2 minute read

"Funny Things My Student's Say"



"Funny Things My Students Have Said."

Kids say the darnedest things...

“This is probably the most public appropriate experience I can share: During my first year teaching, I saw one of my kids at the fair and he yelled, ‘Ms. Young!’ I turned around and gave him a hug and said, 'hello.' He responded with, ‘What are you doing here?! Teachers can’t leave school, they live there!’”

-Ashton Young, 1st Grade Teacher, Royall Elementary

"This past year, we were learning about the pilgrims and Indians – how they dressed, what they wore, ate, etc. I showed them several videos and one student said, 'Wow, Mrs. Lewis, you did a great job with these videos. How long did you live with them? What did you use to video this, a camera or a phone – or did they have something different way back then?'"

-Melanie Lewis, 2nd Grade Teacher, J.L Cain Elementary School

"A first grade student once said to me, 'The mashed potatoes at school tasted like flamingo poop.' Another first grade student once said told me, 'My teacher is a stinky dump truck.'" "One Monday during our class morning meeting, we shared about what we did over the weekend. I started the conversation by sharing my past weekend happenings..." Me: “I took my girls to Carowinds this past weekend with my sisters and niece. It was okay. I mainly walked around and munched on snacks, because I’m not really a theme park person.” Student: Raises hand and seriously asks, “Why not? Is it because you’re not tall enough to ride the rides?” Me: 4’11 me stands there, mouth agape, as the rest of the class bursts into laughter. I decide to do the next best thing and join them in laughing as well. Student: Still serious faced waiting on my response.

-Chimere McRae, 4th Grade Teacher, Lucy T. Davis Elementary

"Mrs. Hancock, your eyebrows look like an Angry Bird.”

-Brandy Hancock, 1st Grade Teacher, Lake City Early Childhood Center of the Arts

VIP Magazine wishes all students & teachers a safe and happy 2021-2022 school year!

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