Publisher Tammy Clark Editor Heather Page Office Manager Tiffany Skipper Advertising Executive Mary Kevin Miller Advertising Executive Jordan Pupa
Contributing Photographers Jonathan Boatwright Joey Brennan Heather Byrd Fred Salley Barry Thompson Contributing Writers Pasha Buyck Elizabeth Campbell, EA Ashley Elvington Allison Gray Debbie Hyler Rion McAllister Jack Muench Edward O’Dell, M.D. Robin Parker Christy Porse, M.D. Jordan Pupa
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Serving Florence, Hartsville, Darlington, Marion, Mullins, Lake City and the surrounding areas 2011-B Second Loop Rd, Florence, SC 29501 FIND US ON FACEBOOK
For advertising rates, call 843-687-4236.
Barry Thompson’s photographs of Belinthia Elder blew us away this month. So much that, we weren’t sure which image to pick. Ultimately, we chose the one on the cover, but we couldn’t resist sharing the one above. Enjoy reading all things health related in this January issue! Happy New Year!
VIP Magazine | January 2018
JANUARY CONTENTS 8 Launch Tommi Mack
10 Officially Speaking Darnell Byrd McPherson
24 Health and Wellness
46 Happenings
Your Best Year | Fitness Forum
24 Health and Wellness Family Resolutions | Carolinas Medical Alliance
48 Time to Toast 50 Florence Community Debbie Hyler | The School Foundation
12 Developing Downtown Studio610
26 Health and Wellness Darlington County Humane Society
52 Paying It Forward 2018 Pee Dee Heart Ball
14 Business Spotlight Clean Eatz
28 Health and Wellness Importance of Sleep | Carolina Sleep Diagnostics
54 In The Head Of Shae Thurston | Anytime Fitness
16 Experience Hartsville Hartsville Bubble Guy | David Matthews
30 Health and Wellness Anniversary Time | Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center
56 Tax Prep To Itemize or Not | Elizabeth K. Campbell, EA
18 Under The Dome Wilcox, Buyck, & Williams, P.A.
33-37 Cover Story Chiro • Yoga • Barre
58 Employee Spotlight Mandy Howle | Greater Florence Chamber
20 Advocating Healthcare Staying Mentally Healthy in the New Year
38 Fashion at Work and Play Nikki Naraine and Ashton Young
60 In Your State BMW Performance Driving School
VIP Magazine | January 2018
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Providing the Latest and Greatest in Kids Fashion story by Jordan Pupa
If you’re looking to keep your children trendy in 2018, Tommi Mack has you covered! The store is filled with a mix of fun patterns, colors, and hip clothing styles for children ranging in ages from newborns all the way to teens. Owner, Jamie Kelly, opened the store just recently in downtown Hartsville. Jamie Kelly graduated from Hartsville High School, attended Francis Marion University, and later attended cosmetology school. She then purchased a salon company that has been successful for close to eight years, Indigo Salon and Day Spa. The salon relocated two years ago into an old bank building. After discussion of what to do with the old vault, Jamie felt it was best to fill a need that the community had when it came to great quality children’s clothing that was reasonably priced. The children’s items were a hit at the salon for two years as customers were able to browse and purchase items when they came for their appointments. Due to its popularity, a decision was made that it was now time for the items to have their own home. Named after Jamie’s children, Thomas and Mackenzie, the doors to Tommi Mack opened in downtown Hartsville mid November. The focus at Tommi Mack is on the customer experience. There is an area within the store to keep the little ones occupied while adults shop in order to make for a more pleasant experience for everyone. Clothing options offered range from newborn sizes to size 14 for boys and girls. Shoes are offered from newborn sizes
VIP Magazine | January 2018
all the way to some women’s sizes so that teens can have some options too. A few popular shoe brands carried at Tommi Mack include UGG and TOMS. There are a variety of styles in order to appeal to everyone from casual everyday options to more dressy choices for special occasions. Bold colors, cozy comfortable materials, and chic prints fill the store racks. Options include both traditional styles and funky fashion. Support from the Hartsville community and beyond has been great thus far for Tommi Mack. A shipment was even sent to a customer in the UK recently! As business progresses, the store plans to expand its sizes in order to accommodate middle school aged kids more. Additionally, they will be adding some great everyday staple items and expanding some of the offerings of the current brands. Visit Tommi Mack today at 207 North Fifth Street for a special experience full of unique and stylish choices.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
MCPHERSON First African-American Woman Mayor of Lamar story by Allison Gray
Darnell Byrd McPherson is determined to leave the world a little better than the way she found it. She was recently elected to serve as the first African-American woman mayor for the town of Lamar. She is an inspiration to many, as her radiant spirit and impactful involvement in the community over the years reflects her willingness to make a difference. Darnell believes her children are her greatest accomplishment. She is a mother of three adult children: Joel, Hope and Amani whom have blessed her with six amazing grandchildren. The work she has been involved in over her professional career has been another accomplishment. She is able to touch the lives of many through providing quality child development services, providing support for parents to be successful, and mentoring others within her field. Darnell currently serves as the Executive Director of Darlington County First Steps. Darnell was born in the Cypress Community of Lee County. Her mother, Doris Jeffery Byrd, served as a member of the Lamar Town Council. Darnell states, “My mother devoted herself to helping others in quiet ways, yet meaningful ways, and I would like to emulate her standard of caring and giving.” Her father, Lawton R. Byrd, lives in Hartsville and was a farmer when Darnell was growing up. In later years, he relocated to Queens, New York where he established himself as a manager of stores catering to big and large men. Her only sibling, Ravenell Lawton Byrd, III, a Vietnam veteran, is deceased. photography by Heather Byrd, Infinity Images
VIP Magazine | January 2018
“My family values were crafted under the tutelage of not only my parents but my paternal grandfather, Ravenell “Rab” Byrd who inspired me to read and my maternal grandmother, Christenar Alexander Jeffery, who instilled a “can do” attitude coupled with strong Christian values. Elders have played a significant role in my approach to living because they had little but shared what they had with others.” Darnell’s inspiration to run for Mayor of Lamar stemmed from community members encouraging her to consider doing so. While she had no experience in politics, her skills were transferrable and would be beneficial to her hometown and its people. “I am a “worker bee” and enjoy a challenge which I think my mother left for me as she would often ask, “What are you doing to solve the problems?” There are several key issues Darnell would like the Town Council and the community to embrace. Darnell plans to create an inclusive environment where people who are of different races, genders, nationalities, and religions can work together to create a plan to grow Lamar economically. There are several infrastructure issues that include broadband access, water system, limited to no use of technology, expansion of the city limit boundaries, and similar issues. Additionally, there is a great need for quality recreational activities for young people and a need to surround them with opportunities in a safe and inviting environment. “In my opinion, some members of the local community are excited about the possibilities which lie before the Town of Lamar; however, they are waiting to see what can be accomplished under an administration led by a woman of color! This is not new to me as I have had to prove myself all of my life. Whether working to achieve high grades or prove to others I am capable, competent and committed. My goal is to engage the total community and to establish a strong, positive working relationship with the members of the Lamar Town Council.” Darnell hopes the citizens will understand her vision of what the small rural community can become with the right approaches and right attitudes. She knows there are many untapped resources that are waiting to be accessed by visionary people and she is looking forward to the new journey ahead.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
photos by Jonathan Boatwright
With a new year arriving, it’s time to get fit! Studio610 has recently opened in the historic town of Marion, South Carolina. Owner Jamie Craig is no stranger to the small town, as this is where she was born and raised. Once she left Marion after high school graduation, Jamie spent time living in several large cities. After getting her fill of the city life, she moved back to Marion. It didn’t take long for her to miss the group fitness dynamic she discovered as a college athlete and young adult. Jamie also wanted to create a place for citizens of all ages and fitness levels to accomplish their fitness goals. “I toyed with the idea of opening my own fitness studio for years, but when I found out that the building I’m currently renting was going to be available, I knew it would be the perfect space.” Currently, the studio offers indoor cycling and yoga classes, along with other workshops based upon instructors’ availability. “I’m always looking for potential instructors to add classes to our schedule. My goal is to add more and more classes to the schedule based on instructor interest and availability.” Jamie believes in the power of yoga, as she feels flexibility is the key to staying fit and aging with grace. “I will be the first to admit that I’m guilty of wanting to get in and do an intense workout and not slowing down to appreciate the benefits of yoga, but I have NEVER left a yoga class and regretted it. Out of all the other types of fitness I do, yoga makes me better. Google all of the big football stars, then take a look at how many of them do yoga to augment their fitness...there is obviously something to it. People always tell me they aren’t flexible enough for yoga, and I tell them that is a ridiculous excuse and the reason to start yoga.” Just as yoga is beneficial to your health, so is cycling. “Cycling is a great workout for all fitness levels. The workout is choreographed to music and includes resistance and speed work. You, as the participant, are in charge of the resistance setting on your bike so you can advance your workout as you build up more strength and become more comfortable with the bike and class set-up. And, of course, the biggest benefit is it is the best cardio and strength training type of fitness that is low-impact. It’s great for
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protecting your joints. In fact, stationary bikes are often used as part of rehab programs following orthopedic surgeries. Anyone can ride a stationary bike!” Starting a business in the charming small town of Marion has been great so far. For Jamie, there was no other town in mind. “I knew I wanted to have a store front on Main Street in Marion. I’m a big supporter of downtown revitalization and of appreciating how small business owners and downtown businesses create the atmosphere that we all appreciate and reminiscence on from our childhood. I love seeing people ride by and honk as I open up, and seeing parking spots occupied on Main Street.” Cycling classes are currently being held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6PM, Fridays at 6AM, and Saturdays at 9AM. Yoga is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6PM. Starting in January, less intense cycling classes will be offered on Wednesdays at 9:30AM. The best way to stay updated on their class schedule is through the MindBody app. Special workshops and new classes are added to this app. You can also follow Jamie and friends on Instagram at studio610_ fitness and on Facebook at Studio610. Package deals and workshops will be added in January to help with those New Year Resolutions. “I don’t want to see people fade away a few weeks after the New Year, so I’m always open to hearing what types of fitness classes people would like to see and getting feedback. I want Studio610 to be a place people look forward to coming to in order to get in a little ‘me’ time a few times a week. I know making time is the biggest hurdle for all of us, but I tell people if they will give me 2-3 times a week, then the rest of their time will be more efficient and allow them to ultimately take better care of their family and friends.” Jamie Craig resides in Marion, South Carolina, with her husband Corey and their new baby, James ‘Boone’ Craig. Jamie is also an oncology clinical pharmacist for McLeod Hematology and Oncology Practice in Florence, South Carolina.
