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THE RESTORER'S CORNER ''I'd be glad to write for The Vintage Airplane, but I don't know how to use a typewriter." "Sure, I'd write for the magazine, but I don't know how to write for publication ." "You don ' t want me to write for The Vin­ tage Airplane; I'm not a professional writer." Have you ever heard these statements before? Your editors and division officers hear these and many more similar statements all the time. For some unknown reason, a person who can sit around and tell a great aviation story amongst a group of fellow enthusiasts, seems to get stage fright as soon as you ask him to put the story down on paper so that it can be published. The psychological ramifications would be interesting to determine, but the only thing that comes to mind is that he must have hated his fifth grade English teacher . Seriously, writing for publication is easy. Just tell the story in your own words exactly as it happened. Don' t worry about punctuation, misspelled words or grammar. Most of the time your natural instincts in these matters will be correct. For the few times that you may make a mistake, your editor will assume the role of your English teacher and make corrections. What is most important in writing for publication is the mechanics, not the grammar or punctuation. If you write for publication and do not use a typewriter, it is best to use lined 8 1/2" x 11" notebook or tablet paper and to write only on every other line . If you do type, you should set your typewriter to type 54 characters per line and double or triple space your lines. Whether you type or write long hand, there are a few more pro­ cedures which are considered standard practice when writing for pub­ lication. First, you should start typing or writing your story in the middle of the first page so that the top half can be used for titling, your byline, and for editor's notes . The title which you give to the story and your name should be all that appears on the upper half of this "first page".


Second you should use one side of the paper only. Third, you should number the top of each page and also restate your title so that if the editor should happen to mix your story with other papers on his desk, he will not have any b'ouble identifying the individual pages and putting your story back together. (Editors are notorious for having large piles of papers on their desks). Fourth, at the bottom of each page, except the last one, you should write "more" or "continued" to let the editor know that the page he holds is not the last one in case they have become separated. Fifth, at the bottom of the last page of your story you should write "end" or " 30" as it is done in the newspaper world, to let the editor know that he has the whole story and has not lost any of it. Well, that wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, was it? Just a few simple rules of mechanics and layout, and you are a professional wri ter already. The only other points of importance concerning stories for publica­ tion have to do with the submission of photographs with the stories. All photographs intended to be used along with the context of the article should be black and white glossy prints . These prints can be of almost any size, but generally editors like to get 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" photographs . However, clarity and sharpness of detail are most impor­ tant and should never be sacrificed just to increase size. Color pictures should only be submitted if you expect them to be printed in color, such as for use on the cover, or for special color features as are found in SPORT AVIATION, and in this case you should submit color trans­ parencies, not color prints. For color a 35 millimeter transparency is not too small as long as it is sharp. Now with th e completion of this short course in magazine writing, your editors will expect to be deluged with pictures and stories of your experiences and your restorations. Please don't let them down.





Publisher Paul H. Poberezny

Editor AI Kelch





P.O. BOX 3747

P.O. BOX 2464




BOX 181

LYONS, WIS. 53148



g S 135 AERO DR. , RT. 1


Assistant Editor Lois Kelch Centributing Editors

H. N. "Dusty" Rhodes

Evander Britt

Jim Barton

Claude Gray

Ed Escallon

Rod Spanier

Dale Gustafson

Henry Wheeler

Morton Lester

Kelly Viets



The Restorer's Corner .................................... " .. " .... ,' Stearman Fly In '75 . , , . , . , . , .. , .... , ........................... . .... " Migration Of An Eaglet ...... , ... , ..... , . , .... . ........ .... .. . .. , . , . .. Vintage Album ......... , . , .... . . ............ ...... ........ , .. , , .. , , ., The Breath Of Life . . " .. , ................................ , .... ,', ... , Whistling In The Rigging . . .. . ..... .. .. ... . ...... , .. , .... , ... ,., ... ,.. The U,S. Mail, .. , . , , . , .... .. ......... , . , ...... .. .. .... , . , . , .... , .. , ,. Calendar Of Events .......... , . , , , . , .. , , ..... , .. . ......... . .. , . , . . .. ,.



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Lumberton, N.C . 28358


7018 W. Bonniwell Rd.

Mequon, WI 53092


RR 1, Box 151

Stilwell , KS 66085


9635 Sylvia Ave.

Northridge, CA 91324


8102 LEECH RD.

UttION , IL 60180

JACK WINTHROP 3536 Whitehall Dr. Dallas, TX 75229


3850 Coronation Rd.

Eagan, MN 55122


RR '18, Box 127

Indianapolis , IN 46234

1 3 7 9 14 16 17 18


S.o.S. Send Old Stories

DIVISION EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DOROTHY CHASE, EAA HEADQUARTERS THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by Antique Classic Aircraft , Inc . and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office , Ha~es Gor足 ners, Wisconsin 53130 and Random Lake Post Office, Random Lake , Wisconsin 53075. Membership rates for Antique Classic aircraft, Inc. at $10.00 per 12 month period of which $7.00 is for the publication to THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.

Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., Box 229,

Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130


A beautiful Stearman to go with its owner Charlotte Parish. (See Stearman Story, Page 3.)

PICTURE BOX (Back Cover)

Even the driver of a mail truck was con足 sidered an adventuresome sort for he rubbed elbows with the AIRMAIL PILOT - an esteemed figure of the day.

Copyright c 1976 Antique ClassiC Aircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


STEARMAN FLY IN '75 By Thomas E. Lowe

The fourth annual gathering of the Stearman clan convened at Galesburg , Illinois on September 5-7, 1975 and the largest number of Stearmans yet were in attendance. Thirty two Stearmans spread their wings over the grass at the municipal airport and a large contingent of antiques , classics , a few homebuilts, and many modern aircraft also were pres­ ent throughout the weekend. The large

turnout of Stearmans can pay homage partly to the good weather that pre­ vailed over most of the U.S . Gales­ burg did have IFR conditions early Fri­ day , but in general the weather co­ operated famously . However, before the weekend was over the eastern part of the country experienced deteriorating weather that forestalled the arrival of several more airplanes.

By Thursday the Fly In was off to a great early start with eight Stearmans already on the field. In fact, the first arrival had flown in on Wednesday . Airline pilot Dick Baird flew his 300 Lycoming powered MCMD Special in from Delaware. Dick lives near Buf ­ falo , New York but had spent the pre­ vious week with friends on the east coast before starting out for Galesburg.

(Photo by Dick Stouffer) National Stearman Fly In Co-Chairman , Jim Leahy, lifts off at Galesburg, Illinois in his 1942 Stearman N2S-3 .


