... give a great gift ,,"- EAA Antique/Classic Membership! t~ Share the Excitement ofEMs Antique/Classic Division with a Friend or Family Member If you love the airplanes ofyesteryear, chances are you know other people who love them too. Help the Antique/Classic Division grow by recruiting new members. The EAAAntique/Classic Division is a person's best resource for information and stories about
Antique, Classic and Contemporary aircraft and the people who fly them. As a member, you already know what being an Antique/Classic member is all about, or do you? As a member, you receive: • 12 color-filled issues of VINTAGE AIRPLANE, the official magazine of the Antique/Classic Division. • The exclusive "members only" Antique/Classic aircraft insurance program administered by AUA,Inc. • During EAA OSHKOSH, educational workshops and seminars offered by fellow members who are experts in their field. • The opportunity to network with other members with similar interests through the various Type Clubs in the Antique/Classic community.
Recruit New Members and Win Some Great Prizes ,.,. • Recruit just one new member and receive a stylish cap featuring the Antique/ Classic Division logo. • Recruit two new members - in addition to the cap, get anAlC jacket patch and a free video tape. • Sign up three new members and you'll also receive a FREE one year AlC Division member ship renewal.
Use the new member application form enclosed within this issue of VINTAGEAIRPLANE to sign up your new member. Don't miss this chance to en roll a friend!
J{ e {p
!J 0 u r ,d i vis ion g row!
EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Tom Poberezny
December 1997
Vol. 25, No. 12
Jack Cox
Henry G, Frautschy
Managing Editor
Golda Cox
2 AlC News
AriDirector Mike Drucks
Computer Graphic Specialists
4 Aeromail
Olivia L, Phillip
Associate Editor
5 AlC Volunteers/Trish Dorlac
10 What Our Members Are RestoringiNorm Petersen
Norm Petersen
Feature Writer
Page 13
Dennis Parks
Staft Photographers
Jim Koepnick LeeAnn Abrams
Ken Lichtenberg
13 The Buhl Sport Airsedan !H.G. Frautschy
Advertising/Editorial Assistant
Isabelle Wiske
19 More EAA Oshkosh '97
Espie "Butch· Joyce P,O, Box 35584 Greensboro. NC 27425 910/393-0344
2 1 Mystery Plane!H.G. Frautschy 22 1998 Type Club List 26 Pass It To BucklE.E. "Buck" Hilbert
Nancy Hanson
Page 19
George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford. WI 53027 414/673-5885
Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Alberl Lea. MN 5tI.1J7 flJ7/373-1674
Charles Harris
7215 East 46th SI.
Tulsa. OK 74145
DIRECTORS John Berendt
28 Welcome New Members
7645 Echo Point Rd, Cannon Falls. MN 55009 flJ7/263-2414
29 Membership Information/Calendar
Phil Coulson
28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton. MI 49065 616/624-6490
32 Antique/Classic Merchandise
55 Oakey Av, Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354
John S, Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough. MA 01532 508/842-7867
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Dr.
Indianapolis. IN 46278
Sian Gomoll
104290th Lane. NE
Minneapolis. MN 55434 612/784-1172
Robert Uckteig
1708 Bay Oaks Dr, Albert Lea. MN 5tI.1J7
Jeannie Hili
P.O, Box 328
Harvard. IL 60033 815/943-7205
Dean Richardson
Robert D. "Bob" Lumley
Joe Dickey
Page 32
FRONT COVER. , , The only flying Buhl CA-3D/E Sport Airsedan is piloted over eastern Minnesota by retired Northwest Airlines Captain Harry Thibault, This is the original airplane used by Packard Motors to flight test their diesel aircraft engine in 1930, The Buhl is owned by Greg Herrick 's Yellowstone Aviation and is part of the Golden Wings Flying Museum , EAA photo by Jim Koepnick. shot with a Canon EOS-l n equipped with an 80 -200 mm lens, 1/250 sec, @ fll on 100 ASA slide film , EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by EAA 's Director of Flight Operations. Joe Schumacher. BACK COVER, , ,-Four Hours Out" is Glen Winterscheidt's oil painting that was selected the 1997 EAA Sport Aviation Art Competition's Par Excellence award winner. as well as the judge's choice as the winner of the theme award. - Antique/Classic Aircraft, · See the A/C News section on page 2 for more on this pretty pointing, Copyright © 1997 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc, All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic Division. Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd.• P,O. Box 3086. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086, Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54901 and at add~ional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division. Inc. is $27.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Osllkosh, Wi 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and APO addresses via surlace mail. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertiSing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken, EDITORIAL POUCY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Ed~or, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O, Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phcne 920/426-4800. The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EAA INTER NATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERtCA are ® registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRAUGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibrted,
Gene Monis 5936 Steve Court Roanoke. TX 76262 817/491-9110 Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S, Hoyne Chicago. IL 60620 312/779-2105
6701 Colony Dr. Madison. WI 53717 608/833-1291
1265SouIh 124thSt, Brookfield. WI 53005 414/782-2633
S.H. 'Wes' Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414/771-1545
Geoff Robison 1521 E, MacGregor Dr. New Haven. IN 46774 219/493-4724
George York
181 Sloboda Av,
Mansfield. OH 44906
DIRECTORS EMERITUS Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd, Oshkosh. WI 54904 920/231-5002
E.E. "Buc k" Hilbert
p,o, Box 424 Union. IL 60180 815/923-4591
Rager Gomoll
1002 Heather Ln. Hartford. WI 53027 414/966-7627
321-1/2 S, Broadway Apt, 3 Rochester. MN 55904 flJ7288-2810 David Bennett
403 Tanner Ct.
Roseville. CA 95678
compiled by H.G. Frautschy
ABOUT THAT BACK COVER ... Glen Winterscheidt's oil painting "Four hours Out" was picked as the Antique/Clas sic theme win ner in thi s yea rs Sport Aviation Art Competition. Here's what Glen had to say regarding the subject: "The Pan American Airwaysflights to the Orient in these magnificent Boe ing flying boats represented great adventure to a farm boy from Kansas back in the 1930's. This truly was The Golden Age ofAviation. " During my service in the Navy, we flew PBM's from San Diego to Japan , (with four stops en route) reinforcing myappreci ation for these transpacific pioneers. " Always interested in drawing airplanes and other forms of transporta tion, Glen spent five years as a PBM pilot. Then he returned to school to be come an automobile designer (stylist). He spent 32 years in auto design with General Motors, retiring in 1989. He re turned to San Diego after his retirement. "Four Hours Out" has been sold to a private co llector, but you can contact Glen regarding his paintings by writing him at 5738 Del Cerro Blvd., San Diego, CA. 92120.
EAA PT-3 PROJECT MOVING FORWARD One of the winter projects under way In the EAA Air Adventure Museum shop Is the restoration of a Consolidated PT-3, the primary trainer that was In use by the U. S. military until it was replaced by the Stearman In the late 1930s. Under the direction of EAA Founder and President Paul Poberezny and lead mechanic Gary Buettner (above, working on the new upper wing center section) , the project should be completed by the spring of '98, but there are a few items needed to complete the restoration. First, a Hamilton Standard 5404 Hub is needed, or, if possible, a complete Ham Standard prop, model Nos. 5006/ SB1.o or J-5404. Also needed are a pair of bucket style airplane seats, similar to the ones used In the Waco UPF-7. The exact model is not critical, but it Is desirable that both seats match. If you can supply the above items for use In the restoration of the PT-3, which will be used for flight dis plays at EAA's Pioneer Airport, please contact Gary Buettner via Gordy Selke's phone number at EAA's Cessna Restoration Center, 920/4264854.
EAA has always been recognized as a leader in providing services to their mem bers. To make it easier for you, the EAA Antique/Classic member, to access the many programs and benefits avai lable to you with your EAA and Antique/Clas sic membership, we've added a Membership Services Direc tory, located on page 29. We're sure you'll find it helpful! FOREIGN POSTAGE INCREASE Increased costs involved in sending EAA magazines to for eign addresses req uires us to
In ceremonies held during the fall Board of Directors meeting, our two individuals selected as the "Volunteers of the Year" were presented with their recognitions plaques. Shown with Directors Geoff Robison (left) and Vice-President George Daubner (far right) are Earl Nicholas (right), our " Behind the Scenes Volunteer of the Year," honored for his work with the A/ C Aerogram, and Randy Hytry (above), our " Flightllne Volunteer of the Year." Congratulations to both men! 2
revise the charge we must add to Divi sion membership. Effective January 1, 1998 the cost for foreign postage will increase one dollar, for a charge of$7. If you're already an EAA member, the cost for foreign membership in the An tique/Classic Division is $34. AD NOTES It has been a busy time for the EAA Government Affairs office! EAA has drafted and sent and opinion regarding Hartzell Propeller propo sed AD 96-ANE-40, the AD affecting Hartzell HC-O (2,3) (X, VO 0-0 series and HA-A2V20-1B propellers with al u minum blades, as we ll as drafting a response to the proposal by the FAA to add a series of inspection holes in the wings of Aeronca, Champion and American Champion aircraft. Within the A ntique/ Classic community, the Hartzell AD af fects the Twin Bonanza the most severely. While understanding the need for the A D, EAA be liev es some changes would be appropriate. EAA disagrees with the requirement for mandatory
inspections every 60 months, since the data presented by the manufacturer and the FAA does not substantiate an in spection requirement based on calendar time. Time in Service (TIS) hours are sufficient to ensure the safety of the product. Since the cracks found have been the result of TIS , and not time spent in storage, it seems logical that only those parts undergoing fatigue cy cles should require this inspection. Also, the need for a magnetic parti cle inspection every 250 hours is not warranted based on the data presented. Out of 40,000 hubs produced, only five hubs have exhibited the problem of an insufficient blade retention radius on the HC-8 series hubs. EAA believes that initial inspection, and then a repeti tive inspection corresponding with the blade and blade clamp retention inspec tions (every 500 hours) would be sufficient.
Docket No. 97 -CE-79-AD proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) that would apply to American Champion Aircraft Corporation (ACAC) 7,8, and 11 series airplanes, excluding Model 8GCBC airplanes. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) previ ously proposed similar AD action for the ACAC Model 8GCBC airplanes. EAA is in the process of drafting a response to this AD, but we urge you to obtain a copy of it for your own review as soon as possible, since responses are due no later than January 8, 1998. Any person may obtain a copy of this NPRM by submitting a request to the FAA, Central Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. 97-CE-79-AD, Room 1558, 601 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. The EAA Information Services department can also supply you with a copy if you so desire. Aeronca owners may recall a similar proposed AD issued in 1987. At that time, after comments from experienced people involved in Aeronca mainte nance, the AD was whittled down to affect those airplanes in the fleet that had actually been experiencing struc tural problems after being damaged and not inspected properly. We urge all af fected members to study the AD carefully and send in their comments.
