Tom Poberezny
November 1997
Jack Cox
Vol. 25, No. 11
Henry G. Frautschy
Managing Editor
Golda Cox
Straight & Level! Espie "Butch" Joyce
Art Director
Mike Drucks
Computer Graphic Specialists
Olivia L. Phillip . Jennifer Larsen
Nancy Hanson
2 AlC News
3 Aeromail
Associate Editor
Norm Petersen
4 AlC Volunteersrrrish Dorlac
7 Type Club Notes/Nonn Petersen
Page 13
9 Charles Lasher- Aeronca Guru/ Donald F. Wood
11 38th Annual National Waco Fly-In! Andy Heins
13 The Linco Aces Taperwingl H.G. Frautschy Page 18
18 Roger Freeman' s Farman Boxkite Replica/Sam Burgess 24 What Our Members Are Restoring/ Nonn Petersen
... -
28 Welcome New Members 30 Membership Information/Calendar
Espie 'Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 910/393-0344 Secretory Steve Nessa 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN fHYJ7 507/373-1674
George Doubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford. WI 53027
7215 East 46th St.
Tulsa, OK 74145
26 Pass It To BucklE.E. "Buck" Hilbert
Page 24 FRONT COVER . .. Owned by B.F. Goodrich Aerospace. restored by the Bomstormers Workshop in Williamson. GA and flown by famed alrshow pilot Bob Wagner. this Is the ' Unco Aces ' Waco CTO Tap erwlng originally owned and flown by the renowned airshow pilot of the 1930路s. Col. Joe Mackey. He won the Intematlonal Air Maneuvers in Paris. France In the 1936 with this some a irpla ne. The metallzed fusela ge. the only one of Its kind. was done by the famous Hill Streamliners o f CincinnatI. OH. EAA photo by Jim Koepnlck. shot with a Canon EOS- l n equipped with on 80-200 mm lens. 1/250 sec. @ fll on 100 ASA slide film. EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore .
Staff Photographers
LeeAnn Abrams
Jim Koepnlck Ken Lichtenberg
Advertising/Editorial Assistant
lsobelie Wlske
10 Mystery PlanelH.G. Frautschy
Feature Writer
Dennis Parks
BACK COVER ... Roger Freemon of Vintage Aviation SeNlces. Marlon. TX flies a long as a modem " Magnificent Mon' In his replica o f the 1910 Forman BoxkHe he buln under contract for the Hong Kong Historica l Airc raft Association. The HKHAA wonted the p ioneer era biplane buln to commemorate the first flight of on airplane In Hong Kong in 1911. It will be placed on disp lay In the t erminal of the New Hong Kong airport after it Is flown d uring the opening ceremonies for the airport. Greg Hamlnon took the photo from a helicopter piloted by Bob Soner. See the article starting on page 18 for more on this fascinating p roject.
Copyright C 1997 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPlANE OSSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Pobe<ezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WISCOnSin 54903-3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, WISCOnSin 54901 and at edditional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $27.00 tor current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPlANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Anlique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and APO addresses via s...tace mail. ADVERTISING - AntiqueICIassic Division does not guarantee or endorse 8Irf product offered through the advertising. We inviIe constructive criticism IW1d welcome 8Irf report of inferior merchandise obtained through (U advertising so that corrective """'"""'" can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers in encouraged to submit stories and phofogaphs. Policy opinions expressed in lVIicIes in solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entieIy with the contributor. No reruneration is made. Material shooId be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 920/426-4800.
The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EM, EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTlON, EM AHTlQUEICLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are e registered trademart<s. THE EM SKY SHOPPE IW1d logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION and EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION ... trademart<s of the above associations and their use by 8Irf person other than the above association is strictty prohibited.
John Berendt 7645 Echo Polnt Rd. Connon Falls, MN 5SOO9 507/263-2414 PhIl Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton. MI 49065 616/624-6490
GeneMonis 115C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 817/ 491-9110 Robel! C. 'Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 312/779-2105
Joe DIckey 55 Ookey Av. Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354
John S. CopeIcwl 2S-3 Wililornsbur8 Ct. Shrewsbury, MA 1545 508/842-7867
Dale A. GusIaIson 7724 Shady Hili Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317/293-4430 Robert Ucklelg 1708 Boy Oaks Dr. Albert Lea, MN fHYJ7 507/373-2922 Dean RIchardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison, WI 53717 608/833-1291
Robel! D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfleld, WI 53005 414/782-2633
S.H. -W. ." Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414/771-1545
Geoff RobIson 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Hoven, IN 46774 219/493-4724
1042 90th Lone, NE
Minneapolis. MN 55434 612/784-1172 JeannieHl1
P.O. Box 328
Harvard, IL 60033
George York
181 SIo6odo Av.
Mansfield, OH 44906
DIRECTORS EMERITUS Gene Chase 2159 CorIIon Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920/231-5002
E.E. "Buck" HIberI P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 815/923-4591
ADVISORS SleYeKlOg 1002 Heather In. Hortford. WI 53027 414/966-7627
321~. =..oy
ApI. 3 Rochester, MN 55904 507288-2810
Davtd IenneII
403 Tanner Ct.
Roseville, CA 95678
here is one thing about it being No vember, we know that we are going to get plenty to eat and Christmas will not be far away. Many Antique/Classic members will be storing their aircraft away for the winter. Before you park it under the eaves for a few long months, I would again caution you to structurally check the hangars you will be storing your pride and joy in. Be sure it is sound enough to withstand whatever weather condition that Old Man Winter might send your way. You do not have to live in the northern part of the country to have to be concerned about winter weather - an ice storm in the south can be just a detrimental as a 12" snowfall! There is generally some change in weather around the country be cause of the changing of seasons, so lets be careful out there! There are a couple of things that [would like to mention when it comes to your aircraft insur ance. AUA, Inc. is the agency that is approved by the Antique/Classic Division to handle the Antique/Classic Insurance Program. Many of you are insured in this program, a great benefit of being an Antique/Classic member. This in formation will be good for most anyone who insures an airplane. As a general rule, your insurance policy will be classified as a B&P (business and pleasure policy). Now the pleasure part is for your enjoyment and personal use. The busi ness part of this policy is not understood by most insured people. This means that you might sometimes use your aircraft to assist you in doing business, but it does not cover you for doing business with your aircraft that is, where you might be paid because you used your aircraft (ex: hopping passengers, fish spotting, etc., and even being invited to an air showlfly-in and getting free fuel for your participation could fall into that grey area); this is, most of the time, considered a com mercial operation. If you feel that you might fall under this umbrella of a commercial oper ation, then you might want to talk to your agent to determine if you need commercial
coverage. One item that really seems to bug pilots is the fact that you must, from time to time, fill out and return a piece of paper called an insurance company application. It details the aircraft information, pilot information, pi lot history, types of ratings, pilot experience, types of aircraft flown, and a statement that this information is true to the best of your knowledge, and a place for you to sign that this was done by you. This application seals the contract between you and the insurance company (they will provide you insurance for a certain premium based on your experience level that you have stated and assessed to) and this application must be returned within a cer tain time limit for your policy to remain in force. If you are particpating in the Antique/Classic Insurance Program, part of your application will be filled out based on the information that your agent gathered from your telephone conversation. You should check this information ASAP, note any cor rections and return it quickly to AUA, Inc. Should there be any major change in the in formation , you should call this in to your agent, as it could affect your premium. You need to understand that your pre mium amount is not rock solid until the company gets your signed application in their hands. Also, you need to know that the pilot flight experience asked for on this application is LOGGED flight time, and should you have an accident, you will be asked to provide a copy of your logbook showing the logged time you said you had is an accurate amount ( a major factor in determining your premium is based on pilot experience). This does not mean that your claim will be turned down, but is just one of those pieces of paperwork that you will have to provide to the company should you have a claim. I will cover the claim side of insurance in a future issue of Vintage Airplane. Some other items that need to be addressed are the following. If you state that you are based at a certain airport, the insurance company will assume that this is the type of flying operation you'll be conducting the year round. You should not assume on your side that if you de cide to fly off of skis, floats, move your base of operation to another state, or move your aircraft from a hangar to a tiedown, that your insurance coverage will remain the same. Companies do understand that if you are making a cross-coun try trip, you encounter different conditions (remember base of operation). When in doubt, call your agent and ask a question.
What's the difference between a named pilot and an open pilot clause in the insur ance policy? A named pilot only policy is just that. Only the pilots who are named on the policy and meeting the pilot experience requirements will be afforded coverage by that policy when flying the covered aircraft. There will not be any insur ance coverage enforced should the aircraft be flown by any person not named, but there most likely will be coverage as far as instructors and maintenance people are concemed. An open pi lot coverage generally states that any person whom you approve can fly the insured aircraft will be covered by insurance as long as they meet the open pilot requirements that are stated in the policy. Here's an example. Say you own and have insured a 1-3 Cub. The open pilot re quirements could be any private pilot with a current medical, current BFR, 300 hours pilot in command, 100 hours tailwheel, and 10 hours make and model (a Piper 1-3) could fly your 1-3 and would be covered by your insurance policy. I will talk to you about passenger coverage in a future Vintage Airplane. If you think that in December you need some warm weather, you should consider heading on down to the Ocean Reef Club at Key Largo, Florida, over the weekend of De cember 5-7. Norma and I have attended an inviational fly-in for the past several years and it sure is a welcome break at a busy time of the year. Take my word for it, you will not be disappointed. The seafood and relaxation is just great; the planes, boats, cars and other places to hop out to with your airplane are a lot of fun , too. If you have not been to this weekend event, I encourage you to go for it. Ocean Reefs ad is on page 29 - check it out and give them a call, and tell them you saw it here in Vintage Airplane! Your I on I membership drive is doing great! Those of you who have not gotten your three or four new members should be able to find some good ones at your EAA Chapter meetings that will be held this winter. [fyou think that it would be helpful to have me send you a packet of past issues of Vintage Airplane to hand out at your chapter meeting, just drop me a note and [ will have some sent to you from Headquarters. Every member should help to keep this membership drive going. I would like to say that we will all miss 10hn Denver; what a great guy. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember we are better to gether. loin us and have it all! ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
A/C NEWS compiled by H.G. Frautschy EAA OFFERS 'HANDS-ON'
Adults who want to discover and develop aviation building and restoration skills are invited to receive "hands-on" experience from some of aviation's best artisans during the 1998 EAA Adult Air Academy ses sions. There are two sessions scheduled, Feb. 15- 21 and Feb. 22- 28, 1998. The Adult Air Academy, which will be held at the EAA Aviation Center in Oshkosh, evolved from the highly successful EAA Air Academy for young people. Par ticipants can explore the basic skills of aviation or concentrate on one or more air plane building and restoration topics. "The Adult Air Academy offers much more than a classroom experience," said EAA Aviation Foundation President Tom Poberezny. "It is an opportunity to share common interests with fellow aviation enthusiasts. Those who participate learn about the technologies and techniques of building and restoring airplanes. More im portantly, the unique learning environment of the EAA Aviation Center creates expe riences and friendships that last a lifetime." Chuck Larsen, the Foundation's Educa tion Director, explained that classroom and workshop activities are included for all participants in the Adult Air Academy. "There is a wide range of activities that can be as detailed as the individual partici pant wants," Larsen said. "That includes techniques such as welding, fabric covering, woodworking, sheet metal work and com posites. We offer participants an opportunity to learn under the watchful eyes of experi enced instructors." The first session will emphasize basic air craft maintenance, building and restoration skills. Air Academy staff will share methods and skills required to successfully build, re store, and maintain aircraft . The project during this session will be a Cub replica. During the Feb. 22- 28 Academy session, participants will construct a Loehle Sport Parasol, which uses skills required in building many types of aircraft. Loehle Aircraft Corporation staff will join Acad emy staff and participants to fabricate this very light homebuilt aircraft. Luncheons will include EAA staff pre sentations describing highlights of EAA programs and activities. Four two-hour work shop sessions each day include a complete overview of basic aircraft building skills. "In addition to the workshops, participants 2 NOVEMBER 1997
