~-.: :- -. '
THE RESTORER'S CORNER O shkosh is just around the corner. What's tha t you say? "No, it isn ' t, it's still several month s away." Well , for you severa l months away may not be just aro und the corner, but for yo ur Division Officers, Direc tors, and Convention Chairmen , Oshkosh is very d efinitely just around th e corner. They have bee n workin g and planning for Oshkosh '76 ever since Oshkosh '75. Now th eir effor ts are d eveloping to th e point of fever pitch . There is still mu ch th a t th ey need to co mpl e te th e preparations so th a t yo u will enj oy a sm ooth efficiently opera ted convention . Th ose n eeds fall into two ca tegories, equipment and manp ower. In th e eq uipm ent ca tegory yo ur Forums Chairmen need severa l items of projection equipm ent including a 40" x 40" Dalite bead ed projection screen , a dual 8 millimeter movie pro jector, a 16 millimeter sound m ovie projector and a 35 millimeter slide projec tor. If any of you have any of this equipment in good used working conditi o n, it is surplus to your need s and you would be w illing to d onate it to th e Division for u se in the forums tent durin g th e co nvention , your officers a nd forum chairmen would be mos t gra teful. The projection eq uipm ent does no t h ave to be th e n ewes t or mos t modern . It only n eed be -good quality standard equipment in goo d worki ng conditio n. For example, th e movie projectors sho uld be standard reel type and th e slide projector should be on e which ca n be fe d slides individually, rather th an th e more modern tray or carousel models. This letter is because most foru m speakers have o nl y a few slides to project along w ith th eir talks, an d the y us ually just bring th e slides loose in a box. Also in th e equipm ent ca tegory, your parking chairmen are in need of a dozen pairs of ping pong paddles to be used for parking airp la nes. Your chairme n wi ll take care of painting th e paddles interna ti ona l orange if some members will donate th em . How a bout loo king in th e cellar or th e a ttic and seein g if yo u ca n still find th ose old paddles w hi ch had the playing surface worn off of them? They are no longer any good for ping-pong, but th ey would be idea l for parking airplan es. Your parking chair men also need a doze n lig ht weig ht hard hats to be worn by th e parkin g commi ttee mini-bike patrol. And speaking of minibikes, th ey shall need quite a few mini -bikes, motor scoo ters, a nd tra il
by J. R. NIELANDER, JR. bikes since th ey are going to ha ve to handle parking in the entire "south 40" this year. If you have any that yo u wo uld be willin g to donate or even le nd to the p arking committee for the duration of the convention, please let them h ear from you. If Y0 4 can s upply any of this n eed ed equipme nt, please write to your Convention Chairman in care of Antique/Classic Division at EAA Headquarters as soon as poss ible, so th a t th ey will know what th ey can count on to work with . Items s uch as paddles and hard ha ts could be easily boxed and mailed. The projection equipment could probably be picked up by som e di vision member and delivered to Headquarters if you are unable to d eliver it yo urself. The sa m e goes for mini-bikes or scooters, etc. Next m onth we' ll talk about th e oth er big need at the Convention MANPOWER.
An Antique Classic Division Board of Directors meeting will be held at EAA Headquarters in Hales Corners, Wisconsin at 9:30 A.M. on Saturday, April 24, 1976. All divisional members are invited to attend.
MARCH 1976
Publisher Paul H. Poberezny
Editor AI Kelch
P.O . BOX 2464
P.O. BOX 3747
BOX 181
LYONS, WIS. 53 148
g S 135 AERO DR. , RT. 1
P.O. Box 458
Lumberton, N.C. 28358
7018 W. Bonniwell Rd .
Mequon , WI 53092
9635 Sylvia Ave .
Nort hridge, CA 91324
8t02 LEECH RD .
UNION , IL 60180
3850 Coronation Rd .
Eagan , MN 55122
RR 18, Box 127
Ind ianapo lis, IN 46234
Assistant Editor Lois Kelch Centrib utin g Edi to rs
H. N. " Dusty" Rh odes
Evander Bri tt
Jim Barton
Claude Gray
Ed Escall on
Rod Spanier
Dale Gustafso n
Henry Wh ee ler
Morto n Les ter
Kelly Viets
Bo b Ell iot
Jack Lann ing
Bi ll Thumm a
RR 1, Box 151
Stilwell. KS 66085
The Res torer's Corner . . .. . ..... .. . . .... . . . ...................... . ... , Roscoe Turner & 2470 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Remem ber ... M ilo Burcham? ......... . ........... ,... . ... .. .. . .. . ... Vin tage Album. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Ra nch Crit ter .......... . .. .. . .................. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. From th e Albu m of Dean Crites . ... ... ........ . . ... . ..... . ...... . ..... Whis tling In Th e Riggin g .... . .... .. ... . ................... . ..... . ....
1 3 8 9 11 14 17
S.o.S. Send Old Stories
JACK WINTHROP 3536 Whitehall Dr. Dallas, TX 75229
DIVISION EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DOROTH Y CHASE , EAA HEADQUARTER S THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is own ed exclusively by Antique Classi c Aircraft. Inc . and is published monthly at Hales Corners. Wi sconsi n 53130. Second class Po stage paid at Hales Corners Post Office. Hales Cor ners, Wi sconsin 53130 and Random Lake Post Office. Random Lake. Wisconsin 53075. Membership rates for Antique Classic aircraft , Inc. at $10.00 per 12 month period of which $7.00 is for the publication to THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are int erested in avia tion.
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., Box 229,
Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
Fokker 0·7 in action at Old Rhinebeck , NY.
PI CTUR E BOX (Back Cover) Mr . Gado I don ' t even know how to fly E.L. T. , so why s hould I have one?
Copyright ' 1976 Antique Classic Aircraft , In c . All Rights Aeservej .