Studio610 is located at 610 Main Street in Marion. Jamie can be reached at 843.430.0701.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Bobby Tanner pictured with staff, Ashley Feagin and Nicole Olson
EATING CLEAN with Bobby Tanner,
General Manager of Clean Eatz
story by Ashley Elvington It’s safe to say Bobby Tanner has quite an extensive amount of knowledge when it comes to health and fitness. Bobby first developed a passion in the field of mixed martial arts. It didn’t take long for him to discover CrossFit. Ten minutes into the initial class, Bobby was tired, yet addicted. He had found his choice of exercise to improve his conditioning. Wanting to share his experience, and new form of exercise with the world, Bobby became certified and started teaching CrossFit out of a friend’s garage. After building up clientele, Bobby met with Jason Weatherford, owner of Extreme Fitness Gym in Florence. Together, they made plans to offer CrossFit at Extreme starting in 2012. Today, they have over 125 members. Quite the entrepreneur, Bobby began to make plans for bringing a Clean Eatz to Florence. “Dealing with CrossFit, I’m always giving people diets and telling them how to eat better to get them to live cleaner lifestyles, because 90% of it is diet. Some people think just because they workout they can eat whatever they want, but that’s not the case. You still have to monitor what you eat. I’ve always thought that this area needed a better option for clean eating. A buddy of mine lives in Southern Florida and they have a lot of places there that offer meal plans, so that peeked my interest. My brother moved to Myrtle Beach and
VIP Magazine | January 2018
introduced me to the Clean Eatz location there. After visiting, I got in touch with the owners to see what it would take to bring one to this area. I then reached out to a couple of my CrossFit members about investing in the project, Walker Mosley and Faith Oliver. They agreed that there was a need and got on board.” Clean Eatz opened in its Florence location on March 16, 2017. Clean Eatz provides proper portion sized meals consisting of just the right balance of protein, carbs, and fats. “Our meals eliminate the guessing, temptation, and lack of being prepared due to a busy lifestyle. Clean Eatz meal plans offer the opportunity to have a personal chef prepare every meal for you at a cost you can afford.” Why is it considered “clean,” you ask? There is absolutely no sugar, oil, or grease involved in the recipes. “All of the meals are balanced. There is plenty of lean protein. And, they all have a balance of carbs, macros, fat and protein. All meals are 500 calories or less and they are all portion control.” For those doing low carb or no carb, there are meals available to you as well. Vegetarians can also purchase meals too and there are kid friendly meals to choose from for your children. Don’t even think there isn’t
70% Diet | 30% Gym Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. 2437 Willwood Dr., Florence Inside of McLeod Health & Fitness Center, Membership is NOT required to eat clean! (843)777-3131 | a dessert section! “A dessert is a dessert, there’s no doubt about it. The ones we offer are all 180230 calories. We use honey for the sweetener and all are made with healthy ingredients.” Each week, Clean Eatz releases five lunch and dinner meals, as well as breakfast options, on Thursdays. Customers have until Sunday at midnight to order their meals and can pick them up on Monday. Meals range between $6.00-$7.60. “You can mix and match as much as you want. You can order one meal or 100, depending on your family’s needs. We have a lot of couples that do meal plans, maybe they can’t agree on what they’d like to eat, so individual meals make everyone happy. The meals are completely prepared, so all you have to do is warm them up in the microwave. They will last up to seven days in the fridge or up to six months in the freezer.” Clean Eatz also offers catering. Florence has been a great choice of location, according to Bobby, and he’s excited to see where the new year will take Clean Eatz of Florence. “We are in the center of people that are looking for a healthier lifestyle. They are certainly our clientele.” January 2018 | VIP Magazine
The concept of creating joy for people of all ages through producing bubbles of different shapes and sizes is something David Matthews is known for. Many have seen him throughout the area and may know him as “That Hartsville Bubble Guy,” but who is he and how did he start working with bubbles? David Matthews grew up in Turbeville, SC, and is a 1987 graduate of East Clarendon High School. He graduated from Coker College in 1991 with a BA in Communications and then worked as a journalist for the (then) Florence Morning News. He had a brief stint as a page layout/graphic designer for a manufacturing company in Bennettsville, SC, and then went into the Information Technology field and has been doing that for 20+ years. Currently, David is the IT Director for the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics in Hartsville. He married his wife Nancy in 1996. He has two stepdaughters and he and his wife adopted their daughter, Grace, from China in 2002. While tackling his full-time position and duties as a father and husband, David is also what some may call a “bubbleologist.” David’s journey at creating bubbles started in 2015. David states, “I was very active in my church’s children’s ministry working in children’s Sunday
VIP Magazine | January 2018
school classes and AWANA programs. I was asked to do something “different” for a festival and I had seen giant bubbles before, so I figured I would give that a try.” Not only did the children enjoy the giant bubbles, but David enjoyed it too. He decided he wanted to produce bigger bubbles, so he did research on the internet, as well as in books, and talked to anyone he thought could help. He has had suggestions from chemists, physicists, and biologists about ways he could tweak his formula or wands to improve the bubbles. “At that point, I was just doing it for fun mostly; in my own yard, at family functions and occasionally at park or church functions. It was Suzy Moyd, (Executive Director of Main Street Hartsville) who actually suggested there was a business opportunity for my hobby. I started by making bubbles at the Downtown Hartsville Markets on Thursdays and Saturdays. From there I started doing children’s birthday parties and recently other municipalities have invited me to various functions and markets. In this year I’ve made bubbles in Cheraw, SC, Laurinburg, NC, Turbeville, SC, and Greenville, SC.” David makes bubbles that range from lots of little bubbles to giant soap bubbles. Through trial and error he has been able to create colorful bubble creations
that capture the attention of people of all ages. Bubbles range in size from a few inches across to 20 and even 30 feet in the right weather conditions. The largest bubble he has been able to get an actual measurement on was about 39 feet long and about 2-1/2 feet tall. Business has been wonderful for David and the Hartsville community is very supportive. The city itself, churches, and families around the area contact David fairly regularly for events, markets, festivals and birthday parties. He has even made bubbles at a wedding reception! “The look on people’s faces is what makes my day, especially if it is their first time seeing it. I’m constantly surprised by people’s reactions to the bubbles. I once saw an elderly woman get up from her wheelchair to pop one of the bubbles and heard a 7 or 8 year old say, “Popping bubbles is good for your soul!” David is always tweaking his formula and trying different approaches to making bubbles. “I hope to soon be able to bring a bubble up and around someone and I have seen some interesting things being done with foam I want to try, too.” Follow That Hartsville Bubble Guy on social media to see where he will be next! Instagram:hartsvillebubbleguy Twitter: @hvillebubbleguy
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
IMPEACHMENT The political process to impeach the President story by Mark. W. Buyck, III
There has been persistent pleas to “impeach the President” since Richard Nixon’s Presidency nearly 50 years ago. Today billionaire Tom Steyer is funding a $20 Million national television and internet campaign seeking petitions requesting Congress to impeach President Trump. During Barack Obama’s presidency, there were several attempts to create a movement to impeach the President. Those of us over a certain age remember the spectacle when President Clinton was impeached in 1998 on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice related to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution declares, “The President, Vice-President and civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Impeachment is conducted solely by the House of Representatives and is only the first step in the process leading to the removal of a President. The process is initiated in the House Judiciary Committee. If a majority of the Committee approves, the Chairman proposes a resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to conduct a formal inquiry. If after the inquiry the Committee determines to proceed, it will send “Articles of Impeachment” to the full House. The full House will then debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment. If the full House approves any Article of Impeachment by a simple majority vote, the President is then “impeached.” Impeachment in itself does not remove anyone from office. Legally, it is similar to an indictment. The approved Articles of Impeachment are forwarded to the Senate which then conducts a trial. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides and the 100 Senators act as a jury. Selected House members serve as prosecutors. Current South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham was one of the House prosecutors during President Clinton’s Senate trial. At the conclusion of the prosecution, the Senate meets
in a closed session to debate the matter. The Senate will then vote in open session on a verdict. A conviction requires a two-thirds super-majority vote of the Senate. Once convicted, removal from office is automatic with no appeal. The Senate may also vote by simple majority to prohibit the removed public official from ever holding any future office. Impeachment is very rare. Only twice has a President been impeached – Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. In 1843, the House rejected a resolution to impeach the highly unpopular John Tyler. Andrew Johnson avoided removal by a single vote in the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned in 1973 in the face of almost certain impeachment by the House. Impeachment of other federal government officers is also extremely rare. Only one Cabinet Officer has ever been impeached and he resigned before his Senate trial. In 1804, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Samuel Chase, was impeached but acquitted by the Senate. In the nearly 230 years since the Constitution was ratified, 14 federal Judges have been impeached and only 7 of those convicted and removed from office. Impeachment of the President is a political process. Congress does not have the authority to impose criminal penalties. The definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors” is not certain or defined in the Constitution. Gerald R. Ford famously defined an impeachable offense as “Whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”
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VIP Magazine | January 2018
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Mentally Healthy in the New Year
story by Donna Tracy, Communications Coordinator, HopeHealth
The start of a new year can be a great time to focus on health, and many use this time to set resolutions for their physical fitness. From committing to a more nutritious diet, to planning to exercise more, to finally quitting smoking, at least four of the top ten resolutions for 2017 involve health. However, reports by U.S. News indicate that 80 percent of all new year’s resolutions are put aside by the second week of February. Want to beat those statistics? One of your best options is to start by taking a look at your mental health and how to keep it fit. “The new year is a wonderful time to make changes, but people should keep some guidelines in mind to ensure their success,” said Farrah Hughes, a clinical psychologist and the director of Behavioral Health Services at HopeHealth. “People need to be aware of the risks of setting new year’s resolutions. They can set themselves up for failure; they might invest in an expensive gym membership or piece of equipment, for example, and then not use it and just feel guilty about it. So reasonable, baby-step kind of goals are what people should shoot for.” Such goals should be realistic and measurable, and people should recognize that setbacks are inevitable, Hughes said. “You should expect to goof up. But that doesn’t mean that you should totally throw in the towel.” One key factor to note, according to Hughes, is to be aware of the risks of social media. “I think of Facebook as ‘Façadebook;’ it’s what other people want you to see and shapes the standards by which we compare ourselves. So comparing yourself to false expectations can impact your mental health negatively,” she cautioned.
