•• October 1-5, 1980 are the dat es of th e 2nd Annual EAA National Fly-In at Tullahoma , Tenn essee. If you missed it in 1979, you mis sed a great one. Plan to at tend in 1980 and you can look forward to a fantastic experi en ce. To b e sur e, there were problem s during th e 1979 Fly-In , th e most se riou s being the weather, but th e overall reac tion to the event was very posi tiv e. Many small probl em s pop up during a " fir st time " fly-in , such as traffi c coordination between vehicles and pedestrian s, but these were analyz ed and co rr ected as they occurred. Th e unavoidable rain wa s so m ething else! The low pressure system called H enri bl ew and thrashed its way across the Gulf of Mexi co and then decided to run it s course as a tropi ca l d ep res sion up the we st sid e of the Blue Ridg e Mountain s, edgin g through Tullahoma . On Wednesda y ni ght it began to rain , and rain , and rain , and rain. There were no high winds , ju st so lid rain in a continuous downpour. Did this stop th e fly-in? No Sir! Availabl e co ncre te park ing was utilized for incoming traffi c, whi ch kep t the aircraft off of th e sogg y terrain. Seeing was believ ing ... ther e w ere the EAAers sloshing around in rain coats and umbr ellas and looking at th e aircraft. The interest d efinit ely was there. Bein g an EAA National Fly-In, Tullahoma '80 ha s a lot to offer. Th e Antique /Classic parkin g area aga in will b e assigned th e g ra ssy field on th e so uthwes t cor ner of th e showplan e area. Shade tr ees border th e area and a reg istr ation booth is close by. Also in thi s area is a small stream of clear water which adds to th e b ea uty of th e settin g. For tho se ca mping , many improvements hav e been mad e sin ce th e 1979 Convention. The basic ca mpin g area has been expanded, a registration booth ha s been added, and th e main road in the ca mpin g area ha s been graveled. La st year th e camping area was th e sce n e of mu c h activity ea rly before th e fly-in began, and thi s year it will probably be th e sa m e. Activities outside th e Tullahoma Fl y- In sit e are many and varied. Of int eres t to man y will be the gu id ed t o ur
of th e Arnold Engineering Dev elo pm ent Ce nt er. Leav in g at th e m ain ga t e of th e Fly-In in tour buses, yo u will be sh ow n thr o u g h th ese facilities which encom pa ss about 40,000 acres of Tenne ssee wooded co untry sid e. Thi s comp l ex co ntain s th e most comp le te set- up of wind tunn els, hi gh altitude jet and r ocket en gine t es t ce ll s, space e nvironment al ch ambe rs and bal li sti c ran ges in the free world. It h as been es tim at ed that th e empl oymen t of sc ienti st s and t ec hni cians will b e appr ox im at ely 6000 by th e end of thi s year . La st year th ere w ere no signs of res ea rch of any li ghtpl ane proj ects o r th ose relating to simple fli ght ch aract eris tics, but th e space oriented proj ect s you will see will tingl e your ima gin ation . Th e Jac k Daniels and George Dickel distilleries wel come visitors daily to tour their fa ciliti es. Eve n though samples aren ' t di stribut ed , your visit with eith e r or both will be an int eres tin g excursio n while learning about th eir processes and m anufac turin g m eth ods. Also near by are two stat e parks th at offe r rec rea tional activities including boatin g, ca mpin g, fishing, hiking and o th er park-oriented activities. On th e Tull ah oma Convention site are th e Sta gge r wing Mu seum facilities. Static di sp lays of th e various Beec h m ode l 17 aircraft and Travelairs ar e pla ced within a complex of not ewo rthy interest. Or igin al fac tory photos and photos of currentl y res t o red Stagge r wings and Tr ave l Airs are placed thr ou g h o ut the build in gs and va ri o u s d es ig n features of th e aircraft are displayed . For a mu se um which displays o nl y tw o types of airc raft , none ca n approach th e effo rt s and accomp li shm ents of th e Staggerwin g C lu b members and enthu siasts. Daily forums are co ndu cted at Tullahoma cove rin g a wid e variety of subj ects. Evening ent erta inm ent is scheduled with programs that appea l to all age g ro up s. Of int eres t to all is th e co mm ercial exh ibit area with di sp lays by su pp li e rs, manufa ctur ers and o th er avia ti on o ri ented groups. A n expa n sio n of th ese areas is sch ed ul ed for Tull ah o ma '80.
Geographically, Tullahoma is within o ne day 's fly ing tim e for more than half of th e U. S. population and with th e bea utiful fall weather th at normally ex ists in that part of the country in ea rly October, th e Fly-In should be a tr em e ndou sly popular eve nt. Th e Ten n essee cou ntr ys id e is gorgeo u s, th e atm osp h ere is fanta sti c, th e Sou th ern hospitality is eve rywh ere, and th e Co nven ti on is first rate. D o n 't mi ss Tull ahom a '80.
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4 ". . _
~ DlVIS~N~~e
(Ph oto b y Ted Kos to n)
Paul H. Poberezny
Gene R. Chase
of THE EXPER IMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIAT ION P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Copyright C 1980 EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., All Rights Reserved .
1948 Pi per PA- 14 Fa mil y Cru iser ow ned by H erma n }. Sko k, Chicago, IL.
(On Th e Cover . 1928 Wa co ASO owned b y Ro n Frank , Pierre, MI and flown to Sun 'N Fun '80 b y Jim Kimba/J . Photo by Gene Chase.)
Associate Editors: H . Glenn Buffington, Edward D . Williams , Byron (Fred) Fredericksen, Lionel Salisbury Readers are en co urag ed to submit stori es and phot og raph s. Assoc iate Ed itorships are assigned to those write rs wh o subm it five or more articles wh ich are pu bli shed in THE VINTAGE AIR· PLANE during the current year. Associates re cei ve a bound vol ume of THE VINTA GE AIR PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Divi sion for th ei r effort s. POLICY-Opini ons exp ressed in articles are so lely those of the auth ors. Responsibility for acc uracy in reporting rests entire ly with the cont rib utor. Directors
PRESIDENT W . BRAD THOMAS , JR . 301 DODSON MILL ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 919/368-2875 Home 919/368-2291 Office
Claud e L. G ray, Ir . 9635 Sylvi a Ave nu e N Orlhridg e, CA 91324 213/349·1338
Arth u r R. M o rga n 1744 Nor th 51st Blvd. Mil wa uk ee, W I 532 16
Mo rt o n W. l es te r
Ri char d H . W ag n er P.O. Box 181 l yons, W I 531 48
P.O. Box 3747 M ar tin sv ill e, VA 24 "11 2
414/763·201 7
Da le A. Gus t af son 7724 Sh ady Hill Drive I ndia napo li s, IN 462 74
Jo hn R. Tur gya n 1530 Ku ser Road Tren t o n , N ) 08619 609/585·2747
317/293- 44 30
TABLE OF CONTENTS Strai g ht and Level by Brad Thom as , . , , , , .. .. ... , . , . ..... , . , . , ....... , . .. A /e N e w s Compil e d by G e n e Cha se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Du Po nt Airport 1926 b y Jo hn M cC. M o rg an . . , . . . . ... . , , . . . . . . " . , . . . . . . Th e D es ig n O f Th e Geo rg i as Sp eci a l b y Or vill e Hi c km a n .. ,.,' , . . . . . , ." . Borde n 's A e ro pl an e Post e r s From Th e 1930 's b y Lion e l Sa li sbur y . , .. .. ,., . An Int e r es tin g Co mpari so n Of Tw o Tri-Mot o rs . . . ... .. . . ... . .... , . . .... . . Le tt ers ... .. ... . . . . . . . , .. . . ..... . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . ... . .. . .. .. . ... . . .. .. . . Ca l e n da r O f Eve nt s .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . , , . ... . ... , . . .. .. .. , , , .. .. ..
MEMBER - $22.00. Includ es on e yea r membership in th e EAA Antiqu e/ Classic Divi sio n , 12 m o nthl y iss u es o f THE V INTAGE A IRPLANE ; o ne yea r m em b ership in th e Exp eri m ental Aircraft Associati o n and sep arate m embership ca rd s. SPO RT AV IATI O N magazin e not i nclud ed .
John S. Cope land 9 Joa nn e Dri ve Wes tb o r o u g h , MA 01581
Hamp shir e, Il 60140
312/683·3 199
Rob ert E. Kesel 455 Oak ridge Dr iv e Ro ch es ter, N Y 14617 716/342·3170
E. E. " BU CK" HILBERT P.O. BOX 145 U NI O N , IL 601 80 815/923-4591
Sta n Gomo ll 104 2 90th l an e, NE Mi n n eapo li s, MN SS4J4 612/784·1 172
Ro n ald Fri tz 2896 Roosev elt 51. Conklin , MI 49463
Geo rge S. Yor k 181 Slobo da Ave. M ansfi eld, O H 44 906
4 19/529· 4378
27 Cha nd e ll e Dri ve
5 17 20 22 23 27
41 4/377·5886
Ge n e M o r ris
2 4
AI Kelc h 6& W . 622 N . M adi so n Av e nu e Ced arb ur g. WI 530·12
SECRETARY M . C. " KELLY" VIETS 7745 W . 183RD ST. STILWELL, KS 66085 913/681-2303 H o m e 913/782-6720 O ffi ce
414/44 2· 3631
(On Th e Back Cover . .. A Fairchild KR-21 A, p ow ered b y a 100 hp Kinn er K5 eng in e on the ramp at Bel lanca Field in 1930 . See story on p age 5. )
EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes o n e yea r mem bershi p in th e EAA A ntiqu e/Classic D iv isio n , 12 monthl y iss ues o f THE VI NTA GE A IRPLAN E AND MEM BE RSHIP CA RD . (A ppli ca nt mu st be current EAA m em ber and mu st give EAA m embership num be r.)