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,\R \N.ES Roscoe Turner & 247D Share a Great Moment By Edward D. Williams
713 Eastman Drive
Mt, Prospect, Illinois 60056
Most of the planes came into the mu seum from the Smithsonian's Silver Hill, Md., storage facility, but the 247D came the longer distance from Clinton be cause it was restored at Hyde Field there. (See The Vintage Airplane, April, 1975.) The moving procedure is old hat to the EAA's Air Education Museum, which has trucked many planes over the years from local Milwaukee-area airports to
Franklin, Wis. But for the Smithsonian, it was a new experience fraught with danger for the the valuable aircraft. The DC-3, FC-2 and Trimotor were already in the Museum when the 247D was scheduled to be moved. Smith sonian officials were wary because two shots had been fired at the DC-3 enroute from Silver Hill, and a speeder who had
Boeing 2470 in the Silver Hill., Md., Stephen J. Chris (left) and the author storage facility before restoration be before the restoration work began. gan last April. Norman Showers, chief engineer for Williams Enterprises (in hard hat standing between wings in hangar) supervises the movement of the wings from the hangar to the truck.
(Photo by Buck Hilbert)
For example, the Boeing 247D which has the place of honor in the Hall was towed 15 miles tail first and minus wings from Clinton, Md., to the Museum down Maryland highways and District of Columbia streets. The move was made at night in a pouring rain.
The exhibit includes an American Ford Trimotor, Eastern Air Lines Doug las DC-3, Trans World Airlines North rop Alpha, Eastern Air Lines Pitcairn Mailwing, Pan American Fairchild FC-2 and the United 247D, the world's first modern airliners. 4
zipped around the Trimotor on the highway came close to wiping it out. And, when the 2470 was first moved from Silver Hill, Md., to Clinton for the restoration work on March 19, 1975, a motorist was given a ticket for careless driving around the slow-moving caravan. On the recent trip from Clinton to the museum, however, all went according to plan. It seemed like an incident might occur when a sedan with four people inside pulled up alongside the caravan, but they just took a flash picture of the strange collection of vehicles and continued on their way. Many motorists on the road, however, did gawk at the odd mixture of police cars, trucks and an airplane. The Smithsonian's Boeing 2470 had a varied back ground. It was rolled out of the factory in Seattle as a United airliner in September, 1934, but was leased the next month to Col. Roscoe Turner, Clyde Pangborn and Reed Nichols, who flew it to third place in the Stephen J. Chris, president of CNC Industries (left) and the author look over plans for restoration of the 2470 last April at Hyde Field, Clinton, Md., before the work got under way.
MacRobertson International Air Derby. It was returned to United after the race and put into regular airline service. United sold the plane in 1937 to a utility com pany, which sold it two years later to the Civil Aero nautics Administration. The CAA in turn used it for research projects and donated it to the Smithsonian on July 17,1953. A few months ago, with a $27,000 grant from United Airlines, the Smithsonian contracted with CNC In dustries, Inc., at Hyde Field, Clinton, to restore it to its original condition, and Williams Enterprises, Inc., of Laurel, Md., transported the disassembled 2470 from Silver Hill to Hyde Field for restoration work. Norman Showers, chief engineer for Williams Enterprises and a former Canadian air force pilot, sur veyed the route by car previous to the move, and he anticipated no problems, although there was a lot of construction work in progress on Pennsylvania Avenue in the District of Columbia. "I thought about using a helicopter to transport the plane to the museum," Showers said, "but we couldn't get District approval because the flight path would have been over congested areas." Showers was sure there would be enough clearance on the roads, although the fuselage with the wing roots and engines attached measured 20 feet in width, and
the three-bladed props added a couple more feet of width. Height was no problem since the tail was not attached but was already in the museum, along with the control surfaces and engine cowlings. Showers had supervised the move of the 2470 from Silver Hill to Clinton on March 19, and was in charge again for the move to the new museum the night of October 8 and 9. The plane was prepared for the trip during the day on October 8. Showers' crew of seven men moved the wings from CNe's hangar and loaded them on the flatbed truck, first laying them on saw horses and then lifting them up to the truck. Stephen J. Chris, president of CNC Industries, estimated that the hollow wings weighed about 1,000 pounds each. Before the wings were put about the trucks, Chris noticed that some sand had accumulated in the wing roots. It was cleaned out with a vaccum cleaner before the work was allowed to continue. The tailwheel of the fuselage then was mounted on a specially-made coupling on a semi-trailer tractor so that the fuselage could be towed backwards on its own landing gear. Workman making a final walk around inspection before beginning to roll down the long road to the museum.
Afte r so me fin al painting o f ma rkings a nd le tte rin g, the fu seage was rea d y to be moved . Abo ut 11:45 p.m. , the two trucks we re joined by po lice car escorts fro m th e Ma ryla nd s ta te police a nd the S mith so nian 's ow n securit y force, a nd th e carava n ,
w ith poli ce ca r lig hts fl as hing, s tarted th e thr ee ho ur trip in the rain . In ord er to kee p a n eye o n the preciou s pos sess ion , W a lt e r Bo y n e, a ss is ta nt cura tor-ae ro n autics for the mu se um , rod e alo ng in th e ca rava n . T he vehi cles m oved abo ut fi ve miles a n hour a nd
The end of a long haul. The 2470 will be hoisted to hang on the ceiling in a place of honor. It will share the glory with American Air Lines, Ford Tri-Motor, Eastern Airlines Douglas DC-3, Trans World Airlines Northrop Alpha, Eastern Airlines Pitcarin Mailwing and Pan Americans Fairchild FC-2 . If you look closely you will see the DC-3 and Ford Tri-Motor. Already hanging waiting for your arrival on opening day.
. .