Some people can set a schedule to achieve their goal and are able to stick to it with military precision. And then there’s the rest of us who feel our lives are already overwhelming and ask ourselves, “how do I fit in an hour at the gym?” To mitigate that feeling and keep mental health in top form, Hughes advises to learn to be in the present and not fall into the traps of focusing on our past or future which can negatively impact our mental health. “Focusing on the past can lead to feelings of guilt and regret; focusing on the future can promote anxiety,” she noted. Instead, she suggests paying attention to all five senses through mindful breathing and walking, stretching and balancing with yoga, etc., as some of the best tools for both your mental and physical health. “Taking two minutes of your day to focus on mindful breathing can help you achieve those other resolutions,” she said. “If we can practice mindfulness, for instance, mindful eating, it will lead to other benefits like healthier eating and exercise.”
Farrah Hughes, a clinical psychologist and the director of Behavioral Health Services at HopeHealth, discusses ways to stay mentally fit with seniors at the HopeHealth Medical Plaza in Florence.
photo by Grayson Markle/HopeHealth
VIP Magazine | January 2018
Defined as “focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations,” Hughes sees mindfulness meditation as one of the best things that you can do for your mental health and has many additional benefits, including: • Decreased stress and psychological distress in adults
• Lower cardiovascular risk; increased weight loss for obese patients • Enhanced mental health and functioning • Increased emotion regulation and self-control • Decreased anxiety, depression, worry, and rumination
• Reduced problem drinking and associated symptoms
• Improved focus and attention leading to enhanced job performance and academic achievement • Improved social and relational skills • Reduction in aggression and problem behaviors in children • Improved overall health Ways to incorporate mindfulness in your new year include: • Sitting still and attending to your five senses • Stretching and balance postures (yoga) • Body-scan meditation • Mindful breathing • Mindful walking • Mindful eating • Mindful listening • Mindful emotions • Mindful prayer
For more information on mindfulness and tools to incorporate it into your new year, Hughes recommends a variety of online sites and resources including, au,,, and the Greater Good Science Center at
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
MAKE 2018 YOUR BEST YEAR! story by Robin Parker
It’s that time of year again… 2018 is right around the corner and fitness and weight loss always seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. You want to find a program you can stick with but which one? With so much information available it can be difficult to find one that works for you. Well, at the Fitness Forum we have the solution! It’s our Swamp Fox Training Biggest Loser Program.
Swamp Fox Training Biggest Loser January 2018 is a program where we guarantee results! This program combines exercise and nutrition education that is customized for you. All participants are divided into teams and each team is coached by a personal trainer. Your coach will provide each individual with a custom exercise and nutrition plan. As your coach monitors your progress over the course of this 12 week program, adjustments are made along the way to ensure maximum results. We want to provide you with the tools to be successful and create healthy, lifelong eating and exercise habits without the drudgery that can often come with diet and exercise. Let’s face it, if it’s not fun and you don’t see changes, you won’t stick to it. That’s where good coaches come in. Just think…If you knew someone was waiting on you to come to the gym, monitoring your attendance, weighing you in every other week and measuring your body composition you would probably show up. Our coaches want to work on your goals and find what works for you. They provide encouragement and positivity throughout the process. If you don’t show up, your coach will want to know why and keep you 22
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accountable. Our coaches know that their success is your success. We want the best for you! If you have concerns with a joint issue, your coach can help modify your workouts to prevent injuries. If you need help with nutrition, we will provide options and guidance to help set you up for success. Whatever the hurdle, we can help you get past it. So, if something been holding you back from starting your fitness program, try our Swamp Fox Training Biggest Loser program at the Fitness Forum. Our coaches will work with you and modify all workouts to fit your needs. If you have been wanting to get in shape but just haven’t taken that first step, now’s your chance. It doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is, we can help you reach your goals. Our next Biggest Loser program will begin in January 15, 2018. We kick off with an informational meeting on January 8th & 9th at 6pm at the Fitness Forum. We will have some great prizes in store for the overall winner and all team winners. Take a chance and make a commitment to yourself. It’s not too late to start on your path to getting and feeling better.
If you are ready for a new beginner to a happier, healthier you, please call the Fitness Forum at 843-661-3800 with questions about the Biggest Loser Program. Fitness Forum is located at 120 E. Elm St. Your Florence downtown gym.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Resolutions for the New Year
story by Christy Prose, M.D., West Florence Family Practice, Carolinas Medical Alliance
The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to start fresh and reach for new goals. This year, plan to make New Year’s resolutions as a family. Following through on new commitments can be challenging. Having your family hold you accountable for following through on pledges and goals can make the journey easier. Three… Two… One… Happy Family! Consider implementing these New Year’s resolutions with your family in 2018.
• Eat healthier. The nation’s obesity rates are at an all time high for adults and children. To overhaul your family’s diet, keep more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the house for snacks and meals.
• Play chef and sous chef. The kitchen provides numerous learning opportunities. Make a commitment to cook at home more often, and allow your children to assist you in preparing meals or snacks. Kids (and parents, too) can learn the values of proper nutrition, ways to cook with less fat, and how to appreciate and try new things.
• Schedule in family mealtime. Studies show that eating together as a family can improve nutritional intake and decrease the risk of obesity and substance abuse. If busy family schedules make it difficult, begin by planning a family mealtime at least one night a week. Utilize slow-cooker recipes for added convenience. Also make a no media devices at the table rule.
• Work in a workout. Exercise is essential to your family’s health at every age. Dedicate at least one or two nights per week to family fitness. Choose activities that fit with the season, such as biking, swimming, walking, snowball fights, bowling, kickball, hiking, etc. You can schedule workout nights to follow family mealtimes for added convenience.
• Make playtime a priority. At least once or twice a month, turn off all media devices in honor of family game night. Bust out the board games, play charades, shuffle a card deck or enjoy some backyard fun together. 24
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Dr. Christy Prose, is board certified in family medicine. She is associated with West Florence Family Practice, an affiliate of Carolinas Medical Alliance. Dr. Prose is accepting patients. To schedule an appointment online visit CarolinasMedicalAlliance. com or call (843) 679-4214.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
ENRICHING LIVES Through Local Adoption story by Jordan Pupa
Some studies show that owning a furry friend can increase a person’s well being. Pets are a responsibility commitment, but adopting from your local humane society can provide you with a lifetime of unconditional love. Spending quality time with a pet is known to improve your mood and health, and be a great stress-relieving source. You are never lonely, judged, or forsaken by a pet. Playing with and walking a dog is good for your body and soul. Cats are perfect for a busy lifestyle and are content to be by themselves for several hours a day, yet offer loving companionship when you get home. If you’re looking for a new companion this year, the Darlington County Humane Society has many options to fit any family.
The goals of the DCHS are to reduce the amount of animals that are born into the community, find forever homes for the animals within the shelter, and enlighten the community about the quality dogs and cats that end up homeless. The community currently struggles from uncontrolled breeding, and spay and neuter laws are essential to fix the issue. DCHS has received up to 40 unwanted animals just in one day. There is a misconception that dogs and cats end up at the shelter because there is something wrong with them, however, that is not the case. Some pets have been through hardships or abandoned, but they are the most grateful and loving to those who adopt them.
