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The town of Auschwitz

cel de-al Treilea Reich şi al ofensivei sovietice, lagarul a intrat în ultima fază, cea a lichidării, care a culminat cu evacuarea prizonierilor. Întrucât era greu de administrat un complex atât de mare, lagărul a fost împărţit în trei divizii, pe 22 noiembrie 1943, fiecare beneficiind de un anumit grad de autonomie.

Student: Georgescu Valeriu-Ionut Costești Technological High School Coordinating teacher: Dragut Violeta


The city of Auschwitz, a city in whose suburbs, the Germans built the largest mass murder center. In five years, one million people died in the Auschwitz concentration camp complex: Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and so on. The Auschwitz Concentration Camp was occupied and liberated in 1945 by Soviet troops. The evacuation of the camp by the Germans began in midJanuary 1945, but the Red Army did not open the gates of the camp until January 27. The base of the Auschwitz concentration camp consisted of 22 pre-war brick barracks in the suburbs of the Polish city of Oswiecim, located 50 kilometers west of Krakow at the confluence of the Vistula and Sola rivers. Over time, the camp has expanded in both organizational and spatial terms. At the height of its development, in the summer of 1944, Auchxitz owned 40 square kilometers, where about 135,000 people were detained, which was 25% of the total number of people imprisoned in the entire concentration camp system. During the 5 years of existence, the mode of operation of the camp has changed a long time from a camp whose reason is the isolation of social elements considered enemies to the Nazi regime. After the closure of the gas chambers in October 1944, in the last two months of operation, in the context of the critical situation of the Third Reich and the Soviet offensive, the camp entered the last phase, that of liquidation, which culminated in evacuation of prisoners. Because it was difficult to manage such a large complex, the camp was divided into three divisions, on November 22, 1943, each benefiting from a certain degree of autonomy.

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