ke pt s pa rse, mid-nig ht traffi c be hind it to a crawl. S howers pulled it over to th e side of the roa d o nce in Maryla nd to le t traffic go by a nd a second tim e a t the Di s trict o f Columbia- Ma ryla nd line, w he re the Ma ry la nd sta te police escort was reli eved by Me tro p olita n police from the Dis trict of Columbia. Th e arrival a t the line was scheduled fo r 1 a. m. beca use th e ca ravan 's per mit in th e dis trict became effective a t that tim e. In th e Di s trict of Columbia , th e carav a n mo ve d ca uti o u s ly aro und th e co n s tru ctio n wo rk o n Pe nn sylva nia avenu e and th en crept al ong on Ind e pe nd ence Avenu e pa st th e Ca pitol to th e new mu se um site be tween 4th a nd 7th streets, sto pping a t 7th street. Th e poli ce escort de p a rteoi , a nd th e fl a t bed tru ck w ith th e w ings passed into the w es t side of th e mu seum through la rge glass d oors, w hich w he n o pened m ea sured 30 fee t by 30 fee t. The n the fu selage was towed in. Th e fu selage was se t in place o n th e fl oor jus t be low w h ere it was to be li fted by cra ne for place me nt, ha nging fro m the ceilin g trestle . The wings were un loa d ed a nd set o n the floo r pointin g o ut fro m the fuse lage's s ides . A few h ours la te r, a t 8 a. m ., a crew fro m CNC Industries arrrved and bega n the job of asse mbling th e pla n e. Th e wor k took until O ctober 16, fin all y the 247 was h ois ted into place o n Oc to be r 24. C NC Indu s tries h ad worked almost seven m onth s to res to re th e 2470, a nd it now looks like it did m ore th a n 40 yea rs ago, except tha t the aircra ft was painted to resembl e the anodi zed gray color of th e aluminum skin w he n it firs t ca m e out of the fa cto ry. The an odi zing h ad wo rn too thin , a n d a Smithsonia n pa inter h ad to bl end 11 different colors to m atch th e original color. Th e 2470 in its final fo rm had a qu al a ppea ra nce as th e right sid e is pa ined as a United airline r a nd the left side as it was in the 1934 Lond on to Au s tra lia air race . Th e o nl y m ajor cha nge fro m th e o riginal is in the p ro ps. The 2470 h ad two H a milton -S tanda rd three blad ed , controllable pitch p rops, with counte rweights, but so m e tim e befor e th e pla n e was dona ted to the S mith so ni an th ese were cha nged to H a milto n -S ta n d ard s wi th o ut th e counterweig hts. Chris said th e props with the counte rweig hts are ex tre mely ra re a nd wo uld be quite ex pe nsive. However, th e S mith so ni a n is kee ping its eyes o p e n a nd w ill ma ke a change if original type props a re loca ted. Chri s said the newer m od el of the p rop s cam e out about 1940, lon g after United dis posed of its fl ee t of 69 247Ds, a nd th ese ne w e r prop s w ere o n the S mith so ni a n's 2470 w he n it m ad e its las t la nding a t Was hin gton 's Na tio nal Airport in 1953. 6
Commercial Aviation 5
The design uf a 1976 commt'morative
Appc.lring below Ih(' Ford plane is
stamp honoring fifty yeilfs of commercial
the Laird Swallow biplane which flew a
aviation in the United States was un·
contract route from Pasco, Washington
vei led Thursday, December 11, in Wash
to Elko, Nevada, via Boise, Id aho o n
ington, D.C.
April 6: 1926. The Swallow was operated
ilt it
meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Air Transport Asso
by Varney Air Lines, a predecessor of
United Air Lines.
Dear Dot, I'm enclosing a couple of pieces of my antique 7AG Champ. It is a 1946 model and is covered in ceconite and it is a " Beaut" even if it is mine, as you can see from the photos I made a custom designed instrument panel. When it was rebuilt all new wood, cables and pulleys were replaced. It is about the same as a " new" Champ . As you can see from the photo I'm crippled due to an auto accident many years ago and was told I'd never be able to fly. So far I have "ra cked up " about 5500 hours. Several years ago I had arthritis in my hips so bad it put me in a wheel chair but with the help of God and some fine doctors I can walk better than ever. At present a partner, Jim Braden , and I are finishing a Starduster Too. But at heart I'm still an antique/classic fan . My first restoration was a 1931 Buh! Bull Pup back in 1948. There are a number of antiques and classics in this area and when I attend another fly in I'll send you some pictures with names if you would like them . P.S. I have to remove my built up shoe when I fly so I can " feel" the Rudder Pedal. Regards, Bob Knox 720 Exchange Bldg . Memphis , TN 38103
will be
The s tamp will be printed on th e
placed on sa le- March 18, 1976, sa lut es
I3-ccnt stamp.
gravure press with 50 stamps to th e pane
commercial avia tion in connection with
and five plate numbers. The colors are
the 50t h anniversary year of the first
ye ll ow, magenta, cyan, black tone and
contract airmai l flights. Award of the
black line. The modeler was Peter Cocci
first airmail contra cts by the Pos t Office
of the Bureau of Engraving and Prin ting.
Department in 1926 provided financial
The firs t day o f iss u e ce rem ony w ill
impe tu s which helped the com m erc ial
be held at O'Hare Airport in Chicago
av iation indust ry become a reality.
The stamp design features the a ir
on March 18. Requests for first day can cella tions should be add resse d to "Com
plane \.vhich flew the first contract air
mercial Aviation stamp, AMF -
mail Hight in 1926 a nd another a irpla ne
C hi cago, IL 60666.'· The cost is 13c per
representative of other contract fligh ts
s tamp to be affixed to th e self-addressed
whkh followed.
envelopes \v hkh must accompa ny orders
Appearing at the upper Idt of th e vig neUe is the Ford Pullman all-metal mono plane used by the Ford Motor Compa ny to comp letl" the first contract flight on February 15, 1926 from Dearborn, Mich igan to C leveland , Ohio and return. Other Ford Pullman pla nes inaugurated service between Detroit and Chicago o n the same day.
and remittance should be by check o r money o rd er instead of cash. Postage s tamps will not be accep ted as payment. Return addresses s ho uld be written low a nd we ll to the left a nd a filler of postal card thickness helps to assure clear
a nd
damage to envelopes. Orders must be postmarked no lat er tha n March 18.
Milo in cockpit of his World famous Boeing fighter plane.
