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Beware of Male Gold Diggers

Once a upon a time I dated a few male gold-diggers. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Save your coins ladies because if you are fooled more than once, it’s a shame on you. Let me tell you about these male gold-diggers. They are a different breed these days with their fragile masculinity on 10 struggling in between a liberating female empowerment movement. That’s the truth!


I used to be blind to see until a therapist advised me to analyze all the tons of money I was spending to hang out with this dude that I dated for three long ass months. And guess what y’all? On average, I spent $242 a month on uber, $120 a month on weed, and $367 a month on grub to feed this hungry gold-digging ass $%^$! That’s a whopping $2,187 wasted on a fuck-boy. Whatever you want to call him. {Song starts to play: I ain’t saying he’s gold-digger, but he ain’t messing with no broke bitch...}.

I know. I sound bitter. That’s because I was hurt. I didn’t listen to my intuition on the first date when something inside of me told me he seemed “off ”. His personality was hyper-exaggerated, plus, he was way too nice. But was he nice though? (Add hands up emoji) Everything he bragged about screamed entitled. But wait, why did I fall for this guy? Well, I was attracted to his educational pedigree. And I thought he was a fun time. We partied together and shared the same music preferences. That was really it. But back to this entitled conversation. I soon realized that we were not compatible. There were many things that bothered me like him constantly expecting me to come see him, ditch the subway and hop in an uber at his becking command, and purchase groceries to bring to his apartment and even prepare the meal. All these things contributed to him expecting me to spend my money on him. We argued profusely about all of this, too. It was exhausting. But there was more. I found out that I was not the only girl that was feeding into his weak masculinity. But that is another story for another day. But what was the derivative of this gold-digger? How did all this happen? I realized that this stemmed from his childhood upbringing where he was getting bussed out to go to a “different school”. I felt that it made him super removed from the Queens community and when it came to his reality, he was far removed from it. An entitled, male gold-digger was created.

Let me backup and recount to you why there is an alarming rate of male golddiggers dwelling in urban and suburban areas, so ladies be aware. In a recent New York Times article published September 2019, a guy posing as a military soldier managed to finesse $93,000 from a young female who was based in Baltimore, Maryland. He sent a “photo of himself ” with a Syrian official after he managed to persuade her he was overseas and needed help with getting a few millions back into the US, which is why she sent him the money to come back to the US. The woman was told by her military ken doll that he would meet her at the Baltimore airport, but when he failed to show up, she killed herself! Although this may sound like an extreme story, it is reality ladies. You can get bamboozled in a frugal way like I did or get robbed blind like this.

According to urban dictionary, A male gold digger is “A male that makes it a point to be noticed via expensive material possessions. He is charismatic and charming, yet, is easily able to manipulate funds from empathetic souls. He rarely works, has a sense of entitlement, lacks close peers and has a devoid of family.” Let’s continue to use Queens dude for example. Queens dude was charming. Queens dude reads books and Queens dude can cook and clean. However, Queens dude has inconsistent jobs in “social work”. Queens dude still has his mom do his laundry. Queens dude had no male figures in his life.

For years, urban culture has defined gold diggers to be females. Now look at us, we females have our own shit. It’s the guys that are struggling to keep up and rely on their natural gaslighting techniques to keep good women around. Ask Wendy Williams. She’s on a campaign to restore the narrative in her own failed relationship. Appearing on talk and radio shows to clear up who was paying the bills and carrying the relationship. Doing her best to blacklist her ex-husband from the industry she hustled so hard to stay in throughout the years. And you know what else is fucked up? Once us women date these broke dudes, their dick value automatically increases. They will say, “Oh I dated such and such...blah blah”. Congratulations you played ya-self! Lesson Learned: Keep your purses close and count your relationships like an investment.

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