TH E VI NTAG E AI RPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is o w ned excl usively by EAA Ant ique/Classic Division , Inc ., and is published monthly at Ha les Corners . W isconsin 53 130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office , Hales Corner s, Wisconsin 53130 , and add it ional mailing off ices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Di visi on , Inc.. are $14.00 per 12 month period of w hich $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLA NE. Membersh ip is open to all who are interest ed in aviation .
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. db y Gene Chase Compile
71 LUSCOMBES AT FLY-IN From th e Luscombe Couranl, News leller of th e Continental Luscomb e Association
A total of 164 aircraft including 71 Luscombes at tended the 4th Annual Continental Lu sco mb e As sociation Fly-In la st summer at Columbia , California . That contingent of Lu scombes all on the sa me airport at the sa me time wa s truly a sight to behold. Among the award winners were Cecil Taylor, Boi se, Idaho with his highly polished 8E whi c h captured the Grand Champion trophy , and th e Greatest Di stan ce winner , Warren Krotke who flew hi s Luscombe from Anchorage, Alaska . The highlight of the fly-in wa s the attendance of several " Luscombe Alumni ", m en and women who had b ee n associated with the Lu sco mbe Company, including some who had not seen each other for ove r 40 years . Among th e " Alumni " were Mrs. Don Lu s combe, Jerry and Lu cy Coign y, Lou Coghill , Bill Sheperd, Howard and Emma Jong, and Bert Ro e. The slogan for this 4th Annual Fly-I n was "80 in 80" , and with 71 Lusco mbes in attendan ce the Continental Luscomb e Association ca me very clo se to m ee tin g their goal.
From David H. Sco ll 's "Was hin gto n Report "
Paul Poberezny 's " Homebuild er's Corner" in th e July iss u e of SPORT AVIATION mention s that th e FAA ha s a Notice of Proposed Rul e Makin g in prepara tion that would res tor e large r eg i str ation marks fo r production general aviation aircraft. Experimental, antique, and classic aircraft would co ntinu e to have the privilege of th e present smaller marks. FAA's proposal to return to th e billboard size num bers is based on th e arg ument th at th ey are need ed to id entify low flying violators and to help g ro und co ntr o ll ers at busy airport s to identify aircraft on the ramp . In th e case of id entifying low flying aircraft th e argum ent is not valid sinc e violator s are id entifi ed by tim e, place, typ e of aircraft and colo r. FAA r ecords show thi s. It i s extre m ely diffi cult to read numb ers on th e sides of an aircraft th at un expect edl y pass swiftly overhead, and it is not believed that the FAA has any reco rd s of recording such numb ers on low flying aircraft. As far as g round co ntroller s using numb e r s t o identify ai rcraft on th e ramp at large airports , this is possib ly true. But th e problem exis ts only at busy airports and most of the general av iation airplanes
u sin g th ese large airports have large numb ers any way because th ey come und er the 180 knot rul e th at r equir es large numb ers. It doesn ' t make sense t o penalize th e la rge number of l ow speed ge ner al aviation production aircraft to suit th e small majority of airplanes that mi ght be at a busy airport. Th ese points might be kept in mind when th e NPRM comes out and th e public is invited to co mm e nt. In addition t o ow ning vinta ge aircraft, man y m emb e rs of the Antique / Classic Division ow n aircraft which would be affected by th e above proposed rul e change.
FATAL ACCID ENT CLAIMS "F ISH" SALMON Ret ired Lockhe ed t es t pilot , H e rman W. "F i sh " Salmon lost his life on June 22, 1980 in the cra sh of a Lo ckh eed 1049 Constellation. H e was in the ri ght seat of the aircraft which was to be ferried from Colum bu s, Indiana to Seattle, Washin gton . On take-off two of the plane's engi nes lost power and in trying to boost the remaining two engines, the se also failed. Th e plane stru ck so me high wires then crashed into tr ees. Of the eight people on board, five survived including " Fish " Salmon's son . Mr. Salmon was 69 years old and a sup e rb pilot. All of th e aviation world mourns hi s loss.
Teel Koston's photos have long been admired by th e readers of fAA publica tions . This w as one taken by Ted at Chicago's Curtiss-Reynolds Airport in 1939 when he was 16 year, of age. Th e aircraft is a 7937 Stinson SR-9C w ith a Lycoming 260 for power.
by Jo hn M cC. Morgan fAA #83694 , AIC #84 2 23 So uth ridge fa st Kenn ell Square, PA 19348 Photos from the Author's Colle ction
It is believed th at this photo of d u Pont A irport wa s taken in th e fall o f 192 7. Th e OXX-6 powered Waco 10 on th e l eft belong ed to A. Felix du Pont. Th e oth er bip lane is a n Bu hl-Vervi ll e " J-4 A irster , CA-3 owned by H enr y Belin d u Pont. Th e " J-4 A irster " wa s iss ued th e firs t Approved Type Certifi ca te by th e U. 5. D epartmen t of Com m erce and this particu lar aircraft wa s th e first producti on "A ir ster n. Th e reg istration numb er o n th e rudder appea rs to be C303 .
Today Atlantic Aviation Corporation is one of the larg es t modification and executive aircraft centers in the United States. To tho se of you who think of this organization as only a post WW II operation, it might be of interest to know that its founder , Henry Belin du Pont , also start ed du Pont Airport ju st a few miles di stant in 1926 - so m e fifty odd years ago. Having graduated from Yale and initially been em ployed by General Motors in Michigan , he learned to fly ther e. When he decided to return east and join the du Pont Company , he left the Midwest with a newly purchased Buhl Air ster. This aircraft held Ap proved Type Certificate No . 1 and wa s power ed by a pre-Lindbergh Wright J-4 e ngine. Upon rea c hing Wilmington , Delaware he purcha sed a tract of land on the edge of town and put up a small wooden hangar that would be the beginnin g of du Pont Airport and later Atlantic Aviation and the center of private fly in g and early corporate flying for the next thirty years. Lindbergh landed here on hi s 1927 tour of the United States.
It was here that his cousin A . Felix du Pont , Jr., brought hi s new white and gold Waco powered with an OXX-6 in 1927; Mr. Herbert Fales, an official of The International Nickel Company of New York, brought hi s OX-5 Bird. Later , through the late '20s and early '30s, he in turn owned and flew personally a C3R Wright J-5 Stearman and Wasp Lockheed Vega. This is being written in 1979, and naturally my 63 year old memory needs some help . Yesterday , Felix du Pont walked into my office here at Summit Avia tion for a social visit and to have some work done on hi s Cessna 210. This is the same Felix, who 53 years ago brought his Waco to du Pont Airport. He has owned aircraft continuously, with the exception of the WW II years, the entire time. The list is long , but interesting : Waco 10, J-5 Stearman, DH Moth, Wasp Stinson, CurtiSS-Wright Travel Air 16-E, Warner Fleet I , Waco Cabin, Wasp Jr . Consolidated , Stinson SR-7, Bellanca Pacemaker (420 Wright), Spartan Executive, Bonanza , Comanche, Cessna 210.
For you old timers the OXX-6 Waco of Felix's was equipped with a Haywood Air Starter and was flown on floats a great deal of the time. His initial solo was off the water at Cape Cod, having been taught to fly by Frank Mills, Sr. , of the still existent Essington, Pennsylvania Seaplane Base. An interesting fact none of us , including Felix, can figure out wnere the air compressor for the starter went on the OXX-6. Any answers from you readers? Still another item of interest : Belin du Pont had a most inquiring and technical mind. I can recall pilots speaking of his knowledge of the loss of power as an aircraft climbed and that he flew his Wright J-4 wide open at any altitude over 3000' - 4000' and he leaned the mixture . None of us had heard of this " phenomenon ". It was years later with the advent of the controllable pitch propeller that this efficient operation became a common procedure. Before proceeding further with du Pont Airport, I must bring a few personal experiences into this writ 5
Charl es Lin elherg h 's Spirit of 51. Loui s at du Pont A irpor t, Wilming to n, De laware o n October 22, 1927 d uring Lind b ergh 's to ur of th e U.S. fo ll owing hi s flight to Pa ri s. Th e a ircraft with th e fo lded wings in th e ha nga r is th e Fa ir child FC-2 owned by th e Aero nauti cs Branch of th e D e p artm e nt of Comm erce w hic h acco mp ani ed th e Spirit of 51. Louis on th e to ur.