Dic k must have enjoyed his stay because he also was the last Stearman to depart for home , remaining for almost another week . Late that afternoon all eight Stear­ mans launched off in a formation flight a few miles to the west to Monmouth , Illinois to purchase supper at the air­ port where the local Prime Beef Festival was in full sway. Chuck LeMaster was busy barnstorming passengers in his Ford Tri-Motor and Jim Leahy jokingly told him that the Stearman drivers would take a ride in the Ford if he would offer a " special group rate " . Chuck readily agreed and all the Stearman pilots clambered on board and thoroughly enjoyed the nostalgic flight backwards into history. Another formation flight back to Galesburg and a couple of cir­ cles over the town concluded the first day 's activities. Friday dawned with a low ceiling and poor visibility and drizzling rain which kept the field IFR until about noon. With the weather gradually improving Dick Baird and I obtained clearance from the newly installed Galesburg control tower for a two-ship formation weather recon­ naissance flight around the pattern . Any excuse to get a little flying going! Dick climbed into Jim Leahy 's stock Stearman and we made a formation take off and several circuits around the pattern to ascertain if it was legally YFR. Byafter­ noon the sun was once again shining and several more Stearmans made it in. Bill McBride , one of the late arrivals, was quite chagrined when upon land­ ing he ground looped his Stearman . Bill had been gone from home for a month on an extended flight all over the west­ ern part of the U.S . and had been in and out of all kinds of strips with nary a problem . Bill's Stearman received only minor fabric damage on one wing and he subsequently received one of the Hard Luck Awards. We had been justly proud during the four years of the Na ­ tional Stearman Fly In that there had been no ground loops whatever, but

(Photo by Dick Stouffer)

Illinois Governor, Dan Walker, talks with Walt Pierce and Jim Leahy at Galesburg during the Stearman Fly In. this year saw two such happenings! Regardless of its reputation, the Stearman is no more of a ground looper than any other tail wheel airplane when handled by a competent and proficient pilot. However, conditions at Galesburg, not the piloting, was the greatest con­ tributing factor. The N/S runway had been under con­ struction most of the summer and the normally excel­ lent grass landing areas alongside the runway were worse for wear and not available for use. Couple the Stearman pilot's normal aversion for hard surfaced runways with a very strong and gusty westerly cross­ wind that prevailed throughout the three day affair and you have the formula for problems. By mid-after­ noon on Saturday the wind was such a factor that most of the Stearman pilots decided discretion was the better part of valor and sat it out awhile until the wind abated in the evening. Saturday was the usual beehive of Stearman activ­ ity beginning early with a mass flight dawn patrol of seventeen Stearmans and some other airplanes to Monmouth, Illinois for a group breakfast at Melling's Restaurant. Bob Cassens, a local Galesburg pilot who usually flies my Stearman some during the Fly In each year, won for himself the SNAFU Award that morning when he could not get the engine started. He missed the mass take off and finally did get it going later when he decided it might require some prime on a cool, damp morning. Coming back to Galesburg Bob also continued in the same vein by latching on to several different forma tions, being out of position, and in fun generally messing up everyone's pretty groups. Monmouth was also the scene of another minor in­ cident. Neal Lydick was landing directly behind Jim Leahy in the cool, dead calm air and picked up some wake turbulence just as he was touching down and scraped a wingtip in the grass. It seems as though some­ thing always happens at Monmouth each year, so

maybe we might go looking for breakfast somewhere else' That afternoon the sky at Galesburg was filled with Stearmans participating in the flying contests as well as much other fun flying . The contests were hotly battled and the highlight of the day was the formation flying contest. Stearman pilots pride themselves on their for­ mation flying ability and when all the passes over the field had been completed, the judges decided that a tie was in order and two groups of four airplanes were declared as Co-Champions. That evening a mass flight of twenty-seven Stearmans paraded through the skies over Galesburg and then settled back to earth for all to enjoy the excellent steak dinner and the fun and fellow­ ship of the awards ceremonies. Sunrise Sunday morning also was greeted with another dawn patrol of ten Stearmans with a subse­ quent return to the airport. A large gathering met in the main hangar for a fly in breakfast and the remainder of the morning was spent in the last rounds of fun fly­ ing, buddy hops, and conversing with old and new friends alike . That afternoon a fine professional air­ show was presented featuring Walt and Sandi Pierce, Jim Leahy, Darwin McClure, Dwain Treton, and J. D. Hill. The airshow was opened with a five Stearman formation flight led by John Hooper and John McCor­ mick in their N2S-S. As the group passed by the crowd Dick Baird pulled his Stearman up and out of the flight creating a "missing man formation" in honor of Lloyd Stearman who passed away in April. Other pilots in the flight were Allen Larson, Dick Hansen, and myself. A group of four Beech T-34's also performed a fine for­ mation flying routine which was appreciated by the pilots and crowd alike. Each year the National Stearman Fly In seems to improve and gain momentum and the participants eagerly look forward to seeing the many airplanes as well as renewing the warm bond of enthusiasm and friendship that cements together the band of followers that are devoted to this great old biplane. The great support of the City and citizens of Galesburg, Illinois and the continuing help from Stearman people such as Bob Chambers and Hugh Wilson of Dusters & Sprayers Supply and Don McKinnon of Agri-Air insure its con­ tinued growth. The annual date for the Stearman Fly In has now been firmly established as the second week­ end of September and this year the dates are Septem­ ber 10-12, 1976. So early this fall, everyone plan to point their machines toward Galesburg, you all are welcome .




Charlotte Parish & Bob Graves,

Tullahoma . Tennessee


Patrick Kelley & Jim Heinz,

Hazelwood & 51 Louis . Missouri


R. F. Johansson . St. Charles. Missouri


Ron Jewell. Manchester. Missouri


John Hooper & John McCormick, New Orleans. Louisiana


Bob Hood. Carthage , Missouri


Dick Hansen , Batavia. Illinois


F. R. & Jeannie Griffin . Minnetonka Beach . Minnesota


Byron Fredericksen & Charles Andreas . Neenah. Wisconsin


Dick Baird . Williamsville , New York


Tom Lowe. Crystal Lake, Illinois


Bill HUll . Alexandria , Virginia


Jim Harris, Carthage , Missouri


Peter Spear & Bill Johnson, Morton Grove & Oak Brook , Illinois


Franklin Flying Field ,

Franklin , Indiana


Wes Todd , Oconomowoc, Wisconsin


Tom Gordon & Dave Lillie

University of Illinois , Savoy, Illinois


Jarvis Knight , Leland, Illinois


Michael Hall , Palatine , Illinois


Bill Hutchinson & Mel McGee

St. Clair Shores. MichIgan


Edward Brockman , Farmington Hills,



Christine Winzer , Elgin, Illinois


John Travios & Dick Schlegel,

Ottumwa, Iowa


John Ruhlin, Jr. , Akron, Ohio


Walt Pierce, Avon Park , Florida


Bill McBride, Birmingham, Michigan


Neal Lydick , Louisville , Kentucky


Jim Leahy . Galesburg , lIinois


Allen Larson , Capron, Illinois


Jerry Carter, Charleston , Illinois


Larry Posey, Bryn Athyn. Pennsylvania


Loma Beaty. Fort Payne, Atabama



(Photo by Kenneth O. Wilson)

Two Stearman PT-17's fly formation over the Illinois farmlands at Galesburg.

