
Page 1


Tom Poberezny Vice-President,

Marketing and Communications

Dick Matt

Vol. 22, No.5

May 1994


Jack Cox


Henry G. Frautschy


Managing Editor

Golda Cox

1 Straight & Level/

Espie "Butch" Joyce

Art Director

Mike Drucks

Computer Graphic Specialists

Sara Hansen

Olivia l. Phillip Jennifer Larsen

2 AlC News/

Compiled by H.G. Frautschy


Mary Jones

4 Vintage Literature/

Dennis Parks

Associate Editor

Norm Petersen

Feature Writers

8 Aeromail

George Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks

9 Cable Weaving.

And Other Rigging Tidbits/

Andrew King

Jim Koepnick Carl Schuppel

Staff Photographers

Editorial Assistant

Isabelle Wiske



13 Pete Engelskirger's Cessna 170/ Norm Petersen 17 Vintage Seaplanes/ Norm Petersen 20 Hints for Restorers

Page 13

President Espie 'Butch' Joyce 604 Highway St. Madison. NC 27025 919/427-0216

Vice-President Arthur MorfJan W211 Nll863 Hilltop Dr. Germantown. WI 53022 414/628-2724

Secretary Steve Nesse


E.E. -Buck- Hilbert

P.O. Box 424

Union. IL 60180


2009 Highland Ave. Albert Leo, MN 56007 507/373-1674

21 Pass it to Buck/ E .E. "Buck" Hilbert

DIRECTORS John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls. MN 55009

507/ 263-2414

22 Mystery Plane/George Hardie 24 Why Do We Bother?/John Hanson 28 Welcome New Members

29 AlC Calendar 30 Vintage Trader

Mike Steineke

Donna Bushman

Page 17 FRONT COVER ...Pete and Carol Engelskirger"s Cessna 170B has been selected the Best Restored Classic , 101 to 165 hp at Sun ' n Fun in both 1993 and 1994 . EAA photo by Jim Koepnick. Shot with a Canon EOS- 1 equipped with an 80­ 200mm lens. 1/ 250 sec. at f5.6 on Kodak Ektachrome Lumiere 100. Cessna 210 photo plane piloted by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER .. ."Test Flight" by artist Duane " Bud " Burgess of Burlington , IA depicts a scene during the heyday of Mono Aircraft, Inc. For more on this painting, see the description in AI C News on page 2.

Copyright © 1994 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned eXClusively by Ihe EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimenlal Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $20.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND AiPO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and AiPO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibil~y for accuracy in reporting rests entirely w~h the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Ed~or, VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 414/426-4800. The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.

Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh . WI 54904 414/ 231 -5002 Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 616/624-6490 Chartes Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa , OK 74145 918/622-8400 Dale A. Gustatson 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46278 317/ 293-4<130 Robert UCkteig 1708 Boy Oaks r. Albert Lea . MN 56007 507 / 373-2922 Gene Morris 11SC Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roanoke. 1)( 76262 817/491 -9110

Robert C. "Bob' Brauer

9345 S. Hoyne

ChdW/~~9~~m20 John S. Copeland 28-3 Williamsbur8 Ct. Shrewsbury. MA 1545 508/842-7867 George Daubner

2448 Lough Lone

Hartford. WI 53027


Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane. NE Minnec~lis. MN


61 /784-1172

Jeannie Hill

P.O. Box 328

Harvord. IL 60033

815/943-7205 Robert D. -Bob- Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield , WI 53005 414/ 782-2633 George York

18 1 Sloboda Av.

Mansfield. OH 44906


S.H. -Wes- Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414/771 -1545


7200 S.E. 85th Lane

Ocala. FL 32672

904/ 245-7768

ADVISORS Joe Dickey Lawrenc eburg, IN 47025 812/ 537-9354

Jimmy Rollison

640 Alamo Dr.

Vacaville . CA 95688

707 / 45 Hl411

Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison . WI 53717 608/833-1291

Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven. IN 46774 219/493-4724

55 Oakey Av.


by Espie "Butch" Joyce

What is red with black feet, tired legs , heavy sunglasses and a need for aspirin? Me at Sun ' n Fun Fly-In at the end of the day. The red is from the sun, black feet from the black dust of the sands, soil and all of the walk­ ing needed to cover the fly-in area, Convention booths and fly-markets . No doubt about it , this fly-in has grown from what it was in years past. This year's Sun 'n Fun was the 20th fly-in they have held. I certainly en­ joyed the event and saw a number of unique aircraft in the antique/classic area. A / C Chapter 1, located in Florida, really does a great job manag­ ing this area for Sun 'n Fun. I think that a special thanks needs to go to Jane and Robin Kimball for the hard work they do registering aircraft and explaining to potential members why it 's a good deal to join the Antique/ Classic Division. The chapter hosts a fish-fry at the Antique/Classic Headquarters on Tuesday evening. It's a fun time where you can relax and socialize with friends while watching a number of aircraft depart. This event really kicks off the fly-in season . Just this past weekend I at­ tended the A/C Chapter 3 fly-in at

Burlington, North Carolina. On Sat­ urday , by noon th ey had quite a few aircraft on the grounds. An enjoyable part of these fly-ins is that you get to meet with friends that you have known for a long time , some of whom only attend the local, smaller fly-ins. There seems to be more of the local type fly-ins popping up all of the time. Be sure and check the calendar sec­ tion of your magazine to see what ' s happening that you might have an in­ terest in, and check the bulletin board of you local FBO - you wouldn't want to miss one! Since the flying weather has be­ come more friendly , and you may have had your craft laid up for the winter, I would like to caution you to be extra careful when you start flying this year. We also have just had an­ other hand propping loss in your in­ surance program . Please be extra careful when propping - there's noth­ ing more discouraging than seeing this type of accident happen, especially since they are so preventable. Your Antique/Classic board of Di­ rectors have their meeting the second weekend of May . We will be dis­ cussing the trial planning for EAA OSHKOSH '94. Should you have any

good ideas for the convention, please give me a call or drop me a note. We plan to have some very interesting ac­ tivities at EAA OSHKOSH '94 - more on this later. Your membership continues to grow - we're now over 9,000 members. I have to give the membership credit for asking people to become members of your Antique/Classic Division. The board of Directors will be starting a membership drive this summer to help with this effort. I think you as a mem­ ber will be happy with this program ­ it has something for everybody. You'll be happy to know that your Division has been very supportive of two Pioneer Airport projects, one be­ ing restoration of the Curtiss Robin with the Wisconsin Tank Engine . We have helped with the PT-3 project as well. Both projects will be detailed here in the pages of VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE during the coming year. Should you have anything of inter­ est for VINTAGE AIRPLANE, please send it in; we would love to see what you have . Let's all pu ll in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all.




"TEST FLIGHT" Duane " Bud" Burgess, of Burling­ ton , IA has painted a scene rich in his­ tory. His acrylic painting won an Hon­ orable Mention ribbon in the 1993 EAA Sport Aviation Art Competition. Moline Airport, the fall of 1929. The manufacturi ng prowess of the Velie Company of Moline is displayed around the Mono Aircraft, Inc. hangar. Mono­ coupe Chief Test Pilot Vern Roberts begins to flare a new Monocoupe 113 while the buyer, ready to fly his new air­ plane home, talks with Mono president Don Luscombe and designer Clayton Folkerts. An N.A.T. Curtiss Falcon mailplane taxi s toward the N .A .T . maintenance and storage hangar with its load afte r flying from Chicago, enroute to its final destination of Dallas, TX. In the background, you can see the silver and maroon Monoprep , Mono's answer to the need for a two-place, side­ by-side training ship. The green and cream Monocoach is also prominent, re ady to take the business world by storm as the most luxurious 4-place ex­ ecutive transport of its day . Near the hangar, you can see a Ford model T truck with a new 113 Monocoupe fresh from the factory, ready to be assembled and test flown . The automobiles in the background are Velies, all built by the factory in Moline that built not only au­ tomobiles, but the airplanes and the en­ gines that powered them . Only the Gre at Depression could b e powerful enough to end this chapter in the Golden Age of aviation. The painting was done by Bud based on information a friend of his supplied. The Monoprep in the background was owned by the fri end's father, and he was able to supply Bud with photos and other me morabilia to he lp make the painting as historically accurate as pos­ sible. If you are interested in Bud's work , you can contact him at 2323 Mt. Pleasant St. , Burlington, IA 52601. 16x21-1I2 " limited edition prints are available of the painting - contact Bud for further information, or see the ad in the February issue of VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE.

NOEL ALLARD'S PHONE NO. Back in the Fe bruary issue of VIN­ TAGE we mentioned the phone num­ 2 MAY 1994

compiled by H.G. Frautschy

ber of historian and placard supplier Noel Allard of Chaska, MN . We ' ve been advised that the number published was incorrect. The correct number is 612/448-5047. Noel has a wide variety of placard, instrument face and data plate reproductions, and his work has been seen in a number of champion restorations. Give him a call if you have a project you think could benefit from his special touch.

MAPLE GROVE STEARMAN FLY-IN Last month ' s calendar listed the EAA Chapter 1056 Stearman Fly-In at Maple Grove Aerodrome, Fowlerville, MI on June 5. It is, in fact, being held on June 11. The correct date is shown in this month's calendar, but we wanted to call your attention to the correct date if you plan on attending this event. Call Rich at 517/625-3338 or Ron at 517/223­ 3233 for more information.

STINSON DINNER If you ' re a Stinson enthusiast , and you ' re planning on attending EAA OSHKOSH ' 94, you may be interested in attending the Stinson dinner , to be held at Butch ' s Anchor Inn , 7 :30 pm, Friday, July 29. Cost is $14, and you can make your reservations at the Type Club tent. For further information, call John Zewiske at 414/643-7445 .

STAMPE COLLECTORS Honest, I didn't come up with that te rrible pun - it 's the name of a terrific newsletter for enthusiasts of the Stampe series of airplanes. We neglected to in­ clude them in the current Type Club list. Here 's where to get in touch with them: The Stampe Collector Don and Bonnie Peterson, Editors 1341 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Apalachlin , NY 13732 Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $40 per year, $45 U .S. Overseas Don has been very patient as we've worked to get an article together for VINTAGE AIRPLANE on the Stampe SV4. I'm certain we will have it pub­ lished within the next 6 months.



The final FAA policy concerning the use of aircraft registered in the Exhibi­ tion/Air Racing category is now being written, with publication of the guid­ ance material for FAA inspectors due in June. As soon as the final policy is available, we will publish a summary of the details here in VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE. The most significant portion of the policy deals with the effectivity of the policy - if you have an airplane that was issued an original airworthiness certificate in this category prior to July 9, 1993, you will be permitted to oper­ ate that aircraft with your operating limitations as they were for as long as you operate the airplane. Only aircraft certified after July 9, 1993 will have to operate under a further defined set of operating limitations. Our thanks to the Blicker Club, the Stampe Club, the lAC and the Soaring Society of America for their interest and input while working with the FAA to come up with a solution that was agreeable to all concerned. Look for a short article detailing the new policy here in VINTAGE AIRPLANE as soon as the FAA releases the final version.

CUB CONVOY You still have a few days left to head on up to the far north with the Cub Con­ voy , a 100 % VFR trip leaving Lock Haven, P A May 22 and arriving in Fair­ banks, AK on or about May 30. A trip designed to follow in the tradition of the Cub Convoys of 1938, ' 39 and ' 40, the voyage should be a memorable one . You can join enroute (the Midwest ren­ dezvous point is Brodhead, WI on May 23). For more information, contact the Piper Aviation Museum , 610/644-7920, fax 610/644-9222.

