April 2019

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magazine Publisher Tammy Clark tmclark225@gmail.com Editor Heather Page heather@vipmagsc.com Office Manager Tiffany Skipper jtskipp35@gmail.com Advertising Executives Jordan Pupa jordan@vipmagsc.com Julie C. Tyler juliectyler@yahoo.com Creative Design Tuesday Taylor

Contributing Photographers Jonathan Boatwright David Gray Rebecca Giese Tracey Rowell Shelly White Sarvis Phil Sarvis Contributing Writers Mark W. Buyck, III Bill Curtis Rebecca Giese Bryan Holt Zach Hughes Kayla Jebaily Harmony Parker Doug Smith Donna Tracey

Serving Florence, Hartsville, Darlington, Marion, Mullins, Lake City and the surrounding areas 2011-B Second Loop Rd, Florence, SC 29501 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

For advertising rates, call 843-687-4236.


April is certainly our favorite time of the year. It’s even better when Easter falls during the sweet spring days of this month. The new life sprouting from all of the trees and plants is, to us, direct proof of Christ and a reminder that He is risen again. This issue we dance around subjects of spring and Easter, and celebrate the faces that help build our local businesses. We hope you enjoy! If you’d like your photography featured on Vip’s cover, send your entries to heather@vipmagsc.com!



April 2019


magazine 12


APRIL 2019 LIFESTYLE 12 Webster Rogers: Setting Boundaries 14 Cornerstone: A Story of Hope 16 Boys & Girls Club of the Pee Dee: Youth of the Year 18 Evening Under The Oaks 20 Gift Guide: Everything Spring 22 Micky Finn's: Preparing For The Masses 24 The Power of Podcasts 26 Birth of Brunch 28 Gift Guide: Sweet, Sweet Spring

BUSINESS 30 Bucket List: The Charleston Battery 32 April 2019 Calendar of Events 34 Around Town: Pee Dee Land Trust Oyster Roast 36 Wilcox, Buyck & Wiilliams, P.A.: The History of Judge John J. Parker

38 Toledo Carolina + Florence Chamber 40 Around Town: Carolina Bank Grand Opening 42 Hartsville Chamber: Benefitting he Citizens


HOME 44 Rebecca's Corner: Fun Ways To Dye Easter Eggs 46 Spring Break Staycations 48 Doug Smith: Easter Bonnets & Spinach Pie 50 April TV & Book Suggestions

HEALTH & BEAUTY 52 Around Town: Leprechaun Leap 15k Run & Relay 54 Hope Health: Seasonal Allegeries 56 Spring Make Up Trends

48 8


April 2019


58 Pee Dee Coalition: Committed to Our Community

April 2019



April 2019





story by Heather Page | photo by Jonathan Boatwright


driving down Second Loop Road in Florence is somewhere you travel often, it's easy to catch yourself gazing at the large brick building and Crepe Myrtle decorated landscape that makes up WebsterRogers. The expansive size and neat facade leave an impression in your memory. While we are aware that WebsterRogers (WR) deals in tax, and financial advisory servi es, what most don't know is the creative and community inspired personalities that are considered the bones of the second largest accounting firm in the tate. Over the next few months, Vip Magazine will visit WR to find out wh t keeps their company ahead of competitors and their employees building a career and climbing the ladder of success within the firm. In addition o their tax and financial advisory servi es, the firm also audits an provides consulting for their clients. This month we sat down with Amy Fisher Urquhart, President and Chief Executive Officer, local Florentine, mother of two, and wife of an equally driven spouse. As one could imagine, being the CEO of a historically 35-year-old male dominant company would certainly have its challenges. These challenges are something Amy has learned to thoughtfully process and execute superior solutions for in order to be named CEO in January of this year. For nearly 15 years, Amy has worked heavily in areas related to Personal Tax Compliance and Consulting. She has served numerous roles at WR. 12


April 2019

Being a CPA and CFP® helps as she specializes in high net worth clients. Her expertise in financial plannin and investments is critical as she also carries the role of Managing Member of WRFA (WebsterRogers Financial Advisors). Over the years she has served on the Executive Committee and most recently as Managing Partner - a resumé that directly represents how WR is committed to the growth of its employees. With the numerous responsibilities Amy holds at WR, her commitment to family is what keeps her balanced. "My children and family always come fir t," she says. "Work takes a lot of time, energy and commitment, but my priorities don't change. I decided long ago that it would be better for my children to see me work long hours and return from work happy, rather than work fewer hours and be unhappy for not accomplishing or achieving personal goals, or making a difference in our organization and client's lives." One of Amy's favorite quotes comes from Emily Dickinson, "That it will never come again is what makes life sweet." Amy incorporates this quote into balancing life's commitments. "When you know what is truly important, decisions about where and when to be somewhere are easier. Family milestones, support in times of turmoil, celebrating important achievements - those are moments that define elationships and you make them a priority," she says. Her parents, owners of Fisher Jewelers & Silversmiths of Florence, and husband Derick, despite his demanding career, are particularly beneficial in helping maintain thes priorities. This spring Amy's family celebrates an important milestone as Cate, her nine-year-old daughter, is named Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Champions Ambassador of McLeod Hospital. Despite setbacks at birth, Cate's spirit and strength have far outweighed her disadvantages of being born six weeks premature. "Cate has found her niche in life through riding her horse MerryLegs and spending any extra time with her family on the water," says Amy. Chasing her active two-year-old little boy Fisher also keeps Amy busy. While her husband Derick, also a Florence native, serves as a Physician Liaison at McLeod Health, Head Coach of Florence’s American Legion baseball team, and is the Assistant Coach for Trinity Byrnes, he is instrumental in keeping the household balance. He is in his 16th season with American Legion and counts multiple state

Cate with MerryLegs

Fisher with grandpa "Ray-Ray" Fisher

championships to his team’s credit. Not only is he an accomplished coach, Derick still holds uncontested records as a USC standout player. The pair have become conditioned in splitting their priorities between work and home life. Amy credits their partnership and support for each other for enabling them to be at their best. Fisher spends his mornings getting one on one time with his mom and weekends at the baseball field with his dad p eparing for the upcoming season. When asked how she does it all, Amy simply says, "It's all about blocking time and setting boundaries so my time aligns with my personal priorities and corporate expectations." Amy gives much credit to her extremely talented management team and leaders at WR that have set the resources in place to make meaningful impacts for their associates, clients, and community. "It's an exciting time for WebsterRogers," she says. "We have added new technology and embraced different roles as we continue to invest and grow in an increasingly competitive marketplace. We are focused on initiatives designed to develop our associates and new ways to continue to add value to our clients." So, if you are in need of a company who will share in the success of your future, whether through employment or as a client, consider visiting the solid structured, family and business friendly corporation, WebsterRogers. A company founded on the principles of quality, integrity, and dedication to their people and their clients. Serving our community since 1984, WebsterRogers knows the value of hard work and a long term vision. We are excited to see Amy take the reins and look forward to seeing the firm under her leadership

As you might imagine, WR is working at full capacity now in the heat of tax season. Given the new tax laws, they have been planning with many of their clients since late last year as there are a myriad of changes impacting individuals and businesses. Taxpayers are impacted in different ways. Fortunately, WR has the expertise and experience to navigate the most complex issues. April 2019






April 2019


S tory


There are few things more heartwarming than a kind greeting from an old friend. Sadly, true friends are hard to find these d ys. Our busy and mobile lifestyles often stand in the way of developing lasting friendships. As a result, we usually settle for becoming excellent acquaintances with the people around us. It’s not very satisfying, but it’s certainly more convenient. Then, there are our true friends. You know the ones I’m talking about—the ones who know you best and love you anyway; the ones who always seem to remember the special moments and events in your life; the ones who would move heaven and earth to help you if you got in a bind. These are the friends of a lifetime. Usually, these are the friends we’ve known the longest—perhaps since childhood. We made these friends in the simple days of our lives, before kids and jobs and technology forced people to the margins of our busy lifestyles. The interesting thing about these old friends is that time and circumstance cannot steal them away from us. They may live in different towns or states, and as a result, we may only be able to connect with them through social media. Yet the friendship remains just as strong, because we are bound together by something bigger than mere presence; we are bound together by a shared life. That’s why the moment we have a chance to be together, it’s as if we’ve never been apart. Our friendship simply resumes—without work, effort, or awkward moments. Those greetings are the most memorable and enjoyable. “Hello, friend,” we often hear as we gather one another into an embrace. Suddenly, the years fade away and life just feels right. It’s that perfect moment when the echoes of true life ring in the back of our minds—somehow we know that we were created to love like this. Such is the power of a simple greeting from an old friend. Greetings like this have the power to move our hearts and fill our spirits with hop . I suppose that is why I love the traditional Christian greeting of Easter. It goes like this:

“Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed!”

