point of the plane, cleaning the windshield with one hand and hold a cold drink in the other. " Once he spotted the observation plane, he "proceeded to jump about like a monkey on the ex­ posed nose of the ship as it traveled at 80 miles an hour." Since a night refueling operation was too dangerous, an extra large fuel tank was needed to carry the ship from late evening to early morning. Local sheet metal worker Frank Covert constructed tanks for· both planes. For the refueler, he welded a larger tank to hold fuel to transfer to the endurance ship. But the 150 gallon tank in the Keys' plane was his true work of art. It replaced all three seats in "Ole Miss", and essentially be­ came a central piece of "furniture." The pilot sat on its seat-shaped front; the

Mrs. Fred Key Collection

AI and Fred Key in Key Brothers Flying Service uniforms.

middle was used as a table ; and the back part that extended into the lug­ gage compartment served to support the legs of the man lying in the narrow sleeping quarters. The Keys realized they could easily be chased from the area by one of the violent thunderstorms that frequently struck during the summer months. With a strong radio in the endurance ship, they could advise the ground crew of their location to facilitate refueling . How­ ever, unlike small modern day citizen band radios, the sets in 1934 were large, bulky devices without much range. In addition, they were not easily fitted in small aircraft. Only the large, commercial airliners had radio systems. After scouting for local talent, the Keys discovered big, burly Ben Wood­ ruff, owner of a radio repair shop and a

part-time inventor. Woodruff had some theories about the use of VHF transmis­ sion from a relatively small set - some­ thing not used in aviation at the time . By trial and error, James Keeton ex­ plains, "Ben Woodruff built us a com­ plete air-to-ground and ground-to-air radio outfit. That was, to my knowledge, the very first use of a VHF band for avi­ ation communication and navigation." After Woodruff installed his ingenious set, vacuum tubes filled empty spaces on the tiny endurance ship, earphones and microphones dangled from the cabin ceiling and when in flight, a 100­ foot antenna trailed behind the plane. In essence, Woodruff developed a fly­ ing broadcasting and receiving station. With a flare for the dramatic, he even patched into a public address loudspeaker so crowds visiting the air-

Meridian Public Library

The refueling team, James Keeton (left) and Bill Ward. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19

port could hear the communications first-hand . Since the radio required considerably more electricity, the crew clamped an oversized air-driven generator to the catwalk. This produced ample energy for the radio, running lights and other added navigational instruments. With radar unheard of and no plane­ to-plane radio communication , the mid­ air contacts were very hazardous. Re­ fueling pilot James Keeton recalls that even finding "Ole Miss" was difficult. "This may have seemed simple to any­ body on the ground," he explained, "but there was a lot of space up there , and that plane off in the distance was aw­ fully small." He solved the problem with old­ fashioned horse sense. The endurance plane radioed its altitude to the ground station. Then the refueling plane would take off and climb to that altitude. Below, Ed McKellar, the official National Aeronautics Association spotter who re­ corded hourly passovers, would wear a white shirt and stand in the middle of the grassy strip beside the runway. From his vantage point he could easily see the endurance ship when the re­ fueler couldn't. By waving a long cane pole with a white flag attached, McKel­ lar pointed out the direction for Keeton to find the endurance ship. As AI and Fred flew in a large circle, Keeton would cut into the circle and get in proper pos­ ition for Bill Ward to lower the refueling hose or supply sack. Of course, ground fog compounded the problem and made the pole pointing method of no use. When visibility was poor, Keeton relied mainly on sound to locate the endurance ship. Once the contact had been made, he says, "When we wanted to locate Meridian, we had to keep in mind that the fog hid everything. Luckily people in those days used coal for fuel in many homes and factories, so we knew we were over the city when we spotted dark curls of coal smoke that rose higher than the fog blanket. When we saw a heavy concen­ tration of those curls, we'd get our bear­ ings and fly in the direction of the airport for our landing." Though it was quite primitive by today's standards, it proved to be very effective. Also, refueling contacts were difficult. The 40-foot hose kept twisting in the wind and the ships kept pulling apart. As they practiced before the first flight, they discovered that wrapping 50 pounds of molten lead around the noz­ zle Hunter invented, the hose could be lowered directly to "Ole Miss." As they experimented further with the aerodynamics of close proximity flight, they discovered contacts were smoother when AI climbed within 8 to . 10 feet of Keeton 's plane. At this close range, Keeton's expert skills were truly put to the test. He had no visual con­ 20 FEBRUARY 1987

Mrs. Fred Key Collection

Louise (left) and Evelyn Key loading supply sack.

tacat with "Ole Miss" whatsoever. All he had to rely on were Ward 's directions and the sound of the endurance plane's motor. There were great complexities in something seemingly as simple as low­ ering a rope with a supply sack or fuel hose attached. Because it flew between 65 and 80 miles per hour, precise de­ tails had to be worked out. Bill Ward 's widow remembers , "The rope had to be knotted exactly to his reach so it would not slip as he pulled it up or let it down." She further explained that at first the supply sack wouldn't lower properly be­ cause it contained a square can . The wind buffeted it so badly that it beat the sides of the plane and bashed Fred's nose several times as he reached through the opening in the plane's cabin top. Finally, a crew member suggested that they use a round five-gallon ice cream can from a local dairy. With a couple handfuls of lead buckshot tossed in the bottom, it lowered per­ fectly into Fred 's waiting hands. As cool spring days melted into warm summer days, activity at the airport in­ creased. Men came day and night, weekday and weeknight to the big hangar at the airport. Like a lady in wait­ ing, "Ole Miss" sat with her new silver catwalk fully adapted for her first endur­ ance flight. Word about the first flight spread like wildfire through the depression-ridden communities in the east Mississippi area. Overnight the Keys' name be­ came synonymous with bravery and the American spirit. Thousands of people began to place their hopes in the two brothers who had the potential to take their minds off their miseries. The first flight began June 21, 1934. Car horns tooted and dust rose on jam­ med country roads. Lines stretched from the ticket stand at the local fair­

