6 minute read

Dancing in the Cloud Tops

The view from way above is amazing

by S. Michelle Souder

My first time ever in an airplane was in a DC-9 from Dulles, Virginia, to Houston, Texas. It was raining when we took off. I was disappointed that I wouldn’t get the full benefit of having a window seat. Of course we climbed through the overcast and cruised above the cloud layer that was so dismal from the ground. I, however, was not prepared for the view on top. I was simply awestruck at the dazzling beauty of the pure white cloud tops in Tennessee has provided the opportunity to meet some of these folks, among them Steven and Judith Oxman in Maryland, and their Beechcraft Super H18. Because of attending an event at the museum, we arranged that I would get to fly along in the Twin Beech instead of driving.

Weather diverted our course from direct to south and then westnorthwest. The trip south was done at a low altitude as cloud cover was

was sheer pleasure regardless of the convective ride. I was not anxious to stop flying, though I was glad to be in Tennessee, and Pratts like to eat.

Coming home I was again graciously given the chance to fly right seat. Again we flew weather, though this time with drier air. Scattered to broken cloud base at 6,000 feet MSL; we at 7,500 feet dancing amid the tops. Cloud formations stood like glistening statues watching si

reflecting the bright sunlight, enthralled at what I imagined heaven must look like.

Because I fly a little rag-wing taildragger, I seldom get to experience that view since I have no need to get over the clouds in bad weather. I just don’t fly then. Thrice this year I’ve flown places in other aircraft where we’ve had to fly weather— still VFR, but with conditions that required planning and IMC diversion. All three flights different. All three successful, but the last one will remain with me as a cherished memory.

I am fortunate to have met many fine folks in the aviation world. The Beechcraft Heritage Museum 40 AUGUST 2012

thick enough to avoid going on top. Once you’re up, you eventually have to come down. The question would have been where.

We are able to fly west at a higher altitude. Scattered clouds plus convection formed stormy buildups. The growing towers were magnificent, yet ominous. Since our path was directed by rising cumulous more than a GPS line, we succumbed to the rationale to descend below and trade smooth air for visibility.

Westward was also me happily flying right seat, learning to finesse control of the airplane with trim— and trim nicely it did. Sitting between two Pratt & Whitney R-985s lently as we passed by.

Again I marveled at the majesty of it all, soaking in as much as I could of the landscape below, the cloud layers and the wisps that shared our altitude. I think it was impossible not to grin as I made the sweeping spiral descent down through a cloud break to take us home below the layer. The airplane felt good—smooth, and solid, and bigger than anything I’d flown, and satisfyingly sweet.

I’ll remember that trip for a long, long time. When life is discouraging and the clouds outside my window are right, in my mind I get in the airplane and go dancing in the cloud tops one more time.

VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Secretary Geoff Robison Steve Nesse 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. 2009 Highland Ave.

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