ing . I was 12 years old when Lindbergh land ed at du Pont Airport. I lived nearby and was a con stant vi sitor on my bicycle on days when there wa s no school . I knew Mr. du Pont when I saw him , but that wa s all. On my almost most memorable day - mor e lat er I wa s asked if I would like to go for a rid e in th e Buhl. I had never b een in an airplane b efor e , but th er e w as no question of m y acc eptan ce . It w as a sh o rt rid e and almost dark wh en we land ed . I cl ea rl y rem emb er the navigati o n li ght s powered b y th e h o t sh o t bat tery on th e fl o or of th e front co ckpit. My most memorabl e du Pont Fi eld ex p e ri en ce wa s in 1928 on a school holiday when a sch oolm ate and I rode to th e airport. A military Curti ss Falco n wa s sitting th e re and w e looked on with g rea t aw e at su ch a m achin e. Two me n w ere talkin g o n th e ramp and one wa s Mr. du Pont. Ev entuall y h e ca ll ed u s both ov er and askin g each our names, h e intr o du ce d u s to Col . Lindb erg h . W e w ere so startl ed and so pl eased we did n o t tarry t oo lo ng . It was o n ou r bi kes and full sp ee d h o m e t o spr ea d th e n ew s to f amil y and fri end s. It w as days be fo re w e w as h ed th at ri g ht h and that h ad shake n th e h and o f o ur h ero . M y seco nd rid e wa s with A. Rand o lph H o ll ad ay (Ran ) wh ose avi ati o n inte res ts start ed at Pratt & Whit n ey in th e ear ly days aft e r h e g radu at ed fr o m Yal e in th e Tw e nti es. H e w as now assoc i at ed with th e fl edglin g Bell an ca Co rpo ratio n at n ea rb y New Cas tl e . H e h ad a shin y n ew Fairchild KR -34 w ith a th robbi ng Wri ght J6-5. H e looped m e and did a few w ingov ers w hi ch start ed t o un se ttl e m y yo un g tu m my . It wa s
O n th e left, H enr y Belin du Po nt with Charl es Lint lbergh durin g th e lauer 's to ur stop at tiu Pont A irp o rt , Wilming ton, Del awa re on Octo ber 22, 1927 . Du Pont A irp ort w as stri Cl l y a p r i va te opera ti o n u ntil th e mid 1930, w h en .J fli ght sch oo l was start ed a lo ng with a m a in ten ance fa cilit y a nd Beech and Piper sa l es. Alt er WW " th e op era tion wa .1 m oved to G rea ter Wi l mingt o n Airpo rt at Ne w Ca stl e and du Po nt A irport w as closed in 7957 .
thi s sam e Ran H o ll aday wh o in 1930 with my older bro th er Richard D . (Di c k) M o rg an start ed Air Se rvi ce, In c., at Bellan ca Fi eld . Th ere, in 1931 , Di c k t au g ht m e to fly and th e re my flying exp eri en ce w as gained, with th e ex cepti o n o f th e WW " yea rs, until th e fi eld w as clo sed in 1960. Soo n m y entir e spar e tim e w as sp ent at du Pont Airp o rt. My br o th er had lea rn ed t o fly at th e Luding t o n Flying Servi ce on th e Philad elphia Airp o rt ; had bou ght a Wri g ht J6- 5 powe red Travel Air and was w o rkin g toward s hi s co mm e rcial li ce n se and m akin g plan s with Ran H o lladay f o r th e FBO at Bellan ca Fi eld . I d o n o t reca ll t oo m an y rid es aft e r m y f irst two until Di c k o btain ed hi s comm er cial li ce n se and sta rt e d t eac hin g m e in a n ew Kinn e r Fl ee t in th e Sprin g of 1931. H e solo ed m e on M ay 5, 1931, and I o btai n ed m y p ri va te li ce nse 12 d ays af te r m y 16th birthday , o n July 17th . N o w m y sp ar e tim e w as spe nt at Bell an ca Fi eld as w ell , but th ere w as con stant tr affi c b ac k and forth t o du Pont wh ere w e pra cti ced landin gs and sto pp ed t o talk airpl an es and fl ying with an yon e wh o w o uld li ste n , and th e re alwa ys w as so m eon e. By th en th e du Po nt Fi eld had bee n ex p and ed g reatl y. Th e woo d en h an ga r h ad b ee n m oved bac k off th e m ain g rass run w ay and tw o b eautiful ye ll o w b ri c k o n es r epl aced it. Th e roo fs w e re red til es and th e floo rs sli c k, po li sh ed p ebbl ed ce ment whi ch w ere m o st dan ge r ou s to foo t in g if o il w as en co unt ered . But Mr. du Po nt di d n o t t o l erat e o il o n th e f loo r . N o t o nly w e re th e fac iliti es exp andin g, b ut th e numb e r of bea utiful and m o d ern p riva te aircra ft w as incr eas in g . Be lin so rt o f p ut th e Buhl o ut to pas tur e and pur chase d a Wri g ht J6-7 p o w ered Pitcairn , and Felix , fr esh o ut o f Arm y A ir Co rp s tr ainin g so m e yea rs b ef o re , w as alr ea d y th e p r oud ow n er o f a Wri g ht J-5 Stea rm an . Hi s b ro th er , Rich ard , in th e earl y '30s al so h ad a lat er St ea rm an , th is o n e po w e red with a J6-7. Feli x's w i f e, Elli e, fl ew and h an dl ed typ es lik e a m o n str ou s Loe ning am p hi b ian as w ell as a Moth , and th e St ea rm an . Sh o rtl y Mr. A ng u s Ech o ls, Tr easurer o f th e du Po nt Co mpan y , lea rn ed to fl y and so m eh o w ca m e up with a military Co n soli d at ed with a 300 hp Pratt & W hitn ey R- 985 en gin e. It ca rri ed an N C numb e r but was th e o nl y o n e o f it s t yp e I h av e eve r see n . It loo k ed lik e a bi g m o d erni ze d Fl ee t - whi ch I gu ess it w as. By th e tim e 1932 cam e aro und a f ew p eopl e w e re thinkin g of ca bin typ e aircr aft. Feli x du Po nt b o u g ht a 300 hp W asp Stin so n - a b eautiful thin g . It was whit e as w ere all hi s air cra ft , w ith scall o p ed go ld lead in g ed ges and strip es. If my m em o ry is co rr ect almost 50 year s lat er, th e int e ri o r w as in silv er with bl ack cl o th and silv er imb edded in it. Fo r it s tim e - a bea uty
Hu gh R. Sh arp in th e c ockp it of a n OX-5 Waco 10 a t Bellan ca Field in 1928 or 1929. H is LaSa lle to uring car is in th e b ackg round . Hugh has o w n ed aircraft a lm ost continuo usl y sin ce th ose earl y yea rs and p resentl y owns and fli es his p erso nal Cess na Ci tation.
Lester M cCa ll ister of Wi lming to n, a n ea rl y pi lo t, m echa n i c a nti occas ion al p arac hute iump er . H e w as ki lled in 1933 w h en h e spun o ut a t" a landing approach in a Kinn er B-5 p o w ered Trav el A ir. A ircraft in th e p ictu re is a J 92 8 Bel l atKa C H -2 00 wi th d Wr ight /-5 eng in e .
and to day it would still be . By th en m y bro th er had m e fl yin g a J- 5 Strai g ht Win g Wa co when h e decided to ge t a W arn er 125 M o nocoup e. Being onl y 17 I had no q ualms wh en h e checked m e out in i t with less th an 50 hour s o f Fl ee t and W aco time . Old er , more expe ri e n ce d pil o t s t o ld him h e wa s takin g t errible ch an ces with th e i n ex p eri en ce d younger broth er in no t o nl y a ca bin airplan e but th e " dangerou s" Coupe as w ell. Fo r th e n ex t two or thr ee years I fl ew a series o f .thr ee Co up es withoqt scaring mys elf or my un kn o win g pa sse nge rs too badly . Th e Lon g I sland Av i ation Country Club at Hicks v ill e , Lo n g Island , ri va ll ed du Pont Airport during thi s p e ri o d. I rem emb er see in g Bellan cas , Laird Spe ed win gs and exoti c military ver sio n s of the Wacos with b ig Wri ght or Pratt & Whitn ey en gines . But du Pont Airp o rt k ept gro win g in interest and number of pilots and air c raft. An o th e r du Pont , Lammot, Jr . , had a W arn e r powered Privateer Amphibian of which I do n o t hav e a pi ctur e. H ow ever , I still have a horrified m ent al pi ctur e o f him tryin g to do a 360 to a spot , p o w er o ff , from 1000' - it did a one turn spin and h e fo rtunat ely recov ered . That plane liked to come d o wn!
A scene al Bellanca Fi eld in 1928 wh en the Army Air Corps was conducling mass flights lhroughoul the This group of mililary pilolS spenl the nighl at New Ca slle, Delaware.
A Kinn er K- 5 powered Fairchild KR-21 on display in an aUlom o bile showroom. Bill Luke is second from left and Ran Holladay is fourth from left. Dick Morgan, extreme righI , died in 1973 .
