Photos With Santa, Magnolia Mall (all month) Mon – Fri: 12p-8p, Sat: 10a-8p, Sun: 12p-6p
Holiday Home Tour, Various Locations Florence 2p-5p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a Something Rotten! Auditions, Florence Little Theatre 6p

Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a
Photos with Santa, Magnolia Mall 12p-8p
Pet Photos with Santa, Magnolia Mall 12p-8p Santa & Sleigh photos, First Reliance Bank- Palmetto St 4p-7p FSO “Holiday Pops”, FMU Performing Arts Center 7:30p
Photos with Santa,
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a
Photos with Santa,
Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a
*Due to COVID-19, some event dates may change.

SC Dance Theatre’s Nutcracker Ballet, FMU PAC 7:30p
SODA Spectacular Christmas Show, SiMT 7:30p Holiday Music and Light Show begins, Downtown 5p-10p (until 12.31.21) Christmas Magic, Downtown 6p-9p
Nature Alternative’s Open House, 10a SC Dance Theatre’s Nutcracker Ballet, FMU PAC 2p Christmas Market, PD Farmers Mkt Christmas Past A Retro Christmas 7p, Southern Soul Music Fest 8p, Flo Center

Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Holiday Luminary Walk, Benton House, 6p Cinderella, FMU Performing Arts Center 7:30p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p

Santa & Sleigh photos, First Reliance Bank- Palmetto St 10a-4p

Christmas Gala 2021, Cartersville Winery, 6p