H ope story by Pastor Bill Curtis, Ph.D.

This Easter greeting has been used in the Christian church for centuries. Its simple affir tion is rooted in the great truth, the gospel—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The words themselves have their roots in scripture: “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon (Luke 24:34)!” Following Jesus’ death on the cross, his followers had scattered in sorrow and misery. But then came the fir t day of the week. Appearing fir t to Mary Magdalene and then to the disciples, Jesus revealed that God had raised him from the dead in order to reconcile us to God as our Savior. Suddenly, his followers were filled with j y and peace. Jesus had bridged the gap between God and man, and it would never exist again. Can you imagine the greeting that the disciples and followers of Jesus received from him on that fir t Easter Sunday? They, too, would have experienced the echoes of true life ringing in their minds and hearts. I sense that same feeling when I greet my Christian friends in this way on Easter. It reminds me that I am loved, I am forgiven, and I have peace because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. I also have hope. I have the confident assurance that one day, because of Jesus, I will enjoy God’s companionship, and that of my friends, forever. And there, removed from the stress and chaos of this broken world, our “Hellos” will never have a “Good-bye!”

“Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed!”

W W W.E X I T137.OR G

April 2019




2019 Pee Dee Youth of the Year, BRYANNA WILLIAMS story by Kayla Jebaily From a young age, Bryanna Williams had to learn to depend on herself. Originally from Texas, she was moved to foster care at the age of six. At age nine, she moved to Georgetown, South Carolina, where she bounced around to multiple foster homes for several years. During this time, Bryanna became withdrawn and reserved, often untrusting of those around her. She found it difficult o form relationships with people when she did not know how long she would be staying in a home or school. It was not until the age of fourteen, when she moved into her current foster home in Hemingway, that she opened up and become comfortable with those around her. Bryanna also began attending the Rick & Susan Goings Boys & Girls Club in Hemingway around this time. Her foster mom, Amy, is credited with introducing Bryanna to the Boys & Girls Club. While Bryanna had heard of the organization back in Texas, she was unaware that Hemingway had a club where teens like her were able to socialize in a positive place. The fir t few months in her new foster home and at the Boys & Girls Club were difficult or Bryanna. She was shy and did not know anyone in Hemingway. Even in the gym at the club she watched others play basketball instead of joining in because she was too nervous. But with the steady encouragement of Amy and staff t the club, Bryanna began to come out of her shell. She became more confident as she ealized she finally had a support group around her who had her back. She made friends and participated in activities around the club, particularly basketball, for which she discovered she has quite the talent and functions as a stress reliever. Now a senior in high school, Bryanna is a shining star in her 16


April 2019

Rick & Susan Goings BGC Unit Director, Latoria Lewis and 2019 Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Youth of the Year, Bryanna Williams

school. She plays basketball, volleyball, runs track, and is an artist. She is in the top 5% of her senior class in terms of academics, earning all A’s. She still frequently attends the Boys & Girls Club, where she participates in the Job Readiness Training program, Junior Staff, and other Boys & Girls Club activities and programs. Bryanna also works at KJ’s Market as a cashier. She has high aspirations for her college career, hoping to attend Claflin Uni ersity, Clemson University, University of South Carolina, Francis Marion University, or Coastal Carolina and earn her degree in computer science so she can pursue a career in computer engineering. Most recently, Bryanna won the 2019 Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee Youth of the Year competition after she was named the Hemingway Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Representative. She will go on to compete in the State Youth of the Year Competition in late April. Staff t the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pee Dee are honored to have such an accomplished and humble young woman as the organization’s youth representative. Her story is one that shows perseverance and courage. While she has many important decisions to make regarding her future as she nears high school graduation, one thing is certainly clear, Bryanna Williams is a force to be reckoned with, and no matter what she does, her determination and positive attitude will take her far in life.

BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF THE PEE DEE AREA 310 W Roughfork St • 843.662.1142 | bgcpda.org

April 2019




Evening Under the Oaks Benefitting the Darlington County Humane Society

The Darlington County Humane Society has cared for homeless pets in the area since 1997. Today, the shelter building is aging, and space is cramped due to the increasing number of abandoned animals brought in each year. In 2018 alone, over 3,000 animals were brought to the shelter, many with urgent medical needs. Clean, adequate shelter for the dogs and cats surrendered daily is becoming a luxury. DCHS has reached a point where a new and improved shelter is a necessity. There is a plan for a new indoor facility, which will help save more animals and increase the number of adoptions while keeping animals and visitors safe in Darlington County. Evening Under the Oaks will help bring the vision of a new shelter to life. Evening Under the Oaks is a spring event full of fin  food, spirits and a live auction held on the front lawn of Oak Manor Inn, a beautiful bed and breakfast full of local charm with century-old live oaks. The event is fully funded by sponsors with all proceeds going directly to DCHS. The fir t event, held in 2016, began with a group of volunteers, a vision, and two generous donors, Oak Manor Inn and North Industrial of Hartsville, whom have been great supporters throughout the years. While there have been numerous fundraisers in place for DCHS, none equal the size and scale of Evening Under the Oaks. Last year, the event raised $45,000! This year, all proceeds will benefit the capital campaign fund or an indoor shelter to replace the current outdoor non-climatecontrolled shelter. A dedicated steering committee and handful of volunteers bring the event to life each year. The weather is changing, the fl wers are blooming, and nothing is better this time of year than a formal lawn party! The evening of April 13th will begin with a Welcome Prosecco Pass and will end with a high-energy live auction. In between, you’ll be entertained with live 18


April 2019

music, delicious Southern cuisine (including delicious oysters & crab legs sponsored by North Industrial), fantastic cocktails, and plenty of opportunities to support Darlington County Humane Society. By attending Evening Under the Oaks, you can help make a difference. To purchase tickets online, visit www.eveningundertheoaks.com. Tickets can also be purchased locally in Hartsville at Burry Bookstore, Re-tail Therapy, and Oak Manor Inn.   For more information on the event, visit

eveningundertheoaks.com. To read more about the DCHS Capital Campaign, visit raisethewoofdchs.org/.