(Photo by Kenneth O. Wilson)

Charlotte Parish and Larry Posey fly formation in their Navy marked Stear足 mans during the 4th National Stearman Fly In.

(Photo by Kenneth 0 . Wilson)

SRA members and Stearman pilots pose with Byron Fredericksen 's newly rebuilt N2S-3.


EARLY BIRD AWARD Stearman A75, N66740, Dick Baird TIRED BUTT AWARD Stearman N2S-5, N60562, John McCormick & John Hooper BEST HANGAR PILOT Larry Palmer-Ball, Jr. MOST CONGENIAL Stearman N2S-5, N9078H , F. R. " Griff" & Jeannie Griffin HARD LUCK AWARD Jack Stamer SNAFU AWARD Bob Cassens HERO AWARD Stearman A75, N61559, R.F. " Slim" Johansson COWARD AWARD Stearman PT-17 , N58233, Bill McBride OLDEST PILOT AWARD Stearman A75 , N54601 , Wes Todd YOUNGEST PILOT AWARD Dan Gable SALVO BOMBING CONTEST Stearman A75, N61559, R.F. " Slim " Johansson SHORT FIELD TAKE-OFF CONTEST Stearman A75, N79535, John Ruhlin, Jr. SLIP TO A CIRCLE CONTEST Stearman PT-17, N58095, Larry Posey AAA AWARD - OLDEST STEARMAN Stearman PT-17, N22JH , Jim Harris FORMATION FLYING CONTEST (tie) N9914H, Jim Leahy N9078H , F. R. Griffin N66417 , Tom Lowe N61559, R. F. Johansson N61W, AI Larson N79535, John Ruhlin , Jr. N60562 , John Hooper & N50091 , Loma Beatty N60562 , John McCormick DUSTERS & SPRAYERS SUPPLY AWARDS GRAND CHAMPION STEARMAN Stearman N2S-5, N9078H , F.R. & Jeannie Griffin BEST RESTORED STEARMAN Stearman N2S-3, N9914H, Jim Leahy HARD LUCK AWARD Stearman N2S-1, N61 V, Neal Lydick AGRI-AIR AWARDS $25 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES Stearman N2S-1 , N61V, Neal Lydick Stearman PT-17 , N58233 , Bill McBride Stearman N2S-5, N60562 , John McCormick & John Hooper STEARMAN RESTORERS ASSOCIATION AWARDS BILL ADAMS MEMORIAL AWARD Ray McGraw, Galesburg, Illinois BEST STEARMAN PT Stearman PT-17, N58233, Bill McBride BEST STEARMAN N2S Stearman N2S-3, N55626, Byron Fredericksen & Charles Andreas BEST CUSTOM STEARMAN Stearman, N79535, John Ruhlin, Jr. BEST CIVILIAN STOCK STEARMAN Stearman A75, N61559 , R.F. Johansson BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS Stearman N2S-5, N44JP, Charlotte Parish SRA SPECIAL SERVICE AWARD John E. Peters, Kulm , North Dakota




(Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson)

(Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson)

300 Lycoming powered MCMo Special Stear足 man owned by Christine Winzer, a FAA Flight Inspector at ouPage Co. Airport.

R. F. " Slim " Johansson poses with his beautiful stock Stearman.

(Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson) (Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson)

John Travios and Dick Schlegel, N59737, and Bill McBride run up in the grass at Monmouth, Illinois.

Line up of part of the Stearmans at Galesburg during the 4th National Stearman Fly In.

(Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson)

SRA President, Tom Lowe, presents the Bill

Adams Memorial Award to Ray McGraw.


First stop Cambenton , MO with Bonanza as " Chase Plane " .


01 an Gaglet


Ken Morris

It seem s tha t every a ntiqu er has in his drea ms a ba rn; n ot ju st a ny ba rn; no t full of trac tors, corn a nd soy­ be ans; for this is a drea m barn; a ba rn th a t no farm er could reall y love. It is the on e with the barely legible " No Tres passing" sig n a t the mouth o f the road lead in g up th e hill. The road itself, ch oked w ith w ee d s a nd brus h de fies en try, but to t)ur drea me r, eve n tra vers ing th e Ho Chi Mein Tra il would be wo rth the stru ggle. On top of the hill is tha t wo rn o ut dila pidate d "Gold Mine". First glance reveals nothing m ore ominous th an sparrow nes ts in th e ru ste d door trac ks. The n he no­ tices tha t the doors a re s lig htly large r tha n wo uld be useful for a tractor (unl ess it ha d w ings). It is a lso equipped w ith a ru sty p ole ex tending up wa rd fr o m th e roof, s porting ta tte red remn a nts of cl oth . H ea rtbea t q uickens a nd a s mile broa d ens as h e brush es the w ee ds a nd trash a wav fro m th e unm ow n a pro n as he a pproach es th e door. ­ O nce the door is opened howeve r, we see m to have a difference of op inion of w ha t s houl d o r w ill be in th e barn . It coul d be a nythi ng fro m a Model A to a Tri ­ moto r, but I d o no t thin k th e re wo uld be too ma n y com ­ 7

plaints abo ut th e fra mework o f a Je nn y, comple te with a du s ty OX -5 ha ngin g o n its nose. A C urtis Robin or an Aris tocra t wo uld be nice. Or m aybe ... I kn o w wh ere the re is a ba rn with just s uch a treas ure. It is a real barn with a real treasure . Gra nted , som e of the excitem ent of the H o Chi Mein Trail may be lack­ ing . An Inte rs tate hig h way runs o ne half mile south and you d o no t even n eed a ma chine to get to the door; yo u can drive rig ht up . Once inside, try ing to decid e whe th er to go ove r or unde r the tractor is probably the mos t exciting part of th e trip. Once pas t th e trac to r, a irpl ane parts a re clea rl y visible and full y cloth ed . A set of ch ro me yellow wi ngs sp a n o ne entire sectio n as in cons pic uous, as n ylo ns s trung arou nd the ba th roo m . T he fu se lage is s u sp ended fr o lll th e tru sses, im ita ting a hamm ock. Mi scellaneo u s ta il fea th ers complete the decor. Thi s is th e Am erican Eagle t; America n Eagle Cor­ po ration's a nswer to fly in g throug h the de pression for a dollar a n h our. (Ass uming its th ree cy lin de r Szeke ly e n gine wo ul d ru n conti nuously fo r tha t a m o unt of tim e.) The Eagle t som e how seems m ore a t