BONANZA SERVICE CLINICS June 3-6 will see another of the fa­ mous Bonanza Service Clinics at Fine­ fi e ld Aviation at Lake In the Hills, IL. If you've ever wanted your Bonanz a looked at by an acknowledged Beechcraft expert mechanic , this is a perfect opportunity. Sponsored by the American Bonanza Society'S Air Safety Foundation , the service clinics are an ongoing series intended to help keep

Bonanzas in tip-top condition. For more information, contact the ABS at P.O. Box 12888, Wichita, KS 67277, or phone 316/945-6913.



Don Levandoski, 492 W. Eckhardt , Macon, IL 62544 wrote to ask if any members have information regarding the Storms Flivver airplane . Sold in kit form during the late 1920's, and early 1930's, the airplane was one of the fea­ tures in the July/A ugust 1930 edition of Aviation Mechanics magazine. It was also featured in a profile of the airplane and its builder in the January 1965 issue of SPORT AVIATION . We've sent a copy of the Aviation Mechanics article to Don, but if anyone else has informa­ tion regarding this airplane type, please drop him a line at the address above. Don also report the remains of the air­ plane he has obtained has an early Con­ tinental engine , apparently modified from some ground-based application, as the powerplant for the airplane. Since Continental made a number of different 4-cylinder automobile engines during the 1920's, it seems likely to be one of these powerplants.

TCMlBENDIX AD NOTES If you're one of the many airplan e owners who are confused by the recent Airworthiness Directive regarding the rotating magnets and coils in certain Bendix magnetos , (AD94-01-03) join the club. As this issue was being sent to the press, it was learned that there will be a subsequent revision to this AD that will further limit the range of magnetos affected. To make it a bit easier to un­ derstand which mags are affected by this AD , we ' ve worked up this little chart, based on the current AD 's applic­ ability:

R emem ber, if your magne tos were ma nufactu red by Bendix at the Jack­ sonville, FL plant, or by TCM in their Mobile, AL p la nt , t his A D does not apply. We expect further information on this A D wit h be issued shortly. If yo u are comi ng close to t he 100 ho ur time li mit and wo ul d like t o dou bl e check the applicabili ty of this AD re­ garding yo ur mags , yo u can contact Jerry R obinette with the FAA Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, 404/991­ 3810, fax 404/991-3606. Our thanks to Jerry for his willingness to work with the EAA Government Affairs office in an effort to speed along the revision of this AD - without his cooperation, re­ lief for a number of magneto owners would have come too late to be of any use.





Now entering its third year , the EAA Antique/Classic Airplane Insur­ ance Plan is now offered with ex­ panded coverage. Aviation Unlimited Agency (AUA) of Greensboro, NC, along with Safeco Insurance Co. (SAFECO) and Com­ mercial Aviation Underwriters (CO­ MAV) , a part of the SAFECO Group, has refined and expanded many of the special coverages aimed at the special needs of all sport aviation enthusiasts, especially those flying antique , classic or contemporary aircraft. For the latest information on the ex­ panded coverage of the EAA An­ tique/Classic Airplane Insurance Plan, please contact AUA too free at 8001727-3823. Insurance is available to all EAA members in the U .S. who are also members of the EAA Antique/Classic Division.

Three Different Applicabilities: Red or Black Bendix (Not TCM) Data Plate

Models S20 S200 S600 S1200 no letter prefix or Serial number lower than A16058 having "A" prefix

Blue Bendix (Not TCM) Data Plate

Models S20 S200 S600 S1200 Serial 901001 and lower

Red Bendix (Not TCM) Data Plate

S1200 with no letter prefix or Serial number lower than A132844 having "A" prefix

TROY DODD Longtime sport aviation enthusiasts will recall t he name of Troy Dodd, a well known collector of antique air­ planes and the director of the DuPage County Air Show, a successful event that introduced the world of airplanes to many a youth in the Chicago area during the 1960's and '70s, your editor included. Troy passed away March 3, 1994 at the age of 88 in Pompano Beach, FL. A longtime member of the EAA, AAA and OX-5 Club of Amer­ ica, he was also active within the world of aerobatics, and was the founder of the International Council of Airshows. Our condolences to his son, Bill Dodd, and to his many friends throughout the country.



Our condolences to the members of the Alamo Liaison Squadron in San Antonio, TX concerning the loss of two aircraft and three crewmembers, along with a visitor. Retired Maj . Gen . Pau l D. Straw, William Houston , Roger Beery and Craig D. Youhe were killed when a Taylorcraft L-2 and an Interstate L-6 collided in mid-air and crashed near downtown San Antonio. According to newspaper reports, the aircraft were engaged in a photo mis­ sion at the time of the accident. Straw, Houston and Berry were all members of the Squadron, based at Cannon Fie ld. A third airplane, a Piper L-4 "Flitfire" was also part of the flight , but was not involved in the mid-air. Our sympathy is extended to the squadron members and the families of those involved in the accident. ... VINTAGE AI RPLANE 3

VI~TA(3~ LIT~l2ATUl2~

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Early Long Distance Flights

photos from the Dwiggins Collection

THE FIRST WORLD FLIGHT 1924 Among the many things taken for granted today is long-distance trave l by jet airliners. Not only long distance, but supersonic in the case of the Con­ corde. So common is long-distance air travel that there have even been around-the-world races for general aviation aircraft. One forgets that reg­ ularly scheduled intercontinental com­ mercial air travel only came into being after World War Two. This year

marks the 70th anniversary of an event that demo nstrated the feasibility of an airway around the world.

pa nies and others were all contribut­ ing to an effort to improve their prod­ ucts and bring glory to their nation . Record setting flights were a means to do both.



1919 - A GREAT YEA R The period from 1920 to 1930 saw tremendous advances made in long­ distance aviation, with many pilots and flights making front page news. Air­ craft builders, engine makers, oil com­

The first year after the Great War saw an amazing number of long distance flights , the success of which would spur the idea of an around the world flight.

Mechanics fine tuning the NC-4 before departure on the first Atlantic flight. 4 MAY 1994

(Above) Crew of the Martin bomber that circumnavigated the United States. (Below) A standard military Vimy. For the Atlantic flight the nose skid was removed. The bomb gear and bomb spaces were replaced by extra fuel tanks.


1st Lt. John Macready and 1st Lt. Oakley Kelley, pilots of the first transcontinental flight.


The United States Navy mounted a huge program to be the first across the Atlantic. This effort included four Cur­ tiss-Navy flying boats and no less than 53 destroyers strung out at 50 mile inter­ vals along the proposed route between Newfoundland , the Azores and Lisbon. Still, the Atlantic nearly beat the flying boats. One of the flying boats was a non­ starter; and two came down at sea, of which one sank. The other limped into 6 MAY 1994

port in the Azores. One flying boat, the NC-4 under the command of Lt. Cmdr. Read, made the trip and made history. The crew continued from Lisbon to Portsmouth, England arriving on 27 May 1919, having covered over 4,000 miles in nearly 60 hours. FIRST ATLANTIC NON-STOP

June 1919 saw the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic by John Alcock and Arthur Brown in a Vickers Vimy . The

Vimy was built in England durin g the World War as a large bomber. Though a large twin engine biplane, the Vi my had about half the weight of the Curtiss NC-4. The aircraft was shipped from Eng­ land in May 1919 to Newfoundland, were it would depart for the Atlantic crossing. Departing Canada on June 14, the Vimy headed east arriving over Ire­ land 16 hours and 1,860 miles later after a terrible night over the North Atlantic. The English were ecstatic about the flight. The British journal FLIGHT said

that it was the "first real Atlantic Flight." It was indeed an epic flight, one that would not be matched until eight years later by Lindbergh. The Vickers Vimy turned out to be a very good long-distance machine, not only crossing the Atlantic non-stop but flying from England to Australia . The second great flight for the Vimy took place near the end 1919 when the Smith Brothers, Ross and Keith, flew via Cal­ cutta from England to Australia. They covered the 11,130 miles in about 136 hours arriving in Darwin on 10 Decem­ ber,1919.

SOUTH ATLANTIC The South Atlantic was first flown in 1922. On 30 March, Captains Gago Couthinho and Sacadura Cabral of the Portuguese Navy took off from Lisbon in a Fairey IlID f10atplane and flew to the Cape Verdi Islands. After a stop for bad weather they set off for the true ocean crossing. They failed to make it to their destination in Brazil, but made a forced landing at Saint Paul's Rock in the South Atlantic seriously damaging the aircraft. A second f10atplane was shipped and they were able to continue their flight. This machine was in turn damaged on an island off the coast of Brazil. They eventually arrived in Brazil on 16 June in a third seaplane. Now both the North Atlantic and South At­ lantic had been crossed by heavier-than­ air craft

the United States, a distance of 9,823 miles. On July 25 of 1920 a flight of four Army DH-4s under the command of Capt. St. Clair Streett, departed New York City for a flight to Nome Alaska, arriving 40 days, 4,500 miles and 50 fly­ ing hours later. Leaving Nome on the last day of August, the men arrived back at Mitchel Field in New York on October 20. The Air Service's public relations staff compared this flight with the Navy's NC-4 hop over the Atlantic in 1919. In September 1922, Lt. James Doolit­ tle, a promising young flier, made the first coast-to-coast flight in a single day. He flew his DH-4 from Florida to Cali­ fornia in 22 hours and 35 minutes, in­ cluding an 85 minute stop at Kelley Field in Texas. This was followed in May 1923 by Lieutenants Oakley, Kel­ ley and John Macready, flying a Army Fokker T-2 from New York to San Diego on the first non-stop coast-to­ coast flight across North America. This flight was called "The Greatest Record of All." One for which the pilots re­ ceived the Distinguished Flying Cross. An editorial in the May 14, 1923 issue of A VIATION declared the flight was "a striking demonstration of the practical uses of the airplane for long distance travel." By now a race to see who would be the first to fly around the world was de­ veloping among aviators among several nations. Almost all of them realized that it would be an accomplished fact in the very near future. It would be the US Army that would accomplish the feat during 1924.


US ARMY AIR SERVICE The US Army was busy setting its own speed distance and endurance records. In 1919 Lt. Colonel Hartz and Lt. Harmon made a complete circuit of

In the June issue, our next installment



Australian Vimy used by the Smith brothers on their England to Australia flight.



COMANCHE NUMBERS Dear Mr. Frautschy, On page 12 of the January issue in the text next to a picture of Mick Jack­ son's beautiful PA-24 it states that there are only 287 180 hp Comanches on the FAA register. I doubt this. According to an article in the AOPA PILOT (February 1985) by Mark Twombly , there were a total of 1142 Comanche 180's built. If only 287 are left, this would mean an attrition of 75% . Certainly some 180 Comanches have been exported , a handful con­ verted to PA24-250 status, and a few more scrapped or wrecked, but a de­ cline of 856 airplanes? NOT! I suspect a typo has crept in here. Incidentally, there is really no such airplane as a PA24-180. The model designation for a 180 hp Comanche is simply PA24. The 250 hp model is a P A24-250, the 260 is a P A24-260, etc. Sincerely, John C. Codman A/C19966 Medway, MA

first introduced, was known simply as the PA-24. Later, when the higher horsepower models became available, the"180" was added to the designation to further define the various models of the airplane. When first produced, the Comanche was registered with the FAA simply as a PA-24. Later, when the "­ 250" came out, the lower horsepower PA-24's were registered as PA-24-180's, and I wouldn 't be surprised if a few PA­ 24's didn't wind up registered as PA-24­ 180's when they were sold and re-regis­ tered by their new owners. 281 are registered with the FAA as PA-24-180's. The total number of 180 hp Piper Comanches registered as of March 29 is 775, not the 287 we originally had in our caption. That means that about 67 per­ cent of the 180 hp Comanches are left. Norm also checked to see what type of airplane you have, John, and it turns out you are the lucky owner of the very first production Comanche, N2024P. Neat!

