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10 STEARMAN: FLYING FOR FUNlLauran Paine 12 PASS IT TO BUCKlE.E. "Buck" Hilbert 13 ED AND BARBARA'S HOWARD/ Budd Davisson 18 VAA CHAPTER 22 FLY-IN/ John Morozowsky 21
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For nearly 30 years, the Vintage Aircraft Association has conducted its business by relying on the efforts of its core of volunteers and its officers and directors. Quite often, we'd have to rely on someone at EAA headquarters to do our "leg work", even if it wasn't part of their regular re sponsibilities. Over the years, Gene Chase, Dorothy Chase, jack and Golda Cox, Mary jones, Mark Phelps and many others have been willing to assist us as we continued to grow, and for their help, we've been most grateful. We have always found the EAA folks in Oshkosh more than willing to be of assistance, but we were never sure the same person would be helping each time. That's the "luck of the draw" when you're working on the fringes of a regu lar organization. It changed in 1990, when Henry "H.G." Frautschy came on board to be the editor of "Vintage Air plane." Because he so strongly identified with our group, he became the person whom I counted on time and time again to be my pOint man at EAA HQ. While H.G. was more than willing to do this work for the membership, he had other responsibilities in the EAA editorial offices. In a sense, his efforts were (for lack of a better term) really as a volunteer for the Association. But with no official designation of someone as our spokesperson at EAA HQ, sometimes it became a challenge to accomplish our goals. For instance, we didn't have a per son who sat in on the weekly managers' meeting at Headquarters, so there were times when we missed learn ing about a subject or program that might have been of benefit. Our biggest concern over the years has been the consis tent growth of our membership, and any related concerns each member has about their needs and desires. There are plenty of other things we're keeping an eye on as well, in cluding: • Aging aircraft and the FAA's stance on this issue • Member support, benefits, service • Preserving aviation history • Convention activities • Expansion of the Contemporary judging category With all this going on, I went from one briefcase to two! Realistically, we've grown to the pOint where we have to step up and treat the VAA as a business. Now that doesn't
mean we have to lose out heart and soul, it just means we must be more professional in the execution of our daily matters as we provide service and support to you, our fel low members. Over the past few years it's become more and more obvious to us that we needed to have someone offiCially designated to serve as"Our Man in Oshkosh." Now we do. You now have your first full-time employee working for you at EAA Headquarters, and [ am proud to say he is H.G. Frautschy. H.G. has been selected to become the Associa tion's very first Executive Director. It's funny, but often when you are around someone on a regular basis, you don't always find out who they are and what they've done until you have to sit down and take the time to do so. I had no idea how varied H.G.'s work and personal life has been until I saw his resume. He's a graduate of the famous aviation school, Parks College of St. Louis University. H.G. holds a Private pilot certificate (he's itching to add his CommerciallInstru ment and CFI so he can teach folks how to fly tailwheel airplanes!), as well as Airframe and Powerplant Me chanic certification. Before coming to EAA in 1990, H.G. was the publica tions manager for Air Wisconsin, a regional airline affiliated with United Airlines. His first job out of college was for the most recognized name in helicopters, Sikorsky Aircraft. He wrote technical manuals for the big tri-motored CH-S3E, and then served as the senior writer and as a logistic ele ment manager for the SH-60B Seahawk. While at Sikorsky, he purchased his first airplane, an Aeronca 11CC Super Chief. Long a fan of old airplanes (they make the best rub ber-powered models) H.G. enjoyed delving into the history and maintenance challenges of the early days of aviation. His enthusiasm and interest in the airplanes of yesteryear dovetailed perfectly with his professional ex;erience, and in 1990 he was hired by EAA to become editor of Vintage Airplane and Warbirds magazines, as well as serving as a feature writer for EAA's flagship publication, Sport Aviation. A full-time person at Oshkosh will enab le the Associa tion to be even more successful in future VAA projects that
- continued on n ext page VINTAGE AIRPLANE
will benefit you, our fellow member. H.G., WELCOME ABOARD!
Lauran Paine has written several in teresting articles for your VAA. One of his pieces, "Flying For Fun" is in cluded in this month's issue, with a beautiful illustration sketched by Jim Newman. In fact, Lauran's so good he's been asked to become a colum nist for EAA's flagship publication Sport A viation. Congratulations Lau ran! We still have one more piece written by Lauran ready for publica tion, and we'll publish it in April. Then you'll have to open your other favorite aviation magazine to read his insightful prose. Articles written by the membership will continue to be the heart and soul of Vintage Airplane, and we're always open to article submissions, especially "How to" and other technical articles. Sharing information on how to main tain and operate our favorite airplanes will never go out of style, so please consider sharing your expertise with others. After a long winter lay up of your aircraft, please consider the most com plete preflight you can do-in fact, this isn't a bad time to do your annual. This also extends to a good self evaluation of your piloting skills. Take your time, and use good judgement in both of these matters. Some time spent with your local CFl might just give you the edge to handle a nasty unexpected crosswind or other emer gency. We don't want to lose an aircraft to the March winds because of poor tiedowns or hangars in need of repair, so check these items to make sure they are strong as well. I hate to sound like a broken record, but each year we lose three or four air craft to people hand-propping their aircraft improperly. It only takes a lit tle longer to take whatever precaution you need to prevent you from being one of these people. Believe me, the person who owns the airplane or hangar your unguided 2 MARCH 2000
airplane runs into will let you know in compiled by H.G. Frautschy no uncertain terms what you should have done! I sure would hate to have to buy a two million-dollar King Air when a two-dollar piece of rope would FROM THE EXECUTIVE have kept it in place. It will happen to DIRECTOR .. . someone; just do not let it be you. After nearly two decades as a member and ten years spent editing Mark the weekend of May 19-21 on your calendar. Those are the days for Vintage Airplane, I'm thrilled to be our VAA fly-in work weekend in given the chance to serve my fellow Oshkosh. We will be working on the members as Executive Director of VAA area of the AirVenture 2000 the Vintage Aircraft Association. We've got plenty of challenges in grounds. You can camp under your wing, or we will have transportation front of us, and I'm confident that available to a local motel. Not only in cooperation with EAA, we will will we be working, but we'll have some good fellowship and fun as well. At the end of this month , your Board of Directors will be meeting at FRONT COVER . .. "Where's the EAA HQ. Should you have any sugges Beef?" was the catch phrase used by a tions or concerns, please forward hamburger chain afew years ago in their them to H.G. (E-mail: vintage@eaa.org advertising . For the aviation crowd, the or regular mail at PO Box 3086, answer is often the Howard DGA-15, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086) at EAA HQ which has always been one of the most so they can be addressed at that time. massive single-engine airplanes in the vintage airplane world. This example was If at all pOSSible, please put your restored by Mark Grusauski's Wing Works thoughts down on paper so we can be in North Canaan, Connecticut for owners certain we understand your question Barbara and Ed Moore of West Mystic, or concern. Connecticut. It was selected as the Re I have asked each of you to ask a serve Grand Champion Antique at EAA friend to join up with us. If you have AirVenture '99. not yet had a chance to do so, the EAA photo by Jim Koepnick, shot with a Canon EOS1 n equipped with an 80-220 spring flying season would be a great mm lens on 100ASA Fuji Provia slide film . time for you to invite someone to EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by share your passion for our old air Bruce Moore. planes and enjoy VAA membership. Your help in recruiting a new member BACK COVER . .. During our Jim Di is needed to help to keep the VAA on etz show at the EAA AirVenture museum, a solid footing. there were plenty of vintage aircraft paint ings to enjoy, including this oil-on-canvas You can almost see the Sun 'N Fun depiction of "Alaska Coastal." In it, Jim EAA Fly-in on the horizon. I encour captures one of the last Lockheed Vegas age everyone to come and enjoy this in American commercial service as it is great show. Being in Florida during loaded for a flight in front of Alaska the second week of April is a great way Coastal's Juneau, Alaska headquarters. to start off the new flying season. If The scene is set in the late 1940s, when you're going to be there, look me up nearly every town in Alaska had its own air transport operation, and the Grumman I'll be there all week. Be sure to bring amphibian was state of the art. A dozen your sunscreen and walking shoes! years earlier pilots were trailblazers in the Your Directors and Officers feel , Territory of Alaska, and a dozen years your Vintage Airplane Association is later jets would be serving the 49th state. positioned to do great things in the I Alaska Coastal survives in spirit - a series future. Let's all pull in the same direc of partnerships and purchases made the tion for the good of aviation. Juneau operation part of today's Alaska Airlines. The painting is part of the Jay Remember we are better together. Join Braze collection. us and have it all! .....
