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The Violet Ray A Lightworker’s Guide



Winter 2007 Issue



All levels of Reiki Certification taught in luxury and comfort in energetically charged and exotic locations. Enjoy weekend get aways and full weeklong excursions

Email: P h o n e : 4 0 3 -3 3 0 2 -8 8902

Reiki Certification Meditation Personal Healing Treatments Spiritual Adventure Tours

CONVERGENCE THERAPY Experience a new, evolving, healing modality! This amazing new modality continues to surprise us with its effectiveness and speed. Try it for yourself through an online mini-treatment by going to:


Visit our Reiki International Retreats website for upcoming retreats for certification, and spiritual vacations. Combine a vacation to an energetically charged, exotic, location with the wonderful experience of taking your Reiki Certification.

The Healing Center, Red Deer AB Courses, Seminars, Reiki Certification Reiki Certification Courses

We are currently planning a practitioners retreat in Banff, Alberta in the spring of 2008 and a weeklong spiritual vacation and certificate training in Mexico for the fall of 2008.

Conducted by certified Reiki Master/Teacher. Small class sizes, relaxed informal learning environments, and hands on training. Participants receive large full color manuals and personal instruction on theory and practical applications. References of past students available

Banff, Alberta - Spring 2008 Mexico - Fall 2008

Weekly Meditation Gatherings

Whether you've been meditating for years or it's your first time you're guaranteed to enjoy this experience. Informative, enjoyable, insightful. No registration required. Every Monday evening from 7:00-8:00PM at The Healing Center. Cost: $6.00 each or $10.00 couple Russ Littau Founder of The Healing Center

Winter 2007


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When D o Y ou F eel?? By Russ Littau Many times we are asked how we feel. Almost without fail the response will be related to how we physically feel and not how we emotionally feel. I think this is a profound commentary on how little we pay attention to emotions. What we are really feeling. Not those pat answers like "not bad", "getting by", "fine", and the other assortment of responses we have stored on the shelves of our subconscious from which we haphazardly pick one when presented with the query. The more I grow and develop on this journey called "life" the more I'm realizing that emotions are a foundational key through which we can either open, or seal, the doorway through which our futures lie. I propose a small experiment. Get comfortable, close your eyes, and take some nice deep breaths. Remember to breathe with your abdomen and let your stomach extend a little bit to allow you to fill your lungs completely with air and then relax and allow the air to release through your nose and mouth. Allow your mind to float back to an event in your past that has an emotional impact. It could be positive or negative. If it happens to be a negative one don't feel you have to allow yourself to be overwhelmed by it. The point here is to only allow you to noticeably feel an emotion. Now ask yourself a question. "When am I feeling this emotion"? Herein lays the key. Even though the event you are remembering could have happened ten days or ten years ago you can only feel an emotion in the present moment (now). You cannot feel in the past or even in the future. You can only feel right here, right now. Our memories and our emotions are not intrinsically connected. The memory is a trigger, which causes us to feel the emotion that was felt when the initial event happened in the present moment. We cannot change the past. Right, wrong, or otherwise what has happened has happened. We also cannot control the future. After all it hasn't even happened yet. The emotions we feel when we think of events in our future are simply responses to a trigger. Not different than the past just in opposite directions. The only thing we can change is what we are feeling in the present moment. The good news is all we have to do is change what we are feeling in the present moment. We don't have to magically undo the past or circumvent events in our future. What we have the amazing opportunity to do is change the emotions we are feeling in the present moment which are triggered by the event. It may appear like I've only succeeded in defining the problem and not the solution. I believe if you stop and

Winter 2007

allow what I've proposed to sink into your soul you will realize, as I have, that it is indeed the solution. More importantly it is the key to your freedom and the restoration of your power. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. I wish it wasn't so however all of us can attest to this fact as we allow our memories to walk through the injustices and even abuses that we have experienced. So many, through no fault of our own. Once you realize the full impact of what I am saying you will begin to realize that you truly are not a victim. You are not powerless. Even though the impacts of what you have experienced may currently be paralyzing you and have mired you on the sidelines of your life it doesn't have to continue. We cannot change the past. That is true. We cannot change the future. That is true as well. We can however change the present. This is where our power lies. This is where we can invoke our power to choose. The past is not your fault. It is your responsibility. You are the owner of your present moment. Nobody can take that from you. Because of this you can begin to release the emotions attached to those triggers and in doing so allow your body to return to its natural state of health and wellness. The roadmaps to this place of release are varied and many. As many of you know we keep very busy at The Healing Center teaching and treating with Reiki. I personally have seen countless individuals regain their power through the two of us joining as a team during a session and together bringing those emotions from the darkness of fear into the light of or present moment awareness and watching them gracefully and powerfully dissipate into thin air. Is it easy? Absolutely not! Is it worth it? A thousand times I will say a resounding yes! I suggest a couple of very goods books that I have found immensely helpful in reaching and maintaining present moment awareness and releasing emotions. Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett-Goleman The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin „

Russ Littau is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and operates The Healing Center located in downtown Red Deer offering education and personal healing treatments. Russ also conducts Reiki certification courses and retreats. He can be reached at,, Phone: 403-302-8902

The Violet Ray

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The Violet Ray

On The Cover Colourful Door - Morocco - By Bjoern Obst-

Address: #41 - 6740 Johnstone Drive, Red Deer, Alberta, T4P 3Y2 Phone:



Publisher, Editor, Design, Layout

Bjoern Obst is a photographer that lives in Vancouver, BC and enjoys nothing more than exploring new places and cultures off the beaten path. To see more of his work or to contact him visit

Carol Uchytil


For advertising information contact Carol Uchytil at 403-342-1656 or via email at Deadline for reserving ads are as follows:

Spring - February 1 Summer - May 1 Autumn - August 1 Winter - November 1 Contact Carol for a media kit or information about current rates, ad sizes, circulation and distribution locations. Payment for advertising is due promptly when ad is booked. Inquire about our flexible payment schedules to assist small businesses with cash flow constraints. Payment can be made via cash, cheque, money order, Visa or Mastercard.

General Information

In Every Issue 5

The Violet Ray reserves the right to refuse advertisments, articles or art . Advertisers and contributors accept sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their statements and claims. The ideas and opinions expressed by individual writers are not necessarily those of the publisher, printer or advertisers. The Contents of The Violet Ray should not be taken or used as medical advice but is intended to provide information only. Readers should consult their doctor or health care practitioner with regard to their health concerns and remedies. Readers are encouraged to do their own research regarding health claims found in The Violet Ray. The Violet Ray reserves the right to edit articles for length, clarity and content at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher.

Printer - WEBCOLEDUC, Leduc ,Alberta Contributors: The Violet Ray welcomes articles by local writers. Tell us about your personal wellness journey, your musings on life, or ways in which you live your creativity. We encourage articles that educate, enlighten and entertain our readers. Length restrictions of 400 - 1000 word articles apply in accordance with ad placement. Contact the editor for guidelines and submission deadlines.

Winter 2007

By Carol J. Uchytil


Some Words From Other People By LBF Dusty

13 17

The Violet Ray is published four times per year:

Spring - March 1 Summer - June 1 Autumn - September1 Winter - December 1

Soul Script The Violet Flame... ... And Crystals By Jean Sinclair


Serendipity By Carol J. Uchytil

The Violet Journey... ... To Acceptance By JC Page

In This Issue 3

When Do You Feel By Russ Littau


Book Review By Klaus Ferlow


In Closing By ReAnne Johnson and Merinda Reid


Spiritual Family By Jeanen Boutet


Time Is Of The Essence By Aly Seymour


Reduce Plaque And Toxins With Colon Hydrotherapy By Tamara Steer


Which Healing Technique Should You Choose? By Nicola Elliott Lapierre


Cold And Flu Busters - The Natural Approach By Klaus Ferlow


Frequency And Brainwaves By Joette Lees


The African Drum By Colette Haevens


Berry Good Breakfast Shake By Carol J.Uchytil


Inspire Imagine Believe By Kathy Kubbernus


Journey To The Feminine By Juey Ann MacLeod


The Flower Gods By A.J. Gardippe


The Simple Approach To Health Submitted By Josh Wiebe


The Law Of Attraction By Alex Vanwells


The Power Of The Seasons By Julie Poffenroth

The Violet Ray

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In C losing

Soul S cript

By ReAnne Johnson and Merinda Reid

By Carol J. Uchytil

Only one and half years ago Life led me to Merinda Reid and The Violet Ray magazine. It has been quite an experience. From all the hard work and wonderful connections with so many others, I have experienced during my time as editor and publisher, I was given a gift - a gift of learning - not only of how to create a magazine but also of myself. From the beginning I put my trust in Merinda as a business partner and a friend and that trust never wavered, right up to the end of our partnership. She continues to be a trusted friend and I know that she will do great things. I love her and will miss her. Now Life, always full of surprises and ever wise, has led me elsewhere. I am relocating to the BC interior to continue along this path chosen for, and by, me. Along with the sadness of the closing of some doors comes the excitement and joy of new ones opening. It is with these feelings that I end my journey with The Violet Ray. I want to introduce the new owner, Carol Uchytil. I have had the pleasure of working with this wonderful lady during this time of transition and I am so excited for her and The Violet Ray magazine. With her skills and professionalism, I am assured it is in the best of hands and will continue to blossom into what is intended. I see great things for it's future under her care. In Light and Life, ReAnne The Violet Ray has been an experience! I wouldn't have missed it for the world but my plate is too full and something has to go. Not only that but also my faithful sidekick and loyal partner, ReAnne, is heading west to new adventures and I cannot even imagine trying to replace her. Of all the good and wonderful things, and people, The Violet Ray has brought to me - she is the best. I love her and wish her joy in all her endeavors. My thanks to all of you - you have made the last two years rewarding and fun. I am grateful to have found Carol and feel confident leaving the magazine in her capable hands. Expect great things from her - I know you won't be disappointed. In Love and Service, Merinda