M Yl




Dear Sir, I don't have a clue what ship this is but on the off chance that you might want it I'm sending it. Hope it fills in a blank in your collection. Your truly, Al Annis EAA 46262 Plano, TX


I had the author of that caption, Norm Petersen, go back and check th e register to see how we fell into that dis­ crepancy. According to the Piper adver­ tising documents we have on hand here at th e museum, the Comanche, wh en

make it a perfect source for DC for the operation they seem to be conducting This type of vehicle was very popular early in the century for stop and go de­ liveries in urban areas. I can recall the dry cleaning establishment that my family patronized used one as late as 1939. Best Regards, Rowland Hall A/C12951 Northfield, IL

Great photos of the Graf Zeppelin in the March issue of VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE. I am intrigued by the truck in the lower print. It is obviously battery powered , electric drive which would

Thanks for the photo Al - It's a shot of His Majesty's airship R34, the first aircraft to cross the Atlantic from west to east in early July 1919. It first made the trip from East Fortune, Scotland to North America, making it the first air­ ship to do so, and the second aircraft (after Alcock and Brown in Jun e 1919 flying the Vicker Vimy) to fly the east to west route over the Atlantic. Its almost certain that your photo was taken at the airport in Mineola, Long Island, NY, where the R34 was moored at the end of the first leg of its trans-Atlantic trip. The R34 flew with the British Air Ministry until it was wrecked beyond re­ pair at the end of a training mission on January 28, 1921. After briefly contact­ ing the ground at night during a rain­ storm, and breaking two of th e four props, the airship limped back to its base, but was unable to be put back in its shed due to high winds. Moored out­ side, the bridle of the three- wire mooring broke, and the ship was dashed to pieces against the ground. Thanks for sharing the shot with us, AI. ....

and Other Rigging Tidbits by Andrew King

Cable weaving is an art that probably has its roots in ancient nautical history, when sailors used similar techniques in splicing rope for their ship's rigging. It came into use in aviation circles in the years just prior to World War I and was common right up to the 1930s and even into World War II. During my time work­ ing at the Weeks Air Museum, I was sur­

prised to find woven cables used on Japan­ ese Zeros, a Russian Lavochkin La-9 built in 1947, in some places on the de Havil­ land Mosquito and all through the Curtiss TP-40, which was also built late in the war. In the early years of flying, there were quite a few different ways of bracing air­ craft structures. The Wright brothers used what they called "spoke wire," which

was apparently just that, the same stuff bi­ cycle spokes were made from. They formed an eye in the end and then wrapped the two strands of wire with tin or template of about .015 inch thickness for about an inch or inch and a half from the eye with about 3/16 inch overlap, cut­ ting off the free end of the wire and sol­ dering the whole wrap. Where flexibility was required, at pulleys for instance, they used sections of sash chain or bicycle chain, depending on load. Glenn Curtiss was known to use stranded cable, at first simply turning back one end, twisting it around itself like you might do making a wire fence, and solder­ ing the joint together. Eventually he be­ gan to use the wrapped and soldered method that became standard for nonflex­ ible cable ends in the United States through into the 1930s, laying the cable back along itself, wrapping the joint with wire and then soldering it. In Europe it was common to use "avia­ tor wire," similar to piano or music wire, sometimes called " hard wire ," with the ends held by copper sleeves or by coiled ferrules made of the same wire. Stranded cable was also in use with a variety of wrapped, soldered, bolted or woven ends. During World War I and during the be­ tween-the-wars era, it was fairly standard in the United States to use the wrapped and soldered end on nonflexible rigging cables while the box or roll woven splice was used on flexible control cables. In France and Germany, and possibly Eng-

Tools You May Need

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 1 shows a clamp for holding either flexible or non-flexi­ ble cable w hile making an eye splice. A necessary adjunct t o this work is an awl or marlin-spike such as is shown in Figure 2. This may be made from screwdriver or f r om drill-rod with t he handle put on afterward. Or it may be purchased from any aeronautical supply house. For serving tucked or Roebling splices with cord, a serving maul (Figure 3), made of a piece of brass tubing soldered to a piece of brass rod will expedite the job, once the splicer has become familiar with its use. The cord is started on the cable, then the inside of the tube is laid on the cable, the serving cord carried around the tube and wrapped around the shank of the maul several times. The friction of the cord sliding around the shank keeps the serving t ight. Q

How to Make a Five- Tuck Navy Splice Figure 1 This is one of only two splices approved by the Civil Air Regulations for use on control cables over 1/16" in diameter. It may be used on 7 x 7 flexible or 7 x 19 extra-flexible cable. A number of practice splices should be made before doing any of this work on an airplane which is to be flown. MATERIALS: A piece of cable of suitable length, a thimble to fit same, a length of linen cord, a small quantity of shellac. TOOLS; Splicing clamp, marlin-spike, serving-maul if desired, pliers, cable cutters, hardwood block, a small mallet made of wood, rawhide, fiber, brass or copper.

Points of thimble turned up

PROCEDURE; 1) If cable has not been soldered at the end, solder it thouroughly for a distance of about half an inch and cut in the center of the soldered portion, This is absolutely essential in cable which is not preformed, and makes the job easier in any case. This is the only soldering permitted, and as this section is ultimately cut oft, the finished splice has no solder in any part of it. 2) Turn back points of thimble, lay cable around thimble, leaving a free end six to eight inches long, and clamp in splicing clamp, which may be held in a vise or not, as desired. To simplify the instructions, assume the cable clamped in such a manner that the free end is to the right and the screw end of the splicing clamp away from the splicer. Thus in Figure 1 the splicer would be toward the bottom of the page. 3. Select the strand nearest the thimble point on the free end and work the marlin-spike under it gently, taking care not to catch any of the f ine wires in the other strands. By rotating the marlin-spike in a counter-clockwise direction around the free end, this strand will be unlaid without disturbing the remainder of the cable, wh ich will be held by the solder at the cut. Break this first strand loose at the end. It will be referred to as No.1. The terminal will now appear as in Figure 1. 4. Work the marlin-spike under the three top strands nearest the point of the th imble on the standing part of the cable, keeping it above the core, and then turn the spike so as to lift these three strands. An enlarged view of a cross-section of the cable during this operation is shown in Figure 2. 5. Push the end of strand No.1 throught the opening made by the marlin­ spike, and pull snug with pliers. 6. Remove marlin-spike and unlay strand No. 2 on free end, using the same method as with No.1 . This procedure will be followed with each strand as it is needed, so will not be described again. An enlarged cross­ section, looking toward the th imble, with the strands shown widely sepa ­ rated to simplify the explanation, is illustrated in Figure 3. The core strand is shown in black. 7. Lift strands A and B and insert No.2. 8. Unlay strand No.3. 9. Lift strand A and insert No.3. 10. Unlay core strand.

Strand ----¥lft-----\-H\-----.....n No. 1

Free End

10 MAY 1994

land and other places, the woven sp li ce was used not only on flexib le cable but also on non­ flexib le cable by separating t h e stra n ds into groups of four or five and mak­ ing a splice simi­ lar to a standard box sp lice with

more tucks. This type of splice was also so ldered when completed. I have never been able to successfully do this and can on ly theorize that their non flexible cable was a lot more flexible than the modern stuff. A lso, in France and Germany it was common practice to wrap the standard flexible cable splice with brass wire rather than the linen cord used in England and America. When I first set out to Jearn cable splic­ ing , I was warned of the bloody fingers that wou ld result from this overcompli­



Marlin-Spike Inserted

Figure 2

Standing Part

11. Lift A and B and insert core strand, draw­ ing snug. Lay core strand along standing part and tie down with a piece of cord. 12. Unlay strand No.6. 13. Insert marlin-spike between A and F and lift F and E. Insert No.6 in opening. 14. Unlay No.5, lift strand E, insert 5 between E and D and bring out between E and F. 15. Lift F, insert 4 and bring 4 out between F Marlin-Spike Turned andA. 16. Pull all strands tight with pliers, pulling toward thimble. This completes the first tuck. There should now be one strand emerging between each two of the standing part except Band C, where the core strand comes out. 17. Tuck the first strand to the left of the core strand as shown in Figure 3, over one and under one, working to the right, and passing over the core. (In this case it will be No.1, which will pass over C and under B, pulling the core of the free end to the core of the standing part.) 18. Proceed likewise with each strand in turn, as No.2 over B and under A, No.3 over A and under F, untill all strands have been tucked. the last one will emerge at the same place as the core. 19. Pull all strands tight, with pliers, toward thimble. 20. Repeat the procedure outlined in 17 and 18. this time No.5 will be the first to the left of the core and first to be tucked. 21. Pull all strands tight and cut off core strand. 22. Separate each strand into halves, and repeat procedure in 17 and 18 with half of each strand, beginning at any point this time. 23. Pull tight and cut off the half strands which were not tucked. 24. Proceed as in 22. (The strands will now be quarter strands). 25. Pull tight and cut off all strands as close as possible. 26. Pound the splice with the mallet, rolling it on the block of hardwood while pounding, so as to smooth out any irregulari­ ties. 27. Flatten thimble points. 28. Begin serving with linen cord half way between second and third tucks carrying the wrapping over the loose end of the cord. 29. Carry the wrapping down to a point 1/4" beyond the last tuck making the last four or five wraps around a pencil or similar object, so that they will be loose enough to push the end of the cord back under them. See Figure 5. 30. Pull tight, cut off cord and give two coats of shellac, allow­ ing at least two hours between coats. this completes the splice.

Figure 4

cated task , but this turned out to be un ­ true; I've jabbed myself only a couple of times in many, many splices. It's a little like rib-stitching; it takes a little time to learn to do well, but once you get it you realize it isn't so bad. A standard five tuck box splice usually takes me abo ut 45 minutes to finish. You will need pliers, cable cutters, a rawhide or plastic hammer, a vise and two hard-to-find things that are probably more easily made-a splicing fixture and a mar­ lin spike. The marlin spike can be ground

down from a screwdriver , and I've also seen one made from a piece of strea m­ lined flying wire which has the proper ba­ sic cross section. (Upholstery shops often have a tool that looks similar to the illustra­ tion of a Marlin spike we 've included in this article - HGF. ) The tip sho uld be rounded in plan form and sharp enough to push between cable strands but not so sharp that when you slip and jab yourself it draws blood. If it's too sharp it can also pull out strands within the strands that you don't want separated.

The sp licing fixture can take several forms; its function is to hold the cable tightly to the thimble while the splice is being made, and often it must allow for a fitti ng or turnbuckle end to be in the cable end. The type I use was supposedly used at the Spartan School of Aeronautics back in the 1930s. It's made from a short sec­ tion of pipe with a T-shaped slot on one side and a hole with a nut welded to it on the other side. A threaded rod runs through with a cup on the end; turning this in clamps the cable end and thimble into VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

How to Make a Wrapped Terminal Figure 1 Non-Flexible or 1 x 19 cable cannot be spliced, and although flexible cable must be spliced when used for air controls, if the diameter is more than 1/16", there are some places, such as brake or water rudder controls, where the wrapped type of eye may be used. MATERIALS: A piece of cable, of suitable length, a thimble of the proper size, 20 gage soft steel tinned wire, solder, soldering flux, which should be stearic acid or a mixture of stearic acid and rosin. TOOLS: Splicing clamp, vise, pliers, soldering iron, blow torch, (unless soldering iron is electrically heated) cable cutters.