ground where area residents gathered to see two important events; a baseball game and tne christening of "Ole Miss." Between the fourth and fifth innings, teams left the field, a ground crew member spun the prop, and the motor coughed to life . With dust flying, the plane taxied toward the pitcher's mound and stopped. AI and Fred, trying not to look overly eager, casually leaned on the wing struts as aviatrix Genevieve Lynn, their former student, christened "Ole Miss." Dressed in a white jumpsuit with white shoes and close-bobbed brunette hair in the style of the day, the pretty 18­ year-old announced, "I christen thee 'Ole Miss' in honor of the state of Missis­ Sippi ." With these words she pursed her lips and smashed the bottle of cham­ pagne against the catwalk. A roar 10,000 voices strong filled the air. The Meridian Boys' Band played "Flying Keys ," a syncopated ragtime song writ­ ten especially for the occasion by local songwriter, Lula White. Then the Keys started the engine and took off. Little did the innocent citizens know at the time, but the distinct sound of the loud plane would become a part -of upcoming days and nights as it cir­ cled the city. At long last the aspiring endurance pilots were airborne. The June sunset glowed with a faint red haze. Twinkling lights of the city blinked on. Lines of autos crawled slowly home, looking like strings of fireflies in the muggy Missis­ sippi twilight Since farm homes did not have electricity yet, faint lonely lights occasionally flickered . from kerosene lamps through broad loblolly oaks and pines. The reflection of a lonely moon glided upon the glassy surface of lakes and rivers . • (To be continued next month)





Bool< " Of\~ Heroes

by Art Morgan and Bob Brauer

He who does nothing for others does nothing for himself. . . . Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Doggone it. I just heard it again. "Oshkosh is too big. I don't know any­ one there. It's too impersonaL" Well , I'll tell ya. The big "0 " is not a local fly-in . In fact, it isn't a fly-in at all. It is an inter­ national convention. And , yes, it is big but were it not for the size of EAA and the Convention, most if not all of us would not be flying today. Without going into detail, we all know that some people in Washington would have seen to that a long time ago. And brother, they're still trying. By the same token, you wouldn't have all the sights to see, noise to hear and advances to take advantage of today. You go to Oshkosh today and see miles and miles of "how to" work shops, fly markets, commercial dis­ plays, as well as homebuilt, warbird, an­ tique/classic, ultralight and rotary wing aircraft just sitting there, waiting to be drooled over. But all of that doesn't mean a thing by itself. You can have all the airplanes, spare parts, displays and how-to work­ shops in the world, but if you don't have people looking at them, they don't mean a thing. The people who come to Oshkosh represent all walks of life. And as sure as sunrise, you aren't going to see eye to eye with all of them. But, there are literally thousands of folks on that air­ port with the same love of things that fly that you have. OK, so what does all that mean? You either make new friends and renew old acquaintances or you are going to walk around all during your stay and be mighty lonesome. Do you ever wonder why a lot of those people are there in the first place? Oh, sure, they like airplanes, books, parts, and flip-flop aerobatics. And you can bet they like those old flying machines and soft ice cream and don't mind tired spouses, wet socks, crying little people and the other normal things like that. Let me ask you, who among us could live and be happy without all of that? Other minor annoyances are red noses, mud in the tent and those wonderful little black bugs in your salad. Oh what fun we mortals have. Just one thing, though, and perhaps most impor­ tantly, those people are there because

they like people. So please don't tell me, or a couple thousand volunteers that Oshkosh is too big and impersonal, because it just isn 't so. If you attend our annual pilgrim­ mage to Oshkosh, walking around for one day or eight and you're all alone, it's either because you want to be alone or you are somewhat shy. I want you to think about this for a moment. The same people, or the same type of people from the "good old days" are still there. Friendly, outgoing, talking about flyin ', airplanes, fun, folks, weather, what have you. All you have to do is walk up to them and say, "Hi, I'm so and so from such and such and I sure do like airplanes." I promise you, in the blink of an eye you are going to have more new friends than Richie Cunningham has freckles. Possibly you think all that sounds well and good. And sitting there in the com­ fort of your home you think to yourself, "Well , the old boy does have some good points there. The Sights and smells of Oshkosh '86 are long gone, but the memories are still sharp in my mind. It sure was fun and I am looking forward to '87, but what willi do there this year? I've seen it all. I've walked from here to Katmandu and back. Twice. Now what?" You actually consider staying home this year and think to yourself, 'Why not? Who'll miss me?" We all will friend, we all will. We sure would hate to see you do that. Here's a better idea. Why not do something different this year and get involved. If you volunteer, my friend, you will have more fun than you ever thought possible. And at the end of the Conven­ tion, as you are heading home, you'll feel it. Deep down inside you realize that by gork, EM and the Convention aren't too big. You will have been a part of it, seen it from the inside so to speak, and you know. So, please, "join us, and you'll have it all. n This month's "Tip of the Oshkosh Kepe" goes to Dick Doughty (EM 49286, AlC 9526) of Ogdensburg, Wis­ consin. The dedication of all our volun­ teers is exemplified by the work he has done over the past several years. Last year, Dick received the Antique/Classic Division's 1986 'Volunteer of the Year'" award for the great job he has done. Dick Doughty actually became in­ terested in vintage aircraft shortly after

he soloed in an Aeronca Defender in 1946. During his military service in the early 1950s with the U.S. Air Force Re­ scue and Recovery operations in Alaska, he became familiar with many types of bush planes. His favorites and the ones he preferred to fly were Waco Cabins and UPF-7s. Dick's desire to remain involved in aviation led to his interest in EM. He attended the early EAA Conventions in Rockford , Illinois and enjoyed the camaraderie of folks and, of course, the airplanes. He decided that EM was the best organization of its kind and joined at Rockford. He began volunteering after EM moved its Convention to Oshkosh, working at a variety of jobs on Satur­ days during the summers. This led to focusing his efforts in the Antique/ Classic area of the Convention as that's where his favorite airplane types were and he found it easy to make new friends. During the Convention, Dick can usu­ ally be found with new volunteers at the "drainage ditch taxiway" between 7:00 a. m. and 4:00 p.m. He describes his feelings toward his volunteer job thusly, "I enjoy greeting the pilots on the taxi­ way after they have gone through all the arrival procedures, landed and have been directed to our area. It's great fun to see their faces and watch them relax and settle down a bit when we turn them over to the volunteers who will escort them to their parking spots." It's through this activity that Dick enjoys renewing old acquaintances met at previous Osh­ kosh Conventions. During each Convention, Dick com­ mutes from his home in Ogdensburg to Oshkosh and describes the trip as a pleasant one hour drive. When the pace slows down after the first weekend, his wife Peggy joins him. Dick recently underwent treatment for cancer and during his recovery period, he and his family toured the EM Air Museum. It's a favorite place to visit and they had nothing but praise for the hos­ pitality displayed by the museum per­ sonnel. Whether a volunteer simply flags a taxiing aircraft to the parking area or greets and briefs the pilot on his arrival at Oshkosh, all the jobs are important and can only be done by people. Dick Doughty is living proof that volunteering is fun! • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21