April 2019









fresh & 5

1 Pretty N Bliss 1267 Celebration Blvd, Florence 2 Seven Boutique 130 E Main St, Lake City

fl ttering 3 Main Street Merchantile 111 E Main St, Lake City 4 DeVane's 112 W Carolina Ave, Hartsville

5 Butler's Fine Men's Clothing 2533 W Palmetto St, Florence 6 De'Vane's 112 W Carolina Ave, Hartsville

CYNTHIA APPAREL & SHOES 1935 Hoffm yer Rd, Florence



April 2019


April 2019





story by Bryan Holt

for the Masses Helping a person pair an amazing dinner with the perfect bottle of wine is something anyone in the wine industry loves to do. There is a certain sense of pride and fulfillment of the ego th t comes with the territory. Planning for a couple of people or even a supper club is a pretty easy task if you know a little bit about wine. Planning for about 300 people is a different animal in its own right. It can be a very overwhelming task, dealing with twelve different chefs/cooks who want to showcase their talents, but are not necessarily worried about the wines can make it a little daunting. This is Micky Finn’s second year of being a sponsor for the Sip and Stroll that’s held downtown Florence in April. One of our responsibilities is helping the board come up with the wine pairings with each dish provided at each stop. Typically when pairing a wine with a food dish you can always go with the standard, red meat with red wine and white meat with white wine. The last few decades have seen wine experts deviating from this philosophy and beginning to pair white meats with red wine and red meats with white wines. Think of BBQ chicken with a Rioja (Spanish red wine) and ribeye steak with a Bandol or Tavel (both French rosés). Or you can always do what my parents have done since forever…Riesling goes with anything since that’s all they really drink. 22


April 2019

I’m always looking forward to the day when I get the fir t email with the menu for that night. I know it’s going to be a risk. Are they going to use something that is a standard menu item? Are they going to go with something new that no one has ever tried? Is it going to be something that I’ve had before? This year was actually not that difficult. A ew dishes had me stumped and a few others were questionable, but after a few phone calls and some Hail Mary’s, I think that I have it planned pretty well. I won’t break down every table that will be out there, but I would like to describe a few of them and discuss how I came up with the pairings. Hopefully, it’ll show you that not everything is simply red and red and white and white. The awesome staff t Bird’s Nest are making Hamburger sliders featured at the Hyatt Place. I wanted to showcase some new wines we will be carrying soon at Micky Finn’s, Gehricke Wines. They have an awesome Cabernet Sauvignon from the Knight’s Valley, an American Viticultural Area (AVA) located in Sonoma County, California, which will pair nicely with these sliders. Also, we will have their Russian River Valley Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. This will be the only station that has three wines, so you don’t want to miss this one. Over at O’Harra Mellette Interiors, we will have some pulled pork BBQ sliders prepared by Wholly Smokin’

Downtown. The two wines I love to pair with pulled pork BBQ are St Cosme Cote du Rhone red and Chateau Trinquevedel Rosé (I know right). Typically, Syrah and pork go great together. The Syrah doesn’t have too high of an alcohol content to make the spice stand out and you can never go wrong with a Rosé for a BBQ or, in general, any outside gathering. Rosé, like Champagne, is a versatile wine and can handle basically any food you throw at it.

550 Pamplico Hwy • Florence • 843.413.1183 194 S Cashua Dr • Florence • 843.317.9463

Bryan and Walter Bressia, one of the pioneers of wine in Argentina.

At Mainstream Boutique we will have Victor’s She Crab shooters served with fresh shrimp. This one wasn’t extremely difficult. I j t had to find a good white to hold up with the body of a She Crab soup. The white I chose is Willm Pinot Gris. This wine came down to two basic thoughts. First, this is an amazing wine that has so much balance to hold up to the heartiness the soup brings. Second, I didn’t have any Pinot Grigio for the whole event. So…it wins by default. The red is an amazing Italian red wine called Amicone Rosso Venento. This wine is made from the same grapes they use for Amarone, Corvina. The result is an easy drinking, full-bodied red that has lots of rich soft, smooth texture.


4 3

So, here are just three of the twelve tables that will be showcased Downtown Florence on April 12th, 2019. I hope that you enjoy the pairings and I hope to see you all out there.

1 WINES DISCUSSED 1 Amicone Rosso Veneto $17.99


2 St Cosme Cote du Rhone $12.99


3 Chateau Trinquevedel Rosé $19.99 4 Willm Pinot Gris $18.99


5 Gehricke Cabernet Sauvignon $36.99 6 Gehricke Russian River Valley

Pinot Noir $26.99 7 Gehricke Russian River Valley

Chardonnay $26.99

April 2019




The Power of Podcasts story byJordan Pupa

Have you ever noticed the purple app icon on your iPhone? Perhaps you’ve never accessed it or even noticed it. The Apple Podcasts app allows you to stream over 550,000 shows with over 18.5 million episodes. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, the Dictionary definition of a podca t is “a digital audio or video file or ecording, usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer.” Today most podcasts are audio-only, though some are video, and can be accessed through a range of devices, including mobile. Overall, podcasts provide us with entertainment and story-telling on a variety of topics, but also inspire and educate us. No matter what you’re into, you will likely find a sh w that suits you! There are a few reasons why podcasts are so widely popular today. The fir t reason has to do with making the most of the time we have. Today, people value time more than almost anything and podcasts can be used in the background during our everyday activities. Instead of sitting down and reading the latest news in sports, we can be at the gym, running on the treadmill while consuming the latest sports news. Audio content is great for listening while you mow the lawn, travel in the car, or go for a walk. It is easy to multi-task with podcasts, and they provide us with bite-size chunks of entertainment right at our fingertips Secondly, in a tech-savvy world, we spend so much time in front of screens that sometimes it becomes exhausting. Podcasts are a great alternative. Shiva 24


April 2019

Bhaskar states, “To me, one of the great things about podcasts is the lack of visuals — which requires us to imagine. I develop a comprehensive, moving picture of what is happening. No one is giving it to me.” Podcasts allow us to really dive in. Lastly, a variety of podcast topics and episode lengths are available for all listener preferences. Looking for a certain topic? You’ll find a podca t dedicated to it. Have limited time and only 20 minutes? You’ll likely find a podcast that you can listen to in that time frame. Prefer stories, news, nonfiction, scien e, or politics? You’ll find a podca t that fits. As a li tener, you can go from a student to a sports analyst to an attorney to a crime detective to a friend, and everything in between! A podcast can set you up for continued learning, enjoyment, and even a good laugh. They allow us to take in powerful stories and discussions in which we can connect while stimulating our imagination. It’s time to jump on the podcast bandwagon!

Top 5 Podcast Chart Listings (CHART UPDATED FREQUENTLY.)

1. Skimm This (News & Politics) In today’s world, context is clarity. "Skimm This" breaks down the most important stories of the day and explains why they matter. All in 10 minutes. Every Monday-Friday. 2. Over My Dead Body (Society & Culture) In “Tally,” the fir t season of OVER MY DEAD BODY, Dan and Wendi are two good-looking attorneys whose wedding is featured in the New York Times. But when this “perfect” couple falls apart, it leads to a bad breakup, a worse divorce, and a murder case involving a menagerie of high-priced lawyers and unexpected co-conspirators. 3. The Joe Rogan Experience (Comedy, Society & Culture) The podcast of Comedian Joe Rogan. 4. The Dropout - ABC News (News & Politics) Money. Romance. Tragedy. Deception. The story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos is an unbelievable tale of ambition and fame gone terribly wrong. How did the world's youngest self-made female billionaire lose it all in the blink of an eye? How did the woman once heralded as "the next Steve Jobs" find herself facing criminal charges -- to which she pleaded not guilty -- and up to 20 years in jail? 5. Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia-TNT/Cadence 13 (Society & Culture) When Elizabeth Short, also known as The Black Dahlia, was brutally killed in 1947, it gripped the entire country. More than 70 years later, it remains America's most infamous unsolved murder. Now, through never-before-heard archival audio and fir ttime interviews, the Hodel family opens up to reveal their shocking story.

April 2019






April 2019

April 2019




Sweet, Sweet


Spring 2

4 3

1-3 Tommi Mack 207 N 5th St, Hartsville | 4 Seven Boutique 130 E Main St, Lake City 5 Pretty N Bliss 1267 Celebration Blvd, Florence 5



April 2019

April 2019






April 2019

Bucket List

The Chaleston Battery story by Zach Hughes

Within our state, there is no shortage of incredible places to visit. There is however one place that I consider the top of the list and an absolute must, and that would be Charleston, South Carolina. When you visit a place like Charleston, it is hard not to fall in love with its elegant historic charm. Like many of you, growing up with Charleston in your backyard, it will always feel like an extension of home. A quick day trip or a weekend stay always does the trick. It doesn’t matter how many times you have been, or if you have even lived there, Charleston will always entice you back to its cobblestone streets. I remember as a child going on many day trips there with my family. Even though I was young, I can still remember how magical it felt. The moment my parents would tell us we were headed to Charleston, I would get as excited as a dog that heard the word walk. Charleston is brimmed with mesmerizing sights and must-sees, and each of its historic places could easily fill up a ew spots on our list of must-see places in South Carolina. Places such as Rainbow Row, or Fort Sumter will always be on the list. However, what I do want to highlight is what I would consider the most iconic, and memorable part of Charlestown - The Charleston Battery. Every time I step foot onto the East Battery and feel the breeze lift off of the Charle ton Harbor, I can almost feel time stand still. As you walk along the shale, you find ourself walking between immaculate historic homes, and the edge of a Sea Wall; all the while, the road is lined with beautifully manicured Palmetto trees. The antebellum homes that overlook the harbor are magnifi ent in their stature and regal in their elegance. One could only dream of owning a home of such grandeur. Something only reserved for the social elite. Nonetheless, being in the mere presence of these homes, you feel slightly aristocratic.