PROCEDURE: 1. Grip splicing clamp in vise. 2. If cable has not been cut, run solder into it for a length of about 1/2" and cut in the center of the soldered portion, otherwise, the cable will unlay when cut. the cut should be made diagonally. See Figure 1. Instead of soldering, the cable may be served or wrapped tightly with the soft steel wire on each side of the point where the cut is to be made. 3. Turn up the points of the thimble, lay the cable around it and clamp in the splicing clamp, leaving a free end several inches long. The length of the free end after the job is finished should be 21 t imes the diameter of the cable. See Figure 1. If possi­ ble, the cable should be laid around the thimble holding this dimension, so as to avoid making another cut. It should then appear as in Figure 1. It is possible to do the job without a splicing clamp, but not as handily. 4. Insert end of soft steel wire between the two cables under the turned up points of the thimble and begin wrapping wire around the two parts of the cable, drawing each turn tight and close against the preceding turn. 5. After laying the turns close for a distance little less than 7D, a space equal to the diameter of the cable but not less than 1/8" should be left for inspection. Then wrap closely again. See Figure 2, which shows how the eye should appear when the wrapping is complete. 6. Fill all crevices, including the inspection holes and the space between the thimble and the cable with solder until flush with outside of wrapping. Wipe off excess sol­ der while hot. This completes the job. NOTE: Instead of using a soldering iron the whole terminal may be dipped in melted solder if a melting ladle is available.


Figure 2

+ o I

the T-slot. T here are also a couple of C­ sectio n p ieces in sid e th e circ le to he lp a li gn th e ca bl e e nd with th e slo t. T he th readed rod is run through a tube welded to a wide blade that can be cl amped into the vise to allow the entire splice to be ro­ tated, which makes the process much eas­ ier. There is, of course, a T-handle at the e nd of th e threa de d rod to ti ght e n th e clamp. The re are other types of splicing clamps around , most being made of steel blocks with a V-shaped opening cut hori­ zo ntall y at one e nd a nd some method of clamping the thimble /cable eye into this ope ning . An ybody who can restore an 12 MAY 1994

airpl ane ca n come up with some thing to do the job. While the steps involved are repeated in this article, I will refer you to the CAM 18 or Brimm and Boggess' "Aircraft Main­ tenance," which is better, but out of print since the 1940s, and I will offe r some tips th at will he lp to und erstand the process and diagrams. The most useful measurement of cable length is inside of eye to inside of eye, and getting the second end made at exactly the right distance from the first can be tricky. I usually put a pi e ce of ma sking t a p e around the cable exactly six inches short

of t he desired length and the n make th e end so that it measures six inches fro m the edge of the tape to the in side of th e eye . The 1911 Wright B project I' m currently wo rking o n has no turnbuckles in the rig­ ging and I am trying to hold to tolerances of plus ze ro and minus 111 6 inch on wire length. Th e most common cable splice is th e five-tuck box splice, sometimes called the Army-Navy five-tuck splice, and this is the only one shown in the CAM 18. A careful study of the diagrams and instructions and

(Continued on p age 26)



i, , 'pooi,[ pi,,, in Ohio wh",

t he buzzards come home to roost every spring, usually right on a certain day. The small town is called Hinckley, O hio and is located a short distance south-southwest of Cleveland. Among t he inhabitants await ing the annual spring "buzzard show" is an aviation-minded couple by the name of Gene and Caro l Engelskirger (EAA 394286, AIC 18337) , who not only reside in Hinckley, but are the proud own­ ers of an extremely nice 1954 Cessna 170B, N2727C, SIN 26271. We caught up with these good people at Sun 'n Fun '93, where the fine color photos for this article were taken by EAA Chief Photographer Jim Koepnick. In ad­ dition, we had a chance to visit with Gene (who answers best to the nickname, " Pete " ) and Carol and discover the his­ tory of their fine airplane - plus some in­ teresting background on this lovely cou­ ple. Pete Engelskirger was born in 1940 in Erie, PA , of German parentage and grew up two blocks from the airport. As a young lad, he would sometimes jump the fence to be among the airplanes - and dream. During high school, he soloed a Piper PA-18-95 Super Cub and went on to obtain his Private license. Following high school, he attended PIA (Pittsburgh Insti­ tute of Aeronautics) where he earned his A & P rating before going to work at Sun­ dorf Aeronautical Corp. at Cleveland , OH. Before long he had earned his Com­ mercial and Instrument tickets and flew charter flights and gave instruction. In 1965, Pete hired out to fly a corpo­ rate DC-3 which begat a Grumman G-1 (owned by a lady). His next position was flying a Cessna 414 for a data processing company (18 years) which led to his pre­ sent position as a Grumman G-II captain (Above and left) Pete Engelskirger and his lovely w ife, Carol w ith their beautiful 170B. Note the curved fuel vent above the center cabin with the tiny mount for a mica mast just ahead of it (left). The mica mast was used for supporting an antenna wire from the fin to the mast and to the cowl, just ahead of the wind­ shield. VINT


N 1

for a Cleveland company, flying out of Cleveland Hopkins airport. Carol Engelskirger (nee: Coleman) is of Irish descent and a glider pilot. Her ex­ perience has been in Schweizer one and two-place machines as a member of the Cleveland Soaring Society. Although not a powered airplane pilot, it must give her husband a good feeling to know that if the Cessna's engine ever quits, he can look at her in the right seat and say, "It's all yours!" The Engleskirger's original airplane was a Piper J-3 Cub, N98737, SIN 18966, which they restored in the early 1970's with an 85 Continental and a white paint scheme. They have enjoyed the Cub for over twenty years (their son soloed in it) 14 MAY 1994

and plan on rebuilding it once again, only this time it will be yellow with a black lightning stripe. In early 1990, Pete and Carol learned of a Cessna 170B that was for sale in Pomeroy, OH. It was owned by a really nice couple, Ray and Marita Miller, who wanted some friends to buy it, but they couldn't come up with the money. The Engelskirgers checked the airplane over carefully and bought it after examining the logs, which went back to factory new and the inital ferry flight to Lost Nation Aviation at Willowby, OH. The Cessna had spent its entire life in Ohio and the Engelskirgers were the 5th or 6th owners since new. It had the original 0-300A en­ gine, McCauley prop and a set of alu­

minum wheelpants. About the only non­ standard item was a set of Cleveland brakes and wheels which can come in aw­ fully handy when landing a 170 in a stiff crosswind. The airplane was flown to Pete and Carol's farm in Pennsylvania where it was totally disassembled and the parts stripped of paint. One by one, the parts were hauled back to Hinckley where the air­ plane was slowly put back together. One item added was a set of retractable "mov­ ing handles" in the aft fuselage that allow the tail of the airplane to be moved with­ out undue stress on the stabilizer (and other tender parts). In addition, the Ponk gear mod was installed, the parts having been acquired by former owner. Roy


Miller, b ut never installed. All metal parts were carefully primed on the inside before assembly - it's called long term cor­ rosion control. Meanwhile, the Continental 0-300A engine was sent out for a complete major overhaul by Clydesdale Engines. A new interior for the 170 was installed by Den­ nis Walters at Air Mod Upholstery, Lunken Airport, Cinncinati, OH. The in­ side trim was painted in "Trooper Tan " which the late Tom Hull (of Cessna 195 Grand Champion fame) had carefully re­ searched. The outside co lors were the same Cream and Maroon that Tom Hull had used on his 195. (It never ceases to amaze this author of the widespread effect on Cessna restorations nationwide, that was the direct result of the late Tom Hull's diligent research and total commitment to sharing his vast knowledge with Cessna restorers everywhere.) The two venturies that operate the DG

and A H were retained o n the righth and side of the bootcowl as they were fie ld in­ sta lled six months after the airplane was delivered new. A n electric T & B was also retained. New glass all around along with a new windshield was carefully installed to finis h off the "new" look. The super job of detailing really sets off the pretty inte­ rior in the airplane, especiall y the pri nted decals by the switches and control knobs. The 170 presently has the optional 7:00 X 6 tires installed, which makes for a very nice hand ling and soft landing airp lane. However, in order to uti lize the original meta l wheel pants , the tires have to be changed to 6:00 X 6 to fit inside the pants. Meanwhile , the nicely painted hubcaps look very chic. Incidentally, Pete En­ gleskirger did all his own painting on the airplane and a close inspection reveals his work to be quite outstanding . Final de­ tails included a nicely rebuilt Scott 3200 tailwheel on one end and the original pro­

peller spinner on the other end - complete with new McCauley decals on the original propeller. Yo u have to admit the end result is a very nice looking Cessna 170B that flies as well as it looks. Pete and Carol can fly to their Pennslyvania farm from Hinckley in onl y 45 minutes, the 170 clipping along at 120 mph . With a King KX155 radio and a n Apollo Loran , communications and navigation are a cinch. As Pete says, "It is a dandy family airp lane for Sunday jaunts." The next project for Pete and Carol is the second rebuild of their J-3 Cub which will keep them busy for a spell. However, when its your very first airplane and has been in your family for over twenty years, it has surely earned a new set of feathers! It will be fun to see 01' N98737 back in its original yellow a nd black colors, parked next to your beautiful Cessna 170B. They will make a dandy pair. ...

+ :,<


(Above) Large venturis have been on the 170 since it was six months old and the gyr o instru­ ments were installed.



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16 MAY 1994

(Right) Immaculate engine compartment in­ cludes new engine baffles with their attendant seals plus a coat of silver paint on the inside of the cowling.

by Norm Petersen

T h i s photo (above) of this Piper PA-11, N4707H, SIN 11-494, mounted on a set of Edo 1320 floats was sent in by Hugh McKenna of Oswego, NY. The PA-ll is owned by Rich Revoir (EAA 127492, A/C 7326) of Hast足 ings, NY, and is powered with a Continental C90-8 engine. Rich reports the PA-ll was purchased as a total wreck in 1988 and was painstakingly restored over a three year period. The covering is finished in Stits Aerothane and the Edo 1320 floats, which were located locally, were finished off in the same yellow . The blue lightning stripe matches the blue on the inside of the airplane'S cabin. The PA-ll features two 18-gallon wing tanks for long range work and Rich says the sharp-looking floatplane is very quick off the water - usually less than 500 feet! His present plans include going to Edo 1400 floats this summer to gain a bit more flotation. It will be interesting to hear Rich's comparison of the two sizes of floats when the job is com足 pleted.