Still another du Pont, Paul , )r., had just gone from a Moth to a beautiful 1933 model Stinson SR. He had commuted as early as 1931 from his Wilmington home to Charlottesville, Virginia to college. Before WW II started he was to own and fly a Stinson T and later the only Stinson A I ever rode in. But then a disasterous fire struck du Pont Airport in the early '30s. A mechanic welding on a Loening amphibian was carelessly wielding a torch when some thing caught fire destroying among others the beauti ful Wasp Stinson, the Pitcairn, a Verville and the Loen ing and much of the hangar area. The latter was re placeable, but the aircraft were gone forever. Their worth today would be astronomical. The old Buhl missed the fire, but somehow in those days no one thought of the future value. It sat in the open until the fabric fell off and finally ended up in a school yard. What happened to the )-4, I do not know . What a pity - I have never seen , except in pictures, another engine of this model and there are no more Buhl Airsters flying today . This period, believed to be 1934 , was the beginning of a new era as far as aircraft at du Pont Airport was concerned. Where it had been mostly open biplanes and parachutes, it now became Waco Cabin country. For the first time du Pont Airport took on a " com mercial air " when it acquired a Waco dealership. Belin bought himself a Wright powered job - NCSOO
Slanding lefl 10 righI, Jo e M anning, Di ck, Morgan , Ran Hollad ay, and Ca p /. H arr y Ra y of Ih e D el aw are Slal e Poli ce. O lh ers are m ech ani cs and o lh er w o rkers a l du Pon l A irpo rl in 1929 or 193 0. Plan e is a Wrigh l J6-5 powered Travel A ir £-4000 .
Personn el o f Ih e newl y-form ed A ir Serv ice, In c. a l Bel lanca Fi eld in 1930. Lefl 10 ri ghl: Caplain Lisa ndro Ga ray, Les M cCa llisler, Di ck Morga n, Ran H o lladay, Mr. Slrick land, and Jerr y Ligh lel. Gara y w as l ea rnin g 10 fl y prior 10 an allempl 10 fl y a Bellanca CH 10 hi s hom e c ounlry of Columbi a, S.A. Ligh lel w as a w ell -kno wn Wrighl J5 ex p erl prio r 10 jo ining Air Servi ce, Inc. Th e biplan e is a Fair chi ld KR -2 1.
w hi ch h e was to have until th e b eginnin g of WW II ; Feli x du Po nt and hi s si st er , Ali ce, eac h had the stand ard versio n o f th e Contin ental p o w e red Wa cos. M y br o th e r , Di ck , ju st 8 mil es away at Bellanca Field , N ew Cas tl e, Delaware had bee n a Stin so n d eal er since startin g in bu sin ess i n 1930 and h ad sold Felix the W as p Stin so n whi ch later w as d es troyed in th e fire. Q uit e a co mpetiti o n , a friendly o ne, g rew up betwee n th e two o p erati o ns. In 1936, Di ck sold Felix a Stin son SR -7 whi ch was o n float s all summ er and flown from Wilmin gto n to th e Cap e. Frank du Po nt , a WW I pilot b eca m e th e owne r of a Wri ght p ow e red SR-8D and lat e r a G rumman G-21 Go os e , b o th o f which w e re fl own b y A . R. (Ran) H o llad ay. G eo rge W ey mouth , a )6-5 Tr avel A ir 16E owner , boug ht a 1937 SR- 9 Stin son to b e base d at du Po nt and in 1940 Lemm ot (Brud) du Po nt too k d eli very of on e o f th e las t SR-10C Stin so ns built b efo re th e w ar. Thi s w as o ne o f th e smooth cowl Lyco min g jo b s turned out in 1939. My lo gs show I d elive red it fr o m th e factory on D ece mb er 23, 1939. With preparati o ns for WW II b eing fo rmulat ed by Pres id ent Roosev elt , th e produ Ct ion of Stin son Reli ants tap ere d o ff with the d iffi culty in obt ai ning en gin es . Som eh ow Benn y Howard ' s company in Chi cago was abl e to continu e in a small w ay and Br o th er Di ck 's A ir Serv i ce, In c., at Bellan ca Field too k on a H oward d ea le rship. Sin ce 1937, I had b ee n associated with him as i nstru cto r , chart er pil o t and co-pil o t o n Mr.
John McC. Morga n's broth er, Dick Morga n and his new Wright J6-5 Travel Air at du Pont Airport in 1929.
Ran Holladay and his Fairchild KR-34 C with a 165 hp Wri ght J6 -5 e ngine at Bellanca Fi eld in 1930. R. R. M . Carpenter's Lockheed Electra NC20Y . Howard was able to obtain Wasp Jr . engines into 1941 and we were ab le to sell thr ee DGA-1 5 model s, but by spring the Army Ai r Corps had taken the Lockh eed and we were unable to replace it with any new Wa sp powered single engine aircraft. So we looked for and found a Spartan Ex ecutiv e, NC17656 which la st ed until the end of 1941 wh en all the aircraft of that typ e - Stin sons, Wacos, Beeches - were tak en over by th e mili tary and du Pont Airport became a CPT Fli ght Train in g activity on ly. While all thi s Stinson and Howard sa l es activity was going on, Belin du Pont se t up a sm all co mpan y, Atlantic Aircraft Sa les, to handle Beechcraft. Thi s was based at Roo sevelt Fi eld on Lon g Island and was ad mini strat ed by Ollie Davis. Richard du Pont, Felix ' s broth e r, and America ' s most outstanding soa rin g pilot and hold er of world reco rds, w as an ea rly cu stomer of Ollie's with a Jacobs powered Beechcraft Stagge r win g. Mr. Pierre du Pont, who n ever flew , bought a Wa sp powered Staggerwing whi ch wa s flown by Fr ank Battan , one of hi s e mployees. Sam Carp ent er and Lammot du Pont Copeland, lat er a president of th e du Pont Company, owned a Jacobs job togeth er and
A lin e- up of ships o wn ed b y th e new Air Serv i ce, In c. Thi s c ompa n y w as form ed in 193 0 b y A. R. Holladay and D i ck Morgan and op erated out of this hanga r and a more m od ern one at Bellanca Fi eld until 1960 wh en th e air足 port was disp osed of . Th e writer lea rn ed to fl y in th e Fleet in 193 1, and it remain ed in o ur p ossess io n until 194 3 w hen regretfull y i t was sold durin g th e w ar. Th e aircra ft left to ri ght are : Fl eet Model 2, Fa irchi ld KR- 2 1, Stinson SM -8 A , Fairchild KR- 2 1, and a Fairchild KR-34.
One for you o ld ca r b uffs. Pro bab l y no on e w ill guess this one. Th e p lan e is a Stinson SM-8 A , NC426Y. Th e ca r is a l ate 192 0 Packard chass is with a n o lder Locom obile bod y, owned b y Ran H olladay. Pi cture taken in 193 0.
~ i'~
also own ed on e o f th e f ew G1 7S model s built aft er WW II. Durin g th e yea rs 1937 to 1940 , Felix f lew th e Bel足 lan ca Pacemak er whi ch he bou ght from Mr. Carp enter wh en th e latter repla ce d it with th e Lockh eed . Thi s, too, we nt on fl oa ts fo r th e summ e r season . Th e Bel足 lan ca w as a large air craft w ith a g ross w eight o f 4610 p o und s and it carri ed 6 passenge rs, baggag e and 105 ga ll o ns of fu el lega ll y . Not m any planes ca n do that to day. Th e thr ee or four years b efo re the war saw private air c raft own e rship in the Wilm i ngton area g rowing b y lea p s and b o unds. In additi o n to du Po nt Airport w ith its W acos , Beeches and Stin sons, Bellan ca Field w as th e base of th e Lockh eed El ectra, thr ee Howard D G A-1 5s, a Wa sp pow e red St i n son SR-10F , and a Wri ght 350 powered Stin son SR-10E. All th e Bel.l anca based air craft u sed du Pont Airp o rt to pi ck up their p asse ngers as i t was ju st minut es from downtown Wil足 min gto n and th e h o m es of th e ow ners. M os t of the se air cra ft w e r e ca p abl e o f n o nst o p f li g hts t o Fl o rida pa rti cul arl y th e H ow ard s with th eir 122 gall o n fuel ca paci ti es . M os t o f th e own e rs wintered th ere and th eir perso nal pil o ts were bac k and forth all w i nter 11
Thi s gro up p osed in fro nt of th e Fleet M odel 9 at du PaM A irpo rl, ab o ut 7932. Th e pl an e w as o wn ed b y /. A. " Spik e" M ontgo m ery, sea ted at ex trem e l efl, w ho w as killed in this aircra ft with Les M cCa llister in 793 3 . O th ers sea ted are Ran H o lladay and Feli x du Pont. Standing, left to right: Elly H O)lt d u Pone Angus Echols wh o w as treas urer of E. I. du Po nt Co. , Geo rge Prou se, La mm ot du Po ne Jr ., H enry Belin du Pont , own er of th e airport and fo un der of A ll antic Aviatio n Corp. , Di ck M o rga n, A ll en " Skut c, La uritsen, kill ed in a Waco F-2 acc ident in 7934, a nu Ed ith d u Po nt. Oth er ladies aren 't identified.