Most are just looking for a chance to be loved. The Darlington County Humane Society offers a great variety of furry friends that may be in a cage for longer than desired. Save a life and improve your own by adopting local. DCHS is currently raising funds to build an indoor facility with an enclosed dog run and a more spacious area for cats. Donations of time, money, or items are greatly appreciated. DCHS also has a ReTail Therapy store in downtown Hartsville that resells gently used donated items. The store makes it possible for the humane society to provide food, medical care, and other necessities. The store and shelter are always looking for volunteers.
For more information: (843) 398-4402 | 1701 Animal Control Blvd, Darlington 26
VIP Magazine | January 2018
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
With modern technology at our fingertips, Americans have an opportunity to not only discover how little sleep they are getting, but to also do something about it. story by Heather Page
The Importance of Sleep The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend that adults between the ages of 18 and 60 sleep at least seven hours each night. However, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more than a third of American adults are sleeping less than six hours per day. Many job related factors can play a role in preventing sleep, such as working night shift, working more than 40 hours a week, and working more than one job. Whatever the reason, Harvard medical researchers have linked sleep deprivation with an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. In addition, reports indicate that people between the ages of 30 and 44 are most likely to be sleep deprived compared to other age groups. With modern technology at our fingertips (or strapped around our wrist), Americans have an opportunity to not only discover how little sleep they are getting, but to also do something about it. Dean Bell, Owner and Operator
VIP Magazine | January 2018
of Carolina Sleep Diagnostics, adds “sleep deficiency can cause you to have trouble making decisions, solving problems, and controlling emotions and behavior. It has also been linked to depression, suicide and risk-taking behaviors.” Carolina Sleep Diagnostics has sleep labs where they monitor brain waves to record sleep stages. A patients heart rate, oxygen saturation, breathing patterns and leg movements are also monitored. All data is complied into a report and sent to sleep specialist for further analysis and recommendations. “The most common finding from sleep studies is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),” says Bell. “OSA is a condition where breathing stops and starts. Each event is called an apnea and can occur hundreds of times during the night.” Signs of OSA include morning headaches, snoring, and choking or gasping during sleep to name a few. Sleep is key to successfully functioning throughout the day. “People who are sleep deficient are less productive at work and school.” Bell continues, “They take longer to finish tasks, make more mistakes and have slower
reaction time. Lack of sleep can also affect your ability to drive as much or more than being drunk. It is estimated driver sleepiness may be a factor in as many as 100,000 car accidents each year resulting in 1,500 deaths.” Microsleep, brief moments of sleep that occur when you’re normally awake, is a result of sleep deprivation. Have you ever been driving and couldn’t remember part of your trip? If so, you may have experienced microsleep. Ultimately, the way you feel while you’re awake depends on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to promote healthy brain function and sustain physical health. With a third of us functioning on minimal sleep, imagine the possibilities of productivity if we were to assess the situation and resolve the problem. A visit to your family doctor and an overnight stay at a sleep lab could lead you to a more rewarding life. Thanks to
Carolina Sleep Diagnostics for their expert advice with this article.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center
It’s Anniversary Time story by Edward O’Dell, M.D., FACOG Medical Director and Co-Founder, Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center
Wow, it’s hard to believe, but 2018 marks 10 years of Genesis Cosmetic Laser Center. We are gonna celebrate all year long! First of all, thank you all for your support over the last decade as we have strived to bring the latest cosmetic techniques, products and ideas to the Florence and Myrtle Beach areas. We really love our patients and love helping them look better and feel better. So to celebrate on Celebration Boulevard we are running extra specials and highlighting each month a different area of service at Genesis. Over the year please look at the magazine, our Facebook posts and our website for the highlighted service that month, and also the extra-special specials that we will run. For January we will be highlighting our Laser Hair Removal Program. Laser hair removal is a way to semipermanently get rid of that unwanted hair that is so unsightly and troublesome. Whether it is that upper lip hair, that chin or chest hair, or even the underarm hair, it is a site for laser hair removal. Many of our patients enjoy the benefits of getting the bikini line done during the winter so that by spring you are bathing suit ready without the trouble of frequent shaving. Same is true for the underarm. Think of all the time you would save by not having to shave that area. Here’s how it works. The area you want done is numbed with a numbing cream for about an hour prior to the treatment. Once numb it is cleaned and our aesthetician then goes over the area with the laser. The hair shaft absorbs the laser energy and transmits that energy in the form of heat down the hair shaft and into the follicle or “root” of the hair, which is then destroyed. 30
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Because each hair pore may consist of several follicles it is necessary to repeat the process in about 6-8 weeks in order to destroy the next hair shaft and follicle that starts to grow. Depending on the area and the type of hair you have, this process is repeated about 4 to 6 times to assure all the follicles are destroyed. This now saves you from the plucking of unwanted hair or the repetitive shaving that takes up so much time. While we cannot say this is completely permanent there is marked reduction or elimination of the unwanted hair in the area treated. Please be watching in the coming months for more in-depth descriptions of the many services we offer at Genesis. We are going to be highlighting both our aesthetic skin services as well as our surgical services in the area of LipoSculpting and Cosmetic Gynecology. In the meantime have a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR.
Edward O’Dell, M.D., FACOG
For more information, please visit or by calling 843.669.2220.
VIP Magazine | January 2018
2213D W. Palmetto St., Florence
chiro • yoga • barre a wellness destination
Dr. Jennifer Evans, Belinthia Elder and Grace Timms share a vision for a destination of wellness. By using all of their specialized knowledge, they have created a location where people can experience chiropractic care, yoga, and barre all under one roof. Shine and Shout is located 2213 West Palmetto Street in Florence. The plethora of services in one place makes for an overall better customer experience. Belinthia states, “The ultimate cherry on top is to leave any barre or yoga class and head straight into a hot stone massage or get a chiropractic adjustment. I think that our services compliment each other and offer so much value to our community. It’s not just about going for the workout and it’s not just about finding peace. It’s the ultimate whole package; renewal for body, mind, and spirit.” Dr. Evans describes the facility as a “one stop shop” for each person that comes in for whatever reason. “We can typically address any need with the population that we serve. Grace and Belinthia both are “God-sent.” To be surrounded by such ambitious, fervent, and passionate women is truly uplifting. We are all alike in so many ways: optimistic, patient/client-centered, and definitely upbeat. The energy throughout our atmosphere is reviving and that’s therapy to all of us and those that we serve.” The individual talents and passions each woman has, allows for the creation of a unique destination for the Florence community. Grace Timms states, “We are able to offer what is best for the people who come to us with the expectation that we will guide them to better health and wholeness.” The building is rented from Heather Bell, a female entrepreneur who has a passion for helping children and adults live healthier and fuller lives. Not only is she the founder of Shine and Shout, but she is also the co-owner of The Children’s Rehab Center in Florence and Hartsville, which is a non-profit organization that provides therapy to children with special needs. Belinthia Elder, Grace Timms, and Dr. Jennifer Evans all built a connection with Heather through individual experiences and their vision took off. From there, work has been done inside, and Shine and Shout Wellness Center continued to evolve into more of an oasis of peace as new updates and collaborative visions came together. Dr. Evans states, “Heather is such an amazing and supportive person to work with. She clearly has a passion for helping people and she supports each of our individual needs, visions, and aspirations to carry out that goal!” January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Dr. Jennifer Evans grew up in the small, country town of Lynchburg, SC. She graduated from Timmonsville High School and obtained her BS in Biology with a Minor in Chemistry and Psychology from Francis Marion University. She obtained her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic. Dr. Evans is the youngest daughter of Curtis and Marilyn Henry and has five siblings. Her pride and joy is her six year old daughter, Kaydence Elizabeth. While Dr. Evans’ specialty is chiropractic and wellness care, she offers a “whole person approach” as her method of treating patients. This approach to wellness means looking for the underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption to the nervous system and making an appropriate treatment protocol, which may include chiropractic care, Chinese medicine practices, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and/or rehabilitative therapies. “What we offer to our patients is a holistic approach to healthcare for the entire family.” Dr. Evans is employed by Eastern Carolina Medicine, where she practices Chiropractic and Acupuncture Medicine. She has been with the office for four years. She was inspired to begin freelance work with other offices and institutions in order to help more people. “If the time and opportunity allows, I am always there no matter what the call is. Whether it’s chiropractic, speaking, mentoring, community outreach, or volunteering, I believe that reaching as many people as I can and sharing my passion will help fulfill my purpose.”
Dr. Jennifer Evans Doctor of Chiropractic
Alfred Mitchell, LMT
Natalie Robinson, LMT
To schedule an appointment: (843) 773-1444 30
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Dr. Evans has met and had the privilege of working with and among many great doctors in her field, all of which she respects and holds in high regard. “Although many of us share the same principles and ideals when it comes to chiropractic care, I believe that my persistence to excel and advance my training in every aspect of my practices (chiropractic, acupuncture and Chinese medicine, pregnancy and pediatric care, and sports and rehabilitation among several) is a distinct value. I believe in equipping myself to offer the very best service and care to my patients and their families, but I also practice and reserve the right to refer to other providers if it’s in the patient’s best interest.” Dr. Evans has had the privilege of traveling to and training at several colleges throughout the US including Johns Hopkins University, and internationally this past summer in Singapore among some of the pioneers in their respective fields. Her motto is always “patients first” and she is never opposed to co-management with other providers, referrals, or uncommon treatment protocols. “I’m very meticulous and I remain involved in patient’s care until I’ve ironed out the root of the problems, even if it means strenuous research and collaboration, altering my work hours, afterhour commitments, or on holidays or the weekend. I put forth great effort to stay up-to-date on current research, treatment options, and advancement trainings.”