As you near the corner of The Battery, you will find a beautiful park filled with b eathtaking moss-draped oak trees and civil war monuments. Some consider this park a part of the battery, but it is formally known as White Point Garden. This park to me serves as the perfect kind of place to have a picnic, read a book, or hang around in your hammock. Not to mention, you can see even more of the breathtaking homes that line South Battery through the trees. Make sure to take a moment and stand still, and look out over the Charleston Harbor. On any given sunny day you may find d zens, or even hundreds of sailboats wrestling with the wind to make their way across the sometimes choppy water. Both Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie are visible from the battery as well. If you want to make the best out of your trip and are someone who loves history, it is well worth the time to take a ride in one of the cities horse-drawn carriage tours. The tour guide will be able to tell you more about the history of the city than I could ever begin to. You will learn intriguing facts about the historic buildings and homes that make Charleston so important. Charleston is the kind of place that goes with you whenever you leave, and it calls you back when the weather gets warm. So this spring, as the weather begins to warm up, make sure to take a day trip down and visit Charleston. You’re sure to find something n w to discover each time you visit the Holy City.

Zach Hughes resides in Florence with his wife Alexis and their newborn son Christopher. Zach is a local entrepreneur, and has spent most of his time working around the automotive industry. In his spare time, Zach enjoys discovering South Carolina and dabbling in journalism

April 2019




APRIL 2019






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FLORENCE Every Wednesday

4.1-7 Spring Carnival, Florence Center, 5pm

• Wine Down Wednesday, Dolce Vita, 4pm

4.3-4.4 Open Mic Nite, Soule Café

Every Thursday

4.4-4.5 Think & Drink Trivia, Southern Hops 4.4 Yoga Basics Thursday Series, Flow Town Yoga, 7:15pm

• Ovis Hill Farmer’s Market, Naturally Outdoor, 3-7pm

4.4-4.5 50+ Senior Life Expo, Florence Center

• Trivia Night, Southern Hops, 7pm Every Saturday

4.5-4.7 The Convergence Symposium, Florence Public Library

• City Center Farmer’s Market, Downtown 9am-1pm

4.5 Divine Connections, 19th Green Indoor Golf, 5:30pm 4.5 STEM Fridays, Girls University, 6:30pm 4.5 Girls Tech Club, Girls University, 6:30pm 4.5 McLeod Children’s Hospital Golf Classic After Play ParTee, Florence Country Club, 6pm


HARTSVILLE 4.1-4.15 GSSM Art in the Interim, Hartsville Museum, 10am

4.6 22k Ruck/Walk For 22, Veteran’s Park, 6am

4.2 Workforce Reentry Seminar: Fill in the Gaps, Chamber, 9am

4.6 Yogastrology Inspired Workshop, Soulshine Yoga, 2pm

4.4 Trivia Night, Retrofit Sip-n-Se t, 7:30pm

4.6 Eta Chi Chapter of ZTA 5K, FMU, 9am

4.4 Boys & Girls Club Spring Extravaganza, Hartsville BGC, 6pm

4.7 Easter Egg Drop, Boxwood Plantation, 1:30pm

4.5-4.7 MARUSA NC & SC State Finals, Center Theater

4.11 Penicillin Allergy & Skin Testing, McLeod Health, 12:30pm

4.5-4.6 Flight Fest, Hartsville Regional Airport

4.12 Sip+Savor Wine Stroll, 100 W. Evans Street, 6pm

4.6 Self-Defense Course, Hartsville Chamber, 8am

4.13 Full Life, Full Forward Feast, FMU PAC, 6:30pm

4.6 Saturday Brunch, Retrofit Sip-n-Se t, 10am

4.13 Swamp Fox Old Car Club Show, 2441 Hoffm yer Rd, 8am

4.6 DCMGA Plant Sale, 1520 W Carolina Ave., 9am-2pm

4.14 Kids Easter Celebration, College Park Baptist Church, 11am

4.7 Restorative Yoga, Our Sacred Space Yoga, 2pm

4.15 FMU Choir & Vocal Collective Show Choir, FMU PAC, 7:30pm

4.7 Dharma Talk with Howard Moore, Black Creek Arts, 4pm

4.16 FMU Chamber Jazz Ensemble, FMU PAC, 7:30pm

4.9 Blood Drive, Carolina Pines, 11am

4.18 FMU Music Industry Ensemble, FMU PAC, 7:30pm

4.9 Small Business Professionals Roundtable, Chamber, 8am

4.22-4.26 Spring Break Camp, Girls University 4.25 Taste of the Symphony, Roseneath Farms, 1104 Cherokee Rd, 7-10pm


4.10 Quarterly “Hump Day” Lunch & Learn, Hampton Inn, 12pm 4.11 Healthcare Forum, Butler Heritage Auditorium, 11:30am

4.25 Spring Plant & Flower Festival, Pee Dee Farmers Market, 8am

4.11 Living Well with Diabetes Support Group, Carolina Pines, 6pm

4.26 Mamma Mia!, Florence Little Theatre, 7:30pm

4.13 Evening Under the Oaks, Oak Manor Inn, 4-8pm

4.26 Girl Scouts Explore Robotics, Girls University, 6:30pm

4.13 Bunny Hop, Durant Children's Center, 2pm

4.26 The Saxxy Keyz Band Live, Local Motive, 7pm

4.13 CareSouth Carolina Spring Fling, 1268 S 4th St, 10am

4.26-4.28 Free Yoga Festival, Flow Town Yoga

4.13 Hartsville Farmers Market, Downtown Hartsville, 9am

4.27 10th Annual Florence Beer Fest, Palmetto Peddlers, 3pm

4.13 Community Easter Eggstravaganza, Coker College, 10am

4.27 Power Comicon, SiMT, 10am

4.18 Connections After Hours, Morningside of Hartsville, 5:30pm

4. 29 A Night at the Opera, Flo Symphony Orchestra, FMU PAC, 7:30pm 4.30 Open Mic Night, Dolce Vita, 7pm


4.19 Easter Pictures with Bunnies, Tommi Mack, 11am 4.19 Adam Barley Live, Retrofit Sip-n-Se t, 8pm 4.20 Easter Egg Hunt, Byerly Park, 1pm 4.23 Ostomy Support Group, Carolina Pines, 7pm 4.26-4.28 Rebirth into Love with Jane Ritz, Black Creek Ar



April 2019

LAKE CITY 4.5 Fiesta Friday, East Main Green, 6-9pm 4.6 Moore Farms Wine Stroll, Moore Farms, 3pm 4.11 Stop & Smell the Roses, Moore Farms, 10am-12pm 4.18 Basket Cases Welcome, Moore Farms, 10am-12pm 4.20 Eggstravaganza, Moore Farms, 10am-1pm 4.24 Professional Women’s Luncheon, The Stables 4.26-5.4 Artfield

DARLINGTON 4.3 Annual DDRA Golf Tournament, Darlington Country Club, 11:30am 4.6 Free Art & Drawing Class, House of Refuge for Battered Women & Children, 10am 4.20 Helicopter Community Easter Egg Drop, Evans Constructions of the Carolinas, 10am 4.20 Palmetto Amputee Awareness Walk/Family Fun Day, Bethea Retirement Community, 11am 4.27 Clean Up Darlington Day, Darlington Chamber, 9am

