Arts Open House, Dr, 3p-6:30p
7p TAX FREE WEEKEND Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p TAX FREE WEEKEND
Garden Art, Moore Farms Botanical Garden 9a Bluegrass Music Concert, Grand Old Post Office, Darlington Track Laps for Charity, Darlington Raceway 11a
Brewing 7p Woody & Sunshine, Local Motive 6p
Harmony for Hearing - Music in the Courtyard, Wholly Smokin’ 5:30p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Rainwater Harvesting, Moore Farms Botanical Garden 10a Florence Bridal Showcase, 3450 W Radio Dr, 12p
David Phelps, Calvary Baptist Church The Fabulous Thunderbirds, FMU Performing Arts Center 7:30p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
R otary Club of Florence Forget Me Not 5K, James Allen Plaza 8a Pee Dee Doll Club’s Annual Doll & Toy Show and Sale, SiMT 9a-4p
An Evening of Wine and Jazz Wine Tasting, Flo Country Club 6p Dancer Flow, Aroha Afro Latin Dance Studio Florence After 5, Downtown 5:30p Reformers Unanimous Prg, FBT 7p
Vermiculture Workshop, Moore Farms Botanical Garden 10a
Congratulations to these All Star teams on winning the District Championship titles in their league and going to play for the State title! Way to go!