Som e w ill find this sto r y hard to beli eve . Th e A rm y A ir Corp s Boeing P-7 2 w as fl o wn int o Bellanca Fi eld w h ere il rema in ed overnight. D i ck M o rga n o n th e left and Ra n H o lladay had fresh co mm ercial li censes and about 200 h ou rs of fl ight tim e each . Th ey droo led over th e P- 72 all th at f irst day. Th ey could stand it no lo nger on th e seco nd day and eac h of th em fl ew th e fighter o ne tim e!
Di ck M orga n with th e Bellanca Model K " Roma " in 793 7. Di ck wa s prep arin g Lo rd Fauntl ero y Hubert X. Juli an , " Th e Black Eag le", fo r a priva te licens e so he could hope足 full y fl y th e Rom a to A fri ca. This never m ateriali zed.
This is a publicity shot showing Julian, "The Black Eagle" in th e Bellanca Model K, "Roma".
A. Felix du Pont with his Cur tiss- Wright "Sport " 16-E. Plane iu st in side the hangar door is a Verville AT "Sports足 man " with a 165 hp Continental A-70 engine. Henry B. du Pont and Angus Echols each owned a Verville, how足 ever, one was destroyed in a hangar fire. The other went on to fly from Biggs Field near New Castle. The surviving Verville was lat er owned by Mike Cuididas who became Atlantic Aviation's chief pilot. Felix du Pont has owned aircraft and flown con tinu ously sinc e th ese early days and is currently flying his Cessna 210.
The airplan es are becoming more modern. Dick Morgan poses here with a Lycoming pow ered Stinson SR-7B, NC3040, a 1937 Cord automobile, and cl Wri ght powered Stinson SR-8 D, NC 1615 J. Photo taken "/1 138.
Ran Holl aday wi th Frank du Pont's S tin son Reliant S R-80 , NC 16151, sin 9722. Power is a 285 hp Wright. Photo taken 9 128 136.
Ran Holl aday with Mr. du Pont's Grumman G-2 I -A "Goose" a t Bellanca Field on 11 124 139 .
as well as making flights to their boss ' hunting planta足 tions in South Carolina. But December 7, 1941 brought all this activity to a grinding halt. The military picked up all the high per足 formance aircraft before the winter of 1942 was over. What flying was allowed was moved inland and du Pont Airport and Bellanca Field dwindled to littl e or no activity. All American Aviation, a brainchild of Richard du Pont did continue to operate experimentally. The Stinson Reliant fleet continued picking up mail in flight from the Philadelphia area and across the Al足 leghenies to Pittsburgh . The Wasp powe red Stinson SR-10F , whi ch I flew for a private owner, ended up in All America 's hands and was used later for the first man pick-up atdu Pont. This aircraft, NC2311, is still in existance and is being prepared for ex hibit at the National Air and Space Museum in Wa shington, D .C. It will b e great to see it again after res toration. My log shows that I la st flew it 4 days aft er Pea rl Harbor, December 11, 1941. Shades of th e past! It wa sn ' t lon g befor e I was w ea rin g th e wings of an Army Air Co rp s pilot and th e next time I was at
Bea utiful Sti nso n Rel ian t SR- IO C own ed b y Baya rd Sharp. Ph oto taken on 7 7/2 4 /3 9 .
D i ck Morga n and th e auth o r w ith Mr . a nd Mrs. H arr y Lun ge r 's Wasp po w e red Sti nso n Re li a nt SR- 70F , on 71 /24/39. During WW /I th e A ir Corp s commandeered all such J ircrJ ft, purch as in g th em fr o m th e o wn ers. Thi s Sti nson remained at du Pont Airport and w as used b y All A m eri ca n Av i ati o n in exp erim entJ I wor k in cluding the fi rst aer ial p ick up fro m gro un d level of a hu ma n b eing . Th e p lane is now o wn ed by th e Na ti o nal A ir and Sp ace Mu seum.
du Pont Airp o rt was in the summ er o f 1943, when I had th e sa d duty to fly Richard du Po nt' s body from Mar ch Fi e ld , Ca lifornia wh er e h e had b een fatally injur ed in an ex p erim ental glid er accid ent. H e wa s a Sp ecial Ass istant to Gen eral Arn o ld fo r th e glid er pro足 g ram . Littl e did I realiz e in 1927 o n my fir st vi sit to du Po nt Airp o rt that I w o uld so m ed ay b e landing th ere at th e co ntr o ls o f a plan e as large as a C-47. A wh o le n ew stor y could be w ritt en of th e last years o f du Po nt A i rp o rt cove rin g th e p eri od from 1945 to 1957. Its two g rass runways, th e lo nges t bein g 27 00 f ee t , co uld tell m any a tale. By 1946 Twin Beeches w ere b eing f lo wn o ut of th ere and fo r th ose 12 years no ne o f u s ever go t into tr o ubl e. H ercul es Powd er Company operated two Lod es tars fr o m th ere for sev足 eral yea rs befo re good judge ment se nt th em to Gr eater Wilmin g to n ' s lo nge r , hard surfaced runways. Many of us h eaved a sad sig h w h en du Po nt Airport w as o f足 f iciall y clo sed . M y las t f li g ht in a Twin Beec h fr o m th ere wa s D ece m b er 11, 1957. Fro m th en o n I fl ew fro m eith er Bellan ca Fi eld o r Grea ter Wilmin g to n and it wa s th e end of an era. 15
Brothers Dick and John McC. Morgan with one of th e ea rl y privately owned Lockheed 1O-A Electras. Dick and John flew this plane for Mr. R. R. M. Carpen ter and his family from 1937 until May, 194 1, when th e Air Corps commandeered it.
Compression St ru ts Th ese are pi eces o f 3/8 in . by 3/4 in . sp ru ce nail ed o n each sid e o f th e regul ar rib , also g lu ed at each pl ace, and nail ed . Yo u w i ll n eed 10 o f th ese and 18 reg ul ar rib s.
Leading Edge This s m ad e of a pi ece o f 1Yz in . by 1'12 in . sp ru ce I e d to requir . e d size ' ' h 'IS d eter 13 f t. lo ng,. pan w h IC mined fr o m th e wi ng pr o fil e that you laid o ut o n th e r ib ji g. Secure thi s to th e rib s with 3/8 in . by 3/8 in. w o od en bl o cks , g lue d , and lo ts of small nail s.
S"!'YT ATT. LUGS 0 .. 1.0. . -
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Trailin g Edge
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Thi s is m ade of a two-in ch pi ece o f 24 gaug e alumi num , n ail ed aft er it is form ed , into a "V" shape o nto th e tip s o f th e rib s.
Ail eron Control Pulleys
Aileron Horn This is made up as shown by drawin g. Car e sho uld b e use d to get the attachm ent bol ts good and ti ght, but do not cru sh th e wood fib ers by gettin g too ti ght.
· ' I·.~ ;;.7j . . ..
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Thes e are secured at th eir res pective p laces as shown o n the drawings .
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This shHt covers .11 the nee.s.. ry det.IIs for bu ilding the GeorgilS Wing Tips The wing tip is ell iptical in fo r m and . 1/2 in . steel tubing is used to fo rm th is cu rv e. It is attach ed to th e leadi ng edge, spars, and ai leron atta chm ent sp ar by strips of copper. Na i l and solder th e nail h ead s to the copper strip.
Covering of th e Ship
Assembling Wing Struts Th ey are mad e up o f 1 in . by 20 gauge sea m l ess stee l tub i ng and str ea m lin ed with spru ce and taped . Th en dop e th e m . Th ey are adju stab le on o ne end fo r rig ging purp oses.
In asse mblin g thi s ship , fir st put on th e tail su rfaces and be sur e that th ey are bo lt ed and all nut s co tt ered , th en put th e co ntr o l w ires in and d eter min e w h ere th e w ires will co m e o ut o f th e fu selage co verin g so th at yo u can p ut littl e l eath er patch es w be re th ey co m e thr o ug h .
Thi s p roce dur e is ca rri ed o ut as an env elop e m ethod wh erever poss ib le and th e ope n edges h and se w ed. Five coa ts of cl ear dope are Ll sed and pig m e nt color th at th e build er des ires. Th e win gs sh o uld b e sew ed b efo re th ey are dop ed , eve ry 4 in . b etween th e spars and aro und th e rib s. A ft er th e fir st coa t of d ope th e ri bs mu st be tap ed over and th e lea din g edge and th e tr ai lin g edge, co ntr o l surfaces are taped over eac h r ib, but it i s not n ecessa ry to se w th e clo th to th e rib s in thi s sm all p lane .
Balan ci ng th e Pla n e To co rr ec tl y ba lance th e pl ane p ut th e fu se lage w ith all pa rt s asse m b led o n a knif e edge m ad e f ro m a 2 by 4 w ith th e w eight of th e pil o t in th e coc kpit and gas and o il in the m o tor , th en p lace th e win g by ri ggin g th e ce nt er secti o n stru ts unti l th e ce nt er of li f t co m es right over th e p lace th at th e p lan e ba lances. I n th e Cla rk "Y" airfo il th e ce nt er o f lift is 42 p erce nt fro m th e leadi ng edge. Th e bo tt o m part of th e airfo il mu st be level wi th th e top lo nge ro n as th e wi ng cu rve is se t at "0" degrees fo r th e b es t effi ciencyo Th en be su re th at th e wi ngs are exact late rall y thi s sh ip sh o ul d b e f lown w ith o u t an y d ih ed ral, an d th e w as h-in o n th e w i ng tip s will bes t be det ermin ed by flig h t. Adju st until th e shi p wi ll f ly hands -off an d have no tend ency t o fa ll off o n o ne wing o r th e o th er.