Belinthia Elder RYT 200, Founder of Soulshine Yoga of Florence, Registered & Licensed Dietitian
Belinthia is from Cheraw, attended Winthrop University, and graduated with a BS in Human Nutrition. She began working as a clinical, registered and licensed dietitian at Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, where she still works PRN. She is also a contract hospice dietitian for Hospice of Chesterfield County. While nutrition is her passion, Belinthia believes you must be balanced in body, mind, and spirit to truly live a nourished, fulfilled, and healthy life. Belinthia stepped into her first yoga studio in August 2012 and had no idea that her life would be forever changed and shaken to the core. Yoga was the missing piece. Belinthia believes yoga is the ultimate way to encourage a healthy lifestyle in not only the body but in the mind and spirit as well. “Yoga brought me closer to myself and made me form a new relationship with myself, one of which was grounded in self-love. Yoga also taught me that each breath is a new beginning, a renaissance so to speak. A chance to begin again. This was a practice I knew pretty soon after taking my first few yoga classes that I felt compelled to share with others as it changed my idea of happiness and made me realize that happiness and peace are not a final destination but a journey.” She completed her 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training (RYT) at Inlet Yoga in Murrell’s Inlet, SC in 2014 and is currently in her 500 hour RYT training with The Give Back Yoga Foundation & The Hard and The Soft Yoga Institute. In January she will be starting a 300 hour Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach training and will graduate as a certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach in December 2018. Belinthia started her yoga teacher training in 2013 and graduated in 2014 and has been teaching since then. She is also a co-teacher with Our Sacred Space School of Yoga in Hartsville.
“Ever since I graduated from my 200 hour RYT training I would always say that my dream was to open a yoga studio and it’s in my five-year game plan.” In August of 2017, Soulshine Yoga of Florence opened. “The practice of yoga introduced me to my light; that collective and divine spark that is anchored in heart held, authentic truth…I call this Soulshine now. The bright, collective spark I found at the top of my mat in my very first yoga class is the spark I hope to ignite in every single person that steps onto their mat at Soulshine Yoga of Florence. I want to share this peace on earth.” The studio features a cozy lobby with complimentary tea, a yoga boutique featuring organic teas, yoga mats, local skincare products, and more, and a handmade shiplap style feature wall made by S Squared Design Works. Additionally, Belinthia strives to provide mostly USA made, organic, or eco-conscious active wear clothing. The studio also features special events and yoga workshops. Through it all, Belinthia also takes on the role of being a loving wife and mother. She has a great support system at home. She is happily married to Dr. Robert Elder of Hartsville Medical Associates. “Truly he encouraged me to pursue my dream and open this studio. He has been my everything for a long time now but with the opening of Soulshine he has been my alarm clock, my coffee barista, my life coach, and honestly he has made sure I remember to eat and nourish my body while I’ve been adjusting to my new schedule!” Belinthia also has an 8 year old son, Crawford, and is blessed to have three bonus children too; two beautiful daughters, Ryann and Meritt, and one handsome son, Wilson. “My husband and I often say our family is the definition of controlled chaos! Never a dull moment with 4 children around!” January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Grace Timms Owner and Senior Instructor of LIFT, A Barre Studio
Grace Timms grew up in the small rural town of Summerfield, just outside of Greensboro, NC. In early elementary school she took ballet and played soccer. In high school she was an accomplished cross-country runner. Her calling to ministry and running talents lead her to Presbyterian College in 2000. While she only ran one year of collegiate Cross Country at PC due to a chronic ankle injury, she was able to return to dance at PC. She graduated in 2004 with a BA in Christian Education, enough class hours to merit a minor in dance (even though PC didn’t have one), and with the love of her life, Florence-native, Robbie Timms. As a freshman at PC she thought she would go straight to seminary after graduating, but life and love changed that plan. Grace forewent going straight to seminary to become the Youth Director for First Presbyterian Church of Sumter. She was married to Robbie in 2005 and in 2007 they relocated to Florence where Grace accepted the job as the Minister of Youth Discipleship for Central UMC located in downtown Florence. She served Central until 2014 and left to focus on her family, which now includes two little boys, Carson (7) and James Wade (4). Even while working full-time, fitness was a consistent focus in her life. “One of the best parts of moving to Florence was getting to join McLeod Health and Fitness Center, where I was an early morning regular. Not long after stepping away from ministry at Central, I was asked to join the group fitness staff at MHFC as a barre instructor.” Grace was given the opportunity to teach several other formats including a senior-focused, low-impact cardio class and Challenge step, but the barre format was her passion. The barre format was developed in 1959 and is a fusion of ballet, Pilates, and yoga that delivers long lean muscles, as well as increased flexibility and better balance. She was able to develop her own moves and exercises, staying true to the small isometric movements that are quintessential to the barre format. Grace began to fold together her ballet and modern dance technique with the strength training knowledge she had gained over the years of training for cross country. “My job at MCHF was really more of a hobby…but a hobby that quickly became a passion! I love teaching. I love pushing my participants to their physical edge. I love getting to be a part of their lives in really meaningful ways. I was extremely blessed to work with some incredible women at MCHF who are veteran instructors and who helped me hone my teaching skills. Teaching a great class is not just about the exercises you plan, but the delivery of the instruction, the “mood” you set in the studio, and 36
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building trust and buy in from your students so that you can guide them through a challenging, but safe workout.” In the fall of 2016, Grace was approached by a friend to teach an in-home barre class to her and her daughter, who was a new mom. While Grace was hesitant, she agreed. She kept the sessions quiet, but word got around to a few other moms who liked the idea of a small group workout and being able to bring their baby to the class. Grace resigned from MHCF in early 2017 and decided to start a small inhome barre business. A friend told her about space available in Shine & Shout and arranged for her to meet Heather Bell. “Heather was passionate for Shine & Shout to be a real destination of wellness in the Florence Community. After some long discussions with Robbie and prayerful discernment, we decided to take the big leap of faith and expand my business beyond our home and open Florence’s first independent barre studio.” Grace taught her first class in the studio in late August of 2017. What makes Grace’s teaching techniques unique is that she explains what muscle(s) are being used and how it should feel in addition to cueing and demonstrating an exercise. “I use some pretty ‘creative’ analogies or images to help my clients make the total mind body connection to work the deepest muscles to exhaustion. I always seek to be totally present with my clients and to bring all of my energy and enthusiasm to each class. I try to create an attitude in the studio that is welcoming and at the same time ‘get ready because I’m going to kick your butt…and it’s going to be higher and tighter by the end of class!’” The walls in the studio are filled with colorful, modern art to breathe energy into the space. “Most of the art that my clients stare at while pulsing and tucking at the barre is for sale! My goal is to feature a different local artist and some of his or her latest work on my studio walls every quarter.” “Every now and then the universe will give you a big ole jackpot prize that you did not plan for or anticipate or really even deserve. I wasn’t looking for my barre studio to be nestled in with a authentically beautiful yoga studio or with a Chiropractic office that offers a marinade of wellness services, but I am so glad I landed here.”
Join us for Six Weeks of reNEWal at Shine & Shout Wellness Center A six week, empowering journey of whole body well-being where you will find the courage and community support to SWEAT, FLOW & GROW in mind, body, and soul at the businesses of Shine & Shout Wellness Center.
Sweat, Flow & Grow • Tailored game plan to complete at least 4 intense SWEAT (yoga or barre) classes and 1 intentional rest & renew FLOW (yoga) class each week. • SWEAT, FLOW, & GROW 6 Weeks of Renewal Tank Top • 30 minute massage or chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Jennifer Evans, Chiropractor, or her staff • GROW your knowledge with entrance to 3 one hour workshops with topics such as nutrition, mindfulness, and detox practices. • 2 evening reNEWal socials that will connect you to the Shine & Shout Wellness team and fellow SWEAT, FLOW, & GROW participants • Access to VIP 6 Weeks of reNEWal Facebook Group that will include weekly tips and special content to encourage your SWEAT, FLOW, & GROW journey Register before January 16th for $120 at either Soulshine Yoga of Florence or LIFT a barre studio. Purchase or use current class passes or memberships to attend SWEAT & FLOW classes at Soulshine Yoga of Florence or LIFT a barre studio. *For any client who would like to expand into barre or yoga during the 6 Weeks of reNEWal, we are offering a $60 unlimited pass to either Soulshine Yoga of Florence or LIFT a barre studio.
Kick Off & Celebration January 16th at 6:30 PM
For more information:
Soulshine Yoga of Florence: (843)910-7558 LIFT a barre studio: (843)250-0087 Shine & Shout Wellness Center 2213D West Palmetto Street Florence
get these looks and more at:
2509 S Cashua Dr (843) 662-8135
model: Nikki Naraine
1228 Celebration Blvd (behind Bojangles) (843) 407-1177
model: Ashton Young
“You can have anything you want, if you dress for it.” 38
- Edith Head VIP Magazine | January 2018
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
VIP Magazine | January 2018
Giving tuesday On November 28th, better known as #GivingTuesday, local nonprofits gathered at the Florence Center to educate others on their missions.