will have opportunities to explore the EAA Air Adventure Museum and EAA Aviation Center, as well as become familiar with many of the aircraft and resources available here;' Larsen said. "The camaraderie developed be tween participants and staff will surely be the basis for many lasting friendships." Registration for the EAA Adult Air Academy is $800 per person per week. Registration includes accommodations (double occupancy), meals, transportation whi le in Oshkosh plus all materials and supplies. Those who register before Jan. 10, 1998, will receive the complete set of renowned Tony Bingelis aircraft building publications free of charge. The EAA Aviation Foundation also offers resident aviation programs for young people and a variety of internships for avia tion students and professionals. For more information on the Adult Air Academy or any of the Foundation's education pro grams, call toll free 888-EAA-EAA9 (888-322-3229) or 920-426-6815. You may also write to the EAA Aviation Foundation Education Office; P.O. Box 3065, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065, or contact EAA's World Wide Web site at www.eaa.org . You may also e-mail the Education Office directly at education@eaa.org. EAA OSHKOSH '97 'WORLD OF WINGS' VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE The official video review of the 1997 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Fly-In Convention is now available on home video. "World of Wings" is a com plete review of EAA OSHKOSH '97, the world's largest sport aviation event. The 6O-minute video features the people and airplanes of the world's premier sport aviation event. This year's Convention at tracted more than 840,000 visitors and 11,500 airplanes. "World of Wings provides a perspective of the Fly-In Convention that only EAA's video production staff can deliver," said EAA Aviation Foundation President Tom Poberezny. "The 1997 video provides view ers a glimpse of the massive size and scope of EAA OSHKOSH. It also lets viewers enjoy flying footage that is simply not available anywhere else." This year's production includes air-to air footage used in this fall's EAA OSHKOSH prime-time special on ESPN, plus exclusive EAA footage ofhomebuilts, vintage airplanes, warbirds, ultralights and more. This video also includes segments on the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, the 50th year of supersonic flight and other significant aviation developments presented during the event. EAA Oshkosh '97: World of Wings can be purchased for $19.95, plus $5 for ship ping and handling, by ca lling EAA at
1-800-843-3612. PAL format is available for international customers. MEMBERSHIP SERVICES EXPANDED PHONE HOURS If you've got a need to talk to an EAA Membership Services representative to re new memberships , purchase books , merchandise or magazine back issues, you can now reach them a little easier. We now have people available to fufill your requests from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday. Give them a call to update your address, or anything you may need from the Membership Services depart ment. The remainder of the EAA offices are open to serve you from 8: 15 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. PAUL ENNIS: TIP FOR
I received a phone call from Paul Ennis (EAA 67592, AlC 1312) of Salisbury, MD, who was featured in the Sentimental Journey article in the August issue with his Great Lakes 2T-l powered with a Menasco 0-84 engine housed in an engine-turned cowling. Paul related that on the trip home , the engine began to lose power and he and his wife, Ellie, had to carefully nurse the old bi plane to their home field. An investigation revealed that two cylinders were not in good shape, so the jugs were pulled to check things out. The rings and ring grooves were badly caked with old preservative oil that was hard as a rock! (The engine had been preserved for many years before it was installed in the Great Lakes.) It took neary every solvent known to get the rings and lands cleaned up to where the rings could move freely in the grooves. Meanwhile , Paul is restoring a Ryan ST A and had located a " brand new" Menasco engine that had been preserved for fifty years. Being suspicious after the above mentioned episode, he pulled the jugs on the "new" Menaso and found the rings to be frozen in place on the pistons - from absolutely hard and caked preservative oil! Needless to say, if the engine had been run in such condition, severe damage could have been done. Paul Ennis advises any and all restorers to be gun shy on any engine that has been preserved for a long period of time. Don't start such an engine until you are absolutely sure that the rings are free to work in their grooves. It could save you major expense. Addenda: It is with a great deal of hu mility that I admit to mis-naming Paul Ennis' father, the late Fred E. Ennis, who purchased the Great Lakes 2T-I, NC818K, brand new in 1929. I am happy to make the correction as Fred Ennis was an aviation in stitution in his own right- and Paul Ennis is following in his footsteps. ... -Norm Petersen
Gentlemen, Enclosed is a photo of me standing in front of my Curtiss Robin, with a 185 hp Challenger engine. I acquired this in August 1944, or thereabouts, at Ogden, Utah for $700. The fabric was bad, and I had it recovered for $1,000. Later I spun it and it handled beauti fully. But when I tried to open the door to get out, it was blocked by the gas tank, which had dropped an inch or two. I reached out and pushed the tank up , whereupon I was ab le to open the door and get out. This never happened again. It had what was called a "booster" magneto. I had never heard of this and I have never encountered anyone who had. A small crank of the instrument panel operated a small magneto which fired a spark, causing the engine to statt. This saved hand cranking. One day, while standing in front of the Robin, I noticed the engine appeared to have six cylinders, when it should have had an odd number. I stepped to the side of the engine and noted 3 cylin ders were placed behind the other three, thus appearing to be two 3-cylinder en gines instead of one 6-cylinder. The wings had metal ribs reinforced by wooden ones. This engine had a slow RPM, and I could almost see each revolution. My airspeed indicated 100 mph at 1000 rpm. The rear seat was designed for two, but I often carried my wife and two small children there. Very truly yours, Robert R. Renfro AlC 18312 Portsmouth, NH
Dear Mr. Frautschy, I am sending the information we dis cussed on the phone regarding a future article on the Ercoupe plane. While taking flying lessons back in 1946 - 47, I saw my first Ercoupe and immediately felt a desire to own one. Finally, in 1992 I was financially able to purchase one . After many years of rental flying with many types of aircraft, all with rudder pedals, the transition to an aircraft without rudder pedals was an exciting experience, but if you do it as the book says, "it works." Steering down the runway, on take off run and disregarding a wingtip lift ing off in a cross wind takes discipline and lading in a crabbed position is con trary to all previous flight training. I believe it to be the easiest and safest plane to fly, plus the visibility is fantastic. Arriving high with no flaps, do "s" turns, pull up and lose speed, or you can open the canopy, extend hands and sink in . Warm weather flying with the canopy open is very nice. This is a fun airplane that won ' t stall or spin. I cruise at 110 mph on 85hp, on less than 5 gph of fuel making it very economical flying. Enclosed is more information and some pictures. Thank you for returning my call, and your interest. Very truly yours, Donald B. Sword AlC 19551 Woodstock, IL
"The highly secret series of tests dur ing the period from August 6 - 23, 1941, was a major success. Using the small rocket motors, Boushey: • Made one takeoff in the Ercoupe on rocket power alone. • Made 11 takeoffs combining rocket and aircraft power. • Made four flights in which the rockets were fired while the plane was at altitude. "Boushey made his first rocket assisted takeoff on August 12, 1941 and took off on rocket power alone on August 23. Four to 12 rockets were used in each of the tests. Each of the rocket motors produced 28 pounds of thrust for 12 seconds. "The tests led to the development of more advanced JATO units and paved the way for the manned rockets now carrying men into space and eventually back to the moon. "The Air Force Mu seum has obtained General Boushey's original rocket powered Ercoupe and plan to do a complete restoration and then put it on display in the museum." If anyone can fill us in further on the Air Force's plans to restore the Ercoupe, we'd appreciate a note! Donald's Ercoupe, a goal he pursued for 45 years, is shown at 1iiiIi~-'" the northern Illinois airfield where he keeps it tied down . ...
The material Don enclosed details the fact that the Air Force Museum has acquired the Ercoupe used in rocket-as sisted flight trials during World War II. Here's what the write-up says: "The first American to ride a rocket was Homer A. Boushey, then a Captain in the Army Air Corps and now a re tired Air Force General. Boushey was at the controls of an Ercoupe monoplane specially fitted with Jet Assist Take Off (JATO) units to determine if military aircraft with heavy payloads could use rockets to get into the air faster from short runways. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3
OX-5Aviation Pioneers
First of all, if you are not already familiar with the OX-5, let me educate you! The Curtiss IN-4D "Jenny" had its be ginnings in 1914. By Armistice Day, 6,000 Jennies had been produced for the US Govern ment, 2,000 more for governments abroad and an additional 2,000 d db Several members of the Intematlonal Cessna 170 include (seated) Elaine Schmidt (a brand new member!), David Rosol (our Type Club tent were pro uce e- Co-Chainnan) and in the back row, left to right we have Byrd Raby, Ron Drake, Mari Dee and Glen Dee, the president of the association. fore Washington stopped their production. After the war, engine and although more expensive, Bob Wallace is the current Chairman several thousand of these planes and was used to power the Spirit of St. of the Pioneers. In 1940 he was at their engines, the OX-5, and many of Louis. That in itself was great advertis Roosevelt Aviation School at Roosevelt the airplanes that were powered by ing and the OX-5 was gradually Field on Long Island. His first project them, became surplus goods. (If only replaced. It is worth pointing out that was to perform a major overhaul on an luck would occur in this manner this engine IS still around! In the OX-5 . Several years later, he joined the again!!) Thousands of these engines November 1996 issue of VINTAGE, organization and remembers that for were sold BRAND NEW, in the crate, you can read about a recently restored quite a while he was the youngest mem ber! In 1970 he had an experience that for $100.00. With a grand total of90 hp OX-5 powered Command-A ire 3C3. The OX-5 Aviation Pioneers began was to start him on a quest. He was at and a weight of only 485 pounds, this was a mighty popular engine to mount on in 1955. Over 100 people showed up an airport and caught a glimpse of an your plane! There were about 31 types for the first meeting ...a DC-3 brought a immaculate Tailwind through some of aircraft that were powered by this en load to that first picnic. It was decided hangar doors. Johnny Livingston ap gine, including the Waco 9 and 10, to meet again the next year. At that proached him and noted his interest... Travel Air 2000 and 4000, the Air King, meeting, regulations were set up and it and OX-5 pin, and let him see it close American Eagle and others. While it was decided that membership would be up! Johnny was an early racing pilot had a history of causing forced landings, open to those who had owned, operated, and one of the very first OX-5 presidents. often times the lack of expertise by the or maintained a plane with the OX-5 Johnny told Bob to "Never let the OX-5 pilot was more to blame than the engine engine. Five dollars was collected as shrine be misused." He was referring to itself. The OX-5 was very popular until dues and in a very short time, there a bottle of Old Crow that was kept in a the arrival of air-cooled radial engines were over 700 members! Most promi birdcage to be opened by the last surviv such as the Wright Whirlwind J-5 came nent aviators in history were members ing members. After some leads, the cage along with 220 hp. It was a more modem of this group. was found in Texas minus the bottle . 4
Bob feels that the bottle is sti ll out there some where. K nowing the importance of this "shrine," some Waco Club of America mem bers presented Bo b wit h a new ly co n structed replacement. In the shape of an out house, it contains a new bottle of Old Crow! P lans are being made for next year's c?nvention and a spe- Travel Air infonnation is shared between Ruth and Paul Hamilton (seated on the left) and Harry Woods. cla l guest has been . . . invited. In 1996 Verona Harvey was Charles Faber IS another great vo.lunteer ~rogresslve mamtenance effort by alert who devotes a great deal of time as mg the members to AD, ACs, and any inducted into the OX-5 Hall of Fame. Verona is an 83 year old pi lot with her well. Their tent is located b~ h ind the suspec.t area affecting the airworth~ness second class physical who has been Red Barn: After.only two bnef phone of the ir airplanes. More than 85 Vo of actively flying since the age of 15. She conversatlOn.s With Mr. . W~ lI ace, I fe lt survey respon~ents be longed to a type began flying in airshows at the age of 16 that I had gamed great mSlght and en- club for pnmanly three reasons: and was selected to be one of the WAFS thusiasm for our aviation heritage. If 1. For technical information pilots. The Woman's Auxi liary Flying you have. not taken advantage of the 2. To obtain parts and, Service consisted of only 11 women who opportumty to meet these ~ond.erfu l 3. To have/un! were already qualified pilots and were ac- f~lks who played a great part m aViatIOn To get a taste of the information tively drafted into service by Hap Arnold history , drop by and meet them n.ext provided by the different type clubs, be and Jimmy Doolittle. The WAFS pre- year! You shall surely be glad you did! sure to read Norm Petersen's bi-monthly ceded the WASPs. If you are interested column in VINTAGE which is a com in flying history, make plans to get over TYPE CLUBS pilation of various type club publications to the Antique Classic Pioneer Airman' s Thi s is one of the great benefits of and newsletters. Tent behind the Red Barn .. .obviously our organization! Right within everyThe Chairman and Vice-Chairman "Airman" includes women! one ' s grasp is a group who can teach of the Type Club Tent are Joe and Julie The Pioneer group may fade away, you about the aircraft you are mo st Dickey. Joe refers to them as the Type as Bob says, "Mother Nature and Father interested in. If you are debating which Club Team! Julie is the Founding Time are difficult parents to handle," but type of airplane to purchase, try one of President of EAA Chapter 729, Past the historical portion of the group will the Type clubs. You can learn a wealth President of the Indiana Council of continue through auxiliary membership. of infomlation about the plane, the me- EAA Chapters , 1983 recipient of an At the last membership meeting thi s chanics, and availability of parts and EAA Major Achievement Award, pro summer in Oshkosh, Bob suggested that planes simply by subscribing to the dif- fessionallibrarian, and mother. Joe also their location at Oshkosh be renamed ferent clubs for a nominal fee and refers to her as the coolest Champ back the Antique/Classic Pioneer Hospitality reading the periodicals they distribute. seat pilot there is! Joe describes himself Center. Bob's Vice-Chairman is his wife, In the Antique/Class ic Survey, taken as a "very VFR pilot, amateur writer and Freda Wallace. Hi s co -chairmen in- last year, members indicated that Type cartoonist and Applications Engineer." c1ude Charlie Dewey and Larry Bartell. Clubs playa very important part in the Joe started to fly in a 150 but did not finish as he was disappointed in the
Bob and Freda Wallace pose with t he replica of "The Birdhouse" complete with a bottle of Old Crow. Mary Gowans visits with OX5 Pioneer chalnnan Bob Wallace. Bob Is our high t ime Antique/ Classic Volunteer with a capital "V" . He has 32 years In as a volunteer at the EAA Convention.