keep our favorite airplanes flying for years to come. As mentioned by VAA president Butch Joyce, we're keeping an eye on the issues of aging aircraft, vintage aircraft maintenance, pre serving aviation history and ensuring the annual Convention is an enjoy able experience for the members of EAA's largest Division, the VAA. We regularly correspond and meet with other organizations and Type Clubs to keep the lines of communication open while working on these and many other issues. Just as producing Vintage Air plane is a collaborative effort, so to will be the day-to-day operation of the VAA. We're very fortunate to be able to rely on the expertise and re sources of the staff at EAA headquarters, and having a board of directors and officers with such a wide range of backgrounds has been very helpful during the past ten years. I'm looking forward to work ing with them in the future. Membership Services, Chapter Programs, Information Services and the Government Programs offices are but a few of the many areas we work with regularly. Doing so makes certain your voice and interests are heard as we all work towards the common goal of making our brand of aviation a viable form of recre ation for enthusiasts who have enjoyed it all their lives, and those who are new to our ranks. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you, and please don't hesitate to write - we'll only know what you want by maintain ing contact with you, our fellow member. -H.G. Frautschy, Executive Director, VAA EAA AIRVENTURE ADMISSION PRICING
Attending EAA AirVenture 2000, the world's premier aviation event, will be an even better experience for aviation enthusiasts because of a simplified admission structure. AirVenture 2000, with its major
theme of "Speed," will take place July 26-Aug. 1 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The admission structure sets one price for EAA members who attend, allowing them to "speed" through the admission process and enjoy more of the event. Along with its many other benefits, annual EAA and VAA membership is still the best and least expensive way to enjoy the event, which annually features at tendance of more than 750,000 and in excess of 12,000 airplanes. "People come from all over the world to EAA AirVenture each year to enjoy many facets of aviation," said Tom Poberezny, EAA President and AirVenture Chairman. "Our goal is to make their experience as enjoyable as possible, regardless of what segment of aviation they enjoy during their time in Oshkosh . The simplified admission process is an other effort as we strive toward that goal." Daily AirVenture admission for annual EAA members is $16, regard less if they join prior to the event or at the gate. Weekly admissions are available for EAA members, as are re duced rates for spouses and young people 18 and under. In addition, annual EAA members may bring up to two other adults at the member guest rate of $24 each per day. For those who are not EAA mem bers or guests of a member, one-day AirVenture 2000 admission is $29 per day for adults. That rate includes a complimentary, three-month In troductory EAA membership (individual or family) designed to highlight the year-round activities of EAA. Student and youth rates are also available. Admission gate staff will find the lowest price available for each AirVenture participant or group of visitors, regardless of the size of the party or the number of days attending AirVenture. VIMY AIRCRAFf PROJECT
The Vimy Aircraft Project Official Web Site is now online in its new
home in the United States. Com pletely revised and expanded, the site includes all the information pre viously found on the original Vimy Web Site, plus new information and many new interactive features. The site can be reac hed at http :// www.vimy.org/. The Vimy Aircraft Project is a non-profit organization to support a replica of the Vickers Vimy bi plane that made aviation history in 1919 and 1920 wi th three historic flights: • First crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, 1919 • First Flight from England to Australia, 1919 • First Flight from London, Eng land to Cape Town, South Africa, 1920 The aircraft-referred to by some as "the world's largest homebuilt"-is owned by Californian Peter McMil lian who, with Lang Kidby, reenacted the England to Australia trip in 1994. Their trip was the cover story of the May 1995 issue of National Geo graphic and Peter McMillan authored a book about the trip. In the summer of 1999, Mark Rebholz, a United Air lines 767 Captain, and John LaNoue piloted the Vimy on a reenactment the London to Cape Town flight . Their trip will be featured in the May 2000 issue of National Geographic. Details of both of these flights, as well as an upcoming calendar of Vimy appearances, are available on the new Web site. The Vimy is also expected to at tend EAA AirVenture 2000. The site also features a guest book where site visitors can enter comments for the Vimy volunteer staff and other visitors to read. A powerful search feature makes it easy to find articles about Vimy flights, the educational project that was part of the London to Cape Town trip, and upcoming appear ances. The Vimy project is made possible through generous dona tions of many sponsors, including Bose, Snap-On, and BP Air. ..... VIt\.ITh~1=
DUTCH ON LARRY AND ILSE HARMACINSKI"S WACO CSO Dear Larry [Harmacinski], When I saw 656N on the envelope I jumped three feet right straight up. For quite a few years after I went with Pan Am we vacationed at Big Moose Lake. Driving down one year, here was 656N pulled up next to the road. I got to fly this airplane once. Charlie Smith gave me a couple of landings on Onondaga Lake near Syracuse, just before we put my own Waco on floats for the summer. I had never flown a seaplane and Charlie wasn't much ahead of me. I flew from the front seat. It didn't help me much . Your logs sent don ' t show this, but it was May 5,1936. Not long after this day, when I was putting the F2 on its floats at Ithaca, New York, Charlie was practicing landings, far from shore on a Senaca Lake glassy water day. I strongly advise you that glassy water can be bad news! Charlie found this out too. I can still see the giant white splash far out from shore and h ea r the giant boom that seconds later echoed ashore on a still quiet day. The CSO is probably the best performing seaplane ever built. It is a POWERFUL airplane that can be forced into the air at unbelievable attitudes and angles of attack and low airspeeds. Charli e and I learned much just watching th e way Harold Scott, a veteran seaplaner, operated his CSO. He never got in the cockpit with either of us, but was always ready to help us out, or to answer a question . His 4 MARCH 2000
airplane had red fuselage and ye llow wings. There are some words in my first book on Scotty's "hangar" under a bridge behind his house on a creek. He later became a good friend. He left a fine mark on sea planing. The log sheets triggered many memories. I didn't know that Scott operated 656N before Smith became involved . I have no recollection of the right aileron peeling off, nor why. Merrill Phoenix later became a dear friend. Bud (Matty) Windhausen I knew very well. A FINE mechanic. Phoenix was the first of all to operate seaplanes, a Stinson on Fairchild floats that had no water rudders. Long before the days of 656N, Charlie Smith soloed me on my second aircraft type , on a Taylor Cub (not Piper) with a 36 hp Continental. Along with Smith and Harold Scott and their CSOs and me with my UBF-2, we operated the State Fair at Syracuse in the fall of 1938. We flew from Onondaga Lake near
the Fairgrounds. Passengers were sold rides from a booth inside the grounds, then carried by car to the lakeshore, flown , then returned to the fairgrounds. It was a giant flop as Smith indicated in his log entries. I knew Red Panella but didn 't know he operated the airplane early in its history. There is much in the first book on Senaca. River, etc. I never thought of the airplane as a nimble airplane. I thought of it as a rugged , powerful airplane that could be frightfully overloaded and never blink in its performance. In the photo enclosed where a lot of guys are standing together, we are all standing in front of my Waco UBF2. It was taken during the State Fair, fore mentioned. This airplane would not perform the CSO at lightweights. Not with a load. It was a handsome airplane. Thanks for your great letter and the log pages. Keep in touch as things move along. Very Sincerely, Dutch Redfield Long Island, New York ......
Outer Marker The CPT Years When the Waco came off its floats at the end of the 1940 sum mer season the books showed a very successful year. Using $800, I celebrated our success by going out and buying a brand new 8-cylinder Pontiac. But WW II was now in progress and my fuel supplier was skeptical about the availability of aviation fuel for the following sum mer, which meant there was considerable question about whether Thousand Island Airways would be in operation in 1941. Back at Syracuse, Fred McGlynn had obtained backing and was es tablishing a government-sponsored Civilian Pilot Training School, the
function of this program to deliver to the Navy, the Air Force, and the nation's airlines already trained pi lots. At this early stage, Mac's school, Onondaga Aviation Com pany, was only conducting Primary training utilizing light low-pow ered Taylorcraft monoplanes. In the fall Mac asked me to come work with him, but I was unsure of my ability to give flight instruction as I had done but little, besides which I had never really cared much about flying light airplanes. However, I must say that the thought of a weekly paycheck through the long winter months was a very entiCing one, especially
after the unsuccessful Florida oper ation of the previous winter. So I could obtain the newly-re quired flight instructor's license, Mac put a new Taylorcraft at my disposal and I practiced hard for the flight test. This was a com pletely new kind of flying and there were many new maneuvers and training exercises for me to ab sorb the basics of, then later learn to fly with precision. To fly these maneuvers myself, I found, was one thing, but to then try to teach them to someone else required a thorough knowledge and under standing of basics, as well as a practical and precise application of
by Holland "Dutch" Redfield VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5
everyday aerodynamics. It was a most challenging and rewarding kind of flying that I seemed to fit in with very well, so much so, I guess, that I ended up spending the rest of my career totally and completely engaged in pilot train ing and pilot checking activities. Although the following summer I was able to get fuel and did re turn to the Islands with my younger brother Bill helping me, it
school became authorized to con duct training in advanced flight courses and Mac sent Barb June and me to Rochester to obtain our CPT Secondary Instructors Ratings and to learn aerobatics and many new precision maneuvers. We were given our flight training in a Waco F-2. How pleasant to be in an open cockpit again, and a lovely, nimble F-2 as well. One snowy night, Mac and I
look after, and which I was to fly for over three years and many, many wonderful hours. With the purchase paperwork completed, Mac and I donned heavy winter flying gear, then side by side, took off and flew these two beautiful new airplanes east ward across snow-covered Ohio, upper New York state, and home to Syracuse. All the way we flew close alongside each other and
By 1942, we were in full swing flying Waco UPF-7s for the Civilian Pilot Training Program. Bill Cass is flying NC30186 at dawn during a training flight.
turned out that this year 1941 was to be the end of many wonderful years of seaplaning for me. Yet, for a long time afterward, I continued to dream of returning and came very close to doing so seven or eight years later. The Waco, after a few years of dead storage, was sold. The following winter found me back in McGlynn's Taylorcraft again, but this year, in January, the 6 MARCH 2000
climbed aboard the New York Cen tral 20th Century Limited and rode a Pullman sleeper through the night to Cleveland. In the morn ing we then took a bus to Troy, Ohio and the Waco factory, where outside on the flight line were two brand new blue and yellow UPF-7 Waco trainers waiting for us. Mac asked me which one I wished and I chose NC30128 which was mine to
there was a pleasant feeling of com panionship as one or the other of us would occasionally pull in closer for a wave, or a gesture, or to feign a shiver. Mac's face was florid and ruddy from the cold, but somehow, in the drafty cock pit, he was able to keep a cigarette going, as evidenced by the contin ual puffs of smoke streaking towards the Waco's tail through
It was a most challenging and rewarding kind of flying that I seemed to fit in with very well, so much so, I guess, that I ended up spending the rest of my career totally and completely engaged in pilot training and pilot checking activities. out the entire flight. How much nicer it is to be aloft sharing a pleasant flight with an other aviator, even though in another airplane. No, you are un able to speak to one another, yet a definite communication and un derstanding exists, and is felt by both. A rigid arm over the side in the powerful prop stream pointing to a winding creek bed, or the dis tant frozen lakeshore, or pointing to a puffy white cloud ahead, rac ing toward us faster and faster, then sliding past just above our upper wings, then slowing and slowing as it fades behind us, be coming smaller and smaller. And the other airplane alongside, truly a beautiful creation when seen in her own element, perfectly framed by the earth, and sky, and puffy white clouds over the lakeshore in the background. Except for the soft motions of flight, she seems suspended on an invisible string. Silently, because you can't hear her above the roar of your own engine, she drifts slowly up, then slowly down, then slowly in, then slowly slides away, wafted in the gentle currents of the airman's sky. Her slightly moving control surfaces occasionally and momen tarily deflect into their flowing airstreams as she is gently nudged and guided along her course homeward. Her shimmering propeller re flects the brightness around her and I marvel at the disc's great size and thrust, and the power neces sary to turn it. Her toed-in landing gear below, at full strut extension for softening that always impend
ing touchdown, make her appear she's on stilts. Then I ease forward to check her lovely lines from that angle, then drift back an d gently nudge the controls to slip up and over until I look straight down into Mac's cockpit, then down and be low her. How beautiful and functional she is. We buzzed and circled the field in close formation, then I eased back to follow Mac in. A large group, as well as our new advanced students, applauded our lovely new airplanes as we taxied up. The following early morning the new airplanes were scheduled to be put to work and it was still dark when I arrived at the hangar at 6:00 a.m. Before going to my flight locker to don my sheepskin-lined heavy winter flying suit and boots, and gloves, I lowered an electric immersion heater into the SAE 70 heavyweight oil in the Waco's oil tank, this to pre-warm the oil so the propeller could at least be pulled through by hand. My first student was dressed and ready to fly at 7:00 a.m. Together with pinch bars we pried open the creaking, frozen hangar doors and rolled her backwards into the cold dawn, and her wheels crunched through the hard-packed snow as we pushed her back. I then flew her all day long, munching on oc casional sandwich and hot chocolate brought by my students during fuel stops. The students assigned each in structor were to be taken by him through the entire course of 35 hours. We were to be paid for each student who completed the course
and it was known we would fly seven days a week until each class was completed. Instructor rest came between classes. Besides him self, Mac wished for his instructors to also have the opportunity to make a few dollars, and like the others I was assigned eight stu dents, each of whom was scheduled to fly his programmed one hour a day. Such an ambitious schedule lasted about three days because there just was not enough daylight during the winter months to get the work done, and turn-around fueling and very necessary student briefings eroded the training badly. Besides this, the work turned out to be very fatiguing, because after a few hours in an open cockpit in the dead of winter, an enveloping chill would creep in that took most of the following night to shake off. We each continued Mac's first class with six, instead of eight students. The UPF-7 Waco used in the pro gram was a tough, rugged airplane, much stronger and heavier than the Waco F-2 series with which I was very familiar. Although basi cally identical in airframe and powerplant, the F-2's delightful nimbleness and great performance was lost as Waco complied with rigid military trainer specifications. But, you didn't have to worry about the UPF-7 falling apart under the high stresses of the advanced aero batic maneuvering that was called for in the course program. The flying maneuvers for each day's training were programmed in advance and were very well thought out. As a result most of the VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
students progres se d through the course at pretty much the same pace. Working with my six st ud e nt s, I might spend th e entire da y, Monday, hour after hour, doing exacting eights around pylons; Tuesday, beautiful Chan d e li es; Wednesday, all day, snapro lls; Th ur sday, demanding slow rolls; Friday, punishing split-Ss; Saturday, half rolls, Sunday, Immelmans, etc. This just had to be a fine learning ex p eri ence, and it was possible to become totall y familiar with aircraft control, and its analysis, in any and all attitudes of flight . My
While covered head to toe with my sheepskin fur lined flying suit to protect against the upstate New York winter chill, we flew during all the daylight hours we could while instructing in the UPF-7.