MARION/MULLINS 4.13 Mullins Family & Friends Festival, Smith-Haven Park, 11am 4.13 Mullins Easter Egg-Stravaganza, Green Space on Main St., 10am-1pm


4.20 Family Fun Run, Mullins Library, 10am 4.26-4.28 Carolina Metalfest, Swamp Fox Entertainment Complex

DILLON 4.27 15th Annual Dillon County Car Show, 1303 West Main Street, 10am-4pm


4.27 Celebrate Main Street, 10am-10pm

Easter Sunday

April 21, 2019

April 2019











Annual Oyster Roast

Pee Dee Land Trust’s



April 2019


Pee Dee Land Trust’s 13th Annual Oyster Roast was held at historic Beneventum Plantation in Georgetown along the scenic Black River. The majestic oak grove made the perfect setting for 400 of PDLT’s supporters to gather and enjoy live music, hot oysters and wonderful fellowship making it the largest event to date. PDLT would like to give a special thank you to Janet and Buddy Brand for hosting the oyster roast at such a beautiful and significant l cation, as well as the generous sponsors who helped make the event a huge success.










1 Megan Hinton, Patti Hinton, Robert Hinton and Carter Brand | 2 Jill Lewis and Roxanne Coffee | 3 Host, Buddy Brand & Steve Jones, PDLT Chairman | 4 The Family Band | 5 Jane Comfort and Robin Tallon | 6 Braelyn and Kinsey Brand | 7 Seth Cook, Lyles Cooper Lyles, Sara Brown and Charles Vernon | 8 Beneventum Plantation House circa 1750’s | 9 PDLT Board Member At McIntosh and Jennifer Altman | 10 The gathering was held under the magnificent hundreds of years old oak trees | 11 Virginia and Rhett Spencer | 12 Mary Grantham-Sanders and Karen Munn | 13 PDLT Staff: Seth Cook-Director of Land Conservation, Ashley Scott-Finance Coordinator, Rion McAllister-Outreach and Administration Coordinator, Lyles Cooper LylesExecutive Director, Shannon Copes-Director of Education and Outreach, Hughes Page-Land Conservation Associate | 14 Alexis Hatfield and ay Gregg | 15 PDLT Board Member Wendell Jones and William Jones | 16 Plenty of hot, local oysters were served throughout the afternoon | 17 Guests enjoyed scenic boat rides along the Black River – Leslie Ervin, Jenny Reynolds, Dallon Gardner, Richard Reynolds, Jeff Murrie, Jay Ervin April 2019




the history of

story by Mark W. Buyck, III

Judge John J. Parker In the twentieth century, there were four men nominated to the United States Supreme Court who were ultimately rejected by a vote of the United States Senate. I have previously written about Richard Nixon’s 1969 appointment of Clement Haynsworth, a respected justice from Greenville, and the Democratcontrolled Senate’s ultimate rejection of his nomination. Nixon then nominated Harrold Carswell, who was also rejected by the same Senate for the same seat. Ronald Regan nominated Robert Bork in 1987 and the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected Judge Bork’s nomination in what may have been the most contentious nomination in the history of the court. The fourth rejected nomination was also a Republican nominee. In 1930, President Herbert Hoover nominated Judge John J. Parker to the court. At the time of his nomination, Judge Parker was a justice on the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was a relatively young 44-years old and had been confirmed o the Fourth Circuit by the U.S. Senate in 1925. He was well respected at the time of his nomination. Judge Parker was a native of Monroe, North Carolina, where he was born in 1885. He worked his way through the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill where he earned an undergraduate and law degree in 1908. One of his contemporaries described his arrival at UNC “a poor boy who didn’t even have a trunk, but he graduated with a trunk full of medals.”

After graduating from law school, he returned to Monroe, established a private practice of law, and became involved in Republican politics. In 1910, at the age of 24, he was the Republican candidate for the United States House of Representatives. In 1916, he was the Republican nominee for N.C. Attorney General. In 1920, he was the Republican nominee for Governor of North Carolina. While South Carolina was solidly Democrat during this time period, North Carolina, particularly western North Carolina and the Charlotte and Winston-Salem areas, had a vital Republican party. Several North Carolina U.S. House Districts were competitive and occasionally elected Republicans. Although Judge Parker lost all three of these elections, he did get 230,000 (43%) of the votes in the gubernatorial race of 1920. In the governor’s race, North Carolina Democrats suggested that Parker and the Republicans were encouraging African-Americans to participate in the election. Parker thought it necessary to address these charges and declared, “The Republican Party of North Carolina does not desire … the Negro as a class to enter politics.” Although Parker was unsuccessful in these political campaigns, he did attract the notice of prominent Washington Republicans. President Calvin Coolidge nominated Parker to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in 1925 and he was approved by the Senate without controversy. Parker replaced Judge Charles A. Wood, a Pee Dee native who had recently died in Florence. Parker developed a strong reputation on

248 West Evans Street | Florence, SC | 843.662.3258 2050 Corporate Centre’ Drive, Suite 230 Myrtle Beach, SC | 843.650.6777

Business Law, Litigation, Real Estate, and Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys 36


April 2019

the Appellate Bench both for his opinions as well as his prodigious workload. As the confirm tion process unfolded, opposition began developing. Like Clement Haynsworth’s failed nomination 40 years later, most of the opposition came from organized labor. West Virginia is one of the states which make up the Fourth Circuit and Judge Parker had written several opinions regarding West Virginia coal mines which the labor unions objected to. The NAACP also opposed Parker’s nomination once the quote from the Governor’s race was discovered. Just prior to the Senate’s vote on the nomination, the NAACP sent letters to every Senator up for election that year threatening to actively oppose them if the Senator voted to confirm arker. Judge Parker’s nomination was defeated in a 41 to 39 vote.

Judge John J. Parker

Judge Parker continued to serve on the Fourth Circuit Bench until his death on March 17, 1958. He upheld New Deal legislation and struck down racially discriminatory zoning ordinances. He also served as a judge during the Allied Tribunal in Nuremberg following World War II. Those who have studied his opinions note that there was never any evidence of racism in his interpretation and application of the law. His defenders also note that while his early opinions may be considered “anti-union” they were in conformity with existing United States Supreme Court precedent.

April 2019





Have you ever thought about scales, an instrument or machine used for weighing? Not the scale you use for your morning weigh-in to ensure you haven't gained that extra unwanted pound. I'm referring to the sort of scales that measure almost every item we use in our daily routines. Like the scales that measure the smallest amount of ingredients to complete a heart medication for your loved one or even the scales that eighteen-wheelers drive across to make sure they aren't exceeding the weight capacity of the highway. If you're like me, these scales have always been in the background of your life, only you haven't stopped long enough to admire them and all they do for us on a day to day basis. However, the topic of scales is always on the tip-of-the-tongue or whirling around the minds of employees at Toledo Carolina, known by many locals as Toledo Scales.

Bret Greer, President



April 2019

To tell you a little about the company, in 1967, Jack Greer founded Toledo Carolina, a Premier Authorized Distributor of MettlerToledo Scales (mt. com), that now covers 25 counties in Northeastern S.C. and Southeastern N.C. Shortly after opening, Jack hired his brother Grady who became the visionary and was instrumental in successfully putting the company on the map. In 1992, Grady's

son Bret began working for the company and by 1998 Bret took over operations. At that time, Toledo Carolina had begun transforming from electro-mechanical to weight data integration to computers which basically means machines could now be run via computers versus a manual switch. Toledo Carolina is an intricate piece of the puzzle that contributes to the success of many local corporations including WestRock, Patheon, Otis Elevators, Fort Bragg, Goodyear Tire and Nucor Steel, just to name a few. The company furnishes these businesses with durable, high-quality scales from 1/10th milligram to 500 tons, with an emphasis on service. "Service is the heart of our business," says Bret. "When a customer calls, we show up within four hours and stay until the project is complete. We try to prove ourselves every day and it helps that the product line we provide ranks number one against its competitors." In addition to being available for service issues and selling scales, Toledo Carolina visits its clients on three- or sixth-month intervals to calibrate the scales to avoid incorrect readings that could cost a business a substantial loss. With medications, for instance, raw materials must be weighed very precisely and accurately. If they aren't, the pharmaceutical company could lose a batch that would cost a significant amount of time and money. A company that is this invested in its business relationships also believes in the power of building a better community. Bret serves and has served on many boards throughout the Pee Dee area. For their 52 years in business, Toledo Carolina has remained a member of the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce, where Bret and his father Grady have also served on the board.

