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from VIP Clarksville Magazine | June 2021 The Men's Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
AAndrew Kester is passionate about what he does. Leading the Veteran Service Office, he and his team have markedly improved the lives of thousands of veterans locally and across the country.
Andrew is always seeking ways to advocate for veterans as well as innovate and improve policies and procedures.
His office is efficient, and he and his team are completely dedicated to improving the lives of veterans. Andrew and his team have some incredible outreach initiatives on the horizon, and recently VIP got the chance to sit down and discuss happenings at the VSO.
How long have you been Director of the Veteran Service Office?
Just over 2 years. I joined the MC VSO team February 2019.
What is your favorite part about your job?
The interaction with the veteran community and their families. The best part of the job is the firm handshake from a World War II veteran, a hand salute from a Vietnam veteran, the heart felt thank you from a Gulf War Veteran and a tearful hug from a veterans surviving spouse.
Your impact has been immense, and the numbers speak for themselves. What do you hope to accomplish in the future?
To continue growing our team and increasing awareness in Montgomery County until ALL our veterans and their families are receiving the full benefits they deserve.
Recently VIP learned of your initiative to bring awareness to the 22 veteran suicides that happen every day. How are your bringing awareness, and what are your goals for the initiative?
There are veterans who have died by suicide in Montgomery County. That may be a shock to some people who would think this only happens in big cities. But it is happening here. Suicide is not All about losing hope, or is it ALL about PTSD, but it is ALL about losing purpose. A friend of mine said “awareness without action is futile”. I accepted the challenge and beginning 1 June for 2.2 months I started spotlighting 22 nonprofit organizations who provide purpose to veterans in Montgomery County. I am donating $100 to each of them. This will culminate to a purpose event on August 14th in Veterans Plaza. Follow me on LinkedIn to take action and support these organizations.