plane and instruction. Two years later a friend who had recently earned her in strument rating challenged him to be her first student. Joe started this instruction in a Champ and "found out what he had been missing!" He completed his ticket and bought a Champ a couple of years later. Together, Joe and Julie also oper ate the Aeronca Aviators Club. Aiding them is their Co-Chairman, Dave Rosol, who lives in LaGrange Park, Illinois. Joe and Julie greatly appreciate that he usually has everything under control when they arrive at Oshkosh! The idea for the Type Club tent origi nated with Butch Joyce and started with only two clubs, the Aeronca Aviators and the Cessna 120 - 140 Association. The Dickeys took over when Butch was elected President and have seen it grow tremendously. This year at Oshkosh there were over 25 different clubs rep resented in the Type Club tent! Joe says that sometimes the actual designers or people who designed the assembly line for your particular plane can be seen around the tent! How is that for getting to the source! ? The character of the Type Club Tent has changed, although the goal is to keep it more of a "grass roots fly-in under a tent"! The intent is to keep it as a primary source of information . It would be difficult for EAA to have such a depth of expertise in each air craft and that is a void filled by the Type Clubs. In addition to the above mentioned reasons that people join a type club, they can also learn more about issues on how to fly and operate the different planes, transition to a dif ferent type, changes from plane to plane, and even where, how and when to fly! The Type Club often keeps a roster oftaildragger pilots, tube and fabric mechanics, and people familiar The Navioneers consists of Navion owners and enthusiasts. Jerry Feather (left), Ron Judy and Phil Dawes take some time out of the sun to discuss their favorite aircraft.
Judi Matuscak and Syd Cohen from the Wisconsin Wing of the Ercoupe Owners Club were there to help members who wanted to know more about the great airplane designed by Fred Weick.
with the older style planes. If you are interested in joining a type club or want to learn more about type clubs, I would recommend the article that Joe Dickey wrote in the April 1997 issue of VIN T AGE "What's a Type Club and Why Should I CareT'. You may also want to refer to the December 1996 issue for a listing of type clubs available. While there is a great demand for the more Antique plane clubs, there are not as many Contemporary groups. There may be more in the future as their planes get older and there is more of a need for the technical support. The clubs range in size anywhere from the loosely knit Curtiss Robin Club with about 40 members or the smallest club, the Lockheed Club with about 35 mem bers to the 120/140 Club, Shortwing Piper and Aeronca Clubs with larger memberships. Sort of makes sense. The larger clubs tend to have more of their aircraft still flying!! Almost all of the
Julie and Joe Dickey, shown here in 1996, with Buck Hilbert in the background.
clubs have some type of publication. Some are put out monthly and some are sent out quarterly or less often depend ing on the resources each club can dedicate to the cause. If the summer rolls around and you haven't gotten involved in a type club, but want more information, be sure to visit the Type Club Headquarters in the big tent south of the Antique Classic Division's Little Red Bam. Not only will you fmd representatives from the various clubs, you will find shade, cool drinks, and great listeners to all stories! ...
Type Club
Compiled from various type club publications & newsletters
The International Cessna 170 Association - Flypaper Executive Secretary and Editor: Velvet Fackelday phone: 417-532-4847 Joseph Neff from Indiana writes in the October issue of "Flypaper" regarding his fuel pump experience with his 1948 Cessna 170: During 1993 I had a series of in-flight partial power failures on my 1948 170. The first intermittent failures were only momentary power blips, as if a water drop had entered. One occurred over a mountain range and I nursed it to the sea level airport while performing a lot of mag and mixture checks and fuel valve checks. The fmal two partial power fail ures were on takeoff. The strange thing is that a new mag, rebuilding of the fuel sediment bowl and a complete dumping and filtering of the tank fuel stopped the failures for several flights, including fer rying the aircraft back to my home airport over the same mountain range. But the partial power failures reoc curred with increased severity. A full power tiedown investigation finally disclosed that about 8 years earlier, the A & P mechanic who overhauled the carb and airbox had installed the fuel check valve backwards. The arrow that clearly points to the carb was reversed, pointing towards the ftrewall. This in-line check valve is between the firewall fuel sediment bowl and the carb, and is paral leled by the Cont. 145-2 engine-driven mechanical fuel pump. A coincidental gradual failure of the mechanical pump from sediment or a diaphragm pinhole,
coupled with the reversed check valve, starved the engine from receiving full power fuel. The diagnosis was difficult because in its final stages, the result was a loss of power to 1900 RPM about 20 seconds after full power application for takeoff. Normal takeoff power and RPM existed prior to the sudden loss. I asked Cessna why there is a mechan ical pump only on the ragwing 170, but the only answer I received was there are certain regimes of the flight envelope when there is inadequate fuel without the -1/2 to 3 psi pressure of the pump. One of these regimes is obviously takeoff. The Cessna 150-152 News Editor: Skip Carden, phone 919-471-9492
WHAT'S IN-A PROP This is a silly title, but I thought that you might pay more attention if it were silly and attracted your attention. The subject is your propeller. I have recently done some exhaustive research and arrived at some start lin g conclusions about propellers. First of all, propellers are not alike. Some are flat and twisted and others have an airfoil and are twisted. Some (folks) will tell you to get a climb prop and others will tell you to get a cruise prop. What is best? Well , that is up to you and your flying habits. I wi ll try to tell you my experiences and let you be the judge. Back around Easter, I visited Ocra coke on the outer banks ofNorth Carolina and when I ran up my engine to leave, my prop picked up seashells which were embedded in the leading edges of the
blade. On returning home, my mechanic said that I needed to get the prop over hauled . This was done and it was replaced. I noticed that I had lots more RPM than I had had before the overhaul, but thought this was to my advantage. After several cross country trips, I no ticed that my ground speed had gone to pot, and that to maintain any speed at all, I had to use 75 - 80% power. It was also noted that ground acceleration was great up to 60, but then it didn't want to accel erate past this speed, which was most unusual. After several more trips, I told my mechanic about the problem and he agreed that the prop was too flat and needed more pitch. We decided to sub tract 200 RPMs from what we had (they can add or subtract RPMs at the prop shop as per your request) . They re-bent the blade and re-checked it, as this was the limit for my blade. When we tried it, we were astounded at the difference. The ground roll was a little longer but when we broke ground we really accelerated. The cruise was way up and top speed was unbelievable. There was only one problem. We couldn't turn red line in straight and level flight. We also noticed a slight increase in fuel consumption. Back to the prop shop and a request for 50- 75 more RPMs, they once again bent the blade and it was re-installed. We haven't had sufficient time to test it, but we have our red line in level flight and out static is where it should be with only a slight sacrifice in speed. The results of my tests are as follows: Don't use a climb prop wlless you really need to accelerate and climb at maxi mum, or carry nearly gross weight all VINTAGE AIRPLANE
the time, or the penalty that you will pay exceeds the performance. Use a prop with an airfoil if possible, like the Sensenich. The McCauley is a "flat prop" and has less efficiency. A climb prop has no efficiency at altitude and results in poor performance. A climb prop is like running your car in second gear all the time. Good acceleration but poor speed and lots of wasted engine power. My plane now climbs better because it is moving through the air faster and at alti tude it climbs really great. The climb area is great for getting off the ground, but then you need the high cruise. Think of a complex airplane. They use a flat pitch setting to take off and then imme diately begin adding pitch and at altitude they use max pitch, so now I have max pitch but require a little more runway and the speed increase more than makes up for it. I would suggest that you take your plane up and fly it at maximum throttle in level flight for several minutes so that everything has stabilized. Then record the RPMs , if it goes past red line, then let it go until it stops and then retard the throttle. You must do this in order to de termine whether you can re-pitch the prop more. Make the tests at near gross weight and on as near a normal day as you can. Your readings will then be more accurate. Have the prop re-bent so that the engine will make red line and possibly a little more. This will give you the best performance. One bonus feature that I noticed is that the engine is now operating under a load and seems to run smoother and on rough (air) days the en gine doesn't go up and down. Don't be misled by others. Choose what is right for you. At altitude, my engine performs better and the resultant speed is unbelievable. I recently told an Ercoupe owner about this and he went out and bought a Sensenich prop and wrote that he lost little on take off but had gained 8- 10 mph and has as good climb and better atlitude performance. I leave you to judge, but you are spinning your wheels with that flat climb prop. Sensenich has told me that any 152 owner who wants to try their new prop can do so with no obliga tion by flying into their Lancaster, PA , plant and they will put on one of their new props and let you test fly it. Also, if anyone has had experience with props, I would like to hear from yo u, pro or con, concerning what has worked best for you. -SkipS NOVEMBER 1997
Bamboo Bomber Club Newsletter Newsletter Editor: Jim Anderson: phone 612-433-3024 (The following article, contributed by Francois Blondeau ofthe GPPA Aviation Mu seum in Arville, France, was translatedfrom German by Edie Peterson ofStillwater, MN.)
