1 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | June 2021 The Men's Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty


Anthony Seals Christine Broadhurst Stephanie Herendeen & Catherine Meeks

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze LG recently offered its employees free Covid-19 Vaccinations on site at the plant on Life’s Good Way.
Dr. Catherine Meeks, owner of Sango Pharmacy was on hand to administer the shots to dozens of eager recipients. LG’s Miguel Mariscal said, “What the team has put together is a great opportunity for our people. They are here through the week, and it might not be convenient for them to get to a doctor’s office to receive the vaccine.”

Adam Murphy is one of LG’s Main Line Section Leaders. “This is great,” Murphy said. “When LG announced free vaccines for us here at the plant, a lot of people were quick to sign up. It’s free. We didn’t have to make an appointment. All we have to do is finish our shift, get the shot and go home. No problem.”

The second of the 2-shot protocol is scheduled to take place on site at the end of May.
Adam Murphy
LaToya Showell & Sharee Higgs Annessa Holbrook & Miguel Mariscal
Tameeka Vance