Her. il the accurate sCII.d layout. chart for the Clark Y·U wing ulld on thil ship. These dinMnSions ar. taken from the full sized sh ip and are accurat. with in close pr&etical limits.
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This ve ry clea r drawing will enabl e one to bu ild all the details needed for G successf ul wing panel. Note the met hod of a ile r<-n p llci"9.
BORDEN'S AEROPLANE POSTERS FROM THE 1930'S Pos ter Number 72 of th e origin al Thompson Seri es Th e Conso lidated Fleetster, Model 77
This is the second poster of the series provided by Mr. Cedric Galloway of Hesperia, California. Our series initiated with a collection of 18 Borden Posters that were distributed in Canada . Subsequently , it was learned that these posters had originally been made available in the United States in 1933 through a company called the Thompson Malted Milk Com足 pany of Waukesha, Wisconsin . This company became a part of the Borden Company, and a new series of posters was issued by them in the U .S.A. and then shortly after that in Canada. It appears that 30 dif足
ferent posters were issued in total. Mr. Galloway's collection included three from the original Thomp足 son series that were never made available in Canada. From the description, taken from the back of the poster, this month ' s aircraft, was a rare bird indeed. That description, is included below. As I read it, I could not help but wonder if the Assistant Secretary of War has a comparable aircraft, supplied by the Air Corps , at his disposal today. N EXT MONTH - Th e CurtiSS- Wright Falcon
by Lionel Salisbury EAA #774523 , A IC # 32 07
Seven Harper Road
Brampton , Ontario L6W 2W3 Canada
- - -- - -- 3(-5 · - - - - - -
4S~O' ---------:---~-
The Consolidated Fleetster is designed and built by the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation of Buffalo, New York . It is a luxurious 8-place air yacht, con vertible from a land plane into a sea plane by attach ing the pontoon . Its comfortable accommodations and ample luggage space have made it a favorite with air transportation companies where the traffic does not require a larger passenger capacity. Assistant Secre tary of War F. Trubee Davison has for his personal use a Fleetster purchased for him by the Army Air Corps. The Pan American Airways, operating between the United States, West Indies and South America, uses five Fleetsters as auxiliary to its main fleet of Consolidated Commodores. The most unusual feature of the Fleetster is the metal monocoque fuselage. It is of streamline form and is perfectly round in section from engine mount to tail post. The skin is of smooth aluminum alloy
sheet which is riveted to the internal structure . The fuselage receives its circular form from three main bulkh ead s to which the wing and chassis are attached, two bulkheads at the tail, and a number of light form ing rings spaced between. The bulkheads to which the wing is attached have the form of rings and are built up from extruded aluminum alloy angles and a web plate so that in section they are conventional plate girders . The front bulkhead, to which the front cha ss is struts attach, consist of an aluminum alloy sheet stiffened and bordered with extruded angles. It also serves as a firewall. The two rear bulkheads are formed from sheet stock. The forming rings are light extruded bulb angle sections. SPECIFICATIONS: Length, overall, 31 ft. 9 in.; Wing spread , 45 ft. ; Weight, empty, 3443 Ibs., Useful Load, 2157 Ibs . , Gross Weight, 5600 Ibs., Seating Capacity, 8, Cargo Space , 20 cu. ft., Cruising Range, 750 miles, Cruising Speed, 153 mph , High Speed, 180 mph, En gine, Pratt & Whitney Hornet "B", 575 hp .
FORD TRI- MOTOR TRANSPORT Specifi cation and Performan ce Data (And Comparison With 727 Astrojet ) Contributed by Jo hn W. G reen Wau sa u , Wisconsin
Manufac turer Purchase Price Seating Capacity Crew Cruising Speed Cruising Altitud e Range Engines Engine Power Rating Max . Gross Takeoff Weight Pay load Ca rgo Space Fu el Capaci ty Fuel Consumption (Approx.) Length Height Wing Spa n Cabi n Comforts: Pressu rization
Ford Tri-Motor Ford Motor Co . $55,475 13 2 (Pi lot/Co-Pilot) 110 mph 5,000-10,000 ft. 400 mi l es 3 Pratt & W h itney Wasp (Piston) 420 hp Each - Total : 1,260
12 ,650Ibs. 5, 000Ibs. 50cu.ft. 277 ga ls. 60 gals. per hr . 49 ft. 10 in . 13 ft. 8 in. 77 ft. 10 in . None
Food Ga ll eys
Air Condi tioning
Lavato ries
727 Astroj et The Boeing Co. $4,500,000 94 6 (I ncluding 3 Stewardesses) 600 mph 25,000-40,000 ft. 2,000 mi les 3 Pratt & Whit ney JT8D-1 (Turbofans ) 14 ,000 Ib s. Thrust Each 足 Total : 42 ,000 Ibs . 160,000 Ib s. 24,500 Ib s. 855 cu. ft. 7,670 ga ls. 1,475 gals. per hr . 133 ft . 2 in . 34 ft. 108 ft.
8,000 ft. at 35, 000 ft. altitude; sea level up to 22,500 ft. alt itude 2 with ca pacity for fu ll dining and beverage se rvice Built-in sys tem fo r ground and in-flight operation Th ree
American Airlines Ford Tri-Motor ( 1929) and Boeing 727 Astrojet (1965 ).
LETTERS D ear EAA : Encl os ed pl ease find a ph o to of th e Le Blond engin e whi ch I pl an to in stall in th e D avi s D-1 whi ch I no w hav e at th e fabri c stage. N o t too m an y o f th es e o ld e r eng in es ar e aro und and I th o ug ht poss ibl y o th er p eo pl e mi ght b e i nt eres ted . Thi s parti cul ar m o d el , a 5D-60 (rated 65 hp at 1910 rpm ), alon g with its sev en cylind e r mate, i s th e fir st e ngin e pro du ce d und er th e LeBl o nd nam e, previ o u s eng in e m o d el s b ein g ca ll ed th e " D etr o it Air Ca t " . My eng in e, se rial numb er 499 (I also hav e #332 as well as a late r 5D- 70 and a 5DF-85) ha s th e d at e 3-20- 29 stamp ed int o a m ain castin g and is a typ e th at w as in quit e c omm o n u sage i n airplan es su c h as th e fir st mod el s of th e Dav is D -1, Inl and Sp o rt , O ve rl and Sp or t , Star Cavali e r , and seve ral o th ers. Lat er dev el o pm e nt s of thi s b as i c e ng in e typ e in both fi ve and sev en cylind er m o d el s w ent on to in clud e th e fin al m o d el s o f Ken Royce, th e 5G -90 and 7G-120 se ri es . Intern al d esig n o f th ese engin es is quit e sub stan ti al but simpl e, with a h eavy br o nze -co unt erw eig ht ed crank shaft support ed on large ball bearin gs and with a m as ter and link ro d sys tem o f equ all y ampl e pr o p o rt io ns. Cy lind e rs a re of cas t ir o n con stru cti o n , full y ma c hin ed int e rn all y but ex te rn all y o nl y as n ee d ed o n th e m o u nt i ng su rfaces (as was also th e case o n " 70" engi n es thou g h wi th di f ferent cy lind er d es ig n). Th e r ear case i s a simpl e bu sh ed asse m b ly with a sin g l e tr ac k ca m and th e re are ro ll er ca m fo ll owe rs runn i ng in cas t iron guid es. All ea rl y engin es includin g D , D E, and DF m o d els had o nl y two m ain b ea rin gs . Later M o d el F and G en g in es in corpo rated a third bea rin g use d pur ely as a thru st b earin g at th e nose. I would think th at ge neral reli ab ility and lo ngev ity w o uld b e r ea so nabl y h ig h wi th no rm al service, good m aint enan ce, m o d e rn lubri ca nt s, an d clea nliness . I em p ha size " cl ea nlin ess" beca use in th e fi ve e n g i nes I w e nt th ro ug h , I fo u nd g rea t w ea r of th e va lve stem s and guid es , du e partl y to a lac k of ov erh ead lubri ca ti o n (co mm o n o n m any o lder eng in e m ak es inclu d in g Kinn er , W arn e r, Wr igh t, etc.) b u t also du e to ab rasio n fro m dirt and g rit ent er ing thr o ug h un sea led roc ker covers and inges t ed int o th e engi nes w ith o ut air f ilt ers, ope ratin g fr o m dirt or sod strip s.