Another of Hugh McKenna's photos is a very nice looking Aeronca Champ, N2182E, SIN 7 AC-5756 , mounted on a set of Edo 1320 floats and owned by Tom Mangan (EAA 297907) of Brewerton, NY. Among the amenities the Champ is blessed with are a Continen足 tal C90-12 engine (with the accessory drives plated off), three fuel tanks (in the nose and both wings) and the large dorsal fin with two auxilary fins on the stabilizer. In addition, the Champ has a seaplane door which makes it handy for propping the airplane from the right float. Note also the sliding left side cabin window, the dual shoulder harnesses, Lexan tinted skylight and 71 X 41 seap lane prop. Tom bought the 7CCM converted Champ in Maine about three years ago and has done numerous upgrades on it ever since including a new paint job this past winter. The photo was taken on Lake Neatahwanta near Fulton, NY. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

T his pretty photo of a Stinson SR­ 9F, C-FOA W, mounted on a set of Edo Wb5030 floats was sent in by owner Gerry Arnold (EAA 177783), of Oak Bank, just east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Powered with a Pratt & Whit­ ney R-985 of 450 hp, the SR-9F was built by Stinson in 1938 and imported into Canada in 1940 for use by the On­ tario Government. In the late 1950's, it moved to Yellowknife, NWT, where it served on floats and skis until 1977 when Gerry bought the Stinson and stored it until 1981, when the total re­ build began . The entire aircraft was covered in Stits and the bump cowl was made from scratch out of aluminum to keep it original. In 1984, Gerry flew the big "gullwing" on wheels until hew as able to buy a set of the correct floats (Edo Wb5030) from Green Airways who had them on an SR-9F that was do­ nated to a museum . Gerry reports that with a new Hamilton Standard 2D30

prop with -6 blades, the big f10atplane cruises at 130 mph indicated. It is used for fishing trips into the north country and with doors on both sides and a re­ ally good load capacity , it makes a n

ideal machine for such work. Gerry is Fleet Manager for Arnold Brothers Transport , Ltd. who operate a fleet of trucks throughtout th e U. S. and Canada.

L ese pictures of Cliff Everts Travel Air A-6000­ A , N9966 , SIN 1099, were sent in by Dan Vavra (EAA 263656, A/C 12206) of North Pole, AK, who is an Illinois transplant with a strong yen for float fly­ ing. In the first photo, the huge wings are being rein­ stalled following recover. When you are dealing with a 54 ft., 5 in. wing span , along with an 84" chord, it takes some strong muscle to get everything lined up for installation! The man in the blue sweater is owner Cliff Everts, who runs a fleet of freighter air­ planes out of Fairbanks, AK, and uses the Travel Air for fishing trips, etc. The fuselage has been metalized and power is provided by a P & W R-985 of 450 hp. The floats are Edo Yd-6470. The second photo is taken from Dan Vavra 's Super Cuby on amphib Edo floats on an outing with the Travel Air, complete with the full cowl on the engine and the new cover job looking sharp. Cliff's Travel Air is one of nine remaining on the FAA register. 18 MAY 1994

L i s shot of Hugh Cox's Cessna 195, N9342A, SIN 7521, mounted on a set of oversize 39-4000 Edo floats (38-3430 are normal for a 195) was contributed by Merrill Wien (EAA 58226, A/C 9957) of Kent, WA, who owned the airplane while living in Alaska in the 1970's. The 195 is presently the pride and joy of Hugh Cox (EAA 353802, A/C 17997) of Anchorage , AK, who has owned the big floatplane for quite a number of years. A rather handy machine on floats be­ cause there are no wing struts to crawl over, the 195 has a 300 hp Ja­ cobs engine and uses auxiliary fins on the ends of the stabilizer when floats are mounted.

L ese photos of the Bushmasters were sent in by Milo De AngeJis (EAA 374136) of Vernon , BC, Canada who converts Piper PA-22 TriPacers to the "Super 22 Bushmaster" configuration. The conversion involves a longer fuse­ lage, extended nose, longer wings and struts and a left hand seaplane door. In addition, the righthand door swings upward for seaplane use. The airplane is then mounted on a set of PK 2300 floats and a long Borer seaplane pro­ peller is installed. The result is called the Super 22 Bushmaster , a dandy load hauler and a top notch performer, especially on floats. To date they have converted eleven PA-22's to this con­ figuration and the second photo shows six of the Bushmasters at Milo's dock at Stuart Island, BC, for a FishingIFly­ In this past summer. ...







Drill Press Becomes Valve Spring Compressor

And this month's winner is ... William D. Owen EAA 133910 Starkville, MS 39759

Readers are invited to submit entries to EAA 's Hints For Homebuilders, Att: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. En足 tries will be reviewed by a panel of EAA judges. Readers whose hints are published in any EAA magazine will be awarded a 3/8" Drive Socket Wrench Set from Snap-on Tools. Aircraft Spruce & Specialty will award a $25 gift certifi足 cate plus a current catalog, and American Saw & Mfg. Co. will award a Lenox 4012 Hacksaw Frame. Members are also invited to submit hints of an electrical nature. Any electrical hint used will receive a Fluke Model 23-2 Multimeter with Holster from the Fluke Corporation. The contest will run from August through July of each year with a Grand Prize being presented by Snap-on Tools (KR657 Roll Cab and KR637 Top Chest), Aircraft Spruce & Specialty ($250 gift certificate), and American Saw & Mfg. Co. (Lenox VBKMA -6 Vari-Bit Kit). A Grand Prize will also be awarded by the Fluke Corporation. These awards will be presented during the EAA Convention. Our thanks go to our sponsors for these awards. 20 MAY 1994

If you have a drill press in yo ur sho p yo u also have a va lve spring co mpressor for parallel valve cylinders. R efe r to the ph otos, a nd yo u ca n see h o w eas il y it ca n be do ne. To comp ress th e va lve spr in gs, all you nee d is a block of wood to h old t h e va lves u p a nd a piece of 1-1/4 inch pipe with a section cut o ut, so you can r eac h in a n d re m ove t h e valve keepers. B y p lacin g t he cy linder in the d ri ll press a n d co m足 p ressi ng th e spr in g, it will a ll ow yo u to h ave both h a nd s free t o re m ove or r ep lace t h e keepe rs , o nce th e spi ndl e is loc k ed in place. You may wish to use n eed le n ose p lie rs to re足 move the keepers, just to be o n the safe side.


-/Jude An information exchange column with input from our readers.

by Buck Hilbert (EAA 21, Ale 5) P.O. Box 424

Union, IL 60180

I had quite a discussion with our local Th ere you have it - the boltom lin e is concerning the mid-air collision of th e FlSDO (Flight Standards District Office) that your flight test examiner can test you BT-13 and P-51. people a while back regarding whether or in your two-control airplane and issue you I am enclosing clippings concerning not there was a restricted Two-Control Li­ a regular pilot's license. M y thanks to Miss Fort's history. cense. Th e following communique came Chip Wilson for "birddogging" this ques­ Sincerely, down from FAA H eadquarters with re­ tion, and to Rick and Scott for taking care gard to this issue. This clears up a confus­ of it at FAA HQ. J.A. "Blackie" Blackburne

ing point that of which no one seemed to That Pearl Harbor Aeronca still gener­ ATP 36491, A&E 46376-40

have a clear picture. ates all sorts of interest. Here's one of the A/C 11696

If the flight test is given in an Ercoupe letters 1 received: College Park, GA

(or a General Skyfarer, for that matter), does it matter when the license is issued if Dear Buck, Hi Blackie, the airplane does not have rudder pedals? I queried a couple different designees During 1940 while I was Chief Pilot Guess you and I chased each other and the F1SDO and received conflicting and flight instructor for Miller Flying Ser­ around in those good old CV-440s. I flew answers. I went to E. W. "Chip" Wilson, vice at Berry Field in Nashville, TN one them for VAL and I'll bet we were on the one the supervisors at the Rockford tower of my students was Miss Cornelia Clark ramp together more than once. Like facility and an instructor on tail draggers, Fort. At eight hours of dual I soloed maybe FWA or TOL. Miss Fort, April 27, 1940 in a Luscombe You wouldn 't believe th e interest this etc., and I asked him to get on the "hot­ line " to Washington for clarification. 50, NC 22051. June 17, 1940 I gave her Pearl Harbor story has created. 1 have Here is what came through. the required dual cross country, Nashville three letters lying on my desk , your's in­ It might give some of our m embers a - Lambert Field , St. Louis - Nashville in cluded, just from the last chapter in this real boost to know that they don 't have to Luscombe NC25362. Miss Fort obtained episode. accomplish a multiple airplane check ride her Private license in two months. J an­ Th ere have been all kinds of letters, al­ in order to secure their Private Pilot ticket. uary 4, 1941 I finished Miss Fort's aerial legations and stories come out of this one. A note from Rick Cremer to Scott acrobatic training in a UPF-7 Waco , Yours adds some authentic background Hartwig in the FAA explains the situation: NC299904. with the clippings and all. February 4, 1941 I reported to an Meanwhile, it is great that you took the Scott, I checked my interps (interpre­ Army contract school, the South East Air time to write. Do it again. I always like to tations), inspector handbooks, and with Corps Training Center at Albany, GA. hear from one of the guys that was on the my friends in the General Aviation Divi­ After two classes of Air Cadets, I was airside of the fence when I was hanging on sion (AFS-800) and we see no reason promoted to Flight Commander. the other side. 1 was a line boy in the CPT why a pilot taking a check ride in an air­ In early 1942 I saw Miss Fort at Berry program at the old Elmhurst, I L airport. plane with no rudder pedals would have Field and she explained in detail her ex­ 1 sandbagged with a lot of the guys that a restriction on his/her airman certifi­ perience in the air in Hawaii the morning went on to become instructors in the con­ cate. of the Japa nese attack. She was instruct­ tract schools and even had one of them as There is no FAR that requires that ing in a J-3 Cub. fligh t commander at Wickenburg, AZ the airplane be so equipped. FAR 61.45 The credits of the movie "Tora, Tora, when I went through Primary there in '43. Tora" list an actress as playing the part of I was in class 44£. Graduated from the flight test: Required aircraft and equip­ ment is the reg that would state that re­ Cornelia. In the movie a Stearman was Western Training Command at Ft. Sum­ quirement and it doesn't. The only ques­ used. ner, NM. tion is the ability to do the slips discussed (Editor's note: In the newspaper clip­ Got with VAL in '52 after the Korean in the PTS. We all agreed that a flight ping enclosed with this letter, the sad de­ War and had a wonderful 32 years with test in an airplane witho ut separate rud­ tails of Miss Fort's death on March 21, them. Retired in '84. der pedals would make forward slips to a 1943 in a mid-air collision. By that time, Hang in there, Blackie, landing a problem but that would have she had over 1,100 hours in her logbook, and Over to You, to be taken into consideration. much of it while serving as pilot for the Woman 's Auxiliary Ferrying Command.) I hope this has helped - Best Regards, f( After hearings I was advised that Miss Fort was completely exonerated of blame


by George Hardie The design of this airplane offers a clue as to the period in which it was built. The photo is from the La Malfa collection in the EAA archives. An­ swers will be published in the July issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is May 20. First off, we 'd like to apologize for the mix-up with the dates for the March Mystery Plane - The correct date was supposed to be April 20, 1994, with the answers published in the June issue. Sorry for the mixup! Pete Bowers, Seattle, Washington had the answer to the February Mys­ tery:

"It is Glenn Curtiss' first effort at a flying boat. Built in late 1911. Basi­ cally, it was a stock Model D airframe with engine and landing gear removed, attached to an elongated float that con­ tained the motor, seats and controls that made it a flying boat rather than a pon­ toon seaplane. The single 60 hp Curtiss V-8 engine drove two tractor propellers rotated in the same direction . At least two sets were tried-one left-hand and one right-hand. The photo shows the left-hand arrangement. "Apparently the Wrights were more successful with chain drives than Curtiss. The undesignated Curtiss boat never flew, mainly because of transmission 22 MAY 1994

problems. A later 1912 Curtiss design, with a direct drive engine again mounted between the wings as a pusher and a longer hull that now supported the tail surfaces directly, became the first suc­ cessful flying boat and Curtiss received a patent on it. In spite of the lack of suc­ cess, the 1911 boat was featured in fitll­ page Curtiss magazine ads of the time and made the first public use of the term flying boat. " The man standing on the back of the hull in the photo is John Kaminski, an 18-year-old student from Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Curtiss Flying School. The first attempt at takeoff showed the boat cou ld not break the surface, so Lansing Callan told Kaminski, "Johnny, stand on the back of the hull." The boat broke free from the water but the air­ plane could not climb. Other answers were received from Lynn Towns, Brooklyn, Michigan ; Bob Gall, Morgantown , West Virginia; C. C. Cannon, Winterset, Iowa; Lindsey Dunn, Hammondsport , New York; James Freese, Ukiah, California; Rob ert Wynne, Mercer Is land , Washington; Charley Hay es, Park Forest , Illinoi s; Frank Abar, Livonia, Michigan; W. Van Walk e nburg, Jasper, Georgia; John Linke, Omaha, Nebraska a nd Herbert deBruyn, Be ll evue, Washington, John Nordt III, South Miami, FL. ...