A short comment is due from EAA related to a proposal by the FAA to amend the rules by which changes to aircraft via the "field approval" process. Charlie Schuck, Senior Washington Representative for the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), has been named to the International Certification Procedure Task Force (ICPTF). That task force is reviewing comments to a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rule proposal regarding re-certi fication for changes made to existing aviation products. FAA invited Schuck to join the task force as the lone representative of gen eral and sport aviation enthusiasts. Others on the three-person panel are Marv Nuss from FAA 's office in Kansas City and John Kennedy of Raytheon Aircraft, representing aircraft manufacturers. The proposed Part 21 rule (Docket No. 28903) would require any modified or changed product to undergo type re certification to meet the most current airworthiness standards. EAA and other aviation organizations maintained the rule was designed almost exclusively for transport category aircraft. If smaller general aviation aircraft remain in cluded within the current proposal, owners effectively could not modifY their airplanes to improve safety and utility. EAA made its opposition to the proposal known to FAA, which then in vited an EAA representative to join the advisory group. Recommendations for changes to the rule proposal are expected to be completed by mid-December. A LITTLE HELP PLEASE Gary Stegall, 425/266-8969, e-mail at gary.w.stegall@boeing.com is look ing for a set of main and rod bearings for a 90 hp Franklin engine. If you can help, drop him a line. You may recall Dr. Dudley E. Smith's request for a lead on a Pobjoy engine for his Pobjoy Special replica. Well, he found one, but to make the deal work, he needs to fmd a starter for one, so he can trade it to the Australian owner of the engine he is trying to obtain. If anyone has a lead on a Rotax N3AO starter for a Pobjoy, please contact Dr. Dudley at 405 / 325-1094 (ofc) or 405/325-1088 (Fax).
EAA ADULT AIR ACADEMY '98 The EAA Adult Air Academy will present the first of its annual sessions February 15-21 , 1998 at the EAA Avia tion Center in Oshkosh, WI. Basic Aircraft Maintenance, Building and restoration skills will be the subjects of classroom and workshop activities, plus participants will have the opportunity to meet Headquarters staff and learn more about the wide range ofEAA activities. The second '98 session, scheduled for February 22-28, will focus on the construction of a Loekle Parasol, an ultralight/very light homebuilt. The registration fee for each week is $800, which provides accommodations, meals, local transportation, classroom supplies and necessary materials. For further information and registra tion materials contact the EAA Education Office by calling 920/426-6815, or toll free at 888-EAA-EAA9, email: educa tion @eaa.org. You can also write the EAA Education Office, P.O. Box 3065, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Registration is limited. Make your decision and reg ister early. Register before January 10th and receive the complete set of Tony Bingelis publication series free. ALBUM OF OX-S AIRPLANES Bob Taylor, founder and president of the Antique Airplane Association was kind enough to send a copy of his latest, a personal project that is a publication from Antique Airfield Press, the "Album ofOX-5 Airplanes." It features articles from many of the famous aero maga zines of the 1920s and '30s, and a number of color shots of more recent restorations. It also has features from AAA publications of the past as well. The cover shot is a beautiful color pic ture of the late Bill Watson and his outstanding restoration of a KR-31, taken by the late Ken Bums, a fondly remembered aviation photographer. There's a four-page color section in the center of the book as well. Modelers will love the numerous three-views that pepper the text and photos. I really en joyed the 82 page book (especially the article reprints from Aviation detailing the OX-5 work done at Parks College), and I'm sure any old airplane enthusiast would too. The cost is only $12.95 postpaid. Order it from: Antique Air field Press, P.O. Box 127, Blakesburg, IA 52536. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
CONTACT! DearH.G. I sure enjoyed the Buck Hilbert article on hand propping in the September '97 issue of Vintage Airplane. Now I know why we used certain procedures with the "old ships." May I recommend the word "con tact"? We used to call "Brakes," then pull the prop hub to check the brakes, then call "Contact!" since switch on and switch off sound so much alike in a noisy airport environment. Cordially, Charley Hayes AlC 6289 OX-5 Club 471 New Lenox , IL Dear Charlie, I agree - "Contact" is a better word to use in this operation. CFI Gene Chase patiently explained the reasons for its use during my BFR a couple ofyears back, I just let it slip by in Buck's column. It also should be used as the confir mation by the person in the cockpit, instead of "Hot. " "Hot" sound an awful lot like "Not!" or "What? " in the noise ofan airport. If the prop swinger hollers "Contact!" and the pilot responds with "Con ta ct, " both understand clearly what the situation is. Propping accidents continue to plague general aviation, and we all need to take a more proactive, professional approach to the situation if the trend is to be reversed. We'll have more on the subject ofpropping in next month's issue, including a short article from Dr. Dennis Agin ofOhio.-HGF BUHLNOTES During a phone conversation with Dale "Andy" Anderson of the Early Birds a couple of days ago, he men tioned that he saw a picture of Greg Herrick's Buhl Airsedan on the cover of Sport Aviation. I have been in contact with Greg, as a result of my putting up a website regarding my father-in-law Walter E. Lees, a Pioneer Pilot. As you may know, it was Walter who flew the Airsedan and also it was he, with Fred
Brossy, who flew the Packard-Diesel powered Bellanca when they set the endurance record in 1931 . If you have access to the internet, you might like to visit my website. Among other things, it has several pictures of the Buhl and the Bellanca. T he add ress is: http://home.earthlink.netl'''falphcooper/ index.htm My e-mail is: ralphcooper@earthlink.net You will soon realize that [ am just an amateur as far as producing a website , but I think you will enjoy the photos and the text for their intrinsic value. Very truly yours, Ralph S. Cooper, D.V.M. Pasadena, CA MORE ROBIN INFO The letter by Robert C. Wylie, pub lished in the October, 1997 issue of Vintage Airplane, under the heading "Alaska Robin History," really rang my bell. When the name of John Cullen was mentioned, and that he flew NC922K into Wausau , WI several times in 1938, it released a flood of memories. I was a 16-year-old high school student at that time, and John was giving me flight lessons in Medford , WI, whenever I could scrape a few dollars together from my paper route. These flight lessons were given in an Aeronca C-3, sometimes on skis. He saw to it that I got a ride in what is now "Alaska Robin" N922K. John really loved airplanes and flew anything he could .get hi s hands on. John had an understand ing wife who permitted him to take an engine apart in a
small house on cold winter days, and he had two small daughters. He was always good natured and very tolerant of the kids, including myself, who hung around his dad's pasture (airfield), and later at the new county airport. If he were alive today , he would be aston ished that he was mentioned in a publication such as Vintage Airplane magazine. I look back at John as a real aviation pioneer. He built some of his own equipment, including skis. "Alaska Robin" 922K was not owned by John , as far as I know . I believe it was owned at the time by a friend of his who owned the leading tavern in the town of Medford. I lost track of John and the airplanes he flew when i moved away to Hudson, WI with my parents. Sincerely, Gene Pfeiffer AlC 24410 Fremont, CA
1997-"Year of the Volunteer"
by PATRICIA "TRISH" DORLAC Photos by Jack McCarthy and Trish Dortac
Great thanks to chief Antique/Classic volunteer photographer JACK MCCARTHY for contributing hi s photos and expertise. He spent time this summer trying to educate a photographer wannabe (me) in the ways of how to operate a camera, generously loaned to the Division during the Convention by Canon USA. He is a great instructor. I do not know how he would rate his student, but I hope to con足 tinue under his tutelage next year! All of the folks you see here on these pages volunteer their time in some way to the EAA Antique/Classic Division 足 Thanks to all who help put together this wonderful event!
Norma and Butch Joyce take a moment during the convention to be together!
Edna Viets and Linda Chen, part of the mug distribution and Participation photo plaque assembly line.
Some of the AIC Security team, (left to right) JoAnne Fox, Dave "Hlghspeed" Beltz, Nancy Beltz, Tim Fox and Bob Hunt.
Steve Nesse cruising to get things organized for the Parade of Right.
Red Barn.
Dwayne Trovlliion and Sue Eichman Inside the
Red Barn.
Bob Brauer, Uoyd Gates, Janet Bennett, Bill Merwin, and Dave Bennett working In the membership headquarters. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
More of the Operation Thirst crew, lois Angle, Sara Forest and Pat Franke.
Warm welcomes and Information free here ... lone Shallbetter, Sandy Perlman and Jeannie Hili at their post In the Red Bam.
Front row (left to right) : Kathy McGurran, Mike Kosta , Russell Kent and Dave Smlth ... Back Row (left to right): Wally Lange, Dan Meade and Tom Taylor...Just a few more reasons flight line operations run so smoothly!
Steve Whelan does not need the computer to check aircraft dates when Art Maynard Is around! If It flies, Art knows It!
Anna and John Osborn, manpower chairmen , and Mike Kosta compare notes on Cubs!
Pat and Carl Tortorlge , two of the most
welcomed folks volunteers see, driving the
Operation Thirst Van.
More experts at work!
Dave Thomas , on bike, and Steve Whelan discuss how to get the whole field out smoothly (II) for the fly out breakfast.
The lone crosswalk guard can single-handedly hold up hundreds of pedestrians, dozens of green machines, and a seaplane bus ... all for one airplane!! AAH ... Airplane powerl Art Maynard and Mary Ellison take a moment from running operations to enjoy the alrshow.
(left to right) Charlie Kaminski, Steve Whelan, and Phillip Blake confer at Classic Point.
Jack McCarthy helps record Oshkosh memories for the future!
Point man, Mike Kosta, with a great background! Mister Mulligan and the Mullicoupes taxi by...Jlm Younkin and Bud Oake's most recent contribu足 tion to aviation.
Anna Osbom and Ruthle Classen ...two very good reasons to sign up to volunteer!
Parade of Flight chairman , Steve Nesse directs yet another successful Parade of Right!
Red Barn Button Lady, Sue Trovllilon helps with pizza disbursement at the volunteer party.
The Aerogram staff, (left to right) Bill and Sarah Marcy and Earl Nlcholas ... looks like Cub won the "Plane of the Day" award!
AI C " Hostess with the Mostest " Sally Ryan accepts a certificate from Gloria Beecroft Informing her that a plaque will be added to the Memorial Wall, In memory of Brian Ryan, at next year's dedI足 cation. The funds to pur足 chase this were generous足 ly donated by all of the volunteers In our division. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
A rare shot of Charlie Harris, Gene Morris, and Phil Coulson off of the flight line!
Charlie Harris Interviews Bud Dake and Jim Younkin with Jim's beautiful Mister Mulligan replica In front of the Red Bam In his "Interview Circle"!
We all rest peacefully knowing that our security Is In the hands of such flne folks as Tim Fox and Dave Beltz!
Bob Lumley (AKA the " Biscuit King" ), and Gloria Beecroft discuss changes around the Red Bam.
Bob Lumley gets
set to Interview
Butch Joyce for his
video on, starring,
and about Antique
Classic Volunteers!
Andy Andrew and Kate Morgan chat while Selene Bloedorn-Saeed continues to beauti足 fy the walls of the Red Bam with paintings of AI C Past Grand Champions done free足 hand from photos of the winners!
How many bikers DOES It take to park a blpianel?1 Denny Gnalzenga and one of his excellent biker crews.
Vintage Airplane editor H.G. Frautschy demon
strates one of the side benefits of his job. A bird's eye view of the entire AIC area! That Mayville lift comes in pretty handy!
Workshop Tent activities keep
everyone up to date on both old
and new techniques.
Antique Classic Officers and Directors in a VERY rare moment at Oshkosh...all sitting down and all in one place!!