DES BAMBUS-BOMBERS ZWEITE GEBURT (The Bamboo Bomber's Second Birth) Who would guess that one would find a rare airplane at the main port of K10ten (Switzerland)? Truly one of a kind. Who would know that Cessna UC-78, HB-UEF, an airplane that looks from the outside like a Beech 18 without the double (seitenleitwerk) tail. Take a closer look at this bird. It is hard to believe that this type has not been produced since 1944. Still, HB-UEF looks like a model from last year. Right, it was (re )built within the last few years by a restorer. The development of the UC-78 when different companies competition and successive models of the Beech 18 intro duced that was a big success at the time. Only the Cessna stayed successful. Their model T-50 flew for the first time in March 1939. It is hard tojudge if the success of the machine was due to its size, or because she was smaller than the normal two-engine planes and bigger than the normal single-engine planes. The five-seater T-50 was in size between between the Beech 18 and the biggest Cessna, the four-seater Airmaster. Struc turally the T -50 didn't bring anything new . The body consisted of a welded structure that is covered with cloth. The rudder and elevator are made of wood. The wings are constructed of wood with a plywood nose. The pilot and co-pilot were seated in the front of the interior. In the rear was a bench for three passen gers. The commercial success of the T -50 was stopped due to the Second World War. Of the private T -50 , only 42 were sold, including those that were sold to the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the FAA of today . The Royal Canadian Air Force bought 640 airplanes. They were used as two-engine trainers and light duty transporters under the name Crane I. In need of their own trainer, the U. S. Army bought in July 1940,33 T-50 with Lycoming R-680-9 radial engines of295 hp. Extra weight was added due to the autopilot and other extras. This model was called the AT -8 (Advanced Trainer model 8). Another military order was placed in July 1941 for over 450 T -50's
with R-755-9 Jacobs motors of 245 hp. This model was called the AT-17. More orders were placed for 223 AT-17 A, 466 AT-17B and 60 AT-17C. They all varied only slightly in details, 190 planes with variations, AT-17C, were sold under the name Crane II to the Royal Canadian Air Force. From private sources, the U. S. Army bought 17 T-50's. These planes were named UC-78A. Another name for the same machine is Bobcat. From the pilots and the broad public comes the name Bamboo Bomber, for which name the T -50 was famous for. Back to the Bamboo Bomber located in Kloten. It was built between March 26th and December 11 th of 1943 in Wichita. It ended up in Germany with the U.S. military. After the war in 1946, the plane was sold to the Grenchener company, Aero Union. They owned two of the T-50's then . After that company went bankrupt, the plane became the property of Berner Kontanal Bank in Porrentruy, which sold it back to the U.S. Army. Both of the Dusseldorfcom panies , Transavia and Barvarian Air Service , were interested in the two machines, but there was not a sale. Stationed was our T-50 at the airport Langenfeld under the command of Oberst Lieutenant Colonel Ronny Kowski . This U.S. Lt. Col. headed the negotiations when a certain Mr. Trottman of Zurich found out about the machine and showed an interest. Trottman thought that with a little effort the two machines would be ready to fly. But he was terribly wrong about that. Since the price was low, he quickly bought the airplanes. The transport across Switzerland was done by the Army. There were lots of problems. For instance, the width of the wings was more than some railroad viaducts. Sure enough the wings were damaged, oddly enough in the duty-free hall at Basel. The crane arm hit the back edge of the wing and broke a piece off. The wing was transported to the airport Frauenfeld and the body was brought to the back yard and garage of the new owner. The wing alone needed a lot of work . The huge piece was hoisted into the rafters with two hoists, so it wouldn't bother anyone during the week. On weekends, Trottman worked for hours on it. After disassembly, everything was cleaned and the streben taped with plastic. The wing nose was built new, plywood glued with pine wood, flugelaustrittskante and -continued on page 28
Charles Lasher-Aeronca Guru
This past February 1997 I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mr. Charles Lasher at his home in Oviedo, Florida. Having observed an ad for some small Aeronca parts for sale in Trade-A-Plane in 1996, I was reminded of the ad in the 1960s that Charlie had run selling Aeronca related parts and pertinent Aeronca information. I then remembered that Charlie had conducted an Aeronca Club with a monthly newsletter which carried general Aeronca information as well as Aeronca parts for sal e, and parts wanted submitted by both Charlie and the club's members. Charlie printed and distributed over 5,000 of his club newsletters over a period of 18 years. The general information consisted mostly of improvements for the Aeronca 7AC and II AC performance and operation, ADs, possible ADs and Aeronca factory letters. Also, there were suggested aircraft and/or operational improvements from the Aeronca club members. As I and my wife Cookie would be in Fort Myers during February 1997, I decided to try and meet this fabled gentleman, Mr. Charles Lasher. I called Charlie at the number in Trade-A-Plane in December 1996 and explained that because of my hav ing a long-time love affair with the Aeronca 7AC (since 1945) and having worked for an Aeronca dealer at Arlington Airport in Poughkeepsie, NY , and having owned and extensively flown and completely rebui lt my 7AC, and as we would be in his area on a certain weekend in February 1997, I would like to stop by his home. He welcomed me warmly and the date was set. When we arrived at Charlie's home, he was standing on the front lawn waiting for us . He fit my mental picture ofhim - a pleasant, smiling, soft spoken, just plain nice gentleman. He invited Cookie and I in and we spent the next hour talking and visit ing like we had known each other for years. Of course we swapped our family histories and old airport stories, but mostly we spoke, "AERONCA." I value this visit with Charlie Lasher very highly. Now, Charlie's first real interest in air planes surfaced at an early age, sparked by the solo flight of Charles Lindbergh from New York to Paris, France in 1927. In the early 1930s, Charlie gladly helped a neigh bor rebuild an OX-5 powered WACO Model-I0 biplane and of course he was re warded with many free rides and even some dual stick time. The flying bug had bit deep. Charlie was now doing any odd jobs after school and on the weekends to scrape together three dollars, the minimum amount required for 15 min utes of flight instruction in a two-cylinder
Alive and Well in Florida
by DONALD F. WOOD Ale 16643
model E-1 13 engine powered Aeronca C-3 at the All American Airport in Miami , Florida. He soloed the C-3 in 1935. Charlie never forgot his real fun days of flying the two place Aeronca C-3 (bathtub) and the single place Aeronca C-2, which had so little ground clearance that it enabled Charlie to pick up a piece of dried cow flop while taxiing and try to bomb his airport buddies with it while airborne. Real fun days and Charlie has "begged, borrowed and rented any Aeronca he could ever since;' An interesting project of Charlie 's which was covered in his news letter with actual pictures was modi fication of an Aeronca 7AC to "clipped wing" Continental C-85 powered aerobatic Champ. It looked great, so it must have flown great. Charlie says he has flown every Aeronca model except the early low wing model Land the four place C-1 45 powered 15AC. There were a herd of other Aeronca models, i.e., "K;' "TAC;' and Charlie has hefted them all. Charlie's formal education is evident in his accomplishments. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree of Aeronautical Engineer ing from the University of Chicago which was awarded to him in 1940. He then was employed in the very responsible position of Supervisor of Quality Control of Military Aircraft manufacturing at the Curtiss Wright Corporation in Buffalo, New York until the end of 1945. During 1946 Charlie held the position of Maintenance Manager with the local Aeronca dealer at the Tarniami airport in Miami and quickly entered into his own business by de signing and building his own hangar there. As a tribute to Charlie's moral commitment and work ethic, after a hurricane had passed through in 1947, his hangar was the only building left standing on the field . In 1948 Charlie accepted the position of Manager of Maintenance and Overhaul Pro cedure Development at Eastern Airlines in Miami where he remained until late in 1981. During all of his activities Charlie found time to compile the most important and in-
Charlie today at his home in Oviedo , Florida. He ' s been busy writing sequels to his popular "Champs and Chiefs" book of 13 years ago. Volumes 2 and 3 are now available. Contact Charlie at the address at the end of the article to order a copy of the books.
teresting information from his monthly newsletters, and he published a soft cover book titled simply, "AERONCA CHAMPS and CHIEFS" which, incidentally, is now out of print and is considered by many to be a collectors' item. This is di sappointing news, but the good news is that Charlie is hard at work adding additional fact and fun to the original manuscript for publication in the very near future. You do not have to own an Aeronca 7AC or II AC or even like them to enjoy reading Charlie's new book. I can guarantee that when yo u have read it you wi ll be an Aeronca fan. Of course, for Aeronca owners and lovers this book is a must. More good news, Charlie is putting to gether book #2 for Aeronca Owners and book #3 for Mechanics and Restorers. Book #4 is a possibility. You may obtain your new Aeronca books by contacting Mr. Charles Lasher at 4660 Parker Court, Oviedo, FL 32765 , or by phone at 407/678-3467. These publications are bound to become collector items also. I would not procrastinate in ordering them, and Charlie will autograph anyone of them when you request it with your order. ....
The Knight Twister, this one with a Douglas conver sion of a Ford auto engine to an air cooled version. This same airplane is the one built in 1937 by Vernon Payne for a sportsman pilot In Buenos Aires, Argentina, according to an article in Popular Aviation, October 1937.
We appreciate the notes and potential Mystery Planes we have received from members, and would love to continue to add to our list so we can continue to enjoy this feature. If you do have an airplane you'd like to submit, please send a pho tograph (xerographic copies don't print well) of your submission at the address at the end of this article. Before we answer the August Mys tery Plane, I should note that the October Mystery really has everyone stumped - I have yet to get a single answer for the pi oneer era biplane we showed. You still have until November 26 to get your an swer in for that one, so start flipping the pages of your Jane's out there! Our August Mystery Plane was an easy one for many of our members, but one that those of us born after 1955 may not have seen. Member Morris Ripple of Albuquerque , NM jumped right on it and sent us a note telling us it was the
by H.G. Frautschy "Knight Twister" designed by Vernon Payne in 1932. One of the letters that was interesting came from Hale Wallace, the proprietor of the Steen Aero Lab of Marion, N C. Hale wrote: 'This one is too easy, as we now own the design rights for the little plane. The one pictured is a Douglas Ford conver sion on one of Vernon Payne's little Knight Twisters. Hard to say how many of these little ships were ever built but I would guess well over 100. Remember the average man in 1928 when the Knight Twister was designed was about 160 lbs. The little plane was very well designed and was unique in that it required no internal or external wires! "We are currently building a 125 hp version that should be at Oshkosh '98. It will be the original short fuselage short wing version. To get a feel how really small this plane is, it helps to compare the wing area to a Pitts. The single place
Pitts has 98 square feet of wing and the Knight Twister has 55! "We would like very much to obtain a copy of the stress analysis that was ad vertised just after the war by Payne for $9 .00. Perhaps some of your readers might still have a copy?" You can right to Hale Wallace at Steen Aero Lab, Inc., 1210 Airport Rd ., Marion, NC 28752. Other answers were received from: Bob Richardson , Broken Arrow, OK; Wayne Van Valkenburgh, Jasper, GA; Robert Engels, Ronan , MT; Charley Hayes, New Lenox, IL; Ralph Roberts, Saginaw, MI; Dave Harris, Mason City, IA; Owen Bruce, Richardson, TX; and John Beebe, White Stone, CA. ... Send your Mystery Plane correspondence to: Vintage Mystery Plane
EAA P.O. Box 3086
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086
These neat shots were sent by Vernon Payne to Bob Richardson, Broken Arrow, OK after Bob had written to Vernon requesting information on the Knight Twister.
Our Mystery Plane for November comes to us from an advertisement in a long reveredjoumal, one still in publication. It's not an aviation publication, but they do, on rare occasions, publish items of an aeronautical nature. Answers need to be in no later than December 26, 1997 for inclusion in the February issue of Vintage Airplane. 10
by ANDY HEINS Ale 20529 The 38th annual National Waco Club fly-in, held June 26-29, 1997 at beautiful Wynkoop Airport in Mount Vernon, Ohio is now in the history books. Twenty-five outstanding Wacos repre足 senting 13 models from eight states were able to attend.
Wynkoop Airport is a 3500 x 100 grass strip with a setting as though you had just stepped back in time 50 years ago . The enviroment is perfect for old airplanes with radial engines and ques足 tionable ground handling. Brian Wynkoop has operated the airport for
over 30 years and has been gracious enough to extend his hospitality to the Waco Club since 1989. Wednesday, June 25, saw the first two arrivals grace the skies above Mount Vernon. Pete Heins, in his one of a kind 1930 Waco CRG , and Jack VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Hill in his 1941 Waco UPF-7 both ar rived from Dayton, Ohio. Overcast skies dawned on Thursday and it looked as though we might have rain as the or der of the day. But by noon the grey was gone, replaced by blue skies with puffy white clouds. Three more Wacos were tied down by the end of the night. As Friday rolled around, the weather was checked and found to be excellent Waco weather. One by one the aircraft started arriving and reports were re ceived that a group was heading our way from the East Coast. Around 1:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, the wonder ful , vibrating sound of multiple radial engines was heard. Looking to the east, the distinctive shape of seven biplanes was observed. As the formation entered the pattern , each plane made a pass down the field to the delight of all the onlookers - Bill Smela in a 1932 UBF 2, John Bussard in a 1937 YKS-7, Jack Race in a 1940 UPF-7, Al Shimer in his rare 1937 Waco VPF-7, Fred Schrnuck ler in a 1941 UPF-7, John Shue in a 1941 UPF-7 and Loel Crawford in his newly restored 1941 UPF-7. By Friday evening 21 Wacos sat side by side in the grass. Saturday brought beautiful weather again and the skies around Mount Vernon
were filled with Wacos giving buddy rides and enjoying the wonderful at mosphere that abounds at Wynkoop Airport. Four more arrivals brought the total up to 25. A banquet was held Sat urday evening in the large hangar, in sight of all the beautiful Wacos tied down for the evening. Over 80 people attended, enjoying the lasagna dinner catered by my wife Michele and her fa ther Keith Frank. The special guest speaker was Ray Brandly, President of the National Waco Club. Special awards were presented to long-time Waco en thusiasts Hans and Edith Dam, and to Bev Frost, understanding and patient wife of Waco pilot Bob Frost, owner of a beautiful 1930 INF.
