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Optional "Jewish People - The Holocaust"

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Teacher Rotaru Alina Elena, Kindergarten No.1, Buzau


The optional course aims to introduce students to the landmarks during the school year about the Jewish people, the Jewish culture and civilization and the drama that this people went through. Students will be familiar with significant elements of history, learn about the Jewish people, the emergence of Jews in Europe and Romania, anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish laws, and decisions of the 1930s and 1940s. They will notice similarities and differences, evolutions and cultural interferences, they will know elements related to the contribution of the Jews in the Aromanian society.

Through the proposed course, students will enrich their vocabulary, communication and interaction skills and will be aware of the emphasis that must be placed on human value, solidarity, equal opportunities, human rights. Reference objectives and examples of learning activities: They will also benefit from the observation and study of authentic documents through audio-video means, modern technology but also through direct contact with various works. Content

O1 - to know the specific terms of the Jewish culture and civilization;

O2 - to write short essays and reports on the history of Jews in Romania;

O3 - to distinguish the genesis and the effects of a historical fact;

O4 - to identify and describe Jewish religious aspects;

O5 - to make the picture of a historical period identifying the changed changes;

O6 - to use in new context the learned terms;

O7 - to develop confidence in their own capacity for investigation and original creation;

O8 - to classify the injustices committed by certain peoples;

O9 - to distinguish the influences of some leaders on some decisions taken against jews. - exercises for identifying and explaining the specific terms of the culture, civilization, religion of the Jews; - investigating some sources in order to highlight the interferences with other fields;

- Exemplification of the realization of essays and papers correctly conceived from a scientific point of view (The Jewish People, Why the Holocaust?, The Jews of Romania, The Antonescu Regime and the Jews, Anti-Jewish legislation, etc.);

- commenting on different interpretations; - discovering some notions with direct or indirect religious character and capturing their characteristics - the use of conclusive sources to identify the representative aspects for a certain period, as well as the changes produced;

- designing articles about Jews and the Holocaust and participating on various occasions with works in various competitions;

- taking responsibility for solving different tasks;

- contact with various testimonies on this topic; - consulting bibliographic landmarks or accessing the Internet to study the corresponding legislation; - studying some documents;


Chapter I. Introductory notions I.1. Course overview I.2. What is the Holocaust? I.3. Why study the Holocaust? Chapter II. The Jewish people in antiquity II.1. The Holy Land II.2. From the "wanderers" of the desert to the founding of the Jewish kingdom II.3. The Kingdom of the Jews II.4.Religion of the Jews II.5. Jewish cultural heritage Chapter III .The Jews in the Middle Ages III.1. Jews in the European space III.2. Jews in the Romanian Lands Chapter IV. The Jews of Romania IV.1. Anti-Semitic manifestations IV.2.European anti-Semitism IV.3. Anti-Semitism in Romania IV.4. The Jews in the 19th century IV.5.The Jews in the period 1914-1919 IV.6.The Jews in the interwar period IV.7.The legionary group and the Antonescu regime IV.8.Anti-Semitic legislation Chapter V. The Holocaust V.1.Definition.Terminology V.2. Triggering this process V.3.The actions of Adolf Hitler V.4. States and regimes involved V.5. Solidarity actions in Romania V.6. The end of World War II Chapter VI. Jews after World War II VI.1. The birth of the state of Israel VI.2. The presence of Jews on the Romanian territory VI.3. Perception of the Holocaust in the postwar period VI.4. The current situation Realization of projects. Final recap

Teaching strategies Methods Means

Buzz-groups Exposure investigation The description Discovery conversation Modeling Problem Case study communication The graphic organizer Map Atlas drawings Magazines Flyers Planiglobul Images Specialty literature DICTIONARIES Archaeological material IT technology Audio-video media

Ways to perform the evaluation:  Initial evaluation  Continuous assessment (formative)  Cumulative evaluation (summative, global)

Traditional evaluation methods:  written tests  oral tests  practical tests Each of these traditional methods has advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, they must be combined in an optimal way. Alternative evaluation methods: Systematic observation of student behavior by:  evaluation / self-assessment sheets  control / checklists  classification scales Investigation The project The report Portfolio Self-assessment

Bibliography Ancel J., Transnistria, vol. 3, Atlas Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998 Băluţoiu V., Vlad C-tin, Teacher's Guide. 5th grade History,

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