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built the Abrams P-1 Explorer aerial photography and survey aircraft.
The CC-14 was a two-place sideby-side parasol plane powered by a 95-hp Cirrus Hi-Drive engine, licensebuilt by the U.S. American Cirrus Engine (ACE) Corporation. It had a wingspan of 34 feet 0 inches, over all length of 23 feet 8 inches, a maximum speed of 110 mph, a cruising speed of 93 mph, a stall speed of 35 mph, and a range of 550 miles.
NC11191, the first example that Cain Aircraft built, was exhibited at the 1931 Detroit National Aircraft Show between April 11, 1931, and April 19, 1931, where it was advertised at the price of $2,475. The airplane had not flown yet, but it was later test flown at Detroit City Airport. This plane was destroyed in a spin accident in June of 1931, killing the test pilot.
NC11342 was built by Cain Aircraft under Group 2 Approval #2-383 issued on 9-11-31. This airplane was badly damaged in an accident in Min nesota in 1938.
No other examples were ever built.
In his answer, Thomas Lymburn of Princeton, Minnesota, adds this about the Cain:
Only two appear to have been built by the Cain Aircraft Corporation of Detroit; NC11191 (serial number 1) and NC11342 (serial number 2). Cain had been founded on 1 January, 1931. Costing $2,475, the CC-14 was pow ered by an American Cirrus Engine (ACE) Corporation Cirrus Hi-Drive of 95 hp. Herschel Smith (A History of Aircraft Piston Engines, Sunflower University Press, 1991) notes that the Cirrus engine was license-built by ACE of Marysville, Michigan, from 1928 to 1935. When ACE gave up business, its assets were taken over by Menasco. The Hi-Drive appeared in both upright and inverted models and was used in the Great Lakes and Fairchild 22.
Other correct answers were received from Wes Smith, Springfield, Illinois, and Wayne Muxlow, Minneapolis, Minnesota. In addition, after the August issue had gone to press, we received a nice note from George Waller correctly answering the May Mystery Plane.
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