With the end of the year approaching it is a time to review my journey and reflect on the changes I had to undertake to align with the calling of my soul. There was a constant yearning and nagging in my soul for years but I only found the courage this past May to leap into the unknown and acknowledge the call of my soul. When I left my Sales and marketing career to take a sabbatical I had no idea what I was going to do next. I just knew I had to move on and whatever I was going to do next had to allow my artistic and creative skills to be expressed. I trusted that the right opportunity would present itself in due time and had faith that my guides and spirit helpers would do their miracles from the other side to assist me in doing what I needed to do here on Earth. After spending a few months purging and clearing out the clutter in my mind, body and home the opportunity presented itself in a copy of The Violet Ray that I recently picked up. When I read that The Violet Ray was for sale I sensed this was the opportunity my soul had been yearning for. My certainty in this opportunity was validated after my first meeting with Merinda and experiencing her bubbly, wholesome disposition first-hand. Within a couple weeks when the transaction was final I met ReAnne whom upon first meeting I felt like I had known her before. She had an empathetic, caring, gentleness about her and I felt that both of these ladies were on this Earth to make a positive difference even though their soul's were reaching to new directions that they too were compelled to fulfill. I am very grateful for meeting Merinda and ReAnne and this opportunity. I am certain that the new paths that these ladies are journeying on will bring about great things both within them spiritually and on this physical plane Earth. I thank them for their dedication, creativity and hard work to get this publication from "The Source" to " The Violet Ray". Over the coming months as this publication evolves there will be some creative changes that will make The Violet Ray more diverse, informative and entertaining to ultimately promote its growth. I would love to hear your feedback as these changes transpire. If you have any suggestions or would like to see something in this publication that you currently don’t see drop me a line via email at or My intent for this publication is that it continues to provide you with a medium to connect with people and their pets that offer services that encourage health, well-being, personal growth and creativity. I hope that it awakens and inspires you to shine your light on the world to support the healing of Mother Earth. With Love & Light, Carol

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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Time is of the E ssence By Aly Seymour "Time is of the essence". I wonder what that really means? In thinking of all the reasons why I hadn't managed to produce an article for this esteemed publication in quite a while I pondered on the seasons. The furthest back I can go is spring, which is lambing season for us. "Spring" (in our case!) actually began in January and ended in mid-March, allowing my husband and I to travel to the U.K. for my Mum's 80th in April. As soon as we returned it was time to put the garden in. That is a big job in my case that I make last as long as possible. If I had my way I'd be out in the barnyard and the garden 24/7 twelve months of the year. But life is not that kind. There were the usual summer tasks that take up time painting the barn, re-roofing the house, cutting down thistles, keeping the water tubs full for the ducks and geese, and testing the river for the Alberta Water Quality study. And then it's Fall and we have to spend even more time it seems to tidy up and prepare for next year. Just when you think you have it all under control the ram jumps the fence, so once again "Time is of the Essence" and our calendar is started for us! So as much as we like to think we have control in life we are so very wrong. But what we have been very successful at over the last 30 years is distancing our children from daily experiences with nature. Growing up I really did have to walk uphill both ways! School was on the other side of the valley with a lovely gurgling creek flowing through the valley bottom that I always stopped and drank out of. I'm sure I wouldn't be so brave nowadays, but that daily walk developed a huge love of nature in me, and an understanding that we could never appreciate the connectiveness of it all. Every blade of grass, every flower and tree, every fish and bug meshed together in an endless cycle, each attuned to its needs and the environment. That's one of the reasons why I believe it only makes sense to feed our pets as much natural and species-appropriate food as we can. As a Mum who had the choice of bottle- or breast-feeding I chose what nature intended. It was simple and healthier for my children. Similarly it doesn't have to be complicated or scary to feed your pet naturally, but the benefits are huge. Every day we hear from customers about the remarkable improvements they see in their pets once they have improved their diets.

Winter 2007

More importantly I believe it is time to re-introduce our children and grandchildren to the natural world that surrounds them. Our planet is very resilient, but present and future generations need to understand that we cannot support ourselves on human arrogance alone. Hearing that there are over 200 "dead zones" in the world's oceans where the only creatures that are able to proliferate are jelly-fish (because everything else has been killed off due to fertilizer use on shore) points to a huge reversal of evolution, as we know it. Given time nature is resilient, but if future generations don't perceive a problem, having grown up so far removed from the world that surrounds us, it may be too late to repair the damage. "Time is of the essence." Aly Seymour is the owner of Tail Blazers - a Health Food Store for Pets located in Red Deer.

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The Violet Ray

Specializing in raw food diets All Natural Dry and Canned pet foods Organic Pet Treats Herbal Supplements Books on Natural Pet Health

4 0 3 -3 3 0 9 -1 1890 #160, 4828 - 53 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 2E8

Page 6

Which Healing Technique Should You Choose? By Nicola Elliott Lapierre The question I've been asking myself lately is "what is truth" and specifically what is the truth in regards to healing? I recall that around 10 years ago I experienced a huge learning curve when I was taking many courses in various healing modalities. It took time for me to integrate all the new learning and decide how I was going to use it in my life. I find I am at that place again having gone through a whirlwind of learning, integrating and finding how it all fits into my practice with clients. In the process I found myself asking what techniques are "better" than others and at what level are these techniques? I'm not alone as these questions have been asked of me in return. I have concluded that categorizing healing techniques by assigning them a "level" of importance or efficacy is a construct of the human mind. If Creator-Source-God created everything in existence then all healing ultimately comes from Source. It does not matter if one technique works with the Ascended Masters and one works with Angels and another works with Spirit Guides. Ascended Masters, Angels and Spirit Guides were all created by Source.

based on personal preference. Some people prefer to experience the depths of their emotional pain as it is released from their physical body during body work. Others prefer a more gentle approach. I recommend doing some research and talking to practitioners about what they do. You may find that more than one technique would be beneficial in your particular circumstance. In the end what matters most is that you achieved the desired results, not how you got there.„

Nicola Elliott Lapierre is the founder of Heartsong Holistic Care in Calgary. Nicola provides In Office sessions with a focus on releasing emotional and physical pain and belief reconstruction, Intuitive Body Scan Readings (at a distance) and Animal Energy Healing (at a distance). Nicola also teaches Level 1 and Level 2 Emotional Freedom Techniques workshops. For more information call (403)238-4822 in Calgary, email: or go to the website at Please see ad on next page...

For me the melding of many techniques presented through the practitioner's own unique style is what contributes to a powerful healing session. This is why the majority of practitioners offer a wide variety of techniques in their practice and often combine them. The other important part of the equation is the openness of the one receiving the healing. My experience has been that the elements involved in healing include Creator-Source-God, Mother Earth, The Practitioner and the Client. The energies of Creator and Earth are not biased. They contain both positive and negative energies that are not defined as good or bad. The only energies in the healing scenario that can be biased are those of the Practitioner or the Client. When choosing a healing technique for yourself you need to look at the two elements that can bias the results, you and the practitioner. You need to check in with yourself and see if you are completely open to receive a healing. Many people have a secondary benefit for holding onto their issue or challenge. Next you need to seek out a practitioner that is coming from a place of love rather than fear, possesses integrity and that you feel comfortable working with. Beyond these criteria the choice of technique can be

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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Heartsong Services:

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Winter 2007


Muriel Holladay

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When accessing the goods and services provided by our advertisers please mention you saw their ad in the The Violet Ray The Violet Ray

Page 8

Frequency And Brainwaves By Joette Lees Every person comes in contact with others who resonate and carry the same frequency in each stage of life. How we interact with these people and ourselves contribute to our vibration or frequency and state of mind. As you look into your life experiences, see what results came from the vibration you resonated with, or offered. Look into your past without judgment. Just be in these moments. Feel the events, the patterns and the people that you interacted with. Notice your career choices and goals. Be mindful of the distressing as well as the joyful expressions of your life. These observations, from this neutral position, will assist you with deciding what you intend to change. This knowledge is your power. Now you can choose to offer a unified frequency or vibration. Each time you consciously make the shift to a new pattern, feeling or thought, you make use of empowering energy for a new result. Remember these images of your past are who you were. We all change. The direction of your change is a reflection of the complex interplay of chemicals, hormones, beliefs, interactions with others, environmental factors, your choice of continued education and awareness. You have the ability to lift your perspectives and frequencies. As your frequencies increase your focus expands to include the wellness of those close to you, your community, mankind, mother earth and the universe. This is how the cosmic shift takes place, one heartfelt healing vibration at a time. Brainwave development assists with increasing frequencies. There are four levels of brainwave patterns. Linear thought is Beta brainwaves working in logic, memory, and the five senses. Many authorities of Earth limited themselves and others to this one brainwave pattern for thousands of years. In the past many of those people who retained use of all four brainwave patterns were often perceived as acting and believing in a childlike way. With that being said it is the deep delta brainwave state of pure being, and unity with the Divine, that is dominant in infancy. Many adults who remain open to the delta brainwaves are often ridiculed and persecuted. Simple examples of these people include artists, composers, inventors and clairvoyants.

Deep inner thought, the theta state, is the realm of childhood. Strong flowing divine feelings, necessary to attract perfection, are the realm of alpha brainwaves and the inner adolescent self. All of these selves must be healed, loved and identified with, including the Beta brainwaves of the adult self, in order to balance the state of enlightenment and spiritual maturity. To further brainwave development and blend a unity of the four patterns listen to repeated musical rhythms and scales played by various instruments in different octaves. Group meditations increase brainwave stimulation as well. The reintegration of all four patterns can bring about a remembrance or retention of childhood awareness for adults and children alike. Group activities with focused intention, where immediate results may be seen, verify brainwave development for individuals of all ages. There are two songs that resonated with me the first time I heard them. The first song is, Silent Running, by Mike + the Mechanics from the 1980's‌some words state, "Teach the children quietly, for some day sons and daughters will rise up and fight while we stood still" The second song is, Son Of Man, by Phil Collins. The words are, "teach and you will learn‌learn and you will teach". Now is the time for everyone to take advantage of the opportunity through awareness with brainwave patterns to increase frequencies. Empowering every change begins with an individual thought with its own unique vibration. Your intention combines with other similar vibrations contributing to a global consciousness. This unified expression fosters Global shifts. „ May angels sweep your path before you, Joette Lees

Joette Lees is a Spiritual Counselor and is the owner of Angel Stardust Journey. She is the author of four books including: Thoughts from a Reiki Master and Angelic Messages. Please see ad on next page...