by Dennis Parks

Personal Flight ­ Two Generations Examining Popular Aviation for 1936 and its successor, Flying in 1946 gives insight to the similiarities and differ­ ences between a decade of change in private aviation. Born on the crest of Lindbergh's suc­ cess in 1927, Popular Aviation had re­ corded the rapid growth in aviation till the crash of 1929. The end of 1930 had seen the production of aircraft cut in half and positive signs of growth didn't start to appear till 1933. Though the depression was hard on manufacturers, technical development and innovations continued and military and airline orders kept the industry going. At the other end of the spectrum the latter half of the 1930s saw the emergence of a viable lightplane market that nurtured personal flight. The first quarter of 1936 saw an in­ crease in production of 35% over 1935. The most notable increase was in the building of lightplanes. The first quarter of 1936 saw 100 lightplanes built, and soon 75 to 100 were being built monthly. One of the notable signs of the times was the order by Taylor Aircraft in 1936 for 1,050 37 horsepower Conti­ nental A-40 engines. Lightplanes certified during 1936 in­ cluded the Taylor J-2; the Aeronca Low­ Wing; the Arrow Sport F; the Porterfield 35 and the Kinner Sport. The year of 1946 had many

Get into



CU., ..... 20

'['he FLEET

similarities with 1936 for the lightplane industry. The industry was starting to recover from the demands of the war and beginning to produce aircraft again; and there were tens of thousands of new pilots. The outlook was one of great growth for the personal plane market. The large expectations of the post­ war market was witnessed by the spec­ ial "National Aircraft Show" section of the December 1946 issue of Flying. This 32-page section highlighted the new personal aircraft and was filled with photos and statistics of the planes exhi­ bited at the November show in Cleve­ land. Illustrated were 46 different models from 34 manufacturers. The vast major­ ity of the aircraft were brand new post­ war designs. Sixteen of them hadn't yet received type certificates. The least expensive of the lot was the Ross Sport Plane, reminiscent of the Pietenpol Aircamper, at $1,500; the most expensive was the Beech G 17S Staggerwing at $29,000. Among the new two place low-wings were the Aeronca Chum; All American Ensign and the Eshelman Winglet. Also dis­ played were 25 engines in production producing 200 hp or less. Try to imagine such a thing in today's market. Though the post-war years seemed filled with promise for the private av­ iator, few were in a position to buy plan­

es. In the short span of four years , gen­ eral aviation went from a booming in­ dustry to an industry of basically three manufacturers. The first post-war year of 1946 saw over 35,000 aircraft produced, this was almost cut in half the next year, and by 1949 it had shrunken to 3,500. By con­ trast after 1936 the industry continued to grow and had expanded almost four­ fold by the start of World War II. Popular Aviation in 1936 was still being published and 'edited by its foun­ ders, William Ziff and B. G. Davis. Pub­ lished monthly, each issue had 70 to 80 pages. The front covers consisted of color artwork of current aircraft. Some of the cover subjects in 1936 were the Aeronca Low-wing ; Hughes Racer and the Cessna C-34. In 1946 Flying still listed Ziff and Davis on the masthead, but the position of managing editor had been created . This was held in 1946 by Max Karant, who had been a writer for Popular Avi­ ation in the 1930s. Each issue averaged 130 pages. The covers were color photographs of current aircraft. Among planes on the covers were a Stinson Voyager, Navion, Ercoupe and a Miles Gemini. The May 1936 issue of Popular Avia­ tion had 16 advertisers with full-page ads. Five of the full-page ads were from aviation schools. Among these were (Continued on Page 26)


.oJer,,". II All_nco.', SAra

N e')~I w "CUB"

TAYLOR AIRCRAFT CO. No. 7 Avi.tion St., BRADFORD, Ponn.ylvui. Taylor Cub ad from Popular Aviation, Au­ gust 1936. 22 FEBRUARY 1987




when you get your new PIPER CUB

Piper Cub ad from Flying, November 1946.

by George A. Hardie, Jr.

This month's Mystery Plane was a product of one of the leading aircraft manufacturers of the period. Readers with a sharp eye will probably note a couple of clues which will aid in identify­ ing the company. The photo was sub­ mitted by Jim Barton, EAA Foundation Director. The date and location of the photo are unknown. Answers will be published in the May, 1987 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is March 10, 1987. Responses to the Mystery Plane in the November, 1986 issue of THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE probably set a record many responded immediately. Among the first was Johr Carter of Bradenton, Florida whose articles on the airplane were published in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE in September, 1973 and April, 1976. He writes : "The Mystery Plane looked very familiar. The biplane is the Crosley Moonbeam, Serial No. 4, NX-174N, manufactured in December, 1929 by the Crosley Aircraft Co. , a Division of Crosley Radio and Electronics Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The aircraft was de­ signed by Harold Hoekstra and first flew in December, 1929. It was originally used as a test plane by Crosley. "In the mid-1930s it was acquired by John Richardson of Nicholasville, Ken­ tucky, then by James D. Goodrich of Frankfort, Kentucky who flew the air­ craft for about 200 hours - 75 with the original Crosley engine of 90 hp being

replaced by a Menasco Super Pirate (both inverted in-line 4 cylinder en­ gines). "Under Mr. Goodrich 's ownership the ship was fitted with hydraulic brakes from a PT-19 replacing the original mechanical units. X-147N was then pur­ chased by David M. Trapp of LeXington , Kentucky in the mid-1960s. The next owner was Ernie Moser of St. Augus­ tine, Florida, who purchased it in 1969 or 1970. "The next owner was David D. Allyn of Sarasota, Florida who purchased the aircraft for his proposed museum. I was Chief of the Research ' Department and spent many hours polishing and waxing the old girl. To my regret, I never re­ ceived a ride in the bird. In late 1972­ early 1973 Dave moved the museum

lock, stock and aircraft to Santa Fe, New Mexico. From all indications re­ ceived, the whereabouts of the aircraft is unknown ." Pete Bowers of Seattle, Washington , well-known author and early EAA member, added these comments: "November's Mystery Plane is a Crosley C-3 'Moonbeam', the survivor of five built in 1929 by the Crosley Air­ craft Co. of Sharonville, Ohio near Cin­ cinnati. The C-3 was a break from the existing big three-seat biplane tradition of the time, but apparently had too much competition from the very similar Fleet and Great Lakes two-seaters to be a commercial success. ''The rare feature of the C-3 was the engine, a Crosley 300. This was an in­ (Continued on Page 26)