First Curtiss flying Boat



"C.J' .

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-Antique Airplanes ,,

• • •

Why Bother? By John Hanson Ale 4183

A bout five years ago, I finished a cover job on my J -3 Cub. It had taken over a year and was not without its peri­ ods of frustration. Indeed , there were times when I would throw my tools down and rue the day I ever started the task of restoring the old plane. The futility of it all became crystal clear when I sold the completed Cub for what seemed like a good price at the time but later deter­ mined to be less than I had invested dol­ lar-wise in the project (read that a dollar loss and not a nickel back for my labor) . Frustrated and angry at myself, I made my wife , Peggy , promise that if I ever again talked about restoring an old air­ plane, she would kick me right square in the butt. She had all too often been on the receiving end of my project related frustration, so she gladly agreed to the promise. I then blissfully went out and bought another airplane (another J-3 Cub, completed and flyable of course) which I have flown ever since. Come forward now to the last week of August 1993 to a Saturday morning coffee at Roy Redman's hangar here in Min­ nesota. Sitting with a cup of coffee, Roy casually mentioned an airplane be had heard of for sale that needed its restora­ tion completed - a Piper J-4A Cub Coupe, 24 MAY 1994

no less ; a truly intriguing and fairly rare aircraft. No harm in looking, I told my­ self; no harm in just thinking about it. What a coincidence - this plane was in Marengo, Illinois, about 20 minutes from my brother Jim 's house. Maybe I'd just have him and my father take a ride over and just take a quick look , I thought. No harm in that. No harm at all .. . Yep, you guessed it. My father and brother called that night and said it looked great, fairly complete and priced right. To make the decision easier yet , my father, mother, brother and sister-in-law were about to drive to my house in Minnesota for a visit and the nice folks selling the air­ plane offered to loan us a flatbed trailer to hook up to my father ' s van to get the Coupe up here. They would even load it. A deal was struck and the plane was in my hangar a day later. My wife, of course, wanted to know if I remembered the promise I had so care­ fully extracted from ber five years before. With a sheepish grin, I said, "What promise? " She laughed and said, " You know; the one that had to do with my foot, your butt and restoring another air­ plane!" I could tell she was really as pleased as I was about my finding the Coupe but we had fun anyway running





around the house until she caught me and ceremoniously kicked my butt. Then we poured a couple of drinks and celebrated the find. What a fantastic lady! I'll teach her to rib-stitch yet. The whole thing got me to thinking, though: why exactly do we restore these old planes? Why is it so important to us to take an old neglected piece of machinery and make it like new? Why do we put in countless dollars and hours of our time , only to produce a finished machine that is worth less than our dollar investment alone more often than not? The answer lies, I think, in something antique restorers have in common , wbether it be airplanes, cars, furniture or whatever it is that they restore. We all feel poignantly the loss of something that used to be here and isn't here today. What is that something? Call it a mystique. The feeling that all was right with the world. The hopefulness of the past. Simplicity. Put anotber way, things from the past are important to us because they are symbols of a time that, for one reason or another, appeals to us as much as or more than to­ day. In the case of the airplane, we restore them at least in part because they are arti­ facts from the era when flying was adven­ turous and full of bope, before the time of strangling regulation and fear of litigation. Flying was still magical when these craft were young. We carefully return them to their new condition because we want to make that feeling of flight as nearly like it was when they were new as possible. You ha ve undoubtedly beard it said


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that antique airplanes are time macbines. With apologies to Albert Einstein and his theories, it is true. When we take off in an airplane that was built in 1940 and climb up high enough so that the modern cars and TV antennas are not visible, for all in­ tents and purposes it is 1940. This is what flying was like back then. It is what it sounded , smelled and felt like. Until you return and land, it is 1940. That, I guess, is why we put so much more into these restorations than we can ever hope to get out (financially, at least). Every piece of the airplane is restored in­ dividually as part of the overall experi­ ence. It is somehow different to take the ship aloft when one knows every piece in­ side, when one knows not only what it feels like to fly the plane, but also when one knows how they built them back then, too. On the way to my hangar, I drive through some classic Minnesota farm country. Rolling bills, barns, cows, horses and farmhouses with long gravel drive­ ways. Quite often one finds an old tire swing hung from a large branch of an an­ cient oak tree in the yard. The rope hold­ ing the swing may be old and frayed and the rubber on the tire cracked and dry, a remnant left by kids long since grown and gone. Why does the farmer leave the tire swing up many years after his children have gone? It is probably the same reason we keep old airplanes around. The swing sways in the breeze the same way it did a decade or two ago when his beloved chil­ dren would come and play on it after school and chores were done. The kids

would look out of tbeir warm comfortable rooms on cold December days and watch it swing in tbe teeth of a blizzard and feel better for being inside. They would sit on that swing and dream of the future, wbere they would go, people they would meet, adventures they would live, maybe the person they would marry. That swing. After it meant so much , how could he take it down? No, it carries too much of the past with it. It is a time machine. It must stay since the wind makes it sway the same way it did when the kids were small and loved it so. And that's also the reason we keep the old airplanes flying. They are the past, still looking and feeling the same as they did when they were new. By keep­ ing them flying, we are ensuring that the past is not forgotten just as surely as the farmer, by keeping the swing firmly tied to the oak tree, keeps the memory of his children home though they may be thou­ sands of miles away. He can 't bring him­ self to take the swing down, and we can ' t bring ourselves to see an old airplane rot away. I'm not saying I won't find myself ask­ ing my wife to make that butt kicking promise again in the not too distant fu­ ture. As a matter of fact, I guess I proba­ bly will. What I am saying is that those old airplanes are our tire swings. The farmer keeps the tire swing up and we keep the old planes up, for much the same reasons. The past will never really come again, but for a little while we can remember it clearly through our tire swings. ...

.tJ' _ _ .~

As you can see, the Wright Model B pro­ ject nearing completion by Ken Hyde and Andrew King involved a lot of rig­ ging like that described in this article. The dummy Wright engine was created by Pat Packard.


C4&k Ue4fJi"q (Continued/rom page 12)

some practice splices will lead to suitable understanding of the process . John Barker hint #1: after separating each strand from the free end of the cable , it helps to keep the strand from fraying and making it hard to tuck if you solder the end of it just enough to prevent this. The books will say to pull the end of a tucked

strand back toward the thimble; however, if you pull back at too sharp an angle, you will birdcage the splice-a little experi­ mentation will show the proper angle and pull , patience is a must , and you should expect to throwaway the first few efforts. Beating down the splice with a rawhide or plastic mallet to tighten it up when fin-

The tools essential to splicing aircraft cable. The fixture used by Andrew was used by Spartan School of Aero­ nautics, but you can machine your own splicing clamp using the photos or the illustrations in this article. 26 MAY 1994

ished works pretty well on 3/32 inch or 1/8 inch cable, but on 5/32 inch you might try squeezing the splice in a soft jawed vise and rotating it between squeezes. There are a few things here that are kind of esoteric and hard to describe ­ they ' re best learned by doing. Perhaps the best advice is to go ahead and try it ; it isn' t as hard as it might seem and it adds a nice finishing touch to an antique air­ plane, especially one that 's going to be scrutinized at EAA OSHKOSH. The box splice is the most common , but all the prewar Pipers used roll splices on their flexible cables, probably because it takes a few minutes less time and saved Piper a few cents per week in labor. (They also used non flexible cable with wrapped and soldered ends in the control system when they could , if there were no pulleys. The elevator control of the J-4 Cub Coupe was done this way; it was cheaper than the 7 x 19 flexible cable.) This type of cable end is sometimes called the Roebling roll splice after the company that manufac­ tured the cable in the good old days. The Roeblings were also the family who engi­ neered and built the Brooklyn Bridge and the suspension bridge over the Ohio River at Cincinnati , and I've often wondered if there are giant roll splices in the cables of those bridges. The roll splice is the same as the box up to the end of the first tuck, but then in­ stead of the strands being tucked over and under the strands of the standing cable , they are tucked in the opening just behind where they come out and also come out in the same place as in the first tuck , so that the strands of the free end end up each

Finished examples of the wrapped and soldered cable end (left) and the spliced end (below). Both add greater authenticity to Ken Hyde's magnificent Curtiss Jenny.

wrapping around one strand of the stand­ ing cable, 1 around C, 2 around B, and so forth. Piper used a six-tuck roll splice, taper­ ing it in a rather strange way. After the fourth tuck, two adjacent strands were cut off, the other four tucked , two more cut off, the last two tucked , and then cut off to finish the splice. When wrapping the splice with a cord they started at the sec­ ond or third tuck and laid one end of the cord along the cable and wrapped the sec­ ond end over it , finishing it off after the sixth tuck was covered up by tying the two ends of the cord into five half-hitches so that a small curved row of knots shows at the end. Piper also painted the wrappings to color code the cables-red for rudder, green for aileron and yellow for elevator. The J-4 also used black on the wrappings of its parking brake cable. The wrapped and soldered cable end is easier to figure out and do, and the same splicing clamp is used. I've seen brass wire used for the wrapping but I don 't be­ lieve that this is correct. I use plain old galvanized steel wire from the hardware store. Be sure to use a noncorrosive flux. Incidentally, World War I airplanes like the Jenny didn't always use the inspection openings in the wrapping as is shown in the more modern books. I use a big so l­ dering iron to make the joint, alt hough my employer, Ken Hyde, used a bullet mold and dipped the terminals he made for his J enny. I do recommend soldering all the way around the thimble. Kermit had a 1916 Avro 504K down in Miami that had these ends on the cables (t hey were new cables from a 1972 restoration) and two of them flexed ever so slightly at the back of the thimbles until they failed and caused partial landin g gear collapse and damage that took weeks to fix. Piper again had a slightly different and quicker method of doing the wrapping. They looped the wire through the V of the thimble and wrapped two strands at once, this being recognizable by having a double strand goi ng diagonally across the inspec­ tion opening instead of the normal single strand. Hard wire bracing was also quite com­

mon in the teens and 1920s and less so the ' 30s, usually used in interior bracing of wings and fuselage. The hard wire ends were formed into eyes and ferrules made of 10 or 12 wraps of the same wire (soft wire should not be used) were slipped over the two wires and the free end bent up to secure the assemb ly . To form the eye a fixture is used consisting of a block of metal with three rods sticking out of it in a row; I usually use three bolts threaded in and sawn off. Sometimes it helps to set the center one back a little to get a good eye. Forming the ferrule is awfully hard

out of anything bigger than .100 inch but this is big enough for .125 inch wire and hopefully you won' t be using anything big­ ger than that. The ferrule can be formed by wrapping the wire around two pieces of the right size wire twisted together slightly over the length of the ferrule to account for spring back. I would recommend sol­ dering the finished terminal not because it adds strength , but to help prevent rust in­ side. If you're striving for a very accurate restoration or replica, figuring all this stuff out will be well worth it.