125 Toledo Scale Rd, Florence 888.251-7503 toledocarolina.com

"The Florence Chamber is a great opportunity to network with other businesses and people to build relationships as well as promote the greater Florence area."


Toledo Carolina is celebrated this month as the Florence Chamber's business of the month. It's within the Chamber's efforts to make people aware of the businesses that build our community. In this instance, who could have imagined that scales would play such a significant ole for our local industries? Without the expertise and top of the line products provided by Toledo Carolina, many of these industries would have to outsource these services, costing more time and more money. So the next time you notice the "Net. Wt." on your shampoo bottle or ride amongst big rigs on Interstate 95 carrying trees, be aware that Toledo Carolina may have played a small role in making these actions happen!

100 W Evans St, Florence 843.665.0515 flochambe .com

April 2019




Carolina Bank Grand Opening Celebration



April 2019

On March 14th, Carolina Bank celebrated its Grand Opening of the Downtown Florence location, at 185 West Evans Street. The day began with a ribbon cutting officially o ening the new site of the headquarters and newest branch. A picnic lunch and tours of the building were given to discuss Carolina Bank’s historic presense in the Pee Dee.

April 2019




Benefittin The Citizens Of Our Community The Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce strives to connect businesses and the community with the resources they need to be successful. This year, our goal has been to provide more opportunities and events for a wider population of the community in the greater Hartsville area. While we continue to stand behind our member businesses and will continue to provide opportunities and connections for both employers and employees, we have shifted part of our focus in 2019 toward hosting events that can benefit the citi ens of our community in a capacity like never before. In February of 2019, the chamber hosted its fir t ever Active Shooter Training. Led by Lt. Mark Blair of the Hartsville Police Department. This event originally started as a free seminar for up to 25 people in the chamber’s Board Room. However, interest in this event skyrocketed in a matter of days, leading to a change in facilities to accommodate the sixtythree-person registration list. We are so excited to be doing more events like this in the future for the greater Hartsville community. It is our hope that by offering communitybased events, the chamber can not only extend its reach and impact in Hartsville but that it can also help “Hartsvillians” gain a better understanding of why the chamber exists and what it can offer. More upcoming events in the near future include:



April 2019

Hartsville Chamber Upcoming Events 2019 Self-Defense Course – Learn self-defense from First Sergeant Michael Weatherford of the Hartsville Police Department at the Self-Defense Course on Saturday, April 6 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the TB Thomas Gymnasium. This course is open to women only and has limited registration.

2019 Outlook Series: Healthcare Forum - On April 11, 2019, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Butler Heritage Auditorium, experts in healthcare will present on the outlook of healthcare in the greater Hartsville community.

2019 Doggie Dash 5K - The entire community is invited to join Hartsville Young Professionals for a 5K benefitting yerly Park's Dog Park. This race is aimed to raise $5000 for additions and improvements to the existing area at Byerly Park. This race is dog-friendly! The race will start at 8:00 a.m. on May 4, in front of the Hartsville YMCA.

2019 Taste of Hartsville On May 16, starting at 6:30 p.m. the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce will present the Taste of Hartsville yet again as “Hartaritaville.” This event will be held at Burry Park in Hartsville, SC. Sorry, because libations will be served, no guests under 21 years of age will be admitted.

submitted by

For more information on upcoming chamber events, visit our website www.hartsvillechamber.org, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or call us at (843) 332-6401.

April 2019




FUN WAYS TO DYE EASTER EGGS story by Rebecca Giese

Growing up, I have always loved dying Easter eggs. I still have no reserve when it comes to decorating eggs, tossing aside the rules - mixing colors, double dipping and throwing the metal egg holder aside to dye the eggs by hand. I love the whimsical and childlike feel of dying eggs. This year I thought I would push aside the traditional dip and dry eggs and share three different Easter egg decorating crafts for you and your family to try this year. No matter your crafting expertise, I have some Easter egg decorating ideas to impress your guest or just entertain your kids this year. All three of the egg designs start with traditional large white eggs, hard boiled. You can now buy dyeable fake eggs at the craft or superstore if you have an egg allergy or want them to last for years to come. First up, the underrated yet adorable Stickered Eggs. What makes these eggs so precious is the textured and three dimension stickers like the pearls and butterfly wings seen in the pho o. You can pick up these stickers at any craft store or online. I love

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VIPMagSC.com December 2018 VIPMagSC.com April 2019

this one if you have little kids or grandkids and don't want to make a huge mess or stained tables and fingers. Gi e them a pile of different stickers and see what kind of design they create! Gradually increasing the messy level, next up is the Cartoon Creature Eggs. For these eggs, you will need an egg dying kit and an edible black marker. I have found them in a superstore or craft store cake decorating section. If you are using fake eggs, you can use a Sharpie. Set up the dying kit as directed on the box. Then dip the side of the egg into the color of your choice. Just sink it in enough to have an oval shape on one side. (I suggest leaving the dying to the adults for this craft.) Once dipped, rest the eggs dyed side face down across an egg carton, this helps with any dripping and run lines of excess dye. Once dry use the edible black marker to create the features of bunnies, chickens or create your own! The marker is not permanent and quickly came off hands, but if you want to let your kids explore their creativity, I suggest wearing a smock or play clothes because I am not a hundred percent sure if it will come out of clothes. Last but not least is the messiest, and I think the coolest egg, the Tye Dye Egg. Warning, this one did leave my hands a fun shade of purple until I took a scrub brush to them aggressively. But I think the results are worth it! For this craft, you will need a plain white paper napkin (not towel but an actual napkin that you can unfold into a large thin piece of paper), rubber band, and liquid food coloring. Unfold the napkin and place the egg in the center then bring up the sides of the napkin and enclose the egg within by wrapping a rubber band around the excess napkin. Make sure the paper isn't too taut or the rubber band too tight so that the egg doesn't crack under pressure, plus it makes it easier to remove later. Hold this excess napkin and drop food coloring onto the napkin in a random pattern to cover the egg. One drop goes a long way so be careful. I suggest leaving some white space between different colors to see the magical tye dye effect of them blending. Set aside the tye dye egg contraption for at least fi e minutes to have the colors blend, then carefully cut the rubber band and remove the paper and let the egg dry the rest of the way.

What's on My Radar? Kalmia Gardens plant sale in Hartsville South Carolina, April 6th, find plants an garden art by the local volunteer gardeners raising money to maintain the extensive landmark gardens. If you can't make it to the sale, you should come out and see what's blooming! Southern'spirations is expanding to the retail marketplace! Find art and home decor created by the Southern'spirations team along with curated pieces to bring a little joy to your home and spark your creativity! Starting April 1st, find us in booth 23 t Fleur De Lis, near Hartsville. ArtFields in Lake City April 26th-30th, celebrate and discover the talented artist of the Southeast while exploring all Lake City has to offer! Currently residing in Hartsville, Rebecca Giese enjoys exploring the Pee Dee area, shopping local artisans, trying new restaurants, and finding inspi ation from the history and culture surrounding her. When not out on an adventure, she’s telling stories on her blog, Southern’spirations.

If you use any of these ideas or dye eggs this Easter season make sure to share it on social media and tag @vipmagsc so we can see it! April 2019





Just because school is closed for a week doesn’t mean that your kids have to stop learning or get bored. This year make your time off mo e enjoyable by skipping the stress of packing, airport lines, and road trip meltdowns. You can take a Spring Break Staycation right here in the Pee Dee area! We will help you investigate some events and attractions close to home with a handful of great ideas!

