1 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | June 2021 The Men's Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty

David Thomack Nathan & Heather Manese Devin Kinney Tim Ehrhard

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Clarksville’s Grog Homebrew Supply Shop and the Clarksville Carboys Homebrew Club recently teamed up to host an event in celebration of National Big Brew Day. Great weather had the brewers set up outside the shop, each working on their own special batch.

The Grog’s Nathan Manese was excited about the event. “We’re glad to have the Clarksville Carboys here today. Everyone is out here brewing, and we have Gray Smoke Barbecue about to open and serve up some great food.”
Every year since the American Homebrewers Association went before Congress in 1988, National Homebrew Day has been officially observed on the first Saturday of May.
“Clubs all across the country, and Homebrew shops love to get together and celebrate this event,” Manese said. “Last year was challenging, COVID-19 did shut us down for a short time, but we were able to get reopened quickly. A lot of people used the time to get into home-brewing. It gave them a hobby while they were at home with the kids. Business has been really good.”

James Visger, Heather & Nathan Manese
Jerry Wood & Allen Duvall