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On this page you'll see the latest additions to the ranks of the EAA Antique/Classic Division. Whether you're joining for the first time, or are coming back, we welcome you, and we'd especially like to welcome those of you who are joining us with your interest in Contemporary class aircraft. Welcome one and all! Phil H. Ablitt Surrey, British Colmbia, Canada Irvin A. Anderson Delta, OH Gesualdo Belfiore Nicila Coviello, Italy Sam Bellotte Harper's Ferry, WV F. Michael Bickel Lenzburg, IL Peter H. Blake Kintnersville, PA St Joseph, MO Stephen Blazer John H. Bolding Baytown, TX Anthony Bonaffini Fairfield, cr David Wm Boone Atlanta , GA F. William Boros Trenton , NJ Andrew H. Boschen , Jr. Norfolk, MA Jeff A. Bosonetto Marietta, GA Carrollton, TX Dan M. Boyce Edward M. Braley Des Moines, IA Richard Bringe Hartford, WI Dennis Broderson Port Townsend, WA J. D. Brown Tucson, AZ Roger R. Brown Sunbury, OH Ted Burger Port Byron, IL Dunnellon, FL Charles M. Buster Dick Butler Tullahoma, TN Darrell D. Campbell Wilsonville,IL Jon Champion Charlotte, NC Lane D. Chenoweth Anchorage, AK Albuquerque, NM Richard A. C1eis Royce Clifford Levcadia, CA Drew Coats Houston , TX Loretta A. Cook Perryman, MD Timothy W. Coyle Fraiser, Australia Bellevue, WA Kirby L. Cramer Roger Crandell White Rock, NM Allen B. Crowe Spotswood, NJ Richard A. Curtin Anniston, AL W. R. Cutter Phoenix , AZ Bealeton, VA Kent A. Dailey William C. Dannecker Palm City, FL David Darbyshire II San Luis Obispo, CA Donald A. Davis St James, MO Douglas R. Diener Fallbrook, CA James Dodd St Simons island, GA William Dunn Del Norte, CO Melvin C. Eisaman Aurora, CO Phoenix, AZ Roger Ely Ft Branch, IN Timothy E. Emge S. J. Engel South Bend, IN Sam Farmiga Le Bourget Airport, France John L. Fastnaught Purcellville, VA Waterville, NY John M. Ferriter Gordon O. Fevig Ulen, MN Roy J. Fischer Lakeland, FL Thomas R. Flaglor Greeneville, TN Robert Fray Haddon, Peterbourough, England Joseph Frazier Crystal Lake, IL Dale A. Furlong Foot Hill Ranch, CA Kevin Gardner Collierville, TN Theodore G. Glasrud White Bear Lake, MN 28 MAY 1994

Sidney S. Glynn Lakeland, FL William J. Gores Franklin, WI Craig Gosnell Duncansville, PA Tilden , TX Thomas W. Gould Spring, TX Tom E. Gregory Brighton, MI Milton L. Gruner Scott Hager Stratford, WI Bill Hammill Guelph, Ontario, Canada Meadville, PA William C. Hanaway Christopher Hand Wilton, CT James W. Harlan Lewisville, TX Houston , TX James W. Hart, Jr. Peter O. Hengst Sandton, South Africa Bill Hewitt Brush Praire, WA Ronald F. Hofmann Cottage Grove, MN Coopersburg, PA Harry A. Holscher Bradley Howerton Austin, TX W. Greg Huseth Decatur, GA George E. Ingram London, NW, England Ben L. Jacikevicius Rollinsford, NH Robert P. Janes Vernal, UT David G. Jani Brodheadsville, PA William F. Jelin Chicago,IL Skip Jenkins Hazlehurst, GA Keller, TX Thomas A. Kachmar Concord, MA Lar Kaufman Apple Valley, CA Roger Keeney Irwin, PA Thomas W. Kelly Don Keown Sunriver, OR Charles King Byron, CA Tom King Ukon , OK Jerry C. Kingsley Sarasota, FL Rol F. Kinney Sewickley, PA Steve R. Klosterman Celina,OH Hilary G. Knight Dorsey, IL Moorhead, MS Marvin L. Kroeker Herald, CA Walter G. Kuhn Robb Kunkle East Berlin, PA Lyle H. Lamboley Tampa, FL Ken Leggett Yelm , WA Patrick F. Leonard Elmwood Park , IL Moizes Franco Leonel Curitiba, Brazil Bob Liddle Granby, CO Arthur P. Loring, Jr. Edmonds, WA Massena, IA Gary G. Maas Paul B. Mace Ashland, OR Perkasie, PA Bernard A. May Kevin T. McDonald Austin, TX Stephen E. McGuire Ponca City, OK Michael C. Meek Seattle, WA Allan T. Michasiow Troy, NY Harrison Twp, MI Don Miller Chehalis, WA Larry A. Moses C. A. Naramor Fayetteville, GA Tom Noack Pacheco, CA Kurt Virgilio Nopper Guarulhos, Brazil Jim Oakley Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

David Olig Fargo, NO

Noni Onstott Mt Pleasent, MI A. G. Oosenbrugh Asch, Netherlands Alan H. Ostrowski Oak Forest, IL Frank S. Papay Elyria, OH F. Dale Parker Pawhwska, OK Arthur J. Parks Cincinnati, OH Robert L. Parks Sandpoint, 10 Newhall, CA Jack D. Patzold Dennis D. Perryman Pleasantville, IA Chris Polsley Galion, OH Tucson , AZ Chuck Powell Pando Rodolfo Prieio Mexico Glenn F. Pugh Camden,OH Thomas A. Quinn Tulsa, OK Gene Rambo Washington, DC George E. Regan Holly, MI Wilbur E. Reich Peoria, IL J. W. Reining Phoenix , AZ Agustin Riveros Villa Santa Adela, Maipu, Chile Sacramento, CA Thomas R. Roach Toledo, OH Loren C. Sattler Pheonix, AZ Robert F. Schmidt Talmadge Scott Hernando, FL John Shipley Tremonton, UT Robert M. Shumaker Lawrenceville, GA Tom Skarda USAFA,CO Shaun Smith West Lafayette, IN Randy St. Julian Painesville, OH Brad Stahl San Luis Obispo, CA Seward, KS Tracy A. Standish Billings, MT John H. Stevens William F. Stevenson, Jr. Lafayette, LA Preston Strohsahl Tucson, AZ Ernest W. Sutton Belleville, Ontario, Canada Islip Ter, NY Peter James Szczebak Dennis Tegan Auchenflower, Qweensland, Australia Greensboro, GA Daniel G. Traver Ben Troemel Valparaiso, FL Glenn C. True, Jr. Ojai, CA James Turner Paisley, Scotland, Great Britain Anchorage, AK William J. Wade William A. Walenceus Oelwein, IA Bob H. Wampler Portland, OR Joseph F. Ware, Jr. Oxnard, CA Eugene, OR Joseph G. Watson Juergen Weichert Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Shenandoah Whalen Amelia, OH Spokane, WA Alan C. Whitehouse Whites Car Care Cincinnati,OH Gainesville, GA John T. Williams Portland, OR Orville V. Withey St Joseph, MO Michael Wright Uwe Richard Yoigt Schweinfurt, Germany Lester S. Yost Shermans Dale, PA Ed Yount Bargersville, IN

MA Y 20·22 • COLUMBIA, CA - 1994 Luscombe Gathering. 18th Annual event, and will fea ture judging, spot landing and flour bombing, plus a clock race. Contact: Art Moxley, 206/432-4865. MA Y 20·22 ·HAMPTON, NH - Hampton Airfield. 18th Annual Aviation Flea Market. Fly-in, Drive-in - camping on airfi e ld . No fees. No rain date. Anything aviation related ok . Food availabl e. For info call 603/964­ 6749. May 27·29· ATCHISON, KS - Amelia Earhart Memori a l Airport. 28 th Annual AAA, Kansas City Chapter Fly-In. For infor­ mation , call Herb Whitlow, 913/379-5011 or Stephen Lawlor, 806/238-216l. May 27·29 • WATSONVILLE, CA - 30th Annual West Coast Antique Fly-In and Air­ show. Call 408/496-9559 for more info rm a­ tion. JUNE 3·4 - BARTLESVILLE, OK ­ Frank Phillips Field. American Hatz Assoc. gat herin g and forum. For info , ca ll Louie , 206/894-2862. JUNE 3·4 - BARTLE SVILL E, OK ­ Frank Phillips Field. N3N Restore r's Assoc. gatherin g and forum. For info , ca ll Gerry Miller, 303/245-7899. JUNE 3·4· MERCE D, CA - 37th Merced West Coast Antique Fly- In. For more infor­ mation, contact Merced Pilots Assoc., P.O. Box 2312, Merced, CA 95344 or Mike Berry 209/358-3728. For concessions information , call Dick Escola, 209/358-6707. JULY 2·4 - PORT CLINTON, OH - Carl Keller Fie ld. Gathering of Eagles Airshow and Fly-In . Awards for best antiqu e, classic, homebuilt and warbird. for information, con­ tact Bob Zak, 216/441-0661. JUNE 4·5· VALPARAISO , IN (VPZ) EAA Northwest Indiana Chapter 104 3rd An­ nual Fly-In Breakfast. 219/926-3572. JUNE 5· JUNEAU , WI - EAA Chapter 897 Fly- In , drive-in pancake breakfast at Dodge County Airport. Breakfast served 8 ­ 1 pm. Hamburgers and brats served from noon un til 3 p.m. Aviation fly market. Co­ sponsored by the Go ldwing motorcycle and Hot Rod associations. Contact: Rick , 414/885­ 3696. JUNE 5· LACROSSE, WI - Annual Fly­ In/Drive- In breakfast. 6081781-527l. JUNE 5 • DEKALB , IL - DeKalb-Taylor Municipal airport. 7am - noon. EAA Chap­ ter 241 serves its 30th Annual Fly-In/Drive-In breakfast. For informatio n, call 815/286-7818. JUNE 3 • 4 • BARTLESVILLE, OK ­ Eighth Annual National Biplane Co nvention and Exposition. Frank Phillips Field. Biplane airshow with world fa mou s performers , fo­ rums, se minars and workshops. Biplanes and NBA members free - for all others an admis­ sion charge applies. For inform a ti o n call Charles Harris, Chairman, 918/622-8400 or Virgil Gaede, Expo Director, 918/336-3976. JUNE 10·12 - MIDDLETOWN , OH­ Hook Field. 7th Annua l National Aeronca