h o m e h ere for the winte r a m o ng th e trac tors, co rn , a nd soybea n s o n a d irty wood en floor, tha n in a hea te d h an ga r stu ck be hin d a Barron w he re it ca nn o t even leak o il without feelin g g uilty . The Eaglet was m oved to its wi nter ho m e in No­ ve mber; o ne of th ose lo n g und erwear, it d oes n ot wa nt to sta rt days. My dad ha s kn o wn of this p articular Eagle t for several years, own ed by Earnie Seile r of Marsh fie ld, Missouri . Occasiona l vis its noted th e slow progress, as Ea rnie ably res to red it over a no the r severa l yea rs, finis hing it in Aug us t, 1970. Since that time the little Eagle t sa t in its o p en ha nga r, hav ing fl ow n o nl y fi ve or six tim es . In April , 1975, a fr ie nd and I were e nroute to the NIFA A ir M eet in Sa nta Fe, N ew Mex ico in our Cess na 140A . O ur first ni g ht sto p Wi1S Sprin g field , Mi ssouri and des pite o ur d isgu stin g gro und s peed we we re a hea d of sche dul e. So, I d ecid ed to find Erni e's a irs trip a nd sh ow Je ff Wa lter " a nea t o ld ai rpla ne" . Finding Ernie's is a p rove rbia l needle. After finding Fairg rove, Missouri , fl y east down county EE a nd turn left o n th e large r hi g h way. Whe n yo u get to th e church o n th e northeast corn er of a n inte rsec ti on, turn rig ht, fl y abo ut five m iles a nd pres to, sim p le . While ta lkin g to Ernie th a t a ftern oon , he hinted a t selling th e Eag­ let an d w hile ta lkin g to my d ad la te r, I "cas ua lly" m enti o ned Ernie's tho ughts. A very strange loo k ca m e over his face; simil ar to th a t of a ca t ca ught swa llowin g a ca nary. Up on th a t, tryin g to be no ncha la nt, p e n im­ m edia tely me t pa pe r in le tte r form . O h , I'm sure tha t he was full y a w are tha t it wo uld be, to sa y the least, a n exp ens ive toy. I knew th a t he was actin g irra tion a l and Mary was no t he lpin g things a bit, since sh e ha d just see n " The Grea t Wa ldo Pe pper". But w ho a m I to criti cize; bes id es , I was co nte nt to sit back w ith th a t pre-di scussed loo k o n my face a nd drea m a bo ut " Wa ldo". (I 've see n it six times). Afte r to ta lin g nea rl y a d o llars wo rth of p ostage th ey fin a lly se ttle d o n a p rice and in a wea k m o me nt da d threw in hs se t of six U.S. Civil Ai rcraft, by Juptn e r. These have la ter been replace d , but at a mu ch h ig he r price th a n o ri gin a ll y paid . Somewh ere in th e middl e o f the pos tage swap pin g, Dad a nd I fl ew dow n to Erni e's to "kick tires " a nd h o p e­ full y fl y th e Eag le t. (Th a t makes twice in succession th a t I've fo un d that Airs tri p .) Re lu cta ntl y a nd lov ing ly Erni e un w rap ped th e S zekely a nd le t us cra nk it u p . Afte r blowi ng oil a ll ov er Erni e's new covera lls " Szek" se ttl ed dow n to the mos t bea utiful racke t [ h avL' ever

Mary's Eaglet Lesson No . 4, " No false eye lashes."

h ea rd. As the Eaglet sat th ere po pping and choking, dad yelled in m y ear that the sound of tha t e ngine was mo re than worth the trip. Plans imm ed iate ly began ta kin g place for moving th e Eagle t from Marshfield, Missouri to a private s trip jus t south of Marengo, Illin ois. The master plan co nsisted of flying the old bird that 420 miles, using th e Bonanza as a ch ase plane ca rry ing tools, s pa re parts, e tc.. Erni e was against flying th e airpl a ne ho me a nd sug­ ges ted tru cking it. H e is one of the nicest g uys around; a real hones t an tiq u er that knows his st uff. Anyo ne w h o knows Ern ie and hi s w ife, Eli zabeth, will ve rify that a vis itor is made welcome immediately. The old er th e airp lan e yo u fl y in, and th e m ore fabric and wings it ha s, the s peedier th e welcome, and as many ho urs of go ld e n age chit- chat that eac h of you can spare. Any­ o n e who knows Erni e wi ll swear that he wi ll li ve for­ ever, eve n thou g h lis tenin g to him would give you th e impression th at forever is to morrow. Defy in g all rationality a nd despite Ernie's protes ts, Dad , Mary , myself, and a very hea lth y too l box boarded th e Bonan za to re navigate o ur way to Marshfield. Ri cha rd Bach , in o ne of hi s books, talks abo ut tha t " big briefing in th e sky"; (the o ne we missed) where it is explained th a t Ame rican Eagle t's jus t do not like to fl y 420 mil es w ithout so much as an irregul ar pop o r c hoke once in aw hile. The Am erican Eagle t was built in Kansas Ci ty, Kan­ sas w ith all its mighty h orses built o ne a t a tim e in H olland , Michigan by Szekely. Together, they were the firs t two place ultraligh ts to receive a n A.T .e. from th e Civil Aeronautics Adminis tra tion. (No. 380 on Nov. 18, 1931) O ur Eaglet ro lled ou t of th e Am erica n

Earnest " Lindy" and Lizzy Seiler, just past owners .

Eag le factory in Kan sas City weighing 450 pounds . With its 30 horse Sze kely turning 1600 rpm, it would cruise a t 55 miles an h o ur. Upon findin g Erni e's a nd taking away the chicken w ire fe nce that g uarded the Eaglet's nes t, we imm edia te­ ly bega n to un wra p a nd un s tra p the littl e bird. It was li ke un wra pping a gift without trying to save any paper. After adding Marvel Mystery oil to th e gas, oil, and greas ing the rocker arms and oiling the valve s te ms , th e Eaglet was popping off like it was the fourth of July a nd ready to fl y. Dad clambered into the fro nt sea t solo a nd off he went ... VI . . . VR . Within a pproximately 100 fee t the Eag let had accelerated to a neck stretching 30 mil es an ho ur and was scra tching for altitud e. The Eag let mod el 230, such as thi s o ne, o rigi na ll y sported 30 h orse power, but thi s o ne was factory up­ d a ted to 35 horse p ower giving it fiv e spare h orses. Afte r ha lf an ho ur of disrupting the air over Ernie's sh'i p, he ca m e down wea ring splotch es of grease all over hi s face and a big broad smile to match. Th e n having m ore co nfid ence in hi s son , than his son did , it was m y turn for a pri va te ch eckout. Thru s ting my jaw forward a nd dawning o n my imaginary lea the r jacke t, gloves, helm et and goggles I pr epared to meet the no brakes a nd tails kid chall e nge for the first tim e, even th o ug h I was alrea d y fa miliar w ith th em, having seen "Wa ldo Pe pper" so many times. Taxiing to th e runwa y I gave the old Bosch mags a ch eck, h opin g th ey were s till young a t heart; wi th th a t and check ing my seat belt, the checklis t was com­ ple te, a nd th e mighty Szek bl a tted to li fe. I feel tha t so mething should be sa id he re abo ut imagin ary density