1932 UBF-2 NC13446 Bill Srnelal John Bussard
The following Wacos were in attendance:
1940 UPF-7 NC30130 Jack Race
1929 ASO NC261M Tony Morozowski
1941 UPF-7 NC32080 Jerry Brown
1929 CTO NR13918 B. F. Goodrich! Bob Wagner
1941 UPF-7 NC32084 Loel Crawford
1930 CRG NC600Y Pete Heins 1930 CSO NC656N Larry Harmacinski
1941 UPF-7 NC32183 John Shue/ Chris Kidder
1930 INF NC11203 Bob Frost
1942 UPF-7 NC39714 Bud Hayes
1931 QCF NC11427 Lee Parsons
1942 UPF-7 NC39754 Ron France
1934 UMF-3 NC14041 Harold Johnson 1934 UKC NC14052 Cliff Hogan 1936 YKS-6 NC16241 Bill Bohannon 1937 VPF-7 NC17712 Jim Buchwald 1937 VPF-7 NC74835 Al Shimer 1937 YKS-7 NCI7700 John Bussard 1937 YKS-7 NC17474 Mark Harter 1940 UPF-7 NC164 Joe Maguire 1940 UPF-7 NC173E Phil Coulson 1940 UPF-7 NC29300 Mike Brown!Alan Hoeweler
1941 UPF-7 NC32071 Jack Hill
1941 UPF-7 NC32133 Fred Schrnuckler
Mackey's "LincoAces"
Waco CTO Taperwing
by H. G. FRAU TSC HY Eighteen hundred bucks. Not a bad price, but still not cheap either, in 1934. Then Lt. Joe Mackey gave up that much cash for a Waco ATO "Taperwing" he planned on using with the airshow troupe he had put together along with the incorrigi ble teenager Bill Sweet, who was just beginning a long career as an airshow promoter and announcer. Also part of their trio was their mechanic, "Fatso" DeBolt. Mackey picked the airplane up in Jackson, MI. Powered with a 220 hp Wright J-5 , the ATO was fIrst going to be used as a skywrit ing airplane, so they could get into the smokewriting game . According to Sweet's fanciful book, "They Call Me Mr. Air show," their fIrst modifIcations to the Taperwing' s exhaust system resulted in a disappointingly small amount of smoke. Finally, they tapped a larger smoke oil line , served by a pressure pump, into a hot spot in the exhaust manifold, solving the problem and putting them into the skywriting business. Back in those days, an airshow outfIt did it's best to get into every angle of the aviation business. Advertising, "death-defying, oh my-gosh, can you believe he did that!" aerial acts and hopping rides were the main sources of the income in the hand-to-mouth ex istence in which the promoters, mechanics and pilots lived. Ad vertising took the forms we still see today, with banners, skywriting or even with lights at night under the wings being used to get the advertisers message out to poten tial customers. Fortunately for Mackey and his gang, they had managed to enter into a deal with the Ohio Oil Company (now Marathon Oil) to promote Ohio ' s Linco gasoline Jim Koepnick
Ken Uchtenberg
Mike Murphy, W. Myron Hightower and Gordon P. Mougey. Based in Findlay, OH, they used every available method to get the Linco name in front of the public, including a neon light setup on the lower wings of a Curtiss Fledgling, and later a loud speaker system in a Stinson Tri-Motor. During 1935, during the Dayton Air Olympics, Mackey was wringing out the Waco and during an outside maneuver, the Townend Ring around the Wright's cylinders cracked at the bottom and broke, fl ipping over the upper wing and banging Joe on the head, nearly render ing him unconscious. He The Ohio 011 Company, now Marathon Oil, contracted with Col. Mackey managed to land the and his troupe to tout the virtues of their " Llnco" 011 products, which Taperwing and was t hey did In a number of ways, Including banner towing, skywriting hauled off to the hospital, and night signs strung on the bottom of both a Curtiss Fledgling and where the doctors looked Stinson Trl-motor. The modified Waco CTO Taperwlng owned by Mackey was flown by him for both skywriting and aerobatlc displays. him over and bandaged up his head wound. He'd a lready been th inking about working on the Waco to make it an even more su itabl e airs how airplane, and the Dayton incident triggered a plan to rebuild the Taperwing into something no one else had ever seen. High spee d aviators of that time we re not solely from the military-
and oil products . The Taperwing be came the favorite of Mackey, who flew it skywriting, in aerobatic contests and during airshows . Later powered with a 330 hp Wright J-6-9E with a front ex haust, Mackey was thrilling crowds with his Taperwing (now designated as a Waco CTO after the installation of the higher horsepower Wright), as well as keeping the Ohio Oil bigwigs impressed with the exposure his outfit was able to get for the Linco products. The "Linco Flying Aces," as the outfit was dubbed, were known throughout the land, and included famous pilots such as
14 NOVEMBER 1997
in fact, the civilians often were flying ships faster than the government boys were issued - and men like Roscoe Turner and Jimmy Wedell went to the fellow in Cincinnati who knew how to form metal into fluid, smooth shapes that made air molecules just slide on by. Hill Streamliners hammered out sheet a luminum into be autiful cowlings , wheel fairings and wing roots. John Hill spent the winter working on the fuselage of the Waco, completely covering the entire fuselage in sheet aluminum and adding a full NACA cowl, complete with 18 speed bumps to fair in the rocker box covers on the 330 hp Wright (which Bill Sweet wrote was souped up to 400 hp) . A special pair of wheel pants finished off the streamlin ing job , one that even the people at Waco , who expressed concern at first, were willing to concede that the project was well done. Sweet and his mechanic Fatso Debolt rebuilt the wings and had the struts, flying wires and massive ex haust collector ring chrome plated back in the hangar in Findlay while Hill and his crew reworked the fuselage . It was not a cheap project, either- Mackey had Bill Sweet and Jimmy Taylor head down to Cincinnati to pick up the newly modified fuselage with $12,000 packed in an old gym bag, the fee Hill required for the streamlining job he and his
workers had done on the CTO's fuselage. Mr. Hill was wary of the chronically short-on-cash aviation trade, and required a bank note or plain old hard currency upon delivery, or you couldn't take your airplane home. By the spring of 1936, the Waco CTO, SIN A-1l8, which had originally been purchased by the CAA in 1929, was ready to take the '36 airshow flying season by storm. It almost didn't make it. Sweet tells the story that Mackey had to land the Taperwing at the end of its test flight using the elevator trim, since a piece of tubing was not cleaned out of the fuselage, and jammed the elevator. You can bet they were all the way back to the tail cone cleaning out the scraps after that nearly disastrous fIrst flight! Mackey's most famous event with the Taperwing was still to come. During the month long celebrations surrounding the Kentucky Derby, Mackey and the Linco Aces were preforming in the state; skywriting, night signs and banner towing were all part of the ad vertising game. While at a refueling stop one day that April, the phone rang and the caller wanted to speak to Mackey, who was already in the cockpit getting ready to fly out on another advertising mission. The caller turned out to be an offIcial of the French Embassy, who was calling to invite Mackey to attend the Interna tional Air Show in Paris, France, all expenses paid! Mackey made a beeline for New York, and with the Taperwing hoisted aboard the U.S.S. Washington, he headed across the Atlantic for the big meet. One of only two Americans invited to the meet (the other was Milo Burcham and hi s Boeing 100 [P-1 2]), Mackey wowe d the French crowds, and was
Things are really happening in Troy, Ohio, the hometown of Waco airplanes. The Waco Historical Society was founded a number of years ago to preserve the heritage of the airplanes and the company that built them. For the past couple of years, they have operated a museum in downtown Troy, with long-term plans for a larger, dedicated facility. Well underway are the plans for the Waco Museum and Learning Center. Pat Horgan, who outside of his responsibilities at B.F. Goodrich, is also the Director of the new museum. He tells us that they just dedicated the 2,400' airstrip and held an old-fashioned bam raising for a 147 year old structure that had been moved to the site, located just south of the town of Troy. Fund-raising efforts are well underway, and plans are being made for a world-class facility dedicated to proclaiming and perpetuating the important aviation achievements of the Waco Aircraft Co., and to transfer the "love of flight" to both young and old through the use of hands-on displays, a hangar style museum and archives. That's a small snapshot of what is going on, and for more information, please write to the Waco Museum & Aviation Learn ing Center, P.O. Box 62, Troy, OH 45373. presented with a $8,000 check on top of the expenses already being paid. Re turning home as an international aviation star, Mackey would parlay that triumph into greater aviation success. Hooking up with the the ever flamboy ant Roscoe Turner, Mackey flew the gold Wedell-Williams NR61 Y while Roscoe was busy with the silver Turner Special. He flew the racer in both the '37 and '38 Thompson trophy races, among others. Later in his career, he started Mackey International Airlines, Mackey Airlines and Mackey Air Transport after WW II. Col. Joe Mackey passed away February 14, 1982, at the age of72. But what happened to the Taper wing? After the War, it bounced around a number of owners, including another The aft cockpit Is detailed In these two shots. The airplane has been registered In the experimental exhibition category since Its modifications by Hili Streamliners In 1936. Since It was Intended for alr show and skywriting use, the restrictions placed In that type of registration were not detrimental.