Fl ying hi s red a nd s il ve r Was p powere d Boeing P-12 Spo rts ma n bipla ne in hi s fa ultl ess prec isio n aero ba ti cs a t th e pre-Worl d Wa r II C levela nd Na ti o n a l Air Races, Milo Burch a m was a yea rly favorite o f the vas t air race fan s . Hi s in verted ha mm erh ead stall foll owed by a roaring inve rted p owe r di ve to g rass cutting altitud e, th en zooming h ea v e nward in a n o uts id e loo p w e re th e gr eat est. [n 1936 h e es ta 足 bli shed an unu sual fli g ht record th a t s till s ta nd s tod ay w he n h e re足 ma in ed aloft fo r 3 h ours, 37 minutes . . . fl ying upsid e d own' He had h o pes o f m aki ng a tran scontin ental flig ht fro m the in verted p ositio n , but thi s never jelled . [n M ay a nd Jun e of 1937-1938, h e a nd Co lo n e l Joe Mackey o f Mac key Air Lines represented th e USA in th e great Inte rn a tional Air Ga mes, Paris, France . Bo th of th ese gr ea t Ame rican pilo ts s tole th e meet. In 1939 Burcham retired fro m ae roba tic fl ying a nd took a positio n as chi ef tes t pil ot fo r Lockh eed Aircra ft Corp. at Burba nk, Ca li fo rni a a nd ran all exp erime ntal fli g ht tests o n Lockh eed fi ghte r-bomber air足 cra ft durin g Wo rld Wa r II. He was killed testing the firs t je t fi ghter, th e fa mo us P-80 "S hooting S ta r. " Burch a m was o ne of th e m os t resp ected a nd ho no red airm en in thi s co untry and in Euro pe. His na m e a nd d eed s a re etched d eep in th e pages of air his to ry . EDITOR'S NOTE: To my knowledge only 2 Boeing 100 airplanes still exist, one is being restored in Florida by Ted Voorhees , we will have a story soon . With luck we might see it at Oshkosh '76 .
Milo's red and silver Boeing P-12, 100 Sportsman Special 8
\. ., It ' ' ;_, 'J
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1""4>" _
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Men an(
Every Year In Ju Sponsored By A Here Is A Sample - Come J
1: Hey man you oughta get a ride in one of them things! 2: Grandpa Quick Silver showing the cubs how (Dale Crites). 3: Baron Von Ladd thinks Cubs are great! (Targets?) 4: Looks good , hold it steady now! (Barrier Landing Contest). 5: Ted Koston tells the whole story with this one photo, The mark of a true professional. 6 : Burlington is truly a beautiful spot i n the spring. A country setting for country airplanes,
3 Album ~$;i heir Vintage Machines
~~.-, ~~
y Ted Koston
J#J .,..
..,...,.~/ ~'
There Is A Cub Fly In que & Classic Division I The Fun At Burlington, Wisconsin
9 7: Note the expression of
apprehension (will it or won 't it?)
8: Cubs as far as the eye can
see. The Fly In is not restricted , how足
ever, to cubs .
9: Fly In wing sitting is a
BEAUTIFUL game. Dick & Jeannie Hill.
10: AH' that's better. Now
you get your ride.
11 : That convertible roof sure makes
a good flour bomb target. No
Rocks Please'
12 : I think there is a little good
natured cheating going on here .
You ' re suppose to land over the string .
By Bob Wilson Rt. 3, Box 275B Ocala, Florida 32670 My airplane is a 1930 Waco RNF "Special" Licensed Experim e ntal Ex hibition or to be more acc urate it should be a UNF as it now has a 220 Continental engine in place of the original 110 War ner. The engine and mo unt ring are off a Stearman and the rest is home made as the original engine mount was not re movable and welded directly to the fuse lage. The exhaust collector ring is basi cally Stearman with a 4 foot tailpipe for the smoke rig. The smoke system con sists of an oil tank, air bottle and pressure regulator with a control valve. I've been using Coruis Oil or Gulf Endurance No. 39. It works real well but gets a little expensive at a buck a gallon. It has a 92" Curtis Reed prop, Model 5550. Th e gear, brake and wheels are from a Cessna 140 with Waco replica fiber-glass wheel pants from Wag-Aero. The front seat is replaced with th e smoke tank and collector tank for the inverted fuel system. The center section has an extra rear strut and double wires - also extra flying wire and double take wires. With an empty Wt. of 1605 lbs. it cruises about 110 at 1800 rpm. I recently built an inverted oil system to go with the in verted fuel system and PS5C pressure carburator. It now runs beautiful in any attitude. It flies real great and does all the fun maneuvers except I can't get it to snap clean. I've run spin strips of
various lengths on both wings and it still hangs on in a stall. If any readers have any suggestions now to make a RNF snap clean, I'd sure like to hear from them . I've exp erimented with the rigging and put gap covers over the a ilerons which just about doubled the roll rate. This Waco has a rather co lorful backgro und . It was originally modified and flown by Roy Timin with the Cole Bros . Air Show back in the early 1950's. I keep the airplane on m y private airport here in Ocala, Florida . It's a 2000' x 150' grass strip we carved out of the woods. We have a ranch here where my wife raises race horses and r raise airplanes. I also have a Cessna 310 here that I commute about 300 miles to Miami to get to work. I'm a Boeing 727 Captain for National Airlines in Miami . I started in aviation as an A&E mechanic and went to Spartan ba ck in 1949-1950. I've done a little of every thing from fixed base to airlines and flown charter, corporations , crop dustin g, instruction , cargo, non s ked s and the pa s t 20 years with National Airlines. I'v e kept active as a mechanic since I started and do all my own work from Waco to tractors. I've rebuilt many airplanes over the years and built my own Pitts Special about 10 years ago, which we raced at Miami and Reno. I have another set of Pitts wings about finished, but they're han ging on the shop wall and may be a long time before they turn into an airplane as long as I have the Waco. The thing I really like about the Waco is it's a real crowd pleaser at any fly-in and a true antique, yet a real good flying sport plane where I can enjoy doing aerobatics. I have a partner in the Waco who is a local equine veterinarian and commercial pilot by th e name of Walt Muluihill. A couple of years ago we were playing
around in my Old Cessna 195 and I did a few lazy 8's and chandralles and Walt thought it was great fun. At the time, he was a private pilot that had never done over a 30 0 bank and really enjoyed a few maneuvers. I told him I could give him a much better demonstra tion in something that resembled an aerobatic airplane. The next day he lands on my strip in a rented Cessna 150 Aerobat and said "let's go try a few aerobatics". Well, after that ride he said he had to have an aero batic airplane and considered buying the Aerobat. I told him I had a lot of respect for Cessna but an Aero bat was not my idea of an aerobatic airplane. The only way to enjoy the world upside down is when it's framed between two wings, with wires and struts and a large exhaust stack along side your ear, barking out of a radial engine while hanging by the belt with your head in the slipstream of an open cockpit. We looked for about a year until we found our Waco at a price we could live with and I spent the next several months getting it in shape to relicense. The next step was to get Walt checked out in the Waco . He owns a Cessna 18Z and is a great pilot but only had a couple of hours in Taildraggers. We found Bob Koons, a great guy up in Gainesville that had a stock two hole Stearman. He flew it in one weekend and says "why don't you keep it here for a week or so and get Walt checked out?" How's that for a stroke of luck? I think somebody up there likes us. Anyway, by the next weekend, old Walt was flying that Stearman like a pro. While he was still hot, we strapped him in the Waco and away we went. Never had a bit of trouble and by now is getting to be a pretty good aerobatic pilot. We both rea lly enjoy this old bird and fly it when
Pasture For Airplanes
ever we can. We've had it to several fly-ins and air shows and even picked up a couple of trophies. Any of you young fellas that have never been up in an old biplane just haven't lived yet. Go find one somewhere and at least get yourself a ride while there's still a few around . As for me, after 18,000 hours of flying, my favorite pastime is rolling and looping our Waco while enjoying the real beauty of Mo ther Nature from an open cockpit. 12
It does great loops, Cuban 8's, slow rolls, point rolls and all the fun stuff. I have the smoke rig working real well and it not only looks good from the ground but is a lot of fun to fly and see where you've been.
