3 minute read
HopeHealth: Improve Your Health By Giving Your Time
from January 2023
by VIP Magazine
Farrah Hughes, PhD, ABPP Dr. Farrah Hughes joined HopeHealth in August 2017 as Director of Behavioral Health Services and is board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology. Dr. Hughes and her husband are avid RV travelers and enjoy taking their two children to new destinations.

Make a resolution to volunteer - help others while helping yourself in 2023!
story by Farrah Hughes, PhD, ABPP, HopeHealth
For many, the new year is a time for new beginnings. People make resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more, and reduce their spending, all in an effort to live longer, happier, and more fulfilling lives. Did you know that by volunteering your time to a worthy cause, you can improve your physical health and mental wellbeing while also having a positive impact on others? Volunteering offers many physical, psychological, and social benefits for individuals while also making a difference in their communities. Giving time doing something you love enables you to share your gifts and talents while helping others, improving your confidence and satisfaction with life, and providing a sense of purpose. But outside of making you feel good about yourself, how exactly can volunteering benefit your overall health? According to the Mayo Clinic, volunteering may lead to lower rates of depression and anxiety, particularly for persons who are 65 and older. Donating your time helps to produce dopamine, an essential neurotransmitter linked to mood, which helps combat stress and promote a positive mental outlook. Volunteer service also offers opportunities to strengthen current relationships with friends and family when you volunteer together, as well as make new social connections. This helps build an essential support system to reduce stress, depression, and loneliness. Support is especially important following years of social distancing during the pandemic and an increasing reliance on technology, including social media, which may have adverse mental health impacts.

Not only is volunteer service great for mental health, but it can also lead to enhanced physical health with increased longevity, especially for older adults. Western Connecticut State University says that there is evidence for reduced rates of mortality in people who volunteer compared with those that do not. There are also reports that show volunteer work can lessen symptoms of chronic pain or heart disease and reduce risk for heart disease and stroke. However, the American Psychological Association (APA) notes that a person’s motive for volunteering is important to consider. People who volunteer for other-oriented reasons may live longer, but those who volunteer for selforiented reasons do not appear to have a longer lifespan. An other-oriented focus may indicate that the person has more altruistic values or desires social connection. Volunteer work is a truly rewarding experience and opportunities exist everywhere, allowing you to donate your time to organizations and communities that are important to you. Whether working with children, animals, your church, the environment, or patients in health care, the possibilities are endless. If you are interested in volunteering in health care, HopeHealth Volunteers is looking for people to assist our guests in navigating their health care experience while also forming new friendships and improving your mental and overall health. Volunteers help us provide services to those who often encounter social and financial roadblocks to receiving health care. HopeHealth is working in our service areas, offering health care for everyone, providing free testing, education, and assistance even beyond medical needs. Become a part of making the health of our communities even better. Visit our volunteer website at hope-health.org/ volunteer for more details. Have a safe and joyous New Year, and let’s make 2023 a year for giving back for everyone’s benefit!