Thi s en gin e is lik e new in sid e and I will pr o tect it with a filt e r. I have also in stall ed re m ovabl e plugs in th e va lve covers. A s to app ea ran ce, I h ave tak en a few lib erti es to pr e tt y up th e engin e. O ri gin all y th e cra nk case, rea r case cas tin gs and th e fo rged nose pl ate w ere left in natur al aluminum fin ish . All o th e r p art s w er e in bl ack engin e enam el . Co ntin ent al go ld loo ks good o n th e cases with bl ac k cylind ers. Th e pu shr o d s and ro ck er arm s are silv er and th e pressed steel valv e cov ers are h eavy copp er pl at ed and p o li sh ed . Th e cove rs o n my engin e ar e coat ed with clea r ep o xy varni sh and I anti ci pate an occasio nal r e-p o li shin g as necessa ry . Thi s id ea ca m e to m e f ro m seei ng a b ea uti ful 80 Le Rh o n e r o tary o n a Ni euport in whi c h th e ind i vidu al co pp e r int ak e pip es are kept in a hi ghl y po l ish ed stat e, whi ch add s g rea tl y to th e overall app ea r ance o f th e engin e.
I ca nn o t fo resee any parti cular p ro bl em s in ope ra ti o n o th er th an b ab yin g o f th e dry va lv e g uid es with addit ives in th e fu el and an occas io nal dir ect o ilin g b y hand. I 've add ed a fittin g at th e ba se o f th e ca r bur eto r to all o w an occas i o nal inj ec ti o n o f top o il i n fli ght. I' ll be a littl e slow in fini shin g up th e airpl ane as I ' m g raduall y r ecov erin g fr o m a nagg in g ph ys i ca l p r o bl e m , h oweve r , th e pl an e is at th e p o int n ow w here it co uld be fini sh ed in ve ry littl e tim e. Yo urs trul y, Fr ank E. Luft EAA # 11 5657 16355 Shil o h Roa d Ce ntral Po int , O R 97502 P. S. No ne o f th ese engin es are fo r sa l e. Each is a part of an ai rcraf t res to rati o n pro j ect.
TYPE CLUBS AND OTHER AVIATION ORGANIZATIONS This is an update to the listing of Type Clubs pub足 li shed in the january, 1980 issu e of The VINTA CE AIR足 PLANE. The clubs listed below are those who responded to a questionnaire sent out earlier this year. Some of th e clubs are not affiliated with any other organiza足 tion while others associate themselv es with the An足 tique Airplane Association. Aeronca Club
Charles lasher
14100 Candlewood Court
Miami lakes, Fl 33014
Contact Club
for further information Aeronca Sedan Club
Richard Welsh
2311 East lake Sammamish Place, S.E.
Issaquah, WA 98027
Newsletter : 3 per year
Du es : $2.50 per year
Air Force Historical Foundation
Building 412
Bolling AFB, DC 20332
Contact Foundation
for further information American Aviation Historical Society
Dustin W. Carter, President
P. O. Box 99
Garden Grove, CA 92642
Contact Society
for further information Antique Ai rplane Association
Bob Taylor , President
RI. 2, Box 172
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Publication Monthly
Dues: $30.00 per year
Aviation Maintenance Foundation, Inc. P. O. Box 739
Basin, WY 92410
Contact Foundation
for further information 24
Staggerwing Club james Gorman P. O. Box 2599 Mansfield , OH 44906 Newsletter : Quarterly Dues: $10.00 per year
Eastern Cessna 1901195 Association Cliff Crabs 25575 Butternut Ridge Road N. Olmstead, OH 44070 Newsletter : Semi-annual Dues: $5.00 per year
Bird Airplane Club jeannie Hill , Secretary Box 89 Harvard, Il 60033 Newsletter : Semi-annual Due s: See fir st iss ue
I nternational Cessna 170 Association, Inc. Thomas O'Connell , Secretary Montez uma Airport P. O.Box460 Camp Verde, AZ 86322 Newsletter: Monthly Dues : $15.00 per year
Airplane Safety Foundation (Society) William M . Guinther, Executive Director American Bonanza Society Reading Municipal Airport P. O . Box 3749 Reading, PA 19605 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $15.00 per year, U.S. and Canada $25.00 per year, Foreign Bucker Club
john Bergeson, SecretarylTreasurer
615 West May Street
MI. Pleasant, MI 48858
Newsletter: Every other month
Dues: $7.50 per year, U.S.
$10.00 per year, Foreign Canadian Aviation Historical Society P. O. Box 224
Station A
Willowdale, Ontario M2N 5S8
Contact Society
for further information Cessna Airmaster Club
Gar Williams
Nine South 125 Aero Drive
Naperville, Il 60540
N ewsletter : 0
Dues : $0.00
International Cessna 1201140 Association Glenn Usher Box 92 Richardson, TX 75081 Newsletter : Monthly Dues: $10.00 per year, U.S. $12.00 per year , Foreign
International 180/185 Club, Inc. (Cessna) 180/185 Owners Only Charles E. Bombardier, President 4539 North 49 Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85031 Newsletter: 9 or 10 per year Dues: $10.00 per year West Coast Cessna 1201140 Club Doug Williams P. O. Box 891 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Newsletter: 6 - 10 per year Dues: $10.00 per year Culver Club larry low, Chairman 60 Skywood Way Woodside, CA 94062 Newsletter : 0 Dues: $0 .00 Dart Club lloyd Washburn 3958 Washbu rn Drive PI. Clinton, OH 43452 Newsletter: Now and then Dues: $0 .00 The American Tiger Club Frank Price, President 7600 Tallahasse Waco, TX 76710 Newsl etter: Monthly Dues: $25.00 per year
DeHavilland Moth Club John Bright, Chairman 436 Stuart Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Newsletter: Quarterly Du es: $5.00 per year
Little Round Engine Flyers Ken Williams, Chairman 331 East Franklin Street Portage, WI 53901 Contact Williams for further information
D.H. Moth Club Gary Lust, Chairman R. R.#2 Iowa City, IA 52240 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $6.00 per year , U.S. and Canada $7.00 per year, Foreign
Continental Luscombe Association Loren Bump , President 5736 Esmar Road Ceres, CA 95307 Newsletter: 0 Dues: $0.00
Ercoupe Owners Club Skip Carden, Executive Di rector Box 15058 Durham, NC 27704 Newsletter: Monthly, with Special Editions Dues: $15.00 per year Fairchild Club Ken Love 1102 Main Street Crete, I L 60417 Newsletter: 0 Dues: $3 .00 per year Funk Aircraft Owners Association G . Dale Beach, Editor 1621 Dreher Street Sacramento , CA 95814 Newsletter: 10 per year Du es: $12.00 per year Heath Club Bob Burge 7612 Erie Street Sylvania, OH 43560 Newsletter: 0 Dues: $0.00 Howard Club Jack Hogan, President Box 291 Santa Paula, CA 93060 Contact Club for further information
Luscombe Association John Bergeson 615 West May Street Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Newsletter : 4 - 6 per year Dues : $7.50 per year Luscombe Association Robert Shelton 339 West Pierce Street Macomb, IL 61455 Newsletter : 3 per year Dues : $5 .00 per year Meyers Club Everette J. Payette 1604 South Custer Road Monroe, MI 48161 Newsletter: 0 Dues : $0 .00 Monocoupe Club Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dake 8318 Fairbanks Berkeley , MO 63134 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $3.00 per year National Flying Club A. R. Cardono, Chairman of the Board Municipal Airport Box 1175 Banning , CA 92220 Contact Club for further information
American Navion Society A . R. Cardono, Chairman of the Board Municipal Airport Box 1175 Banning, CA 92220 Contact Society for further ,information Rose "Parakeet" Club Jack W. Rose P. O. Box 32 Ingleside, IL 60014 Newsletter: 0 Dues : $0.00 International Pietenpol Association R. L. Taylor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg , IA 52536 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $5 .00 per year " The Uncommon CUB " Garth Elliott, Chairman Second Line West Meadowvale, Ontario LOJ 1KO Canada Contact Chairman for further information Vagabond News
Cecil Ogles
448 C Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118
Newsletter: Semi-annual
Dues: Voluntary Contributions
Porterfield Club
Charles E. Lebrecht
3121 East Lake Shore Drive
Wonder Lake, I L 60097
Newsletter : Winter, monthly ; Summer, bi-monthly
Dues: $5.00 per year , Porterfield owners
$12.00 per year, non-Porterfield owners Rearwin Club
George Williams
Rt. 1
Poynette, WI 53955
Newsletter: 0
Dues: $0.00
Air Replicas International
Warren A. Eberspacher , Director
P. O. Box 2218
Durengo, CO 81301
Newsletter : Quarterly
Dues: $17.50 per year
Replica Fighters Association
Frank Weatherly
2789 Mohawk lane
Rochester, MI 49063
Contact Association
for further information National Ryan Club