altitude. That is, when yo u think it will fly, but it would rathe r play see-saw. After hopping and bounc­ ing d ow n the strip I learned . (American Eaglet Les­ son Number 1) . After Dad , Mary, and I all had our thrill for the da y, we se ttled down for a good nights sleep anticipa ting th e following morning, as vi s ions of Szekel ys danced in our heads . Th e next morning dawned brig ht and sunny. With everyone bustling with excitement, an added touch was riding out to Ernie's in my Grandad's 1939 LaSalle. That got us in the spirit of antiquing. Within an hour my dad was off for Camdenton, Missouri, the first leg of the long ferry flight. As he took off and flew by us, he must have sensed that h e had taken a long time friend away from the Seilers. Within minutes Mary and I completed the loading of the Bonanza, including spare propeller and grease gun and took off in pursuit. Dad and I traded off legs of about an ho ur each w hile th e o ther rested in the Bonan za as Mary flew us to the next s top. As tim e and pos teriors wore o n , it beca m e appare nt that we were going to have to hustle to ge t to Mare ngo before dark . I got to Prin ceton, Illinois, the last s top south , in la te afternoon, as shadows were beg inning to exaggera te d e tail. I elected to go for the la s t leg and try to make ith ome while Dad a nd Mary we nt on to Elgin , and home, to g uard the phone. We had noti ced that the exposed valve lifte r clear­ a nce grew progressively wider as the da y and the Szekely wore o n . Finally ten mil es north of Prin ceton th e cl eara nce beca m e overwhelming and one of the spacers between th e lifter a nd valve d eparted , leaving behind a m ad lifte r and a closed valve. The Szek man­ ages to pull this littl e " ultra- lite" very well indeed , but it does n ee d each and eve ry cylinder to maintain its stea d y rac ket and altitude. All of thi s ha pp en ed right over the littl e town of La Moille, Illinois. The o nl y la nd­ in g place tha t I could see was a small but adequate hay fi eld o n the ed ge of tow n. Having just passed it I circl ed back squ eezing 1100 rpm out o f it, and wondering what I'm going to do without any tools. (American Eaglet Lesso n Number 2) Once the fi eld was made I pulled the p ower a nd Szek bega n making its us ual wild gy ra­ ti o ns of popping, choking, wheezing and spitting. Before r even ca m e to a s top, wha t see med like the who le town was s tamp eed ing through a soybean field (Continued on Page 18)


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Air Mail Delivery Minneapolis 1929. 1934 Fairchild 22, with L-320 Wright Gipsy engine. English Avro Avian taken 1929. N. w.A. arriving over Minneapolis.


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Hisso IN-4-0 , with pilot Art Golbe and AI Johnson on

'e bicycle .

. P-1 , OX5 , at Parks Airport (East St. Louis, Illinois.) :J29 Parks .




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Submitted By Claude Gray Western Air Lines, is the only survivor of a handful of airlines that pioneered commercial air transportation in the U.s. in the mid-twenties. Western was incorporated on July 13, 1925, with h eadquarters in Los Angeles . The first flight took place on April 17, 1926, leaving Los Angeles for Salt Lake City via Las Vegas. Western, which was th en ca lled "Wes te rn Air Express", used open­ coc kpit Douglas M-2 aircraft, powered by a single Liberty engine .




Tha t firs t rou te gave Los Angeles its first transcontinental air service, and put Southern California on the air mail map. Aviation was in its infancy in those days and the re was a certain amount of br~vad o attached to facing the ele­ ments in the open-cockpit planes. Standard equipment for passengers was a flying suit, goggles, gloves, para­ chute and lots of courage. Much to everyone's surprise, when 1926 came to a close, Western had a net profit of $28,674.19. And by October 1927, Western became the first airline in hi s tory to pay a cash dividend to its s tockholders. In 1928, th e Guggenheim Foundation chose Western to set up a " mod el air­ way" betw ee n Los Angeles and San Francisco (then served through the air­ port a t Oakland). It was to incorporate th e la test in technical p erfec tion and passenger safe ty and comfort. With a loa n from th e Foundation, Weste rn purchas ed th ree Fokker F-10 trimotor aircraft. This per mitt ed pas­ sengers to si t in co m fortable wicker chairs insid e the cabin and be serve d meals by a stewa rd (the f ir st flight attendants in U.S. dom es tic service). No longer did they have to bear the

burden of a sack of mail in th ei r laps or have to worry about not being allow­ ed aboard because there was too much mail , which took priority over passen­ gers. A series of weather stations was set up along th e route , the first time any airline had eve r done so. Because commercial aviation was a new indu stry, much of th e improve ment in th e "state of the art" was up to the airlines th e mselv es . Western was a leader. It contributed many firsts to the industry - some of them technological developmentc; soon adopted as standard by other airlines and the government. Under the guidance of H e rbert Hoover ]r. , son of the president, West­ ern developed th e first air-to-ground radio, in cooperation with Thorpe His­ cock of Boeing. That was in 1929. A year later, Western introduced the Fokker F-32 aircraft to commercial air­ lin e opera tions . It was a four-engined plan e capable of carrying 32 passengers - by far the largest airliner in the world at that tim e. Though the plan e didn't prove economical and was soon re­ placed, it did give the public a glimpse o f things to co me. A yo ung Wes tern cargo clerk with a yen for weather forecasting joined the

company. His name was Irving Krick. He d e veloped the air mass analysis sys tem of weather foreca s ting which proved re markably accurate. Soon Western was known as "The Airline With Perpetual Tailwinds". During the first five years of the air­ line 's existence, it grew steadily. A series of mergers finitlly made it the world's largest airline in 1930 , with routes stretching 15,832 m iles. One of the most important contribu­ tions Western made to commercial avia­ tion was the use of the directional radio compass for air navigation . This instru­

ment became the prime navigation instrument for nearly 30 years and is stili used today. But the air line had its ups and downs . In 1934, the Post Office Depart­ ment cancelled all airmail contracts. Many airlines went out of business . Western, which in 1930 had consoli­ dated all but its first route (Los Angeles­ Las Vegas-Sa lt Lake City with a San Diego spur added) managed to keep going. The other half of the consolida­ tion went on to become today's TWA . Slowly, things got better. The DC-3 aircraft came on the scene and pas-

FOKKER F-14 (1930)




LINes - ----". ­



Built in 1925 Passenger Capacity . .... .. Pilot plus one or two passengers

Cargo Capacity ..... . ............ 1,000 Ibs.

Fuel load . . ..... . . . ... . ...... 180 U.S. gals .

Cruising speed .... . . . ... .. ... .... 115 mph

Engine . .. .. ........ .. .415 hp Liberty (one)

Cruising range ... . . . ... .. . ... ... 600 miles

Ceiling . ..... . ...... . . . .......... 15,000 ft .

Cost ......... . ............ . . . .....$11 ,500

BOEING MODEL 95 (1928)


Western Airlines ' first passenger aboard the Douglas M-2 was Ben Redman who flew to Los Angeles from Salt Lake City via Las Vegas on May 23, 1926. First woman passenger: Maude Campbell. Fi rst WAL pilots : Fred W . Kelly. AI De­ Garmo, Jimmy James and Maurice Graham .