Edna Vlets, Nancy Glppner and Ruth Coulson enjoy a visit together.
Future aviators enjoy the "KIDDY HAWK," yet another project AIC volunteer Bill Marcy has created.
Fabulous faces you might have seen at Oshkosh this year. Volunteers who worked hard to help make this year's conven tion wonderful and memorable for all of us!
Volunteers staff the Type Club Tent all week, provid· Ing valuable information and contacts for aviation enthusiasts of all plane types.
by Norm Petersen
Off to a new home, the ZiebelllBrennand Cessna 175 Pictured as it leaves the Vette Seaplane Base at Oshkosh for the last time is Cessna 175, N6577E, SIN 56077, mounted on a set of Aqua 2400 floats. A well-known resident at the seaplane base for nearly twenty years, the 175 was converted to a 180 Lycoming with a constant-speed prop and mounted on 2400 Aqua floats by Aly Ziebell and Bill Brennand of Oshkosh . Since being certified on floats, the pretty four-placer has made yearly fishing trips into Canada with excellent results and stories that know no end! In addition, the Cessna has provided countless seaplane rides over the many years and introduced many newcomers to the wonderful world of seap lanes. Aly Ziebell, who has been awarded several really nice plaques for outstanding service to the seaplane fly-ins , will now concentrate on getting his Piper 1-4 Cub Coupe going on Edo 1320 floats. Bill Brennand, the originator of the Vette (formerly Brennand) Seaplane Base and a recipient of a like number of award plaques, will continue with the Stinson Trimotor and other aviation interests. The new home for the Cessna 175 on floats will be Lake Norman, North Carolina, where George Wilson and crew will be enjoying seaplane flying at its very best. Aly Ziebell, on the left, shakes hands with new owner, George Wilson, in the center. On the right is Reed Wilson, George's cousin, who helped fly the seaplane back to North Carolina.
Harold Hall's Cessna 140 This photo of a 1947 Cessna 140, NC2574N, SIN 12833, was sent in by owner Harold Hall (EAA 520329) of Larned, Kan sas . Harold purchased this extremely low time 140 from an 85-year-old farmer who bought it new in 1947 for $3900. The farmer had exchanged the fabric wings for metal足 covered Temco wings in 1962 for $400. When Harold purchased the 140, it had 325 hours total time since new! Since then, he has re-upholstered the cabin in original colors, top overhauled the C-85 engine with new mags , and installed Cleveland wheels and brakes and a new Scott tailwheel. In addition, Harold has added radios and a GPS. The Cessna presently has about 475 hours total time Right: Harold's first Young Eagle, Dorothy Leidig of Timken, Kansas. 10 DECEMBER 1997
and Harold says it flies beautifully . Sharp-eyed readers will note the origi足 nal micarta mast for the low-frequency antenna sticking up above the cabin roof and the original wheel covers on the 6:00 X 6 wheels. Harold Hall is a retired Lt. Col. USAF who flew 83 missions in a P-47 in Italy and southern France in WW II
(79th Fighter Group) earning a DFC, five Air Medals and a Purple Heart. He currently enjoys a valid third class med足 ical at age 77.
Robert Freudigman's
DH Tiger Moth
Finished off in British fighting colors, complete with roundels and fin flash, is this 1942 DeHavilland DH-82A Tiger Moth, N8692, SIN T -7148, owned by Robert Freudigman of 4556 E. Lake Rd., Livonia, NY, 14487. The neat two place biplane is powered with a DeHaviliand Gypsy Major 1-C inverted four-cylinder engine of 145 hp and the entire airplane has been recovered with Ceconite 101. One of only 86 Tiger Moths on the U. S. registry, this particu lar jewel is for sale according to Robert. For details, call him at 716-346-3222 and tell him Norm sent you.
Curt Drumm's Stearman N2S-3 This peaceful evening photo of a 1943 Navy N2S-3 Stear man, NI066N, SIN 75-5293, was sent in by owner, Curt Drumm (EAA 374143) of Manitowoc, WI, who purchased the Stearman from longtime EAAer and A /C judge, Bill John so n (EAA 242041, A /C 9211) of Antigo, WI. Restored some years ago (1987) by Chuck Andreas of Neenah, WI, the pretty "AN yel low" biplane was featured on the EAA Merchandise Calendar with Bill Johnson and his lovely daughter on board. The Stearman then proceeded to win at Galesburg, IL; Blakesburg, lA, and Oshkosh '87. At Oshkosh '97, old NI066N ran off with the World War II Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane Award for its surprised owner, Curt Drumm! This is Curt's very first "taildragger" airplane and he has done a masterful job of learning to fly the Stearman and keep it on the runway. The engine is a Lycoming R-680 of225 hp pulling a McCauley propeller and the entire airplane is finished in an authen tic Navy N2S-3 paint scheme. It is easy to see from the photo that the Stearman receives plenty ofTLC.
Ken Rudisel's Cessna 120 on floats Featuring an outstanding paint scheme on both aircraft and floats is this Cessna 120, N3161N, SIN 13419, mounted on a set of Edo 1650 floats and powered with a Lycoming 0-290-D2 of
135 hp swinging a big seaplane pro peller. Owned and flown by Ken Rudisel (EAA 242720, A /C 27386) of Williamsburg, MI, the pretty Cessna is
a former trophy winner at the EAA Oshkosh Splash-In and makes for a real performer with the lightweight 120 air frame and a big Lycoming for power.
supporting wires are tied into the land ing gear at several points. (You might notice that the struts in these photos are wood - they're built out of that mater ial to finalize the rigging dimensions. The final struts will be made from
streamlined aluminum tubing.) When the mounting is completed, we could see the only flyable Ryan STM-S2 on floats in the world come taxiing into the Vette Seaplane Base next summer. What a sight that will be!
Bill Rose's Ryan STM-S2 on Edo floats In what could be one of the rarest combina tions in the world is this 1941 Ryan STM-S2, NC17343, SIN 458, be ing mounted on a set of Edo 47-1965 floats in William (Bill) Rose's hangar in Barrington, IL. Bill Rose (EAA 159635, AlC 6612) is a veteran seaplane pilot and an avid Ryan col lector. The combination of the STM-S2 and Edo 1965 floats was sold to the Dutch East Indies prior to WW II and used at Soerabaya Bay Training Base- often called, "Lit tle Pensacola." Bill is having to construct the rather complicated rigging between the floats and the aircraft, us ing Edo drawings, as the aircraft wing 12 DECEMBER 1997
noted aero engineer Alfred Verville, and was issued A.T.C. No . I . The airplane? The Buhl-Verville Airster, powered by a Wright J4 . Verville had plans for other designs, and when he and Buhl decided it was best ifthey parted ways, Verville sold his interest in the company back to Buh!. An imaginative engineer who had worked with Verville in the Engineering Division of the Air Service would come to Buh! after Verville recommended him for the posi tion . Ettienne Dormoy, whose fanciful "Dormoy Bathtub" very light airplane of 1924 had captured the hearts of many avia tion tinkerers, was a very capable designer, and he would head up the program for the next series of airplanes to be built by the now reorganized Buhl Aircraft Company of Marysville, MI. This new series was to incorporate a number of advances coming into vogue at that time , but particularly the enclosed
cabin for both the passengers and pilot. Over the next five years the Buh! Airsedan line was refined and built in a variety of s izes , from the little 3-place Junior Airsedan , powered by a 110 hp Warner, all the way up to the 8-place, Wright Cy clone powered Senior Airsedan , the CA-8A. Records were set with various models of the Airsedan too. One of the infamous Dole Derby en trants was a modified Airsedan named Miss Doran, after the passenger on the flight, Mi ldred Doran. Pi loted by Auggie Pedlar with v.P. Pope as the navigator, the Airsedan managed to get in the air while it was overloaded to nearly 5,000 Ibs. Their 220 hp was enough to get them over the airport fence, but they, like so many others entered in the race, disappeared without a trace somewhere over the Pacific. The Airsedan series did well in the air derbies that were popular forms of avia tion sport back then , including a 10th place in the 1928 National Air Tour, and a sixth spot for the 1928 New York to Los Angeles Air Derby. In July of 1929, a CA-5A, equipped with a 220 hp Wright J-5, was flown to a new endurance record by Loren Mendell and Pete Reinhart. Their 246 hour record The cabin and seats are upholstered in a sharp look ing grey ribbed fabric , and there are doors on both sides of the cabin.
didn't last long. Nobody was just sitting around waiting for the other fellow to do something two weeks later, the St. Louis Harry Thibault, retired Northwest Robin hung up Airlines pilot, has been spending time recently putting his consum there for a total mate skills to w or k flyi ng of 420 hours! many of t he old airplanes in t he A month later, Yellowstone Aviation Coilection. Nick B. Mamer Eventually , a new home , t he Golden Wings Flying Museum, will pil oted the Buh l be built to house this collection, CA-6 Airsedan one of the most unique groups of dubbed the airplanes ever assembled. "Spokane Sun God" in a remarkable endurance test. In stead of flying about in a relatively small racetrack pattern or circle above the city the airplane had taken off from, Mamer and his copilot/refueling hose man Art Walker had put together an ambitious plan to fly to New York from Spokane and return, landing only when the "Sun God" had returned to Spokane. It would take II air-to-air refueling rendezvous to complete the mission, and they did it, fly ing the 7,500 miles in liS hours. Perhaps one of the de s ign 's most famo us moments was still to come. As you'd expect with so much activity, there was a lot of technical innovation in the
This nickel-plated throttle quadrant, one of two installed in the airplane by Air France when the Buhl was converted back to a Wright engine, has been maintained as part of the historical legacy of the "Packard Buhl."
