2 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | June 2021 The Men's Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty

Alejandro Jungo & Lisa Ruiz Brandon Ferguson & Travis Egan Cheryl & Michael Hood Greg Speed & Eddie Knight

Richard Tessier & Brandon Ferguson

Noel Bagwell & KayCee Hunter

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Clarksville Business Allies, a local networking group, recently hosted a membership drive at officeNOW.
“We started the group in May of 2020, so we’re coming up on our anniversary,” Keri Lovato said. “We have a really good, diverse group, and it’s been steadily growing. We have about a dozen members so far.
“We’re looking to increase our membership as we move forward. We want to be a resource to Clarksville in general. Members of this group are very encouraging of each other. We come to each other for feedback on ideas, etc. We also help each other with referrals and things like that.
Lovato is in insurance. “The group also has a financial planner, Mortgage Specialists licensed in Tennessee and Kentucky, a Health Advisor, a Restoration Specialist, and some other great folks. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. here at the Office Now building. You can find us on Facebook.”
Jason Bridges & Adam McNamara
Katrina Guerrero & Keri Lovato

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