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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Berry G ood Breakfast Shake - By Carol J. Uchytil For the majority of my life I never ate breakfast partly because I wasn’t hungry but mostly because I couldn’t stomach eating solid food first thing in the morning. My morning ritual consisted of drinking 2 cups of coffee while I did the crossword. Yes, I’ve always known how important it was to start your day with breakfast so I was very pleased when I discovered a delicious shake that I could easily drink while I was getting ready for the day. This shake is packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients, provides me with abundant energy, is filling and is now my favorite meal of the day. In a blender puree the following ingredients: 1/2 cup of soymilk 1/2 cup of ricemilk 2 tablespoons of cashew nut butter 2 ounces of unsweetened pomegranite juice 2 ounces of aloe vera juice 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil 4 tablespoons on ground flax seed 1/4 cup of organic raspberries 1/4 cup of organic blueberries 1/4 cup of organic cherries 1/4 cup of organic grapes 1/2 of an organic apple Pour into 2 glasses. Serve, enjoy and get ready for an energized productive day.

Toll Free: 1 877 352 2783 Are you ready for change? A Spiritual Counselor actively working in professional development for the past 26 years, Joette Lees integrates a number of therapies to aid people in achieving their life goals. Circumstances from as early as infancy may contribute to the formation of behaviors and/or coping mechanisms that can block interpretation of your opportunities. Improved confidence and understanding of self allows your own tranquil personality to attract everything in life you want and deserve. Joette Lee's clairvoyant ability allows her to work directly with your angels and guides.

SESSIONS OFFERED: Usui Reiki Healing & Environmental Stress Management (includes crystal therapy) Angel Readings Transition Coaching; past life interpretation for future life progression Numerological analysis of birth date, name, business name, and balance Ongoing Personally Written Mediations for adults and children WORKSHOPS: Usui Reiki Instruction: Levels 1, 2 & Reiki Master (healing self, others & animals) Balance for Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Blue Spirited People Crystal Stone and Color Therapy Spirit Guides and Angels . *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILALBLE* Create a great day and celebrate your personal power!!! Joette Lees Reiki Master/Instructor, E.S.M. Practiioner, Clairvoyant Intuitive, Numerology Graduate, Author

Readings by Mercedes Spiritual Psychic Medium * Past * Present * Future * Tarots * Palm * Crystal Ball * Channelling * Chakra Cleansing * House Clearing * Hex Removal & More * Development Classes - Home Parties Call today to book your reading, home party or class

Winter 2007


The Violet Ray

Carmen Lacey BEd. Reiki Master/Teacher Certified Reflexologist Intuititive Counsellor

Head to Soul Connections PH: (403)782-3009 Cell: (403) 358-9128

Page 10


ourney To The

By Juey Ann MacLeod

In ancient times women had Goddess's to aspire to be like. Such as China's, Lady Quan Yin - the goddess of mercy and compassion. Or Greece's Aphrodite - Venus the Goddess of love, physical love, beauty, passion generosity, fertility, and renewal . Durga- the Indian Eternal Mother Goddess, annihilated negative forces of weakness and indecision. Their power and attributes were admired by both sexes in their society. Their wisdom was revered. All of this was lost and our history then went through a time where women were chattel and often treated like livestock. Only in the early 1900's did women start to regain their power in our society by winning the right to vote. Today we are still working at equality on many levels. Where this falls short is "within" many women, as we do not have the role models of empowered women in our families. I come from a pioneer family where women were strong and hard working. The day began at dawn, clearing fields, planting garden and fields, harvesting, pulling calves, cooking for a crew, looking after children, house and home. The day ended when they could do no more. These women's successes were linked directly to their physical labor or ability to "do".

Old Me

Present Me

Thought that Goddess was some religious figure

Know Goddess is my acceptance and honoring of my: soft feminine power, sensual body, charisma, intuitive wisdom, ever expanding creativity, ability to complete tasks with more effectiveness and ease

The journey to the feminine and to the Goddess is ongoing and exciting. Especially when I share the techniques I have learned to help me reach my Goddess. I have the privilege to watch women open and embrace their feminine energy and Goddess power. Now is the time to come full circle to the Goddess Energy by bringing it back into our daily lives! „

Juey Ann teaches Goddess Workshops to bring women back to their unique power and couples to enhance Joy and Connection in their relationship. Please see ad below


Wow - what a legacy! There I was a chip off the old block - Chief Financial Officer and major shareholder, managing a slew of men - very dependant, decisive, hard working and successful. I felt empty, unfulfilled and lonely. As an intelligent woman, I knew something was missing. What I did not know was "what". 20 years later - I know what was missing for me. My soft side - dare I say my femininity - the Goddess within Let me explain by comparing the:

Juey Ann MacLeod, CTE Intuitive & Angel Eye Healer Sexual & Emotional Coach Past Life Regressionist Tantric Educatior

Old Me

Present Me

Kind, decisive, responsible for everything & everybody

Compassionate, understanding with feeling, see others as able, supportive and encouraging

Thought that to be feminine was weak, helpless, needy, emotional, unproductive

Know feminine to be an inner soft strength, aliveness, clarity, know what I want and how to ask for it

Winter 2007

F eminine

The Violet Ray


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The Simple Approach To Health Submitted By Josh Wiebe Whether you are a novice in the fitness arena or an experienced athlete, dealing with plaguing ailments, a working career person who has little time, or you just want to improve your health, these health alternatives are sure to get you looking and feeling great from the inside out. With the latest technology in Whole Body Vibration Equipment, Aqua Chi Foot Baths and Infrared Saunas you can finally achieve the results you have been looking for in a fraction of the time. Whole Body Vibration equipment is a new and exciting way to slim, tone and detoxify your body. There are two types of Whole Body Vibration platforms: pivotal and lineal training platforms. What's the difference? Pivotal machines have a vibration plate that tilts side to side like a teeter-totter offering a unique and unequaled approach to strengthening the back and core muscles as well as toning from the feet all the way up to the upper chest. It is based on triggering and activating the involuntary muscle stretch reflex, it is imperative that the frequency of vibration be correct. For optimal training effects, VibraFlexÂŽ machines allow for a choice in frequency ranging between 5 to 30 Hz. These training sessions vary from easy to intense by adjusting the speed of the plate and foot placement.

muscle strength, increases sense of well being, boosts your body's natural collagen production for improved skin texture, enhances bone density and bone building (helping to treat and fight Osteoporosis), increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage (increasing the body's ability to carry away toxins) We are living in toxic world that hinders rather than helps our health. The Aqua-Chi footbath machine is a water energy system used to re-balance and amplify your body's bio electric field enabling the body to heal itself. The footbath is widely used to purge the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics and other foreign material trapped in the skin layers that may have clogged up the body's systems of elimination. The Aqua-Chi specifically aids in liver detoxification, reducing inflammation, improving memory, greater bladder control, building a stronger immune system and significant pain relief including headaches, fibromyalgia, and arthritis pain. The sauna is known worldwide for its detoxification benefits. Infrared heat is used to heat the body and penetrate the skin producing a gentle warming inside the body. Through the perspiration process, acid and waste residues are removed from the blood actually increasing the capabilities of the kidneys to filter out impurities. The use of an infrared sauna also has similar effects to exercising your body. It has been observed that 300 to 600 calories can be burned in one 30 minute session. Detoxification benefits of the infrared sauna can be applied to a wide number of conditions where toxicity plays a role such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivities, autoimmune conditions, neurological diseases, allergies and cancer. Infrared sauna heat can also ease muscular and nervous tension in muscles and joints helping to relieve poor circulation, tension headaches, backaches, colds, sinus congestion, arthritis, rheumatism and minor respiratory ailments as well as helping you sleep better. Taking care of your health is easier than you think. If you start with a wellness and detoxification regime be it through Whole Body Vibration, the Aqua-Chi footbath or the Infrared Sauna you will be truly amazed at your transformation. „ Josh Wiebe is the owner of Simple Body Concepts offering customized membership programs designed around your needs with unlimited use of both pivotal and lineal WBV training platforms. For more information visit

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Lineal machines have a vibrating plate that moves vertically (up and down) stimulating both a muscular and nervous system response resulting in nearly 100% muscle recruitment in the targeted muscle group compared to 50-80% found in conventional weight training. To achieve a much higher percentage of muscle recruitment, vibration training workouts can be done in a short amount of time and still achieve optimal results. Hypergravity is the lineal training workhorse for this industry. Having multiple settings for frequency and amplitude, this platform is excellent for someone just starting out, all the way up to elite athletes. What are the benefits of Vibration Training? Vibration training increases muscle tone and firmness, increases flexibility and range of motion, reshapes the body, reduces back and joint pain, improves posture, increases basal metabolic rate, reduces appearance of cellulite, relieves muscle tension, increases

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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T h e V iolet F laa me A ndd C ryy staa ls By Jean Sinclair