CPT training activities continued for three years and 1900 hours of flight. I would not take a million dollars for this tremendous experience. My boss , Fred McGlynn, was chatting with me over a bowl of Bill Churchill's finest soup at the airport lunchroom one day. Mac asked if I had ever attempted a "square loop," and I confessed that I never had and asked that he describe one for me, as I might try one. He said that you should push over and get the Waco diving to about 190 mph, then ease back on the stick until pointing straight up, where you were to do a half roll then ease the control stick forward, pushing the airplane which was now right side up, over the top to level flight. Here you were to do another half roll to become again properly inverted (as would normally be the case at the top of a loop), allowing the nose to fall and then executing a complete roll while heading straight down , to be followed by a normal final 8 MARCH 2000
loop out, but at very high speed, to level out at the bottom of the "square loop." Although I had never read anything about this in our aerobatic manuals, this sounded like a very interesting maneuver and I was anxious to try it. A few days later, with a live-wire student in the rear cockpit, I decided to give it a try. With plenty of altitude to keep me out of trouble, I nosed the Waco over into a whistling dive, eased back on the stick, and as the nose rose into a very steep climb, opened the throttle wide. We roared skyward and were soon headed straight up, at which point I eased the stick forward to discontinue the looping arc and applied aileron so as to begin the first half roll of Mac's new maneuver. At completion of the roll the stick was eased further forward to then continue our arcing flight, and over the top so as to complete the first half of the "square" loop . But it was to m y dismay that I
noted speed was decreasing at an alarming rate, and at about the same time the negative "gs," resulting from the steadily held forward elevator, flung all the fuel from the carburetor bowl, whereupon the engine now deprived of fuel ceased firing. At this pOint, the airplane was only a few degrees past the vertical and standing straight up on its tail. The propeller and engine ahead of us, "clank, clank, clanked" to a dead stop. Desperately, I moved the Waco's controls in any and all directions, but to no avail. The airstream sounds of flight and the whistling wing brace wire sounds rapidly diminished to absolute silence and we hung there like a spent arrow. Cows mooing, dogs barking, train whistles, and auto horns beeping below, could be clearly heard. Still we hung there, pointing straight up, despite everything I tried. It seemed like forever before the Waco slowly started sliding back-
wards, then, with a resound ing, neck-bending crash, flipped violently end for end, and in a split second was pointed straight down. As we now dove for the earth the dead propeller ahead slowly be gan turning again and the sounds of flight again came alive. "Clank, clank, clank, clank, clank," and the engine windmilled back to life. I gin gerly recovered to level flight and was mopping my brow and thanking my lucky stars that the airplane was still in one piece, when my student in the cockpit behind shook the stick to get my attention, eased the throttle back, and shouted for ward, "Wow, that was great!!! Let's try it again!!!" Later, I told Mac what had taken place. "Yeah," he said, "I had the same trouble."
twisted at a crazy angle, yet miraculously still an integral part of the almost severed aft portion of the fuselage. The ter ribly twisted tail flopped slowly as up and down in the now badly distorted and buffeting airstreams, held to the still-in tact forward airframe only by the one remaining crimped and bending longeron. I recognized the still airborne second airplane as one of Mac's red Taylorcrafts and knew that the student pilot at the controls 100 was one of Mac's mechanics, Jack Ryan, whom I had sent out on his first solo only a few days previously. Part of Jack's pay for working in Mac's shop was in flying time and he was practic ing on his lunch hour. The collision impact had a spun his airplane around and headed it toward a far corner of the "L" shaped field. Jack had sliced through the other's aft fuse no elevator control or rudder con lage, and the now unburdened trol, only thrust from the engine screamed. Its right wing still-operating engine, and lateral had been shattered and it was com banking control by use of his ing down in a very fast-turning, aileron control wheel still attached almost flat spin, rotating almost as to the end of its now flapping, use a helicopter's rotor blades, spin less cockpit arm and the trailing ning rapidly, but descending dead elevators. This was not much slowly. We raced toward the scene with which to control an airplane as it hit with a frightful whump and how he ever got it down, I do and a cloud of dust and flying not know, but Jack did so and with parts. It was an awful sound. As we only a few moderate bounces. neared, the wreckage stirred as the While the plane was still rolling, he student pilot pushed crumbled de cut the engine and as the propeller bris aside, crawled out from under, flopped to a stop, she ground then ran with all his might for 100 looped and then as she slowed the yards, where he slowly sat down dangling tail fell off and dragged and then lit a cigarette. When we and bounced behind, held to the got to him, he was leaning on an airplane only by the still intact, but totally useless, control cables and elbow and puffing away, unhurt. But the second Taylorcraft was tail running light wires. We ran to the airplane and still up there and in real trouble. slapped his back over and over Three of its four fore-and-aft-run ning fuselage steel tubing again, and congratulated him, and longerons, just forward of the sta laughed with him as he mopped bilizing and controlling tail his brow. Jack was later to become surfaces, had been severed by the a very dear friend and we were to other plane's propeller and its ver work alongSide each other for tical and horizontal tail surfaces many years with the same airline. ..... were canted sharply upward and He's gone now.
As we neared, the wreckage stirred
the student pilot
pushed crumbled debris aside, crawled out from unde0 then ran with all his might for
yards, where he slowly sat down and then lit
It had been a fine spring day and I was walking back to the hangar from the airport lunchroom with McGlynn and Harry Ward, when there was a terrible "whump" in the sky above us and splinters of wood and torn fabric began raining down . Soloing students in two red Taylorcrafts had collided with each other while flying the downwind leg of the airport circuit pattern. In these side-by-side, high-wing aircraft, the pilot sat just beneath the wing which placed his eye level only a few inches below the wing's lower surface , thus causing bad blind spots. One of the trainers had been descending, the other climb ing, with each in the other's blind spot, continuing until the pilot be low, at the last moment, saw a plane's landing gear wheels de scending rapidly toward him just forward of his windshield. They collided, and for many sec onds were locked together. Then they came apart and more fabric and debris fell. One airplane's wooden propeller had been chewed to a splintered stub where it had
Flying or Fun
By Lauran Paine
Artwork by Jim Newman
ust recently finished recur
rent ground school at my
airline. It was magnificent.
We discussed GCUs, BBPUs,
DC GENs, AC GENs, TRUs, PSEUs, ECUs, FIBAR, LOGERS, and WOW lights. We even got into ZN TOL, DDTOL, and six-six-and-six. And spoilers, TCAS, GPW, and TCAs. I even passed the test. Well, I did miss some of the "Chakerian Ques tions." (Chakerian's the guy who updated the test). You know the type questions: "What is the square root of the fuel output of the HMU at takeoff power? Consider the coeffi cient of expansion for titanium at ISA +20 in your answer and show your work." There was one thing that was not mentioned during the three days of ground school: flying for fun. Yeah, just flying for fun, the reason most of us got started in this aviation business. In all our modern day so phistication I think the concept of fun often gets overlooked. Sure, professional avia tion is a serious business but it's not so serious that we shouldn't occasionally rekindle the spirit of flying just for the joy of it. So when I got home I put on my jeans and cowboy boots and my "Real Airplanes Have Round En gines" T-shirt and sauntered on out to the local airdrome. Opened the hangar door and there it sat. Stear man. Fifty years old, sitting on its tail, nose pOinted proudly up. No cockpit key. No cockpit door. No cockpit roof.