Convention. Aeronca Tours, banquet Satur­ day ni ght, Awards. Ca ll 812/232-1491 for in­ formati on. JUNE 11 • WHER E VER EAA ME M­ BERS ARE, WORLDWIDE - INT ERNA­ TIONAL YOUNG EAGLES DAY . Check with your local EAA or Antique /Classic Chapter t o find out if th ey are holdin g a Yo un g Eagles Rally. If yo u' re too far away from a chapter activity, you certainly can do it on your own. You can inspire a life - take a youngster for a ride! For more info, contact the EAA Young Eagles Office, EAA Avia­ tion Ce nt er, P.O . Box 3086, O shko sh, WI 54903-3086. Call 414/426-4800. JUNE 11 Co rrect e d D a te FOWLERVILLE, MI - Maple Grove Aero­ drom e. Sterman Fly-in , sponsored by Maple Grove EAA Chapter 1056. Vintage airplanes invited . All welcome. A/C parts swap meet. To pre-register or for info call: Rich - 517/625­ 3338 or Ron - 517/223-3233. Rai n date June 12 or June 18. JUNE 11· DECATUR, AL - EAA Chap­ ter 94l!D eca tur-Ath e ns Ae ro Services 7th Annual Fly-In. All invited. Vendors, Demon­ strations, Judging. For info call 205/355-5770. JUNE 11· GADSDEN, AL - EAA Chap­ ter 1048 2nd Annual J-3 Cub and Piper high­ wing Fly-i n. For info ca ll 205/442-3313. JUNE 11· COLDWATER , MI - Branch Co unt y Memorial Field. 10th Annual Fairchild reunion. Con tact Kik e Ke ll y. 5171278-7654. JUNE 17·19· D ENTON, TX - D ento n Municipal Airport. 31st Annual AAA Texas Chap ter antiqu e ai rpl a ne Fly-In. Cont ac t: Dan Doyle , 214/542-2455. Host hotel is the Radisson: 817/565-8499. JUNE 17·19· CREVE COEUR, MO ­ Annua l American Waco Club Convention and fly-in. For info, call the A WC at 616/624­ 6490 or write A WC, 3546 Newhouse PI. , Greenwood, IN 461 43. JUNE 18· HUNTSVILLE, AL - Moon ­ town Airport. 2nd Annua l EAA Chapter 190 Father's Day Fly-In . Poker run , spot landing contest , refres hm ents , etc. Camping OK. 100LL and auto gas available. Rain Date: June 25. For information , call Rick Ne lson 205/539-7435 or Frank Fit zgerald 205/882­ 9257. Or you can write EAA Chapter 190, P.O. Box 18852, Huntsville, AL 35804. JUNE 19· RUTLAND, VT - Annual Tail­ draggers rendezvous sponsored by EAA Chapter 968. Fly-in breakfast. Call Alpine Aviation for info. 8021773-3348. JUNE 23·26· MT. VERNON , OH - 35th Annual Natio na l Waco Reunion Fly- In. 513/868-0084. JUNE 26 . MICHIGAN C ITY , IN­ Michigan C it y Aviators - EAA Chapter 966 Pancake breakfast. 7 a.m . - Noon. Call Glenn or Kathy Dee for info: 219/324-6060. JULY 1·3 • GAINESVILLE, GA - EAA Chapter 611 26th Annual " Cracker" Fly-In. Antiques, homebuilts, Judging in 9 categories . Contact: S.S. McDonald, 404/889-1486. JULY 8 ·10 - GENESEO, NY - National Warplane Museum (D52). 6th Annual North­ east Stea rman Fly-In. Bring your tiedown s! For info call Naomi Wadsworth , 716/243-5266 or Amy Malcolm, 716/243-0690. JULY 8·10· LOMPOC, CA -10th Annual West Coast Piper Cub Fly-In. Contact: Bruce

Fall,805/733-1914. JULY 16·17· DELA WARE , OH - 13t h Annual EAA Chapter 9 Fly-In. Young Eagle rid es, BBQ chicken, ref res hm ents, mor e. Contact Don Rhoads. 6141747-2522. JULY 17·23· ROSWELL, NM - 25TH Anniversary convention of th e Intern ati onal Cess na 170 Assoc. Contact: Lyn Be nedi ct, 136 E. Orchard Park Rd ., Dex ter, NM 88230. 505/622-3458. JULY 22·23 - COFFYVILLE, KS - Funk Owners Association Re unio n. Contact Gene Ve ntr ess, Presid e nt, 10215 S. Monti ce ll o, Lenexa, KS 66227 tel. 9131782-1483. JULY 23·24 - SHIOCTON , WI - Annual Fly-In. Food se rved both days. Band Sat. night, no cover. Skydiving both days by th e Northeast Wisconsin Skydivers. Airplane rid es, bin go, free te thered hot air balloon rides. Sunday breakfast, 7- noo n. Free camp­ in g to EAA a ll throu g h convention . Ca ll Joyce Baggot, 414/986-3547 for info. JULY24 -GRANTSBURG , WI-EAA Chapter 875 Annual Fly-In wild rice Pancake breakfast. 7:30-Noon. P.1.c. free. JULY 24 - MARSHFIELD , WI - EAA Chapter 992 an nual Fly-In. Free pancake breakfast for fly-in pilots. Call Clem Spencer at 414/384-0800 (days) or 384-4694 after 5pm. JULY 28· AUGUST 3 . VALPARAISO, IN (VPZ) EAA Northwest Indiana Chapter 104 10th Annual Foodbooth during the week of Oshkosh. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily. 219/926­ 3572 for in fo. JULY 28· AUG. 3· OSHKOSH, WI­ 42nd Annual EAA Fly-In Co nvent ion. Wittm an Regional Airport. Co nt act J ohn Burton, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh , WI 54903­ 3086,414/426-4800. AUGUST 6 - LAKE ELMO , MN - An­ nual Stillwater Aviation Days. Rotary pan­ cake breakfast. Wings , wheels and whirly­ birds. Weat her date Aug. 7th. Call James Anderson, 800/321-6387 or 612/430-1200 for information. SEPTEMBER 3·4 - PROSSER , W A ­ EAA chapter 391 11th Annual Prosser Labor Day Fly-In. Food, Flying, tours , raffle and more. Camping on the field. For more info call Thompson Aircraft at 5091786-1034. SEPTEMBER 10·11 - SCHENECTADY, NY - Northeast Flight '94 Airshow. Call th e Empire State Aerosciences Museum for more information, 518/399-5217. SEPTEMBER 7·11 - GALESBURG , IL­ Galesburg Municipal airport. 23rd National Stearman Fly-In. Contact: Tom Lowe, 823 Kin gston Lane , Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Phone 815/459-6873. SEPTEMBER 17·18 - ROCK FALLS, IL - 8th Annua l North Central EAA " Old Fash­ ioned" Fly- In . Workshops, forums, exhibits, large swap area, awards, more. Camping on field. Ca ll G regg Erikson, 708/513-0641 or Dave Christianso n, 815/625-6556. Pancake breakfast September 18. SEPTEMBER 23·24 - BA RTLESV ILLE, OK - Frank Phillips Field. 37th Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-in. For info call Charli e Harris, 918-622-8400. SEPTEMBER 23·24 - NORTH LAS VE­ GAS, NV - Sixth Annual weste rn Waco As­ soc. Re unio n. Largest Waco gathering in the western U.S . Contact Jon Aldrich, 209/962­ 6121 for more info. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 29

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30 MAY 1994

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MISCELLANEOUS: CURTISS JN4-D MEMORABILIA - You can now own memorabilia from the famous "Jenny·, as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST". We have posters, postcards, videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclusive to this historic aircraft. Sale of these items support operating expense to keep this"Jenny· flying for the aviation public. We appreciate your help. Write for your free price List. Virginia Aviation Co., ROv-8, Box 294, Warrenton, VA 22186. (C/5/92) SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES - New manufacture, STC-PMA-d, 4130 chrome-moly tubing throughout, also complete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. E. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Rd., Belgrade, Montana. 406-388-6069. FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N . (NEW) This & That About the Ercoupe, $14.00. Fly-About Adventures & the Ercoupe, $17.95. Both books, $25.00. Fly-About, P.O. Box 51144, Denton , Texas 76206. (c-3/94) 1915-1950 Original Plane and Pilot Items - 4,000 sq. foot warehouse full! Buy - sell ­ trade, 44-page catalog, $5. Airmailed. Jon Aldrich, Airport Box 706, Groveland, CA 95321 , phone 209/962-6121 . (c-5/94) GEE BEE - R-1, R-2 super-scale model plans used for Wolf/Benjamin's R-2. GB "Z·, "Bulldog," "Goon," Monocoupe, Culver, Rearwin. Updated, enlarged (1/3, 1/4, 1/6-1/24). PLANS on SHIRTS/Caps! Catalog/News $4.00, refundable. Vern Clements, 308 Palo Alto, Caldwell, 1083605. (c-9/94) Rare Hub - 10 spline, 2-3/8"10, 3-1/2"00, 8 hole, 6-5/8"dia. bolt pattern, 6" prop. 708/985-9074. (6-2). TAILDRAGGER AND BIPLANE LOVERS! NEW HIGH QUALITY VIDEOS FROM ENGLAND! A TIGER'S TALE tells a fascinating story of the classic "TIGER MOTH" featuring Christopher Reeve - a must for those who love open cockpit lIying! TAILDRAG­ GERS AND FARMSTRIPS Piper's J-3 and J-5 "CUBS· display tailwheeillying and short field landing techniques. From grass runways and farmers fields, take an aerial tour of rolling English countryside. This video also features the new "EUROPA" homebuilt from England. (Cover story Private Pilot, Jan. '94). FAREWELL TO CRANFIELD takes you to the largest lIy-in convention in Europe. This annual PFA event has all the excitement of Oshkosh attracting nearly 1200 vintage, homebuilt and recreational aircraft. Only $19.95 each plus $3.75 S&H for the firsttape and $1 each additional tape. 1-800-nO-0747. MAl L: VC Marketing, 40 Kitty Hawk East, Richmond, TX 77469 (TX Res. add 7-1/4% tax). ASK ABOUT OUR "PREVIEW TAPE" FEATURING 25 EXCITING AVIATION VIDEO PREVIEWS. (5-1)

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I don't belong to an EAA Chapter or live near one ... But SOMEDAY I'd like to help that Young Eagles Program.

SOMEDAY IS COMING • •• ON JUNE 11th ! SaturdaYt June 11 th, 1994 is the first EAA International Young Eagles Day. It's a day when every EAA member

can share something very special- the world of flight - with a young person eager to take to the sky.

The only way this worldwide celebration of flight for a new generation will be successful, however,

is if as many EAA members as possible participate in this grassroots, one-to-one program.

Participation is easy, even if you donlt belong to an EAA Chapter. If youlre a pilot, fly a few kids yourse lf that day (and even before and after that day). Young people are easy to find through sc hool s, chu rch es and civic groups. You could help a child discover the same enjoyment you receive from aviation -- and maybe spark an interest that could create a new pilot in the future.

If youlre a pilot and an EAA Chapter member, find out if your Chapter is having a Young Eagles flight : rally that day. It's a great way to energ ize your Chapter and introduce your enthusiasm for av iation to a who le new audience. It's also a great way to discover that kids still love airp lanes and the chance to fly. Even non-pilots can participate in EAA International Young Eagles Day. In the May 1994 issue of Sport Aviation, you' ll find a Young Eagle Certificate. Use that certificate to match an EAA pilot with a young person in your area who wants to put his or her dreams on wings. The Young Eagles office is ready to answer your questions and help you participate in this special day.

Call (414) 426-4831 for more information.

You don't have to wait for "someday" to be part of the Young Eagles program ... but if you've been saying

that you ' ll get in vol ved somedaYt

Someday is Saturday, June 11 the EAA International Young Eagles Day. Be part of it.

Remember, the sky -- and a child's imagination -- have no limits.


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