Charlie Gibbs' Howard DGA-15P that " makes a most wonderful sound. "

by Jerry Leach Rt. 2, Box 550 Kamiah, 10 83536 Saturday, November 1, was a sunny, beautiful day! I was sitting on my back porch soaking up the afternoon sun when a most wonderful sound touched my ears. I jumped to my feet and in no time I was sitting on one of the several picnic tables near' the hangar ramp of the Kamiah Airport. A small crowd had gathered as word had it our trusty air­ port mechanic, one Charlie Gibbs, had gone off to some forgotten place in the far reaches of Kansas and purchase a 1941 vintage Howard ! Now, a Howard is one of those air­ ships they built just before and during World War II. It's a massive ship with wheel covers that remind me of Volks­ wagens and almost as large. (Its cabin is almost the size of a small camper.) It had taxied to the far end of the runway, swung about in a 360, and then it hap­ pened! That massive big round engine really barked to life. As it rumbled past, I could feel those nine big piStOIlS, the size of three-gallon buckets, pumping fire, churning out the brute horsepower needed to lift such a luxurious old plane aloft. As it vanished over the foothills to the north, I drifted back to my childhood days near Yakima, Washington ; back 24 FEBRUARY 1987

when crop dusters donned goggles and flew Stearmans. They used a pasture in front of our house for an air strip. I can still remember my mother's red hair flashing in the sunlight as she re­ peatedly warned me to say away from those terrible machines and those quick-tempered men who flew them . It did no good. Charlie eased the Howard back up to the cement ramp. All four passengers turned out to be veteran pilots. One by one they stepped down from the beau­ tiful ship. All had the strangest smiles on their faces. It reminded me of that song the Judds sing, ''Take me Back to Yesterday. " I swaggered off toward the Howard. Charlie Gibbs, the proud owner, is a robust man in his 50's, soft spoken and meticulous. He tipped his baseball cap back on his head and smiled at me. He knows me well enough to sense I was a little nervous. "There's a seat right up front for you , " he grinned. As I climbed the ladder I glanced at the passengers who were already buck­ led in, three abreast, in the rear. The fellow near the far window was well­ dressed, refined and quiet, the kind of fellow who might like to audit my taxes. The man in the center was small and wiry - I knew he was a pilot - I'd seen him around at local air shows. He had this kind of cocky smile on his face, like Jimmy Cagney. A blond in her teens sat

next to the door. She wore a stunning black outfit. My face reddened as I awk­ wardly stepped on her toes. I moved up between the bucket seats and sank in the right one. Talk about comfort and leg room ! Charlie began pulling and cranking levers. The Pratt & Whitney goes ker­ chunk, rattles and snorts to life. The nose sits terribly high - there's no for­ ward view. We taxied to the end of the runway ; he brought the ship around and eased the throttle in. The old girl lum­ bered along and in no time we were airborne. She climbed out with ease; felt big and solid. Why not? She was bui lt back when guys were guys and dolls were dolls. Her plush interior reeked of the early '40s. Charlie pulled the bill of his cap low against the setting sun. He swung her about and tucked her into the shadows of the steep foothills. He cranked the nose down and hunkered down in his seat. You see, he wasn 't just flying this big bird, he was having a love affair with that big engine which was now purring like a fat kitten . My imagination ran rampant. I was hearing big band music in the back of my mind - Glenn Miller. I turned my head. The guy with the Cagney grin was leaning forward now with a glazed look in his eyes. I kept waiting for him to bolt up the aisle yelling, "0 . K. , you dirty rat! You've waltzed the old girl around. Now it's my turn, pal!" By now we were headed south. Per­ fect, I wanted to say, "Let's keep going Charlie; this old bird will move. Let's go to some exotic place like Pango Pango or Bora Bora." Back at the ramp, the crowd was mil­ ling around the plane again. I was hav­ ing trouble 'cause now I was grinning just like the rest of them . I couldn't stop. Two pilots were discussing how they would go about landing a Howard. Rex Yates, a seasoned veteran pilot, pulled his nose from Miss Howard's exhaust stack and set them straight. "No, no," he snapped, "you don't land a Howard, you just make an arrival and call it good!" He walked off, chuckling . Late that night I felt restless. I donned my jacket and strolled across the dewy airport grass. I had to see the old gal once more, for she would soon be dis­ mantled for restoration. As I walked up to her, a thick fog rolled through the au­ tumn trees lining the runway. I ran my fingers around and across her wet skin. An old Robert Frost poem came to mind. I jumbled the words to make them more fitting. "The years have been long, lovely and sweet, but I have promises to keep and skies to search before I sleep." I pulled my collar up against the damp night and made for home, still smiling . It isn't often a fellow gets a free ride back to yesterday .•


Submitted by Bill Rhoades

(EM 227742, NC 9568) Route 3, Box 145 Northfield, MN 55057 III

Bill is SecretarylTreasurer of the In­ ternational Cessna 1201140 Associ­ ation. Although the information con­ cerns two specific models of aircraft, some of it (for example, item 2 ­ Brakes) relates to systems found on several different aircraft. Readers might be surprised to learn there are approximately 3,500 Cessna 1201 1401140A aircraft on the current FAA registry. . . . G. R. C.