late 1920s. One of the major players in the automotive world was the Packard Motor Co., and for many years they had also had profitable business building aero engines. A brilliant engine designer, L. M. Woolson worked for Packard on a special project he championed within the company, a diesel radial engine. Woolson was convinced that the diesel, which had enjoyed some success in the automotive industry, was perfect for aviation if the engine was being built specifically for that purpose. Inter estingly, the FAA and NASA also seem to feel the same way, with new initiatives made recently to stimulate the production of a modem diesel engine. Some 100 airplanes were flown with pre-production Packard diesel engines as the engine was being considered for pro duction. One of the airplanes purchased for use by Packard was a brand new Buhl Airsedan, model CA-3D, sin 57 and regis tered as NC-845I . Beautifully fmished in black, with bright gold wings and letter ing on the tail, the Buhl was a stately cabin airplane when delivered to Packard after its purchase for $8,566 on May 28, 1930. Originally equipped with a 300 hp Wright J-6-9 gasoline engine, the Wright was removed and replaced with one of the experimental Packard diesels, and the special propeller made for the power plant. It was then flown registered in the "Experimental" category. Later, after the Packard engine had received its Type Certificate, the Buh! was recertified under a CAA "Group 2" approval. By the way, many of those who worked around airplanes in those days know that gold paint was just that, paint with gold metal flakes suspended in the
clear dope, but nowadays you'll find brass Airsedan over on its back, ending its flying days in Argentina. Many years later, in or other gold-like metals used to make up 1987, the son of the Argentine owner let it the "gold" paint. The original paint on this Buhl was indeed go ld, as were many of be known that the airplane was available for purchase. By 1989, a deal had been the airplanes built by Buhl. made, and the bits and pieces that made Packard used the Buhl for testing until up the Buh! Airsedan were headed back to it was sold February 27, 1931 to Aeroposta Argentina. Within the Packard company, the USA. Before he could get the project started, interest in the diesel had flagged since the the man who bought the Airsedan passed untimely death of its designer, L. M. away, leaving it to lie in a pile in the comer Woolson. Woolson had been killed in an of a building. Later, after ownership had airplane accident, not related to the diesel engine. Even larger companies who saw their profits erode in the aftermath of the \ October 1929 Stock Market Crash had to "pull in their horns" and concentrate on business ventures that would quickly realize income, rather than drain on al ready strained resources. With Woolson' s death, any life in the Packard aviation diesel engine was soon gone, and the en gine never made it into production. The Buh!'s sale and export to Argentina would once again put the airplane in the The instrument panel is just as it appeared over 60 years spotlight. After its arrival in the country, ago when the airplane was exported to Argentina after Aeroposta Argentina had Air France re serving as one of the Packard diesel engine demonstra tors in 1930. The Star Pathfinder compass is there, along move the Packard and replace it with a with a Bulldog clip for holding a map. Both front windows Wright Whirlwind, and the airplane was can slide open after unscrewing the small clamps. They registered as LB-NVF. A few years later, must let in a tremendous amount of air! it was again to be part of an historic The radio package at the bottom of the panel is easily removed when the airplane is on display. event. During the 1934 International Eu _ _ _ _---......._ -Ph - o-toS-= - bYJim Koepnick charistical Congress, Cardinal Monsignor Eugenio Pacelli decided to go for a ride in . \ \ ~~ .... . - . the Buh! for an aerial tour of the city. Not ........ ~ ,. ~ .
too long afterwards, the good Monsignor ~ ~ ... was elected Pope Pius xn, and his excur -..~. .~ 'k ... Jr.::: sion in the Buhl would go down in the books as the first airplane flight by a Pope. The Buhl continued in the service of Aeroposta Argentina until 1943, when it was sold. The engine was removed be This wide shot of the cockpit shows the dual control wheels, along with the steel tube Interior bracing. There cause it needed to be serviced, and while are three of those "hoops" visible in the Interior of the sitting outside a strong wind flipped the Airsedan, adding to the strong nature of the cabin. .~
' I J:. , .b.~.'. · Ii' L \' \..,~'· . .' ,, -r..r: \., . ','
of the Buhls that still existed , but this project was far from complete. When contacted about the remains of the airplane, Greg was told to make an offer, or it wou ld most likely end up in the county landfill! The offer was accepted, and Greg had the project hauled up to Minneapolis, MN to Dan White and the restorers at HO Aircraft in Anoka. Taking stock of what was there, the crew discovered that many important pieces were in place, including most of the control systems and complicated horizontal tail trim mechanism (Greg says it looks husky enough to raise and lower the flood gates on a dam!). The wings are completely built out of wood, with the bulk of the Antique/ Classic treasurer Charlie Harris wears a num structure chrom-moly tubing, although ber of hats during the annual Convention, Including much of the tubing had to be replaced Interviewer for the A/C video crew. Here, Charlie Is get due to corrosion. The airframe had been ting ready to Interview Greg Herrick, owner of sitting out in the open for a number of Yellowstone Aviation and the Buhl Alrsedan. years in South America, and rust had really gotten a head start on the restorers! been transferred to an associate of the im Often, when a restorer begins a pro porter, Greg Herrick happened to be speaking with Jon Aldrich, a well-known ject, he'll try and gather as many photos as possible of the airplane as it originally collector and purveyor of old airplane appeared. For the Buhl, the process was parts and projects. Jon mentioned to Greg helped by the historical significance of the that he knew of the whereabouts of a Buhl. Now for many years, ace builder airplane - it had been used in a number of and restorer Ed Marquart has been working Packard advertisements, but at times, the pictures would leave you tantalizingly on a Buhl Airsedan project that he owns. short of a detail. While doing his home This would mean there were at least two 16 DECEMBER 1997
work on this partic ular Airsedan, Greg called Sue Lurvey in the EAA Aviation Foundation's Boe ing Aeronautical Library, and asked if the collection had any photos of a CA -3D Airsedan. After doing some research, Sue came back to Greg with the news that there were some glass plate negatives in the Worthington col lection ofa CA-3D, but they appeared to be all of the same airplane. Imagine both Sue and Greg's surprise when they realized the photos were ofNC-8451 , the exact airplane Greg and HO Air craft were restoring! Photos are not all that are required to restore an airplane you also need tech nical data, the kind
normally found on the factory blueprints. You can also benefit from those who may have already gone down that road before you. A visit with Ed Marquart helped fi ll in some details for both men and their projects. It was also fortunate that Greg LeeAnn Abrams
was able to obtain a complete set of prints for all of the Airsedans, and he even man aged to come up with a few parts for a Buhl Senior Airsedan. Who knows what the future holds? The photos and blueprints would prove invaluable during the restoration, especiall y when the final details were added to the finish . As the paint on the sheet metal near the engine was removed, the unmistakable outlines of the words "Packard Diesel Air craft Engines" appeared in gold, just as they appeared in the photos. It turns out the photos in the Worthington co ll ection were the same shots that had been taken in California by Packard for publicity purposes. The letter ing was later duplicated exactly, thanks to the photos and the original paint.
Neat little pieces that were part of the airplane's history were still in place. When the airplane was imported into Argentina, at the time of the engine replacement, a pair of beautifully machined, nickel-plated throttle quadrants were installed. A sharp looking Scintilla magneto switch was in stalled in Argentina, and an added bonus of the time the airplane spent in Argentina were the very complete records Greg was able to obtain from the family of the Argen tinean owner. For many antique airplanes in the US, a portion of their records may be missing, since a fire many years ago in a FAA warehouse destroyed thousands of records. But the Argentine family had kept copies of it all, including the CAA records which were included with the The fall harvest has yet to come to the Minnesota comflekl below Hany Thibault and the Buhl CA-3Dj E Airsedan. The lower wing on the Airsedan series started out at nearly the same size as the upper wing, but as the design evolved, It became more of a structural necessity than an aerodynamic one. A biplane is referred to as a sesquiplane when one set of wings is less than half the area of the other.
(Right and below) Packard diesel engine designer L.M. Woolson (left) and Packard pilot Walter M. Lees pose in front of Buhl Airsedan NC-8451. The Packard Sedan in t he lower photo was added in these publicity shots done for Packard in 1930.
airplane at the time of its export. Those copies, at the time of importation, were laboriously hand copied in longhand penmanship! Early on in the process it became obvi ous that it would be unreasonable to expect to install a Packard diesel engine on the Buhl, if it were to be flown . First of all, they were very rare, even back in 1930. Greg has been told by a man who has done extensive research on the Packard diesel engine that he was pretty sure Packard made only about 25 engines. Along with the engine, a special propeller incorporat ing shock absorbing features was also needed, and few ofthose still exist. There's also the story of how the pilots of the BuhI, after a long cross-country to Florida behind the diesel, had to throw their clothes away because the diesel smell just wouldn't go away! A longer exhaust stack soon ap peared on the airplane after that episode. The decision was made to install a Wright Whirlwind and Hamilton Standard ground-adjustable propeller, just as the airplane appeared when Packard bought the airplane. To honor its historical her itage, the Packard logo was maintained. Other clues for the restoration were found on the airframe. A careful review of the window and door frames yielded a
scrap of fabric here and a paint color there, conftrming the black and gold color scheme, and the type of fabric used in the interior upholstery. The photos helped fill in too . Mounted in the top of the cabin ceiling is a dome light, the same one used in many automobiles. After searching for one just like it and buying four that were close, but not exactly it, Greg happened to find out who the original manufacturer was of the dome light. Amazingly, that same manufacturer is still making that same dome light in Detroit, and has done so since 1928! The instrument panel and cockpit were reproduced in exact detai l, right down to the Bulldog clip screwed onto the top of the panel, and the Star Pathfmder compass. A clock-style hour meter adds to the am bience of a Golden Age cabin sesquiplane, and the flip-forward copilot's seat is a quaint reminder that sometimes conces sions must be made for strength and the convenience of the passengers. With much of the research work com pleted (does it ever really end?) Dan White and Tom Oostdik, assisted by Curt Storby
Woolson and Lees in another publicity shot on a Southern California airport. (Right) This example of the rare Packard Diesel engine is in Kermit Weeks' collection at his Fantasy of Right complex in Polk City, FL:
18 DECEMBER 1997
and Amy Green, were able to get into the restoration ofthe Buhl. Covered with Dacron fabric, it is fmished in black with gold paint, and yes, it is real gold paint, made specially in Europe at the unreal price of $400 per gal Ion! You can bet they did their best to be sure and get it right the first time. Finished in the late spring of 1997, Col. Joe Kittinger flew NC-8451 on its first flight in almost 60 years , and we have Harry Thibault to thank for flying the Buhl CA-6DIE (E is the model designation with the Packard diesel installed) to EAA Oshkosh for all of us to enjoy. Parked alongside its new stable mate, the one and only remaining Cunningham Hall PT-6F, the airplanes drew crowds all week long. Thanks to Greg Herrick and The folks at HO Aircraft for their efforts in keeping a rare pair of antiques in the air for all of us to enjoy! ....
As many of us start our winter hiberna颅 tion, and perhaps do a bit of ski flying, these images of airplanes and people from this year's Convention will help warm us up!
LeeAnn Abrams
(Below) Here's a couple that will warm your hearts whenever you see them. Jerry and Lucy Coigny of Miramonte, CA have owned this same Beechcraft Bonanza most of their married lives, and you'd be hard pressed to find a more original Classic airplane that has never been restored! Honeymooners since they eloped in July, 1939 while they both worked for Luscombe. Jerry was on the road, and Lucy was Don Luscombe's sec路 retary. This past summer they celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary.
(Above) Just pulling the landing gear up during takeoff is this nicely customized Grumman H1J.16 "Albatross," N44RD, SIN 137932, flown to Oshkosh by veteran seaplane pilot, Reid Dennis (EAA 319374, AIC 21597) of Woodside, CA. Reid's Grumman Mallard, N2945, which he has previously flown to Oshkosh, is painted in a similar grey and blue paint scheme.
(Below) Jerry Cox and Scott Rose of Matoon, IL have been enjoying the cross-country capabilites of their Luscombe 8F. They had it at Sun 'n Fun earlier this year, and then were up at the EAA Convention in Oshkosh this summer. In the middle of all that, they managed to host the Luscombe Fly-ln in Mattoon! We'll have a report from Jerry in an upcoming issue of Vintage Airplane.
(Above) Moving down the taxiway at EAA Oshkosh '97 is the award颅 winning Beechcraft El.8S, N57PF, SIN BA-335, flown by Pat Foley (EAA 413426) of Middletown, DE. In the Contemporary Class, this beautiful nosewheel conversion of the Beech 18, ran off with the Custom Multi路Englne Award for it ' s owner, Summit Aviation, Middleton, DE. Congratulations to Pat Foley and his busy crew at Summit Aviation.