Do t houghts r eally a ffect m atter? In Masaru Emoto's book, Hidden Messages in Water, he has photographed frozen crystals after water had been subjected to words, thoughts and prayer. He has demonstrated that thoughts do have an affect. He photographed frozen crystals of pond water and the result was a brownish, ugly looking, irregular crystallized pattern. After the same water had been prayed over for an hour a frozen sample revealed an entirely different picture - an incredibly beautiful clear, white, delicate, lacy pattern, in the shape of a hexagon. When the words "thank you" were taped to a container of water, the resulting frozen crystals were symmetrical, resembling a gorgeous diamond brooch. He found that crystals from water subjected to classical music had taken on lovely symmetrical shapes but when Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley was played the resulting crystals were broken in two! An ice crystal pattern formed after the words "you fool" were adhered to a container of water was similar to results after heavy metal was played- not a pretty sight. When one considers that our bodies are 70 % water, one can imagine what we may do to ourselves and others with our thoughts and words, with positive or negative karmic results. The seven colours of the human aura are considered to be the emanations of the rays of Elohim, a plural word for God, the Source, which are the builders of form. These colours may be found in the human body, but also as crystals and gemstones that are actually crystallized light. We can call on the Source to bring forth these qualities of the rays through the crystals and gemstones. The chakras, the spiritual energy centres in the body aligned with the spine, are where the light flows through to become the aura. They have the qualities, which are found in crystals of the same colour. The base chakra at the base of the spine, is meant to be pure white when cleared of misused energy, and emanates the white light that appears as the centre of the aura. Diamonds, quartz and pearls are related to this chakra.

between the base of the spine and the solar plexus. Violet light is a frequency of vibration that transmutes our negative energies, freeing us from misuses of energy called negative karma. It also clears negative karma between others, and us, which is true forgiveness. The topaz and ruby have the same qualities as the solar plexus chakra that is purple with a gold centre, like a sun. The qualities are peace and ministration to others. Pink rose quartz is crystallized pink light, the love of the heart chakra which is seen in the human aura when one is feeling "in the pink" of love. Lapis lazuli, sapphires and diamonds are related to the throat chakra that emanates the blue light of the power and the diamond will of God. Blue light should be visualized and seen around the aura for protection. Emerald and jade are the gemstones related to the third eye chakra, the place of intuitive vision centered in the forehead. The qualities are truth, science and healing. Yellow diamonds focus the yellow ray of illumination, wisdom and education that are the qualities of the crown chakra at the top of the head. Wearing crystals and gemstones as jewellery does have an effect, particularly if we are attempting to act in accordance with the qualities of the rays. Gold is considered to be solidified sunlight and should be worn to absorb the spiritual light called the sun behind the sun. Because the name of God given to Moses is I AM THAT I AM it is efficacious to make calls saying, "In the name I AM THAT I AM‌" to access the flow of the Higher Power, for we understand it means "God in me is‌". The human is a receptacle for the flow. We end the call asking for God's will to be done, which will adjust the call for the best and will avoid making negative karma in case we are calling for the wrong thing to happen. We can make calls to bring the flow of light through crystals and gems for specific purposes. Continued on next page ...

The gemstone that radiates violet light is the amethyst. The violet ray is called the freedom ray or forgiveness ray. It emanates from the seat-of-the soul chakra,

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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The Violet Flame and Crystals continued ...

Making calls to the violet ray every day clears our negative karma and frees our energy for a flow of the light that spins our chakras, resulting in an inner feeling of buoyancy and a more radiant aura. Then we receive greater benefits from the crystals and create beautiful patterns in our own beings.

look great feel great feel like you again

Violet Flame CDs and pocket size books Violet Flame, Your Seven Energy Centers and The Creative Power of Sound with information and calls to make from the ascended masters are available from For free pamphlets with pictures of the seven chakras click on the side menu for information. Free catalogues are also available.

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THE VIOLET RAY. Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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The Power Of The Seasons - By Julie Poffenroth Winter is soon upon us and it's restorative energy. This is the time that mother nature takes to rest and restore. For some animals, it time to hibernate and to go within. Other animals migrate to find a different climate that suits them better. While the scavengers go in search of food. What animal do you resonate with? Are you a bear, goose or coyote? By allowing the habits that you are instinctively drawn to, winter won't seem so long and harsh. This winter some people will instinctively want to hibernate. They close themselves off to the world around them and go within to dream and create for the spring ahead. They don't seem to have much drive to accomplish much and would like to spend their days dreaming or reading. If your drawn be this way, why not let your dreams create a new health reality for yourself. Let yourself go and let your imagination guide you to a new perspective on life. If you could be and do anything in the world, what would it be? (no obligations or limitations) Are you already living that life? If not, what is holding you back? (money should never be an excuse it's just an illusion). For the hibernators: dream and create well. For the people that need to migrate to live and reproduce, it's all about the journey. The focus doesn't need to be on the destination but the getting there. Enjoy the moment, because it's the movement that is creating your life. It's also about rhythms and cycles. Follow your heart to lead you to the next home or comfort zone. Use your sense of knowing to figure out what part of the cycle you're in right now. Are you going in to a rest period or is this the fertile part of the cycle and it's time to get projects started. For the migratory people: allow yourself to soar to new heights and journey well. The scavengers of the pack will be looking for food. If you have been taking good care of yourself over the spring and summer, you will be ready for winter. This season is about survival and instincts. The ideas that you have been working on during the last 6 months should be up and going. It's not a time to coast and take it easy. Like all of the scavengers, you need to take what you can get, when you can get it. Make your intentions strongly noted and allow your instincts to guide you to the nourishment that you need. That could include things in you business, friendship and personal life. For the scavengers: heed your instincts well so you will not have spent the whole spring recovering. I hope that you enjoy the winter for it is only a season and it to will pass. Allow yourself some time outside to enjoy

the fresh air and sunshine. The temperature may be chilly but the sun still has the revitalizing power it always has. Be Well. „ Julie Poffenroth is a practitioner in the field of alternative health. She uses vibrational therapies (tuning forks, crystals and flower essences) to bring the clients back to their natural frequencies. She has found that this gentle form of therapy works exceptionally well on clients of all ages for stress and all the by-products of it.

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Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

or Page 15

Book Review - By Klaus Ferlow

Book Title:

The Healing Forest is honored to be selected as the Home of "The Divine Parenting Program"

"The Hundred Year Lie" by Randall Fitzgerald, ISBN 0-525-94951-8 I just finished reading this book and it is a MUST read. In his book he starts in the year 1900 and continues to the year 2005 and explained what was invented in which year from the Chemical Industry, the Pharmaceutical giants and the multibillion dollar processed Food Corporations. And here are some excerpts from his book: "At the outset of the twentieth century our food supply became an initial testing ground for innovations in the emerging "better living with chemistry" belief system. Chemist work with food processing companies to create artificial sweeteners, a butter substitute (margarine is only one molecule away from plastic!), taste-enhancing additives such as MSG (Monosodium glutamate research has proved this additive is a neurotoxin - a toxin that is proven to damage the nervous system or brain and creates all kinds of other health problems, especially in children), and the first partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening. These synthetics set the stage for the revolution in food processing that is to come. Our diets and our health, from the womb to the grave, are now shaped by three sectors of the economy: the processed foods corporations, the medical/pharmaceutical giants, and the chemical industry. Together these have naively embraced - promoting synthetics as benign and superior to naturally occurring foods and medicines. Blinded by ambition and the spirit of progress and commerce, we have unwittingly created an unstoppable force. The following factual chronology of change we have seen in the last hundred years documents the slippery slope of discoveries, industrial developments, government actions, and accumulating health problems. Read the chronology straight through, and the pattern that constitute the Hundred Year Lie will emerge."

Divine Parenting is a journey of self awareness, self-love and self-care. The three elements of Divine Parenting are: self parenting, parenting of others and parenting of the planet. See website: Bookstore Metaphysical, Self Help & Holistic Books Meditation Cd's & Tapes Crystals ~ Stones ~ Jewelry ~Gift Cards Effective Alternative Communications Services Empowering individuals and families seeking connection Radical Forgiveness Coach and Ceremony Leader Transition Coaching, Mediation, Reiki Upcoming Events Spiritual Cinema Drumming Circles New Moon and Full Moon Meditations Medicine Wheel Teachings and Drum Making African Drumming / Tribal Dance For more information, course dates, and rental space Call: (403) 556-9411 or visit our website at: or 5034 49th Street, Olds, AB

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The Violet Ray

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J.C. Page’s


he Violet


to Acceptance

"Today I wondered where the brook would take me. I wondered if I had a new challenge or a real escape. I surrendered myself so many times before and yet I knew I could not turn back. Back where? The road the journey - the time could take not one - but why? I had to realize that not only was I needed but what I had to know is that I could truly do what I needed. Belonging to a time when each of us does not have to settle - I reached and wanted to find out." J.C.

Fictional Short Story - For Carmen How I discovered this day that began, I can never tell you. I remember only how I was dead - not dead to me but dead to everyone. "Conquer it Carmen," "You can beat it," is all that I can remember my friends and family saying. Well, I knew that I had no rights, no choices, and what's more no more love from my husband. Today, I put on my wig; it is red - not even close to my color. I didn't care - I thought. 'Why not be a little more daring?' I laughed and realized it didn't really matter.' Cause, when we are dieing nothing matters but what we leave and whom - if it is out of love. The doctors told me I would be fine - if I did this and did that. But, what they didn't know is that I didn't want to be around anymore. Why? Well Today is my last day at the clinic; the smell has gotten to me. It smells like no one will ever be well, death; no, not even close. The smell is a longing for change - change to bring on a birth to discover that what was yesterday is all that one can have. I don't regret, but what I do realize is that one can walk and remain behind even though we are ahead. "Ms. Wills," I knew it was my turn. They remembered I was no longer a Mrs. And I suppose they got it right, wonder why? I left feeling worse than I did last time. What was I to do now? Henry was my neighbor and I cherish his conversations and herbal teas. No one told me I had to start again - I mean I really had to start again. The days are easier now. They say if one is in a bad relationship then it is truly toxic, toxic to the mind, body and soul. Bad energy or something I guess, or it must be more than this? I haven't discovered.