WACO EQC-6 (1937)

BOEING MODEL 40-B-4 (1930) se ngers re placed m ail and fr eight as th e prim e source of revenu e. To refl ect this change, Wes te rn ch anged its n ame from "Express" to Air Lines in 1941. Wo rld War II stripped th e compa ny d ow n to three DC-3s and a couple of Lockhe ed Lodestars . But Weste rn w as give n two important w ar mi ssions: to train pil o ts fo r th e military, a nd to fl y m en a nd mate rial to Al as ka in th e fam ous "Sourdo ug h Opera ti on ." In 1944, a m erge r w ith Inland Air Lines ex pa nded Western in th e Rockies a nd into South Da ko ta. It was al so th e yea r Wes te rn ju st appli ed fo r ne w 13

routes to Hawa ii , to compete w ith Pa n Am erica n. O n Ja nuary 1, 1947, Terrell C. Drink water becam e pres ide nt o f Wes te rn . A lawye r fro m Colo rad o, Drin k­ wa te r was also edu ca ted in H awaii a nd ho p ed tha t hi s airlin e would secur e rights to the Isla nds . But th e comp any was in fin a ncial difficulty . Drink­ wa te r acce pted th e ch all e nge a nd bega n a p o li cy o f "cons tructi ve co ntrac tio n" . At o ne stage, th e co m pa ny had to se ll aircraft tires to m ee t the payroll. It wo rked a nd soo n th e airlin e inched backed into th e black. Th e ea rl y Fifti es saw th e introd ucti o n of th e Do u g-

las DC-6B. Western eventu ally bo u ght 31 of th e m . The co mp a n y's ro utes s t re tch e d al o n g th e e ntir e W es t Coas t a nd in 1957 we re ex tended to M exico City. They we nt as fa r east as Minn ea poli s/S t. Pa ul. In 1960, Wes te rn e nt e r ed th e Je t Ag e w ith th e leasing of two Boein g 707s . It was also the year th a t a White H o u se d ec is io n to d e lay inte rn a ti o n a l ro ute awa rd s in th e Pac ific prevented Wes tern from o pe ra t­ ing new do m estic routes to H awa ii tha t the co mpa ny had bee n awa rd ed by th e C ivil Ae ro na utics Boa rd in th e firs t Tra nspacifi c Route case. (Continued on Page 16)

The Breath of Life By Dick Wagner Through the dedicated efforts of many, the EAA 's Northrop Alpha, NC11 Y, has been given a new lease on life . A group of TWA craftsmen have undertaken the painstaking restora足 tion of a last remaining Northrop Alpha . The aircraft is being prepared

for presentation to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum , where it will be displayed in their transporation exhibit, for millions to view. The aircraft was originally delivered to the assistant secretary of commerce

Alpha Project technical coordinator Dan McGrogan , right, leads TWA volunteers in extricating N11 Y from the barn'in Burlington, Wis., last March for the ride home by truck to Kansas City. '


for aeronautics, Colonel Clarence M. Young , as NS-1 , in November, 1930. Subsequently, the aircraft was owned by the Ford Motor Company , of Dearborn , Michigan , and later was sold to National Air Transport of Chi ­ cago , where it received its current registration, NC11 Y. It joined TWA Airlines on November 27, 1931 , when National Air Transport sold her to Trans Continental and Western Air , Inc . NC11 Y performed able service until February, 1932, when she went to Wichita for conversion to a Model 4A. She flew the line evidently as a 4A until April 26, 1935, when Mr. Frede­ rick B. Lee, of New York , acquired her. By this time the majority of the 13 original Alphas had been retired. It was Mr. Lee 's desire to fly NC11 Y around the world and have her out­ fitted with floats, as a seaplane. The feat was never accomplished and the aircraft was again resold to a Mr. Harry Spalding of New York , who converted it back to a land aircraft. Some point late in 1937, the aircraft was sold again to a Mr . Connoley, of Richfield, Con­ necticut . From that point until the acquisition by Mr. Foster Hannaford , Jr., of Winnetka , Illinois, in 1946, no records exist. It was Mr. Hannaford 's dream to preserve at least the last re­ maining example of the Northrop Alpha ; however, this dream was not realized by his untimely death . Mr. Hannaford , Sr ., donated the

Alph a and the additional material to the Experimental Aircraft Asso c iation where it was moved and stored in 1972 at their site of the future proposed world aeronautical center, adjac ent to the Burlington Municipal Airport , Burlington , Wisconsin . It was here that representatives of the Smithsonian and the TWA volunteers came and viewed the remains after 39 years . Headed by Dan McCorgan , the inspec­ tion team determined the feasibility of restoration and the aircraft was moved from its resting site to the TWA overhaul facilities at Kansas City. It took several months just to dismantle for cleaning and i nspection , but in July of 1975 the corner was turned and the aircraft began to regain much of its former stature. There are many interesting stories regarding the opera­ tion of the Alphas while they served TWA. It's alleged that the Alphas hold the all-time record for number of ground loops per model of aircraft. In future issues we hope to cover some of the pilot comments, and other interesting anecdotes of the operation and history of the Northrop Alphas in their operating career. The EAA and their members can be quite proud of the contribution they are making, through their efforts and the efforts of the dedicated crew of TWA , in preserving a piece of aviation history.

Upper Left: N11 Y awaits installation of engine. Mid-December, 1975.

Lower Left: N11 Y sits on the ramp at Wichita in 1932 following conversion to Model 4A for TWA. The Alpha will be in this configuration when delivered to the Smithsonian February 2, 1976.


E XPERIMENTA L • • • • • • • • • AIRCR AFT A S SN.