"I just finished rereading the De­ cember, 1985 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and enjoyed the article on the Warner Scarab Fairchild 24 from Western Flying. While going through files of early Cessna 140 dealers, I came across a letter from G. E. Malonf. There was no more information other than that, however from the material in the letter, Mr. Malonf was probably a dealer representative from Cessna in late 1946." .. . Bill Rhoades SERVICE NOTES ON CESSNA 120/ 140 AIRCRAFT by G. E. Malonf 1. Main Landing Gear The main landing gear is of one piece, chrome vanadium steel, 6150, 5/8" thick. Each piece is heat treated to 2500 degrees then shot blasted. Do not attempt to repair gear unless factory part. Replace with factory parts where advisable to save customer money and avoid inferior material. Each leaf is stamped after heat treatment and shot blasted and a small corner that is cut off is stamped with a corresponding number and these pieces turned over to the Chemistry Department and there kept on file. If upon finding a landing gear failure, be sure to note the number stamped near the extreme top and re­ port this number to the factory. They have a piece of the same gear and they can then run a complete analysis on it. The gear is attached to the ship be­ tween two bulkheads with a "gear box". The Gear Box is made of 4130 and heat treated to 1500 degrees. The box is fas­

tened to the two bulkheads just under the cabin floor with high shear rivets. Replace high shear rivets with AN bolts only. The leaf of the gear slips into the gear box, between two chromolly tubes and bolts into place with one high shear bolt. There are three places on the ship that they are used ; four in each axle, two in the landing gear and all engine mount bolts. The axle is of bar stock 24 S.T. and machined. The importance of shot blasting the gear cannot be too highly stressed. In tests the gear was deflected 12 inches 300 times a minute for 21 ,000 times after shot basting, more than tripling its strength and flexibility. 2. Brakes The brakes are single disc Goodyear brakes, one master cylinder on each brake pedal. The single piston has only one seal, a small "0 " ring . In case of spongy brakes or brake pedal creeping , this ring is easily changed. It is not necessary to remove the entire master -cylinder from the ship to do this. Discon­ nect the rudder pedal linkage and also the parking brake linkage and metal band and unscrew top of master cylin­ der. This will remove the piston and spring. Slip off the old "0 " ring , near the bottom, replace with new ring and reas­ semble cylinder and linkage. This will save moving flooring and disconnecting hydraulic lines, also no fluid is lost. The cylinder at the wheel also has one seal and is disassembled by re­ moving the spring clip on inboard side of cylinder. Two "Biscuit" brake linings, one on each side of the brake disc, are squeezed against the disc by action of the wheel cylinder. There is no adjust­ ment on these brakes, only pressure of hydraulic fluid to prevent too much clearance. In case of a dragging brake, first try bleeding the cylinders, and if this fails, the "biscuits" Or lining must be removed and ground away as the biscuits will al­ ways be quite close to the drum, even touching. Brakes should be bled from the bottom with a pressure oil can and small leather washer for a seal. Fill until a good quantity of oil has run out of the cylinder at the brake pedal. This oil will run out the vent in the cap so place a rag around the cylinder and on the floor so that the fluid is not spilled inside the

ship. Fluid used is "Univis" number 40, mineral base, or any mineral base hyd­ raulic fluid . These brakes do not require much service but one thing to watch on periodic inspections is the brake tubing running from the wheel cylinder up along the trailing edge of the main gear and into the fuselage for hardening and cracking due to flexing of the gear. The wheel is made in two pieces and when mounting new tires, look for a red dot on tire and yellow dot on tubes. The red dot on the tire is the lightest part and yellow dot on the tube the heaviest. Match both dots for wheel balance. The single disc brake is held in place by four spring steel clips sliding over a small shoulder on the wheel, check the clip for tension . 3. Fabric The only place fabric is used is on the wings. This is all grade "A" fabric and rib stitching is not used. Fabric is held in place by elongated "U" shaped clips that slip into holes in the rib. Should these holes become elongated through use, move clip up or down a trifle and drill new holes. Covers will come in slips and kits for replacement. Use two coats clear dope, unless hot, brushed on first coat thinned 20%. Sec­ ond coat thinned 10%. Factory uses: one coat clear, brushed on , one spray coat, opposite direction, two hot coats, pigmented sprayed on. 4. Wings Gas tanks are in the wings and made of .052, S. O. and the bulkheads are of .032 SW. the remaining ribs are of .020 S.T. Aileron hinge rib is .040 S.T. The wing tips are formed and spot welded and removed by four screws, wing tips are interchangeable. Ribs are made in three pieces. Leading edge is .020 - 24 ST. Front spar is .091 - 91 ST and rear spar is .064 - 61 ST. All parts of the wings come as a unit, such as new leading edge, main spars, auxiliary spar for aileron and sections of the wing. These sections are shown in the parts book. 5. Rigging Wings are attached to center section by two bolts through front and rear spars. Struts are bolted at fuselage by (Continued on Page 26)


VINTAGE LITERATURE . .. (Continued from Page 22)

Parks, Boeing, Ryan, Spartan and Lin­ coln . Model airplane companies also accounted for five pages of full page ads. May saw no ads by aircraft manufac­ turers. During the whole year there were only a few such ads. Occasionally Porterfield and Taylor had quarter page ads one of which is illustrated below. The November issue had a full page ad from Beech lauding the winning of the Bendix Trophy by Louise Thaden and Blanche Noyes in a stock Staggerwing. The January 1946 issue of Flying had 39 pages of full-page ads. The largest number of advertisers were schools and general aviation manufacturers. Janu­ ary had 11 pages of ads for planes. In­ cluded were Cessna, Funk, Swift, Lus­ combe (in color) , and Piper. Schools with ads included Spartan, Northrop and Cal-Aero. A new product being widely advertised in 1946 that wasn't in 1936 was aircraft radios. Among the radios advertised were those of Lear, Motorola, and General Electric. Prices started below $300.

