Brian Hutchenson, Preston Russell & Myshayla Herron
Colin McAlexander, Tina Brown, Frank Lott, Terri Jordan, Sue Lewis & Thomasa Ross
Omega Psi Phi MANHOOD ACADEMY Story & Photography by Tony Centonze
Customs House Museum recently hosted a program for mentors and mentees of Omega Psi Phi’s Manhood Academy.
Thomasa Rossa, of the museum’s Board of Trustees spoke about the event. “We have wanted to do more community outreach. We reached out to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. They have Manhood Academy, a program through which they mentor young men in middle school and high school. I thought this would be a great opportunity for us.”
Phil Petrie & Tali Felder
Travon & Tara Fisk
Colin Mcaleander & Sue Lewis
Kiondre Leasure & James Atkins
Brian Hutchenson is Omega Psi Phi’s Alumni Chapter VP, and Chair of Manhood Academy’s mentoring program.
“We started about three years ago,” Hutchenson said. “We knew there was a need for a program like this in Clarksville, so we made it happen. We have 15 kids right now, and it’s still growing. To join, applicants have to meet certain criteria. We meet and talk, take them through our interview process, then pick the guys that are a good fit.” “After applications closed this year, we were contacted by several young men who wanted to join. So, we’re thinking about expanding the program. As long as we have the members willing to do the work, we can expand.”
Dante Jarrett & Kendric Foster
Thomasa Ross & Rodney McNeal
David & Damion Jarrett, Shawntavia Caldwell
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