10 MARCH 2000
Walked around it. Patted it. Fine linen. Talked to it. Asked it how it was doing. Checked the oil. Got some on me and wiped it on my p<lnts. The fun was beginning. Pushed it out into the sunshine. Looked at it. Pure. Simple. Strong. The heart beats a little faster; the soul comes alive. Got in. Seat belt on, just like an airliner. Similarity stops there, how ever. Flight controls are manual: no hydraulics, no spoilers. Stick con nects to rods to cables. You can check the connections by looking down beneath your feet; no floor, just a couple boards where your feet go. Before you go and get uppity on me, the Stearman does have hydraulics: the brakes. You tap the pedals and a rod goes into a cylinder that has a line that goes to the wheels and ex pands some stuff in there. 'Bout all you need to know; don't use 'em much anyway. Anti-skid? Anti-skid is a ground loop. We try not to use anti-skid. Fuel system? You bet; we have one. No electronic enrichment, however. Throttle is connected to a rod that disappears through the firewall and goes to the, get this, carburetor. I know it's there because I bolted it on. Didn't use any metric tools either. Fuel quantity system? Yup. Cork floats in the gas. Cork has a wire on it that I can see through a sight gauge. Single point refuel, too. Only one fuel cap. Switch on. It's the shiny one. I emphasize 'one' because it is about
the only one. Kinda clicks when you turn it on. They tell me that click is the solenoid. Doesn't matter. If it doesn't click it doesn't work. Thumb on the button we found on one of the dusty hangar shelves and the prop turns. Eventually all the clanking stops and the round motor settles into idle. Smoke. Vi bration. Wind in the face. Word's can't describe... "Taxi to lOL via Sierra Six to Bravo then Sierra Five to the inner ramp then Echo Two to Echo?" Nope. Just mosey over to where the grass is smashed down. Don't get uppity on me again; we have a radio. Just can't hear it very well over all the beauti ful engine sounds. It detracts. We know when we have to use it. Don't have to use it to mosey. Center line lights? Transmissome ters? CAT II hold lines? Sorry. Centerline weeds, maybe. Line up on the weeds. Push up the throttle. Aut ofeather? Hope not; only have one feather. Tail comes up. How many airliners can do that? The runway that was hidden behind the engine appears. Then disappears. Couple of hundred feet to flight. Again, how many airliners can do that? Gear up? Nope. They are welded where they need to be; leave them alone, thank you. Flaps up? Not! "Contact departure control?" Sure. Wave to the small group that always gathers when the Stearman flies. Don't put your arm out too far in the slipstream though. You're go ing darn near ninety. Your arm will involuntarily conform to the slip
~) \ \
stream if you're not careful. VORl Transponder? Radar vec tors? VNAV? RNAV? MLS? Naw, just roads, rivers, towns, and mountains. Settle in. Noise. Wind. Slow mov ing scenery. Guyon the combine disappears beneath the leading edge of the lower wing. He reappears shortly beneath the trailing edge. Guy in the boat in the river makes a U-turn and stops. I watch the wake dissipate. I look up. Blue sky. My goggles just about blow off my face. This is flying; this is fun. It just does n't get any better than this. It just doesn't. I fly on to make it last; I am lost in joy.. . Return for landing. Vectors to the localizer and couple up the autopi lot. Right! Line up on final. Runway disappears behind the round motor up front. Pick out some landmarks at the end of the runway I know are there. Grass rushes by under the
lower wing. Wheels touch and I be gin talking sternly to my airplane. "Go straight. Go straight. Go straight. Don't you even try to swap ends." It goes straight. I don't use the anti-skid. Taxi to the hangar. Don't have to use the hydraulic system (the brakes, remember?). Just throttle on back and she comes to a stop. Shut her down. Don't move. Just sit there. Listen. Light breeze. Engine crackles. Reflect: this is living; the world would be a better place if more people could experience this. It really would. Push her back in the hangar; gotta go fly the airliner tomorrow. SophiS tication. Structure. Weather. Traffic. Don't get me wrong; I love what I do. I know it would be difficult for an airline to show a profit with a fleet of Stearmans. But nowhere in the operations manuals, the stan
dards manuals, or the FARs does the word 'fun' appear. When is the last time you heard the FAA use that word? So I just went out and made it so. You can too. All you need is a small airplane-I prefer fabric and tail wheels but I certainly won't begrudge you metal with a nose wheel-to fly off a small airport far from a city on a nice day. It's where it's at. Promise. Back to the airline ground school instructor/friend Chakerian. Remem ber? The square root guy? I think I can lead him to the truth. In fact, I know I can because he said he'd buy the gas. I have him studying for my ground school. I'm gonna ask him, "How many wings does a Stearman have?" Answer: enough to fly just for the fun of it. (Editor'S Note: Lauran's article origi nally appeared in the Stearman Restorer's Association newsletter.) ~ VINTAGE AIRPLANE
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
EAA #21 VAA #5 P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
Losing and Learning
We lost a good friend this week, former EAA Museum Foundation Di rector, radio personality and good friend, Bob Collins. In addition to being an avid sport pilot, motorcyclist, and advocate of free speech, he was a friend to seem ingly everyone. We all felt he was our personal radio announcer/com mentator and that he was our personal champion. His demise was and is a tragedy. Maybe it could have been avoided, but rather than speculate or point fingers, perhaps we should review some of our basic flight instruction . I was taught from the very begin ning of my flight instruction to never fly in a straight line. Climbing turns and gliding turns were for the pur pose of vigilance. Climbing or descending in a straight line was dangerous, because you could climb up into an unseen aircraft above you or descend into an aircraft below you. I had all but disregarded that when I became an airline pilot, until that one day when we were climbing on course at cruise speed and had a near miss. I was an experienced copilot, my captain an old-timer, and I hasten to add, one of the best. We were run 12 MARCH 2000
ning a little behind schedule (what else is new) and in an attempt to make up the time, were climbing on course at cruise speed. Captain Joe was using the PA sys tem, telling the passengers what we were doing and how we were going to make up as much time as possible. As he was talking he was hand flying the airplane and giving most of his attention to his speech. We all do this; there aren't many people who can efficiently talk into a micro phone and give full attention to the matters at hand, too. Take a look at the cars weaving to and fro while somebody talks on a cell phone! As a matter of fact, there is legislation here in Illinois that allows the police to intervene if they spot someone talking on a telephone while driving. Something attracted my attention just above the center of the wind shield. It was an ADF teardrop on the belly of a DCA and it was on ly a few feet above our airplane. His cruise speed and our climb-cruise speed were the same. I could see the rivets on the belly ... we were that close! I began to apply forward pressure on the yoke. Captain Joe began to pull, I pushed a little harder, and since he was talking on the PA sys tem, I didn't want to make noises
that would alarm the passengers. I pushed a little harder, he pulled harder, and I kept looking at that ADF dome and those rivets until he finally looked over at me and I mo tioned for him to look up... He PUSHED! We both sat there hyperventilat ing with the realization that we had come very close. I don't recall our ever filing a report on this. Maybe if we had it would have prevented the incident that happened just a few weeks later over South Bend, Indi ana. Same scenariO, a different crew, again a UAL Convair 340 climbing on course. They came right up under an American Airlines 240, sticking their topside antennas into the belly of the airplane. The minor structural damage and the resultant sudden de compression almost blew both airplanes away. Equipment, logbook, hats and coats went out the hole in United's Convair, and the radios were inoperable because they lost their antennas. Baggage and cargo blew out of the belly of the other Convair. Both airplanes made safe landings,
-Continued on page 25
Reserve Gran~ (~ampion '99 drbdrd dnd [d Moore, of West Mystic, Connecticut, ~dve t~ree c~ildren. At ledst dccording to t~em, t~ey ~dve t~ree.lf, ~ow足 ever, you dS~ t~eir grown c~ildren ~ow mdny Moore siblings t~ere dre, t~ey'll dll SdY t~ere's dn older Moore c~ild t~dt brings t~e count to four. T~ey SdY t~dt older c~ild ~dS consistently ~ogged dll of t~eir pdrent's dttention. T~e rest of t~e world ~nows t~dt c~ild dS ~owdrd DGA-I~P. To t~e ~ids, ~owever, it's simply u~owie," t~e dttention-see~ing sibling.
By Budd D~visson VINT AGE AIRPLANE 13
hese days, the Moore children and Ed's 93-year-old mother point at the Howard with a cer tain amount of pride. After all, the judges selected it as Reserve Grand Champion -Antique, at the annual beauty contest in Oshkosh, 1999, thus making it the last such Cham pion of the millennium. The Moore children aren't really jealous and the Howard is far from be ing the first airplane in their lives which shared in their parent's affec tion. Airplanes have been part of the Moore tradition since long before they were born, so, they've grown up with airplanes as part of their tribe. Ed Moore, a native of Queens, New York had to have been born with a se vere case of "aviationitis" as being an aviation nut in the five boroughs of NYC isn't as easy as elsewhere in the
140. For his instrument ticket, he jumped into the then sophisticated Piper Tri-Pacer. By that pOint he was hooked on aviation and, after going to college at Queens College, got his first paying job ferrying new aircraft out of Piper's Lock Haven plant to dealers all over the country. Then, it was out to the very tip of Long Island where he was flying air taxis out of Montauk Point. Ed continued building time until he finally found himself in the right seat of an airliner, which was his ca reer until retiring a few years ago. During his quarter of a century with the airlines he flew nearly everything. At the beginning he was looking out at the whirling props on his DC-3's and his final assignment was flying L 1011's across the pond to Europe. The technological progress was enormous.
friend, Paul Gillman, figured heavily in bringing the Fleet back to life as he did in the later Howard project. Three years later the Fleet returned to its ele ment with the only concessions to modern times being a tailwheel in place of the skid and a steel Ham Standard prop. Has he had the Fleet to Oshkosh? No because " ... it's too far, the air plane's too slow and my rear end can only take just so much." Then one day they had the Fleet at an airshow and they saw a yellow and black DGA-15 Howard. Ed says Bar bara looked at him, serious as a heart attack, and said, "If we ever buy an other airplane, that's what it's going to be." The seed was planted. That was 1982 and they began dis cussing the possibility of a Howard with friends, one of whom called and
...thfY saw aYfllow and black DGA-15I1oward. (d says Barbara lookfd at him, sfrious as
ahfart attack, and said, ulf Wf fVfr buy anothfr airplanf, that's what it's going to bf!'
country. To even begin to get out where grassroots airports exist means a serious pilgrimage out of town. In the late 1950's, however, when Ed was still in high school and coming to terms with his affliction, there was still one airport which existed within the New York City proper. Designated Flushing-Queens Airport, most of the locals usually referred to it as Speeds'. It was tucked between the buildings just on the other side of the East River and no matter which direction the student looked on downwind, he was staring at lots and lots of buildings . On final, the runway looked like a slash through the Alaskan bush except the trees were made of concrete. We won't even mention the other airport just a few klicks down the road - La Guardia! Very intimidating. But it was heaven for a young Ed Moore. Flying out of Flushing, Ed rapidly soloed a J-3 Cub, then got his private and commercial licenses in a Cessna 14 MARCH 2000
Ed and Barbara make no bones about the fact that even though Ed made his living flying the most ad vanced aircraft available, their hearts were with airplanes of a different age. In fact, when they decided to buy their first airplane it was a Fleet Model 1 which had been "updated," mean ing its creaky old 110 hp engine had been replaced with a 125 hp Warner. Ed says his choice was driven by " ... grass runways and old fashion fly ing," and Barbara is quick to chime in " ...and round motors. Don't forget round motors." The Fleet was a flying airplane when they got it, but it had never been fully restored, having had a se ries of Band-Aids applied over the years. They flew for a few months, just enough to convince themselves it was a worthwhile project, then took it apart and dragged it into their garage. Ed says it was a " ...family project with everyone involved." A good
told them about a ground looped Howard somewhere out in the Mid west. They went out and looked at it. Deciding it was a good project for them, they put a down payment on it and went home thinking they had an airplane. Then came another call that told them the seller had decided to sell it to someone else despite their down payment. The Moores were not happy people. They were, however, now serious about finding a Howard. The trail for the "right" airplane led them all over the country and eventu ally to Eureka, California. Here, too, even though the airplane was a "...clean, solid airframe that was a fly ing airplane," they were to be disappointed. After three hours of ne gotiating, they couldn't get the price down to what they wanted to pay. Turning their back on the airplane, they drove into town and were sitting at a diner over breakfast when Ed says Barbara looked across the table at him
instrument panel shows the airplane's Navy instrument train足 er heritage and the unique control yoke pedestals protruding from the panel add to the beefy image of the
Hulking grace. The Howard DGA-15 looks
and said, "You know, you're a jerk! You're less than $2,000 apart. We've spent more than that looking at air足 planes and this is a good airplane. Go buy it!" Ed took the hint, left his eggs to cool, and went to a pay phone where he bought the airplane. "The owner didn't want me to fly it from the left seat and I'd never flown 16 MARCH 2000
one. So I did five or six touch and goes from the right seat and that was it," Ed says. The owner had been flying the air足 plane for 27 years and really didn't want to sell it but, " ...he needed a hip replacement and didn't have insur足 ance. He'd never seen the airplane fly until I took off with it. Barbara was with him, as she had to return
the rental car, and she says he had tears in his eyes. We felt terrible. Ab足 solutely terrible. So, next year, we're taking the airplane back to Eureka and let him fly it." The airplane was painted brown with Day-Glo registration numbers and on two of the three fuel stops on the way home, Ed says people said, "Wow! With numbers like those we at
