Stroke Thrombectomy: A REVOLUTION IN FIGHTING CLOTS story by Dr. Jay Dolia, MUSC Health Florence Medical Center
When a stroke occurs, part of your brain shuts down, and so does a part of you. A blood clot can cause strokes to happen and blocks the blood flow to your brain. For each minute this is happening, you're permanently losing 1.9 million neurons. For each hour this blockage occurs, your brain ages by 3.6 years. If the clot is large enough, it could be fatal. This is why stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult disability. The most vital tool modern medicine has to fight stroke is a procedure called stroke thrombectomy. However, the race to stop the stroke starts by calling 911 and then depends on getting to the right hospital in time. Why is stroke thrombectomy so important, and how is it different from other stroke procedures? Thrombectomy is a revolutionary life-saving procedure for the treatment of strokes. It involves using a flexible tube with a tiny wire mesh cage on one end. It is then inserted into an artery near the patient’s wrist or groin and carefully guided up through the body into the brain. The cage then closes around the clot, which is plucked out, allowing blood to flow freely again, instantly. If performed quickly, numerous research studies have proven a thrombectomy can significantly reduce the risk of death or disability from a stroke. Before the availability of thrombectomy in 2015, the only treatment for patients suffering from an acute stroke was the “clot busting” drug called tPA, administered through an IV. tPA, however, is not likely to work on very large clots that block big arteries
supplying the brain with blood and oxygen. These are the blockages that cause the most significant brain tissue damage and the worst outcomes for patients. Thrombectomy has since revolutionized treatment in these cases. Is thrombectomy possible in every hospital?
Dr. Jay Dolia is a neuroendovascular surgeon at MUSC Health – Neurology, in Florence. If you would like more information call (843) 669-0927, or visit MUSCHealth.org/florence.
Decemeber 2021
Providing a world-class thrombectomy service is complex and requires a stroke Neurologist. Thrombectomy is proven to be an effective treatment option for stroke patients. These complex procedures and services have been implemented 24/7 in many large urban areas. However, the staffing and investment required for its implementation in rural areas is lagging significantly in comparison. My mission, and MUSC Health Florence Medical Center’s mission, is to reduce the disparity in thrombectomy access in rural areas beginning with the Pee Dee region. Every missed