Winter 2007

Yesterday, I tore all my pictures up, yes, all of them; couldn't keep a single memory. Wow, can't seem to take any of this. Why me? I question that more than ever. They tell me. Okay. I'm not even going to explain who 'they are.' I just like what they said, sounds simple. They said things would get easier, depression may occur and well, anger is inevitable. Well, I stopped caring too. Yes, for life, and my friends and I even stopped caring if I used plastic or those re-useable bags. Not like me. Harsh are the days when I have to be all by myself. I even feel dirty. Yes, dirty inside. Why? I need to know and one must want to understand, but there is so much that I have to sort. Sorting is the worst part because every single memory must be analyzed and well, blamed onto someone else. Okay, this is not healthy. But I never was. The mind, body and soul thing, well, I don't think I ever got it, will I? Today is the day I get to start again, a real start, one that is for me, just me. They say we can never truly love anyone if we don't love ourselves. Well, I love me. Well, sort of; my eyes are my best feature. My stitches are gone and I finally will reveal me. I don't care that a part of me is some place else. Who cares? I must learn to accept myself and my life. There is more than feeling this self pity? Or is there? It is so much easier to give in. Why me? The day was only a short one, I could tell. The door bell went and I didn't even look before opening, Henry. Henry was the patient I met, he also suffered. Not like me but he suffered.

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page ...

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The Violet Journey to Acceptance continued ...

ADNMA (Association of Doctors

As we walked, nothing again would ever make sense to me; but you know I didn't need it to be. No more complaining, no more memories and no more heartache. What I discovered that things were okay. Okay, because I was alive. The most basic feeling of release came to me and a feeling of love brought me in. I was getting that there was much more, more that I could be. I finally realized it was not about me, not me at all. What I discovered it was all about what I was to do and be and give. Give I don't mean just to give, I mean to give and receive back. I understand. How simple. I must have forgotten.

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J.C. Page is a Researcher, Writer, Counselor and a forever student of Ayurvedic Medicine. Most recently, she has worked on criminal profiling cases. Share your input regarding this article by emailing The Violet Ray at

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The Violet Ray

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Page 18

S piritual Family For many of us, it has become apparent that the genetic families we have been born into are not necessarily the (genetic) families that we have dreamt of. In these times, most genetic families are dysfunctional with histories of abuse passed on from generation to generation. The root of origins has been passed onto each generation and it takes quite a strong person to break the lineage indeed. More often than not, a Lightworker is born into a genetic family that needs a great deal of healing, and the most important and hardest lesson a Lightworker must learn is to stop attempting to heal their family and to start healing themselves of their experiences with their genetic family. A Lightworker must start this phase of transition but shortly thereafter, our Spiritual Family comes in to help us. In my own experience the task of letting go of my own family has taken many years. The terms "Letting go" seem so easy when dealing with Karma of a past love or childhood friend. Yet, my genetic family has taken its toll on my Lightworker momentum. The process of letting go itself has taken over two years from when I realized I could no longer heal them for where they were. I went through many phases where I believed I had let go of my needs to be supported by them only to return to a hurt state of mind after having slings and arrows thrown at me. Yet, each phase increased my strength for the next one and more importantly my ability to speak my truth about how I felt and why. In the end, it was in fact speaking my Truth that ended the war for as it is known; the Truth shall set you Free. A famous quote once stated that resistance is fertile and it reveals a great Truth. In the moments when we have the hardest situation, it is always an opportunity for us to grow out of our ego state. Without growth, without escaping our comfort zone we cannot expand. Expansion beyond one's own beliefs and the inherited consciousness belief is ultimately the path to enlightenment and true Joy. Once you begin to expand, you can attract those forces to you which will help you, like your Spiritual Family. The Spiritual Family is much different from the genetic family. In a Spiritual Family, healing, love and forward momentum are always the key ingredients. A conversation with your Spiritual Family includes life's important issues including Ascension, Enlightenment, God, Consciousness, Manifestation, Laws of the

Winter 2007

- By Jeanen Boutet

Universe and all other things that give paths to God. A Spiritual Family listens to you and allows you to speak freely, without interruption, especially when you are speaking about how you feel. A Spiritual Family offers you their belief in you and your path, especially when you are running low. A Spiritual Family takes an interest in where you are "within" and shares what they know, books that have helped them, practices which worked for them and anything they can think of to help you. If you are unsure as to who is your Spiritual Family or if you have any, ask God to be your guide. For relationships all spring forth from God and when you get to a point in your life where God is your foundational Mother and Father, new relationships and new families can be created in your life. For a Spiritual Family is a gift from God. A Spiritual Family helps you to shine brighter, gives you strength, courage and hope. A Spiritual Family helps you transmute the pain of your previous experiences with Family. A Spiritual Family helps you to become all of who you are in Truth. Your Spiritual Family does this for you for they realize the Universal Truth that anytime they help another (especially their beloved,) they ultimately help themselves. Your Spiritual Family does this because they too are on the path to God and they understand God's Law that we must love one another as God loves us. Your Spiritual Family does this because they understand the Universal Law that in order to receive one must give, for it is the law of reciprocation. Yet, mostly your Spiritual Family does all these things for they love you, for all your Light, all your Love, and all your Divinity. They are able to love you this way for they have journeyed with themselves to a place where they love themselves to a point of overflowing, where they have no choice but to give it away to the most beautiful creation they see, and that creation is you. „ Jeanen Boutet, RM, is a Spirituality and Energy Integration Consultant, and a Metaphysical Healer who created Enlightia. To contact Jeanen please call 780.628.7255 or

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The Violet Ray

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Winter 2007

The Violet Ray


Page 20

Reduce Plaque And Toxins With

Colon Hydrotherapy By T amara S teer Reduce p laque a nd t oxins with C olon H ydrotherapy. Colon Hydrotherapy or colonics, goes back to the 14th century, when Egyptians used enemas for internal washing. Over the years, stress, improper diet, insufficient water, and ignoring the call of nature cause the walls of the colon to become lined with fecal material. This over time becomes a hardened and rubbery plaque. The plaque averts proper absorption of nutrients and does not filter out toxins from entering our bloodstream. The build-up of fecal material also restricts the passageway in which waste is pushed through, causing more build-up to take place. Many experts believe that the average person has between 5-40 lbs of accumulated waste matter in their colon. While not a weight loss procedure, many people who complete a series of hydrotherapy sessions, often report significant weight loss. Colon Hydrotherapy is a 45 minute treatment that uses water to cleanse your colon. This is done through a safe, gentle infusion of warm, filtered water into your rectum. No chemicals or drugs are used in this procedure. Colon Hydrotherapy loosens the plaque and waste that is built up along the walls of your intestine. A sterile and disposable speculum is used to ensure sanitation. Our bodies can't always advise us what may be happening inside, so it's extremely important for us to look at symptoms or hints that our body gives us to figure out the source of the problem. Some symptoms of an agitated colon may include: constipation, gas, fatigue, bad breath, indigestion, skin

Winter 2007

problems, headaches, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, inability to lose weight or hemorrhoids. Colon Cancer is Canada's third most deadly type of cancer. Millions of people suffer all manners of health problems and may not even consider the source to be a toxic, sluggish colon. It is vital that the colon functions properly to remove the toxic load, otherwise it is absorbed through the colon walls and back into the bloodstream. This is an underlying cause of many chronic degenerative diseases.„ Tamara Steer is a Colon Hydrotherapist at The Complete Wellness Centre & Day Spa in Ponoka. For more information or to book a treatment please contact The Complete Wellness Centre & Day Spa at: 403-783-5436 or visit Please see ad below

The Complete Wellness Centre Inc. Tamara Steer C o l o n H y d ro t h e r a p i s t 5023 - 50th Avenue Ponoka, AB T4J 1S4

403-783-5436 (office)

Red Deer Rock & Gem Studio #5 5202 54 Avenue, Red Deer Phone: (403) 314-4018 e-mail: The Violet Ray

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COLD & FLU BUSTERS: The Natural Approach By Klaus Ferlow There are many theories as how people get a cold & flu as there are treatments. When our immune systems are compromised it is a challenge to fight these dreadful illnesses. Interesting enough human beings are able to go to the moon, but are unable to manage and prevent this disease or can we? Colds cause clogged and runny noses, sore throats and often dry cough. Flu symptoms are much more severe and will cause high fever and chills, a feeling of exhaustion and the whole body may ache. This includes headaches, backaches and sore muscles. Flu viruses are stronger, more infectious and more harmful than colds. Isn't it ironic that many allopathic doctors still treat it with antibiotics which will have no effect and even create more health problems by decreasing the healing power of your immune system! But whichever one you may be plagued with, there are numerous alternative herbal remedies to PREVENT and manage them. One of the most important considerations is to strengthen and support the immune system starting in early September of each year. Here are suggestions which will give you an overview of what you can do and what is available without harmful negative side effects. NUTRITION You probably are familiar with the quote‌"You are what you eat" and let's add on ..what you drink. Unfortunately many eat processed "junk-food" (read the book from Eric Schlosser "America - Fast Food Nation"), loaded with chemical additives and especially MSG (Monosodiumglutamate, a neurotoxin, creating brain damage and other health hazards). A healthy diet with lots of raw certified organic vegetables and fruit grown without chemical fertilizers, herbicide and pesticide spraying, irradiation, carrots, parsley, celery, watercress, garlic, fermented products like sauerkraut, kefir, yoghurt, unrefined flaxseed and hemp oil are excellent sources for omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids. And don't forget our grandmother's secret recipe - chicken noodle soup! Citrus fruits containing Vitamin A and C are very important too. Try to avoid pop drinks with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, neotame, sodium saccharine, sucralose and carbonated sodas, instead use stevia, tagtose or xylitol which are plant derived sweeteners. Drink enough liquid daily preferably chlorine free water, to prevent dehydration, most elderly people don't drink and often don't eat enough. Most of the raw vegetables can be also used in a drink, red beet juice makes the flu virus inactive. Condensed grape juice has an immediate effect in strengthening the heart muscles and coconut milk is also very healthy.