least know you aren't running drugs." One of the first things they did when they got home was to repaint the liN" numbers a more subtle color. The airplane proved to be a solid performer and they flew it for nearly six years before deciding to rebuild it. They had it at Sun 'n Fun twice, each time with a sign displayed that said, "Some day we're going to rebuild it." They still have the sign and are think ing of continuing to display it with the airplane. Of course, the logical re sult of that will be people looking at the now nearly perfect airplane and saying " ...rebuilt it? To what!?" Originally a Navy NH-1 trainer, the Moore's Howard had always been in dry climates. After being surplused in 1946, the airplane went immediately to Klamath Falls, Oregon, then to the previous owner in Eureka, California which make the Moores only its third civilian owner. The airplane had always been hangared, some thing which Ed says contributed to the basic airframe being " ... almost perfect inside. There was no corro sion or rot anywhere." What they did discover, however was a substantial crack in the left main spar. This was found by Mark Grusauski, North Canaan, CT, who was their choice to do most of the re build. Once the Moores start talking about Grusauski, it's obvious it is more than simply a professional rela tionship. In fact, Ed is so enthusiastic about Mark's skills and dedication to the project he said, "I love that kid . Absolutely love him." Grusauski runs a company named Wing Works, but Ed says airplanes aren't Mark's business, they are his life and it shows on the Moore's Howard. They are so concerned that Mark knows how much they appreci ate his work, that the championship trophy is going to stay at Mark's for the first year. Grusauski, who is 39 years old, opened up the damaged wing and re placed all but 30" of the tip of the spar and reskinned the wing. In so doing, he found the rest of the wood in both wings was excellent and the
glue was holding up perfectly. He stripped the rest of the airplane down to nothing, sand blasting and painting as he brought the airplane back up. All of the metal fairings were replaced, which shows his skill with the English wheel. Everything which carried elec tricity in the airplane was replaced by Paul Gillman who also did all of the systems. Mark subbed the fabric work on the tail out to noted antiquer jim jenkins who also did the final paint along with Mark. When discussing the paint, Ed gets a little more intense, as the experience of painting the airplane turned out to be fairly intense. The color they se lected started out as a 1997 Corvette red. Somewhere along the line, they found the paint supplied for the metal didn't match what they'd already shot on the fabric. This is a common prob lem, but they weren't about to accept a mismatch regardless of how minor it might be. Ed took the rudder down to DuPont in Delaware and they mixed some paint they said would match. It didn't. Repeatedly, they would shoot a part and it would look good until they took it outside where it didn't match in sunlight. Finally, Mark ran out of patience with the professional paint mixers, and began modifying the formula himself a little at a time. Finally, after a solid month of mixing and testing paint, he called Ed and told him they'd finally hit the right mix. Ed took one look, agreed and they finished painting the airplane. In doing the interior Ed had more freedom than many do in restoring airplanes because the lSP's were originally military airplanes which were all modified when surplused. For that reason is no such thing as a truly "standard" interior other than the military style. Ed and Barbara de cided on a relatively simple interior which they feel is " ... representative of what Wallace Beery might have had in his airplane." The material used for the seats is 1940 Cord (as in Auburn-Cord-Dusenburg) and the headliner is 1940 Packard. They had
the interior done by john Chase of Skin and Bones (don't you love that name?) of Marlborough, Mass. john really got into the project and, rather than moving parts to his shop, moved his sewing machine to the airport. Barbara says, lilt was really hot out there and John would be working on the airplane and look up and say 'isn't this great?'. He was loving it." The Moores had had the engine overhauled by Dumont only 60 hours prior to tearing the airplane down for rebuild, so it was in basically good condition. They pickled it, but when rehanging it replaced all of the hoses and gaskets. The airplane flew for the first time July 26th, only two days before EAA AirVenture '99 was to begin. They fine tuned it, then left for Oshkosh. "I gave Mark his first ride at that time and he's still grinning. To us, it's a toss-up as to who actually owns the airplane, us or Mark; he loves it that much. When I left he told me to 'be careful', which we were and are." One of the high points for the week, besides winning the trophy was running down to the Howard reunion at DuPage County Airport in northern Illinois. There, Al Lund, who owns two Howards himself, told the Moores /I All the Howard owners have gotten together and we've decided to ban you from further gatherings." He was laughing at the time. So what's next for the Moores? Well, they have a Fleet 16B in stor age and then there are the five Howard projects he and a partn er brought back from Alaska. Will they do another Howard? "If we do, we at least now know how to do it, now." In contacting his daughter to tell her they'd won the award and were going to tour the US for a little while, his daughter told him he should get a beeper so they can contact him when they need him. His reply was, /INot a chance. Did you keep in con tact with me when you were sixteen?/1 So, it looks as if Howie has won again. ~
Sponsored by EAA vintage Aircraft Chapter 22 of Ohio By Candy Williamson
n east central Ohio, tucked in side the wooded rolling hills and quiet farms, is a well main tained grass landing strip and one of the most amiable groups of peo ple you'll find anywhere. Last September, when fly-ins across the country were winding down for the year, the sky over South Zanesville, Ohio was alive with a colorful variety of aircraft and pilots. Such has been the case every year since 1991, when the EAA Vintage Aircraft Chapter 22 of Ohio began sponsoring its Annual Antique & Classic Fall Fly-In at John's Landing Field, approxi
mately 60 miles east of Columbus. The local EAA chapter was started back in 1990 with just seven members. As with all newly formed chapters, the EAA allowed the group to choose which number they wanted to represent their lo cal chapter. This became one of the first orders of business and, in a relatively short period of time, Chapter 22 was agreed upon. Why the number "22?/I According to some of the founding members, it was for a couple of reasons: 1) the close proximity of the group to Route 22 in South Zanesville, and 2) the phrase "Catch 22/1- which
the members felt was a very appro priate description of their organization in its beginning stages (i.e. if something could go wrong, it would go wrong). In spite of the Catch 22 refer ence, the group had been quite successful and active since its hum ble beginnings back in 1990, and with a current membership of 35, boasts the title of the only EAA Vintage Aircraft chapter in the state of Ohio. The landing strip used for the annual fly-in has a story all its own. Over the years, and with support from members of EAA Chapter 22, friends and local neighbors, John .... ." .
Doc Smith spends few moments looking over the business end of the KR-21 restored by the
1'~~~;~I~I~~ii~~~:~~ ill 18 MARCH 2000
late Brown Dilliard, Vi Blowers and their friends.
The beautiful field at John's Landing near Zanesville, Ohio.
Morozowsky, his wife Virginia and their son, Anthony, turned what was once a reclaimed strip mine into their dream-a private airport known as John 's Landing. This grass strip has been host to a col lection of some of the most popular
Vaughn Hawk starts to flare for landing in his clipped-wing Taylorcraft.
antique, vintage, rotor and homebuilt aircraft ever assembled. For the past eight years, some of the finest cloth and metal aircraft, such as Wacos, Ercoupes, Monocoupes, Stearmans, Stinsons,
Pipers, Cessnas-just to name a few-have been fly-in attendees. Many have been past trophy win ners at such notable events as Oshkosh and the Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In. The 1999 event was held on the sunny and unseasonably warm weekend of Septem ber 2S and 26, with Here are a couple of views of Will Graff's Pietenpol, well over 100 aircraft N1492G . Will's from Wadsworth, Ohio. participating. It was an impressive event. Both Saturday and Sunday began with a slight hint of fog on the ground and credit goes to the volunteers from Chapter 22 who dedicated man y hours safely mar shalling and parking the aircraft. Visit ing pilots and guests were greeted with the "4-star" hospi tality of the hosts, good conversation and, last but cer tainly not lea st, great food! Again, members of Chapter VINTAGE AIRPLANE
From Somerset, Ohio, this is Ralph Charles' 1942 Aeronca 65-TAL Defender rolling out after landing. Ralph is 100 years old!
weekend in his 1942 Aeronca De fender. At 99 years of age (and looking forward to his 100th birth day which took place this past November), Ralph currently holds the title of oldest active pilot in the
United States. His energy and enthusiasm was a delight to everyone. As mentioned earlier, Chapter 22 is a relatively small group, but it's clear that their dedication and love of aviation is as big as the sky it self; they should be commended for their com mitment to making each of their fly-ins a "first-class" success. It's quite evident that pilots and guests from Ohio and surrounding states find a friendly home for the weekend at John 's Landing. Even the FAA boys have a good time (it was rumored that one even loosened his necktie)! So don't forget to mark your cal endar for late September 2000 and set your frequency to 263° from Zanesville VOR (Latitude 39° 53' 55", Longitude 82° 06' 37") where great aircraft, delicious food and a warm family welcome will greet you at the upcoming 9th Annual Vintage Aircraft Fall Fly-In at John's Landing. ~
Tony Morozowsky gives yet another of one of his many rides flown during the annual event. This time his passenger is Jane Williamson, a 1O-year-old from Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
22 volunteered their time and tal ents over the course of the weekend to prepare hot meals-seasoned just right with a little homespun humor and served with a smile from the cooking crew-for the fly in attendees. A special highlight was the huge "John's Landing" cast iron kettle, filled with gallons of hot bean soup and slowly sim mered over an open fire. This year's attendees were far too numerous to mention individually, but it would be a serious omission not to mention one fly-in partici pant in particular-one of Chapter 22's own members-Ralph Charles, who roared out of the sky that 20 MARCH 2000
Dale Crites and the Curtiss Pusher By Richard Hill
nough years have passed since Dale flew the Curtiss ing the engine were like a religious chant. Charlie would Pusher at any event, that many of our readers will call for an item; Dale would check and then answer. It not know who Dale Crites was. Also, very little has was also quite awkward for Charlie to swing that big been written to make people aware of Dale Crites and his wooden prop while starting the "01' OX." When it planes. For many years, his Pusher was to be seen at al started and belched a cloud of smoke back at him, I re most any Midwest air event. He asked for no special ally wanted him to get right out of that lion's cage. But handling, only the opportunity to fly his plane. Many he never flinched. It was always possible that the engine times he went out when I personally thought it was ask would quit if it was cold and he would have had to go to ing too much; in fact, I the trouble of crawling once had an argument back in. about scheduling his Dale flies "Kaminski's Sweetheart" during the 1969 EAA air show at The first Pusher Dale the Waukesha County airport in Wisconsin. flights at Oshkosh for flew was called the later in the day. My "Sweetheart" by its thoughts were twofold: owner, Dick Kaminski, first, when you schedule ~ who started flying it in a show, it would seem a. 1912. He many demon ~ strations with the plane more interesting to have the best event last, after ~c: but ventually it was a build-up. That also ~ damaged, stored and for would move his flight to gotten. Many years later a time when the wind someone found it and had died down; of began a restoration. Lit course, my suggestions tle was done and Dale were not wanted. took over to complete Most of his flights the restoration and be were mere demonstra gin flying the plane. tions, but just seeing that old plane in flight was a crowd Dale and his twin brother, Dean, born in January of stopper. For us Midwesteners, it was commonplace to see 1907, were icons in Wisconsin aviation, having been ac Dale get in the seat and pull down his goggles, necessary tive since the late 1920s. Their flying school was well of course because he was first in line whenever a bug was known and many Milwaukee aviators owe their individ out cavorting around. We were accustomed to watching ual expertise to them. Judge Charlie Dewey clamber through the proliferation There have been many attempts to build Pushers, but of bamboo, wing struts and wires to get in position to Dale's would be the most aut hentic because it was a restoration, not scratch built. People have flown several pull the prop on the old OX-So Their calls back and forth while primping and prim- of them with modern engines, and to me that would be
Dale arrives with the Pusher loaded on the trailer and on top of his Chevy Kingswood Estate station wagon. Just as in the days of old, Dale would transport the Pusher from event to event, rather than endure a cross-country flight with the Pusher.
like having a tractor pulling a one horse-shay . One guy was even so crass as to build a mini-pusher and also use a modern flat-four engine. Tom Murphy of The Dalles, Ore gon was a lot more accurate while building a Pusher to re-create an early event. He flew the 80th an niversary of a flight from the post office building in Vancouver, Wash ington to nearby Pearson Field with a trusty OX-5. That field was the site where a crew landed after a nonstop polar flight from Russia in 1934. The Curtiss OX-5, a water-cooled aviation engine, was designed and built before WW 1. It developed 90 hp at 1,400 revolutions per minute. With prop, hub, water, oil and all, it weighed nearly 400 pounds . That
Dale and the F-117 crews who came to visit EAA Oshkosh '90.
gave a very poor power to weight ra tio. Even so, the engine flew more than a generation of aviators. Many of those engines are still going. For example, at the annual Midwest An tique Airplane Club meeting at Brodhead, Wisconsin , six water cooled engines are constantly in the air. In a personal interview with the late Steve Wittman, he told me that he flew an OX-5 powered Pheasant in the Transcontinental Race. He said that there were two positions for the throttle: closed and open! The Curtiss OX-5 was the most produced aircraft engine for WW-I. Literally thousands were built and most of them went into the Curtiss "Jenny," the principal flight trainer for the U.S. Army. From 1919 on,
Understandably, the security around the Stealth fighter was tight. Here, two of the security force gendarmes stand watch over Dale and his Pusher.