1 Pee Dee Thrift - Stephen Fincher, Samuel Burgess and Quinten Norman 2 Lutheran Services Carolinas - Amy McColl, Jean Keefe and Ray Mohrmann 3 Mercy Medicine - Linda Spires and Arlene LaVigne 4 House of Hope - John Lindner 5 Darlington County, Habitat for Humanity - Audrey Tripp, Angel Brannon and Jack Wilson 6 Harvest Hope Food Bank - Donna Lollis 7 Caring and Sharing - Kurt Davis and Carl Harmon 8 Empowered to Heal - Emily Misseldine and Jennifer Robinson 9 Radio Free - Kevin Smith 10 Mingle of the Pee Dee - Nicole Echols, Les Echols and Chastity Barnes 11 The Trent Hill Center - Becky Hill 12 CareHouse - Mallory Reed, Sarah Hill and Meg Temple 13 Florence County Museum - Paula Efird, Jennifer Bailey and Andrew Stout 14 United Way - Rachel Baggett 15 Pee Dee Coalition - Haley Schaefer, Mackenzie Clementson and Martha Ray 16 Lighthouse Ministries - Ellen Knight, Chris Byberg and Mindy Steinkruger 17 FOREVR - Jade Perkins and Barry Frick 18 Darlington County First Steps Patricia Sullivan 19 FDTC Educational Foundation Celeste Kahn 20 Boys & Girls Clubs - Decar Brown 21 Pee Dee Land Trust - Rion McAllister 22 FAVOR - Frank McIntire, Dale Purslow, Gene Owens and Angela Self 23 CEF Heart of the Palmetto Charlotte Sillman and Ron Pruitt 24 Girl Scouts - Pat Bailey and Nanaefua Eshun 25 Eastern Carolina Community Foundation - Thomas Kennedy, Sarah Shelley and Lucy Dargan 26 All 4 Autism - Amy Pennington and Jessica Brown 27 Specially Abled Miracles - Brooke Kern and LeShon Jackson January 2018 | VIP Magazine
VIP Magazine | January 2018
2017 mingle and jingle The Hartsville Young Professionals (HYP) and Sonoco Young Professionals (SYP) held their 2nd annual Mingle and Jingle on December 8th at Black Creek Arts Council. The event was aimed at raising donations and awareness for the Hartsville Boys and Girls Club while also celebrating all of the successes that the club has had impacting youth in the area. Top Sponsors: Black Creek Bistro, Carolina Dental Partners, MarMac Construction, Sonoco Products Co. photos by Joey Brennan
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
PALMetto REALTY AFTER HOURS The Hartsville Chamber of Commerce Connections After Hours was held at Palmetto Realty on December 14th. Guests were encouraged to wear their best tacky Christmas sweaters!
VIP Magazine | January 2018
PARSON JAMES Parson James performed at Retrofit Sip-n-Seat in Hartsville on December 14th. A portion of the proceeds from the evening were donated to The Child and Family Resource Center. Parson James is a a Native South Carolinian singer and songwriter best known for his single “Stole the Show,� a collaboration with Norwegian producer Kygo.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
The time is 1948, the place is a small southern town in the USA. In this place and in this era an unlikely friendship begins to develop between a cantankerous elderly white woman and a proud, thoughtful black man who is employed as her driver. Over the years they find the common humanity in one another. The play is sweet and heartwarming, but not saccharine and its message is affirming rather than self-righteous. Join us as we celebrate this touchingly beautiful story. Tickets $20 Adult
18 Senior 62+
$14 Student/Child
46 VIP Magazine | January 2018
FLORENCE 1............................................................................................................................. Winter Ice Skating, Florence Civic Center 5............................................................................................................................ Free STEM Fridays, Girls University, 6:30pm 6............................................................................................................................ Legwarmers for Literacy Marathon, Fitness World Gyms, 8am Yoga Workshop with Todd Geiser, Fitness Forum, 10am K’s Modest Apparel Launch Event & Fashion Show, Hampton .. Inn I-95, 8pm 13........................................................................................................................... Machine Embroidery 101, House of Vacuum, 10:30am Cute & Curvy Fashion Expo, SIMT, 12pm 14.......................................................................................................................... One World, One Sky, Dooley Planetarium, 3pm Southeastern Wedding & Event Showcase, Civic Center, 2pm 17........................................................................................................................... SCAgribiz & Farm Expo Farmer Appreciation Breakfast, Civic Center, 8am SC Agribiz & Farm Expo Taste of SC, Civic Center, 6:15pm 18.......................................................................................................................... SC Agribiz Expo Commisioner’s Breakfast Fundraiser, 8am Empowerment Webinar with Toyinda Smith, MS,, 6pm-7:30pm 19.......................................................................................................................... Driving Miss Daisy, Florence Little Theatre, 7:30pm See additional dates and times on Featured Event (left) 20......................................................................................................................... Free to Be Me Workshop, All 4 Autism, 9am-3pm WWE Live, Civic Center, 7:30pm 23.......................................................................................................................... Arthritis Pain & Joint Replacement Seminar, Floyd Center, 11:30am 26......................................................................................................................... Consumed, Apple Annie’s, 9pm 27.......................................................................................................................... Car Show, Drive In, 9am-4pm Mike Kent Gun & Knife Show, Civic Center, 9am-5pm Miracle League of Flo Co Oyster Roast, Southern Hops, 6pm 28.......................................................................................................................... Paint & Progress, City Grill, 3pm 30......................................................................................................................... Leadership & Economic Empowerment Summit, Library, 5:30pm WEEKLY EVENTS Wednesdays..................................................................................................... Wine Down Wednesday | Dolce Vita 4p Thursdays.......................................................................................................... Ovis Hill Farmer’s Market | Naturally Outdoors 3p-7p Trivia Night | Southern Hops 7p Live Music | The Dispensary Fridays................................................................................................................ Live Music, The Dispensary Saturdays........................................................................................................... City Center Farmer’s Market | Downtown 9a-1p Live Music, The Dispensary
JANUARY 2018 HARTSVILLE 6................................................................................................................. Miss Magical Majesty, Center Theatre, 10:30am 10............................................................................................................... VR Snap Shot Lunch & Learn, VR Office, 1pm 11................................................................................................................ SC Governor’s School Workshop for Educators, 8:30am 12............................................................................................................... Tyler Hammond & Justin Anderson, Mac’s Lounge, 9p 15............................................................................................................... SC Governor’s School Preview Day, 8am-10am 18............................................................................................................... Art of Mixology, Black Creek Arts, 7pm 19............................................................................................................... SCWA Conservation Dinner, T.B. Sports Center, 6:30pm 25.............................................................................................................. Rotary BBQ & Bake Sale, YMCA, 11pm-2pm & 4pm-6pm Dancing With the Stars of DarCo, Center Theatre, 7:30pm 26.............................................................................................................. Cobra Club Dinner, Coker DeLoach Center, 6:30pm 31............................................................................................................... 2018 Economic Development Update Luncheon WEEKLY EVENTS Thursdays............................................................................................... Centennial Farmers Market | 5th & Carolina 3p-6p
DARLINGTON 31............................................................................................................... DDRA Member Meeting, Takis Diner, 8am
LAKE CITY 13............................................................................................................... Model Train & Collectible Toy Show, Ragsdale Old Building, 9am-3pm Pine Cone Zinnias, Moore Farms Botanical Garden, 9:30am-12pm
MARION/MULLINS 13................................................................................................................ Marion Driver’s Education Class, Arrive Alive Driving Academy-Mullins, 8:30am-4:30pm 16................................................................................................................ Relay for Life of Marion County Kickoff Party, Carolinas Hospital System, Marion, 6pm-8pm 23................................................................................................................ Marion Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Woodhaven, 5:30pm January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Tucker Naturals Initiates Plans to Build Industrial Hemp Processing and Extraction Facility in Lake City Boston based Tucker Naturals, LLC. announced that it has initiated a letter of intent to acquire land in the Godley Morris Commerce Center according to its investment partner Caropar Investments. Tucker Naturals plans to build and manage an industrial hemp processing and extraction facility that will support South Carolina farmers. After an overwhelming response by South Carolina farmers, the initial permit holders have been identified and are working with the SC Department of Agriculture to finalize the permitting process. The Tucker Natural facility, which will be located at 800 West Main Street in Lake City, will provide consulting services to farmers, as well as processing, extraction, manufacturing and other go-to-market aspects of the initiative.
Alisha Dorsey Awarded SC Training Officer of the Year Alisha began her career with Florence County Central Dispatch in March 2009 as a Telecommunicator; she learned quickly and moved through the ranks from TCO, Communications Training Officer to becoming an Assistant Shift Supervisor. While in the Assistant Shift supervisor’s position, it became evident that her positive attitude, motivation, dedication and desire for teaching and mentoring others would be a tremendous asset to the staff that will be coming up through her tutelage. In April of this year, Alisha was promoted to Training Coordinator.
David “Zac” Jones Named SC APCO/NENA 911 Telecommunicator of the Year Zac began his career with Florence County Central Dispatch in March of 2012 during that time he has made tremendous strides in his knowledge, skills, and abilities to handle the demanding position of a Public Safety Dispatcher. He learned very quickly and has become a great asset to Florence County. Zac is not only a great asset to Florence County 911; he is true guardian of the community.
Duke Energy Foundation Supports American Red Cross of Eastern SC The American Red Cross of Eastern SC has been awarded $15,000 by the Duke Energy Foundation to support its efforts of volunteer recruiting, training and recognition in the local area. The gift will enable the Red Cross to enhance its volunteer base in critical areas throughout the state to ensure that well-trained volunteers are always ready to respond at a moment’s notice. Nearly 90-percent of the Red Cross’ workforce is volunteer based. Since the end of August, volunteers have responded to three back-to-back hurricanes, a mass shooting in Las Vegas and the worst wildfires in California in nearly a decade. In eight weeks, the Red Cross and its partners sheltered more people than in the last five years combined. A volunteer from the Eastern SC chapter was deployed this week help to those impacted by the latest wildfire outbreak in California.