"Whistling In The Rigging" By Paul H. Poberezny

EAA President

, In our enthusiasm to move ahead and develop our plane, to the upcoming EAA International Convention own special interests, we must not lose sight of the and Sport Aviation Exhibition were discussed. Each overall big picture. We are all EAA' ers interested in one of you OWL" " debt of gratitude and thanks to promoting sport aviation - whether we fly a home­ these gentlemen who are spending their time, effort built, an antique, classic or a warbird - EAA is YOUR and finances on your behalf. The surface has only organization. been scratched and there is a great deal to be done. If each of us were to go off alone, we would have Bu t, if this meeting was any indication, I feel confi­ nothing. It is important that the Directors and Of­ dent that your Board of Directors will meet the chal­ ficers of all EAA affiliates work closely together with lenges put before them. the EAA Board to insure continuity in policy and pro­ I would like to commend all those who have in­ duction. To coin a cliche - "United we stand ­ dicated their willingness to serve as contributing divided we fa ll". editors for The Vintage Airplane. AI Kelch has take n Since the EAA Air Museum Foundation was found­ on a tremendous task in pu tting together this monthly ed in 1%3, many have questioned its value. I have publication. I know he will greatly appreciate any and heard comments from those who live thousands of all assistance he can receive in the way of articles, miles away saying, "What good does it do for me? I photographs or just plain moral support. am too far away to visit it. Why not move it to Cali­ fornia or Texas or Florida or the east coast?" Unfor­ ;;- L \ tunately, no matter what physical location we may / "- \ c \ select, there will always be those who geographic­ ' r$\ ltss¢ \ . ally are not close. J~ : ~' DIYISIDN Ii \\ The EAA Air Museum Foundation is preserving and II ._~ ); telling sport aviation's story. The display of historical .,\----==c-.., aircraft, engines and artifacts is only one small part of the work that the Foundation is doing. In addition to the displays, which were visited by over 50,000 THE OLD WEST . .. people in 1975, the Foundation publishes over 25 (Contlned from Page 13) educational manuals on the constructiDn and restora­ After years of litigation, the entire case was set tion of sport aircraft. These manuals are used not aside and Western's awards withdrawn. A new case only by EAA'ers, but numerous educational institu­ was started and the whole transpacific route pattern tions. was re-investigated. Project Schoolflight has become a very important On Jan. 4, 1969, Western once again won routes to program with over 100 high schools and technical Hawaii, and finally, 25 years after first seeking the schools participating . We have learned that the build­ Hawaii routes, links the Islands with direct service to ing of an aircraft does a great deal in developing major cities throughout the West. skills and pride in accomplishment for today's young Western also brings Hawaii its first direct air link people. with Alaska - to Anchorage. Western secured routes One of the greatest benefits that \he Foundation to Alaska by merging with Pacific Northern Airlines provides is an intangible one. It provide~ a setting for in 1967, thus extending the carrier north of Seattle! important meetings that cannot be dup!icated. Over Tacoma to nine cities in the 49th state. the years we have held numeroL<S Directors meetings From that first 600-miles route to Salt Lake City, and aviation conferences. To a gceat extent, the suc­ flown with open-cockpit biplanes, Western now serves cess of each of these conference,; has been due in 42 major cities - from Anchorage in the North to part to the work of the Foundation . The aura of avia­ Acapulco in the South and Honolulu in the West to tion permeates through the walls and gives each the Twin Cities in the East. All of its planes are jets attendee that added incentive to get the job done . with the most recent jet being the wide-bodied Doug­ Your Board of Directors kicked off our Bicenten­ las DC-lO. nial year with an excellent meeting . Many subjects, Western has written a proud heritage in aviation ranging from your publication, The Vintage Air­ history across the skies of America. j '

The preservation of aviation history and the pro­ motion of aviation education is something that we are all vitally interested in. Effort in these areas is es­ sential in order for aviation to prosper and grow. It is important that we use lessons learned from the past as a mea ns of educa ti ng presen t and fu ture avia tion enthusiasts. It is in this setting that your Board of Directors held their first 1976 meeting at the EAA and EAA Air Museum Foundation Headquarters complex, amidst aircraft such as a Curtiss Pusher, a Jenny, Curtiss Ro­ bin, Monocoupe and other well known names of yes­ terday. Your Board spent over eight hours in session discussing the problems and programs of the Antique! Classic Division . Over the years, EAA and the Foundation have pro­ vided a home for sport aviation enthusiasts . . . a place where all can gather to discuss problems, pro­ grams and just plain exchange stories. Away from the hub-bub of Washington, which has become the home of many national organizations, it allows us all to think clearly and get together on a "grass roots" basis. The Experimental Aircraft Association provides th e umbrella under which all of us work. In last month's column I mentioned that if we did not have an organization and the backing of a reasonably large membership, our voice would not be heard and many aeronautical advancements will come to a standstill.



'\\ o


January 4, 1976

November 4, 1975 Hi Nick! I thought that you may like some informa­ tion on the airplane shown on page 23 of Vintage Airplane, Sept.-Oct. 1975. It was a homebuilt, 3-place Swallow that was put together by Bruce Raymond in 1930. A Hisso was the power­ plant and the airplane serial number was 1-R The wings were built in the old Silver Plate factory in Elgin by Bruce, which was also the same building that the TA-Ho-MA was built. At that time, Bruce worked for A.S.&T. at Midway Airport and he built the fuselage in the back of their hanger. The maiden flight was on Nov. 1B, 1930. This aircraft was still registered to Bruce in 1936, with the registration expiring on April 1, 1936. He could have owned it for some time after this , but he later sold it to a Smoky Balser of Sacramento. Bob Baker 1040 Valewood Rd . Bartlett, IL 60103 Jan uary 7, 1976 Dear Sirs: I would like to join the Antique & Classic Division of the EAA. I saw your advertisement in the August 1975 issue. For the past 5 years I have been bui Id ing an exact replica (as near as possible) of a Nieuport 2B. I have a Gnome 9'er which I have overhauled and had in a test stand . (Runs beautifully). Thanking you, A. R Quinney RR1

Ladysmith , B.C.

Canada VOR 2EO


Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my check to join the EAA Antique & Classic Division. This is something I should have done long ago but just never did. My interest and participation goes back to the early 50's when the planes were junkers and not antiques. The first was a YKS-6 Waco which I rebuilt and then traded for a RNF Waco. The RNF was later traded for a 200 Warner engine cowling and prop which I put in my 0-145 Monocoupe. It has been seen around the country as Big Red - N11733. I flew it up here in 195B. Tried to give it to the EM Museum about 1964, it was apart in a garage in Raleigh , NC at that time but could not get anyone to get it to the museum . It is now in VA or NC. In 1957 I flew a UIC Waco up through Canada and into Alaska. Over the years I have owned 5 Wacos and about 4 Monocoupes, a Dart, a Staggerwing, Air­ master, L-13 and a few odd non­ antiques . At this time there is a L-5 on wheels, skis and floats presently flying and an old J-3 and PA-12 to restore . There are still a few bits and pieces of Airmaster and Monocoupes around the storage area. Am looking forward to receiving your magazine. Best regards, Syd Stealey (EM 164) 937 Bth Ave. Fairbanks, AK 99701


In Re Yackey Sport.

The Yackey Sport was a conversion

of the Thomas Morse Scout originally

equipped with a nome or

LeRhone rotary moror ­ manufactured for a purlluit plane

during WWI for the U.S.

The conversion was to install an OX5

power plant instead of the

rotary - some "people" in making the

conversion used 4 upper wings

because of the added OX5 weight.

Though the T-M could be

bought new and complete for a

token amount, none of the configurations

offered much in flying qualities.

Best Regards,

Jack N. Rose

P.O. Box 32 Ingleside, IL 60041

February 2, 1976 Gentlemen: Please enter my subscription/ membership to EAA Antique/Classic Division. I would appreciate a listing of back issues of The Vintage Airplane if such is possible. I presently own a DeHaviliand Tiger Moth DHB2A Serial Number 734B N-B2GS. This aircraft has been completely restored and is presently based at Montgomeryville, PA Airport. Thank you for your corporation.