Popular Aviation was definitely popu­ lar in 1936 as it had a higher circulation than Aero Digest and A viation com­ bined . This popularity may have been because of its broad-based appeal to all kinds of enthusiasts both by subject and age level. Flying in 1946 seemed more aimed at the large number of new pilots created by the war. One aspect of Popular Aviation that didn't continue when it became Flying in 1940 was its coverage of modeling. This included articles on designing models and the scale plans for built-up rubber-powered flying models by Paul Lindberg. A feature that was new to Flying that reflected the interest in buying a per­ sonal plane was its "Check Pilot" series. These were flight tets of the new light­ planes. The first one was of a Stinson Voyager which appeared in the May issue. Others tested during the year were the Ercoupe, Culver V and the Cessna 140. A striking difference in editorial con­ tent of the two years in question was the good coverage of homebuilding by Popular Aviation. During 1936 there

was quite a lot of coverage of the home­ building rage of the time - the Flying Flea. The February issue stated that the plane's popularity was growing "by leaps and bounds. " The first U.S. built example was reported in the same issue. In a more practical vein , the magazine had a series of articles on homebuilding design practices by Rau l Hoffman and others. There was also the monthly report on what the readers were constructing in the "What Our Readers Are Building" series. Of course this was not an area that was covered by Flying in 1946 for such activities were of a very low profile and would remain so 'til the regulations changed. The issues of these journals in 1936 and 1946 give interesting insights into two eras of personal flight. They were two periods of growth in enthusiasm and in lightplane production that proba­ bly will never be seen again. The only period that has come close in spirit and activity since has been the rapid growth in homebuilding starting in the late 1970s.•

travel and adjustment obtained by turnbuckle aft of baggage compart­ ment. The flaps are returned to a neu­ tral position by two springs; also aft of the baggage compartment bulkhead. When running new cables for ailerons, remember they cross from right to left and left to right on pulleys aft of bag­ gage compartment. The rudders are rigged with pedals in neutral position and rudder travel is 16 degrees either way. The rudder stops are adjustable and located at extreme rear of fuselage. The stops for the flaps are located on rear wing spar and adjustable so as to align flap to contour of wing in up posi­ tion. Two stops on each flap. Elevators rigged from neutral position with stick in neutral and stops located on rear spar of vertical fin set for 20 degrees travel up and 20 degrees down. All measurements are plus or minus one degree. In rigging the "120" or "140" the mechanic should use good common sense as to cable tension, cables too

loose cause a sloppy control system and cables will bounce and rub, too tight will cause a stiff control on the ship and hard to control. There is no set tension recommended by the factory although the control cables should be around 30 pounds. The trim tab is set for 6 degrees up travel and 33 degrees down travel. If installing new cables, equalize the chain on the sprocket and set chain 1/4" from sprocket on extreme travel. Adjust­ able stops for trim tab travel are located on cables, aft of baggage compartment. For your information in rigging: .192 = 1 degree. The serial numbers on these craft run from 8000 up and any report you wish to make should always carry the serial number. The level line for flying position when weighing 120 and 140 is the splice plate on the side of the fuselage. Keep conversant with latest bulletins from Cessna through serVice manager and I shall attempt to answer any further questions you may have on these ships .•

the scene after the great Depression started." Other replies were received from Doug Rounds, Zebulon, Georgia; Char­ ley Hayes, Park Forest, Illinois; E. C. Garber, Jr. , Fayetteville, North Carolina; M. H. Eisenmann, Gar­ retsville, Ohio; George W. Noreen, Port­ land, Oregon ; Frank M. Pavliga, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Joseph J. Tarafas, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; James M. Wright, Tullahoma, Tennes­

see; Lynn Towns, Eaton Rapids, Michi­ gan ; Bob Winchester, Charlevoix, Michigan ; Paul A. King, Watsonville, California, Tony Morozowsky, Zanes­ ville, Ohio; and Vernon E. Knezel , Brodhead, Wisconsin . Budd Davisson wrote a flight report on the airplane in the July, 1971 issue of Air Progress. This airplane was of­ fered for sale in the November, 1986 Trade-A-Plane - asking $50,000 negot­ iable . •

THE TECHNICAL SIDE . .. (Continued from Page 25)

one bolt and form a "V" out to wing where they attach by two bolts. The wing is rigged "flat", one degree of di­ hedral on both front and rear spar, this is obtained by adjustment on ends of each strut. The angle of incidence is one half de­ gree and adjusted on the rear spar only. If the right wing of a ship was reported heavy, always wash out left wing and vice versa. If by attempting to wash in the heavy wing , the wing tips may stall out or lose their lift due to incorrect angle of incidence on wing itself. When installing flaps, line flaps to contour of wing. If ailerons are to be rigged or installed, first line up flaps and rig ailerons to level of flaps. When rig­ ging ailerons, stick must be in neutral and full forward . Bellcranks in wing in neutral and tighten cables. Align ailer­ ons in neutral and to the flaps by adjust­ ment on push-pull rod from bellcrank. Ailerons to be rigged with 14 degrees down travel and 22 degrees up travel. Flaps are rigged for 40 degrees full MYSTERY PLANE . .. (Continued from Page 23)

verted air-cooled in-line four that deliv­ ered 100 hp at 2100 RPM . "Crosley built two other designs in 1929. The C-1 , also called 'Moonbeam', was a three-seat parasol monoplane looking a lot like a Vulcan V-1 with a 110 hp Warner. The C-2 was a similar four-place cabin monoplane with a 165 hp Wright J6-5. A subsidiary of the Crosley Radio Co. , Crosley Aircraft never really got going and faded from 26 FEBRUARY 1987

Letters To The Editor Gentlemen: I happened to be going through my VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE magazines recently and came across a photo of the, Rowinski as the Mystery Plane in the May, 1984 issue. This caught my attention immediately as I was a student at Spartan School of Aeronautics and a witness to her final accident at the Tulsa, Oklahoma Municipal Airport. I do recall the Rowinski Sport (it was refer­ red to as the Sport) was displayed along with other airplanes in a wing of the hangar at the time, with a suggested price of six hundred dollars, negotiable. I had previously seen the Sport at an air­ show in Shreveport, Louisiana. It was very fast compared to our local OX Travel Air, OX Command-Aire, E-2 Cub and Fleet. The Sport was based at Tyler, Texas at the time and I assume it was Jess Green, Director of Spartan, who flew it from there to Tulsa. It was In Tulsa when I arrived in June 1937. Stanley Osburn, whom you mentioned did in fact purchase and wreck it on Tulsa Munic­ ipal on his first landing. C. W. "Clem" Whitten beck, a yvell-known stunt pilot and former Spartan student was in Tulsa at the time and agreed to test fly the Sport before it was turned over to Osburn . Whitten beck owned a Great Lakes in which