I've had the airplane about 2 years and have done a lot of work getting it back in shape. It's a real good aero足 batic performer for an old biplane, although it 's no Pitts Special. The roll rate is relatively slow even with the 4 ailerons.
What's A Plane Engine For, Anyway? Crites Lands His Training Ship Without One You need "guts" to fly an air- tile glide, and "pancaked" slightly. plane, but the plane doesn't need {The ship came down , bumped along "guts" to fly. J:l few yards and stopped, its exterior Dean Crites, Waul{f~sha flying in- undamaged. structor, proved this Monday Only Two Minutes morning and nal'l'owly f:SCal,ed with The flirtation with death took onhis life and the life of <me of his ly about two minutes, Crites said. students, Kenneth Ru"t, :Milwaukee. The two occupants clambered Oll~ of He successfully landed a plane the plane and the bewil\lered C.A.A. after the motor and all its innards student asked: were ripped out of the body of a "What happened? Did we lose two-seater Waco trainmg ship. some of the cowling?" Cdtes, 4:3, ancl his young student "Hell no, look again," replied had just takcn off for a flying lesson Crites. "Our motor fell out." at the Curtis-Wright airpol't outThe student slumped against the side of Milwaukee. He had nosed wing, turned pale, and gulped. He the plane up to 1,000 feet and was didn't believe it. just levelling off when the propelThey found the motor buried In leI' cracked at its hub and broke in the ground in the Memorial ceme two. One half fell off and the othN' tery. They were still hunting for hal{ tore the entire motor out of the the ~thel' half of ~he propelle,:: nose of the plane and ,,-e rtt hurtling . Cntes. thought It was an II1ter to the earth. i esting experience." Into a Glide I A couple o~ mont~,~ ago fo.ur peoThe ship jolted and the top heavy I pIe. had a SImIlar mterestmg ex tail d'ropped it almost into a loop. ; penence." The motor dropped o~t Crites immediately shoved the ' of thel.r plane near Delavan, WIS. "stick" forward straighten up ! The shIp cr.ashed and burned. All the shattered no;e and went into a i- four were kIlled. glide. In the space of a few ~er:- I .- - - - - . onds the plane was brought back in- I to control and death was cheated i of two victims. The bewildered student didn't know what it was all about, but his experienced instructor grabbed firmly on the s tick and glanced about for a likely spot to "drop her." There was no time for the stUd ent to climb out and u~e hi~ parachute, and "Captain" Crites wouldn't give up his fast sinking
He spotted a small farm field out i in front and headed for it. The ! field was not large enough for 01'- ; dinary fiying, but beggars can't be I' choosers. Crites straightelj.ed her up from I
2 Fliers Lose Motor in Air Glide Plane to Earth After Propeller Breaks, Pulls Out Engine
r.ose pointin g upward, C':ritps tooi, o.-er the controls. Carefully, he turned the gliding planf', pointcd Dward the west, around to the so uth east and away from the large (hapel of the cemetery, which ioom ed as a danger to the crippled ~hip _
Broad green fields lay to the "outheast, too, and Crites knew that t hey would be a fine landing field. For a painfully long mile the plane glided down, landing neatly in a farmer's alfalfa patch east of the County Line rd _ between W. Burle igh st. and W. Capitol dr. The fliers climbed out. stamping gratefully on the gro und. Rust took just one look at the oil flecked hole in th e ship's nose and he felt like swooning, he admitted later.