Winter 2007

Herbal teas should play a major role what you drink regularly such as yerba mate, roibosh, Japanese green tea, elderflower, linden flower with 2 drops of lemon balm oil, thyme, rosehip, yarrow , st. john's wort, peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, sage tea just to name a few since most herbal teas are helpful fighting cold & flu. Another effective method is using inhalation (hot water and add a few drops of eucalyptus, chamomile, thyme oil, put a towel over your head and inhale). It helps loosen mucus, heals the throat, nasal passages and bronchial tubes. Horsetail inhalations reduce swelling of mucous membranes. Onion or nasturtium inhalations disinfect, ginkgo biloba leaf kills bacteria and heals the cells of the damaged mucous membranes almost immediately. Inhale steam for fifteen minutes three times daily in acute stage, when the condition is improving, inhale steam in the evening before retiring for a week or so to help heal the bronchial passages. To help alleviate and disinfect dry air passages, add 10 drops of tea tree oil to a bowl of hot water or vaporizer and leave it in the bedroom overnight. (not recommended for children). Other cold and flu busters include cayenne pepper (capsicum) and wild crafted Mediterranean oregano oil infused in grapeseed oil with mint flavour, hemp or olive oil. Furthermore, certified organic pumpkin seeds that have a high percentage of zinc and zinc lozenges are highly recommended. Zinc has a long list of health claims such as immune enhancing properties, anti-inflammatory and is an aid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, hair loss prevention and prostate problems. Additional dietary sources of zinc include wholegrain products, brewers yeast, wheat bran and germ, oysters and meat. Zinc supplements can be found under the names of zinc sulphate, acetate, gluconate, citrate, dipicolinate, aspartate, orotate and amino acid chelates of zinc. Zinc is especially important for the elderly. A zinc deficiency can cause significant alterations in the immune system. Liquids are nourishing and help cleanse our system and promote healing! SUPPLEMENTS Vitamin C and Vitamin A (avoid during pregnancy) play an important part to fight cold & flu. HERBAL TINCTURES The most effective herbal tinctures are Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa), Echinacea (Echinacea Purpurea & Angustifolia), Pau D'arco (Tabebuia Impetiginosa), Grapeseed tincture'extract(Vitis Vinifera), Grapefruitseed (Citrus paradise)extract, it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties and can be used as an oral rinse,

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Cold & Flu Busters - The Natural Approach continued ...

and Echinacea throat spray which will boost your immune system and enhance the healing power of your body. MOST IMPORTANT Washing your hands often is the key practise to preventing or spreading cold and flu viruses!! DETOXIFYING Infrared saunas can help to arrest the beginning of a cold and flu and other benefits are detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury, lead etc.. and you will experience pain relief from arthritis, fibromyalgia, sport injuries, weight loss, relaxation, excellent results in the treatment of acne, eczema, cellulite, psoriasis and other chronic pain conditions. Your body is going to need energy to detoxify and fight off the cold and flu. Rest in bed as you work up a sweat from ingestion of the teas. After about one hour, dry off from the sweat, change the cloth and try to get more sleep. This process stops cold and flu before it becomes full blown. Avoid stressful situations and keep warm. A hot and cold foot bath with Himalayan Alexander crystal salt, Celtic or Epsom salt can do wonders before retiring. Consider a juice fast. Even lemon with cayenne and maple syrup in hot water can speed up recovery time. Hot apple cider or ginger teas are also effective. Get plenty of fresh air to clear your lungs, but avoid drafts. A relatively healthy person can break a cold and flu in a few days or eventually avoid it altogether! MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE As I child I had many times fever and my mother used the pure elderberry juice she made herself and we picked the berries from the bushes, she headed the juice up, added lemon juice and honey to it and I had to drink two big cups before retiring. She also put a wet poultice around my neck and sometimes even on my chest and legs and I sweated it all out overnight, and next morning the fever was gone and I never missed a day in school. We used this system with our two boys when growing up and even now we have our own elderberry bush in our garden and use the elderberry juice as well as elderflower tea with the addition of Swedish Flaedersaft (Elderberry flower drink concentrate) from IKEA as prevention and therefore don't know what fever, cold and flu is. Legend Of The Elder: the elder bush/tree was reputed to be the favourite of witches, who supposedly resided in its branches. In the Middle Ages nearly everyone knew that the cutting down an elder tree would incur the wrath of the witches who called it home. There were many tales of angry witches taking vengeances on babies who unwitting parents put them in a cradle of elderwood.

For centuries, the berries from the elderberry tree has been a popular Gypsy remedy for cold, flu, influenza, and neuralgia. Scientific studies report that ingredients extracted from the berries provide the first line of defense against different flu strains by neutralizing and preventing the replication of different flu strains. It is a specific detoxifier for cold, flu and upper respiratory congestion such as hay fever, sinus, chronic nasal catarrh and spasmodic croup. Clogged ears due to colds respond well to the flowers and both have anti-inflammatory properties to fight arthritis and rheumatic pains. It is also used as ointment for tumours, burns, cuts, chapping, skin eruptions and inflammations. Also used for night sweats, dropsy (excessive body tissue) and syphilis. Elderberry wine was an old European tradition. SCIENTIFIC PROOF Finally, there is solid scientific evidence to back up the folklore, thanks to Israeli researcher Dr. Maeleine Mumcuoglu, Ph.D. of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center. In 1980 Dr. Mumcuoglu, intrigued by the elderberry's reputation as a cure for colds and flu, did her thesis on the antiviral effect of elderberry. She patented a procedure to isolate the potent disease fighting compounds form elderberry, then tested the extract (Sambucol) on patients of the flu outbreak at a Kibbutz Aza in Israel and this was the testing result: "Twenty percent of flu sufferers who used it showed significant relief of fever, sore throat, inflammation, coughing and other symptoms within 24 hours, and another 73% felt better after the second day. In three days, 90% were reported complete cured! Internal uses also for sinusitis, hay fever, bronchitis, eczema, boils, dermatitis. In a similar group that received inactive treatment ( a placebo) only 16% were improved in two days, and it took most of them six days to feel well again. How does elderberry fight the flu? Compounds in elderberry bind with viruses before they can penetrate the walls of cells, thereby inhibiting their ability to spread. Since elderberry is non-toxic when cooked, it is safe even for children. The hot tea from the flowers and/or juice from the berries promote sweating, preferable adding on lemon juice and honey and is soothing for the upper respiratory infections, also considered to be anti-rheumatic, laxative and detoxifying. In ancient times, elderberry bushes and trees were believed to have special mystical properties, and it was considered good luck to plant a tree or bush near your house to protect against disease and evil spirits. Elderberries are a good source of Vitamins A, B, C. Cooked berries can be used for pies and jams, as lemonade and you can make a wine. Applied externally as a poultice, useful for burns, rashes, and minor skin problems. Caution/Contraindications: should not be used when pregnant and lactation. Continued on next page ...

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Cold & Flu Busters - The Natural Approach continued ...

Sambucol and Sambuguard also stimulates the immune system and has shown activity in preliminary trials against other viruses, such as Epstein-bar, herpes and even HIV and is available in North America and you may find it in health food stores. American Indians used the leaves and flowers in antiseptic wash for skin diseases, and the berries to dye their hair black and dye the strands of grass they use in their basket designs. Others have used the tea of the leaves as a diaphoretic, the inner bark as a cathartic, the flowers simmered in oil for preventing sunburn, and steeped in water as a compress for a headache. The flowers contain a oil that is used in perfume and cosmetics. Elderflower water can be used as a wash for dry skin or as a cooling wash for the eyes. According to an ancient recipe, washing your face with elderflower water in the morning and at night, and leaving it there to dry, will remove freckles and morphew (hardened skin). American Indians used the leaves also for pain relief and to promote the healing of injuries. Don't you agree, that the healing power of this eldertree/bush is incredible and fascinating and can bring relief to so many health problems. If you follow the natural way that Mother Earth provides us as suggested in my article, you will do no harm to your body and strengthen your immune system. I am soon 70 years old and followed these rules all my life from childhood on and therefore rarely suffered from a cold and flu and can't even remember when it hit me last time. These natural herbal remedies have been part of my health regime for as long as I can remember. You do not have to dread the cold and flu season, just be prepared to support your bodies healing power with these natural herbal cold & flu busters.Let me close therefore with these wise words: "For every disease we know, MOTHER EARTH provides a herb to grow!" „

Organic toxin-free medicinal herbal and personal care products from FERLOW BOTANICALS are available in Alberta from these professional health & wellness practitioners: CALGARY Natural Wisdom: 403-286-1049 The Replenishing Shoppe Inc.: 403-301-0961 Western Naturopathic Clinic: 403-295-8547 BioEnergetic Sante: 403-228-9940 Preventative Wellness & Natural Health: 403-539-9097 Beneficial Massage Clinic Ltd.: 403-569-8989 The Artemis Centre: 403-245-5506 CANMORE Lavender Harvest Farms Store: 1-888-800-1921 Reiki Rocks Enterprise: 403-688-1137 "On The Trail" Animal Wellness: 403-678-5262 COCHRANE Lynette Tanych: 403-932-1991 EDMONTON Cellular Health Centre Ltd: 780-482-7978 Select Health Centre Ltd: 780-436-7100 Dr. Michael Nowazek, ND: 780-905-1930 Whole Health Centre: 780-482-7175 Atman Academy of Natural Health Inc.: 780-433-0887 Laura Melnyk Massage & Wellness Centre: 780-430-6648 Ransa Healing: 780-472-8809 GRANDE PRAIRIE Blaine Harcourt: 780-832-4848 GRIMSHAW Inner Health: 780-332-1754 MEDICINE HAT Joan Massage Therapy Centre: 403-528-2000 OKOTOKS Riverside Therapy: 403-938-5758 Dr. Amanda Holloway, ND: 403-938-1138 RED DEER Red Deer Wellness Clinic: 403-346-1331 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE Merinda Reid: 403-846-9060

This information should not be used for the diagnoses, treatment, or prevention of disease. Please contact your health care practitioner.