he flew exhibitions. He would roll inverted and skim the field, and I do mean skim! "Whitten beck was written on the side of the fuselage upside down, which according to newspaper accounts was the way he spent most of his air time. We pushed the Sport out of the hangar and "Whit" climbed in. He took off in one corner of the field, proceeded to test it, and when satisfied, he greased it on, taxied to the hangar and pronounced the airplane "O.K." He cautioned Mr. Osburn to handle the Sport gingerly on take off as it had a ten­ dency to swerve when power from the 165 hp Continental was applied. He added, "Don't let it get too slow on landing!" Osburn'S take off was good enough and he flew north of the airport where he pro­ ceeded to do stalls and get the feel of the ship. He eventually came in for a landing and, as Whit had done, landed straight south toward the waiting group. Every insructor and student on the field was watching. Tulsa Municipal had two asphalt runways, plus grass to use and because the Sport had a tail skid Osburn was using the grass. When he flared he was a little high and fast and as the Sport slowed , either a gust or a stall caused the right wing to drop. The airplane hit and cartwheeled, ending up a pile of junk. Luckily Osburn sustained nothing worse

than embarrassment and the loss of $600. The remains of the Sport were hauled off to a repair shop, but I don't recall it ever having been rebuilt. I left Spartan in May of 1938 then returned in January 1942, joining Class 42G, Spar­ tan's first cadet 'class of World War Two. By then several former students were instruc­ tors and needless to say I had a ball. I hope this little bit of information will in­ terest you half as much as it did me in recal­ ling it. I must say, SPORT AVIATION and THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE are my favorite reading material. Sincerely Cecil H. Roy (EAA 100036, AlC 2386) 240 Palm Lane Lake Jackson, TX 77566 P.S. My airman certificate number is 43092. Dear Norm, Thank you for the very nice article you wrote about our Cub in the November, 1986 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. All my family enjoyed reading it. I hope to see you at Oshkosh '87. Yours truly, Hank Geissler (EAA 86004, AlC 4179) Rt. 1, Box 177C Webster, MN 55088.


MARCH 15-21 - LAKELAND, FLORIDA - 13th Annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In. Contact: Bonnie Higbie, P. O. Box 6750, Lakeland, FL 33807. APRIL 25-26 - WASHINGTON, DC - 7th Annual Tour of the National Air and Space Museum's Paul E. Garber Restoration Facility. Dinner speaker Mary Feik. Limited to 200. Contact: Margaret Scesa, 9611-51st Place, College Park, MD 20740, phone 301 /345-3164. MAY 2-3 - WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA - EAA Chapter 186 Spring Fly-In at Municipal Airport. Trophies for winning showplanes. Pancake breakfast Sunday. Annual Apple Blossom Fes­ tival downtown. All welcome. Contact: George Lutz, 7031256-7873. MAY 3 - ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS - EAA Chapter 22 Annual Fly-In Breakfast at Mark Clark's Courtesy Aircraft, Greater Rockford Airport. 7 a.m. to noon. ATIS 126.7. Contact: Wallace Hunt, 815/332-4708 MAY 22-23 - JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA ­ First Annual Twin Bonanza Association Con­

vention with headquarters at the Ramada Inn. Technical seminars and social activities. Con­ tact: Richard I. Ward, 19684 Lakeshore Drive, Three Rivers, MI 49093, 616/279-254Q. JUNE 6-7 - JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA­ EAA Chapter 633 and Air Force Association Chapter 221 "Aviation Day" Fly-In of civilian and military aircraft at Cambria County, Pennsylvania Airport. Contact: Bob Gohn, 814/ 266-1055 or Don Fyock, 814/266-8737. JUNE 7 - DEKALB, ILLINOIS - EAA Chapter 241 Fly-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. to noon. DeKalb­ Taylor Municipal Airport. Contact: Jerry Thorn­ hill,3121683-2781 . JUNE 12-14 - TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA - Na­ tional Ercoupe Fly-In. Contact: Skip Carden, P. O. Box 15058, Durham, NC 27704. JUNE 25-28 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 28th Annual National Waco Reunion. Contact: National Waco Club, 700 Hill Ave., Hamilton, OH 45015. JULY 10-12 - MINDEN, NEBRASKA - National Stinson Club Fly-In. Contact George and Linda

Leamy, 117 Lanford Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301, 803/576-9698. JULY 19-24-SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA-19th Annual Convention of the International Cessna 170 ASSOCiation at Montgomery Field. Primary motel is the new Holiday Inn on the airport. Contact: Duane and Prieta Shockey, 714/278­ 9676. JULY 24-26 - COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS - Funk Aircraft Owners Association Annual Fly-In. Contact: Ray Pahls, 454 South Summitown, Wichita, KS 67209. JULY 31-AUGUST 7 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - World's Greatest Aviation Event. Experi­ mental Aircraft Association International Fly-In and Sport Aviation Exhibition. Contact: John Burton, EAA Headquarters, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, 414/426-4800. AUGUST 10-14 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - Annual lAC Championships. Contact: I"ha­ ron Heuer, 758 Grovewood Drive, Cordova, TN 38018, phone 901 1756-7800 . •


SUN 'N FUN '87





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The new E-W sod runway is shown crosshatched above.

Sun 'n Fun '87 March 15-21 Antique/Classic Division Room Reservations Rooms are available from Friday, March 13th, through Saturday, March 21st at the Ramada Inn in Lakeland. Earlier arrivals may not be able to get a room as this is prime season for all Florida motels. Room rate per night is $44.10 for single or double per night. One night deposit is required. Please complete this form and mail your deposit (make your check payable to Ramada Inn) to: Rod & Sandy Spanier 502 Jamestown Ave. Lakeland, Florida 33801 If you have any questions you may call Rod or Sandy at (813) 665-5572.

Welcome .. .