(Below) Taxiing by at EAA Oshkosh '97 is this sharp looking Waco UPF-7, NC32084, SIN 5716, flown by longtime EAAer, Loel Crawford (EAA 51333, AIC 13817) of La Follette, TN. Complete with engine cowling, wheelpants and a white paint scheme with red and black trim, the 1941 Waco ran off with the Customized Aircraft Champion Award in the Antique class. Congratulations, Loell This UPF-7 came off the line right behind Dick Wagner's UPF-7 , NC32083, SIN 5715.
Norm Petersen
(Left and Below) Have your Cub Bronzed! We missed it during Convention, but caught up a month later with this sparkling Piper 1-2 Cub which belongs to Dick and William Wagner of Lyons, WI. The lettering on the inside of the door explains the eye popping paint scheme. It was photographed in the early morning light during the Midwest Ant ique Airplane Club's annual fly~n at Brodhead, WI in eariy September.
Oh boy, these are fun! Thanks to the prolific John Underwood, Glendale, CA, we have this snazzy parasol-winged monoplane for the December Mystery Plane. Answers need to be in no later than January 2S, 1998 for inclusion in the March issue of Vintage Airplane. We appreciate the notes and potential Mystery Planes we have received from members so far, and would love to continue to add to our list so we can con tinue to enjoy this feature. If you do have an airplane you'd like to submit, please send a photograph (xero graphic copies don't print well) of your submission at the address at the end of this article.
The September Mystery Plane was just a bit of a sturn per, though not as bad as the one in October - we still have yet to get a answer on that one! We have the collection of Lt. Col. Boardman C. Reed (ret.) of Brownsville, CA to thank for it. As a youngster of IS years of age, he took the photo and over these 69 years he has saved the negative until it was published for you in the pages of Vintage Airplane. Our thanks to Boardman and R.S. Stevens, who printed the negative, for the Sep tember Mystery Plane. "Okay, so what is it?", I hear you clamoring. ! ' lliet member Richard Sanders Allen, Lewiston ID answer that question: The appearance ofthe tail number made this airplane easy to identify. Enclosed is a copy ofmy abstract on Reg. # 932from the inactive records of the DoCICAA IFAA. Today's slang, jargon and use oflanguage has given this old airplane an unfortunate name. It 's a Schmuck! The abstract sent by Richard shows the airplane was registered as the Schmuck Commercial Sport, SIN 1, and
by H.G. Frautschy was completed September 9, 1927. It had a wingspan of 34 ft., and was 24 feet long. Later, it was sold to Joseph A. Willard, Alhambra, CA, with a new registration noted 2/23129. It was re ported permanently dismantled in February, 1930. Lennart Johnsson , Eldsvberga, Sweden, wrote to fill in the detail s of the production run of the OX-S pow ered biplane. He quoted Hatfield's "Los Angeles Aeronautics 1920-1929" which mentioned the location of the Schmuck factory. The two brothers, Edward and Charles, located their airplane manufac turing concern at Eastside Airport (later
renamed Monarch Airport) on Telegraph Rd. Lennart found seven registrations for the "production version of the bi plane, by then named the "Monarch" All were OX-S powered. ... Serial No. Reg. No.
Year Built
Monarch 2
Monarch 2
Monarch 2
Uglrt Commercial
Monarch A
Monarch A
Monarch A
Send your Mystery Plane correspondence to:
Vintage Mystery Plane
P.O. Box 3086
Oshkosh, WI S4903-3086
1927 Schmuck " Monarch" or also known as the "Commercial Sport" sin 1, Reg. NO. 932 completed September 8, 1927. 90 hp Curtiss OX-5. 1928 photo at Callies Ayers Airport (pasture), now South EI Monte, in southern California. One of the Schmuck brothers is in the cockpit, while the other is pulling the prop through. Photo taken by 15-year-old Boardman C. Reed. ViNTAGE AiRPLANE
1998 BAA Antique/Classic
TYPE CLUB LIST This list of Type Clubs should be the most accurate compilation we've ever pub lished. For the past three years, we have sent each Type Club a postage paid post card confirming their listing . This year, over 60 clubs chose to respond by sending back the card we sent them. Unfortunately, 40 didn't respond, and some have not re sponded in a number of years. Those clubs have been removed from the list, si nce they ap parently are now inactive or no longer exist. Any group who did not return their card this year is marked with a •. You may wish to contact them regarding cur rent dues/subscription information. If you have changes related to your Type Club list, drop a note in the mail de tailing with your listing exactly as it will appear in the magazine (use the format you see on these pages). Send your note to: An tique/Classic Type Clubs, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or E-mail it to vintage@eaa.org. The Type Club list is also available in the Division's web page at EAA's Web site, which you can find at: http://www.eaa.org Aeronca Aviators Club Julie and Jae Dickey 55 Oakey Ave. lawrenceburg, IN 47025·1538 Phane/FAX 812/537·9354 Newsletter: 4 issues per subscription Dues: None - $16 subscription E·mail: jdickeY@seidata.com International Aeronca Ass'n "Aeronca lover's Club" Buzz Wagner Box 3, 401 1st St. EAST Clark, SD 57225 605/532·3862 FAX 605/ 532·1305 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per year National Aeronca Association Jim Thompson, President 806 lockport Road P. O. Box 2219 Terre Haute, IN 47802·0219 812/232·1491 Magazine: 4 per year Dues: $25 U.S., $35 Canada, $45 Foreign Aeronca Sedan Club Robert Haley 475 Rincon Avenue livermore, CA 94550 22 DECEMBER 1997
510/ 447·5615 Newsletter: 3 per year Dues: $5 per year
World Beechcraft Society Alden C. Barrios, President 1436 Muirlands Dr. la Jolla, CA 92037 619/459·590 1 Magazine Dues: $25 per year Twin Beech 18 Society c/o Staggerwing Museum Foundatian, Inc. P. O. Box 550 Tullahoma, TN 37388 615/455·1 974 Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $40 per year Bellanca-Champion Club International lawrence D'Attilio . President P.O. Box 708 Brookfield, WI 53008-0708 414/ 860-1148 M-F 12:30-4:30 CT FAX 414/ 271 ·7998 Newsletter: Quarterly "Bellanca Contact!" Dues: $38 per year 12 yrs./$62), Fareign $44 12 yrs'; $68 U.S. Funds) Bird Airplane Club Jeannie Hill P. O. Box 328 Harvard, Il 60033-0328 815/943·7205 Newsletter Dues: Postage Donation American Bonanza Society Nancy Johnson, Exec. Dir. P. O. Box 12888 Wichita, KS 67277 316/ 945-6913 FAX 316/945-6990 Magazine: Monthly Dues: $45 per year E·mail: bonanzal@ix.netcom.com Website: http://www.bonanza .org
Twin Bonanza Associa tion Richard I. Ward, Director 19684 lakeshore Drive Three Rivers, MI49093 Phone/ FAX 616/ 279·2540 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $30 per year U.S. and Canada, $40 Foreign E·mail: forward@net·link.net Web Page: http//ccc.pangea.ca/ tba Bucker Club Chris G. Arvanites 16204 Rosemarie In. lockport, Il 60441 815/ 436-1011 FAX 815/436-1011 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $20 per year U.S. & Canada, $25 Foreign National Bucker ClubAmerican Tiger Club, Inc. IdeHaviliand) Frank Price, President Rt. 1, Box419 Moody, TX 76557 817/ 853·2008 Newsletter: 12 per year Dues: $25 per year International Bird Dog Association ICessna l·19) Phil Phillips, President 3939 (,8 San Pedro, NE, Bldg . C8 Albuquerque, NM 87110 505/881·7555 Newsletter: Quarterly "Observer" Dues: $25 per year Cessna T-50 "Bomboo Bomber" Jim Anderson, Secretary/Treasurer Box 269 Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 612/ 433·3024 FAX 612/ 433·5691 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: Contact Club for Info Internet: jja@Wrmed .com
Classic Bonanza Association Gary Hammock, President P. O. Box 878002 Plano, TX 75086 972/ 227·4741 , 972/ 875·4279 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $16 per year
Cessna Owner Organization P.O. Box 5000 lola, WI 54945 715/445·5000 or 800/33 1·0038 FAX 715/445·4053 EMail : jonespub@gglbbs.com 124 hours) Magazine: Monthly Dues: $42 year
Staggerwing Club (Beechcraft) Jim Gorman, President P. O. Box 2599 Mansfield, OH 44906 419/ 529·3822IH), 755·1011 IWJ Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per year
Cessna Pilots Association John Frank, Executive Director P.O. Box 5817 Santa Maria, CA 93456 1/ 800/343-6416 Magazine: Monthly Dues: $40 annually
International Cessna 120/140 Association Bill Rhoades, Editor Box 830092 Richardson, TX 75083 612/652-2221 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $15 U.S. per year
Culver Aircraft Assoc c/o Dan Nicholson
723 Baker Dr.
Tomball, TX 77375
713/35 1-0114
For newsletter and dues info,
contoct the club.
3232 Western Drive Cameron Park, CA 95682 916/676-4292 Newsletter Dues: $30 per yea r U.S., $30 Foreign Initiation - $7.50 1st year Initiaion/Foreign - $10.00 1st year
West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club c/o Don and linda Brand 9087 Madrone Way Redding, CA 96002 916/221-3732 Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $20 per year
Dart Club (Culver) Lloyd Washburn 2656 E. Sand Rd. PI. Clinton, OH 43452-274 1 Newsletter: None Dues: None
Han: ClubRobert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues
Cessna 150/152 Club Skip Carden, Executive Director P. O. Box 15388 Durham, NC 27704 919/471 -9492 FAX 919/477-2194 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year International Cessna 170 Association, Inc.
Velvet Fackeldey, Execu . Secty.