References: Herbs & Things, Jeanne Rose The Green Pharmacy & The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook, James A. Duke, PH.D. Herbal Antibiotics, Stephen Harrod Buhner The Herb Book, John Lust Indian Herbalogy of North America, Alma R. Hutchens Strengthen Your Immune System, Reader's Digest, Canada

Klaus Ferlow, herbalist, innovator, lecturer, researcher, writer, President, founder and co-owner of FERLOW BOTANICALS, Div. of Ferlow Brothers Ltd, manufacturers / distributors of organic toxin-free medicinal herbal and personal care products to professional health & wellness practitioners in Canada and the USA. His educational articles have been published in dozens of Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters in Canada and numerous websites around the world.

Winter 2007

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The African Drum By C olette H aevens

I met an elderly lady in the drugstore last month; who was very certain about … 'why does everyone think the elderly want to just play cards?' I said with all respect, "Bridge and Crib always needs a partner, and it is fun to play cards". I knew she was referring to my business card I had just handed her. Brightly colored yellow with "I LOVE MY JOB" on the front, listing my services: 1. 2. 3.

Stress Free Moving for Seniors Private Activity Coordinator Professional Quality Visitor - Encourage new friendships and activities with like-minded people eg. Crib tournaments.

The big question comes up, why hire a Quality Visitor, from Heaven Sent? 1. Promotes the Aging Parents to have a healthy family relationship with family members far and near. 2. Independence and freeing up valuable time of family members with their busy schedule. 3. Peace of mind, fun times, enjoying good health and participating fully in society. Live well…. You deserve it!

Colette Haevens is the owner of Heaven Sent and serves seniors in the Central Alberta area. Please see ad below

Hearing her frustration in her voice I delicately said: "You are correct, there is more to having fun as an aging person; than just playing cards. I then asked, "What do you enjoy?" She simply retorted, 'I don't like playing cards, that is all any one thinks we seniors want to do'. So with quick wit, I said to her, " how about if you learn to play the African Drum?" She simply said, "Now you're talkin' and what is the African Drumming all about?" I explained to her that with the African Drum; if you have a heart you can beat a drum. It is that easy!



QUALITY VISITOR for SENIORS Stress Free Moving for Seniors Private Activity Coordinator Professional Quality Visitor

(403) 598-1798 “I love my Job!”

This fabulous elderly lady put a fabulous smile on her face. I gave her information as to how to get involved in African Drumming. As I was leaving the store, I teased with a smile, "there is also belly dancing"; and she waved knowing she met up with someone who understood in a very compassionate loving way - Our aging population appreciates being involved in new/different fun activities too!

Calling All Artists! Would y ou l ike t o h ave y our artwork s een b y o ver 8 500 p eople?

The Violet Ray

Some times it seems that our aging parents outings only consist of appointments with the professionals and attending funerals.

will h appily a ccept c opies o f y our a rtwork for p ossible p rinting i n u pcoming i ssues.

I have given much thought about our Client Friends experience, it is my purpose as a Quality Visitor to listen to what our Clients of the Aging Population want.

Please c ontact C arol a t or v 403-3 3 58-1 1 656

Know that our intention at Heaven Sent Senior Services, is to take the pain away and make you feel good.

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

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S ome W ords F rom O ther P eople By LBF Dusty

Hi, my name is" L", and I'm a "collector". The book "collecting" started innocently enough: textbooks from college, retained for future reference; Classics, added to the non-fiction *Everyman's library; "must haves", so I could learn-more. My library is divided by fiction and non-fiction. Not catalogued according to the Dewey Decimal System, but placed in order of subject. This collection includes: Biographies, History, Poetry, Science, Writing, Self-Help, Business, Success, Physics, Gardening and Art. I was six, the first time I can remember making a connection between words on paper and knowledge. One quiet summer afternoon a thousand years ago my father and I were in the garage. He was puttering around tidying up and I was out and about crawling over and in between ten or twelve cartons of ancient volumes. I knew these hard-covers as "big-people" books. Large books, small print. Little or no pictures and drawings. The pages weren't like the Dick and Jane reader I was learning to read at school. Where was the shazam! The happy images, the explosive colour I had come to know and adore in my Dr. Suess books? Dad must have noticed me picking up books, paging through and unceremoniously dropping the books back from where I found them. He came over to where I was bent over and searching. He reached in and pulled out a book. I know he said something about the reading books without pictures and drawings. I just couldn't imagine: books without pictures. My fathers words drifted down to me unheard. My focus turned from the books at hand, to something moving along the floor. There gliding in a gentle back and forth motion a bug with a million legs winding its way between the box, my father and me. I was mesmerized. My father must have seen the shiny insect also. He leafed through pages of the book cradled in his hands having located what he was looking for he lowered the book for my eyes to see. His finger pointed to a small black pen drawing of that same bug. "L" he said, "This is a centipede, a centipede can be found in areas like...and has X amount of legs. He read a few more interesting things, closed the book and returned it to the box. Looking back on the warm afternoon, I know somehow that the six year old version of me made the connection between words and the wonderment of the universe. That wonderment then, is my curiosity today. What better way to satiate an appetite than to turn to the source of the hunger. I recognize the limitless expanse of the world wide web. But there is something tactile about turning the pages of a book.

Winter 2007

The book count, alone, of my collection can frighten the bravest of men. Talk of moving from one residence to another can clear a heavy populated area of humans down to one dog. First to run? Any young body with a strong back. First to hide? Any one who helped on with the last move. Cold turkey; Various Twelve Step Programs and the infamous family and friend Intervention have not cured me of my love of books. My car, my knapsack, and my work locker have reading material. Without easy access to reading I am no different than a compass with out a needle. Which brings me to you. And you to me. Of the trillion's of possibilities of where we could be and what either of us could be doing. We are here together sharing words. Easily, we could be those two friends sitting at the table together in the library. Try as we might our enthusiasm for our books and how far we are in reading of them, makes it difficult to keep our voices down to a whisper. No matter what form of reading we select: listening to books on tape; finger tips touching the raised dots of print for the blind; eyes moving from one word to the next. In the act of reading, words can change us. As a pupa to a butterfly, metamorphous! We are not that what we once were. Whatever you collect, I hope you have a few books about. Here are a few words by other people.

“I wish thee as much pleasure in the reading, as I had in the writing.” - Francis Quarles 1592-1644 -

“The art of reading is to skip judiciously.” - P.G. Hamerton 1834-1894 -

'With 100 volumes a man may be intellectually rich for life.” - Joseph Dent References: The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. (Third Edition) Everyman's library is a collection of book titles listed as recommended reading. Established on February 15, 1906, by Joseph Dent. The original list included a body of fifty titles. For further details visit: LBF Dusty was born a prairie girl and considers herself a West Coast spirit. She is a lover of books, a devoted fan of Romeo and her heart belongs to "M". Also a board of directors member of the Friesen Group, a huge music junkie, and an Intervention drop out. Please share your input regarding this article by emailing us at

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Winter 2007


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By Kathy Kubbernus Inspire, Imagine, Believe was inspired from the very beginning. It began with a few women getting together on Saturday nights because the husbands were watching hockey. We would gather in one place or another, read cards, and work with healing crystals. At that point we were just enjoying something we liked to do. Then it took on a more spiritual nature. Soon we all began reading and discussing the things we were learning. The group began to grow and change, the things we were doing were widely varied, with more things being introduced all the time. Everyone started going out and buying books, CD's, DVD's essential oils, incense more rocks and crystals, anything that was connected to energy and God, then bringing them every week to share and experience together. Soon our collection, along with our enthusiasm began growing. Plus we were discovering hidden talents among ourselves that we were unaware of before. People started inviting their friends and family to the group. The group became a place to share knowledge and learn new things, without judgments or conditions attached. The thoughts and ideas would result into the most thought provoking conversations, always sending us all home with a new a newfound sense of peace and harmony as well as coming away with a feeling of empowerment and a new perspective for dealing with situations or obstacles that came our way.

designed by the truest creator, I was just the instrument He used. The atmosphere and aura of the room is supplied from above. We are looking for anyone of like mind who is interested in joining our weekly group sessions. If you or anyone you know might benefit from our energy and our exploration in any way, feel free to join us on Saturday nights at 7:00pm.We all feel that with the spiritual energy that's generated and the unconditional love, it's just a great place to be. We would like to share with everyone the benefits of our spiritual gatherings. Our nights are entirely created by God; we find he always provides what is needed. Our gatherings are open to anyone (male or female) in need of a spiritual lift, support, comfort or maybe just need a place to heal, learn, share and feel comfortable as soon as they walk in, and leave with a feeling of greater enlightenment and wholeness.„

Kathy Kubbernus is the founder of Inspire, Imagine, Believe and can be reached at 403-782-2685 or via email at

Some of the things we offer are angel, tarot, or regular card reading, healing crystals and stones, teacup readings, power animals, mediations, aura reading, Theta Healing, book studies such as the Course of Miracles or Return to Love, yoga, experimenting with Reiki, and we are completely open to any new ideas. Saturday nights with the positive energy, unconditional support, spiritual information, intelligent conversations, learning and just some great laughs, have become the highlights of our week. Recently I took a Theta healing course DNA1 and DNA 2. It was the most awesome experience of my life. Theta and co-creating with God is just simply amazing. I am practicing Theta healing in my home.