famous aerobatic aviator, none other than Duane Cole. In 1949, he bought the Taperwing for $1,000 in Dallas, Texas, and in the heat of the plains, he nearly passed out from dehydration as the Waco 's metal fuselage offered little in the way of ventilation, but plenty in the head department. With its uninsu lated firewall, and the oil tank in the fuselage , the heat from the engine oil had nowhere to go but out the cockpit
holes, passing over the pilot and keeping him plenty warm whether he needed it or not! By the end of the 1949 airshow season, Duane had decided that while the Waco flew reasonably well , he didn't really care for it in airshow work, and landing it was always a potential ground looping adventure . He decided he would fly it down to Florida, where he and the Cole broth ers had a couple of winter airshow book ings, and sell it after he was through . Finally, the heat generated by the big Wright worked to his advantage - while his fellow airshow pi lots were all bundled up in their cockpits against the central Illinois cold, Duane was able to fly along comfortably dressed in only a light sweater along with his helmet and goggles! Duane' s assessment of the modified Waco's landing tendencies were reinforced later, when good banging about, he heard that the next two owners man with the belly skin aged to ding up the airplane on their first also taking a beat landings, one of them evidently wiping ing. The rudder and the gear completely off the airplane. vertical fin needed Later, as the Waco had become a to be completely project, it was with Dick Jackson (who rebuilt, as were owns and flies the sole remaining Waco the wings, which D) in New Hampshire . He sold it to needed additional Bob White , who began to restore work beyond ju st the airplane until he passed away. Con- ~ 1..0---..;......;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 cleaning up and be cerned that the historic airplane might ing recovered. not get the treatment it deserved, Phil and it failed during the flight, causing a Happily, the beautiful work done by Debeau of Florida worked to hook forced landing that resulted in rather se Hill Streamliners was, for the most part Bob's widow up with a suitable organi vere damage to the airframe. perfectly usable, and Chris Hughes did zation who would commit to maintaining B.F. Goodrich, to their credit, didn't a major amount of straightening and the historic airplane. give up . After working through the fabrication to make the airplane look B.F. Goodrich, of Troy, Ohio, had insurance paperwork, they committed like it did when Joe Mackey sailed to some historic links to the Waco Aircraft to having the airplane rebuilt . By the France . Both David Harwell, who is Company - in fact, the building they spring of 1993 , the Barnstormer's one of the partners in Barnstormers currently reside in was, at one time, the Workshop was selected to do the work. Workshop, and Pat Horgan, the Taper Waco factory building. After being con After a short delay as the workshop re wing Project Manager for B.F. tacted by Phil, B.F. Goodrich purchased located to Williamson, GA, the work Goodrich, praised Chris' sheet metal working skills, pointing out that hi s the airplane and made arrangements to began in earnest. have it flown up to Troy. Unfortunately, During the forced landing, the for work was instrumental in getting the the Wright J-6 was not up to the trip, ward fuselage and tail received a pretty Waco back in the air. All of the Hill 16 NOVEMBER 1997
sheet metal was kept, with the excep tion of the belly skin, which was too badly damaged to serve as anything but a pattern. David, and his partner, Max Gwaltney, also run Peach State Airport in Williamson, as well as running and working in the restoration shop. Also part of the team who restored the Waco were: Gary Gachesa, a fabric man who has since moved on to other endeavors, and Mary and Ed Berluchaux. Mary also worked at making the fabric work on the wings and tail surfaces an excel lent example of that exacting task. A few changes were made to the air plane to make it a more reliable airplane to fly on national tours . First, because overhaul parts and overall reliability were in short supply for the Wright, it was decided to change the engine in stallation to a new Jacobs R-755-B2 engine of275 hp. The Wright is available for reinstallation when the Waco goes on static display at some time in the fu ture. Also changed was the cowl. The
original cowl would not have fit prop production. Goodrich makes wheels erly with the Jacobs, so a cowl from a and brakes for everythi ng from light UC-78 was reworked to resemble the airplanes to the Space Shuttle. original sheet metal. By the end of 1996, the restored One more change would be made Waco was just about ready to go, and it to the Waco that took a fair amount of made its first appearance at Sun ' n Fun ' 97, where many in the crowd recog discussion. Over the years, this Waco had been the subject of many modifi nized it from their earlier days. During its visit to EAA Oshkosh '97 this year, cations beyond the metalized fuselage. The installation of the 330 hp Wright it was parked in a place of honor in frot necessitated a longer prop w ith a of the the A IC Red Barn, where Pat resulting change in the landing gear. Horgan, who is also a Waco pilot, and The change in the gear made the air Bob Wagner spent the better part of the plane a real handful on the ground, week relating the history of the Waco particularly on pavement, as a number that Col. Joe Mackey flew to glory in of previous owners, including Duane the 1930' s. ... Cole, can attest. After taking a look at the gear geometry, the experienced pilot chosen to fly the Waco , Bob Wagner .§ decided that a change had to be made to ~ tame some of the modified Waco's c: ground handling orneriness. Bob, who ~ along with his wife Pat have flown their 450 Stearman wingwalking act for many years, a regular treat each year at the annual EAA Convention, as well as many other airshows all over the U.S . Also , the original Hayes wheels and brakes were no longer airworthy, so a set ofB.F. Goodrich wheels and brakes were installed. The B.F. Goodrich line descends from the Hayes company, so another historical tie was made by the company to the Waco' s original The distinctive landing gear of the Taperwlng stili Includes the original Aerol struts, which were later a division of Cleveland Pneumatic Tools, now a part of B.F. Goodrich Aerospace. The wheels and tires on the biplane were originally Hayes components, but since they were no longer airworthy, and In the Inter est of reliability, they were changed over to a set of Goodrich wheels and brakes. The Hayes company Is part of the Goodrich product line.
A Farman
Boxkite Replica
-Part One by SAM BURGESS
Many of you antiquers will recall the delightful movie a few years back (30+ now!), "Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines, " and the American from Arizona who flew his aircraft in the air race in England - that was a Bristol from which the Farman Boxkite was copied. This past August 4, Roger Freeman of Vintage Aviation Services, Inc ., 6658 Gin Road, Marion, TX 78124, 210/914-2219 , FAX same number, finished flight testing a replica of this type for the Hong Kong Historical Aircraft Association. It is to be transported to LAX and then a 747 to China, assembled and
flown, disassembled and placed on permanent display in the new airport terminal building. Why? Because it was the very first aircraft to be flown in Hong Kong. The HKHAA was desirous of flying a replica of the Farman in conjunction with the opening of their new airport, and had investigated contractors in the UK and New Zealand who were known for their restoration of deHavilland air craft in that country. With their expertise in the airplanes and engines of the pioneer era, Vintage Aviation Services was finally selected. Helpful modified specifications were received by Vintage Aviation Services in December, 1996 from Cliff Dunaway of the HKHAA in a review of general arrangements and drawings, with par ticular emphasis on the rear center section of the upper wing, lower hori zontal stabilizer, seating and engine mount frame. Many FAX exchanges were made along the way! A contract was issued for building the Boxkite and the replica was com pleted two months ahead of schedule. It is programmed to be flown in Hong Kong on 15 November 1997. Roger's company was made known to the HKHAA by his previous restora tions of a Fokker D-7 and a Triplane for the USAF Museum in Dayton , Ohio. In addition to the Boxkite, he has presently in work a 1910 Bleriot, a Fokker D-8, a Meyers , a Ken Royce Rearwin biplane, a Pietenpol Scout and a Nieuport 28. His real love is with WW I aircraft and memorabilia. In his museum are many rifles, machine-guns, uniforms, two ambulances and a library full of antique pUblications. Roger grew up helping his father, Ernie, an American Airlines pilot, re store a WW I Thomas Morse Scout with a rotary engine that he has flown
in many local air shows and displays, having received many citations and awards for his efforts. To capture the full intent of the HKHAA's desire to commemorate the first aircraft flight in Hong Kong, it is necessary to become acquainted with a bit of history leading up to this event. In December 1996 Roger Freeman and his assistant, Tommy Anderson, visited the Shuttleworth Aviation Museum in Old Warden, England to inspect a Boxkite built under British license and was the actual aircraft used in the film, "Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Ma chines. " They took many measurements and shot loads of pictures to be able to draw up plans and stay as original as possible for his Hong Kong order. By 1910 it had become universally known that the Wright brothers had been the first to fly a powered aircraft in controlled and sustained flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on 17 December 1903 . In the following years, other ad venturesome and inventive people in Europe quickly took to the skies in their own remarkable machines. The first person to gain recognition was Henry Farman, an Englishman, who flew a Voisin biplane on 13 January 1908 to win the much coveted Deutsch Archdeacon prize of 50,000 Franks. He later developed his own aircraft from the Voisin design - the Boxkite. Capt. Thomas S. Baldwin arrived in Hong Kong on his way to Manila on 28 January 1911 to demonstrate the first flight of a flying machine in the province; however, the local authorities had refused permission for fear of set ting a precedent that might allow foreign agents to photograph military installations from the air. At that time England and her Allies were about to enter into WW I with Germany in 1914. So it remained for the French aviator Charles Van Den Born to make the first powered flight of an aircraft in Hong Kong on 18 March 1911. Previ 0us y he had made the first successful flight in the same Boxkite in Saigon on 10 December 1910, again in Bangkok on January 1911 and Canton on 10 April 1911.
The multitude of ribs are evident In this view. Also, the brown pigment In the dope gives it that antiquated look with a 1910 flavor. All the struts are numbered and assigned their relative position on an assembly drawing. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
The contract with the HKHAA called for an alter nate pilot to accompany Roger Freeman to Hong Kong. Don Dixon has flown the Fannan Boxklte around the pattem and his duster experience well qualifies him for this position. He also just finished restoring a Meyers OTW (Out To Win) for Vintage Aviation Services.
A Fokker o.a, the "Aylng Razor," high wing parasol monoplane that saw service toward the end of WW I. Note the mount for the rotary engine. The spreader bar lifting section Is similar to the other Fokker designs. You can see the bungee mechanism In the left wheel. The propeller hanging over the shop entrance par tially obscures the sign "ROGER'S SKUNK WORKS" a Iii Kelly Johnson.
Charles was no doubt inspired by the feats of the Wrights, Bleriot and Farman in the field of aviation and in 1909 he decided to take up flying at age 35. He became a skilled pilot in a very short time and received his pilot's li cense, # 37 , from the Aero Club of France (now the FAI). He was the first to fly a powered aircraft in Asia. After his historic flight in Hong Kong, Van Den Born returned to France on 11 April 1911 with his Farman via Macau, Shanghai, Dainy and Moukden and also Japan where a number of Boxkites were purchased, sparking an
early interest of Japanese military leaders in aviation. In France he trained many pilots who fought in the Great War. He remained in aviation as a representa tive of Henry Farman and other firms until he retired at age 66 and died in 1958 at age 84. In 1958 the USAF Museum in Dayton, Ohio had in its possession an aircraft that was the first to fly in Japan. It was a Farman modified Voisin and flown by the Japanese at a base near Tokyo. The aircraft came to the U.S. as a part of a shipment of intelligence material consigned to the Air Technical Center
Roger's assistants In building the Boxklte, Tommy Anderson and Larry Ross, with '01 Blue. Both are expert wood workers, welders, sheet metal men and were expert In solving the many problems associated with old replicas.
An original WW I Thomas Morse Scout restored by Emle and his son Roger. It Is In flying condition with the Le Rhone 9 cylinder rotary engine of 80 hp. It's a popular alr~raft at many flying displays. It was the "SPAD" of the USA In WW I, although none saw combat.
This view below of the Boxklte shows the "aileron droop." They operate ONLY In the down position and retract to a streamlined position with less than ten mph airspeed. They are really not ailerons but are better described as "balancing flaps" for the want of a better nomenclature.
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Charles Van Den Born - first to fly in Hong Kong-1911. He was a prominent Belgian aviator and winner of the aviation meeting in Lyon, France in 1910, with his Farman biplane. Here he poses with the Boxkite on his Far East tour and was the first to fly a powered aircraft in Asia.
at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio at the close ofWW II. Subsequent to many diplomatic ex changes, the Farman was returned to Japan. The Japanese ambassador to the U.S. formally accepted custody of the restored aircraft. Now we can better understand the in tent of the HKHAA to honor the history of flying in Hong Kong by duplicating its first powered flight in 1911 with a commemorative flight by the same type of aircraft in 1997. The maze of struts, wires and fit tings along with the covering process required many hours of TLC by Roger's assistants Tommy Anderson and Larry Ross. The fabric dope was tinted a light brown to give it that vin tage look. The front and rear elevators had to be rigged properly to ensure exact coordination. A gondola type frame perches on the lower wing center section that contains an four-cylinder 0-290 Lycoming en gine, with a pusher propeller from an air boat. Also , two seats, fuel tanks , flight and engine controls are incorpo rated into this easily removable section.
The fuse lage is more of a skeletal structure with wires, struts and inter connecting fittings than the usual monocoque type of main structure. Specifications for the Farman Boxkite are: span, 26.5 feet; length, 39.5 feet; weight, 1200 pounds; motor - Gnome or Vivinus rotary with a two-bladed pusher propeller. An FAA inspection was completed with not one squawk on the airframe or engine installation. If you ever build a 1910 type aircraft, just be sure to get an old gent about to retire from the FAA who cut his teeth on flying wires, tail skids and taildraggers. Flight testing consisted of a series of liftoffs to about six feet with straight ahead recoveries. After about a dozen of these to get the feel of a real vintage aircraft and test the engine, a successful flight around the pattern was made. Very good control on the ground was experienced due to the proximity of the propeller to the rudder. In flight, the control pressures were better than expected from a 1909 design. The only two glitches found during the test flights were the 0 - 290 running
Two ambulances from WW I. They were built from scratch by Roger Freeman for his WW I museum. Powered by Ford Model " T" engines, they are pop ular at air shows while Roger is flying the Tommy. Note the different radiator design from 1916 and 1917. One is usually commanded by the General at Air Force bases as his ramp vehicle.
A 1910 Bleriot of the type that was the first to fly across the English Channel. Note the unusual tail skid and "open" cockpit.