P. O. Box 1667 Lebanon, MO 65536 Phone/FAX 417/532-4847 Newsletter: Fly Paper (1 2 per yer) The 170 News (Quarterly) Dues: $35 per year E-mail : c170hq@mail.llion.org International Cessna 180/185 Club (Cessna 180-185 Ownership Required) Johnny Miller 3958 Cambridge Rd. # 185 Cameron Park, CA 95682 916/672-2620 Newsletter: 8-9 per year Dues: $20 per year Eastern 190/195 Association Cliff Crabs 25575 Butternut Ridge Rd. North Olmsted, OH 44070-4505 440/777-4025 after 6 PM Eastern Newsletter: Irregular; Approx. 4 Per Yr. Manual on maintenance for members Dues: $15 initiation and as required. E-mail: ccrabs@aol.com Corben Club Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues Culver Club Lorry Low, Chairman 60 Skywood Way Woodside, CA 94062 415/851-0204 Newsletter: 3 issues annually Subscription: $20 per year To: Culver's Going Places P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 Culver PQ-14 Assoc. Ted Heineman, Editor 29621 Kensington Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 714/495-4540 Newsletter: Annual Dues: Donation $10
Robin's Nest (Curtiss Robin enthusiasts) Jim Haynes, Editor 21 Sunset Lane Bushnell, IL 61422 deHaviliand Moth Club Gerry Schwam, Chairman 1021 Serpentine Lane Wyncote, PA 19095 215/635-7000 or 886-8283 FAX 215/635-0930 or 886-1463 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 US and Canada, $15 Overseas E-mail: schwaml05565.3472@compuserv.com Ercoupe Owners Club Carolyn T. Carden, Secretory 7263 Schooners Ct. SW A-2 Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469-5644 Voice/FAX 910/575-2758 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year Fairchild Club John W. Berendt, President 7645 Echo Point Rood Connon Falls, MN 55009 507/263-2414 FAX 507/263-0152 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $1 2 per year Fairchild Fan ClubRobert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg . Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues International Fleet Club Sandy Brown, Newsletter Publisher P. O. Box 511 Marlborough, CT 06447-0511 860/ 267-2562 FAX 860/ 267-4381 E-mail: flyboY@ntplx.net Newsletter: Approx. 2-3 per year Dues: Contributions Funk Aircraft Owners Association Ruth Ebey, Editor 933 Dennstedt PI. EI Cajon, CA 92020 President - Jon Schroeder 512/259-1141 Newsletter: 10 per year Dues: $12 Great Lakes Club Brent L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/ 938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues The American Yankee Association Stew Wilson
American Han: Association Lorin Wilkinson, President 16225 143rd Ave. SE Yelm, WA 98597-9 169 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 U.S., Canada, $20 Foreign Heath Parasol Club William Schlapman 6431 Poulson Rood Winneconne, WI 54986 920/ 582-4454 The Interstate Club Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues Lake Amphibian Flyers Club Bill Goddard, Editor 815 N. Lake Reedy Blvd . Frostproof, FL 33843-9659 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues $48 per year ($78 the first year) Add $10 for overseas moil) Lockheed Owners Association Ria Donovan, Editor P. O. Box 62275 Boulder City, NV 89006-2275 702/293-0641 FAX 702/293-0652 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $25 U.S., $30 Foreign Continental Luscombe Association Loren Bump, Fearless Leader 705 Riggs Emmett, ID B3617 208/365-7780 Newsletter: Bimonthly (6 per year) Dues: U.S. $15 , Canada $17.50 U.S. Funds, Foreign $25 U.S. Funds Luscombe Association John Bergeson, Chairman 6438 W . Millbrook Rood Remus, MI 49340 517/561 -2393 FAX 517/561-5101 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $25 per year U.S., $25 Canada, $30 Foreign Meyers Aircraft Owners Association William E. Goffney, Secretory 26 RI. 17K Newburgh, NY 12550 914/ 565-8005 Newsletter: 5-6 per year Dues: Postage fund donation
Monocoupe Club· Bob Coolbaugh, Editor 6154 River Forest Drive Manassas, VA 20112-3076 703/590-2375 Newsletter: Approx. Monthly Dues: $15 per year American Navion Society Jerry Feather, Editor Lodi Municipal Airport 59A Houston Ln. Lodi, CA 95241-1810 209/ 339-4213 Magazine: Bimonthly Dues: $45 per year Nav Air/Navion Skies Raleigh Morrow P. O. Box 2678 Lodi, CA 95241-2678 209/ 367-9390 8 a.m.-12 noon M-F FAX 209/ 376-9390 Newsletter: Monthly Navion Skies Dues: $39 per year E-Mail: NavAir1996@AOL.COM Buckeye Pietenpol Association Grant Maclaren 6364 Franks Rd . Byrnes Mill, MO 63051 -1103 Phone: 314/677/ 1669, GMacLaren@aol.com http://users.aol.com/BPANews Newsletter: Quarterly An SASE will bring more information International Pietenpol Association· Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg . Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues Short Wing Piper Club, Inc. Eleanor and Bob Mills, Editors 220 Main Halstead, KS 67056 316/ 835-3307 (H); 835-2235 (W) Magazine: Bimonthly Dues: $30 per year E-mail: swpn@southwind .net Piper Owner Society. P.O. Box 5000 lola, WI 54945 715/ 445-5000 or 800/ 331-0038 FAX: 715/ 445-4053 Magazine: Monthly Dues: $42 year E-Mail: jonespub@gglbbs.com (24 hours) Cherokee Pilots Assoc. P. O. Box 1996 Lutz, FL 33548 813 / 948-3616, 800/ 292-6003 Magazine: 11 issues per year Dues: $32 .00 (US) $36.00 Canada and Mexico $44.00 Foreign International Comanche Society· Wiley Post Airport Hangar #3 Bethany, OK 73008 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $35 per year Cub Club John Bergeson, Chairman 6438 W. Millbrook Rd. Remus, MI 49340 517/ 561 -2393 FAX 5 17/ 561-5101 Newsletter: 6 per yeor
24 DECEMBER 1997
Dues: $25 per year U.S., $25 Canada, $30 Foreign L-4 Grasshopper Wing Bill Collins, Editor/Publisher RR 2, Box 619 Gould, AR 7 1643-9714 870/ 263-4668 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 per year U.S., $15 Canada, $20 Foreign-All US funds Super Cub Pilots Association Jim Richmond, Founder/ Director P. O. Box 9823 Yakima, WA 98909 509/248-9491 Dues: $25 per year U.S., $35 Canada, $40 Foreign Porterfield Airplane Club Chuck Lebrecht 91 Hickory Loop Ocala, FL 34472 352/687-4859 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $5 per year
941/465-6 101 Quarterly magazine: Stinson Plane Talk Dues: $25 US, $30 Canada and Foreign Southwest Stinson Club· Vic Steelhammer 3001 8 Grandifloras Road Canyon Country, CA 91351 -1526 805/251-9750 Newsletter: SWSC Newsletter (11 per year) Dues: $20 per year 1-26 Association (Schweizer)· a Division of the Soaring Society of America c/o Tom Barkow, Sec. Treas. 1302 South Greenstone Ln. Duncanville, TX 75137 214/296-3858 Newsletter: 8 per year (plus a directory) Dues: $15 to 25 per year (Soaring Society of America membership required for voting privileges)
Rearwin Club. Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg . Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues
Swift Association, International Charlie Nelson P. O. Box 644 Athens, TN 37371 423/745-9547 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $30 per year Swift Homepage: http://www. napanet. net/- arbeau/ swift/ E-mail: switltlychs@aol.com .
National Ryan Club Bill Hodges, Editor and Historian 19 Stoneybrook Ln. Searcy, AR 72 143-6129 501/268-2620 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per year $25 overseas Airmail and Canada E-mail: bhadges@harding.edu
West Coast Swift Wing· c/o Denis Arbeau 2644 W. Pueblo Av. Napa, CA 94558-43 18 707/258-8120 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $10 per year Email: arbeau@napanet.net Internet: http://www.napanet.net/-arbeau/ swift/
Seabee Club International. Captain Richard W . Sanders, President 6761 NW 32nd Av. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309-122 1 305/979-5470 Newsletter: Quarterly (plus phone consultation) Membership directory Dues : $20 U.S.; $22 Canada, $25 Foreign
Taylorcraft Owner's Club Bruce Bixler II, President 12809 Greenbower, N.E. Alliance, OH 44601 330/823-9748 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $12 per year
The Stampe Collector Don and Bonnie Peterson, Editors 2940 Falcon Way Midlothian, TX 76065 Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $40 per year, $45 U.S. Overseas Stearman Restorers Association Brian F. Riggs, President 3913 Red Leaf Court Point of Rocks, MD 21777-2042 Newsletter: 3 per year Dues: $25 per year
Virginia/Carolinas Taylarcraft Owner's Club Jack Pettigrew, President 8325 Audley Lane Richmond, VA 23227-1729 804/266-6323 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year Travel Air Restorers Association Jerry Impellezzeri, President 4925 Wilma Way San Jose, CA 95124 408/356-3407 Quarterly Newsletter $15/Year
National Stinson Club. c/ o Jonesy Paul and George Alleman 14418 Skinner Road Cypress, TX 77429 713 / 373-04 18 WP) 916/622-4004 (GA) Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 per year
Travel Air Club. Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg . Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues
National Stinson Club (108 Section) Bill and Debbie Snavley 115 Heinley Road Lake Placid, FL 33852-8137
Travel Air Div. of Staggerwing Museum· P. O. Box 550 Tullahoma, TN 37388
615/455-1974 Newsletter: 4-5 per year Dues: $30 per year American Waco Club c/o Jerry Brown, Treasurer 3546 Newhouse Place Greenwood, IN 46143 Phil Coulson, President 616/624-6490 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues: $25 per year, $30 Foreign National Waco Club Roy Brandly, President 700 Hill Avenue Hamilton, OH 45015 513 / 868-0084 Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $10 per year, $14 foreign
Artic Newsletter David Neumeister 5630 S. Washington Lansing, M148911-4999 517/882-8433 Quarterly Newsletters for M 1, M5, Arrow, Baron, 310-320, 336-337, Malibu, Musketeer, Norseman, Skipper, Tomohawk, Vargo, Maule Dues: $10 per year per type except Maule which is $20 for 12 issues National Biplane Association Charles W. Harris, Boord Chairman P. O. Box 470350 Tulsa, OK 74147-0350 918/622-8400 FAX 918/665-0039 Dues: $25 Individual; $40 Family,U.S.; odd $10 for Foreign North American Trainer Association (T-6, T-28, NA64, NA50, P-51 , 8-25) Kathy and Stoney Stonich 25801 NE Hinness Rood Brush Prairie, WA 98606 360/256-0066 FAX 360/896-5398 Newsletter: Quarterly, Texans & Trojans Dues: $45 U.S. , Canada; $55 all others E-mail: natrainer@aol.com Replica Fighters Association路 Jim Felbinger, President 2409 Cosmic Drive Joliet, IL 60435 815/436-6948 Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $20 per year World War I Aeroplanes, Inc. Leonard E. Opdycke Director/Publisher 15 Crescent Rood Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 914/473-3679 Journals (4 times annually):WW I Aero (1900-1919) ; Skyways (1920-1940) Dues: Minimum - $30 each per year; $35 Foreign for each Journal
ORGANIZATIONS Society of Air Racing Historians Hermon Schaub, Sec./T reas.