22 MARCH 2000
the Jenny was the star of weekend fairs and fly-in events all over Amer ica. The next decade saw the OX-5 engine in almost every new plane that was built. By 1930 supplies of new OX-5s were nearly depleted. Other, more powerful engines be came available and the OX was largely forgotten. But not the pilots that it trained. They were the "Barnstormers." They became the pilots who gave thou sands of people their first glimpse of the ground from high in the clouds. These same pilots were to be the flight instructors who trained the next generation destined to head off to war. General Hap Arnold started looking for "a few good men" to do the wartime training in the late 1930s, and Dean and Dale were there for all of that wartime training and for the years afterward. They contin ued and were going strong when Dale lost a battle with cancer in Feb ruary 1991. Dean is still with us, a patron saint of aviation. He attends most all of the nearby aviation events and is ever a promoter of avi ation, sharing his knowledge with anyone bright enough to ask a ques tion. In the early twenties, when the Navy needed a more powerful en gine in their modified Jenny seaplane, the OXX-6 was produced. A second set of spark plugs was added and the cylinder bore was in creased 1/8". Turning 1,500 rpm, it
Three "Pushers" from different eras-The 1911 Curtiss Pusher, the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt (rear) and the F-117 Nighthawk.
VAA Director Jeannie Hill stands with one of her favorite pioneer aviators, the late Dale Crites of Waukesha, WI.
produced 102 to 110 hp. Another development from this engine was the air-cooled Tank con version. Two brothers from Milwaukee, Frank and Al Tank took an OX-5 and removed the original cylinders, replacing them with air cooled units that they had cast. This engine developed 115 hp. Several are still airworthy. The OX-5 Robins, Birds, Wacos, Travel Airs and many other types carried a generation of commerce while awaiting the development of the Ford, Stinson, Fokker and other
trimotors; trimotors because engine power did not grow as fast as the need for mass transportation. When Dale toured with the Pusher, he would drive on site, pulling a trailer with the plane folded inside. The Pusher was built in 'ready to assemble' sections because, in the early days, no one ever went very far by air. It was much safer and much less expensive to haul it cross-coun try than it was to fly it. In the old days, the airplanes were often shipped by rail. Even so, at one local fly-in, Dale departed to make a 20 mile cross country flight while taking the Pusher back to Waukesha Airport where he had restored it. Dale and the Pusher came into the spotlight each time with no fanfare, and left the same way. Sometimes he would slip away, not wanting to bother anyone who was watching the air show, saying good bye to no one. On arrival at an aviation meet, there would be a scurry as the plane was unloaded and assembled. Then the real show would start as he climbed on and Charlie squeezed through the fly ing wires. The plane sat on tricycle landing gear. The nose wheel was not steerable, so Charlie had to walk with the plane to the takeoff site and steer it by pulling the tail down and swinging it. The same
was necessary on return. During the years they re-cre ated two other very important events. One by taking his daugh ter for a ride, seated beside him on the leading edge of the wing-a feat that had not been accom plished since the days when these planes were new. The other was the re-creation of Glen Hammond Curtiss' first "Hydroplane" flight from Keuka Lake, New York. Hammondsport is located at the southern tip of the lake and that is also the site of the Curtiss Aviation Museum. During the water portion of that event, the noisy powerboat oper ators who wanted a close-up look gave him no consideration. They created heavy, dangerous wakes but Dale was unruffled. During this event a smaller steel replica of Glenn Curtiss' original Pusher was unveiled near the shore. During the 1990 EAA Conven tion, Jeannie Hill asked Dale if he would like to have a photo session with the "Stealth Fighter." After a short discussion, the plane was moved and Jeannie took the photos for this article with the pusher and the big jet. Actually, look closely the Stealth and Curtiss are a pair of "Pushers." Here we have photos of what is actually the oldest, most primitive aircraft in Wisconsin and the newest, most scientifically de signed, transsonic, laser guided aircraft in the world. Parked to gether at the 1990 Convention, they demonstrate the extremes of technology. The "Sweetheart" is displayed in the EAA AirVenture Museum and the Stealth is proba bly doing reconnaissance over Bosnia. Dale built three more of these planes after retiring the Sweetheart. One is at the Curtiss Museum in Hammondsport. Another can be viewed hanging from the rafters of the airline terminal at Milwaukee'S Mitchell Field. The other remaining pusher is owned by Dale's son and is stored on the West Coast. ~ VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Coffman OX-5 Monoplane
YSTE PL N by H.G. Frautschy December's Mystery was much more difficult than usual, with Sam Burgess and Marty Eisenmann send ing us these answers. Marty had it right:
" .. . I have to guess the December MP is the Coffman OX-5 monoplane No.3. The reference is from Ceo. Cood head's articles in March 1987 and July 1990. Quite comprehensive!" Marty E. Alta Lorna, California.
Sam may have missed it but his answer was fun anyway! ''It certainly not a Curtiss Robin, but I believe it to be an Overcashier with a Waco 10 cowl; I have no history on it. There was one in the Detroit, Michi gan area in the late 1930s, and it won and OX-5 race in Pontiac. In this event I flew a Travel Air along with a Robin, two Waco lOs, a Fairchild KR-31 and another Travel Air. With a solo license, I would do anything for free flying time.
As my aircraft was the slowest, the pro moter of the race offered me $5 to break a bag offlour over the side of the cock pit to simulate a fire and tum away at the third circuit. Those old birds had grease and oil all over them and I had placed the bag on the floor but when I reached for the bag, the oil soaked bottom gave way and the flour exploded in the cockpit. I could not see as the flour had turned to dough in my eyes, so knowing how sta-
The unusual wingtips on this pioneer era Mystery Plane should be a strong clue for those of you who enjoy reviewing the early days of aviation. Send your answers to: EAA, Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answers need to be in no later than April 25, 2000 for inclusion in the June issue of Vintage Airplane. You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to vintage@eaa.org Be sure to include both your name and address in the body of your note, and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the sub ject line. 24 MARCH 2000
-Pass it to Buck - from page 12
ble this old bird was, I just let go of the stick and added full power and re covered in somewhat level flight. The promoter and crowd were pleased and I'm still/ooking for my five bucks. It it's not the Overcashier, it makes for a good story anyway! Sam Burgess San Antonio, Texas Most everyone else thought it was the Overcashier as well, and they do look very similar, but a close look at the tail surfaces con firmed the original identification of the photo, which came from the collection of Charles Trask. Other answers were received by: Brad Larson, Santa Paula, CA; John Kennelley, Norwalk, IA; Robert F. Pauley, Farmington, MI .....
Wing Span
37 ft.
23 ft., 6 in.
Wing Area
247 sq.ft
Modified Clark Y
Gross Weight
Cruise Speed
120 mph
Landing Speed
38 mph
Coffman Model A Ranger
but again it could have been cata strophic. There were full loads on both airplanes, plus the crews. The point I am making is that simple climbing turns and better vigilance could have been a decid edly smarter action in both these cases. That refresher of the basics served me for the rest of my career and still does to this day. Another lesson that needs reiter ating is the straight-in approach. Tower or no tower, in my mind it's aNONO! Again, coming straight-in, whether you're talking to what you think is your traffic, the tower or are just plain no radio, that operation is absolute folly. This may be what happened to my good friend, Bob. He was cleared for a straight-in and for whatever reason, he lost sight of the other airplane after acknowledg ing it s p rese n ce. Durin g t h e NTSB press con fere n ce, they detailed the timeline of the accident. Less than a minute later d uring h is approach, he and the other pilot came together as they were both on final approach, only 1.9 miles from the end of run way 23 at Waukegan, IL. Take that extra two or three min utes. At an uncontrolled field, do a 360 o verh ead and stud y th e run way, look for obstructions and other traffi c. Controlled Field? Ask fo r a base leg or downwind entry -look ing out the widows during the turn, y ou ma y di scove r som eo n e n o t where the tower controller thought they were. LOOK! Ch eck the entire traffi c pattern , don't drag the downwind out so fa r that you have a miles long final and if yo u do, d o so m e "S" turns and check all sides, especially below. A midair can ruin your whole day. Be sides, we need all you EAA members, in ALL the Divisio n s, n ot just Vin tage! Over to you, f( ~ .r
by H.G. Frautschy
.. .
Indiana's had its share of snow this past winter and Tim LeBaron of Sheridan, Indiana has been having a grand old time with his 1940 Piper ]-5A slippin' along on SC-2 skis . This particular J-5 is powered by a 90 hp Continental, has been domiciled in Wisconsin nearly all of its life, until it was brought to the Hoosier state a year and a half ago.
This pretty grass field in Iowa is the setting for Sheldon Kongable's Champion Tri-Con; one of only 5 still registered with the FAA. Sheldon has a Continental 0-200 engine installed in his 7]C, replacing the original C-90. The unusual "half-tailwheel" configuration of the 7JC was an effort by Champion to make the airplane more docile on the ground, but the concept never did catch on. There were only 22 built in 1960. Most were converted to the 7FC standard tail足 wheel configuration.