An av iation oddity happened here Monday. A propeller snapped on a plane, jerking out the motor, but the two fl~ ers aboard landed safely. uS.lng the~r motorless pl a ne as a glIder_ The luckv two are !{cnn eth Ru st 22. of 2816 ·N. 50th st., a dJ'aflsm~~ Both !lad Parachutl's -at the Allis-Chalmers Manufactur"It 1 had been alone in the ship, ing Co. and a student fli er, and 1 would have gone over the side," he Dean Crites, an instructor at the said. Both he and Crites wore pa raWaukesha county airport. chutes. Flying a two wing dual control I The accident wa;; seen by E. A _ training ship, Rust and Crites left: Boettcher, superintendent of the from the Curtiss -Wright airport on cemetery, and John Buth, a ceme Highway 41 with Rust at the con- tery worker_ troIs. "We saw the blade fly off and flutThey were fl y ing at 1,000 [cpt at tel' down." said Bopttcher. "It gJist about 105 miles an hour ovcr YVis· ened in the air_ Then the motor fell consin Memorial park .on Capitol dr_I off. it buried itself a foot deep in ~vhen it happened_ the ground. The colored parts from PrOI)eller Ll'ts Go the motor and cowling looked like flowers dropping. It was just like Crack went the propeller. Memorial - day, w hen planes drop One-half of it snaped off. centrifu flowers on the cemetery_" gal force hurling it to one side and Back at the airport, Rust m ade clear of the ship. pl:m:; to fly with Crites again Mon In the same moment, the whirling day afternoon and Tuesday. other half of the propeller t<Jl'e out "I'm going to take my flight test the 220 horsepower motor. Tuesday," said Rust. "r hope I make The plane lurched like a drul,lken it." man in the frightening silence !.hat followed as the oil filter, part of the cowling, oil lines and other smaller parts showered from the gaping hole in the ship's nose. Rust tllrned off the ignition for the r'10tor that wasn't there. ., A" the ship hung in a stall, its
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gj'!tofte &;;. telli?'[f o/'mil ~ience a6 a jtdd w!to ~aMy Ick 0IfW,,~, ha6 wo-nde><ed ~me/ime. 01' otfun, what ().1'" woulddo 01' wluzl h" ?II,,?I"ea:jt""""nce Vn end(xw~'[f to wnrPi<oi a>' a';"c1<afl i?, wlUc/" 1/", moW.< Iw.d leftwdde>'ty, tlud I", ""'iI I~ anul aid lu?" ~<J.U1d he fo,d hMnde/f m tk W-1ne / ""ecanoU6 :;Utuw.iYn. r:dj!_ [I~in;! t/,~ the6 ea:jte~, wo-ndem'[f dtv"';"[f tl",li?<d/xl.> jewnd'tJ wh,.{/,e" gj'wo-,t/d ~ aUe to andmai?!laU' CMtrPi<oi o/Ikftkne '" Ilte6 to.w altititde, gj',,,i<1. to daLe gj'wo-uld ..01 c,l/I<e to antiOt/tate a/l,oIh_ jack ett/"1YI'.....tCe, ,to'" woald gj'wi61. (mJl od"", julol 10 be Catl[lltt m tl", :Ja>ne :Jdttalwn. r:d/~ ltav';"[f ti?n.e 10 tI";"k tk eo/,enen.ce O-V"", gj'c at< ><ead~ dee tl.,;.'-[16 n().tlJ tlw,tgj'",,?i.tluwe kw to ';"0_ tJ,.. :Jt/W;i ma"[li?, 01:JaC1. a ntuatiM., tlwn-[16 Ikl do notjladl. i?, oned mi?"j i?nmedt:atel1f a/tOt. bei?'[f taken CM11'~ &y j{ttj'lIYi<e fr gj'wa6 jltwn[f tI",1<O, co-m/,letdy ",elmud and a dud&lll (d tlte conrPi<0!4 wlw Iw.d/ w.acticalty CO'mjdeted he6 advanced t?'aim;"[f cOtb1<de, l..hMl JeuId'en/y a( {OOO leet Ik moh'1' I.etv_ II... jrkte ,4t a ftlu Jec(ma. QTk.", malty wa6 a Jdua/t,iYn r/u ud,u1t?wdme1_ (£ :J(XX»'dOll' U()(,>. gj'cIodedmJl rYed a6 a jte1'<1C?t a{6t;",n(£(icalty .ICed to /wotect Ihem (£nd ujt<»t o/ ",nin;! Ihmn i?"?J1etlialety, gj'fwndthejtkne';" (£n M"''J<e{tii?'1Ity di?"b. @"""",(.>a6n 't much time to debate wi""to it"Jt o,d6tlk 01 tlte aatO?nauo actirnt 0/[lai?'';''[f CM,/.,ot 0/ the a';"/,Ic..,,,. gj'wi61. to date k"e (he tltt~"[/'i gj'1""'ffOt: ~d; a/ltd gj'belwve the mOdt JeWU6, wa4 "'1/ fotla?<e to twY.n olfthe [!a6 Mr'0/y, the1<e&;;' outt,;.,!! .loam the/VJ<e h(M(,(J,,,d. dt"econd'ljI'~ </ti?..ejtell'muted, to ar!tuu the j(ab~ to lull ''it jtoditwn. ~t con("oio/(l1e awjtl<£?l, gj'oa>. Jee now tiud d wo<tldbe i?njtM<ta>,tto i?nmedtatety mai?luu/n a&ove 1lfYJ">,w.1~[f o/wed' j(> a.d to k.ee;b jtlenty 0/ai?< fteed jta6t (he elevtUl»'6~ bec(£(tde (he mO"e 'luiclcty tlti< i< k ... U wiII/te1"venL tI", 10d:J 0/ ~':"e elevato'}' CM.bd· to C<£""'jI' tlte euld'ed uullrxul, (Ite~y mtWnLizi?'';''[f1000000000dFlk a.d gj'f ow,d ajt<»t la,.u;k'1l gj' wad atrite (,',m{ O/fr.<ua4'djI/J<eddU'1'e on Ihe :;uck 01< d'idlr:vnce 0/ ilIM:k rPi<(lAJe{/Udt be/or... t/,,e jtkne oa>ne to a dall. gj' bekverom til,; e->/te)((ellce (It", {gj'well'e C<£tt!!I" 200leetjk.m tI;' [f"""'uI<£?.ddalied, tt wo,t/dbe t?n~4 to ?'eaJ.Ve1' m (':',,61klldM'1I' p"" gj'ltad[!dte,. tite :;1«1> i?,to wl""gj'be!t'eued a:;ap (1/1.d,!{tatenOtt[lh ~, a&culM do/1"_' gj'fWjter.ce..ced i?, lite jk;jt abOtdlite Icde.d =<6, a lendeno/f to ~ ve1'-JI ~ (>ve1'CM,trolled(£...1d#oa/t to 1",1.1i? (£ wni/MVn' _ deadJl[lUe witl.otd C'1'eati1'[f (£n ujt wnd down ~On ab<J.Ut tI... I~ aa<4 a6 tIt_e jeemed to ~ ?w jtoditive _ i?uYd daJ,du1l' Ih_ej!»<e, gj'belte've u,;, ve1'-y '~"fte'rat(;ve Ihat ""... e>ui.e<£v_ ..01 (0 o-ve'J'CO?,.trol G?fl1uzcle a .90 de[f"ee tc.?<,. with (£ 30 d'e:1",ee 'I',,?lu tank /_ 'mJl all,lwoach u> tlte field (£( a/)().{(t 200 jkt: QYkid th" jlul' i?, a6 cIode to a CO?l.dtant ad gj'C<J.Uld tIvrott~Otd lite ui/m and tl..... m<£i?tUzVned ~t on tiJ<oa.nl tk [f"<J.U.u!, d~ ",electd';"[f /o'l'tI)(£1<djt'1'ed:JU1<" to b><eak (116 yi«le :;Iow/y at a&out ten leet 01< J() l1'01n tlte [f"Ottn4. edt a'1'1'ivM'1I '" Iamdin.[f a,,!!Ie, gj'luzd t.Uck foil ~"d wnd at IIwtjtoi?.r, gj'wad 11.01 atle to !.old th" {ail ujt (£?tJl Ion?",,,, I~ CatId'in[f tI... jtlane to 1ane10'1' dalltad/t4dt ,tJdl. the whee';' ab<J.Ut ~ jkt olftit" [f"O-"nd. gj'kdcove><edabOtU {OOOleet u/Ie'!' 1eveIin[f >/J, hOJi?'[f "wed"ive [I/idM'[f o/wec/ ~fm cc~"i?'f1 to the IlOi?,t 0/ la"uli?'1I' gj'woddhemty advi<e <£?"J/ dade..t wllO/>and hi?n4e/falone i?la?' ai?<jtlame i? tite6 jituatuYIl <£?td</Ite luzd j{(lt'teient altUttde, 6,r ,,11 ?11e<Vn& (> &ail oat u?,d 11.01 endeav_ to lamd the jtlane. gj' would w:;:;eJt lIud (0 jt'>'eve?d thc<s 'JI/te 0/acalk?!/, d ,4 ?!ece~' to make a ?nor~ (h_OtI1lh i?wjtedw.. 0/ tI", jt'>'o/wfi- :;hcl/1.k, and blade4, jtOd:JlOty ~vewy 50 _ tOO I~ '" tlte ti?ne the jte1'<odic ,6 ?'an on tlte /dane, CO?n~ di<adJmnbir;"[f Ihe /wojtel.l_.