Just before touchdown with the photo Cub in the background. Even for the Cub it was difficult to get slow enough as the VNE speed for the Fannan is 40 mph at 2300 rpm. Touchdown is at 2S mph.
This 7 cylinder rotary engine is an original Gnome and Is the type that powered the original Fannan Boxkite. It was a historic aeronautical breakthrough for that era with the intake on the piston and the exhaust on the cylinder. It produced 50 hp.
hot, so a 12" by 12" oil cooler radiator was install ed, and the tail skid had to be reinforced with a metal plate to sus tain the constant wear of a gravel based runway at Zue hl Airport, eight mil es SE of Randolph AFB and form ally an auxiliary fi eld. Roger is considering building a sec ond Boxkite for himself to fly in the U.S. at country fairs and fly-ins . As the original Boxkite was powered by a seve n-cylinder rotary engine, a dummy reproduction of this type will replace the Lycoming, along with a manikin dressed in pilot garb of that day when the aircraft is placed on per manent display in the terminal building at the new Hong Kong airport, sched uled to open on 15 November 1997. Part Two of this article will be an account of the disassembly, crating and trucking of the Farman to LAX airport, loading on the Cathay Pacific Airline - who has donated space for the aircraft and crew - and an account of the demonstration flight and final assembly in the new terminal building at Hong Kong's new airport. Look for our next installment in the late winter ~1~8. • 22
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Roger Freeman at the Shuttleworth Aviation Museum in England inspecting the aircraft that actually flew in the great flying movie " Those Magnificent Men In Theil Flying Machines. n Shown with Roger is his host while he was in England, Harry Woodman.
The gaps between the outer and inner wing panels were sealed with glue and are easily removable for dismantling the Farman for transport to China.
A rear view of the Boxkite with the two fuel tanks, air/ oil separator, rudder and rear elevator. The pusher air boat propeller is tumlng 2300 rpm. Cooling the oil was accomplished by a 12" x 12" radiator; however, the slow speed combined with only suction air passing through the oil cooler is just adequate to keep the Lycoming coolon a warm day.
All of these ill-flight shots were taken by Roger Freeman with a hand held camera while slow flying in the Boxkite. A view (above) of the controls in flight from the pilot's eye. Note the only engine instrl)足 ments-an oil pressure, oil temperature and tachometer. Holes were drilled throug1l足 out the structure for weight considerations. Note the tumbuckle and thimble that was nicropressed and covered with brown twine to give it that authentic look.
A pilot's eye view of the forward elevator with the red yam streamlined at 40 mph. The control cables are also evident in this shot. Flying at an altitude of 500 feet, the unusually green fields of Texas in August are in evidence after a very wet winter. The verdancy was short-lived come summer.
Looking forward at the front elevator with a view of the hangar row at Zuehl Airport. Two runways were built by the USAF with one closed. Note the " airspeed/slip skid indicator" - a strand of red yarn attached to a cross brace wire to give speed and attitude of the Farman.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Norm Petersen Rick Martin's Lincoln PT-K These photos ofa 1929 Lincoln PT-K project were se nt in by owner, Rick Martin (EAA 517699, A/C 25976) of Las Vegas, NY. Rick reports the Lincoln PT-K was originally placed in service in Blythe , CA, in 1930, and the last owner was John Cook, who purchased the airplane in 1941, learned to fly in the PT -K and later joined TWA. Last flown in 1946, the airplane was stored until 1996, when Rick purchased the project from Gwen Cook, the widow of John Cook. With the 100 hp Kinner K-5 at Al Ball's Santa Paula shop for rebuild, the airframe is being rebuilt with the help of longtime EAAer Joe Maridon (EAA 45956, AlC 18215). New wings had to be constructed from scratch, however, the fuselage and tail feathers were in good restorable shape. Rick ' s PT-K is a sister-ship to EAA's 1930 Lincoln PT -K, N275N , SIN 602, which was donated in 1973 by Norm Sten of Osseo, MN, and now resides at Pioneer Airport in Oshkosh.
Harry Miltner's Tiger Moth Busy belting up for a flight in DeHaviliand Tiger Moth, N88816, SIN NMI36-12, is ownerlrestorer Harry Miltner (EAA 223678, AlC 26689) of Ellensburg, WA, and a passenger. Harry spent 5,500 hours rebuilding the wings and fuselage with all new wood, restoring all metal fittings, overhauling the Gypsy Major engine, and covering the entire airplane with Poly Fiber materials. Mods include an engine starter, steerable tailwheel and brakes on the main wheels. In addition, Harry used T-88 epoxy glue in the rebuild, which sent the FAA inspectors into hiding! The air足 plane is now licensed Experimental Exhibition until everything is sorted out and approved. The Tiger Moth was built in 1944 by Morris Motors and has 1675 total hours on the airframe and engine. First flight was July 27, 1997, and it flew "hands off' according to Harry Miltner. Bill Orbeck (EAA 307364, A/C 13378) from Ferndale, W A, and a Tiger Moth owner of 38 years, was a major help in the long rebuild. Harry says it is a real treat to fly "one of Sir Geoffrey's finest."
This highly polished 1946 Globe Swift, N3392K, SIN 1385, is the pride and joy of Ranley Nelson (EAA 409613) of Butler, PA. With a most unusual total time of 900 hours, and 350 since major on the 125 Continental engine, it has to be one of the lowest time Swifts in the country. Other fea足 tures include a Scott 3250 tailwheel , Cleveland wheels and brakes, stainless steel exhaust and much, much, custom chrome plating. Most unusual of all is "no damage history!" Ranley might consider a trade, so if you call him at 412-287-6659, tell him Norm sent you.
Members Projects in
Foreign Lands
A chance remark at the International Foreign Visitors Picnic during EAA Oshkosh '97, attended by over 800 people, brought us in contact with Udo Bert Walther (EAA 560994) of Heidelberg, Germany. Udo has several unique a ircraft includng a Fieseler Fi 156 Storch (Stork). a Biicker Bii 133 Jungme ister and a Fock e-Wulf Fw-44 Stieglitz. With a big smile on his face, he pull ed these photos from his handbag and gave permission to print them in VIN TA GE AIRPLANE . (In addition to airplanes, Udo has a collection of two German Army tracked vehicles, a German "Jeep," and two German Army motorcycles with official sidecars.)
This beautifully restored Focke-Wulf Fw44 Stosser, [).EMUT, all done up in a silver and dark blue paint scheme, was Udo's favorite biplane until it was badly damaged in an accident. Power is a 160 hp Siemens and Halske radial pulling a Hoffmann propeller. This aircraft is the approximate equivalent of the Stearman training biplane as used in the military ser足 vices in the United States during WW II.
Here is a side shot of Udo's Biicker Jungmelster, D-EIIH, which is one of the world's very best all足 time aerobatic ai rplanes. Power is a 160 hp Siemens and Halske SH 14a radial engine swinging a Hoffmann propeller. The airplane was designed by a Swedish aeronautical engineer named Anders J. Andersson, who worked with Dr. Carl Clemens Biicker at SAAB i n Sweden before moving to Rangsdorf, Germany , in 1935.
Powered with a 240 hp Argus A-10 air-cooled inverted V-8 engine, this Fieseler Fi 156 Storch is a liaison aircraft that actually served with General Rommel in Africa. Its long (49 ft_, 9 In.) wing with high lift devices makes it a true STOL aircraft, however, it is also subject to "hangar rash"足 note the wingtips! From 1937 to 1945, nearly 2900 Storch air足 craft were built for the military.
The sad remains of Udo's Fw44 Stosser lies in a field in Germany. The airplane is slowly being restored to its original splendor, however, much work remains to be done. Udo needs an engine mount and a set of gear legs for the Fw44 to complete the restoration. If you can help, write him at: Udo Bert Walther, Fr. Ebert Anlage 25A, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany.
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
EM #21 NC#5 P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
A trip back in time to see some new scenery. During a combination business and plea sure trip to Anchorage, Alaska, I became enamored with the idea of taking a scenic trip in a DC-3 , partly because there was a time when I used to fly DC-3s, and partly because time constraints wouldn't let us see all the places we wanted to see in Alaska. ERA Classic Airlines, an interstate com muter, operates two DC-3s in a Flightseeing Air Tour operation as a sideline. They have about 20 airplanes and link Anchorage with many outlying towns, villages and camps. I asked the guys at United Airlines Worldwide Cargo Operations about them, and they were as uninformed as I was. However, their call for information broke the ice and we were invited over. With our directions on how to find their hangar ter minal way over on the south side of the airport behind the Alaska National Guard facility, we found a pleasant surprise. An outside deck, sort of an observation area, leads to an old-time canvas canopy and gate like the old-time movies; remem ber Casablanca? And inside, a plush 1940's style lobby and ticket counter. Decor and nice comfortable furniture all done in the forties motif, and big band background mu sic, and that isn't all! There's a very pretty young hostess flitting about serving refresh ments and talking to the waiting passengers. Her 1939 Hostess uniform was a sight to see. She was very well presented and a most perfect hostess. The Captain in his "natty" uniform came in about that time and he, too, mingled with the passengers, telling them about the route we were going to fly and 26 NOVEMBER 1997
giving us a preview of what we could ex pect to see. The flight plan had changed because smoke from the interior forest fifes all but obliterated the area north of us. I had been talking to the ticket agent, Brenda Spivey, and learned she wasn't re ally a ticket agent at all but was the Operations Manager. In the conversation she noticed my Eagle Hangar name tag and informed me she was an EAA member. Her real home is in Montana; she owns an Ercoupe and is partners with her husband on a Cessna 195. They never miss Oshkosh, but will have to pass it up this year. This woman is great! EAA member, pilot, A&P with lA, and has a great personality. We talked about the DC-3 and flying them up to Alaska from the lower 48 and about the Ercoupe and the 195 and EAA. Captain Dan Cloud (how's that for a flying name!) came over, introduced him self and asked if I'd like to go out and walk around the airplane with him. Professional courtesy, I guess, cause he sure didn ' t have to do it. I jumped at the chance and out on the ramp it was. The airplane, N I 944M, was all polished aluminum with very attractive red trim. It was almost impeccable. I had to ask if they really flew it because I never saw a DC-3 as clean as this. He informed me that like everyone else in the operation, they were all proud of their airplanes and that keeping them looking proud was part of the game. In answer as to where they got the air plane, Captain Dan told me this airplane was an Air Force C-47 that had served as
an executive transport after its retirement from active duty, and when they acquired it, they had completely refurbished it as a 1940s airliner. Our United "threes" never looked that good, but then they were at the end of their service life and had served all through WW II and had been hard used for 17 plus years. We phased them out in 1954. It was trip time, so back to the lobby and get in line for boarding. Dorothy and I took seats behind the wing. The engines were started and the long taxi to runway 26 left; the run up and the takeoff were behind us as we lifted off. A right turn out over Cook's Inlet, up the Knick Arm to Palmer, southeast through the Pass over g la ciers and through the mountains into Prince William Sound. South towards Valdez, back to Whittier, through the pass to Portage and then up the Turnagain Arm back to Anchorage. I won't go into a lot of detail. I can 't! The scenery was overwhelming, magnifi cent! Scooting through the passes and over the glaciers was a real kick. Those Pratt & Whitney dash 94 engines never missed a beat. The cockpit door was open, and when I stuck my head in to talk to the boys , I was surprised at how small the cockpit seemed; it was real cozy, and that brought back memories of flying with some of the old-time United Captains. I always thought those guys just had long arms, when in fact the copilot is an easy target when you want to whack him to get his attention. I must admit I got whacked a time or two. It was real close earshot, too. I know we didn't
have an intercom and I had absolutely no trouble hearing the Captain's orders. Which brings to mind one incident with one of those old-timers. It was a very hot and humid August day and our flight segment was Toledo Municipal to Cleveland Hopkins. It was so miserable and hot we were actually flying in our skivvies. My shirt was hanging on the fire axe just behind my left shoulder. As we crossed Sandusky Bay at minimum enroute altitude, about 2,000 MSL, which put us about 14 or 1500 feet above Lake Erie, the Captain shouted, "Open that damned window and get some air in here!" I did and the fun began. My shirt flew right out the window and into the carburetor intake on the right engine. It backfired once and quit! Well, we landed at Cleveland with an engine out. This caused some excitement, but the problems were mounting. This was a turnaround and I hadn't packed a bag; no extra shirt! To avoid being obvious, I lin足 gered in the cockpit until I thought it was safe and then I put on my uniform blouse, tied my tie around my bare neck and pro足 ceeded into dispatch. That confused the check in clerk no end, and the matter was further complicated for him when one ofthe mechanics came in and said they'd gotten the "bird" out of the intake
and were checking the engine and it looked like we could continue on back to Chicago. Then he secretly handed me my tattered, tom, greasy and otherwise unusable shirt. The lesson learned on this one was don't ever underestimate the mechanic. A real air足 plane mechanic can fix anything , has God-given ingenuity and one hell of a sense of humor, especially if he can see that the joke is on you! To finish the story, I borrowed an extra shirt from the clothes rack in the pilot's "dog house;' finished the trip, and for years afterwards had a gush of thankfulness every time I flew through Cleve land and saw that mechanic.