Gerald F. Schwam

1021 Serpentine Lane

Wyncote, PA 19095

EDITOR'S NOTE: List is published on inside back cover.

February 4, 1976 Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will find a check to cover the fee to join the Antique and Classic Division of the EAA. It is our hope that we can be of some help to this group since repeated attempts to be of assistance within the homebuilt and museum groups here in Milwaukee have failed . We have not returned our registration cards concerning our aircraft before since we were not building a homebuilt. Now, I would feel it would be fair to state we are restoring a C-37 Cessna Airmaster c/n3B4 NC1B599. In addition to this we own a Cessna 120, N19B5V, and part interest in a J-3 and a Corben Jr Ace. (All of which we have restored or helped restore). Thank you for your time and keep up the good work for the 'little guy '. Sincerely, Paul Walter (EM 90997) 107 Concord PI Apt. 5 Thiensville, WI 53092

EDITOR'S NOTE: We need help. A list of chairmen will be published later. Call or write the one of your choice.

January 1B, 1976

Gentlemen :

Please find attached an extra dollar for which I will appreciate you sending me a sample copy of The Vintage Airplane. I have been flying since 192B and flew OX5 Wacos, Robins, Krieder-Reisner Challengers ,

Stinson 5MB-A 's, LeBlond Powered Arrow Sports , etc. Thank you for the extra trouble of sending me the single copy of the magazine. I was a World War II Glider Pilot but never crossed paths with Paul P. Yours truly, A . T. McDonough 9 Lennon PI. Whitesboro, NY 13492 January B, 1976 Dear Sirs : Enclosed please find cheque for Twenty Dollars ($20.00) to cover member­ ship for the year 1976, for the following new members: Tom Dietrich 633 Krug Street Kitchener, Ontario Canada, N2B 1L9 and Frank D. Evans 100 Kenora Drive Kitchener, Ontario Canada , N2A 2BB We are members of the EAA and wish to join the Antique/Classic Division. Please start ou r subscriptions to

The Vintage Airplane with the January,

1976 issue.

As a matter of interest my current project is rebuilding and restoring a Thruxton Jackaroo, which is a modified DH-B2A to make it into a four-place aircraft. Thanks for this opportunity to join with others of similar interests.

Yours very truly,

Frank D. Evans

1()() Kenora Drive

Kitchener Ontario

Canada, N2A 2BB

111 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE One for one for one. If each mem­ ber would take it upon himself to get one new member a year each year, th e compounded effect would result in a ve ry successful organi­ zation. Take pride in your activity - make it grow .

Calelldar of Events

May 1·2 - Corona, California· Southern Ca lifornia Regional EAA Fly·ln sponsored by EAA Chapters 1, 7, 11 , 92, 96, 448 a nd 494. For information contact Terry Davis, 13905 Envoy Ave ., Corona, Ca. 91720, Phon e (714) 735·8639.

May 28, 29, 30 - Watsonville, Ca liforn ia· 12th Annual Antiquer Fly-In Air Show

Ju ne 4·6 - Merced, Ca liforn ia - Merced West Coas t Antiqu e Fly-In. For information contact Jim Morr, Director, Box 2312, Merced , CA 95340, or ca ll (209) 723-0929.

June 13 - Weedsport, New York - Fly In Pancake Breakfast 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. S pon sored by Chapte r 486, Whitfords Airport, Weed sport, NY.

Jul y 3·4 - Gain esville, Georg ia - 9th Annual Cracker Fly-In. Spon sored by North Georgia Chapte r of AAA, Antiqu es, Classics, H omebuilts a nd Warbird s w elcome. Conta ct Bill Davis, 2202 Willivee Place, Decatur, GA 30033.

MIGRATIO N OF AN EAGLET . . . (Cont in ued from Page 8)

to see this s tra nge machin e. The people o f that tow n were g rea t; I was offered eve rything from h elp , to a place to stay the night. I settled for a 7116 wrench a nd a screw driver. Within half an hour I was on a take-off roll escorted by th e to w n 's peo ple who w ere running along both sides. Kicking th e Eaglet around I made a low pass, trying to rock my wings in goodby and thanks, but s ucceed ed more in bruising my knees with th e stick. With th e forced landin g I los t half an h our, and my cha nces of ma king it ho me be fore dark dimmed , as did my precious sunlight. I d ecided DeKalb would have to be my destination and corrected course accordingl y . It was nea r dark a t DeKalb , but w ho need s na viga ti on lights with three ve ry healthy blue ex ha ust flames and a n occass ional spark from the tails ked on the co ncrete. We let the Eaglet rcst that nigh t, re turning to De­ Kalb earl y in th e mornin g to complete th e 15 mil e trip . After completing the usual grcase and oil routine, Dad decid ed to d o th e hon ors a nd complete th e trip . After all what could happ en in 15 miles? Well, num­

ber on e, A&P son saw to it that dear, old Dad would have som e excitement beca use I inadvertantly left th e va lve lifter jamnuts loose after adjus ting them. (American Eaglet Lesson Number 3). S hortl y after becoming airborne in the Bonanza, fl y in g behind the Eaglet, I watched as my Dad set up an a pproac h to a yo ung soybea n fi eld. H e was about to exec ute his first forced landing in 31 years of flying . I w ill no t go into how I ha ppened to arrive in th e same field with the tools, but after the re pairs it was d ecided that my 25 p ounds less weight might be beneficial in cultiva ting as few beans as poss ible. Th e rest of the trip was about as uneventful as could be exp ected flying this typ e of airplane. So, after 420 low altitude miles, 8 h ours fl ying with­ out a much need ed eleva tor trim and eight s tops, in­ cluding two force d landings , the Eaglet was hom e. This began an era of fl ying for me that I had only bee n able to drea m about in the pa s t. It's too bad that so much of the joy o f fl y ing is smo thered by today's speed and complexity. - MO RE LESSONS TO FOLLOW ­

Jul y 31 . Au gust 8 - Os hkosh, Wisconsin ­ 24th Annual EAA Interna tional Fly-In Conv entio n. Start ma king yo ur plans NOW!

August 22 - Weedsport, NY - 3rd AntiqueC lassic and Homebuilt Flv In . Pancake breakfas t - trophi es - Air Show 1:00 P.M. Sponsored by Chapter 486, Whitfords Airport. Co ntact Dick Forger, 204 Woods pa th Rd ., Liverpool, NY 13088

Aug ust30· September 3- Fond du Lac, Wiscon sin ­ 11th Ann u al EAA /IA C Inte rna tiona l Aerobatic Championshi ps. Sponsored by In ternatio nal Aerobatic C lub .

Flo rida Spo rt Aviation Activities - Th e very active Florida Sport Aviatio n An tiqu e a nd C lassic Associ ation h as a fly-in almost every month . So we recomm end to all planning a Florida vacation that th ey co ntact FSAACA Preside nt Ed Esca ll on, 335 Milford Drive, Merritt Island, Florida 32925 for fly-in details.



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