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Newsworthy: Business Happenings

Something to Celebrate...

Main Street Hartsville Thanks Intern, Gause


We are grateful for the outstanding work of our intern, Keti’lyieen Gause, and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Keti’lyieen has been a tremendous asset to the Main Street Hartsville program. When asked what she most enjoyed about the internship, she responded that she enjoyed participating in all the wonderful city events. We know Keti’lyieen will continue to do amazing things.

Kiwanis Club of Florence Joins Chamber

The local Kiwanis Club of Florence recently joined the Chamber of Commerce. The members where pictured here helping the community by packing lunches for Help 4 Kids. The members of the Kiwanis Club of Florence strive to enrich the lives of children in our community and beyond and to assist in the development of our present and future community leaders. The Kiwanis Club of Florence was established in 1920 as the first Kiwanis Club in the Pee Dee. They meet every Thursday at the Florence Country Club for a social lunch and program that consists of speakers from all areas of the community. Since their inception, they have strived to maintain the Kiwanis ideals of helping children develop into model citizens. Involvement in the community is one of the ways that Kiwanis of Florence helps to reach the children one on one. The organization hosts several fundraisers as well as direct community involvement throughout the year. They also host several annual club gatherings that allow members to socialize and just have a good time.

Otis Worldwide Honored by Newsweek

Otis Worldwide was honored by Newsweek as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies. America’s Most Responsible Companies were selected based on publicly available material, including CSR reports and annual sustainability reports, like Otis’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report. An independent survey asking U.S. citizens about their perception of company activities related to corporate social responsibility was also used to help create the final list.

The ArtFields Makers Market is an open air market that coincides with ArtFields, an epic 11-day art festival in Lake City! The market is chock full of goods made by incredibly talented artists from across the Southeast. Lake City ArtFields Collective is beginning the call to makers who would like to exhibit during ArtFields 2023. This market showcases everything from fine art to unique hand-crafted goods and objects, inspired by the heart and soul of artists from this region. Visitors will have the opportunity to interact with the makers and purchase their creations. Makers Market will take place during the first weekend of ArtFields 2023 on Saturday, April 22 – Sunday, April 23, 2023, on Main Street. Applications accepted until February 16th, 2023; Vendors notified on March 3rd, 2023; Makers Market on April 22, 2023 from 11AM – 6PM and April 23, 2023 from 1 – 6PM. Visit www.artfieldssc.org for more info.

ArtFields 2023 Makers Market Begins Accepting Applications for Festival

Hartsville Police Department's Officer Of The Year Named

Corporal Tracy Myers was selected as the Hartsville Police Department's Officer of the Year for 2022. The HPD would like to congratulate Corporal Tracy Myers for receiving Officer of the Year for 2022. The award is chosen by a vote of the officers and staff of the Hartsville Police Department. The entire department thanks Corporal Myers for his continued service to the community and all of the extra tasks he takes on throughout the year that helps HPD run smoothly.

If you are celebrating a positive achievement or have been awarded for a newsworthy accomplishment, email Heather Page at heather@vipmagsc.com.

Ribbon Cutting Held For Freckles and Giggles Ice Cream

The Marion Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for Freckles and Giggles Ice Cream on Friday, Dec. 9th at 11:30am. Marion Chamber President, Audrey Wiggins welcomed those attending and thanked owners Ricki and Summer Ford for investing in Marion. They are located at 302 North Main Street. Drop in and enjoy their delicious homemade ice creams and other delicious options.

BMW Battery Supplier Invests $810 Million in Florence, South Carolina, Plant

City of Hartsville's 2022 Employee of the Year Named

Congratulations to the City of Hartsville's 2022 Employee of the Year, Orlander Wheeler from Public Works - Water Utilities. Mr. Wheeler is a valuable asset, not only to the Utilities Department, but Public Services and the City of Hartsville as a whole. A huge thank you to Mr. Wheeler for his dedication and service to our city!

A Few Key Points With This Investment: • South Carolina battery cell plant will create 1,170 jobs • Plant will start producing cylindrical cells for BMW in 2025 Envision

AESC, a former battery unit of Nissan Motor Co., is investing $810 million to build a new battery manufacturing plant in Florence, South Carolina, to supply BMW AG.

• The plant, which is scheduled to start production in 2025, will create 1,170 new jobs and produce 30 gigawatt hours of battery capacity a year in its initial phase with room for expansion, said Jeff Deaton, Envision AESC’s managing director in the US. • The battery plant will supply BMW’s manufacturing hub in Spartanburg, South Carolina, in which the automaker is investing $1.7 billion to produce electric vehicles. BMW has pledged to make at least six new EV models for the US market by 2030. It has capacity to produce 450,000 vehicles a year at the Spartanburg center, its largest export hub.

Downtown Florence Announced As Great American Main Street Award Semifinalists For 2nd Consecutive Year

Main Street America has announced Downtown Florence as a 2023 Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA) Semifinalist for the second consecutive year. This prestigious award is the nation’s top award recognizing communities for their excellence in comprehensive preservation-based commercial district revitalization. A jury of convened to review a nationwide pool of applicants. “The Great American Main Street Award is the highest honor that we grant to organizations within our network,” said Hannah White, Interim President and CEO at Main Street America. “We are proud to recognize Downtown Florence and seven fellow organizations as 2023 GAMSA Semifinalists for their excellence in transforming their downtown districts through strategically implemented economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization initiatives.” “Downtown Florence has brought a new level of respect and awareness for the power of Main Street in South Carolina. The Downtown Florence team has achieved exemplary community-wide revitalization, which is evident in their strong partnerships, visible community transformation and outreach, and their commitment to historic preservation,” said Main Street SC Manager Jenny Boulware. “To be selected again for a second year as one of the top eight Main Street Programs in the country is a testament to the work of our entire community—our partners, business owners, residents, elected officials and visitors,” said Hannah Davis, Development Manager for the City of Florence and Downtown Florence Main Street Program Director. “We are honored to be included in this lineup of exceptional Main Streets this year and look forward to the announcement of the winners in March 2023.”

Downtown Florence’s Main Street Program was established in 2002 by the Florence Downtown Development Corp., a quasi-public 501c3 non-profit organization formed in partnership with the City of Florence to compliment ongoing downtown revitalization efforts. Since its inception in 2011, Downtown Florence has seen over $300M in public and private reinvestment, hundreds of new jobs created, and thousands of volunteer hours served. Downtown Florence was also selected as a 2022 GAMSA Semifinalist and is a National Main Street Accredited Program. The 2023 Great American Main Street Award winners will be announced on March 27, 2023.

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