I didn ' t mean to get off the sub足 ject, but if you are up there in Alaska, take a Flightseeing ride with ERA Classic Airlines at Anchorage. The scenery and the ride are well worth it. And they serve champagne and snacks on board! Over to you,
3t(ck. .r
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Gainesville, Tallahassee, Tampa, Boca Raton, Pensacola, Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Type Club
Randall C. Aarestad ....... Halstad, MN Timothy A. Abke ....... Zanesfield, OH Roy I. Acker ......... E. Northport, NY Brian Anderson ........... Hudson, WI Thomas P. Austin ...... .. Culpeper, VA Barrett A. Bailey .... .... Spring Hill, FL Craig A. Bair ... .. McCool Junction, NE Harvey C. Bell . . ..........Vaughn, WA Steven Bitondo ......... New York, NY Horst Brinker .......... Las Cruses, NM Dale 1. Brown ...... ... . . .. Gurley, AL Walter M. Bullock ......... .Tampa, FL Mike C. Caswell ... ... N. Hampton, NH Victor K. Chewning .... Kennebunk, ME Paul Choroba ......... .. . Ramona, CA Dave Cooper ............. Zebulon, NC Paul Corbett ........ Rochester Hills, MI Raymond Corry .........Delta, British Columbia, Canada Neil Dale ...... . ..... . . . . .Tuscon, AZ Ron Davis .. . ...... Newport Beach, CA Tom E. DeHart ...... Klamath Falls, OR Gary T. Dyer ... .. . . . ... Glenbrook, NY Guy D. Frenya ........ Fort Edward, NY Douglas A. Galloway ..... Sandusky, OH Edward V. Giraud . ...... .... Milan, MI Keith Gustavson .......... Danbury, CT Douglas K. Hahn ...........Tigard, OR Bob Hahnemann .. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Daryl Hammond ..... Midwest City, OK Nick Hampton .. Maidstone, Great Britain Robert E. Harman ......... Prescott, AZ Robert Heckler ..... ........ Austin, TX Terry E. Henry ......... Hortonville, WI Frank L. Hines, Jr. . ... Albuquerque, NM Edwin G. Holl ........... Lansdale, PA Thomas E. Hughston ...... Niceville, FL Henry W. Jarrett .....Virginia Beach, VA Douglas M. Johnstone ..... Portland, OR Benjamin P. Kennedy ....Wilminton, NC Sean M. Kirkpatrick ........ Denton, TX Steve S. Knouse ... ..... . ... Moline, IL Donald V. La Couture, Jr. .. Marlboro, MA Andrew U. Lamborn ...... Pasadena, CA K. 1. Lassen .......... . . Bradenton, FL
Stan Lega .......... East Brunswick, NJ
Tami L. Lemna . ........ Fort Wayne, IN
Clifton B. Lopert ....... ... Phoenix, AZ
Rjchard A. Marciniak ...... Modena, NY
Jim G. Martinez .... San Bernardino, CA Michael 1. Massingill .... San Diego, CA Curtiss D. Matson . .. . Broken Arrow, OK Grant Metsger ..... Highland Village, TX George C. Moench ........ Gulfport, FL Steve Nitchman .. .. ...... Bellevue, WA Mitchell Noble ... . ..... .... Saline, MI Patrick W. O'Kelley ........ Tucson, AZ Larry O'Quinn ... . . ... .. .. Kinston, NC Laurence Ogden ..... Downers Grove, IL Jim Oldach ............. Lexington, KY Rjchard Paquin ...... . Montoursville, PA Glenn Parker .... .... ........ Eads, TN Clark Parker ........ .... Lady Lake, FL Thaniel A. Parnell . ... . ... ... .Tyler, TX Tim Payne ... ... ...........Tulsa, OK David Peeler ..........Weddington, NC Don Pellegreno .......... Story City, IA David R. Powell .. . United Arab Emirates David S. Purvis ............ Fresno, CA Damon Raike ........ San Francisco, CA Ray 1. Reilly . ...... . . .. San Rafael, CA Thomas M. Rosenthal ...... Delmar, DE Mark A. Scarbrough . . .. ....Oberlin, OH William Schnelker ..... .. . Ft Wayne, IN Mark Schnetzer ... . ..... Sioux Falls, SD Robelt E. Schultz .......... Folsom, CA Bud Shacklesford ......... Rjchfield, CT Jack L. Shahan ........ Okeechobee, FL Mike Sheehan .. . .. ..... . Carlsbad, CA Paul T. Sienko ........ Orlando Park, IL Joe F. Silva ............. . . .. Davie, FL Arthur St. Charles ... . . ..... Burton, MI Gordon Alan Stamper .. Hopkinsville, KY Autumn L. Steed ....... Fort Wayne, IN Angela L. Steed .. .. . . . . Fort Wayne, IN Ronald Steelman .... ..... Salisbury, NC Terry Strong ....... ... .. ... . Mesa, AZ Tom Terry . ... .. ....... .. Geneseo, IL William Utterback ..... San Antonio, TX Mike A. Vickers . ... .. ... Dogtown, WV Joseph W. Wagner .... . ... Norwalk, CT Rod L. Wagoner .......... .Tucson, AZ Hal Weise ..............Glen Ellen, CA Lewis N. Whittum ..... .. Richmond, NH George Wilts ... . .... ..... . Streator, IL Gary A. Wray .......... Mon'istown, NJ James Yates ........... Ponca City, OK
- continuedfrom page 8足
some stahlrohverstrebungen were now constructed. Everything was (painted) with boat varnish. The gas tanks were newly covered with plywood. Up to this point Trotten worked alone. Only when the heavy work started two co-workers helped him. The body was disassembled down to the steel pipe work . The brandschotts and different parts of the body had to be rebuilt . After these first renovations, Trottman transported the body and the wings to Kloten to finish the work in hangar Nord. First the (fahrwerk) land足 ing gear was put in place. The motors, both originals, were overhauled in Fehraltdorf and installed. Since the owner is an electronic specialist, he built in extra instrumentation which resulted in many changes. The hardest part of the job was the nose. Originally she was a little blunt, but in order to receive the extra electronics was built more aerodynamically. After a paper rnache form, Trottman constructed a negative of plaster and later a positive of polyester. After about six years of painstaking detail work by one man , HB-UEF was ready to fly again. This sounds easy but only the person that did it knows how much sweat went into the project. A pretty big airplane built by a single person. But this UC-78 is not the fIrst and not the last airplane put together by Trottman. Before the Cessna, he built a Norecrin in the same fashion. He bought it and completely renovated it. He is dreaming of building (up) a T-28. He already owns a manual and sketches of the machine. Sadly enough, the HB-UEF is dropped off the Luftfahrtregister. For the last three months , HB-UEF has been for sale for Fr. 60,000 neg. pres. For all the work Mr. Trottman should be paid twice as much. According to the latest news, the machine was so ld to somebody in Holland. Whoever wants to see the plane in K10ten has to go soon. - Gerry Oberdorfer足
The Board ofDirectors of Ocean Reef Club
Key Largo, Florida
cordially invites you to attend
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Because Ocean Reef Club is a private club,
The Vintage Weekend is open only to
members and invited guests staying in
the Inn or Marina.
AIRCRAFT Seeking bids for rare 1944 DH89A Mk IV Rapide with overhaul ed Gypsy 6 Series III engines. Aircraft disassembled and in need of extensive restoration. Organization looking to sell aircraft to collector who will return it to flying status. Please contact the EM Aviation Museum Director at 920/426-4842. 1947 Cessna 120 -Exce ll ent shape, always hangared Moore Cly. Airport, Pinehurst, NC. TSOH 1013 ACn 2089, Owner 910/295-6912. (1207)
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part. .40¢ per word, $7.00 mini mum charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.o. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your credit card num ber to 920/ 426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th ofthe monthfor in sertion in th e issue the second month following (e .g., October 20th for the December issue.)
SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES -New manu facture, STC- PMA -d, 4130 chromoly tubing throughout , also complete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana 59714, 406/388-6069, FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N . (0274) FREE CATALOG -Aviation books and videos. How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertainment titles. Call for a free catalog. EM,1 -8oo-843-3612. DO YOUR OWN PLATING! High-Tech and Aviation Industry proven plating process provides Top-Quality plated finish. ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATING is super-hard-wearing and extra-corrosion-resistant Plates to any thickness required with matte or mirror shiny bright silver finish. Ideal for all general, preci sion and specialized parts even plates inside hol low tubes and complex shapes! Range of complete, professional Electroless Nickel Plating Systems from only $99! FREE Information Brochure and Plated Samples. CHEMICAL PLATING CORPORATION. Tel/Fax (954) 344-3592 . PO Box 771364, Coral Springs, FL 33077. chem-plate-corp@msn.com Wanted: Airplane for my 1929 LeBlond 65hp 5 cylinder Radial Porterfield, Arrow Sport, Inland Sport, or ? Jim , 607C Walden Ct., Altoona, WI 54720, FAX 715/839-6545.
Statement of Ownership, Management, and CirculatiOn (FIoqbd by .... usc 3tJB5) VDn'AGB A.IRPLAHB
-..... .... c..- ..........
.................... 0 .
9 20/426-4125
BOX 3086
JANUARY 1, 1998 - NAPPANEE, rN - Napanee County Airport. EAA Chapter 938 6th Annual Hangar Over Fly-In . 11 a.m . -2 p.m. For information, call "Fast Eddie " Milleman at 219/ 773-2866. APRIL 19-25, 1998 - LAKELAND, FL - 24th Annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In and Convention. 9411644-2431. July 29-August 4, 1998 - OSHKOSH, WI - 46th Annual EAA Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention. Wittman Regional Airport. Contact John Bur ton, EAA, P.D. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI54903-3086. 920/426-4800.
4--.. No. c..-. &..e.--. Dwtnt "-dIng 12 ......
$27 _00
B.G. Pr:
Th e following lisl ofcoming even Is is furnished 10 our readers as a mailer o/information only and does not con stitufe approval. sponsorship. involvem ent, control or direction ofany event (fly -in, seminars. fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA , All: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Informa tion shollid be received fOllr months prior to the event date.
14. ..... O'_~o. ...
Fly- In Calendar
9§"W5A II 51903-3086
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VI 549°3_3086
Henry G. Frautachy
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Golda G. Cox BAA. PO BOI 3086. oSIDoSB . VI 54903-3086
lo,====-~~=r=f.t:'2~~::'=J.nt.=r~'::d .. ..,..~_"
B:zperJ..ental A.ircraft Aasociatioo.
3086. OSUOSB 1fl: 54903-3086
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30 NOVEMBER 1997
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Patton PA
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• The opportunity to network with other mem bers with similar interests through the various Type Clubs in the Antique/Classic community.
Recruit New Members and Win Some Great Prizes • Recruit just one new member and receive a stylish cap featuring the Antique/Classic Division logo. • Recruit two new members - in addition to the cap, get anAlC jacket patch and a free video tape.
Use the new member application form enclosed within this issue of VINTAGEAIRPIANEto sign up your new member. Don't miss this chance to enroll a friend!
• Sign up three new members and you'll also receive a FREE one year AlC Division member ship renewal.