PlJea,n 15
~ ~~
Crites Praised For Work Pilot Dean Crites, Waukesha, form erly of Mukwonago, holds the Wis consin Civil Air corps' plaque for the most outstanding feat of aviation in Wisconsin in 1941. He was presented with the plaque in Milwaukee at the corps' annual banquet recently , at which 222 persons were present. Crites has been flying since 1928 and has 2,600 hours to his credit. On September 22, 1941 , he safely landed a Waco plane after the 220 horse pow er motor had been torn out of it by a broker propeller blade . Neither Crites nor the student flier with him were injured. Crites also is credited with train ing more than 100 youths to fly un der the federal instruction program.
EDITOR'S NOTE Dean and Dale Crites are twin brothers that have been together and active in aviation for as long as anyone I have known . Currently they grind out restorations faster than possible by men many years their junior. A more interesting pair of gentlemen would be hard to find .
r fin d today th a t ma ny members of EAA forget th a t SPORT AVIATION is TH EIR publi ca tion. It is not a news-
Whistling In The Rigging Paul H. Poberezny fAA President
For th e be tter pa rt o f my life, ] have been a member of so me ty pe of avia tio n orga ni za ti on . In va riabl y, eac h one of th ese orga ni za tions had a newsletter or co mmuniqu e to keep its memb ers hip info rmed an d toge th er. In 1953 , w ith th e fo unding of th e Ex p e rim e nta l Aircra ft Association, I began my involve ment with th e publis hing o f a n in -ho use n ewsletter. Rathe r tha n bein g o n the outsid e looking in , I was now on th e in sid e loo king o ut fo r h elp from aU of th e membership for items of inte res t to be publis hed . In th e ea rl y d ays o f EA A, th e publica tio n was a newsletter tha t contained in fo rma tion on p eo pl e a nd a ircra ft in a rela tively s mall geographical ar ea . As the orga ni zatio n grew, th e s mall tabl oid becam e a w inted publi ca tion a nd Th e Expe rim enter was born. Informa tio n s ta rted to come fr om a mu ch wider base, w ith interna ti on al news a pp ea rin g. As th e publi ca tio n d eve lo p ed in s ize a nd qu ality , Th e Ex perim ent er evolved into SPORT AVIATION. Th ro ug hout thi s pe ri od o f tim e it was easy fo r th e members hip to rely on th e editor to find , w rite and print th e info rma tion . If I h ad a p enn y fo r eve ry time I was prom ised a n a rticle but never rece ived it, I wo uld need a big jar to hold the m all . I am s ure SPORT AVIATION edito r Ja ck Cox ca n d ocum ent m any s imila~路 in s ta nces of hi s o wn. Let's face it, th e to ugh es t job facing a ny assoc iation today is ge ttin g out a tim e ly, wo rth w hile in-ho use publica ti on. O ne easy way to solve the probl e m is to have a p aid edito ri a l s ta ff th a t d oes all th e wo rk , fr o m resea rch to writin g . Thi s wo uld ma ke membe rs hip du es cos ts prohi biti ve. 17
s ta nd item w ith s to ri es w ritte n by a paid editori al s taff . Ra th e r, it is a ho use o rga n with a rti cles w ritte n by th e me mbers, fo r the me mbers . I g uess beca use it h as d evelop ed into s uch a fin e publica tio n, peopl e te nd to fo rge t th at we a re a ll a mate ur publis he rs at hea rt. Th e probl e m is uni versa l. As [ review th e hundred s o f C ha pter news le tters tha t come throug h H ea dqu arters ea ch month , it becomes a pp arent th at each o f th e newsle tte r edito rs face th e sa me problem . .. w he re d o we get informati on a nd w ho w ill co ntribute? The Vintage Airplane is fa cin g th e sa me pro bl e m . Th ere are m any grea t s tories to be told a nd fin e ph otos to be printed . But unl ess we ca n ge t pa rti cip ati o n from th e m e mbe rship, yo ur editor, Al Kelch , ca nno t d o it all . He alrea d y h as a lea d on man y fin e s tories, but has fo und tha t it takes three o r fo ur le tters a nd a number of pho ne calls be fo re h e can rece ive a respo nse . Ma ny times he is promi sed an article and it is tw o, three or fo ur months be fore any info rmatio n is rece ived . Wh en informa tion is rece ive d it m ay be in co mpl e te a nd furth er purs uit is need ed. To each on e o f yo u I say - The Vintage Airplane is yo ur publi ca ti o n. Yo ur e dit o ri a l s ta ff NEE D S YOUR H ELP . If yo u see a n item of interest or kn ow of an item tha t wo uld be no te worth y, please let Al or any of the offi ce rs, dir ectors o r co ntributin g editors kno w a bout it. If yo u say yo u are goin g to w rite a n a rticl e, pl ease d o so . It is a big job to put toge th er this publi ca tion and it is be in g d o ne by a compl ete voluntee r effort. Le t's all wo rk to ge the r to make a to ugh job eas ier. Each on e o f us will benefit.