WACO TREK By Pat Quinn Famed aviation artist Matt Jefferies (V AA 4026) of Studio City, California recently donated his pristine 1935 Waco YOC N 540Y to the Virginia State Aviation Mu seum in Richmond, Virginia. Shown here in the photo before its donation is Matt and his wife, Mary Ann. Bought in 1967 at Reno, Nevada, the Waco was in pretty sad condition when it was ferried to the Santa Paula Airport by Matt and renowned aviation illustra tor Bob O'Hara. He started an immediate restoration, doing much of the work with the help of his friends. The Waco's first post-restoration flight took place in April 1977. Growing up in Richmond, Virginia, Matt had admired the beautiful high-gloss black and white Waco cabin bi plane of Joseph Cannon, producer of Cannon towels. That was the paint scheme Matt chose to duplicate on his Waco. The YOC is powered with a 225 hp Jacobs. NCl7740 was purchased new in 1935 by the Adjutant General of the state of Indiana. Arriving in California during 1952 with his wife Mary Ann, Matt became a technical illustrator and artist for Air Progress, working for the magazine until 1962. He be-
Nixon Galloway photo
came an art director for Desilu Studios and in 1963 he designed the starship Enterprise for the famed Star Trek television series. (Another aviation notable had a hand in the creation of the Enterprise - Volmer Jensen 's shop built the model of the spacecraft for Desilu .) Matt re mained there through 1967 and the first 79 episodes. He often says the Enterprise paid for his Waco. He decided to donate the Waco to his home state avi ation museum as his flying career was coming to an end due to declining eyesight. Corporate pilot Freed Chisolm and Joanne Vest delivered it to Richmond.
From Kenai, Alaska come these two pictures of a set of Lange 2425 floats, complete with Stinson L-5 rigging. Tony Lange of Milwaukee, WI during WW-II built them. These shots were sent in by Dale Aldridge, 47910 Inter lake Dr., Kenai, AK 99611. The complete set is for sale. From the photos, the floats appear to be in excellent con dition. About the only thing missing would be the two nosepieces, which could be easily fabricated. A check back in time shows that a Stinson L-5 on floats was pictured on page 7 in the August 1989 issue of Vintage Airplane (inset). Judging by these latest photos, the floats in the 1989 photo is actually a set of Lange floats rather than Edo 44-2425 floats as mentioned. The rigging for the floats is quite a collection of pieces. The two long pipes are the spreader bars, with the long streamlined wires that form the "X" between the spreader bars. On the right are the two water rudders with the rear struts above them. The front struts are on the upper left (with the step attached) and the diagonal struts on the left side along with the two sets of cross wires from the floats to the airplane.
Fly-In Calendar The following list ofcoming events is furnished to our readers as a matter ofinformation only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction ofany event (/Iy-in, seminars, jly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, Att: Vintage Air plane, P.o. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be receivedfou r months prior to the event date. May 6 - RIVERSIDE, CA - Flabob Airport, EAA Vintage Chapter 33 1st Annual Fly-In. 760/244-3350.MA Y 6 - SAN MARTIN, CA Wings ofHistory "Old Fashion Spring Fever Fly- In. " ALL DA Yevent: aircraft exhibits, jly-bys,forums, camping, great food! Wings of History Air Museum, South County Air port, San Martin, CA. Call 408/683-2290 or Gayle Womack 408/353- 150 7 or www. wingsojhistory.org MA Y 7 - ROCKFORD, IL - EAA Chapter 22 Fly-in, drive-in breakfast at Greater Rock ford Airport, Courtesy Aircraft Hangar. 815/397-4995.
MAY 13 -ALPENA, MI - 7th. annual "Spring Bust Out "jlyin/ Pancake breakfast sponsored by EAA Chapterl021 7:30 am to /1 :30 am at Alpena County Regional Airport (A PN) for more information contact: Ray 517.354.5465 or Lee 517.354.2907, e-mail rbock@north land.lib.mi.lIS. MAY20-21- WINCHESTER, VA -EAA Chap ter 186 Spring Fly-ln. Winchester Regional Airport, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Pancake break fa st both days:8: 00 am - 11 :00 am. Static display ofvarious aircraft including classics, homebuilts, antiques and warbirds. Airplane and helicopter rides. Aircraft judging, chil dren 's play area and ongoing activities. Concessions, souvenirs, and goodfood. Info: Tangy Mooney at 703/780-6329 or EAA 186@netscape. net MAY21- WARWICK, NY -EAA Chapter 501 Annual Fly-In at Warwick Aerodrome (N72). 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Unico rn 123. O. Food, trophies will be awardedfor the different classes ofaircraft. Registration for judging closes at 2:00 pm. Info: Harry Barker, 973/838-7485. MAY 21 - ROMEOVILLE, IL - EAA Chapter 15 Fly-In Breakfast, 7:00 am - 12 Noon at Lewis Romeoville Airport (LOT). Contact: Frank Goebel 815/436-6153. May 26-28 - WATSONVILLE, CA - Chapter 11 9 Fly-1n & Air Show. www.watsonville jlyin.org JUNE 2-5 - READING, PA - Mid Atlantic Air Museum WW 1/ Commemorative Weekend.
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Reading Regional Airport. www.maam.org/ maam wwii. html Tickets at gate are $11 gate/$9 advance for adults and $3/$2.50 for children ages 6-12 (admission includes all entertainment). A special 3-day is also avail ablefor $20. JUNE 4 - ST. IGNACE, MI AIRPOR T - EAA Chapter 560 annual "Fly/Drive-In - Steak Out." Public welcome - 616/547-4255 or 616/238-0914. JUNE 15 - 18 - ST. LOUIS, MO - American Waco Club Fly-In, Creve Coeur Airport. Contacts: Phil Coulson, 616/624-6490 or Jerry Brown, 317/535-8882. JUNE 24 - GRANSONVILLE, MD - 4th an nual Talisman Field picnic and Fly-in. Grill items and drinks provided - bring a salad, covered dish or dessert. Bring the spouses and children. Info: contact Art Kudner, 410 827-7154 or talisman@friend.ly.net JULY 26 - AUGUST 1 - OSHKOSH, WI EAA ConventionlAirVenture Fly-ill. Visit the American Navion Society in the type club tent in the Vintage area soutlr ofthe Red Barn. Attend annual Navion dinner and Navion forum. Info: 9701245-7459. AUGUST 6 - QUEEN CITY, MO - 13th an nual Fly-In at Applegate Airport. Info: 660/766-2644. AUGUST 12 - CADILLAC, MI - EAA Chapter 678 Fly-In Brea!..fast, 0730 - 1100, Wexford County Airport (CA D). Info: Jim Shadoan, 2311779-8113. AUGUST 13-18 -SANTA MARIA, CA - Amer ican Navion Society National Convention. Info: 970/245-7459. SEPTEMBER 3 - MONDOVI, WI - Fly-In, Log Cabin Airport, Douglas 1. Ward, SI49 Segerstrom Rd., Mondovi, WI 54 755-7855, 715/287-4205. SEPTEMBER 24 - WAREHOUSE POINT, CT - The Antique Airplane Club ofConnecticut presents its 21st Annual Fly-In at Skylark Air park (7B6). Antiques, Classics and Warbirds. Judging and awards in 14 categories. Food, Fuel, Flymarket, Fun! 860/379-2355. Rain date: Oct. 1 SEPTEMBER 30 - ALPENA, MI - 4th annual " Fall Color Flyin "jlyin / BBQ sponsored by EAA Chapter 1021 I 1:00am to 3:00 pm at Alpena County Regional Airport (APN) for more information contact: Ray 517.354.5465 or Lee 517.354.2907, e-mail rbock@north land. lib. mi.us. OCTOBER 18-22 - TULLAHOMA, TN "Beech Party 2000" Staggerwing/Twin Beech 18/Beech owners/enthusiasts - sponsored by Staggerwing Beech Museum & Twin Beech 18 SOCiety. Info: 931/455-8463. OCTOBER 14-15 - WINCHESTER, VA - EAA Chapter 186 FaJl Fly-In. Winchester Re gional Airport, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Pancake breakfast both days:8:00 am - 11:00 am. Sta tic display of various aircraft including classics, homebuilts, antiques and warbirds. Airplane and helicopter rides. Aircraftjudg ing, children 's play area and ongoing activities. Concessions, souvenirs, and good food. Info: Tangy Mooney at 703/780-6329 or EAA 186@netscape.net
Glenn R. Darlington .... ... .. . ... . . · .............. York, W A, Australia Alexandre Souza .. ...... .. . ...... . · ....... Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil Tim M. Brown ......... . ......... . · ... ...... Prince George, BC, Canada Bill Houghton .. . . Vernon, BC, Canada Claude N. Fortin .......... ....... . · ............ . Montreal, PQ, Canada Ryan Duesing ... .. [rgina, SK, Canada Dennis C. Goll .............. ... .. . · .... .... . .. . Saskatoon, SK, Canada Tim Morgan . ... Calgary, AB, Canada Adam Smuszkowicz . . Toronto, Canada Terry Summach Saskatoon, SK, Canada Bernhard Fischer . . Landshut, Germany Alexander TrinJer . ... ... ...... .. . . · .......... Friedrichshaten, Germany Stephen Isbister .... .. ..... ... .... . · . ..... . . Hertsfordshire, Great Britain Gunnlaugur Karlsson .............. . · ................ Reykjavik, Iceland Thomas Blegstad ...... . .. .. ..... . . · ..... Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Johnny Johnson ..... .. Fairbanks, AK Joe Edmondson ..... Jackson Gap, AL Jerry L. Coates............ Mesa, AZ Ronald R. James ........ Phoenix, AZ John Lugten ... . ........ Tucson, AZ Carl Pfeiffer ............ Gilbert, AZ Cheryl M. Andrade .... . Hayward, CA Walt Bowe ............. Dublin, CA Robert Dean . .. ...... Lakewood, CA Pat Dincognito ....... Union City, CA Gerry E. Curtis ... ... Montebello, CA Jake Gaskell. .. . .... ... .. ........ . · . ... ..... . Rolling Hills Estates, CA Howard W. Jong .. Monterey Park, CA Joseph P. Littlejohn .... Vacaville, CA James E. McGee ..... Buena Park, CA George D. Meserve, Jr. .... ... . .... . · ................ Apple Valley, CA Jerome Morse . ..... Pacific Grove, CA Brian S. Norris .... .. .... Salinas, CA Rodolfo Salar .. ... ... Northridge, CA Carolyn Shields ..... Los Angeles, CA David L. Stits . .. . .. . .. Riverside, CA Stephen Stockebrand ... . .. Fresno, CA
Stanley Smallwood ... Long Beach, CA Richard O. Truchinski .......... ... . . .. ............... Santa Clarita, CA Samuel Vail. ......... .. . .. Ojai, CA John M. Huft ..... Pagosa Springs, CO Kevin Lewis ............ Denver, CO Stephen Kelly .... .. East Haddam , CT Andrew Baran ......... Ft. Pierce, FL Thomas A. Chaffee .... Melbourne, FL Ronald W. Coleman .. Jacksonville, FL James Eubanks ... .... Clearwater, FL Marc V. Faucher .......... Largo, FL Edward J. Grentzer. .. Palm Harbor, FL Alex Hudall ........ . Lynn Haven, FL Brendan Oriordan .. .... Sebastian, FL Mike Pollock ..... . . ..... Tampa, FL Art Rutherford .... . St. Petersburg, FL Russell Samuels ...... Hawthorne, FL Mark Herndon .... .... Fitzgerald, GA Ross L. Maynard .. . . Washington, GA John Irvine .... .... Marshalltown, IA Paul Collins ..... ....... .. Boise, ID Leland L. Hersh ........ Caldwell, ID E. James Adcock ....... Naperville, lL Black Jewell Popcorn, Inc .......... . ... . ... . ......... St. Francisville, IL Sean Dawkins ........ Lake Forest, IL Bruce Eckenberg . ... .. Metropolis, IL Earl Grandmaison ........ Harvard, IL Robert Griffith ....... New Lenox, IL John Hrabe ... .. ..... Orland Park, lL James Jones .... ..... ... Danville, [L Sue Nealey ....... Downers Grove, IL Hugh Ryan ...... . ... Wadsworth, IL August 1. Schramel .... Park Ridge, IL Gary A. Schulze . ... .... Vandalia, IL Tom Wachtel ... ........ Danvers, IL Bart Wisz .... ... ... Crystal Lake, IL Jay N. Selanders . ... ... Leawood, KS William Venohr ... .... Lawrence, KS John G. Hanks ...... .. ... Baker, LA Robert Brann .. ....... . Waquoit, MA David B. Strait ........ Pepperell, MA Jason D. Snyder. .... .. . Oakland, MD Ted A. Camp .. .. ....... . Detroit, MI Daniel J. Olah .... . . .. Huntington , MI Michelle Pittman .. Comstock Park, MI Robert Ryan ... .......... Attica, MI