Bill j. Hodges
811 lydia
Stephenville, TX 76401
Newsletter: Quarterly
Du es: $0.00 per year, Ryan owners
$5.00 per year, non-Ryan owners Vintage Sailplane Association
jan Scott, President
Rt. 1, Box 239
lovettsville, LA 22088
Newsletter : Quarterly
Dues : $8.00 per year, individuals
$10 .00 per year, families $15 .00 per year, clubs and/or businesses Seaplane Pilots Association
Russell lawton, Executive Director
P. O . Box 30091
Washington, DC 20014
Newsletter: Quarterly
Dues: $18 .00 per year
Silver Wings Fraternity
Russ Brinkley, President
"Aviation Pathfinders"
P. O . Box 1228
Harrisburg, PA 17180
Newsletter : Every other month
Dues : $5.00 per year
Stampe Club
Carl C. Carlsen, President
3284 Texas Avenue
Simi Valley , CA 93063
Contact Club
for further information
Stearman ' s Restorer ' s Association Tom lowe 823 Kingston lan e Crys tal la ke , I l 60014 Newsletter: 4 - 6 per year Dues: $10.00 per year
National Wa co Club Ray H. Brandly 700 Hill Av enue Hamilton , OH 45015 Newsletter : Every other month Dues : $5.00 per year
National Stinson Club
Wheelchair Pilots As sociation Howard Tr eadwell 11018 - 102 Avenue North largo, Fl 33 540 Contact As sociation for further information
All Mo d e ls Excep t l08's Jonsey Paul , Chairman 14418 Skinner Road Cypress, TX 77429 Newsletter : Quarterly Dues: $7.50 per year National Stinson Club 108-Section For 108 Series O nl y Bruce and Linda Hoover 3719 Acorn Springs lane Spring, TX 77379 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $6.00 per year Southwest Stinson Club Ted Zitnay , President 14031 Elvira Street Saratoga , CA 95070 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $6 .00 per year I nternational Swift A ss ociation Charles Nelson P. O. Box 644 Athens , TN 37303 Newsletter : Monthly Dues : $15 .00 per year International Taylorcraft Owners Club Bruce " Barney" M. Bixler, II , President 12809 Greenbower Road Alliance, OH 44601 Newsletter: Every other month Dues : $5 .00 per year Taylorcraft Owners Club Merton Meade, jr. 2009 Victoria Drive Aquia Harbour Stafford, VA 22 554 Contact Club for furth er information
World War I Aeroplanes leonard Opdycke 15 Crescent Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Newsl etter : Monthly Dues: Voluntary Contributions
SEPTEMBER 5-7 - MARI O N , OHIO - 15th Annual Mid-Ea stern Re gi o nal EAA Fly- In at Mari on Muni cipa l Airport. Fo r furth e r in formation , please cont ac t : Mr. Louis Lindeman , 3840 Cloverdale Roa d , M edway , O H 45341. Telep hone: 513 /849-9455. SEPTEMB ER 12-14 - CA LGA RY , ALBERTA - Alberta ' s 75th Anniver sa ry as a Province, th e Airdrie Country Club of th e Air is spo n so r in g a " Diamond jubil ee Antique/Class ic Fly-In ", at Airdrie Air port. For further in for mati o n , please co ntact : Geo rge B. Pendle burg , Vice-President , Pub li ci ty Chai rm an , 304 Manora Road , N.E., Ca lgary , Alberta T2A 4R6. Teleph on e: 403/272-4383 . SEPTEMBER 12-14 - DELANO, CALIFORNIA - lA C Contest - Spon so red by lA C Chapter 26 for th e Spo rt sman and Unlimited ca te go ri es. For further information , please con tact : jac k G ladish , 120 South Ham Lanek , Lodi , CA 92540 . Telep h one: 209/369-5768. SEPTEMB ER 13 - GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN - Chapter 651 is spo n so rin g a fl y- in at Plainvi ew Airport. For further information, please co nta ct: Dave Frisbie, 414/3 36-3257. SEPTEMBER 13-14 - OSCEO LA , WISCONSIN - lAC Cont est - Spo n so red by lAC Chap te r 78 for the Sports man ca tegory o nl y . For further information , please co nt act : jam es G . Taylor, 11 9 Comanche Drive, W ebster , MN 55088. Tel ephone: 507 /652-2607. SEPTEMB ER 14 - EASTON , PENNSYLVANIA - An tiqu e & Classic Pipe r Fly-In. For furth e r information , please contact : jim Polles, 299 Nazareth Drive , Nazareth , PA 18064. Te lephone : 215/759 3713 (ni ght s) .
AVAILABLE BACK ISSUES The VINTAGE AIRPLANE 197 3 1974 1975 "1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 -
M arch thr oug h December All Are Available A ll A r e Ava il ab le Janu ary, Mar ch , April , May, August , Octob er , November, December A ll Ar e Available Janu ary , M ar ch thr ou g h Jun e, Aug u st , Oc tob e r, November Feb rua ry I h ro ugh D ece mber January through Au g u st
Th e abov e mentioned back is su es ar e availab le from H eadqu ar te rs for $1.00 each , pos tp aid .
SEPTEMB ER 14 - LAN SING , ILLINOI S - The Lansin g Poli ce Ca d ets will spo nsor their 2nd A nnual Fl y-In and Air Sh ow at Lansi ng Municipal Airp o rt. For f urth er information, p lease co ntact: j . P. Fish, P.O . Box 411 , Lemo nt , IL 60439. Telep h one: 312/257-7552. SEPTE MBER 19-21 - KERRVILLE, TEXAS - 16th A nnual Southwest Regional Fly-In, sponsored by th e Texa s Chap t ers of EAA. For further info rm at io n , p lease co nt act : Bob Reese , Rt. 4, Box 305 , Sa n A nge lo , TX 76901. Telephone: 915/658-4 194 or 915/949-2886. SEPTEMBER 19-21 - VIN CENTOWN , NEW JERSEY - lA C Con test Spo nso red by lAC Cha pt er 94 f or th e Sportsman and Inter med iate ca t ego ri es. Fo r further information, please conta ct: Fred W eave r, Himm elein Road , Box 9E, Medford , NJ. Te leph one: 609/65 4-7867. OCTOBER 1-5 - TU LL A HOMA , TENNESSEE - 2nd A nnu al EAA Na tional Fall Fly-In. Don ' t miss this one. For furt h er in fo rm ati o n , p lease con tact: EAA Fal l Fly-In, P.O. Box 229 , H ales Corners, WI 5313 0. Telepho ne: 414 /425-4860 . OCTO BER 11 - DAYTON , O HIO - 2nd Annual Tour through th e U. S. Air Force Museum at Wright Field spo nsored by EAA Chap te r 610. For furt h er informatio n , plea se co nt act: Col. Bob Taylor , 5855 St. Rt. 40 , Tipp City, O H 453 71. OCTOBER 17-19- CA MD EN , SOUTH CARO LI NA Fly-In. For further info rm at i on , please con tact: Ge neva McKiernan , 530 1 Fin sbu ry Place , Charl ott e, NC 28211.
AC RO II PLANS The n ew 2-place ae robati c trainer and sport bi pl an e. 20 pages of easy to follow, detail ed plans. Co m pl e te with iso m etri c drawings, photos, exploded views . Plans - $85.00. Info pack - $4.00. Send c h ec k o r m o ney order to: ACRO SPORT, IN C., Box 462 , H ales Corners , WI 53130. 414 /425- 4860.
ENGINES 1930's Vintage Fr anklin 4A C-1 50A 60 hp. No logs, n o mags, n o ca rb. , o n e bad cy l. - rust ed. Everything else in exce ll e nt co ndition . M ak e offer o r will trad e. for , avionics or Rev m as ter 2100 or ??? Box 444 , Mab to n , WA 98935 or 1-509/894-4493, 2000Z - 2200Z week d ays only. Also hav e spru ce kit for Coo t A Cheap.
FLYING AND GLIDER MANUALS 1929, 1930, 1931 1932, 1933, 1929-33 Miscellany
2.50 ea. or 6 for $12.50
EAA Air Museum Foundation, Inc. Box 469 Hales Corners , WI 53130 Allo w 4-6 Weeks For Delivery
Wisconsin Residents Include 4% Sales Tax
Classic owners!
Thi s 1928 H ea th Sup er Parasol has rec entl y been placet} on d isplay in the Paul H . Po berez n y Air Museum . Th e res toration i s 95% complele and is th e res ult of work b y vo lunt eers from th e loca l area and th e gro up from Mi chi gan who m ake an a nnual trip to the Museum to w ork on su ch projec ts. Th e aircra ft actu all y contains p arts o f two diffe rent H ea ths d o nated to th e Museum individuall y b y Jac k Sc im o n e of Middl e Vill age, N ew Yo rk a nd Jo hn M c Geary of Miami, Florida.
For Mu seum Res t ora tion , an o ri g inal radiator and propeller for OX-5 JN4 - D . Call W . B. Osborn, Jr. 512/ 826-8654 o r write to P. O. Box 17968 , San Antonio, TX 78286. I hav e ava ilabl e a se t of sea ts fo r a Timm , and a co mpl ete H o lly carbu reto r for a Warn er 165. I n ee d 700 x 7.5 ti res for m y Ti ge r Moth and WWI o r ea rl y WWII boots a nd unif o rm s. Ed Allen, 114 Air Park Dri ve, Warner Robbin s, GA 31093 . Telep h o n e 912 / 987-2898.
All Items READY -MADE for Easy
Seat Upholstery - Wall Panel s
Headliners - Carpets - etc .
WANTED (Pharo by Tim M o rS/J ll ef)
Ceconite Envelopes and Dopes
-Send for FREE Catalog Fabric Selection Guide - $:3.00
259 Lower Morrisville Rd . ~~~_ ~II!~~' Follsington, Po . 19054 r• .~ , ~~'., (215 ) 295 - 4115 i
•• ee ••
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