111 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE One for one for one. If each member would take it upon himself to get o ne new m embe r a year eac h ye ar, the compounded effect wou ld resu lt in a very successfu l orga n iation . Take pride in your activity - make it grow.
NOMINATIONS FOR ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS In acco rdance with th e Div s ion 's By-Laws as amended, th e terms of two officers and four directors will expire at the 1976 EAA Antiquel Cla ssic Divi sion Annua I Business Meeting to be h eld on Au gus t 4, 1976 at Oshkos h , Wisconsin during th e 24th International Fly-In Co nvention . Those o ffices which will expire are: PRESIDENT J. R. Nielande r, Jr. SECRETARY Richard H. Wagner DIRECTORS Al Kelch Evand er M. Britt M. C. " Kelley" Viets Jack c. Winthrop
All of the incumbents have indicated that th ey will b e candidates for reelection. Additional nomination s for these offices shall be made on official nomination forms obtainabl e from the headquart e r s of 路 the Experimental Aircraft Ass ociation , Inc ., P.O. Box 229, Hales Corn ers, Wi scons in 53130. The Nominating Petition sha ll include a recent photograph of the candidate and contain a brief resume of hi s background and ex p e ri e nc e . Candidates must hav e been m e mbers of the Antique/Class ic Divi sion in good standing for the previous two con secutive years . Each petition requires a minimum of ten (10) s ignature s of AntiquelCla ssic Division m embers in good standing with their Division m embe rship numb er and e xpiration d a te. Nominatin g P e tition s mu s t be s ubmitted to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee EAA AntiquelClassic Division , clo EAA Headquarters n o later than ApriJ 30th, 1976. Voting in s tructi o n s and procedures will be publi s hed in a late r issu e of The Vintage Airpla ne. Morton W. Les ter, Chairman Nomin ating C ommittee
Calendar of Events
May 1-2 - Corona, California Southern California Regional EAA Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 1, 7, 11, 92, 96, 448 and 494 . For information contact Terry Davis, 13905 Envoy Ave., Corona, CA 91720. Phone (714) 735-8639. May 15-16 - Conroe, Texas - Fly [n at Montgo mery , Texas Airport (40 miles north of Hou ston), sponsored by EAA Antique a nd Classic Chapter 2, EAA Chapter 12 and EAA Chapter 345. For information contact Dou g Scott, 626 Lakeview Drive, Sugarland, TX 77478. Ph. (713) 494-3791 or Ed Pruss , 6327 Tall Willow Drive, Houston , TX 77088. Ph. (713) 466-4490. May 22-23 - Cambridge, Maryland - 9th Annual Po tomac Antique Aero Squadron Antique Fly-In , Horn Point Aerodrome. May 28, 29, 30 - Watsonville, California - 12th Annual An tique r Fly-In Air Show.
July 3-4 - Gainesville, Georgia - 9th Annual Cracker Fly-In. Sponsored by North Georgia Chapter of AAA, Antiques, Classics, Homebuilts and Warbirds welcome. Contact Bill Davis, 2202 Willivee Place, Decatur, GA 30033. July 31 - August 8 - O shkos h, Wisco nsin 24th Annual EAA Internatio na[ Fly-In Co nventi o n. Start making your plan s NOW! August 30 - Se ptember 3 - Fond du Lac, Wisconsin - 11th Annual EAA/IAC Inte r足 national Aeroba tic Championships. Sponsored by International Aerobatic Club. Septemb er 17-19 - Georgetown , South Ca rolina - Second An nu al Spirit of 76 Fly-In at Georgetown Coun ty Airport, South Carolina. Sponsored by Chapter 543 Antique/Classics, Warbirds and Homebuilts. For information contact H erb Bailey, P.O. Box 619, Georgetown, SC 29440. (803) 546-2525 days; (803) 546-3357 nigh ts and weekends.
>$'~"-"~ t(4. DIVISION ~~t \
Beautiful Tie Tac/Lapel Pin and charms with the official Antique/Classic Emblem. Blue with silver or gold. Charm - Silver Charm - Gold Tie Tac/Lapel Pin (Gold Only)
$3.25 $3.50 $4.00
Above prices include postage.
Send orders to: Antique/Classic Division P. O. Box 229 Hales Corners, WI 53130
Back Issues Of The Vintage Airplane Limih.' d numbers of back issues of TH E VINTAGE A IRP LANE Me available at $ L OO each. Copies s till on hand a t EAA Hl'<1dquarters are:
This handsome, beautifully crafted reproduction of famous World War I Spad XIII fighter plane is su re to be a collector's ite m and is in limited supply. The heavy, cast, all-meta l scale model of shiny gold and silver finish is detailed to perfection (with colorful red, white and blue insignia) and sits on an elega nt black base complete with brass nameplate for personalized engrav ing (size 8" x 7'/,' x 4") which contains a SOLlD-ST ATE built-in AM radio!!
This handsome scale model has an expensive " feel" to it and the be'1u tiful Spad XIll fighter model is perfect for your office o r home desk, your fireplace mantel or other spot where your enthusiasm and interes t in classic antique airplanes can be shown . Guaran teed to receive many admiring comments and a sure-fire conversa tion piece, this bea utifu l model also makes a unique gift item for the classic airplan e buff.
SPECIAL FREE each order ... set of FAA PLANE GUARDS for your real airplane ... prevents th eft thievery ... ) Yes ... please rush my scale S pad XIII figh te r with bu ilt- in radio. I a m e nclosi ng c heckor money order fo r $39.50 plu s $3.50 for ha ndling , We will ship your model Spad shipping via UPS ... s h ip to : XIII fighter today via UPS for only $39.50 (plus $3.50 UPS ship) Send no w to: (name - p lease pri nt) IELFIELD
Dept. EAA-VA ChiHenango, NY 13037
(com plete add res & zip code)