Todd E. Trainor ... ..... Brighton, MI Neil K. Diercks ... ... . Red Wing, MN Matthew R. Ferrari.. Two Harbors, MN Kevin L. Shaw .. .. Golden Valley, MN Jeffrey R. Syring . ..... Elk River, MN Paul S. Bunch ...... .. Columbia, MO Robert Hill. ... .... .. Grandview, MO Terrance Lahey .... .. St. Charles, MO Lawrence Schilling ...... Ballwin, MO Stewart Thomson ..... . Stockton, MO Dean Western1eyer ... Springfield, MO Charles R. Sullivan II .. Cleveland, MS Joseph C. Varino III ..... ... .. .... . ........ . . .. ... Bay Saint Louis, MS Ed Chitwood ....... .. Greenville, NC Michael L. Corn ..... Wilmington, NC Tobias Grether ... .. ... Asheville, NC Danny R. Hughes . .. . ... Hickory, NC Eugene W Williams .... . Sapphire, NC Kevin Lockhart ... ...... Ogallala, NE Warren Hurd ........ Washington, NH Joseph H Gibson . .. .. . Mt. Laurel, NJ George T. Redfern Col. ............ . . ..... .. ..... ...... Flemington, NJ Robert Smetana .... Elmwood Park, NJ Philip Thompson ... Point Pleasent, NJ Joseph C. Zullo ... New Brunswick, NJ Donald Everett Axinn .... Jericho, NY Greg Black . ..... ... Kerhonkson, NY Bernard Gentile, Jr. ..... . Goshen, NY Elgin Ketcherside .. ... Woodside, NY Greg N. McBride ........ Oxford, NY Ronald P. Rios ..... Fort Johnson, NY Michael Santorelly .... .. Monroe, NY David Smith . .. Hopewell Junction, NY Kevin Breeden ..... .. . . Orrville, OH Norbert Lemle .......... Toledo, OH Bob Danielson ...... Strongsville, OH Dan Gaston ........... Norwalk, OH Jeffrey L. Morris . .. ..... ... ... .. . . ........... . .. Franklin Furance, OH Thomas Neal Thomson. Cleveland, OH Thomas R. Walker .... Grove City, OH Bryan R Steanson ..... Claremore, OK Mark Zulkey ........ .. . Duncan, OK Daniel R. Benua ..... . . . Portland, OR - continued on next page VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Barbara Dymek . .... .. .... ... .... .. . Jamison, PA
James Fenwick ...... . .... . ..... . . . Oakmont, PA
Denis Breining . . ...... .. ... .... .. ... Austin, IX
Robert Cavnar .. .. .... . . . . . .. .. . . .. Houston, IX
Jonathen Frank ..... ... . . . . . . .. .... . . Spring, IX
Glenn Johnston .. . ... .... ... .... Round Rock, IX
George Hom .. . . . .. ..... .... . .. . . Spicewood, IX
Earl M. Jensen ....... ... ........ . .... . Pharr, IX
John A. Kaler . . . .. ...... ... ..... San Antonio, IX
R W McBride .. . . .. . .. .... ... ..... . Mineola, IX
Lloyd D. Seatvet ....... .. ... . . . .... . Denton, IX
Lewis M. Beck .. ... . .. ... . ...... ... ... Eden, UI
Ron A. Carter .... . .. . ........... . . Bountiful, UI
David Edgerly ...... .. .... . .......... Sandy, UI
James B. Beville .. .. ....... ..... .. ... Linden, VA
Jerry Claytor . .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . ... ... Forest, VA
F. Elli son Comad .......... . ...... . Abingdon, VA
Kurt Lane ...................... .. . . Reston, VA
Art Rink ............. ... . . .... .. . Leesburg, VA
Peter Kelley ...... .. .. . .. . . ... ..... . .. Barre, VI
David Desmon .. .. . ... .. .. .... . . . Bremerton, W A
Dale Kremer .... .. . . ... . ....... .. . . Seattle, WA
Rocky Phoenix....... . .. ... ........ Poulsbo, WA
Wayne Rogers ........ .. ........ Bellingham, WA
Charles J. Becker ........... .. .... .. Oshkosh, WI
Floyd W. Schn1idt ...... .. ......... Cedarburg, WI
Jack D. Williams . ............... Lake Geneva, WI
Robert E. Bradshaw .. . .. .. . ...... . ... Casper, WY
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexp ensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elu sive part. .50¢ per word, $8.00 minimum charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, W154903-3086, or fax your ad and your credit card number to 9201426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th of the month fo r insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g. , October 20th for the December issue.)
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Clark &Mary Dechant Lakeland, FL and TaiÂŁ, Saudi Arabia Clark is a senior survey pilot with the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development Mary is an elementary teacher in Vancouver, WA, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
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Membershi~ Services Directon'_ VINTAGE
Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the
AIRCRAFT BAA Vintage Aircraft Association ASSOCIATION EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873
Web Site: http://www.etul.org and http://www.airventure.org E-Ma il: vintage @etul-org
OFFICERS President Espie ·Butch· Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 336/393-0344 e·moil: windsock@ool.com
Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Leo, MN 56007 507/373-1674
Vice-President George Doubner
2448 Lough Lane
Hartford, W153027
e-mail: antique2@ool.com
Treasurer Charles W. Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 918/622-8400 cwh@hv5u.com
DIRECTORS Robert C, ·Bob· Brauer
9345 S. Hoyne
Chicago, IL 60620
<>-mail: phatopilot@aoI.com
John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd.
Cannon Foils, MN 55009
John S. Copeland
1A Deacon Street
Northborough, MA 01532
Phil Coulson
28415 Springbrook Dr.
Lawton. M149065
Roger Gomoll
321-1!2 S. BroadWay #3
Rochester. MN 55904
Dale A. Gustafson
7724 Shady Hill Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46278
Jeannie Hill
P.O. 80x 328
Harvard, IL 60033
Steve Krog
1002 Heather Ln.
Hartford, WI 53027
e-mail: sskrog@ool.com
Robert D, ·Bob· Lumley
1265 South 124th St.
Ilr'ookfield, WI 53005
Gene Cha se
Dean Richardson
6701 Colony Dr.
Madison, WI 53717
Geotf Robison
1521 E. MacGregor Dr.
New Haven, IN 46774
e-mail: chiefl025@aol.com
S,H, "Wes" Schmid
2359 Lefeber Avenue
Wauwatosa, W153213
E,E, ·Buck· Hilbert
P.O. Box 424
Unian,IL60180 815/923-4591 e-mail: buck7ac@mC. net
ADVISORS David Benne" 11741 Wolf Rd. Grass Valley, CA 95949 530/268-1585 antiquer@inreach.com
Programs and Activities EAA AirVenture Fax- On -Dem and Directory , " , , , " .. . .. " . , , , , , , , " , , , , , 732-885-671 1 Auto Fuel STCs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 920-426-4843 Build irestore information """ 920-426-4821 Chapters: locating/ organizing,. 920-426-4876 Edu ca tion . .. . . . ,",., ,.,."., . 920-426-68 15 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships • EAA Young Eagles Camps
Gene Morris
5936 Steve Court
Roanoke, TX 76262
817/491 -9110
e-mail: n03capt@flash.net
2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904
EAA and Division Membership Services 800-843-3612 • • . • . . . •• . ••• FAX 920-426-6761 (8:00 AM -7:00 PM Mond ay- Friday CST) • New/renew m emberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Ai rcraft Association , lAC, Warbirdsl. National Association of Flight I nstructors (NAFI) • Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships
Alan Shackleton P.O. Box 656 Sugar Grove, IL 60554-Q656 630/466-4193 103346.1772@cOfr\)USerVe.com
Flight Advisors inform ation .. , , , 920-426-6522 Flight Instructor in form ation , , , 920-426-6801 Flyi ng Start Program .. • . • ... .•• 920-426-6847 Library ServiceslResearch , , .. . . 920-426-4848 Medical Questions. , , , , , , , . , . . . 920-426-4821 Technical Counselors. , . , , . , . , . 920-426-4821 Young Eagles.""", ... "."" 920-426-4831 Benefits Aircraft Finan cing (Textron) "", 800-851-1367 AVA . . " " " " " " , . , , ,,, , ,,,, 800-727-3823 AVEMCO .. . , . ,"", .... , .. " .800-638-8440 Term Life and Accidental . . .. . , .800-241-6 103 Death Insuran ce (Harvey Watt & Company) Editorial Submitting article/ photo; advertising information 920-426-4825 ••• • •. . • . . . •. FAX 920-426-4828
EAA Aviation Foundation Artifact Donations .. , , , , . , .... . 920-426-4877 Financial Support , . , , .. , . , , , .. 800-236- 1025
EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues Df SPORT AVIATION, Family membership is available for an addi tional $10 annually, Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually, All major credit cards accepted for membership, (Add $1 6 for Foreign Postage.)
VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EM members may join the Vintage Aircraft Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE maga zine for an additional $27 per year. EM Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag-azine and one year membership in the EAA Vintage Air craft Association is available for $37 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)
lAC Cu rrent EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magaz ine for an additional $40 per year, EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is
available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION mag azine not included). (Add $ 10 for Foreign Postage.)
WARBIRDS Current EM members may join the EM Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $35 per year, EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbi rds Division is available for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included) . (Add $ 7 for Fo reign Postage.)
Current EAA members may receive EAA
EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $20
per year.
EM Membership and EM EXPERIMENTER mag
azine is available for $30 per year (SPORT
AVIATION magazine not inciuded) ,(Add $8 for For eign Postage.)
FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars , Add required Foreign Postage amount for each membership.
Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Copyright by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association All rights reserved, VINTAGE AI RPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) IPM 1482602 is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Cenler, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-~086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at addttional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at leasl two months for delivOf)' of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via suriaco mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken.EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are Oflcouraged to submIT stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in art~les are sotely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting resls Ofltirely with the contributor. No renumeration ~ made.Materiai should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 9201426-4800. The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, FOR THE LOVE OF FLYING and the logos of EM, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. EAA VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, INTERNA TIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WAR BIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION, EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION and EM AirVenture are trade marks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.
32 MARCH 2000