. . . from Sun 'n Fun and the Florida

Sport Aviation Antique & Classic As­

sociation (EAA Antique/Classic Chapter

1). A lot of thought has gone into the special needs of antique and classic airplane owners who attend our Con­ vention. And as always, the Antique & Classic Headquarters Bwilding will be the center of Southern Hospitality. We have even added a few conveniences to make your stay with us more enjoy­ able. During the Convention, March 15-21 , 1987, a grass runway will be available for use by antique and classic airplanes. Special procedures for arrival and de­ parture are required. Contact Sun 'n Fun, P. O. Box 6750, Lakeland, FL 33805, 813/644-2431 . Registration for antique and classic aircraft only, will be available near the Antique & Classic Headquarters. You can register your airplane, pick up judg­ ing forms, show plane wings (one pair per registered owner), and "Do Not Touch" information cards rightin the im­ mediate area! Sun 'n Fun Participant Plaques will also be given to all attend­ ing aircraft dating 1936 and older. You will receive the plaque when your plane is registered . If you need motel accommodations, use the motel reservation form below. As there are a limited number of rooms available, it is important that you make your reservations soon. Evening activities are planned at the Antique & Classic Headquarters for your added enjoyment - from quiet socializing to blue grass. For current up­ to-date information, check with Antique & Classic Headquarters hosts and hos­ tesses daily. If we can be of any further help, please write or call your Antique & Classic Coordinators:.

NAME : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ANTIQUE/CLASSIC # _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ANTIQUE/CLASSIC CHAPTER # _ __ CITY/STATEIZIP _·_ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-EAA #._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PHONE : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _CHECK IN DATE : _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NO. OF ROOMS: _ __ _ _ _ _ _CHECK OUT DATE : _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _--""DOUBLE OR _ _ _ _SiNGLE COMMENTS: 28 FEBRUARY 1987

Bonnie Ware 5504 Oakway Drive Lakeland, FL 33809 813/688-5033 - home 813/644-2431 - work Rod Spanier 502 Jamestown Avenue Lakeland, FL 33801 813/665-5572 - home 813/682-5777 - work

Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...


per word, 20 word minimum. Send your eel to

The VIntage Treder, WIttman AIrfteIcI

08hkoeh. WI 54903-2591.

AIRCRAFT: 1948 Stinson 108-3 - 200 hrs. since restoration. $19,500.00. For pictures and full information, send $1 .00to: Robert B. Brebner, Box 474, Middle Island Road, Marquette, MI 49855. (3-2)

PLANS: POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3V2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609. ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw­ ings, photos and exploded views. Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 139 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing ­ $15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building ­

$10.00 plus $2.00 postage. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Cor­ ners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609 . ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Complete with isometric drawings. photos. exploded views . Plans - $85.00. Info Pac ­ $5.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.414/529-2609 .

MISCELLANEOUS: BACK ISSUES . .. Back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (and other EAA Division publications) are available at $1 .25 per issue. Send your list of issues desired along with payment to: Back Issues, EAA-Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh , WI 54903-2591 . FUEL CELLS - TOP QUALITY - Custom made bladder-type fuel tanks and auxiliary cells, any shape or capacity for Warbirds, Experimental, Vin­ tage, Sport and Acrobatic aircraft. Lightweight, crashworthy, baffled and collapsible for installation. Typical delivery 2-3 weeks. Call or write for details:

1-800-526-5330 , Aero Tec Labs, Inc. (ATL) , Spear Road Industrial Park, Ramsey , NJ 07446. (C5/87) Identify yourself memo pads with packet is yours Memos, P.O. Box

with a flying memo. Aviation 8 exciting designs. A sample for the asking. Write Flying 606, Simi Valley , CA 93062. (7­


WANTED: Wanted - Operation and Construction plans for 1927 Buhl Airster, two-cockpit biplane, Model CA­ 3A, Wright J-5 motor. George W. Polhemus, P.O. Box 1208, Pembroke, North Carolina 28372. (3/87) Wanted: "U.S. Civil Aircraft" by James Juptner, Vol­ umes 1,2, 3, and 5. Ron Testerman, 1839 Oxford Ave. S. W., Roanokae, VA 24015. Phone 703/345­ 2320. (2-2) Wanted: Damaged or neglected tube/fabric project for complete restoration. Prefer four place. PA-20, PA-22, 108-3, etc. Irv Irving, P.O. Box 1071 , Wof­ ford Heights, CA 93285. 619/376-3477. (3-2)


Send check or money order with copy to Vintage Trader - EAA, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

Total Words _ _ __ Number of Issues to Run ________________________ Total $,_ _ __ Signature ____________- ___________________ Address





The most authoritative journal on 1llose \\bnderful flytng Machines 19OO-1919

EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $30.00 for one year, including 12 issues of Sport Aviation. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $18.00 annually. Family Member­ ship is available for an additional $10.00 annually.




15 Crescent Road, Poughkeepsie. NY 12601 , USA

ANTIQUE/CLASSICS EAA Member - $18.00. Includes one year membership in EM An­ tique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EM member and must give EM membership number.


Non-EAA Member - $28.00. In­ cludes one year membership in the EM Antique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Air­ plane, one year membership in the EM and separate membership cards. Sport Aviation not included.


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Membership in the International

Aerobatic Club, Inc. is $25.00 an­

nually which includes 12 issues of

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Wisconsin Residents Include 5% Sales Tax

WARBIRDS Membership in the Warbirds of America, Inc. is $25.00 per year, which includes a subscription to Warbirds. Warbird members are required to be members of EAA.

LIGHT PLANE WORLD EM membership and Light Plane World magazine is available for $25.00 per year (Sport Aviation not included). Current EM members may receive Light Plane World for $15.00 per year.



Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars.

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Make checks payable to EM or the division in which membership is desired. Address all letters to EAA or the particular division at the fol­ lowing address:


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30 FEBRUARY 1987

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The fabulous times of Turner. Doolittle. Wedell and Wittman recreated as never before in this 600-page two·volume series. Printed on high grade paper with sharp, clear photo reproduction. Official race results 1927 through 1939 - more than 1,000 photos - 3·view drawings - scores of articles about people and planes that recapture the glory, the drama, the excitement of air racing during the golden years. Volume 1 and2 sold at $14,95 each-add $2.00 postage for first item and $1. 00 for each item there· after - a total of $3.00 for both volumes. SPECIAL OFFER! With purchase of both THE GOLDEN ) AGE OF AIR RACING, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, above, you may select FREE, one of the following: EAA Pilot Log Book (#11-16552), EAA Propeller (or rotor) Log Book (#11-16566). or EM Engine and Reduc­ tion Drive Log Book (# 11-13951). Offer good while supplies last! Send check or money order to: EM Aviation Foundation, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065 .

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