Bowtech Therapy Bowen Technique - Neuromuscular Realignment L.I.F.E. System - Electromagnetic Biofeedback Eurowave - Inch Loss & Muscle Stimulation

Theta healing is something I will be pursuing and doing for the rest of my life. I have set up a room in my basement designed entirely to set the mood for these gatherings. It was in actuality

Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

403-356-1444 #302, 5913 - 50 Avenue, Red Deer, AB Page 28

The Flower Gods By A.J. Gardippe

Since I was a little boy, I always had a real keen interest in plant life and wanted to be a horticulturalist. I am a middle aged man with a strong desire for growing, most anything nature has to offer me in my growing climate. I have been working in and around the commercial florist industry for 23 years. I have sold wholesale fresh flower material, hard goods and have done my time on the front lines of retail at your local florist. When I was accepted into the horticultural program at Olds College I went looking for work to carry me through college. My search led me to Buck Godwin of Alberta Supernaturals. This was where my life changed forever. I drove up to the farm, which you can clearly see over the burm on the east side of the highway. In the summer months the color and view is just spectacular from the highway. I approached the house and knocked on the door, a beautiful young lady came to answer the door, "Is this Buck Godwin's house "I, asked. "Yes it is, and it's mine too "she, replied. Nola then told me where Buck was, and pointed me in the direction of the field. When I entered the field it all seemed so much to absorb, wow, all that color and fragrance. As I walked through the gate nestled into the caragana hedge, I was in (God)-win's commercial garden of flora. The simple beauty of the site immediately inspired pure, clean thoughts; the power of being made me feel so alive. I was in awe over one mans true dedication to serve his life to the devotion of his calling, which started as a hobby farm growing Annual and Perennials. The site was truly amazing. I spoke with Buck about my interest in the flower growing industry, and that I needed some work. A week later he hired me and that's when life began for me, but in a whole new light. I never dreamed of how life was going to slip back into the quiet countryside of life. My thoughts were so different and scents appealed to me that I never thought I had before. I found solace in a higher power, which I lovingly refer to as the Flower Gods. I found myself speaking to them almost daily, for one reason or another. I have experienced an array of emotions in this industry; from the pride of growing quality materials, to the failure of a crop, to the weddings, births and deaths we get to assist in by supplying the material for these occasions. The vast selections of growth on this flower farm site have served many venues for many occasions. The annual and perennial flowers, grains and grasses have been popular to many in the summer and fall seasons. We have harvested wild and native materials from the areas of the province in which they grow and flourish in abundance. I really enjoyed going on these expeditions as they were always in picture perfect areas where the mind can run wild and take in the fresh air. In the spring the pussy willow crop started off our growing

Winter 2007

season and then planting began as early as ground thaw. We have also produced materials for various traditions, rituals and healing remedies such as Silver King for native sage smudging. Silver King sage is edible, burns clean, pure and can reach a height of 48", which is excellent for making wreaths for the heads and wrists of native Sun dancers. Sage has also been used in hot baths as fever reducers. Many different species of flower petals and herbs have been supplied to those who create healing remedies such as herb bags, potpourri or aromatherapy. I can't tell you how this farm site has affected my way of thinking and position, in life. I just know it has. Buck once told me as we were weeding some of the rows of material, "look with your ears ", and he was right. I could keep my eyes on the weeds I was extracting while I heard the hummingbirds rapid wings fluttering at top speed held in the idle mode as they drank from the Delphinium above me. The sounds were so very much alive and the fragrant smells were all around. The Flower Gods have guided me to this place of beauty and tranquility where I can fulfill my calling.„

A.J. Gardippe has a diploma in Horticulture with a Major in Nursery / Field Production. A.J. works at Alberta Supernaturals, 2 miles north of the Hwy 27 and Hwy 2A intersection at the Olds College corner.

A.J.’s Flower Scented Bath Oil Squeeze (enough to bruise them) 2 large handfuls of your favorite freshly picked flowers or herbs (Peony's, Sweet Pea's, Phlox, and Lily-of-the-valley are very heavily scented selections)

Place the flowers and or herbs into a sealed jar Add approximately 350 ml of Sunflower oil to the jar Place in sunny window or aired location if sun is not present Shake this mixture at least once every day for the next 3 weeks Extract the scented bath oil by straining the flower and herb particles through a cloth strainer bag (If you want the fragrance to be stronger then apply the fresh flower and herbs again to your same fluid mixture and repeat the process. The more processes, yields a stronger fragrant oil.)

Mix 3 equal parts of glycerol with 1 equal part of your scented bath oil into steaming hot bathtub Relax and Enjoy!

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The Law Of Attraction By Alex T. Vanwells

"I have read many self-help books and recently watched "The Secret". I understand the concept, how can I reflect what I learned thru this, into my life. What am I missing?" Well there is no recipe card for understanding the Concept of The Secret or Self Help Books. There are many concepts on what to do and how to take action. First, in reading the Self Help books you are being given an awareness that there is something else out there. A way of Life that is full of Grace, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Love. Gratitude is a wonderful way to come to Grace. In being Thankful of what we receive and give you are offering an awareness of Positive Vibration. Practicing Gratitude throughout the day can and will raise your vibration. Taking the time in the morning to reflect on what you are grateful for can bring you to a state of feeling what you are receiving in small ways. The breeze on your face, how warm and comfy your covers are, the great sleep you received, the wonderful dreams, the sun rising and bringing another beautiful day. Children see the world from such a vantage point of awe at the smallest things. As Adults we have begun to lose that awe at the wonderful feelings we receive from the smallest things.Life is a whirlwind of activities, things to do, places to go and people to see. How often do we actually take time to slow down and smell the roses. Taking those moments to watch a lady bug, or see the leaves beginning to bud on the apple tree, watching a worm make its way down the sidewalk during the rain.

For more information on what steps to take in being the Deliberate Creator of your life, you can contact her at 403-270-7194 or email her at Alex is an Advanced EFT Practitioner and can show you how to immediately implement Positive Aspects to your life,Re-write your Negative Beliefs, and learn Daily Habits designed to Make a Difference. Available for Private Sessions in Red Deer or Calgary.

Alex V anwells

(Emotional F reedom T echniques) Advanced E FT P ractitioner Law o f A ttraction T rainer

F ield o f I ntention C oach B ach F lower R emedies A nimal I ntuitive

Group W orkshops...Private S essions

P h o n e : 4 0 3 -2 2 7 0 -7 7194 Email:

C e l l : 4 0 3 -5 5 8 6 -7 7100

Available i n C algary a nd R ed D eer

Law o f A ttraction W orkshops I nclude: Understanding how LOA works Understanding the importance and how to implement it into your life of The Field of Intention & the role it plays in your Life Discovering what you Want and how Daily Habits designed to make to Effectively Get it a difference Reprogram your Thought Patterns & Belief System with EFT

Life is so full of wonderful small and big moments of awe and in our Gratefulness we become more aware of why we are actually here on Earth. In this state we become aware of the gifts that are actually out there right in front of us. We raise our vibration with a Positive thought. In raising our vibration it benefits the entire world. Such a gift to offer the entire world... Positive Feelings, Thoughts and Gratefulness. In Raising your Vibration you begin to Feel those Feelings you require to bring Grace, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Love into your life. It's the first step to your awareness of what you are feeling and getting in touch with how you really feel about being here.

Next L OA W orkshop s tarts J anuary 1 6, 2 008

Upcoming Classes in Red Deer November 24 December 8 January 19 February 9

EFT Level 1 Approved Bring on the Abundance with EFT The Weight Issue EFT Animal Healing and Intuition

$85.00 for the day For more information please see my website at

“The World is truly a place of incredible wonder and abundance. The World is a Magnificent Paradise.”

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Winter 2007

Eft-A A dv

The Violet Ray

- Shakti GawainPage 30

Serendipity By C arol J . U c hytil "S S erendipity. L ook k f or s ometh h ing, f ind someth h ing e lse, a nd r ealize t h at w h at y ou've found i s m ore s uited t o y our n eeds t h an w h at you t h ough h t y ou w ere l ook k ing f or." - Lawrence Block -

In “When Do You Feel” we learned how our feelings impact our well-being. We learned that by releasing the emotions attached to these feelings we can allow our body to return to its natural state of health and wellness. We were reminded that “ Time Is Of The Essence” and that taking care of the earth is everybody’s responsibility. Re-introducing future generations to the natural world could prevent future damage to the planet. “Which Healing Technique Should You Choose?” taught us that all healing techniques come from the Source, are a personal preference and that the most important quality in a practitioner is that they come from a place of love. In “Frequency And Brainwaves” we discovered that by raising our vibrational frequencies we can create a cosmic shift, which can impact the wellness of mankind, mother earth and the universe. “The Law Of Attraction” emphasized that by being grateful we can raise our vibration and bring grace, joy, harmony and love into our life. Juey Ann Macleod shared her “Journey To The Feminine” and found that she was more effective, alive, creative and intuitive when she embraced, accepted and honored her Goddess power.

“A Simple Approach To Health” may be the solution to eliminating toxins, transforming our bodies and improving our wellness. Equally important, we can prevent disease and improve our body’s ability to absorb nutrients “With Colon Hydrotherapy”. Furthermore, we learned alternative herbal remedies, good nutrition and elderberry are solutions to preventing the flu in “Cold And Flu Busters...” In “The Power Of The Seasons” we learned that by following our heart we can embrace the current cycle we are in and move forward. We found that amusement takes many forms; from one seniors desire to learn to play “The African Drum” to another mans solace in planting and harvesting flowers with “The Flower Gods”. “L”’ found her connection and love of books in “Some Words From Other People” and nicely stated “In the act of reading, words can change us”. On the cover a mysterious, colorfully painted door was revealed. I view this door as a symbol of the various passages we all go through at numerous times in our life. It represents closing a chapter for ReAnne and Merinda and entering the unknown. Whatever doors we open or close in life we can be sure that all is as it should be and that we are being guided to do what we must do to fulfill our souls purpose. I hope you have enjoyed my first issue of The Violet Ray. I hope it has provided you with the knowledge you were seeking and the confidence to trust what is yet to come. With Love & Light,


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Contact Carol at 403-3 3 58-1 1 656 if you need or want to carry

The Violet Ray in your area or establishment Winter 2007

The Violet Ray

Page 31

drink life in



he “miracle tree” and “the tree of life” are two of the most common descriptions of the Moringa oleifera. Biochemists call it the most nutrient-rich plant on the face of the earth, and the Zija beverage is being heralded as the most beneficial health supplement drink available today. Zija International is the first and only network marketing company to tap into Moringa’s dramatic nutrition via patent-pending formulation and manufacturing processes. Kosher and Hala certified, Zija provides consumers with 100 percent natural source for over 90 verifiable vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids in addition to a wide range of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are completely bio-available and absorbable.

Zija The Moringa Company

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For More Information Contact:

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