168 Marion Ln .
Berea, OH 44017
Newsletter: Bimonthly "Golden Pylons"
Dues: $15 U.S., $18 Other
American Aviation Historical Society Timothy Williams, President 2333 Otis Street Santo Ana, CA 92704 714/549-4818 (Tuesday, 7:00-9:00 PM local) Newsletter: Quarterly and Journal Dues: $49
OX-5 Aviation Pioneers路 Robert F. Long P. O. Box 201299 Austin, TX 78720 512/33 1-6239 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 per year
Florida StearmanAntique Biplane Owners Group 10906 Denoeu Rood Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561/732-3250 FAX 561/732-2532 E-mail: BeyeView@aal.com Dues: None
Piper Aviation Museum Foundation Elizabeth T. Piper, President One Piper Way Lock Hoven, PA 17745-0052 717/748-8283 FAX 717/893-8357 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $30 annually Email: piper@cub.kcnet.org Internet: www.kcnet.org/-piper
Flying Farmers, International Kathy Marsh, Office Manager 21 20 Ai rport Rood P.O. Box9124 Wichita, KS 67277 316/943-4234 FAX 316/943-4235 Newsletter: 9 issues per year Dues: $40 per year U.S. Funds, plus Chapter dues. Average Annual Dues $50. Luscombe Foundation P. O. Box 63581 Phoenix, AZ 85082 602/ 917-0969 FAX 602/ 917-4719 Newsletter: Bimonthly "Luscombe Update" Subscription: $25 per year E-Mail: silvaire@luscombe.org Web Site: luscombe.org International Liaison Pilot and Aircraft Association (ILPA) 1651 8 Ledgestone Son Antonio, TX 78232 Bill Stratton, Editor 210/490-1LPA (4572) Newsletter: "liaison Spoken Here" Dues: $29 per year US $35 per year Foreign and Canada Send for Free Copy of "liaison Spoken Here"
Seaplane Pilots Association Robert A. Richardson, Exec. Director 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 301/695-2083 Newsletter: Water Flying (Bimonthly); 1996 Water Landing Directory $18 - Members/$37 non-members plus $4 shipping Dues: $36 per year Sentimental Journey to Cub Haven, Inc. E. J. "Doc" Conway, Fly-In Director P. O. Box J-3 Lock Hoven, PA 17745-0496 717/893-4200 FAX 717/893-4218 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 annually E-mail: Piper@cub.kcnet.org Silver Wings Fraternity P. O. Box 44208 Cincinnati, OH 45244 513/321-5822 Newsletter: Monthly Slipstream Tabloid Dues: $15 per year initially, $10/yr. Renewal Open to those who soloed powered aircraft at least 25 yrs. ago.
Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association Michael Schmitt 227 Holsey Ave. Buffalo, MN 553 13 612/477-4538 Newsletter: 3-4 per year Dues: $15 per year ($25-2 yrs.)
Vintage Sailplane Association George Nuse, Secretory 4310 River Bottom Dr. Norcross, GA 30092 770/446-5533 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 per year
National Air Racing Group Betty Sherman, NAG Treasurer 5508 7th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98107-2727 Newsletter: Professional Air Racing Dues: $15 ($20 outside USA) payable to NAG
Waco Historical Society, Inc. Waco Aircraft Museum W. F. Laufer, Treasurer P. O. Box 62 Troy, OH 45373-0062 513/335-WACO 1-5pm Sat.-Sun . May through November Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $30 per year, 9/ 1-8/31
N3N Restorers Association路 Gerold Miller 3320 Northridge Drive Grand Junction, CO 81506 303/245-7899 Newsletter Dues: $12 per year The 99s, Inc. International Women Pilots Loretto Jean Gragg, Exec. Director Will Rogers Airport Box 965 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 405/ 685-7969 Newsletter: Monthly/The 99 News Dues: $55 annually
Women in Aviation, International. Dr. Peggy J. Baty Morningstar Airport 3647 S.R. 503 South West Alexandria, OH 45381 937/839-4647, FAX 937/839-4645 Magazine: Quarterly Dues: $35 per year ($20 per year for students) Ilin Association. David Sutton 8 Knollwood Rd. Hackettstown, NJ 07840 908/813-3164 VINTAGE AIRPLANE
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert EM #21 Ale #5 P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
First FlightAfter 49 Years "I'm a little apprehensive," I confessed. "Well, then fll take it up!" Brian stated pos itively. "Good idea," was my reply. My reasoning was that I wasn't acquainted with this field, didn't have a clue as to what the terrain (read forced landing) offered, and, besides, this project had languished for some 49 years and after restoration and fi nally, with all the "bugs" out of it, was ready to fly. Who wouldn't be apprehensive? The last time this airplane flew was 1948. This is hearsay and I can't authenti cate it because all the principals are deceased. I had acquired this machine from the former Global Air Shows' inven tory after "Duke" Kashner passed away and Martha from Cherry Valley, Ohio decided to sell everything. It was one of six airplanes Bill Ross and I bought back in the late seventies. Martha showed me pictures of the C-3 with its "clown" paint job from the air show days and it was a red, white and blue "clown" with a big red nose, a smiling face on the cowl and had a pair of gloved hands painted on the wing tips. "Duke" did a "clown" act with it and it must have been a sight to see. Martha and "Duke" retired to the Quit ulla (pronounced quiettula) farm at Cherry Valley. "Duke," somewhat of a genius, had been an air show pilot; Martha was his wingwalker and ticket sales person. Global Air Shows "died" when "Duke" developed a brain tumor about five years before we got the airplanes. In the inter vening years before his demise, he and Martha had a traveling display they took 26 DECEMBER 1997
to various shopping mall grand openings. They would trailer a Waco, a Meyers OTW and the C-3 to these events, assem ble them for display, and do autographs and pictures for interested bystanders. I never had the opportunity to see their displays, but I'll bet they made quite an impression. Martha retired after "Duke" became terminal, and passed away about a year after she sold us the airplanes. But let's get back with the story of this little C-3. There were two of them in the package, along with a derelict Fairchild 22 that once belonged to Charlie Woerner from Geneva, Ohio. As a matter of fact, Charlie was the last one to fly that "22" when the Gypsy shelled out and they went through a ditch during a forced landing in the CPT program in 1940 or '41. There was also a Porterfield CP-65, a J-2 Cub, now flying with Phil Michmerhuizen at Holland, Michigan, the Waco IBA, sold to Vern Jobst, Martha's OTW, later restored by Ross, and a load of tools and propellers. The C-3s were a mess. The "clown," NC13000, relatively intact, was all there; N12423 was a real basket case. Engines? - take time out here for a good laugh were in boxes and baskets. No propellers, no wheels, nothing even close to a restor able airplane. Enter Walt Weber from Birmingham, Alabama. Walt called me because he was looking for a project. He grew up in the shadow of the Hogan brothers at Hamilton, Ohio, and of course with the Aeronca plant being just down the road in Mid dletown, he was intimately familiar with the C-3s. He took on the project, with the agreement that he was to restore both airplanes. There would be one for him and one for me, and I was to have first choice after they were both completed. I delivered both of them to him and the project got underway. He needed 13000 for patterns, so he started on 12423 first. He did a great job and fin ished 12423. Irv Eschelman flew it to Oshkosh, and after the novelty wore off, it was sold to John Anderson from Atlanta. 13000 project went fine until
Walt was painting in the basement one day with the furnace blower running. He managed to dust the entire house with an over spray ofInternational Orange! His wife wasn't the least bit happy about it, and the project sort of languished. There was NO engine for this airplane, so I inveigled Tom Trainor over at Troy, Michigan to build me one out of the sev eral baskets of parts I had. Tom built up a core for me and that's the engine now on the airplane. Just before Walt Weber retired from Southern Aviation Insurance and literally got out of aviation, I went down and picked up the airplane, now dry rigged and supposedly almost ready to fly, and brought it home. I picked at it, but I too developed a bad case of lethargy and it sat here for the next eight or ten years. And then when Brian Van Wagnen was over here one day, he convinced me that he needed another project and he could finish it up. Another two years pass before we have a flyable airplane. Brian goaded me into making several trips over to his place in Jackson, Michigan, and between the two of us and a lot of help from some of the guys who hang out at his shop, it pro gressed considerably. The last few days were a bear. It took four tries before we got a decent wind shield installed. then we had mag problems, carburetor problems, landing gear a1ign
ment problems, rigging headaches . Then, the last five percent fmally comes These shots were taken this past June, before every· together and we've run out of excuses thing had been hooked up. That's why the ailerons droop-they haven't been rigged yeti The beautifully to NOT fly it. rebUilt E·113 Aeronca engine was done by the low horse· My turn comes first! I do taxi tests. I power Aeronca guru, Tom Trainor. ran around the yard and then up and down the strip. It was ready, the weather turns, and when I did my slow flight and was right, but I wasn't! Here I am with stalls, it behaved just like it should. Confidence now at 100 percent, I even weak knees and apprehensions at the cru cial moment. So it's Brian to the rescue did a lazy eight before I came back in with a nice three point landing. That was the end and away he goes. It flew beautifully, and lifted off in less of the flying for the day, since the wind than 300 feet! We watched while he was coming up and light drizzle had begun. It's a wonderful feeling to see an air climbed out, checked the controls and the rigging, while we all listened to the typical plane that old be resurrected and flying sound of a smooth running Aeronca again. I'm especially intrigued by these E-I13 engine, cheering as he flew by in a C-3s. They are really the grandparents of low high speed pass, and watched a while all the light airplanes flying today. And longer as he orbited above, coming down when I see the operators' manuals and the voluminous information available today, in a showoff wheel landing. Brian jumped out, gave me the wool and remember that this airplane was built cap and I took my turn. I was still appre and flown BEFORE they wrote the books, hensive, but there was really no reason to it dazzles and humbles me. Then I think of some of those old, long be. There was a newly created cornfield just off to the left of the strip and a quarter gone airplane pilots I flew with who mile off the end of a nice bare beanfield. learned to fly in Aeronca C-3s. The basics Once I had my forced landing fields in they learned were still good and still sight and saw the lay of the land, I began applicable to the Boeing 747s and Douglas DC-lOs they were flying when they to enjoy myself. I climbed out to about 200 feet, set up retired. These little airplanes still retain an a crosswind, climbed on a downwind, and allure for me that will never wear off. I'll began checking everything out. The rigging always love to prop one. Why? Because it was fme. The engine never missed a beat, was the first airplane I ever propped as a and this C-3 was indicating nearly 80 line boy. This was the airplane that mph in the straightaway, about eight mph invoked dreams and started me on the faster then NC13556. It's a typical C-3 best career in the world. At EAA Oshkosh '97, the FAA Aircraft it loses ten to 15 mph indicated in the and Airman Registry had a booth in the The "Mr. Frtendly" clown paint job on the C-3 from FAA building. They offered free micro Its air show days, and a shot of the cockpit before fiche records to anyone who wanted them. the restoration. The large "crash pad" Is mounted on the back on of the gas tank. I made out the self-addressed mailer and the fiche for NCI3000 arrived just yester day . The chronology of ownership revealed some interesting things. The puzzling part of these records is that no one held title for more than a year. The airplane stayed in the Boston area from 1932 until November of '44 when our own Bob Whittier purchased it and brought it to Milwaukee. There were ten owners previous to Bob Whittier. He only had it a few months, and then in '45 it