Pee Dee area is full of great art, restaurants, boutiques, and more. Strolling down new downtown sidewalks is a great way to take in new scenery and to experience a new community. Have you checked out Pearl Fryer’s Topiary Garden in Bishopville or The Barn, an antique and home décor shop, in downtown Mullins? Anywhere you go, you’ll find something unique Crafts & Creations

Picnic & Play It’s time to put away those electronics and spend some time outdoors! There are many great parks in the Pee Dee area. Have you checked out Hartsville’s new handicapable playground at Byerly Park or the Lake City Park and boardwalk? What about Moore Farms Botanical Gardens in Lake City? Give your pet some special attention and visit a dog park in Florence or Hartsville. Let the kids be part of preparing and packing a healthy picnic lunch that you bring to the park. As the weather warms up, it is a great time for kids to pull out their bikes again or to hit the water with RiverRats in Scranton! Movies & Museums Entertainment is key! Look up matinee times for your local movie theater and check out a new release movie. Movies at home with popcorn can also be fun! When was the last time you visited a local museum? Avoid the soonto-be summer crowd by visiting during spring break. Ever stepped foot in the SC Tobacco Museum in Mullins? Have you been to EdVenture in Hartsville yet? Area Attractions Day trips can be easy! Plan a trip to a nearby town for shopping, lunch, and to visit their local attractions. The 46


April 2019

When kids are able to create and learn new skills, it helps boost their self-confiden e. Science experiments, cooking, baking, knitting, and building. Whatever it may be, you may already have the tools you need at home. Check out some tutorials, templates, or recipes on Pinterest and enjoy working on a new project for the week. Even adults can take on a new project! You can even check out Artbug Studio, Seersucker Gypsy, Girls University, or Olio Studio for some art class events. Volunteer Instead of wasting time binging Netflix sh ws, do something life-changing and impactful. You can serve your local community in many different ways. Visit your local humane society and help walk dogs or help build homes with Habitat for Humanity. Research volunteer opportunities near you and make the most of your time by contributing to something meaningful. Events There are usually great events and camps planned specifically or spring break. Check out social media sites and your local Chamber of Commerce and City websites to find up oming community events. Plan ahead to make the most of your Spring Break Staycation!

April 2019




Easter Bonnets and Spinach Pie story by Doug Smith

I promise I will get to the spinach pie, but fir t, I must tell you about the Easter bonnet. Let’s go back about nineteen years. My daughter, Savannah, was one year old and Easter was quickly approaching. On Good Friday, we noticed Savannah didn’t have her Easter outfit. Being th t this was a serious problem, my wife Jackie and I immediately went shopping. This was an all-day affair. Traveling to different stores, we spent hour after hour shuffling t ough different outfits. e drove from Florence to Georgetown, exploring different outlets. Our intentions were to shop for Savannah but there were so many gifts and antique stores that we simply had to explore. After strolling on the boardwalk in Georgetown, we ate at a cute little cafe right on the water. We enjoyed each other’s company, talked about a lot of nothing and decided the fun was in the journey. Time passed by so quickly. We eventually made our way to Charleston. To our next adventure we went! With more selections to choose from, Jackie became focused on Easter bonnets. Then out of nowhere, a simple white bonnet with a light pink ribbon and bow was happily purchased from a small boutique. With the Easter bonnet purchase complete, Jackie now has a new, clear, focused direction on the dress idea. “There is a dress that this very bonnet would look great with at a shop in Georgetown,” she said. With no time to spare, we were off, back to the cute little dress shop for the very dress that our new bonnet needed. The dress was bought, and Savannah’s Easter attire was completed. This day holds many of my favorite memories. Now, how does an Easter bonnet remind me of Tuscan Spinach Pie? It was that same Good Friday of this adventure when I heard a radio interview with Francine Segan, a food historian and author. She shared the story and recipe for Tuscany’s sweet spinach pie. I soon after discovered the fun in making this dish. It looks great and is quite delicious. I was so intrigued with the radio interview that I now make this pie as an Easter treat for my friends and family. Savannah doesn’t wear the bonnet anymore though, but she does enjoy the Spinach Pie.

Get more from Doug Smith by following him on Facebook and Instagram at "Doug the Food Guy".



March 2019

Tuscan Spinach Pie INGREDIENTS 2 Deep dish ready to bake pie shells 12 ounces frozen spinach or 1 pound fresh baby spinach 8 ounces blanched ground peanuts or Almonds 4 large eggs, separated 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 lemon zested 1/4 cup Maraschino or other aromatic liqueur 2 tablespoons pine nuts Confectioners' sugar

METHOD • Cook the spinach in a few ounces of salted water until tender. Allow to cool. • Squeeze out all the cooking liquids and fi ely chop in a mini food processor. Reserve. • In a food processor, grind the almonds until they resemble coarse sand. Reserve. • In a bowl, beat the yolks with 1/3 cup of the sugar until creamy and light yellow. • Add the almonds and beat until well combined. • Add the spinach, lemon zest and liqueur, and mix until well combined. • In a separate bowl, beat the whites until soft eaks form, then add in the remaining 1/3 cup of sugar and beat until it forms a glossy meringue. • Slowly fold the meringue into the yolk mixture. • Pour into the prepared pie crust. Sprinkle with the pine nuts and top with the remaining dough in a lattice pattern. • Bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour, until golden. • Allow to cool to room temperature, then serve sprinkled with confectioners' sugar. Recipe from Francine Segan Dolci: Italy's Sweets

April 2019




This month we return to your local network station, ABC, to dive into a new addictive series - Bless This Mess.

This Easter, search for new recipe traditions!


What’s All The Hype About? Newlyweds Rio and Mike make the decision to change the course of their life together and move from the relentless pace of big city New York to what they think will be a more relaxed existence in rural Nebraska. After dropping everything --including their jobs and an overbearing mother-in-law -- to make the move from skyscrapers to farmhouses, they soon realize that the simpler life isn't as easy as they had planned. Rio and Mike must now learn how to weather the storm as they are faced with unexpected challenges in their new lives as farmers. The series premiere of Bless This Mess airs TUESDAY APRIL 16 9:30|8:30c on ABC.

Charleston Receipts

by Junior League of Charleston Charleston Receipts was fir t published in 1950 and is the oldest Junior League cookbook still in print. It contains 750 recipes, Gullah verses, and sketches by Charleston artists. This classic cookbook is a must-have for any collector! Inducted into the McIlhenny Hall of Fame, an award given for book sales that exceed 100,000 copies. (www.goodreads.com)

Recommended by Burry Bookstore Wall of Books 130 W Carolina Ave • Hartsville • 843.332.2511



April 2019

April 2019




Leprechaun Leap 2nd Annual

15k Run & Relay

The second annual Leprechaun Leap is a City to City run from Mullins to Marion; the City to City run is a 15K, which could be performed individually or as a relay team! Runners were encouraged to dress in their favorite St. Patrick’s Day attire or at least wear GREEN in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. After the race, runners enjoyed a beer garden and admission to the festival, which included a golf cart parade, food vendors, artisans, and live music and entertainment throughout the day and into the evening. During the festival, prizes were awarded to the best dressed Leprechaun, along with prizes to the best St. Patrick’s Day-themed vendor booth and golf cart. photos courtesy of Shelley White Sarvis and Phil Sarvis



April 2019

April 2019




Seasonal Allergies story by Donna Tracy, Communication Coordinator, HopeHealth

When the world turns yellow, you know allergy season is here. Ironically, the pine pollen that coats cars, lawns, and everything else, is not typically the culprit of the itchy eyes, sneezes, coughs, and general misery that allergy and asthma sufferers endure each spring. However, there are dozens of trees, grasses, and weeds that pollenate our air at the same time as the sticky, grainy, yellow pollen that blankets most of our region. It is these pollens that are the microscopic irritants that invade our respiratory system and turn a beautiful spring into more than just a headache. “Pollen can be carried great distances though the air, and being that pollen is very fin , it is easily inhaled as it comes in contact with our respiratory tract which includes the nose, mouth and nasal passageways,” said Dr. Krista Kozacki, a primary care physician at the HopeHealth Medical Plaza in Florence. They invade our airways and our body reacts by releasing a chemical called histamine. Histamine is part of the body’s defense system and works to remove allergens from the areas affected. “The job of the histamine is to help the body get rid of whatever is bothering it. In this case the trigger is an allergen or “pollen,” she added.