Ribbon Cutting for New Florence County Emergency Operations Center Florence County officials cut the ribbon Wednesday morning for the county’s new $4.9 million emergency operations center. The new facility will consolidate Florence County Emergency Management Division and Florence County Communications under one roof in a building designed to offer security, redundancy and an environment designed to facilitate job performance. The building is on the campus of the Florence County Law Enforcement Complex.
Megan Driggers Awarded Palmetto Award Megan began her career with Florence County Central Dispatch in 1999, since that time she has worked diligently to learn all she can. She exhibits a desire for her job that continues to strengthen each year. Megan is one of our top call takers. Megan answered a total of 7,251 calls. That’s 3,463 admin and 3,788 911 lines since January 2017. Megan is one of our Communications Training Officers and is very active in helping train the new hires. She is always willing to reach out to help anyone that may be having difficulties. She is very dependable and punctual to work. Her commitment to the department is exceptional.
Carolina Hospital Systems Welcomes Dr. Robert Richey, Dr. Jennifer Patchett, Dr. John Perry and Dr. Rebecca Haskill-Strowd Robert Richey, MD
Waterpark Expansion to be Completed by Summer 2018 After breaking ground on Fri., Nov. 3, 2017, at Byerly Park, the City of Hartsville continues progress at the site of the waterpark expansion project. Residents and visitors to the area can now see the administration’s plans coming to life as water features are beginning to be mapped and park layouts created. With the expansion of the Piratesville Splash Pad, the City of Hartsville aims to broaden its reputation as a regional tourism destination. The new waterpark will host a capacity of 1,300 visitors, more than eight times the current Splash Pad. Guests will be able to enjoy more waterpark features, including a 1,000-foot lazy river, a zero entry pool, a wave pool, a speed body slide, a pair of tubular water slides and three mat racing slides. Cabana rentals, party huts, and food trucks will also assist in making the new waterpark a celebrated destination for residents and visitors from throughout the region.
CMA Internal Medicine 805 Pamplico Highway, Suite 310, Florence, SC Medical Mall B
Jennifer Patchett, M.D. Phillips & Coker OB/GYN 1590 Freedom Blvd., Suite A, Florence, SC The Women’s Center
John Perry, MD SC Cardiovascular Surgery 805 Pamplico Highway, Suite B-300, Florence, SC Medical Mall B
Hartsville Chamber Welcomes Board Members
Her services include Infertility Evaluation, Ultrasound Screening, Adolescent Care, Bone Density Evaluation, 4-D Ultrasound, Hormone Testing and Treatment, Weight Management and Family Planning. Dr. John Perry specializes in thoracic and cardiac surgery and provides a variety of cardiothoracic surgical procedures and treatments for patients in the Florence area and surrounding communities.
The Florence Chamber, Florence County 4H Clemson Extension and Francis Marion University work in partnership to put on the Jr. Leadership Florence program. The program was recently awarded a $5,000 grant from AT&T.
In January, Kelly Benton and Sue Shugart will be joining the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. They will be filling the vacancies left by John Griggs and Tim Browne who have fulfilled their terms. We are grateful to John and Tim for their years of dedicated leadership and service to the Chamber’s board.
His services include diagnosis and treatment of illnesses such as Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Depression and Geriatric Care. Dr. Jennifer Patchett is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She joins the office of Phillips & Coker OB/GYN.
Jr. Leadership Florence Program Receives Grant from AT&T
Jr. Leadership Florence is modeled after the Florence Chamber’s Leadership program, and is designed for public and private Florence County high school sophomores and juniors. The program enables students to develop leadership skills, exposes them to various career opportunities and increases their awareness of the community. Jr. Leadership consists of an opening retreat, followed by eight monthly sessions, and seeks to provide an investment in the community’s future leaders.
Dr. Robert Richey is board certified in Internal Medicine. His experience in internal medicine brings knowledge of how to treat illnesses affecting adults.
Rebecca HaskillStrowd, M.D. Pee Dee Family Physicians 1594 Freedom Blvd., Suite 202, Florence, SC Medical Mall C
Dr. Perry is certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. He is associated with South Carolina Cardiovascular Surgery, an affiliate of Carolinas Medical Alliance and is a member of the medical staff of Carolinas Hospital System. Dr. Rebecca Haskill-Strowd offers complete care for patients of varying ages. She will manage the health of your family and provide preventive and diagnostic care for both acute and chronic illnesses, to help all members of your family achieve and maintain good health. Dr. Haskill-Strowd received her medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston, SC, and is a graduate of Spartanburg Family Practice Residency Program. Dr. Haskill-Strowd is board certified in Family Practice with more than 18 years experience.
Tomorrow's Leadership
story by Debbie Hyler, Executive Director, The School Foundation
I have a passion for public education and recognize the importance of providing the best possible educational opportunities for our students. I also know it is critical that we invest in their education; as well-educated citizens are a key component of economic development and are essential to creating thriving communities. My personal experience with the Greater Florence Chamber began in 2004 when I participated in The Leadership Florence Program. I thoroughly enjoyed the program and the exposure to many of our local businesses, manufacturers, healthcare providers and non-profits. I learned a lot of new information for a native Florentine. This novel knowledge is exactly what many Leadership participants find each year. Jump forward a few years. I met Mike Miller after he accepted the position of president at the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce in 2014. I asked him publicly if the Chamber would have an interest in working alongside The School Foundation and Florence School District One (FSD1). He assured me the Chamber would love to be more involved in the focus on improving education experiences. Subsequently, we have had the pleasure of working together in a true partnership with the Chamber and FSD1 on the Fellows in Education program. The Fellows program is designed to improve education awareness among local leaders in the atmosphere and experience that our students share each day. It seeks to create a community of leaders that can share firsthand knowledge and help collaborate with policymakers and the community on the educational concerns of the future. The program also provides local leaders a unique, behind-the-scenes look at several schools within
the FSD1 system. Over the course of approximately eight months, leaders see firsthand some of the daily struggles and constraints educators face in the classroom. They also hear about seismic shifts in student needs and the additional state and federal requirements now placed on our schools, teachers and administrators. Within the Fellows program there are opportunities for interested participants to take part in a “Principal for a Day” exercise. This allows a participant to spend a portion of a day with a school principal, while conducting the daily duties of running the school. We are now in our third year and it has proven to be a valuable way to educate community leaders on the challenges and successes our educators are experiencing in FSD1 system. With the great success of this partnership and the Fellow Program, I must say, it has been a pleasure to work with Mike, and the Chamber staff, on this endeavor. And, we know our efforts will continue to have an impact as we expand collaborative efforts and future initiatives. If you’d like more information on what the Fellows Program is about, you can contact me at 843-662-9996 or call the Chamber directly at 843-665-0515
Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce, 100 W Evans St, Florence | 843.665.0515 | 50
VIP Magazine | January 2018
2018 Pee Dee Heart Ball Dinner, Dancing and Saving Lives story by Ashley Elvington This year, the American Heart Association welcomes Kyle Baxter as Chairman of the 2018 Pee Dee Heart Ball, an annual black tie event to be held on March 17th at the SiMT campus. Kyle is the Chief Operating Officer of Carolinas Hospital System, in addition to being a husband and father of two sons. Kyle received his bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Florida and he is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Prior to moving to Florence, Kyle was the Vice President of Operations and Ethics/ Compliance Officer at North Florida Regional Medical Kyle Baxter Center in Gainesville, Florida. Before that, he served as Director of Business Development and Physician Recruitment at the same center. He also served on the Board of Directors for the Alachua County Organization for Rural Needs and the Alachua County Commissioners Healthcare Advisory Board. In addition to the Heart Ball, Kyle has a busy year ahead of him as he will also serve on the Board of Directors for the Florence YMCA. Recently, Kyle devoted his time to the Florence County Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors. As Chairman of the Heart Ball, however, Kyle will dedicate his time to helping members of the community raise money to fight the battle against cardiovascular disease while helping efforts that expand research and ignite the flame of proactive care that burns for a lifetime. The Heart Ball will host over 500 guests from local medical businesses and social communities. During the evening, attendees will enjoy dinner, dancing, and a live and a silent auction…all the while honoring locals who have been impacted by heart disease and stroke. Carolinas Hospital System is a Signature Sponsor for this year’s event. Heart Ball Director Crystal Kirkland is excited about the upcoming event. “We have an
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extraordinary team working to make the 2018 Heart Ball another successful event. Representatives from WBTW will again emcee the event.” Crystal knows Florence well enough to know the turnout is going to be exceptional. “Over the last five years, our revenue has doubled during the Heart Ball. The companies and individuals we have partnered with in Florence have made a tremendous impact on the American Heart Association. They have helped us spread the word about the organization and let the public know more about heart disease. It’s especially important to me that people understand that heart disease doesn’t just affect older people. In fact, it is the leading birth defect. With the advances in technology, we are seeing lives changed. Technology is allowing us to save the sweet smiling faces of our children.” Saving lives one donation at a time…truly an evening worth celebrating.