went to Michigan, then Ohio, through five more owners , eventually to the Kaschners, and then fmally to me in '81 . I guess they didn't have to record repairs and alterations cause the records are blank from '32 until '36 when the left rear spar and aileron were replaced and repaired. There's no mention of a recover job. Only one service bulletin shows in the records, the addition of a fuel shut-off stop in '36, and in 1948 the first weight and balance and equipment list are recorded. Also shown at that time was the installation of a dual ignition engine. I would suppose this was for the air show routine; the extra nine hp would help. Tom Trainor, the Aeronca engine and Aeronca K guru, has repeatedly told me there was never a dual magneto installa tion approved on the C-3, but there it is! Perhaps in the air show routine business they had some special deal with the CAA. There the record ends. I talked with Tom Trainor, and when I told him who owned it there in Michigan, he excitedly told me he had tried to purchase the air plane in 1952. That at that time, it was a ragged looking patchwork quilt and the owner, a professional photographer, re fused to sell it to him. Yet less than four months later it was sold and went to Ohio. The records and the rhetoric don't jibe. Martha must have been telling me big sto ries about the Global Air Show days . Maybe her memory was tinged with what she really wanted to be and she had told the story so many times she believed it herself. The wing walking, the parachute jumping, the selling of tickets, I wonder if there is anyone out there who can recall the straight skinny on this. If there is, it's over to you! f( 3t(ck. ~ .. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Neal Anders . ...... ... . Goshen, NY Neil 1. Anderson .... Spring Grove, IL Gretchen R. Anderson . . Scottsdale, AZ Chris Austin ....... .. Las Vegas, NY Roland G. Bartlett ...... Crowley, TX Marvin Black ... ... . . Plymouth, MN Drew 1. Bowe ... ... . Santa Rosa, CA Reagan Bradshaw ....... Austin, TX Glenn 1. Bridges ... . .. E. Dublin, GA Keith Brooks . .. ..... Albemarle, NC Richard W. Brown.... .. Orewell, VT Robert W. Burke .. . White Plains, NY Willard E. Chastain · ... . ..... ... ... Lawrenceville, GA David W. Clapp ........ Fulton, MO Howard A. Cochran. Mooresville, NC Fred M. Coleman .. White Plains, NY Donald Howard Cowdrey .. Tulsa, OK Stanley A. Crosier. . New Port Richey, FL Mark D. Crossman ... Anchorage, AK Robert W. Cutter ... .. Lexington, SC John H. Davis ........ Roseville, CA Stephen Dines · .. Balmain, Sydney, NSW, Australia Brian E. Downing ........ Brush, CO Mark S. Duerr .... ... Sandwich, MA John L. Dunham . . . ... St. Louis, MO Justin Eckman ....... .. Rushville, IL Matt A. Ellis . .. . ..... Louisville, KY Dennis Els .. . . .... .. Mt. Vernon, IL Dale Endter ... .... .. Rochester, NY Andrew M. Estes, Sr. ... N. Mesa, AZ James G. Frazee ....... . Coppell, TX Felicity Fridman .... . New York, NY Tom Friede .......... Bradenton, FL Frank E. Gochenauer · ... .. .... .... .. Chambersburg, PA Lyndol G. Greene ... ... Franklin, TN Louis Grenier · . . ..... .. Montreal, Quebec, Canada Don D. Guthrie ..... Orange Park, FL Scott E. Guyette .. ....... Ripon, WI Alan Haltol ..... The Woodlands, TX Garth Hammond ...... Cleveland, WI Roy Hanson, Jr. ..... Chatsworth, CA Thomas G. Hebert. .. Lake Charles, LA Sterling K. Hight .. ... Greenfield, WI 28 DECEMBER 1997
Ed Kastner ......... .... . Elrna, NY Jerry L. Kincaid .. .... .. Sterling, AK Elaine G. Kleman .. ... Hampshire, IL Glen A. Krinke . ......... Sandy, UT Thomas O. Lawler . Wichita Falls, TX Larry Lindemann ... Valley City, NO William F. Lone ... . Bloomington, IN Mike C. Martens . .... Henderson, NY Jim R. Matonti ... .. ... .. Chester, NJ Jim McCormick . ...... .. Dallas, TX Kevin M. McLaughlin · . .. ... . . .... Colorado Springs, CO Alan R. Millen ... ... .... Wayne, PA Edward M. Minor, Jr. ........... ... Kings Mountain, NC Dean Myers .... ... .. .. Cresant, OK Hugh D. Norton .... Summerfield, FL John Oliveira . ... . Honeoye Falls, NY Jesse Panneton .. ..... Arlington, VA Barry Piancino ....... Redmond, WA Richard L. Prann...... . San Juan, PR Stephen E. Reese ... ..... Albany, IN Ian W. Rimmer · . .... Wistaston Crewe, Great Britain James W. Roberts ... ... Sonoma, CA Elvey Rock · ...... ... Monkton, Ontario, Canada Mark Rogers ....... Fort Collins, CO Jim Ruckman .... ... Anchorage, AK Roderick E. Scamahom · ..... ............. Scappoose, OR Bill Schmidt ........... Wichita, KS Elaine C. Schmidt ....... Bristol, PA George C. Siska ... . Saddle Brook, NJ William D. Smith ..... Yorktown, IN Corey Q. Stohlquist .. Crystal Lake, IL Ava C. Sumpter .... Montgomery, TX Bradley J. Sunde ... Fergus Falls, MN Harry 1. Taylor .... ..... Milford, NJ Marshall Teaff ...... Greensboro, NC Harold Tucker .... . .... . Sumter, SC James F. Vickers .... Orange City, FL Glenn Vorres ......... . Fremont, MI Michael E. Walczak, Jr.. . Yorkville, IL Stan White .... ....... Lubbock, TX Clay T. Whitehead .... McClean, VA David A. Winkler ....... Colgate, WI Brian Zabriskie ........ Moscow, ID
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part .. 50¢ per word, $8.00 mini mum charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.O . Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086, or fax your ad and your credit card number to 920/426-4828. Ads must be re ceived by the 20th of the month for insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g. , October 20th for th e December issue.)
MISCELLANEOUS SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES-New manufac ture, STC-PMA-d, 4130 chromoly tubing throughout, also complete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana 59714,406/388-6069, FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N. (0274) FREE CATALOG-Aviation books and videos. How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertainment titles. Call for a free catalog. EAA, 1-800-843-3612. DO YOUR OWN PLATING! HIGH-TECH AND AVIATION INDUSTRY PROVEN PLATING PROCESS PROVIDES TOP-QUALITY PLATED FINISH. ELEC TROLESS NICKEL PLAT1NG is super-hard-wearing and extra-corrosion-resistanl Plates to any thickness required with matte or mirror-shiny bright silver finish. Ideal for all general, precision and specialized parts-even plates inside hollow tubes and complex shapes! RANGE OF COMPLETE , PROFESSIONAL ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATING SYSTEMS FROM ONLY $99! FREE Infonnation Brochure with Plated Samples! CHEMICAL PLATING CORPORATION . Tel / Fax (954) 344-3592 . PO Box 771364 , Coral Springs, FL 33077. chem-plate-corp@msn.com LEATHER AVIATOR CAPS-Top grain, dark brown leather, fully lined, and completely topstitched. Side leather tabs with brass snaps for goggles , and adjustable brass chin buckle. Sizes: MED 21-22", LG 23-24". $52.00 plus $4.00 shipping USA & Canada. Visa & MasterCard, 800-427-0907. Mon.-Fri., lOam to 6pm ET. Check or money order to: Premier Designs, 818 Selby Street, Findlay, OH 45840. (1343) AEROMATIC Propeller-F-220, 0-93 Blades. No Tag, Good condition. Also available the Splined Shaft adapter to a flat crankshaft. Sam (305)526-7322, e-mail: cd001633@mindspring.com
Membershi~ Services Directo!y
Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the
BAA Antique/ClassicDivision
Fly-In Calendar EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 Phone (920) 426·4800 Fax (920) 426·4873
Web Site: http://.eaa.org and http://www.flyin.org E·Mail: Vintage @eaa.org
EAA and Division Membership Services 800· 843·3612 •• . •. . . . • . • .. FAX 920·426·6761 (8:00 AM -7:00 PM Monday- Friday CST) • New/ renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Antique/Classic, lAC, Warbirdsl. National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) • Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships
Programs and Activities Aircraft (General Questions) . . . . 920·426·4821 Auto Fuel STCs .... ... ... . . .. .. 920·426·4843 Build/restore information . .. . . . 920·426· 482 1 Chapters: locating/ organizing . . 920·426· 4876 Education ......... ..... ... ... . 920· 426·6815 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships • EAA Young Eagles Camps
Flight Advisors information ..... 920·426· 6522 Flight Instructor information . . . 920·426· 6801 Flying Start Program . .. .• . .• . •• 920·426·4876 Library Services / Research . ... .. 920·426· 4848 Medical Questions ... . ... . ... . . 920·426·4821 Technical Counselors . . .. . ... . . 920· 426· 4821 Young Eagles . . .. . . .. . . . ..... . . 920·426·4831 Benefits
Aircraft Financing (NAFCO) . . .. 800· 999·45 15
AVEMCO . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . . .. 800·638·8440
AVA . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . .... .... 800· 727·3823
Submitting article/photo; advertising information
920·426·4825 ..... ..•.••.• FAX 920·426·4828
EAAAviation Foundation Artifact Donations ... . . . ... .. . . 920·426·4877 Financial Support . ... .. .. . .. . . 800·236· 1025
EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associ· ation , Inc. is $40 fo r one year, inc lud ing 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family member· ship is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Mem bership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annuall y. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $1 6 for Foreign Postage.)
ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Current EAA members may join the Antique/ Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR· PLANE magazine for an additional $27 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag· azine and one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division is available for $37 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)
lAC Current EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $40 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS maga· zine and one year membership in the lAC
Division is available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $ 10 for Foreign Postage.)
WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA War· birds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $40 per year (SPORT AEROBATICS magazine not included). (Add $7 fo r Foreign Postage.)
EAA EXPERIMENTER Current EAA mem bers may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $18 per year. EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine is available for $28 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included) .(Add $8 for Foreign Postage.)
Th e follo wing list ofcoming events is fur nis hed to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction ofany event (fly -in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed . Pleas e send th e information to EAA , Au: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wi 54903·3086. infor mation should be rece ived four months prior to the event date.
J ANUARY I , 1998- NAPPANEE, IN - Napane e County Airport. EAA Chapter 938 6th Annual Hangar Over Fly- In. I I a.m . -2 p .m. For informatio n, call "Fast Eddie" Milleman at 219/ 773-2866.
FEBRUARY 26-28, 1998 - BILLINGS, MT- Montana Aviation Conference - Holiday Inn . Workshops , semi nars, nationally rec ognized speakers, trade show. Info: Montana Aeronautics Division, P. O. Box 5178, Helena, MY 59604. Phone: 406/444-2506. MARCH 6-8, 1998 - CASA GRANDE, AZ- Casa Grande Airport. 40th Annual Cactus Fly-In, Arizona MA . Contact: John Engle 602/891-6012 (days only). APRIL 19-25, 1998 - LAKELAND, FL - 24th Annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In and Convention. 941/644-2431.
July 29-August 4, 1998 -OSHKOSH, WI -46th Annual EAA Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention. Wittman Regional Airport. Contact John Bur ton, EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. 920/426-4800.
Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add required Foreign Postage amount for each membership.
Membership dues to EAA and its d ivisions are not tax deduc t ible as c haritable contributions. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
End the 011 !laBS
If you happened to stop by the Antique/Classic Builders Workshop at the convention you probably saw our new respirator/paint sprayer system at work. Many of you stopped by the Fastech booth to get a closer look at this unique system. Because of the tremendous interest in the product we have decided to extend the show price for a limited time . If you didn't get a chance to see it, the CITATION system combines a fresh air respirator and HVLP paint sprayer in one cabinet to offer the utmost in safety, convenience and spraying technology at a very competitive price! Total system priced at just $799.00 (for a limited time only)
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