Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a Eat Smart Move More Florence Farmer’s Market Takeover 4p Florence RedWolves game 7p Loomis Brothers Circus, Florence Center 7:30p
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a Summer Rhythm & Blues Fest, 2729 E. Palmetto St 4p
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9a
School of Dance Arts Princess & Pirouettes Camp begins Joy Dance Studio “Step In Time! Broadway Bootcamp” camp begins Little Sprouts: Terrarium Building, Forest lake Greenhouses 9:30a
SC Dance Theatre “Princess Camp” begins Joy Dance Studio “To THe Ends Of The Earth” camp begins FMU Basketball Camp begins Florence RedWolves game 7p Garden Gnomes & Forest Friends, Growing Hobby at PD State Farmer’s Market Trivia, Seminar Brewing
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 9aFlorence RedWolves game 7p
*Due to COVID-19, some event dates may
FMU Basketball Camp begins Succulents in Small Containers, Growing Hobby at PD State Farmer’s Market Trivia, Seminar Brewing

Workshop, Greenhouses 5:30p
game 7p
Fourth of July Bash begins, River Neck Acres
RedWolves game 7p
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Preserving Peaches, PD State Farmers Market Arts & Crafts Show, PD State Farmers Market 1p-6p
Florence RedWolves game 7p
Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Watermelon Tasting, Pee Dee State Farmers Market
Patriotic Planters Workshop, Forest Lake Greenhouses 9a 20th Annual Sankofa Festival, SiMT 1p
Florence RedWolves game 7p
Arts & Crafts Show, PD State Farmers Market 8a-5p
Succulent Propagation, Growing Hobby at PD State Farmer’s Market
Cars & Coffee, Highland Park Church Saltwash Workshop, Two Girls Treasure

Paint with Stamps Workshop, Two Girls Treasure
Jarret Forrester, Red Bone Alley 6p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p Drive N Dine, Florence Center 8:30p
Butterbeans Tasting, Pee Dee State Farmers Market Florence RedWolves game 7p Brewing 7p
Preserving Sweet Corn, Pee Dee State Farmers Market Best Watering Practices Workshop, Forest lake Greenhouses 5:30p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Brewing 7p
Florence RedWolves game 7p

Friday After 5: Carolina Breakers , Downtown 5:30p
Casey T. Cotton, Seminar Brewing 7p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Transfers Workshop, Two Girls Treasure Orchid Kokedama Workshop, Forest Lake Greenhouses 11a
Smalls on Saturday Workshop, Two Girls Treasure
Zucchini Chips Tasting, Pee Dee State Farmers Market
Florence RedWolves game 7p
Cory Ward from The Voice, Florence Center 7p