Meet the Collins family. Bennett, pictured center with her parents Danna and Chris and two sisters Chandler and Jameson, is a nine year old congenital heart defect survivor. Bennett’s condition is cor triatriatum and she was diagnosed at the age of five. Bennett and her family will tell their story of overcoming adversity at the 2018 Heart Ball.
To learn more about the American Heart Association or how you can become involved, call 1-800-AHA-USA1 or visit The AHA can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. For more information on the Heart Ball or how to sponsor the event, visit www.peedeeheartball.heart. org or contact Crystal Kirkland by calling 843-601-1420 or emailing
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Shae Thurston Once Shae Thurston discovered her love for fitness, there was no turning back. Now she’s a certified trainer at Anytime Fitness and supporting others in their journey to living a healthier lifestyle. Shae immerses herself in healthy practices and lives for the gym. “Not only is it my job, but also my hobby,” she says. Follow along to learn more about Shae and to get some great advice on how to improve your daily fitness routine. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION. I am the Member Experience Manager at Anytime Fitness. I have worked with Anytime Fitness for a little over a year and am responsible for all member training, evaluation, and retention services, which includes conducting fitness consultations, and determining the right combination of personnel and tools for each member to ensure they get to a healthier place. WHAT IS YOUR BACKGROUND IN HEALTH AND WELLNESS? I began my journey when I became a member here at Anytime Fitness. I worked out on my own for a while then decided to give personal training a try. I began reaching my goals when I started training with Nicole. She was transferred back to the Sumter Anytime Fitness location, which opened the new training position in Florence. I decided to get certified through ACE Fitness and apply for the Member Experience Manager position to share my passion of health and fitness. HOW ARE YOUR DAYS SPENT AT ANYTIME FITNESS?
ANYTIME FITNESS 2515 S Cashua Dr, Florence 843.665.0699 | 54
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I try my best to assist as many members as possible, therefore I am available throughout the week, rotating between mornings and evenings. I often work with new members as well as seasoned members who need an extra push. I do not only interact with clientele; I ensure that I create a welcoming, motivational environment for everyone who walks through the doors. I am especially excited about being able to help more of our members with the new group training and nutritional programs soon to come.
CAN YOU SUGGEST FIVE DAILY EXERCISE ROUTINES TO HELP PROMOTE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE? Exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore, though more and more it misses the cut on what we as a society view as a priority in our daily lives. Everything seems to compete for our time, though you only need a minimum of 30 minutes a day to maintain a successful workout regimen. Obviously, I would love for everyone to become a member of Anytime Fitness, because their results would become that much more obtainable. Though at the very least, here are a few basic movements that anyone can incorporate into their day, either while at work or in the privacy of their own home:
• Jump Squats – 30 seconds • Push Ups – 30 reps • High Knees – 1:00 • Plank – 1:00 • Burpees – 15 reps • Wall Sit – 1:00 • Mountain Climbers – 1:00 • Step Ups – 15 reps ea./side • Chair Tricep Dips – 20 reps • Butt Kickers – 1:00
You can complete this circuit multiple times in one sitting, allowing a minute of rest between each set, or you can complete a few sets randomly throughout the day. Remember, it’s all about staying active and pushing yourself each time, but don’t forget about maintaining a healthy diet. Too often I see members give it their all at the gym, though they fail to see results because they’re still practicing unhealthy eating habits. As the saying goes, “Abs are made in the gym, though revealed in the kitchen.” Don’t let what you’re eating negate your progress! WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL EXERCISE ROUTINE? I workout 7 days a week for a few hours each time, as I get so focused into what I’m doing and just keep pushing myself. WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION? Improving a persons health and physique. To see people reach their goals and to see how happy they are with the results is just amazing. You can’t help but encourage others to want the same. January 2018 | VIP Magazine
To Itemize or Not; THAT IS THE QUESTION story by Elizabeth K. Campbell, EA
One of the big questions of tax season is always, “Should I be itemizing,” and right behind it is, “What can I itemize?” The “should I itemize” part is relatively easy. Do you have more in itemized deductions than your standard deduction? I usually interject here that in most cases, one needs mortgage interest from a home to entertain the idea of itemizing. I also quote that client’s standard deduction. For our purposes, let’s use the standard deduction for a married filing jointly couple for this year, which is $12,700. If the client has a mortgage that is not in the end stage, where more principle is being paid than interest, and they believe they have legitimate deductions that will take them past that mark, then they should look into itemizing. The second question - “What can I itemize?” - is a bit stickier. I gave you the answer to a big one already; your mortgage interest. Additionally, you may deduct mortgage insurance (not home insurance) and the related residential taxes. Rental properties you have do not go here but a vacation home does. Other taxes you have for vehicles, boats, etc. may also go on the Schedule A, along with state and local taxes you withheld throughout the year. My favorite is the fact that you can itemize the fee you paid in the prior year to have your return done. Along those lines, you may also deduct investment fees paid to your investment advisor. If you enjoy gambling, you may deduct your gambling losses but only to the amount of your winnings. If you suffer a casualty or theft loss, you may itemize the part that was not reimbursed by insurance. If you have employment related expenses that your employer has not reimbursed you for, they may go on the Schedule A as well. I have previously discussed making sure your charitable organizations are truly nonprofit organizations. If you are in doubt, hop on Google to make sure. Donations to political organizations and individuals are definite no-nos. Non-monetary donations need to be carefully documented using the guidelines provided by the organization. It never fails that a client
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believes that their bag of designer clothes is worth well more than what is accepted. Donate from the heart, not for the deduction.
Medical is the stinker when itemizing because it has its own set of rules. Medical and dental expenses include any unreimbursed parts of actual insurance. Longterm care insurance comes into play here but not life insurance. You may count medical miles and get a percentage for them. Doctor, hospital, dentist and eye care bills are deducible as well. Any doctor ordered health aides, such as glasses, hearing aids, handicapped accessible additions to your home, therapy dogs, etc., may be included as well as prescription medication. In home patient care and rehabilitative facilities are deductible as well as the care portion of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Now here is the tricky part – all of the above possible deductions are controlled by your income. You may only deduct the part that is over 10% of your adjusted gross income (65 and older is 7.5%). I have clients that can take the medical deduction some years and in other years they cannot, depending on if they had any major medical issues and what their income is. The bottom line is that it never hurts to see where your medical situation may end up on the Schedule A. I encourage you to make sure you have receipts when itemizing. I have seen more and more informal audits concerning Schedule As in the last two years than ever. If you think the deduction is too good to be true, it probably is. A trusted tax professional will be able to guide you through the decision on whether to itemize or not, and keep you on track as far as what is deductible.
Elizabeth “Betsy” K. Campbell owns Campbell Accounting Solutions, LLC. Call (843) 662-9700 or email for your tax solutions.
January 2018 | VIP Magazine
Mandy Howle Office Manager, Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce
Tell us about your career with the Chamber: “I started working at the Chamber in 2001 as an intern from Florence Darlington Technical College. Three months into my internship, I was hired on as the receptionist and am now the Office Manager. I am responsible for accounts receivable, handling all event registrations, keeping our membership database current as well as handling two annual golf tournaments.” What do you love most about your job? “In my position, I get to meet new Chamber members and interact with local business people on multiple management levels. Through our Chamber events, I have met so many of those who make Florence great.” Tell us about your work family: “I have become great friends with my coworkers. Some of those relationships have lasted for over 16 years now, while others are only a few years in. I really do consider them my family and am thankful that I get to work with some amazing people here at the Chamber.”
For more information: 100 W Evans St, Florence
VIP Magazine | January 2018
(843) 665-0515
story by Rion McAllister
Learn to Drive on the Edge of Physics South Carolina offers a wide variety of blood pumping, gut churning activities to appease the appetites of even the most seasoned adrenaline seekers. From beach front sky diving to swimming with sharks, we have it all! While there is no shortage of ways to raise your blood pressure for the excitement hunter, you might find that few of these sports allow for the total opportunity to harness real power through acquired skill and control‌and even fewer offer the opportunity to do all this while operating under the most toe curling conditions! Well, buckle up and hold your breath because the BMW Performance Center in Greenville, SC is offering up some wildly unique high performance driving classes that are putting attendees through the paces and leaving these freshly minted racing addicts ready for more! The BMW Performance Center offers several different classes to appeal to a wide range of visitors. Whether you are looking for a two day skills class on a closed track or if you only have two hours to burn and just want to check out the scene and drive a few laps; BMW Performance Center has designed a course that will satisfy and inspire! With a slew of different models of BMW vehicles to choose, under the guidance of a team of seasoned instructors, you get the opportunity to light up a closed track all while learning valuable 60
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high performance driving skills that can be applied to everyday driving. Most experience packages are paired with valuable class time to give you an opportunity to absorb fundamentals of high performance driving in a way that will literally make your head spin! The center offers an amazing off-road track as well, and all of the many instructors have years of professional racing experience under their belts to ensure the most authentic experience possible. In addition to offering high performance classes, The BMW Performance Center also offers Adventure Tours that include taking a BMW Adventure bike onto the highway and into the mountains that surround Greenville allowing you to explore the capabilities of a BMW bike unencumbered. The Performance Center also offers a wide range of corporate team building/ group events for those adventurous enough to break away from your normal, run-of-the-mill outings. So whether you are planning an upcoming conference for 30 coworkers or you are looking to kill a half of day in the most entertaining way possible, be sure to check out the BMW Performance Center to schedule your next adrenaline pumping, heart stopping experience!
To see some amazing videos featuring the classes and tracks, check out