April 2019

ALLERGY SYMPTOMS Nasal Congestion: Histamine create inflamm tion in your nose causing swelling and congestion. This can result in trouble breathing, especially when lying down. Congestion is often one of the fir t allergy symptoms to appear.

If that area is your nose, for example, the histamine makes your body produce more mucus to fil er the allergens and prevent them from getting into your airway. So the pollen is the trigger, but the body’s histamine response to eliminate or remove the trigger is what causes the nasal stuffin s, runny nose, and the itching of the eyes and nose, Dr. Kozacki explained. “Our immune system is beginning the battle against the pollen.” The severity of allergy symptoms varies. They can be mild, causing a few sniffles, chy eyes, and a little discomfort. They can be debilitating, with severe reactions such as rashes, hives, low blood pressure, breathing trouble, asthma attacks, and even death. Allergens especially impact those with asthma or other upper respiratory conditions and can cause an increase in asthma symptoms. Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children, and, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 11.5 million people with asthma, including nearly 3 million children, had one or more asthma episodes or attacks in 2015. Recent statistics indicate that 53% of children with asthma will have an attack per year.


Runny Nose: Mucus in your nose is normal, but histamine reactions to an allergen can increase mucus production and cause a runny nose. Sneezing: Sneezing helps remove irritants such as pollen and mold spores from your nose. Itchy nose and eyes: An itchy nose or itchy or watery eyes is histamine at work!

ALLERGY TREATMENT Avoid the Triggers: One of the best ways to treat allergies is to simply minimize exposure to them when possible. • wear a protective mask when gardening or doing yard work • use HEPA (high-efficie y particulate air) fil ers in air conditioners to trap pollen spores and change them often • wash your hair before going to bed to avoid pollen transfer to your pillowcase • Pay attention to pollen accounts: counts are typically higher on hot, windy, sunny days and lower on cool days without much wind TREATMENT Your primary care doctor or allergist can recommend a variety of medications to improve your seasonal allergies. Some, including many approved for children, are available over-the-counter from your pharmacist. Options include: • Saline nose spray - can be used throughout the day to help flus out pollen triggers in the nasal passageway. • Eye drops - can help itchy eyes. • Topical nasal sprays - these contain prescription medications called corticosteroids that help reduce the inflamm tion in the lining of the nose and are typically used daily during allergy season. • Oral antihistamines - available over the counter in generic (loratadine) and name-brand versions. Check with your primary care provider to make sure the medication will not interfere with other medical conditions that you have. Be aware that over-thecounter allergy options often include a decongestant that may elevate blood pressure and heart rate. • Immunotherapy (allergy shots) - tiny amounts of the allergen are injected over time to stimulate the immune system.

April 2019




A Fresh Look for Spring 3

When it comes to makeup, this year's look of choice is BOLD, BOLD, BOLD! Bold lips and even bolder eye makeup ruled the runways. The most colorful effects were created with an eye shadow. There were pops of pigmented neon, magenta, pink, turquoise, yellow and electric blue! Also popular were ultra-glamorous natural makeup looks using soft neutrals and bronze shimmers with a bold cranberry, red or hot pink lip. Let’s be honest, we wouldn’t even consider walking out of the door with most of these makeup runway trends on our face, but here are some revised “anyone can wear these trends” looks.

you’ve selected a color that is your natural skin tone for optimal results. For best results, get a color match! Next, apply concealer properly (see Do’s) and bronze and/or contour. Add a pop of highlighting for that “glow.” Peachy or pale pink blush and a neutral lip will finish our natural glowing look. Now, set your makeup with a setting powder or setting spray.

SKINCARE But fir t, skincare. Always the #1 trend any and all years! Fresh, vibrant, exfoliated, and hydrated skin guarantees the best makeup application! You should most defini ely be taking the best care of your skin at any age anyway. I promise you’ll thank yourself in years to come! Cleansing, toning, exfoliating, treating, and moisturizing should be a daily ritual. Throw in some weekly masks for that extra glowing skin!

BASE MAKEUP Natural bronzed and highlighted skin is all the rage, and a look you should be able to do and do easily! With a little practice, you can wow yourself and your pals! After your skin care and SPF has been applied, makeup primer is an absolute must! It will seal your skin care in and prevent your makeup from getting into fine lines and po es. I can go on and on about primer benefits, but I will s ve that for another time. Next, select your type of foundation and apply. Make sure



April 2019

GO BOLD! Now for the FUN STUFF. If you’re going to go bold on your lips, then keep your eyes neutral with pops of shimmer! Select your boldest hot pink or red lipstick, put on that mascara and girl you’re already following the spring/summer trend! I am probably not going to put on a neon eyeliner or eyelid color - but DO YOU! Rock it if you have it! Electric blue/purple eyeliner or hot pink eyeshadow (use your blush) is a super fun way to ensure a bold eye. Keep your lips neutral and you’ve just gotten another spring trend down!

Spring 23 19 Makeup Trends and How You Can Wear These Looks! MAKEUP DO'S! • Purchase good quality makeup and invest in great tools (brushes and sponges) and keep them clean!!! • Get a professional color match for your foundation. • Apply concealer in a V shape well below eye issues including dark under eye circles and baggy eyes.

• Fill in your eyebrows! It really makes a big difference and frames your face. • Always, always, always wash off our makeup and have an evening skin care routine.

Harmony Parker The Haven, Owner & Esthetician X: Harmony’s Makeup Haven email: harmonysmakeuphaven@gmail.com p: 843-332-0100 April 2019




Committed To Protecting Our Community

submitted by Pee Dee Coalition

Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the reduction of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse and to the needs of its victims. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. This April and all year long, Pee Dee Coalition is dedicated to helping the region become a safer, more compassionate community. Emily Ross, LPC, CACI, Florence County Trauma Counselor for Pee Dee Coalition, has seen a lot of survivors of abuse and sexual assault in her almost 10 years as a counselor. She has seen some amazing transformations in women. Ross says that if you are victim of abuse or assault, just remember “you are the expert of your own life.” No one can tell you how to heal, but if you are searching for a place to start with your journey to healing, please see the below tips and ideas to a better tomorrow.

• Give yourself a break. You need time to heal. It is okay not to be okay; to feel angry, sad, upset, numb, or scared, that’s normal. • Self-care is important at this time. You will need to learn to love yourself again, and that won’t happen overnight. Challenge the negative thoughts in your head. • Empower yourself to make decisions on your own. It’s certainly okay to ask for support and opinions of others, but only you can take charge of your own life. • Seeking counseling and therapy is a sign of strength. Asking for help is a step in the healing process. • Be open to surrounding yourself with other survivors in safe settings, like a support group. It certainly doesn’t have to be right away, but being a part of a group will show you that you are not alone. Even if you decide not to share, it can be empowering or comforting to hear other’s stories. All of the services, including trauma counseling services, that Pee Dee Coalition offers are completely free of charge. Ross works with the clients of Pee Dee Coalition because she wants to “help survivors find their true self and no longer live in fear.”

If you or someone you know is healing from abuse or assault, please contact Pee Dee Coalition at 843-664-4694 or the 24-hour crisis line at 800-273-1820. There is help. Pee Dee Coalition covers Florence, Darlington, Sumter, Marion, Dillon, Chesterfield, Marlboro, and Williamsburg Counties. Pee Dee Coalition is a member of the United Way. 58


April 2019

April 2019



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